Well Offit has said about boosters: "Let’s focus on those who are most likely to benefit." He explained this was the elderly over 65 and those with vulnerabilities/comorbidities.
He's also stated on YouTube, ZDogg, TWIV that he wouldn't give them in healthy young adults.
So, assuming you are a healthy young adult (under 65), can we assume …
Well Offit has said about boosters: "Let’s focus on those who are most likely to benefit." He explained this was the elderly over 65 and those with vulnerabilities/comorbidities.
He's also stated on YouTube, ZDogg, TWIV that he wouldn't give them in healthy young adults.
So, assuming you are a healthy young adult (under 65), can we assume you will now live up to your promise to do the opposite of what he says, and get a booster?
Well Offit has said about boosters: "Let’s focus on those who are most likely to benefit." He explained this was the elderly over 65 and those with vulnerabilities/comorbidities.
He's also stated on YouTube, ZDogg, TWIV that he wouldn't give them in healthy young adults.
So, assuming you are a healthy young adult (under 65), can we assume you will now live up to your promise to do the opposite of what he says, and get a booster?
....no evasion, please.
Asked and answered . The only thing I will evade is the death shot. Just give him a few minutes and he/they will move the goal posts again.
No, you evaded answering.
You aren’t going to get vaxed, so you were lying.
…thought so.
You are missing the point! How can we believe anything he says? Nobody should run out to get the death shot following his incompetence and lies.
You said you’d do the opposite of what Offit advised.
Now you say he’s unreliable, so I guess when he said young healthy people didn’t need boosters he was wrong.
Go get vaxed, Beth/karen!
Great you are finally getting it!
Which is why I won’t get the death shot. Love u!
So you admit you lied.... Great! I've got it!
If it makes you feel better… but I’m not dying from the shot!
"The only thing I will evade is the death shot."
It is impossible to have 5th grade math skills and believe that.