To support his notion that SARS-CoV-2 might have been constructed to attack certain racial or ethnic groups, RFK Jr. referred to a scientific study. What did that study really show?
Thank you Dr. Offit for getting the facts out here again. It must be tiresome to have to continue to undue the harm that anti-vaxers like RFk Jr. continue to feed into the public sphere. What is worse is that they will take no responsibility for the lives they continue to harm.
WHAT??? You state that Covid-19 WAS NOT a Gain-of-Function Bioweapon funded by Fauci w/US tax dollars? If so, you are full of it. PROPAGANDA! Who’s funding YOU????????
What? Another anti-vacc with fact-free assertions claiming criminal actions--but you won't stand up in Court make your claims....where perjury applies!
I think some are keen on the Lab leak theory due to its simplicity and that it avoids addressing the environmental destruction and intensive agriculture that is making spillovers more common. Oh and no-one is funding me. To suggest anyone whose view you don't like is corrupt is dishonest. (Im being diplomatic).
i would be very keen to stop research labs from manipulating virus to gain dangerous functions and stop them from trying to amplify the natural genetic evolution of viruses. I will take my chances with natural evolved pathogens over bioweapons any day.
When RFK was on the Joe Rogan podcast, I looked up the studies he cited (just as he insisted listeners do), and the studies did not fit the claims he was making about them. Some of them didn't even match the claims! I can only hope more people did their own research and looked at the studies he cited to see this.
"Hospitalizations and deaths weren’t determined by racial or ethnic backgrounds, they were determined mostly by age, underlying health problems, and vaccination status." This seemed obvious from the beginning of COVID, but unfortunately there were loud political voices who kept saying the government needed to prioritize people by their skin color instead of age. This combination of mixing politics (in this case, from the Left) with science never fares well. It's one reason why RFK rose so prominently in contrarian circles; the reasons for distrust in institutions are well-founded, and he's just taking advantage of it.
I you don't care that RFK jr claimed the mercury from vaccines went straight to the brain....when HIS own reference showed it was rapidly excreted in the stool.
Rather captures his business model: preying upon folks that can't tell the difference been their brain and feces.
You are purposefully misrepresenting his evidence. He discusses that study and debunks it with further studies. But more importantly, here’s a nice list of many studies that show the toxicity of Thimersol, ethyl mercury.
This does not refute Kennedy’s argument. All it does is obscure the truth:
1. SARS-2 was very specifically manipulated in a lab. Any scientist who disputes the massive amount of evidence has already lost the confidence in telling the truth to us.
2. We have extensive documentation that governments are researching various gene based bio-weapons. The US does it openly in the name of “preventing bio-terrorism”, i.e. DARPA
3. Kennedy explicitly states in that recording (the whole recording should be quoted rather than what his critics pick out) these two previous facts. And then uses the study in question as a proof of concept (not as a proof of intent or result ). The idea is that if someone wants to target specific ethnic group for disease, we have many genetic research studies that show it could be done.
4. Of all people, a premier vaccine researcher should know about this evil research and be extremely concerned about it.
Hi Bill, would you care to share the massive amount of evidence and extensive documentation that refutes Paul here? I'm sure other commenters would also want to see it to refute Paul's article.
Now, before u spend hours reading thru the vast amount of evidence on that website, make sure to google SARS 2 lab. And note, how the MSM is exclusively still upholding the party line.
So it’s no doubt that a scientist who only reads MSM science journals could believe that SARS2 was a natural event. However, that’s not science. Science is unbiased fact finding. My point is that Mr. Offit is not a fact finder. He is a shill for big PHARMA. Sad but true as his definitive answer about the SARS2 origin proves.
A scientist who only reads MSM science journals - that is peer-reviewed journals, has the best chance of acquiring reliable information about the world (unlike websites such as ).
Did u read thru the website before you called it un-scientific? And who funds all of that peer reviewed mainstream science studies that you hold as truth? That conflict of interest is what has necessitates alternative medical research. If it were not for DRASTIC and FOIA lawsuits we would have little data/evidence to understand where SARS2 came from.
