I’m not sure making fun of rubes is productive. Consider how long it took for the authorities to conclude the primary mode of transmission was aerosol. Consider that people were detained by police for being outdoors in fresh air. Or consider how long it took to admit that vaccinated people could still spread the virus. If you are going to mock people for being wrong, be prepared to look in the mirror.

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Also, be prepared to demonstrate empirically that they are wrong. I see a lot of hand waving on this issue but have yet to see anyone refute the studies to date demonstrating what appears to be Covid vax shedding.. I’d also like to hear a plausible explanation for the extraordinary volume of anecdotal data, which should be driving further research on this area. How do Experts explain thousands of unvaccinated women waking up with heavy unexplained bleeding when sleeping next to a freshly vaxxed partner, for example (I personally know women this happened to. Men may not realise, for most women with a regular cycle this is an unheard of, once in a lifetime event). Presumably nay sayers have an explanation - why not give it?

Midwestern Doc covered some of the shedding science here https://open.substack.com/pub/amidwesterndoctor/p/unraveling-the-mystery-of-mrna-vaccine?r=jufg5&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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"the studies to date demonstrating what appears to be Covid vax shedding"

Which ones would they be....?

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I dont click fake links Rebekah, try searching substack for the fake study, guess what... you will not locate it. I cant find any midwestdr on substack.

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The ones linked in post above, which you appear to have skimmed past.

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Where are the real studies cause this one is pure bunk.

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Linked in the text, which you obviously didn't read before 'debunking' it lol.

Evidence for Aerosol Transfer


Re: exosomes carried on breath




Spike binding to exosomes


There are tonnes more relevant papers linked in the text, which you didn't read. But you've obviously made up your mind already before reading anything, so I won't be investing any further effort in this conversation. All the best with your reading.

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Again...just psychology.

None of your links show shedding of the vaccine.

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No proper studies I can see, as I explain above.

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Sometimes mockery is required when people are too stupid to appreciate factual information or even just sarcasm.

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My field is special education, and I find your attitude loathsome. But more to the point, counterproductive. If you pick on people who are wrong, implying they are retarded, you better not say anything wrong, ever.

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I’ve not implied anyone is “retarded”, but we cannot escape the reality that there are some who lack the intelligence to comprehend certain self-evident basic scientific facts.

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I would also say there are a lot of people who choose to believe false facts (lies) because it fits their worldview / political persuasion / tribe.

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(As far as i understand so quickly:)

The second link (also in the first link) is about he spike protein in the virus, not the one for which the mrna is in the vaccines.

(which is (i think) changed on more points than only the pseudouridine point, exactly to reduce the dangerous properties that are in the viral spike).

The third link (also in the first link) doesn't say anything bad about the vaccine, on the contrary. It speaks also about the importance of longer lasting expression. A downside of natural infection even being exactly missing this! Staying longer in lymph nodes is good. It speaks of quick reduction in the blood.

The only possible negative thing in the three links is/was an unknown spoken of in the first link:

the possibilty of slightly differing protein expressions, which may or may not have negative consequences.

(Question: why would those differing expressions not occur with the viral spike?)

In the meantime the downsides of not-vaccinating are very well known.

(Esapecially when naïve and/or vulnerable. But also more and more in general, given that is getting clearer that every illness seems to add injury, stronger illness adds stonger injury, and vacxination diminishes illness.):

Having covid naturally, with all it's by average more and stronger acute and long-term side effects then when you have it vaccinated, incl. vax-side-effects.

Problem: every individual can react differently from the average, on vaacination or disease. But we/you/they only know the averages. It gives no certainty in advance, but the average is the best bet you can take, as long as there's no added information about your health (or vaccinesrisks), that may change this best bet.)

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It’s sooooo super contagious, yet they had to swab your brain to see if you have it?

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Although airborne transmission occurs through aerosolised droplet nuclei, the primary mode of transmission is still through droplet spread, as far as I understand it. If you have evidence that aerosols are the main route, I'd be grateful to see that.

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Considering how long? Id say considering how short the time was. Cant just google the information! Well , you can if you want crap info.

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Jan 28, 2024
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If it weren't for stupid lies....you wouldn't have anything at all to post...

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"Offitt has had his entire carreer sonsored by pharma"

I did the experiment, took a 5th grader a couple of seconds to prove you are just making things up.

E.g : https://grantome.com/grant/NIH/R01-AI026251-11A1

SD's only contribution is to prove that the anti-vacc stupidly lie about ~everything.

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Of course, you are correct because the payload stays in the deltoid muscle and is almost immediately drained to the lymph-nodes and contained and removed so efficiently... oh snap. None of that was true.

Thanks to the lipid nanoparticles the mRNA goes absolutely everywhere in the body almost immediately and thanks to the pseudouridine the mRNA lasts quite a bit longer than we were told.


In fact, spike production has been seen at 6 months post injection. Was that the limit of its persistence? Nope. Just the limit of their will to test for it.

Well, I guess it's a good thing that the spike protein is harmless. Oh, wait, that wasn't true either. It is the dangerous part of the virus.


Of course, since it has no live virus, it can not replicate... but isn't it simply using the human cells to produce more of itself. Yes, so the virus is no longer needed thanks to the ongoing spike transfection.

Well, at least it's not like the human cells are producing spike protein at higher levels than the virus was when it was killing people... um... oops?


but I guess we'll have to go on faith that the shedding bit isn't happening. Although I can not imagine why it wouldn't be. It has to go someplace, right?

