Oy vey...Dude are you serious, Mr. Gaslighter? Hide from what? For some reason you tone bugs the F out of me. Ok, I had to get that emotional response out. Yes, there was thimerosal studies in Offit's list of references, which Kirsch acknowledges and calls these studies “bullshit”! Why are you so focused on this? I’ve acknowledged the studies in prior responses. Kirsch is correct, these studies are "weak and sophomoric" as I said. You called us illiterate, so intelligent. Yes, I did see the vaccines referenced in the six studies. Only one references DTP/DT the rest looked at the thimerosal-autism relationship, so purposely vague. What the #%!@ does that produce? Nothing! The studies have serious methodology, dosage, and data integrity issues producing conformational biased results. These studies don’t ask the right questions to solve for, which is “My child received thirty-eight vaccines by the time he was five, including twenty vaccines by his first birthday. Is the administration of so many vaccines causing autism in certain children?” [JB Handley] and please don’t placate or minimize the research of a parent of an autistic child. I doubt you have any skin in the game (If you do I retract my comment) Again, these studies are laughable, but they meet your orthodoxy. Plus they only focus on Thimerosal, which is toxic, but is a limited hangout for the other 30 ingredients that need to be looked at as I pointed out in my last response. Ok for shits and giggles lets go to Offit's “autism organization”, Autism Science Foundation (ASF). There we find all 27 studies touting that “vaccines and autism” are unrelated that Offit claims versus the six used in this laughable defense regarding RFK. Thirteen of the studies look at the thimerosal-autism relationship, which don’t do the correct analysis to determine a causal relationship. Ten of the studies look at the MMR-autism relationship. And four of the studies are “meta-analyses” of the aforementioned twenty-three thimerosal and MMR studies. That’s it. None of the twenty-seven studies cited by the ASF used to “prove” vaccines don’t cause autism have come close to asking the right questions about cause and effect or have even considered the proper control group (fully unvaccinated children) to get to an answer! Be glad to discuss any study you reference. I’m all ears and can be persuaded. Back to Offit, one of the studies cited, the Verstraeten study, compares dosage groups to see if there was any difference, what a joke.
https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article-abstract/112/5/1039/28714/Safety-of-Thimerosal-Containing-Vaccines-A-Two?redirectedFrom=fulltext Then you have the Tozzi study, done a few years later attempting the same trick, lame. Offit also cites the Thorsen Danish study. Hmmm, I guess he forgot about the CDC whistleblower providing evidence that the study was fraudulent and Dr. Thorsen was also charged with money laundering and wire fraud related regarding his vaccine “research” (propaganda). Do you really want me to go on about how bad the science that Offit is using to support his work? I can touch upon the other three studies cited but more of the same. A more important point is why is Offit offering up these studies to support his position, when he knows they are crap studies? Is he an idiot or captured? And since you are obviously very esteemed and knowledgeable…..why would you accept this? I gave you Ioannidis study about how bad these studies actually are. I suggest you read it instead again.
Regarding my statement, "There is only one vaccine that has been studied for its relationship to autism". I should have specified “safety” study. Please, please, please "post study after study and their relationship to autism” so we can evaluate collectively the quality of the studies you share. I dare you. Meanwhile take a look at these quality studies and tell me where you object to their results.
I can keep going, I have about 80 more, let me know.
For some reason I am thinking your are a CIA shill or maybe some AI bot, but you roped me in with your gaslighting, so maybe you are Offit, lmao. Good luck and peace be with you.
p.s. Stop using “anti-vaxxer”, you need to be more sophisticated in your name calling. These people (myself included) want to have true safety trials and studies for the medicine that take or give their kids. What is so wrong with that. There have been so many drugs and vaccines that weren’t properly vetted for human consumption and still approved by the FDA, only later to have the drug pulled. If a vaccine or drug is properly vetted then we all benefit. And I mean “properly vet” not like the C19 vaccines that were “safe and effective”, lmao. The paramount issue is that our government and accomplices like Offit obfuscate the needed safety trials. Under a FOIA request the NIH had to admit that there are no qualified safety trials for any of the scheduled childhood vaccines, claiming that randomized placebo control trials would be unethical. Seriously, WTF. Please reevaluate your ignorance.
" “My child received thirty-eight vaccines by the time he was five, including twenty vaccines by his first birthday. Is the administration of so many vaccines causing autism in certain children?” [JB Handley] "
There are only 13 vaccines--Handley is a notorious anti-vacc liar that preys upon folk like you that are too clueless to count.
And as anyone that has taken stats 101 knows, unvaccinated are the wrong controls to use.
If you don't like the term "anti-vacc" there are many courts that have described them as for-profit liars.