Do u know that it was Fauci and Collins (the top “scientist” for NIH) that directly squashed the lab origin debate? They literally told collects to kill the idea and create a “zoonotic” origin. That fact alone should make every scientist wake up to the manipulation that they are victims of.
"Did u read thru the website before you called it un-scientific? "
The correct word is dishonest, it preys upon ignorant people that believe some random site.
"And who funds all of that peer reviewed mainstream science studies that you hold as truth? "
In theory you could try reading the funding statements found in many journals....governments, corporations, non-profits, health insurance companies are all major funders of research.
"Do u know that it was Fauci and Collins (the top “scientist” for NIH) that directly squashed the lab origin debate? "
Another fact-free assertion from Bill.
Apparently you don't know that frauds lie about Covid and grift money from the ignorant. Moral people try to stop lies from being circulated.
Albus, Most of the time your snide and immature attitude does not deserve a reply. But here is some great reporting to show you highly probable lab origin of SARS2 and the role of Fauci and Collins in the cover up of that information.
Full disclosure: I'm a retired biologist who is agnostic about the origin of Covid. I don't think the Chinese have been particularly open about WIV activities, but that isn't of itself a compelling argument for a lab leak. I do pay attention to scientists who look into the probabilities of an host animal spillover from the Wuhan market or a leak from the WIV. However, nutcases like RFK Jr. only act to muddy the waters with swamp fever conspiracy. With respect to - I saw zero citations that involved peer-reviewed research. There was one opinion piece in Bioessays (a well respected journal that encourages speculative pieces) and one letter to editor of Environmental Chemistry which fit in the universe of scientific litrerature. (Why anyone interested in the Covid pandemic would go to Environmental Chemsitry is an unanswered question).
While you may have spent hours digging into the drasticresearch website - it may have been better spent learning some basic biology. If so, you would grasped that the statement
"unique people with unique genes" is nonsensical. As is the claim from the same article you cited from the U.S. Naval Institute that "Cells use messenger RNA to copy and edit genes, which CRISPR-Cas9 takes advantage of to modify them.." Most students taking an introductory course in molecular and cell biology would be able to easily point out the errors in that statement. I am afraid this is one of the problems in the "do your own research" without any foundational understanding.
David, I was a student of biochemistry and genetics working in gene labs (pre-CRISPR) when I realized how dangerous this technology was. What I was learning as an undergraduate had the full potential for either evil or accidental terror of manipulating organisms with traits that could have dire outcomes. I also saw the directly perverting effect of big money on the ethics of research. SARS-2 is a combination of those two unchecked aspects of biochemistry.
The sources I mentioned, Drastic and the Military website are not meant to be “research studies” of the issue but examples that many people are aware of the bioweapons and the lab origin of SARS2. In fact, if you knew the history of DRASTIC you would understand the role they played in finding and publishing major details showing the lab origins of SARS2.
I think you mean most folks in MSM will talk to scientists and learn some basic virology and maybe the definition of gain of function and see that your alt link is just a bunch of BS.
BTW, the military is and should research bio terrorism, its unfortunately part of the world we live in. Engineer anthrax that readily jumps between rats and humans, release the rats in New York or LA and say goodbye to 8 million people! To quote Neil Peart in the Song Manhattan Project "fools try to wish it away" it applies to bio weapons , not just atomic!
Wow, drastic research is completely non biased. Its a bunch of twitter hacks who's own release of a research application that was REJECTED, which means refused spawned 100s of conspiracy theories on GOF! THE MONEY ASKED TO DO THE RESEARCH WAS REJECTED, meaning never happened! But it did help them make money which is what they wanted!
“One threat that was once the stuff of science fiction may soon become real. Some researchers (including Lieutenant General Zhang Shibo, former president of the PLA National Defense University) foresee the possibility of “specific ethnic genetic attacks” on whole racial or ethnic groups, although there remain political and scientific obstacles at present.12 A unique person with unique genes is easier to target than population-level differences in the nearer term. SBWs with high levels of asymptomatic transmission could pass from host-to-host through the human domain, until reaching a vulnerable target or targets possessing the “right” genes. (Procuring a president or admiral’s DNA is easy. Simply invite the target to dinner at a venue you control.)”