Considering the ridiculous pile of fails ya'll have stacked up so far, you gotta be right about this. I mean, that whole broken clock ratio has got to work out for you at some point.. Also, I am certain you spent more time studying what could go wrong, than you did writing self owning articles in ignorance in a valiant attempt to belittle people who do not have your credentials nor your really big... um... brain. I mean , all they have is the scientific method, while you have a piece of paper that someone signed that says that you don't have to follow such silly rules any more.

ps. Just out of curiosity, are you a member of MENSA? I have this really bad feeling that our public health apparatchik and self proclaimed elite academic class is populated almost entirely by people who willingly sent $100 to an organization in exchange for a card worth a nickel that said they were geniuses...

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Well, if you’re scared of the small quantities of vaccine-derived spike protein that get into the systemic circulation, then the thought of having Covid (and being exposed for prolonged periods to billions of new virions (all coated in hundreds of lethal spike proteins) being churned out daily and pumped directly into the systemic circulation) must fill you with sheer terror.

And “shedding”? …seriously?


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Wait we were told no possible way it would get into the systemic circulation. Thanks for giving another example of why not to get the death shot. Lies or incompetence? Both are bad when it comes to our health.

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Were you told that? Do you have a citation? Saying “unlikely” isn’t the same as “no possible way” though….

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Your link doesn't support your assertion....

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lol thanks Albus, for encouraging me to find this article for you.

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Not “No possible way” at all, Karen. Sorry, you lose.

Staying spike protein was “harmless” accorded with scientific knowledge at the time, and I still need convincing it is as harmful as all you antivaxers say.

Of course, if it were so deadly, you’d all be scared to death of Covid, wouldn’t you?

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Ask anyone with myocarditis and resulting heart damage that is permanent, if you need convincing. Maybe you can ask stroke survivors? I an not scared of Covid because I didn’t fall for the propaganda. However, why would I intentionally inject known poison thus increasing lack of immunity to Covid which increases spike risks?

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Vaccine myocarditis is transient, rare, and only extremely rarely does it cause long standing damage(unlike Covid myocarditis which is more damaging, and 20x as common).

Strokes are not infrequent in Covid. But they don’t happen with vaccine, with the exception of sinus thrombosis in VITT, which can present as a stroke. It is again extremely rare, and confined to the Astra Zeneca and J&J vaccines.

I say again, if spike protein is so deadly, you should be petrified of Covid.

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Albus, your data comes from researchers who are funded by the people who want us dead therefore the vax is perfect with no side effects!

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The funding sources are listed, once again anyone with basic reading skills can see your assertion is a lie.

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I'm not Albus.

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"Ask anyone with myocarditis and resulting heart damage that is permanent..."

Anyone with basic reading skills can see that is a lie.

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Just curious.....how many times does it need to be explained how the anti-vaccs lie about this "danger" from vaccines?

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"Wait we were told no possible way it would get into the systemic circulation.

Not by an qualified scientist.

We are told that the anti-vaccs lie and count on folks being too clueless to read.

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Jan 28, 2024
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Also, Albus and Mike S are one and the same.

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It is impossible to have basic literacy skills and honestly believe that lie.

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Poor SD....lacking a rational thought of offer....all you can do is to make up personal attacks and stupid lies.

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Perfect reply! I will only add that going forward, I will do the opposite of what the FDA, CDC, pHarma, Offit, Albus, etc. recommend.

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"I will do the opposite of what the FDA, CDC, pHarma, Offit, Albus, etc. recommend."

.....Offit suggests healthy adults may not need booster shots. I take it you've made your appointment to get one?

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Note that he said “may not” which leaves open another opportunity to change the rules again. How many times? I lost count… if you get the shot, you won’t get the virus oops you won’t spread the virus oops you won’t be hospitalized oops you won’t die oops it only stays in your arm oops … no appointment for me.

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Well Offit has said about boosters: "Let’s focus on those who are most likely to benefit." He explained this was the elderly over 65 and those with vulnerabilities/comorbidities.

He's also stated on YouTube, ZDogg, TWIV that he wouldn't give them in healthy young adults.

So, assuming you are a healthy young adult (under 65), can we assume you will now live up to your promise to do the opposite of what he says, and get a booster?

....no evasion, please.

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Asked and answered . The only thing I will evade is the death shot. Just give him a few minutes and he/they will move the goal posts again.

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No, you evaded answering.

You aren’t going to get vaxed, so you were lying.

…thought so.

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You are missing the point! How can we believe anything he says? Nobody should run out to get the death shot following his incompetence and lies.

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You said you’d do the opposite of what Offit advised.

Now you say he’s unreliable, so I guess when he said young healthy people didn’t need boosters he was wrong.

Go get vaxed, Beth/karen!

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Great you are finally getting it!

Which is why I won’t get the death shot. Love u!

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"The only thing I will evade is the death shot."

It is impossible to have 5th grade math skills and believe that.

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Even though you know it risks your life....

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There is a reason we have experts and must rely on them to some extent -- because non-experts don't understand the basics. For example, that Cell article you cite as showing human cells produce more spike protein after vaccination than produced after infection. It was referring to the germinal centers and all viral (I'm not sure about bacterial) agents the body finds are taken to the GCs by antigen-presenting cells so that the B cells can be generated that are specifically built to attack that antigen. Any viral proteins there are not dangerous -- they have already been neutralized by the APCs. Also, if there is any spike protein anywhere in the body on a certain day it will certainly be in the GCs (because that is where it goes). All that means is either the APCs presenting the spike protein have not all been destroyed by then.



In other words, stop thinking you can understand the most complicated biological system in existence when you have no training in the field.

