Dr. Offit likes to present himself as someone intelligent enough to filter through the various theories presented, and report to you the “truth“. In this case, he is harping on the most crazy of the crazy in order to obfuscate legitimate criticism and concerns.
Dr. Offit likes to present himself as someone intelligent enough to filter through the various theories presented, and report to you the “truth“. In this case, he is harping on the most crazy of the crazy in order to obfuscate legitimate criticism and concerns.
It's called: "Grasping at Straws!" I hope Dr. OFFIT REALIZES THAT HE CAN IF HE WANTED TO, BECOME A REAL HERO, by STOPPING HIS BOOK FROM COMING OUT before he gets a chance to properly debate the counter narrative he supposes
By any chance did you see Mr. Carlson's legal defense in covid lawsuit? I'm paraphrasing....but his defense--excepted by the Court--was that his entire show was a joke, talking nonsense....that no reasonable person could believe had actual facts.
Dr. Weinstein--the guy that advocates medical fraud predicated on folks not being able to count?
Dr. Offit likes to present himself as someone intelligent enough to filter through the various theories presented, and report to you the “truth“. In this case, he is harping on the most crazy of the crazy in order to obfuscate legitimate criticism and concerns.
It is so disappointing to see Dr Offit refuse to address valid criticism.
Exactly what valid criticism?
It's called: "Grasping at Straws!" I hope Dr. OFFIT REALIZES THAT HE CAN IF HE WANTED TO, BECOME A REAL HERO, by STOPPING HIS BOOK FROM COMING OUT before he gets a chance to properly debate the counter narrative he supposes
I think he realizes that the anti-vaccs simply don't have a rational thought to offer.....see everything posted here in all the comments.
Do you have even one to offer?
By any chance did you listen to the 1 hr podcast with Bret Weinstein on Tucker Carlson ?
I did not.
By any chance did you see Mr. Carlson's legal defense in covid lawsuit? I'm paraphrasing....but his defense--excepted by the Court--was that his entire show was a joke, talking nonsense....that no reasonable person could believe had actual facts.
Dr. Weinstein--the guy that advocates medical fraud predicated on folks not being able to count?
So.....again, do you have anything to offer?
Fact is the anti-vaccs haven't been able to offer any legitimate criticisms.