"This does not refute Kennedy’s argument." Other then demonstrating how RFK jr just made things up about his own reference....again.
1. A fact-free assertion which on the face of it appears to be a flat out lie.
2. A fact-free assertion. Why didn't post any examples from DARPA?
3. Except they are not facts, RFK jr just flat out made them up. Again, you make outrageous claims assertions about it being possible to target specific ethnic groups....but you provide zero facts.
4. Oh more inflammatory comments from Bill--but zero facts or logic.
Bill, responding to your 3rd point. You say," And then uses the study in question as a proof of concept (not as a proof of intent or result )" By result, you mean he was NOT using this study to conclude that certain ethnic groups were disproportionately impacted by COVID. You're saying he didnt say this? Is that correct? He was instead saying that this study shows that it theoretically could be possible to attack certain ethnic groups, is that correct? If so, can you send me a video where he explicitly says this. Thanks
I see in his video where he says hes not sure if there was intent. But he seems to conclude based off the study that COVID in fact disproportionately affects certain races differently. He even specifically states that in the tweet in the video you shared at min 4:15. I think Paul is saying RFK is wrong for making this conclusion based on that study.
Kennedy is not basing the whole argument on that one study. He is using that study as a sign that it could have been targeted or that other pathogens are being developed to target specific groups. We should not be arguing that truth, rather condemning any science that is building pathogens that enhance their efficacy to injure. Period!
"He is using that study as a sign that it could have been targeted or that other pathogens are being developed to target specific groups. "
And other than failing basic counting and biology he is 100% incorrect.
To be clear: I am generally opposed to gain of function research.
However, all you have done is to post fact-free assertions and lots of inflammatory theory you could try learning what has been done and why.....
Wow. If RFK Jr is going to keep wielding this xenophobic and antisemitic trope despite reality, or common sense really, then he should have the logical consistency to include the Amish in his conspiracy. Interesting that they share a polymorphism with the Ashkenazi population.
Growing up in central PA, with an Amish babysitter, I should have known. She was just “too kind” to be real. All the while plotting with Jewish and Chinese conspirators.
And if we look at excess world mortality, Covid has claimed closer to 25 million human lives, and disabled many more:
Sir, how and what specific evidence do you have that Kennedy is xenophobic and anti-Semitic? That’s an extremely rude attack on a man who has dedicated his adulthood to protecting the environment and children.
“ The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” Kennedy then went one step further. “We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not.”
One would think that at least by chance you would occasionally get a fact correct.....but then we see here that all you do is to ignore facts when they are put right in from of your eyes...
This refutes RFK with evidence; it is a clear explanation of the underlying data and publications which did not show an engineered virus designed to target specific groups. The true data are that older people and people with underlying diseases are most susceptible to the gravest disease outcomes, regardless of whether they are white, black, brown or Asian in background. Access to medical care, vaccine status determine the outcome of the highest risk groups when they are infected.
If you disagree, prove to us that the medical science profession is ethically independent and honest in their conclusions. Because Medicine has become the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.
Humm... lets follow that "thinking" through - Ambulances are far more dangerous than cars because you are far more likely to die in an ambulance than a car, so dont get in an ambulance!! HONESTLY!! Keep up the good work Paul!
Probably because it's almost impossible given the current emphasis on toxic pharmaceuticals instead of holistic healing via treating the source of the disease rather than the symptoms in an endless cycle of chemical dependence.
Thanks for confirming how deeply entrenched you are in a false paradigm of "healthcare." It's gotten so bad that you expect your "medicines" to hurt people. And you wonder why people seek alternatives to those who believe that disease is caused by petrochemical pharmaceutical deficiency. The pharma industry is mostly what needs to be discarded.
sir, its not people dying because of ambulances. It’s hundreds of thousands of people dying from pharmaceutical side effects and medical errors. I have known too many people who have died or nearly so of medical interventions. Be honest, so have you.
This is called observer bias. I have retired now after 30 years in medicine and I did see accidents and errors, but to say they are leading cause of death is nonsense. The ambulance comment was a metaphor of your misunderstanding!