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Absolutely right. Andi West is a proponent of "epistemic trespass"...someone who knows a bit but within unrelated fields, and who pretends to know the subject in detail (which she clearly doesn't, as shown by her misinterpretation of the study published in Cell)

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I've already wasted more than enough time in this lifetime arguing with you , Mike. You do not argue in good faith and neither does your friend here. The Study from cell I cited had one point of interest, the longevity of the vaccine induced spike protein. The comparative points on the study were not important to the argument at hand. My statement was that the spike protein lasted for 60 days which is not something that normal mRNA does. I don't care how many tertiary points you can pull from a study, you still have not rebutted that the vaccine induced pike protein lasts way longer than they told us it would. God damn, you paid shills aren't even trying anymore are you. Argue the points someone states not the unrelated minutia of rest of the universe.

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Also, that first link you shared, LOL. It took me 2 minutes to find major errors: the author says the Cell studied found that the spike mRNA lasted 60 days -- that is not the case -- they were looking at the spike protein (which could have been made weeks earlier).

Also, they compare the mRNA levels in live (vaccinated) individuals with those of cadavers. Of course the live people are higher -- it isn't the virus that kills most people with COVID -- it is the immune system going haywire as it fights the virus. Also, mRNA degrades quickly, especially after death!

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I am just pasting my reply to your friend Mike here- The Study from cell I cited had one point of interest, the longevity of the vaccine induced spike protein. The comparative points on the study were not important to the argument at hand. My statement was that the spike protein lasted for 60 days which is not something that normal mRNA does. I don't care how many tertiary points you can pull from a study, you still have not rebutted that the vaccine induced pike protein lasts way longer than they told us it would. God damn, you paid shills aren't even trying anymore are you. Argue the points someone states not the unrelated minutia of rest of the universe.

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Yeah it is a great place to start learning the basics (and to realize how much you don't know). It obviously isn't authoritative but is usually accurate and a great place to start because it has citations for every statement.

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It is a good place to start as a pointer to external sources for sure.

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What is the limit of viral persistence (and spike production) from natural infection though?

I saw it was around 550 days, and counting....

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Brilliant reply.

Thanks for pointing out more than a few inconvenient facts to those that like to denigrate people with valid concerns as imbeciles.

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Just complete incorrect.

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Glad you are interested in the science.

Why don't you pick one topic you think is important and we can look at the facts.

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Primarily because I'm not terribly interested in going over anything with a person who believes in the science rather than in following the scientific method. That is one of the main problems of our time. Science is a process by which we ascertain things, not a thing unto itself to be revered dogmatically.

Well, since hope springs eternal, let's try it. Lets start at the beginning- the jab contents stay local to the injection site. That was one of the first claims made. Do they? Nope. Could we have known this before jabbing billions of people? Yes. Not only could we have known, we did know. How? We fully understood the biodistribution of the lipid nanoparticles. In fact, that was the reason behind their invention in the first place. Am I wrong about this?

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So that would be a big old no....you can't provide even one example of a scientists saying what you claim!

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I'm sorry. Must have missed the earlier comment from you. Bad notifications i guess. Here is a presentation to the MA state legislature. Several MDs, PHDs, and at least one person with both state this directly. And just to clarify for the viewer , they are stating that due to being wrapped up in an lnp, the injection payload goes everywhere throughout the body.


But hey congratulations on your premature.. umm... celebration.

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Thanks, it is more than 3 hours long.....could you please direct me to the relevant time points?

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Thanks, I still have hope too.

"Lets start at the beginning- the jab contents stay local to the injection site. "

Great, now please provide an example of scientists saying that.


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Not a single citation has an ounce of credibility. Take your agitprop bullshit elsewhere.

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Well to be fair the citations are mostly to reasonable studies, but Andi has misrepresented them.

For instance the one she claims to show spike at higher levels from vaccination than infection was actually a study on the variant specific antibody responses and germinal centres of lymphnodes, saying how good the immune response is to vaccination....but you need to go into the fine print to see they also sampled several lymph nodes with core biopsies and measured spike protein which was found for up to 6 weeks in some regional LN GCs, but not after covid infection...but Andi's interpretation of this is crazy wrong, because

1. They are levels in regional LN GCs (ie axillary, which drain lymph from the arm where the vaccine was injected)

2. The LN GCs in Covid patients showed histological obliteration (so Covid damaged the immune system, and not surprisingly they couldn't find spike in the damaged GCs)

3. Post vaccination blood levels of spike peaked within 2 days, largely disappeared in one week and were undetectable after 4 weeks..

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There are extremes on both sides of the vaccine debate. I just want more transparency and nuance in our leaders communications.

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Dr. Offit likes to present himself as someone intelligent enough to filter through the various theories presented, and report to you the “truth“. In this case, he is harping on the most crazy of the crazy in order to obfuscate legitimate criticism and concerns.

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It is so disappointing to see Dr Offit refuse to address valid criticism.

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Exactly what valid criticism?

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It's called: "Grasping at Straws!" I hope Dr. OFFIT REALIZES THAT HE CAN IF HE WANTED TO, BECOME A REAL HERO, by STOPPING HIS BOOK FROM COMING OUT before he gets a chance to properly debate the counter narrative he supposes

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I think he realizes that the anti-vaccs simply don't have a rational thought to offer.....see everything posted here in all the comments.

Do you have even one to offer?

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By any chance did you listen to the 1 hr podcast with Bret Weinstein on Tucker Carlson ?

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I did not.

