Science is nothing more than a process of thinking, and everyone can think.
Stop with this scientist are special and we should listen to them no and if or butts.
Have you ever looked at all the drugs the FDA has recalled?
Should I have listened to ALL THOSE FDA Scientist who made decisions to put drugs on the market, make profits, kill, injure and maim people and then recall it and then have foolish people like yourself act like scientist should never be questioned.
"Science is nothing more than a process of thinking, and everyone can think.'
Clearly that is wrong on both counts.
Science: "the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained."
And BTW:
"Have you ever looked at all the drugs the FDA has recalled?"
That is a basic logic error, and an example of you not thinking correctly:
Listen anyone can deduce or conclude....and that is all science is if it is that at all.
The corruption within that science community is outrageous....Not to be trusted!
I do not need to have a degree, I do not need to be a 'scientist' to understand words.....
Oh looky looky trying to misdirect and point a finger at me and not the fact that the FDA has recalled drugs created, formulated, designed by scientist who by your writings are infallible.
Science is nothing more than a process of thinking, and everyone can think.
Stop with this scientist are special and we should listen to them no and if or butts.
Have you ever looked at all the drugs the FDA has recalled?
Should I have listened to ALL THOSE FDA Scientist who made decisions to put drugs on the market, make profits, kill, injure and maim people and then recall it and then have foolish people like yourself act like scientist should never be questioned.
Oh my....Lol!
"Science is nothing more than a process of thinking, and everyone can think.'
Clearly that is wrong on both counts.
Science: "the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained."
And BTW:
"Have you ever looked at all the drugs the FDA has recalled?"
That is a basic logic error, and an example of you not thinking correctly:
Listen anyone can deduce or conclude....and that is all science is if it is that at all.
The corruption within that science community is outrageous....Not to be trusted!
I do not need to have a degree, I do not need to be a 'scientist' to understand words.....
Oh looky looky trying to misdirect and point a finger at me and not the fact that the FDA has recalled drugs created, formulated, designed by scientist who by your writings are infallible.
"Listen anyone can deduce or conclude....and that is all science is if it is that at all."
1. that is an argument by assertion.
2. that is not what the word science means.
3. as the posting here prove over and over and over many people simply can NOT think/deduce/conclude in a rational manner.