I've read the link and Im really not convinced that your claims stand up. As I said there are medical errors and accidents, but they conduct a small study and extrapolate wildly. Indeed, they admit their guesstimate could easily be halved.
Please think again and reflect on medical benefits too, they are sometimes less visible, but I can tell you having practiced medicine for 25 years, progress and improvement has been very positive.
Please review your usage of that russian website in your response to Donald Arteaga. YOU DID use it as a good study site which it isn't. The reality most people are good, even researchers! Most do not become rich unlike social media influencers which is what your "research" site is all about.
However, it is recognised that certain populations are more susceptible to certain diseases. For example those of Chinese, Japanese, Korean extraction maybe more susceptible to influenza than Caucasians. From “The Beautiful Cure” by Daniel M Davis:
“ We each respond to germs in the same way, but only to a first approximation. One reason that some of us are more likely to suffer especially badly from a flu infection is because of a variation in our interferon response genes. About 1 in 400 Europeans has, for example, a non-functional version of one of the interferon-stimulated genes called IFITM3. Normally, the protein made from the IFITM3 gene interferes with how the influenza virus enters cells, though precisely how is not yet understood. (We know that this same gene is used by animals, as mice genetically modified to lack the gene are more susceptible to flu infection.) And people who have a non-functional version of this gene simply lack this component of our immune defence against the virus. In 2012, the non-functional form of this gene was found to be especially common in people hospitalised by an influenza infection. Those in intensive care were seventeen times more likely to have the defective gene. Variations of this gene are also particularly common in Japanese and Chinese people. Because of this, Japanese and Chinese people may be at higher risk for developing severe illness from flu, but this remains to be tested directly.”
Just to point out basic biology that could be misconstrued. If there was a particularly virulent strain of a new virus that appeared to only affect people with a susceptibility due to their biology then I’m sure that the likes of Robert Kennedy Jr. would use it for political purposes, even though it was a random chance.
In regard to the Congressional hearing, everyone should watch this. And they should be appalled that the DEM party that used to represent free speech, separation of powers and peace has now become the weapon of big money and power... PHARMA, banks, media conglomerates and the military industry complex. They have lost their ethics due to money and seeking power. That used to only be the GOP...
Thank you Dr. Offit for getting the facts out here again. It must be tiresome to have to continue to undue the harm that anti-vaxers like RFk Jr. continue to feed into the public sphere. What is worse is that they will take no responsibility for the lives they continue to harm.
WHAT??? You state that Covid-19 WAS NOT a Gain-of-Function Bioweapon funded by Fauci w/US tax dollars? If so, you are full of it. PROPAGANDA! Who’s funding YOU????????
What? Another anti-vacc with fact-free assertions claiming criminal actions--but you won't stand up in Court make your claims....where perjury applies!
I think some are keen on the Lab leak theory due to its simplicity and that it avoids addressing the environmental destruction and intensive agriculture that is making spillovers more common. Oh and no-one is funding me. To suggest anyone whose view you don't like is corrupt is dishonest. (Im being diplomatic).
i would be very keen to stop research labs from manipulating virus to gain dangerous functions and stop them from trying to amplify the natural genetic evolution of viruses. I will take my chances with natural evolved pathogens over bioweapons any day.
Now you're just being silly. Most of our pathogens have evolved due to human influence.
I think you really mean you have not understanding what is being done and you have zero desire to learn.
Do you think new weapons developed encourage usage, or are they just developed for fun?
Who's funding you, Boris?
When RFK was on the Joe Rogan podcast, I looked up the studies he cited (just as he insisted listeners do), and the studies did not fit the claims he was making about them. Some of them didn't even match the claims! I can only hope more people did their own research and looked at the studies he cited to see this.
"Hospitalizations and deaths weren’t determined by racial or ethnic backgrounds, they were determined mostly by age, underlying health problems, and vaccination status." This seemed obvious from the beginning of COVID, but unfortunately there were loud political voices who kept saying the government needed to prioritize people by their skin color instead of age. This combination of mixing politics (in this case, from the Left) with science never fares well. It's one reason why RFK rose so prominently in contrarian circles; the reasons for distrust in institutions are well-founded, and he's just taking advantage of it.