By any chance did you see Mr. Carlson's legal defense in covid lawsuit? I'm paraphrasing....but his defense--excepted by the Court--was that his entire show was a joke, talking nonsense....that no reasonable person could believe had actual facts.

Dr. Weinstein--the guy that advocates medical fraud predicated on folks not being able to count?

So.....again, do you have anything to offer?

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Fact is the anti-vaccs haven't been able to offer any legitimate criticisms.

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I don’t know if shedding is a serious risk or not, but I would not dismiss it. Pfizer certainly seemed to consider it sufficient risk to advise vaccinated men to avoid sex during the study.

Equating it to other mRNA is cavalier also. Other mRNA is not stabilised through m-pseudouridine substitution, and hence considerably more fragile & short lived. Nor is it encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles.

Finally there is evidence that unvaccinated children of vaccinated parents can have vaccine induced antibodies. How does that happen?

An abundance of caution would seem like the correct approach to me, rather than the “let’s jab everyone, at risk and not at risk, previously infected or not, with a product we don’t properly understand, are not evaluating properly and with no serious QC in place” you seem to be advocating Offit.

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The whole point is that it is possible to 'shed' chemicals or viruses in bodily fluid. It is not possible in a hug or by being next to someone. There is no mechanism for that to happen.

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That's not why Pfizer advised against the risk of pregnancy. The National Institutes of Health recommends that contraception requirements are in place for any clinical trial participants who take part in a trial in the US. This is because of the precautionary principle, so that initial studies do not involve any risk of pregnancy, just in case of any unforseen adverse consequences.

"Finally there is evidence that unvaccinated children of vaccinated parents can have vaccine induced antibodies. How does that happen?"

The authors of the study indicated that antibodies produced in the respiratory tract of vaccinated parents might be exhaled and subsequently inhaled by close contacts such as children.

That isn't "shedding" of antigen, but passive transferrence of antibody.

Got that?

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I cannot imagine what they are "smoking" or imbibing to come up with these truly hair-brained ideas about the hazards of vaccination. That others accept these flagrantly absurd and untrue allegations is a tragedy.

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No, the tragedy here is that you can be so easily scared by the existence of a theory that may be untrue that you’re willing to dismiss all of the evidence that is true.

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The only evidence so far is that the anti-vacc fraud preys upon fools.

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In case anyone interested Rebekah studies say nothing negative about vaccines, actually addresses basic biology, such as infectious agents can be found in exhaled breathe. Wow! THATS crazy. The fake dr site she references is basically flood the zone with shit site. Bunch of studies some good (nature one) but most published in questionable journals.

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Another article shilling his new book. Offit probably thinks he chose something so ridiculous, that it couldn't possibly be true. The truth though is that we still don't know whether this is true. Although rather inconveniently for him, there are case reports that say otherwise, so it IS possible, even if rare (and as someone pointed out, why would you prevent people in the Pfizer trial from having intercourse if this couldn't possibly happen, the only answer is they didn't know or they already knew at that stage that this was at least a possibility).

It's accepted now the lipid nanoparticles go everywhere and very early on too, thanks to the Japanese biodistribution study (subsequently it seems the blood brain barrier and even possibly the placenta seem to be readily crossed), despite being told that it stayed in the arm. This in itself should be extremely concerning, but somehow it is not, (but that's for another day)... If it goes everywhere, then why not into secretions. Can you say with any amount of confidence they don't go there? I don't think so.

The utterly ridiculous choice of the spike as the replication target (because it itself has at least some toxicity, and also because it is one of the fastest mutating parts of the virus, essentially ensuring ineffectiveness and probably ADE as well), ensure that even if the lipid nanoparticles themselves weren't shed, the spike also could be, causing any number of untold reactions. Yes it has a much shorter half life than the modRNA but there's a heck of a lot more of it. Certainly there are many reports of breastfeeding mothers and those who had intercourse with those receiving the vaccine, of very unusual adverse reactions in the unvaccinated babies and partners. Without one of these mechanisms happening, it would be impossible to find any adverse reactions or antibodies to the vaccine spike in those who are unvaccinated, but you do.

Anyway, it's always worth mentioning that Offit can't even bring himself to take any more covid vaccines himself, so honestly, at this point I don't know why anyone bothers listening to him. After literally being wrong about almost everything, can you blame people for being sceptical, especially when you can't even bring yourself to take the products you're shilling for. Don't you want to save granny you hypocrite.

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It's pretty standard in clinical drug trials that people who should take measures to avoid pregnancy. Pregnant women are excluded from clinical trials for safety purposes.

The National Institutes of Health recommends that contraception requirements are in place for any clinical trial participants who take part in a trial in the US. This is because of the precautionary principle, so that initial studies do not involve the risk of pregnancy, just in case of any adverse consequences. However, post authorisation studies more than confirm the safety of the vaccine, and there was never any suggestion that spike protein could be "shed" from vaccine recipients and somehow "infect" contacts. Whoever came up with that implausible concept was indeed deluded.

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Hi Mike, the way I read it was that they were to avoid intercourse. Pregnancy of course should be avoided at all costs, but in this case, again they did not have remotely enough time to confirm safety before recommending to pregnant women and those trying to get pregnant. Again, complete insanity, especially when even the slightest hint that cross-generational issues such as transfection might be possible were not yet determined... As for how the media portray shedding and infection from said shedding, of course the infection makes no sense, but that doesn't make the shedding part any less possible. As I said, I see no evidence that lipid nanoparticles aren't in secretions, quite the opposite in fact. I see enough evidence that both spike and lipid nanoparticles can be excreted in certain bodily fluids or exhaled, and therefore so can the vaccine and the resultant spike. This isn't even the end of it, antibodies, both before and after birth, do make it into the babies from the mother. If due to frameshifting, or junk DNA producing god knows what, weird antibodies could make it to the baby, and even this is potentially extremely harmful. For you to repeat again the completely unfounded mantra that the technology is more than proved to be safe is utterly incomprehensible especially as more almost monthly, there are even more issues uncovered for which we don't have an answer.