The BS you have posted demonstrates why Court do this!
Those 13 vaccines include multiple doses that add up to 38. I think a child gets 78 doses/shots before the age of ten. Duh!
Regarding 101 vaccinology: not using the unvaccinated is the entire issue with the vaccine safety. This proves your steadfast belief in your orthodoxy. You fail miserably at understanding fundamental evidence based medicine. You are using the Pharma and captured dogma as your excuse for a proper control group.
Please exercise and eat right, it will clear your mind. :) you vaccine terrorist - the courts have used “terrorist” too :(
(1) "Those 13 vaccines include multiple doses that add up to 38"
Oh look, you don't know what the word vaccine means.
You also don't seem to have thought about it.
If you have a headache and you take 2 aspirin pills--you DIDN'T take 2 drugs. You took 1.
(2) By "orthodoxy" you mean the folks that understand the ~100 years of work that proves unvaccinated are (almost always) the wrong control to use because you will get invalid results?
You might know the infamous example, when the anti-vacc group Generation Rescue did their "research".
They found that 100% unvaccinated kids had HIGHER risk for autism/ASD then vaccinated kids.
Note that it matters since we knew before they started the results would be invalid.
Seriously, I feel like I am arguing with a word I noun I can only keep to myself. You do indeed need to measure dosage and multiple administrations of a complete cycle of an administered vaccine(s). Each dose at a given age can have different effects and each dose is injected into a child or adult. Duh!
I’ve never heard of the Generation. rescue study, why don’t you share the studies you reference? Maybe cause it was pseudoscience. It happens regardless of what side you are on, just happens more with the research Offit offers up. You only provide meaningless Sophomoric rhetoric without providing any thought. Here I’ll share a vaxx vs u vaxxed study for your superior brain to analyze for retort.
I disagree with you entirely regarding the use of an unvaccinated group to compare with. Maybe your 100 years of dogmatic science is wrong? Who gives a shit if was a hundred years. They used to think peptic ulcers were caused by stress a hundred years ago too until a doctor, who was ridiculed, proved that it is in fact caused by a bacteria (helicobacter pylori). Do you believe in every word of the man made book called the Bible? Do you believe every word your CDC or NIH tell you? Do you believe in weapons of mass destruction? Do you believe the earth is flat? Do you believe civilization only began 12,000 years ago?
(3) You mean you don't understand the proper use of controls in studies and you won't learn. Good news: most of the rest of world cares enough about our children to do the science correct.
(4) Yes Aaby's work is really interesting and well know. What exactly is your point?
Distracting? Its really simple. Let me break it down for you. For instance, based on CDC guidelines 10 vaccines are recommended (mandated or your Doc will turn you in to the authorities) for infants up to 24 months of age.
Now, if you add up all of the required doses you get 31! Wow, is it that hard to get what I am saying? My god!
No wonder I had never heard of Generation Rescue? This is not science, Mr. Kruger? Its a survey, and a survey without methods or limitations. I didn't look back, but I bet it was refuted by everyone way back when. You seriously think RFK or anyone else would use this pseudoscience? Only a vaccine terrorist or covidiot would use it, just say'n.
You know what my point is regarding Aaby's study "Evidence of Increase in Mortality After the Introduction of Diphtheria–Tetanus–Pertussis Vaccine to Children Aged 6–35 Months in Guinea-Bissau: A Time for Reflection?" Its that mortality is higher in the vaccinated group compared to the unvaccinated group, but you avoid reflecting to only ask, "what is your point". As Aaby says, "A Time for Reflection". Please reflect, its healthy.
1. Yes the anti-vaccs prey upon folks that can't tell the difference between # of vaccines and # of vaccine doses.
2. You didn't read GenR data....the exact point is they found 100% unvaccinated kids had higher risk for autism...exactly what the bad old scientists would happen because unvaccinated are still the wrong control.
3. Do did Guinea-Bissau stop using DTP? No they did not. How about any country--nope, none of them stopped using DTP.
Why did everyone keep using DTP?
Because using only their 5th grade math, they could see that Aaby must be wrong.
1. Doses, vaccines, you know what I meant. All doses should be evaluated for safety. You’ve took the C-19 vax and are up to 5 shots and you better get the next two soon so you can say you got the vaccine since technically you haven’t since you define a vaccine as having all the shots. You don’t want to get on Offit’s bad side.
2. GenR data set does not represent anything close to how you would conduct a study to determine a causal relationship, Mr. Swap Meet Used Science kit.
3. F’ing stupid that anyone is still taking DTP. The science hasn’t overtaken the captured healthcare systems of the world. Why the hell would anyone take that vaccine after reading that study? Just the ignorant. 🤷🏼♂️
Huh? What are you talking about regarding Thompson? Maybe I should have been more specific. Thompson, as a government employee, shared critical and substantial information refuting Thorsen.