Which specific studies and how was he specifically wrong or misinterpreting the results?
Hi Bill, Paul wrote a separate article addressing some of RFK's claims on Joe Rogan as well as citing studies that contradict what he's saying:
been there... done that... where’s ur evidence? you said u read all of the studies he cited.
I you don't care that RFK jr claimed the mercury from vaccines went straight to the brain....when HIS own reference showed it was rapidly excreted in the stool.
Rather captures his business model: preying upon folks that can't tell the difference been their brain and feces.
You are purposefully misrepresenting his evidence. He discusses that study and debunks it with further studies. But more importantly, here’s a nice list of many studies that show the toxicity of Thimersol, ethyl mercury.
Wrong again Bill.
1. Here--one more time--is RFK jr's reference:
In simple basic words, the study demonstrates that the mercury was quickly excreted in the stool.
You are ignoring just one more obvious and stupid lie from RFK jr.
2. Thanks for the link to the scam site CHD.
First study they list, does not measure toxicity and doesn't even evaluate thimerosal.
BTW: the "study" is complete crap. The CI for mercury and autism was 0.56---3.35.
Anyone that has taken stats 101 knows that means they found NO relationship between mercury and autism.
Second study they listed, doesn't measure toxicity.
It does say:
a) thimerosal doesn't cause autism--the opposite of what RFK jr claims.
b) that thimerosal is excreted in the stool (using RFK jr's reference posted above!)--the opposite of what RFK claims.
c) that they didn't measure any (negative) effects from the thimerosal.
Shall we keep going with the rest of the references there?
Thanks for demonstrating that RFK jr/CHD just flat out stupidly lie.
This does not refute Kennedy’s argument. All it does is obscure the truth:
1. SARS-2 was very specifically manipulated in a lab. Any scientist who disputes the massive amount of evidence has already lost the confidence in telling the truth to us.
2. We have extensive documentation that governments are researching various gene based bio-weapons. The US does it openly in the name of “preventing bio-terrorism”, i.e. DARPA
3. Kennedy explicitly states in that recording (the whole recording should be quoted rather than what his critics pick out) these two previous facts. And then uses the study in question as a proof of concept (not as a proof of intent or result ). The idea is that if someone wants to target specific ethnic group for disease, we have many genetic research studies that show it could be done.
4. Of all people, a premier vaccine researcher should know about this evil research and be extremely concerned about it.
Hi Bill, would you care to share the massive amount of evidence and extensive documentation that refutes Paul here? I'm sure other commenters would also want to see it to refute Paul's article.
On the lab origins....
Now, before u spend hours reading thru the vast amount of evidence on that website, make sure to google SARS 2 lab. And note, how the MSM is exclusively still upholding the party line.
So it’s no doubt that a scientist who only reads MSM science journals could believe that SARS2 was a natural event. However, that’s not science. Science is unbiased fact finding. My point is that Mr. Offit is not a fact finder. He is a shill for big PHARMA. Sad but true as his definitive answer about the SARS2 origin proves.
A scientist who only reads MSM science journals - that is peer-reviewed journals, has the best chance of acquiring reliable information about the world (unlike websites such as ).
Did u read thru the website before you called it un-scientific? And who funds all of that peer reviewed mainstream science studies that you hold as truth? That conflict of interest is what has necessitates alternative medical research. If it were not for DRASTIC and FOIA lawsuits we would have little data/evidence to understand where SARS2 came from.
Do u know that it was Fauci and Collins (the top “scientist” for NIH) that directly squashed the lab origin debate? They literally told collects to kill the idea and create a “zoonotic” origin. That fact alone should make every scientist wake up to the manipulation that they are victims of.
"Did u read thru the website before you called it un-scientific? "
The correct word is dishonest, it preys upon ignorant people that believe some random site.
"And who funds all of that peer reviewed mainstream science studies that you hold as truth? "
In theory you could try reading the funding statements found in many journals....governments, corporations, non-profits, health insurance companies are all major funders of research.