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You say there is evidence both spike proteins and LNPs can be found in secretions, exhaled and then get into other human contacts.

Can you post links to that evidence please?

It’s ok to float biologically implausible hypotheses, they are sometimes useful to science by aiding the process of elimination. But to claim your hypotheses have evidence to support them is scientifically dishonest.

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No matter how small the numbers may be, almost all organs see the LNP, even skin or salivary glands. If even those tiny numbers can affect the heart, which you can't possibly dispute now, then these may have an affect in these other areas. The numbers are in almost all cases still rising after 48h so we can't say for sure what happens after looking at this alone https://www.docdroid.net/xq0Z8B0/pfizer-report-japanese-government-pdf#page=17

Even Lancet has recently published this


They say it's not inducing any immunity, but the LNPs are transferred including vaccine, so the possibility is certainly there, and it's sad (but not surprising) to see the search result right next to fact checks that say no vaccine is in breastmilk. Antibodies are of course also transferred, so problematic self immunity and even potentially prion like random proteins could be transferred (although this is still speculation on my part).

There are also many early patents and papers showing that LNPs seem to accumulate or even target certain concerning organs such as bone marrow and sexual organs, making transfection of those more likely and the resulting problematic proteins and even the LNPs themselves might make it out of the body.

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LNPs affect the heart? I can't dispute that?...

Well I do dispute that..

Please cite studies showing that (1) they are delivered to the heart following IM injection of mRNA vaccines (in humans) and that (2) they have a deleterious effect on heart function.

PS: Transference of antibodies is the equivalent of passive immunity...it will benefit those exposed, rather than cause harm.

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That's a very niche thing you've focused on... I've proven LNP and vax is secreted. As for the heart thing. I don't need studies, the biodistribution link I posted shows it goes to the heart. On top of this, the myocarditis that is accepted as a side effect of the vax by everybody now, is obviously due to the vax getting into heart muscle via LNPs, although I suppose you could still argue that the spike is causing it so no LNPs need to go there, either way, it's not good and it's directly affecting heart muscle so I don't know what more you want me to prove.

PS: There is such a thing as bad immunity (eg IgG4, autoimmuninty) so no, not universally good either...

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Not really "niche"...I've drilled down to the crucial claim, namely that vaccine LNPs damage the heart. You haven't shown that. All you've done is show a few ifs and maybes but I'm sorry, you only get a chain of causation if you demonstrate valid links in the chain, which you haven't.

As I stated, CLINICAL studies show heart damage is far more frequent with Covid than vaccination.


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Oh hi Albus, glad you could join. Saves me having to reply to both shills separately. Let's hear it from the horses mouth shall we. Took me a while to find it, but here's Pfizer's own review document from 2021 on pregnant and lactating mothers (forced release via FOIA). To quote from page 6 "The remaining 215 cases reported exposure [to the vaccine] via lactation" followed by a rather long list of AEs including 10 SAEs. It also shows a horrible outcome for pregnancies in the first trimester, indicating likely placental crossing. So... Pfizer said they were exposed via lactation, including a long list of AEs, and when it comes to pregnancies, a disturbingly high miscarriage rate, so I think we can safely conclude that the vaccine is transferred and that there is some effect on the babies, AS REPORTED DIRECTLY BY PFIZER. Now, rather than shilling some more, how about advocating for the right thing, which is to stop these absurd recommendations and baseless accusations, and actually do the tests, as it's pretty obvious by this point that, at best, nobody knows, and at worst, you are actively advocating that nobody even tries to look, because you know what they will find. https://prd-tsn-main-api.s3.amazonaws.com/article/dc9ea854-0d51-42d6-a6bd-89a0b88bbf3f.pdf

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No that is not the crucial claim. The crucial claim is that LNPs containing vaccines can be shed, a "ridiculous" claim, so you say... I have given my evidence which clearly shows this happens.

Your statement also coincidentally backs up my claim that heart damage happens from the vaccine. How prevalent it is, maybe is an issue, compared to covid, but it's there nonetheless. For kids, I am almost certain that your confidence that this balance of benefit vs risk is nowhere near as clearcut as you claim, as evidenced by the decision of a lot of countries to withhold the vaccine from the younger age groups.

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Welll... if the claim is that LNPs from vaccines can be "shed", that's pretty trite. Let's break that particular piece of fear-mongering down further, shall we....?

1. We need some clear evidence that LNPs from vaccines get into bodily secretions that pose a risk of contact and transfer to others (ie saliva, sweat, sexual bodily fluids). The only thing I have seen is a study [Pfizer, Japan] using LNPs (not from vaccines, but a similar preparation) injected intramuscularly in rats in a dose of 50ug. Ths study showed levels of LNPs in various organs and blood.

---Nothing was detected beyond 48 hours.

---The effective dose considering 50ug in a rat compared to 30ug in a human is that the rats received nearly 200x the dose a human would receive [rat =240g, human =70,000g].

---The only "secretory" organs which showed LNPs were the salivary glands, and the highest amount detected was 0.009% of the injecting dose, and in the prostate gland of male rats at maximum of 0.003% of injected dose.

