I mean if you have concluded or deduced somethintg correctly you too can call yourself a scientist....right???
But seriously this is the lie!
That I need to be an Expert, Doctor, Scientist, multiple degrees, credentials....blah blah blah.
One only needs to know how to READ.
I do not need to be a scientist and you are a fool for believeing such nonsense as if being a 'scientist' is the only way towards knowledge.
The entire system of capitalistic allopathy was set up in the manner that makes you believe it is ALL legit. A bit of simple research will allow one to intelligently conclude this is most likely true and that Gilded Age Robber Barons set up what is essentially a 'medical business venture' and a good one at that!
Rockefeller Medicine Men corrupted every aspect from college/universities, accreditation, medical journals...etc...etc.... there is no facet of medicine/science that has not been tainted by these robber barons,
I mean why should I trust science or studies when prestigious research universities like Duke is fined 112 million for falsify studies.......and only a fool thinks Duke is the ONLY university/college that conducts themselves in this manner ....right???
Lying to get grants, using falsified data...etc...etc.... but believe the experts, the scientist, the peeps with all the letters after the name signafying what? That they are good little programmed Rockefeller Medicine Men? because that is EXACTLY what they are! John D would not have it any other way.
The proof is in the unHEALthy world we live in.... People have never been more unhealthy, sick, unwell....I have lived long enough to have witnessed this.
Talk about not being able to figure out basic things......
You are talking garbage and i know this is true because you have comfortably settle into Rockefeller Medicine Men system of Capitlaistic Allopathy........
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.” ― Marcia Angell
Fact is everyone is a scientist to some degree.
I mean if you have concluded or deduced somethintg correctly you too can call yourself a scientist....right???
But seriously this is the lie!
That I need to be an Expert, Doctor, Scientist, multiple degrees, credentials....blah blah blah.
One only needs to know how to READ.
I do not need to be a scientist and you are a fool for believeing such nonsense as if being a 'scientist' is the only way towards knowledge.
The entire system of capitalistic allopathy was set up in the manner that makes you believe it is ALL legit. A bit of simple research will allow one to intelligently conclude this is most likely true and that Gilded Age Robber Barons set up what is essentially a 'medical business venture' and a good one at that!
Rockefeller Medicine Men corrupted every aspect from college/universities, accreditation, medical journals...etc...etc.... there is no facet of medicine/science that has not been tainted by these robber barons,
I mean why should I trust science or studies when prestigious research universities like Duke is fined 112 million for falsify studies.......and only a fool thinks Duke is the ONLY university/college that conducts themselves in this manner ....right???
Lying to get grants, using falsified data...etc...etc.... but believe the experts, the scientist, the peeps with all the letters after the name signafying what? That they are good little programmed Rockefeller Medicine Men? because that is EXACTLY what they are! John D would not have it any other way.
The proof is in the unHEALthy world we live in.... People have never been more unhealthy, sick, unwell....I have lived long enough to have witnessed this.
Talk about not being able to figure out basic things......
You are talking garbage and i know this is true because you have comfortably settle into Rockefeller Medicine Men system of Capitlaistic Allopathy........
“It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine.” ― Marcia Angell
Once again, I note that you offer is argument by assertion, but your posting is riddled with obvious logical and conceptual errors.
It is exactly like you just don't like the facts provided by actual scientists....