"Do u know that it was Fauci and Collins (the top “scientist” for NIH) that directly squashed the lab origin debate? "
Another fact-free assertion from Bill.
Apparently you don't know that frauds lie about Covid and grift money from the ignorant. Moral people try to stop lies from being circulated.
Albus, Most of the time your snide and immature attitude does not deserve a reply. But here is some great reporting to show you highly probable lab origin of SARS2 and the role of Fauci and Collins in the cover up of that information.
Full disclosure: I'm a retired biologist who is agnostic about the origin of Covid. I don't think the Chinese have been particularly open about WIV activities, but that isn't of itself a compelling argument for a lab leak. I do pay attention to scientists who look into the probabilities of an host animal spillover from the Wuhan market or a leak from the WIV. However, nutcases like RFK Jr. only act to muddy the waters with swamp fever conspiracy. With respect to - I saw zero citations that involved peer-reviewed research. There was one opinion piece in Bioessays (a well respected journal that encourages speculative pieces) and one letter to editor of Environmental Chemistry which fit in the universe of scientific litrerature. (Why anyone interested in the Covid pandemic would go to Environmental Chemsitry is an unanswered question).
While you may have spent hours digging into the drasticresearch website - it may have been better spent learning some basic biology. If so, you would grasped that the statement
"unique people with unique genes" is nonsensical. As is the claim from the same article you cited from the U.S. Naval Institute that "Cells use messenger RNA to copy and edit genes, which CRISPR-Cas9 takes advantage of to modify them.." Most students taking an introductory course in molecular and cell biology would be able to easily point out the errors in that statement. I am afraid this is one of the problems in the "do your own research" without any foundational understanding.
David, I was a student of biochemistry and genetics working in gene labs (pre-CRISPR) when I realized how dangerous this technology was. What I was learning as an undergraduate had the full potential for either evil or accidental terror of manipulating organisms with traits that could have dire outcomes. I also saw the directly perverting effect of big money on the ethics of research. SARS-2 is a combination of those two unchecked aspects of biochemistry.
The sources I mentioned, Drastic and the Military website are not meant to be “research studies” of the issue but examples that many people are aware of the bioweapons and the lab origin of SARS2. In fact, if you knew the history of DRASTIC you would understand the role they played in finding and publishing major details showing the lab origins of SARS2.
Here is another set of articles by the Intercept, who also did a fabulous job of digging into the origins of COVID,
I think you mean most folks in MSM will talk to scientists and learn some basic virology and maybe the definition of gain of function and see that your alt link is just a bunch of BS.
BTW, the military is and should research bio terrorism, its unfortunately part of the world we live in. Engineer anthrax that readily jumps between rats and humans, release the rats in New York or LA and say goodbye to 8 million people! To quote Neil Peart in the Song Manhattan Project "fools try to wish it away" it applies to bio weapons , not just atomic!
Wow, drastic research is completely non biased. Its a bunch of twitter hacks who's own release of a research application that was REJECTED, which means refused spawned 100s of conspiracy theories on GOF! THE MONEY ASKED TO DO THE RESEARCH WAS REJECTED, meaning never happened! But it did help them make money which is what they wanted!
“One threat that was once the stuff of science fiction may soon become real. Some researchers (including Lieutenant General Zhang Shibo, former president of the PLA National Defense University) foresee the possibility of “specific ethnic genetic attacks” on whole racial or ethnic groups, although there remain political and scientific obstacles at present.12 A unique person with unique genes is easier to target than population-level differences in the nearer term. SBWs with high levels of asymptomatic transmission could pass from host-to-host through the human domain, until reaching a vulnerable target or targets possessing the “right” genes. (Procuring a president or admiral’s DNA is easy. Simply invite the target to dinner at a venue you control.)”
Thanks, but it is literally the opposite of what RFK jr claimed.
There may in the future be such weapons....and as noted, there are currently serious scientific challenges.
An easy read on the potential to use genetic info as a bioweapon....
Agreed, there is certainly some potential, but your link doesn't apply to Covid or what RFK jr incorrectly asserted.