---These are truly trivial amounts, made even less relevant by the further impact of the dose in rats being so huge compared to the dose given to humans per gm of body weight.

Does the finding of these truly minuscule quantities of LNPs in these organs mean that LNPs are passed from one animal to another during say kissing, or sex? Who knows, ...there are no studies looking at levels of LNPs in the gland's SECRETIONS [ie the saliva or ejaculate].

2. What happens when someone is exposed to some LNPs? Again, nobody knows because no-one has looked, but if swallowed they are likely to be destroyed by stomach acid and pancreatic enzymes, if inhaled they are probably trapped within the bronchociliary escalator and exhaled or destroyed by alveolar macrophages; if a female is exposed during sex then the acidic microenvironment of the female genital tract is likely unfavourable to them and again macrophages and dendritic cells will probably destroy anything.

So, biologically this is looking more and more implausible...not only are minute quantities found within exocrine glandular tissues and for only 48 hours, but we don't know if the LNPs get into the secreted fluids, and if they get into another individual they are likely to not survive passage according to biology and chemistry as we know it.

Let's assume that some get through, shall we? This would be in a concentration several magnitudes lower than would be found in someone vaccinated. We know in vaccinated people that things like myocarditis are rare, and not as frequent as we find in Covid infection, so are we really worried about this "shedding" phenomenon?

....I think absolutely not. This is speculative, imaginative, implausible nonsense, just concocted by antivaccine activists to spread FUD about vaccines. That's all.

Edited to add....you provided a citation showing that LNPs could be detected in breastmilk, but neglected to mention this was only occasionally, and the mRNA was found to be fragmented and non-functional (unable to induce cells to produce spike protein).

So...more FUD about nothing.

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Look, I don't have time for this vaccine shilling from you, Offit or Albus. Even your first comment is absurd, they didn't test beyond 48 hours and you claim this is evidence that nothing is detected after 48 hours... Many of the concentrations are even rising at the 48h mark. I'm done with this.

The truth of the matter as I've stated before, is that we don't know, and every time someone looks, another covid conspiracy turns out to be true, even most of the "absurd" ones. Did you even read the Lancet paper I linked. That at least claims there is nothing detected after 48 hours. It was there for 48 hours though, glad we told lactating mothers about that... and in concentrations similar to serum to boot. The fact it's even there should already be hugely concerning and yet thanks to your propaganda many people still thinks it stays in the arm...

And then you go on to tell me none of the things have been looked into so we don't know... Damn bloody right we don't know. What about possibility of spike proteins in BM, DNA contamination in BM, IgG4 and autoimmunity antibodies in BM, frameshifted spike in BM, anyone looked at those? No, I didn't think so...

I never claimed to know what would happen after the vaccine is transferred, but that isn't even the only possible way things can go wrong, so better do those tests rather than ridiculing those that are asking the questions. What you're advocating for is we don't look, and keep on injecting, even pregnant and lactating women. It's INSANE and you know it.

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So...by shilling...you mean reading your references....

In the Lancet link....they didn't even try and measure any LNP shedding and they clear explain the barriers that stop it from happening.

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See how the anti-vacc fraud works?

First they lie.

Then folks like you refuse to read the words and see their lies.

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What could you say? Beyond the fact that the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything.

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"why would you prevent people in the Pfizer trial from having intercourse if this couldn't possibly happen"

Why didn't you read the Pfizer protocol and see that they didn't try and prevent anyone from having sex?


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How come you didn’t address the studies on Covid vaccine shedding? Your argument would be more convincing if you were to refute the publicly available evidence. I don’t think readers have much appetite to simply taking Experts’ word for it these days. https://open.substack.com/pub/amidwesterndoctor/p/unraveling-the-mystery-of-mrna-vaccine?r=jufg5&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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What a load of absolute bollocks.

...Detecting vaccinated people because they smell of rotting flesh from "shedding"...Total BS, with anecdote after anecdote and no evidence.

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Ah so you didn’t read the linked scientific studies. Let me know if you do.

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I have. They are all anecdotal and hypothetical nonsense, dressed up to simulate "studies".

The closest thing to a real study was the one which found anti-spike antibodies in some unvaccinated children, and the hypothesis was that antibodies against spike in vaccinated parents might be produced within the respiratory tract and exhaled, only to be inhaled by close contacts like their kids. That isn't shedding of spike proteins...it's more akin to passive immunisation. But then the author of the word salad on substack wouyldn't know that, because he's ignorant about spike proteins, viruses and immunity.

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You should spend some time researching the psychology of denial.

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It is just psychology.

Instead of listening to qualified scientists....you reference some kook's substack.

At the start your link couldn't get the definition of gene therapy correct and at the end asserts the vaccines are contained with DNA--that is a complete fabrication.

Your link is complete crap.

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And as previously discussed, when public health agencies treat good and decent citizens this deceitfully and cruelly, there will be consequences.


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Paul, if you are serious about gaining public trust then you have to deal with the reality of what our government agencies have done.

By the FDA not responding to what happened to Maddie De Garay they only further that distrust .


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Does that mean there is zero evidence of a vaccine injury?

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It has been clearly explained to the De Garay's why the vaccine didn't cause the child's medical problems.

If that is not true, where is the evidence?

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Just looked up school website.

Florida of course

Student and faculty diversity not obvious

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“The center for countering digital hate” a.k.a. the center for countering speech I don’t like...

when you kept loved ones from being with their families/friends as they were being murdered with protocols in hospitals, you created your so-called SNL skits. That’s just one of many examples! I am not an advocate of Mike Adams. I’m trying to use the Bible for discernment of current events and thus had to stop listening to his noise a long time ago.

Your new book seems to be loaded with you picking out and poking at as much sensationalized topics from the “anti-vax” side as you can find. But you and yours created all of this!

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"when you kept loved ones from being with their families/friends as they were being murdered with protocols in hospitals,"

Anti-vaccs are big on asserting criminal acts....but they just won't make their claims in Court under oath....where perjury applies.

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I did not assert anything. It is a fact that hospital protocols included isolating patients. The hospitals were incentivized to use treatment protocols that were proven harmful. No court needed to see this.

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"I did not assert anything."

Yes you did. You asserted that people were being murdered.

But that is a really, really stupid lie. Which is why you won't make your claim under oath....you know you would go to jail for perjury.

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Vaccine acquired paralytic polio was once considered ridiculously implausible as well.

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Was it? You of course have a citation stating that "factoid", I assume. Can we see it?

...All live viral vaccines carry a tiny risk of causing a version of the disease they are trying to prevent...that's a given. I sincerely doubt that Sabin decreed his vaccine as being exempt from this phenomenon.

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I stand corrected the Scientific community was well aware of the potential to acquire paralytic polio from the vaccine.

I cannot say the public was fully informed of the potential.

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As if that has anything to do with the millions of people who aren’t contracted polio due to the vaccine? Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up

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The science is always settled until it isn’t. that is the point.

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No shit? Well, only the stupid don’t play with house money when it’s laying on the table. Of course there are terrible reactions and even death associated to many vaccines. Considering they are single digit if not single decimals of the total who would suffer without them, only a fool would be anti-VAX. Improving the vaccine should be the goal. Christ, vaccinations and orthopedics are about the only two things Western medicine is doing right. If you are anti-VAX, healthcare just isn’t your niche.

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It is an extreme act of ignorance to pretend the mRNA clot shot is anything similar to any of the other vaccines that have been used for the last 100 years, or to pretend the risk from Covid is anything similar to polio. If you’re anti-critical thinking, maybe acting like a flaming ahole is just your niche. Sit down and STFU.

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Yes, it's silly to assume the risks from Covid are similar to polio, because the risks from Covid are far greater.

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Your ignorance is astounding.

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Can you quote me the IFRs for Polio and for Covid, Phil?

…Which is larger?

Please give your sources, no fudging about Covid please by claiming Covid deaths aren’t from Covid, for instance.

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Just looked it up, and polio is more deadly by magnitudes. You tell me what the IFR is, smart as.

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Polio is usually asymptomatic. Paralytic polio occurs at a frequency of 0.1-0.5% of cases, and of paralytic cases between 2-10% are fatal.

That translates to an IFR of between 0.002% - 0.05%.

Covid’s IFR ranges from 0.1-0.5%, making it more lethal than polio by at least one order of magnitude.

…Who’s the “smart as[sic]” now?


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A citation behind a paywall. Lovely. I guess if you went to the CDC or NIH, you’d wouldn’t get numbers you like.

In 1952 alone, nearly 60,000 children were infected with the virus; thousands were paralyzed, and more than 3,000 died. 5% of infected CHILDREN died from polio, not the obese over 80 population at most risk from COVID. How many children cumulatively have died from COVID since 2020?

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The “vaccine” was never tested to see if it stoped transmission of the virus. The 95% effective was at reducing hospitalization which means you created asymptomatic carriers of the virus. They were absolutely correct in using caution since transmission is possible in the vaccinated. To ridicule them for using caution is cowardly. I am ashamed for you Paul.

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You clearly don’t know the difference between viral transmission and acquisition of the “lethal” spike proteins through the ridiculously implausible concept of “shedding”.

I am ashamed for you Ammon.

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Total bullshit. There were asymptomatic carriers long before the vaccine

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Yes, and there were more after the vaccine.

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The vaccine doesn't cause asymptomatic carriage. The only reason there are "more" asymptomatic covid cases since the vaccine is that:

1. Almost everyone has had the vaccine, so you see this happen, in the same way you still see people die despite wearing seatbelts.

2. Some of those who didn't have the vaccine are probably dead, rather than being just asymptomatic cases.

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Total bullshit. People who have received all of their mRNA boosters are MORE likely to contract the disease and spread it to others. It’s not “caused” by the jab, but the jab has negative efficacy in this regard.

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Citation needed.

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Show me a post-Delta citation that the vaccine reduces transmission.

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Aren't you going to give me your citation before you ask me for one on something quite different?

OK then, I'll assume you cannot support your claim, and want me to do your homework?

Here's just one paper on vaccine and booster effectiveness on transmission including Delta and Omicron

"Vaccine effectiveness against transmission (VET) of SARS-CoV-2-infection can be estimated from secondary attack rates observed during contact tracing. We estimated VET, the vaccine-effect on infectiousness of the index case and susceptibility of the high-risk exposure contact (HREC)...

...Initial VET of booster-vaccination (mRNA primary and booster-vaccination) was 87% (95%CI 86–89) against Delta and 68% (95%CI 65–70) against Omicron. The VET-estimate against Delta and Omicron decreased to 71% (95%CI 64–78) and 55% (95%CI 46–62) respectively, 150–200 days after booster-vaccination."

So effectiveness of Boosters against transmission of Omicron was 55% after 200 days post vax (as compared to no vax)


That doesn't look like "negative efficacy" to me, Phil.

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I was simply returning the favor, dipwad.

The bivalent-vaccinated group had a slightly but statistically significantly higher infection rate than the unvaccinated group in the statewide category and the age ≥50 years category.