"This does not refute Kennedy’s argument." Other then demonstrating how RFK jr just made things up about his own reference....again.
1. A fact-free assertion which on the face of it appears to be a flat out lie.
2. A fact-free assertion. Why didn't post any examples from DARPA?
3. Except they are not facts, RFK jr just flat out made them up. Again, you make outrageous claims assertions about it being possible to target specific ethnic groups....but you provide zero facts.
4. Oh more inflammatory comments from Bill--but zero facts or logic.
Bill, responding to your 3rd point. You say," And then uses the study in question as a proof of concept (not as a proof of intent or result )" By result, you mean he was NOT using this study to conclude that certain ethnic groups were disproportionately impacted by COVID. You're saying he didnt say this? Is that correct? He was instead saying that this study shows that it theoretically could be possible to attack certain ethnic groups, is that correct? If so, can you send me a video where he explicitly says this. Thanks
I see in his video where he says hes not sure if there was intent. But he seems to conclude based off the study that COVID in fact disproportionately affects certain races differently. He even specifically states that in the tweet in the video you shared at min 4:15. I think Paul is saying RFK is wrong for making this conclusion based on that study.
Kennedy is not basing the whole argument on that one study. He is using that study as a sign that it could have been targeted or that other pathogens are being developed to target specific groups. We should not be arguing that truth, rather condemning any science that is building pathogens that enhance their efficacy to injure. Period!
"He is using that study as a sign that it could have been targeted or that other pathogens are being developed to target specific groups. "
And other than failing basic counting and biology he is 100% incorrect.
To be clear: I am generally opposed to gain of function research.
However, all you have done is to post fact-free assertions and lots of inflammatory theory you could try learning what has been done and why.....
Wow. If RFK Jr is going to keep wielding this xenophobic and antisemitic trope despite reality, or common sense really, then he should have the logical consistency to include the Amish in his conspiracy. Interesting that they share a polymorphism with the Ashkenazi population.
Growing up in central PA, with an Amish babysitter, I should have known. She was just “too kind” to be real. All the while plotting with Jewish and Chinese conspirators.
And if we look at excess world mortality, Covid has claimed closer to 25 million human lives, and disabled many more:
Another appalling RFK disqualification herein. Thank you.
Sir, how and what specific evidence do you have that Kennedy is xenophobic and anti-Semitic? That’s an extremely rude attack on a man who has dedicated his adulthood to protecting the environment and children.
His words have been xenophobic and antisemitic.
And we are ~at year 17 of RFK jr grifting and endangering children with his BS.
“ The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” Kennedy then went one step further. “We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not.”
Who says that?
do u have proof that SARS2 is NOT a bioweapon? It certainly worked well to create mass terror, death and economic destruction.
Do you not understand at all when a new, highly transmissible virus enters a population?
Anyone that has taken molecular virology 101 knows with 99++++% certainty that it is not a bioweapon....some folks just don't care.
Oh Albus, how I missed u.....
The only thing you always miss is the truth.
One would think that at least by chance you would occasionally get a fact correct.....but then we see here that all you do is to ignore facts when they are put right in from of your eyes...
This refutes RFK with evidence; it is a clear explanation of the underlying data and publications which did not show an engineered virus designed to target specific groups. The true data are that older people and people with underlying diseases are most susceptible to the gravest disease outcomes, regardless of whether they are white, black, brown or Asian in background. Access to medical care, vaccine status determine the outcome of the highest risk groups when they are infected.
Oh... as a side note.... here is why Big Medicine and PHARMA are afraid of Kennedy.
If you disagree, prove to us that the medical science profession is ethically independent and honest in their conclusions. Because Medicine has become the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.
Humm... lets follow that "thinking" through - Ambulances are far more dangerous than cars because you are far more likely to die in an ambulance than a car, so dont get in an ambulance!! HONESTLY!! Keep up the good work Paul!
First, do no harm.
Why do you suppose that Doctors don't take that oath any more?
Probably because it's almost impossible given the current emphasis on toxic pharmaceuticals instead of holistic healing via treating the source of the disease rather than the symptoms in an endless cycle of chemical dependence.