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Scold me for study samples, then the only semi-current study you could find was only among nursing home residents. LOL

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As for the Cleveland clinic study (which is often cited by antivaxers as showing there were more infections in the vaccinated), again you are looking at subgroups with different behaviour characteristics. Those staff who were vaxed were the frontline clinical care providers who had high covid exposures. The staff who weren’t vaxed had jobs not involving contact. So finding a higher rate of infections is explicable. The vaxed staff are also likelier to have been tested more, so you’d pick up more asymptomatic infections.

Again, I’d point out that the study authors don’t state vaccination increases infection; this was an anomalous correlation and not causation. In fact the overall study did conclude that vaccination was associated with a 30% REDUCTION in covid infections.

Please stop cherrypicking and misrepresenting studies to try and prove your fallacious point.

There are multiple other population and epidemiological studies that demonstrate vaccination reduces the risk of infection. Of course, it can’t prevent all transmissions, but even a small reduction can be important particularly in the vulnerable.

With the Omicron variant we see overall milder infections, so the role of vaccines in preventing infection is less relevant, what is important is that vaccination can avert SERIOUS infections and death from Covid which it still does.

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I dont need freaking studies to show that there are infections among the vaccinated. I’ll give you the benefit of a doubt and say at best, a 30% reduction in transmission. For a respiratory virus that 100% of the population has had at this point. We haven’t even touched the adverse effects from the mRNA “cure”.

And this was was the cure that the corrupted white coats supported taking away people’s jobs and right to life over? Every single ”scientist” or politician or media talking head that scolded us that the virus “stops with each vaccinated person” deserves to be in jail for misinformation. No, you sir are on the wrong side of this.

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You do not refute the findings of my study, I note. It is not an analysis of a cherrypicked subgroup, but looks at the whole population.

I note your Cureus study is on prison inmates, who likely have very differing behaviour to the general population and I’d hesitate to extrapolate. They found a non-significant difference between vaxed and unvaxed inmates, and only teased out a small significant difference when analysing different age ranges. In research terms this is known as p-hacking, looking at subgroups until hey presto you find one which is different. Here we have a subgroup of a subgroup … certainly not generalisable and the study authors don’t do so and don’t draw firm conclusions, so neither should you.

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"The “vaccine” was never tested to see if it stoped transmission of the virus. "

Yes it was.

E.g. " Vaccine effectiveness against transmission of alpha, delta and omicron SARS-COV-2-infection, Belgian contact tracing, 2021–2022


There are other examples.

Fact is the anti-vaccs almost never get the most basic facts correct.

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Posting in binary code is “predicating people are too stupid to read” really that’s your argument? The binary code was specifically for you.

People are smart enough to read it and figure it out.

You obviously didn’t understand its content. Or you couldn’t read it.

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1. You have once again you have replied to yourself....apparently correctly making comments is just too difficult for you.

2. You continue to deflect from the fact your claim:

"The “vaccine” was never tested to see if it stoped transmission of the virus. "

Is still a still a lie predicated on folks being too stupid to read.

3. You are welcome: I will keep doing what I do--I post the links so everyone can see that then anti-vaccs stupidity lie about ~everything.

Speaking of stupidity....it was staggeringly foolish of you to think posting in binary would make it difficult to read....apparently...intellectually you just can't do any better.

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It may have been tested after but that is irrelevant and to try and explain that to you is an exercise in futility.

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Wow....in a matter of life and death and you think lying about the basic facts is irrelevant!

Thanks for the link....putting aside the fact that the timing of the testing is irrelevant with respect to how it performs in the real world....

You are still stuck with the fact that the entire argument is predicated on folks not understanding what a vaccine is.


You keep getting all pissy because you just keep arguing BS.

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The hypocrisy is world class.

You are an excellent troll.

I hope you get all you deserve in life.

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Oh look....not one world from you about the facts!

You can rant and name-call all you want....but the truth is you keep posting lies that insult the intelligence of the average 10-year-old.

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I think you are just ashamed because once again the anti-vaccs are proven to lie....counting on folks to be too stupid to read.

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Great comeback you obviously won the argument.

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Posting a lie predicated on folks being too stupid to read isn't arguing.....it is just lying.

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Perhaps you and Paul should have informed the School in October 2021 that the study you referred to done in 2021-2022 and published in 2023 would look at transmission since the Pfizer trials were not designed to look at Transmission.

And why didn’t you or Paul inform them in October 2021 why a brand new MRNA vaccine could not possibly shed

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I have never met anyone more intellectually challenged on comprehension of a simple observation than you. I would explain it to you, but you clearly cannot understand what I was clearly trying to convey.

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You replied to yourself!

Demonstrating exactly how intellectually challenged you are...clearly, you just can't do any better.

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In theory, you could have some integrity and admit the simple fact that the anti-vaccs lie when they claim:

""The “vaccine” was never tested to see if it stoped transmission of the virus. "

But.....apparently you just don't have any!

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I have never met anyone more intellectually challenged on comprehension of a simple observation than you. I would explain it to you, but you clearly cannot understand what I was clearly trying to convey.

There you go it’s proper now.

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I do understand.

You posted a really, really stupid anti-vacc lie and you don't care that you were caught.

No big deal to you.....your anti-vaccs are only killing people...but other folks do care.

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all based upon the assumption that there was some sort of "deadly Plague" in the form of "COVID"

however, what if the whole fiasco was a total HOAX?

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And what if we are all in the Matrix, and reality is just a HOAX, huh?

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