Thanks for guessing but no.
If you follow "first do no harm" then you can't do anything! Every single action has the possibly to cause harm.
It is a nice sentiment, but discarded because it is just silly.
Thanks for confirming how deeply entrenched you are in a false paradigm of "healthcare." It's gotten so bad that you expect your "medicines" to hurt people. And you wonder why people seek alternatives to those who believe that disease is caused by petrochemical pharmaceutical deficiency. The pharma industry is mostly what needs to be discarded.
sir, its not people dying because of ambulances. It’s hundreds of thousands of people dying from pharmaceutical side effects and medical errors. I have known too many people who have died or nearly so of medical interventions. Be honest, so have you.
This is called observer bias. I have retired now after 30 years in medicine and I did see accidents and errors, but to say they are leading cause of death is nonsense. The ambulance comment was a metaphor of your misunderstanding!,_Evidence_based_Estimate_of_Patient_Harms.2.aspx
I've read the link and Im really not convinced that your claims stand up. As I said there are medical errors and accidents, but they conduct a small study and extrapolate wildly. Indeed, they admit their guesstimate could easily be halved.
Please think again and reflect on medical benefits too, they are sometimes less visible, but I can tell you having practiced medicine for 25 years, progress and improvement has been very positive.
Again thank you.
Did you even read your own link to see how they defined medical errors?
Please be honest Bill.
You are just not going to read YOUR reference and see how staggeringly wrong you are.
Thank you for doing some real research.
Now please read what the definition of "medical error" is and your error will be obvious.
Observer bias?
Thanks for the link.
RFK jr made a complete and total idiot of himself...somehow you missed that.
Makary’s misjudged and false claim has been refuted pretty comprehensively.
Please review your usage of that russian website in your response to Donald Arteaga. YOU DID use it as a good study site which it isn't. The reality most people are good, even researchers! Most do not become rich unlike social media influencers which is what your "research" site is all about.
However, it is recognised that certain populations are more susceptible to certain diseases. For example those of Chinese, Japanese, Korean extraction maybe more susceptible to influenza than Caucasians. From “The Beautiful Cure” by Daniel M Davis:
“ We each respond to germs in the same way, but only to a first approximation. One reason that some of us are more likely to suffer especially badly from a flu infection is because of a variation in our interferon response genes. About 1 in 400 Europeans has, for example, a non-functional version of one of the interferon-stimulated genes called IFITM3. Normally, the protein made from the IFITM3 gene interferes with how the influenza virus enters cells, though precisely how is not yet understood. (We know that this same gene is used by animals, as mice genetically modified to lack the gene are more susceptible to flu infection.) And people who have a non-functional version of this gene simply lack this component of our immune defence against the virus. In 2012, the non-functional form of this gene was found to be especially common in people hospitalised by an influenza infection. Those in intensive care were seventeen times more likely to have the defective gene. Variations of this gene are also particularly common in Japanese and Chinese people. Because of this, Japanese and Chinese people may be at higher risk for developing severe illness from flu, but this remains to be tested directly.”
Nice posting, but it has nothing to do with the basic fact: RJK jr grossly misrepresented his own reference....again.
I am not arguing for RFK jr in any shape or form.
Ok, then so why did you post that?
Just to point out basic biology that could be misconstrued. If there was a particularly virulent strain of a new virus that appeared to only affect people with a susceptibility due to their biology then I’m sure that the likes of Robert Kennedy Jr. would use it for political purposes, even though it was a random chance.
Thank you for the explanation.
I think without the additional details, your original posting could be misunderstood.
I am sure the Kennedy family would not mind if you just referred to him as “Jr.”, leaving off any reference to family or father.
In regard to the Congressional hearing, everyone should watch this. And they should be appalled that the DEM party that used to represent free speech, separation of powers and peace has now become the weapon of big money and power... PHARMA, banks, media conglomerates and the military industry complex. They have lost their ethics due to money and seeking power. That used to only be the GOP...
And I am appalled that some people think a partisan circus is a valid way to determine science or medicine.
I assume that was mocking sarcasm of the conspiracy-addled, such as RFK Jr.