Yes, charges were dropped. Reminds me of the charges against Hunter Biden. How is Thorsen doing now, lmao.
Offer something substantial. Btw…no “h” in my name Dr. Offit
If you actually listened to scientists, they would point out how the internet allows for predatory journals like you posted, where for a fee they will "publish" any BS.
And they would point out that the CI goes through 1 meaning there was NO DIFFERENCE for mercury with respect to autism....the authors are exactly that stupid.
And they would point out that the paper doesn't even try and measure the type of mercury found in vaccines.
Even if you just can't see that it is an in vitro study and tells us nothing about vaccines, it is just simple math that also shows that that it tells us nothing about vaccines.
Can you not do the math????
I suppose you have many references that you have ZERO understanding of!
It is easy to read the words and see that lots of different vaccines have been studied for relationships with autism---somehow, this was just too difficult for you.
And here again is what Kirsch originally wrote:
I {Krisch} checked the page. There are no studies on that page showing thimerosal doesn’t cause autism."
That is not true and once again Kirch just couldn't read.
After being publicly ridiculed for not being functionally literate, Kirsch edited his text, but he didn't have the integrity to note his error.
This is important, because this is a matter of life and death and apparently from the comments many people are making their healthcare decisions based on crap that Krisch claims--even though he just can't argue at the middle-school level.
Lmao, it’s not difficult. Obviously you consider all pharma vaccine results and conclusions as absolute fact. Still you are unable to defend. You throw up a link for me to search for studies? Huh? I gave you 27 studies!!!! All of which are pseudoscience..you still won't even engage to tell me where I was wrong. I’m done.
Seriously, I appreciate the conversation. It clearly shows that you are unable to actually refute anything. You just call me stupid or an anti-vaxxer. That’s real productive.
So interesting how you interpret Kirsch’s statement. Clearly he is saying that the studies Offit offered don’t qualify in his opinion. That’s your only defense. What is with the continuous reference to a “3rd grade education”? Did something traumatic happen to you in the 3rd grade? I’m sorry, please get a therapist, lol
I pointed out that your nature link isn't at all about what causes autism. You were silent on the basic facts.
I pointed out that your copper/lead/mercury study was from a scam "journal" and how they lied--their "results" do not show any relationship between autism and mercury.
Again you were silent about the facts.
I pointed out that by just basic math you would see how the anti-vaccs lie about the Barbosa paper.
Again you were silent about the facts.
You have been refuted, you just don't seem to care.
Lmao, “you have been refuted, you don’t seem to care”. You are funny. Good thing one person believes in you, yourself.
The copper/lead/mercury study: What scam are you talking about? I see nothing in PubMed or other places this study was published? What are you talking about?
The Nature "article" I found interesting since it reports that traits of autis spectrum disorders are known to come from mercury exposure, onset of autistic symptoms are temporally associated with mercury containing vaccines and that elevated levels of mercury have been documented in autistic children.
You are right about the Barbosa paper, In vitro...which isn't really good science. Kinda like observational or mechanistic studies.
I should have taken my time and shared alternative studies.
Really, I don't care? Why would I spend my valuable time trying to convince you to reflect upon your orthodoxy? Yeah, its your opinion that my "arguments" are not functionally literate, which is just you gaslighting again. That's what religious vaccine terrorist do.
"Clearly he is saying that the studies Offit offered don’t qualify in his opinion"
You continue to miss the point.
When Kirsch posted his article he asserted that there were NOT ANY thimerosal studies in Dr. Offit's list.
That was not true.
And anyone with ~3rd grade reading skills could easily see the thimerosal studies....except Kirch didn't.....then he edited his article trusting that folks like you wouldn't notice.
Fact is we have a huge dataset of examples where Kirsch just can't get the basic English meaning of the words correct.
What is there to refute? Kirsch and you have offered ZERO rational criticisms of the studies.
They are fine studies, and anti-vaccs making things up about them doesn't change the facts.
OMG, you didn’t get the the 4th grade where they teach you to interpret the emotion a writer can evoke with his/her prose. Kirsch calls the studies “bullshit” and is dismissing the studies as irrelevant since they fail all requirements to be taken seriously. Him saying there is “Not” means he is discounting their relevance.
They are not “fine” studies. Again full of empty statement and zero detail. You learn to interpret opinion and facts and how to support them in High School. An analogy would be like comparing the effects of vodka to another group drinking bourbon. It’s baffonery science that corporate captured people leverage like Offit.
I suppose you agree that the science proves out that masks stop aerosol viral transmission. Lmao
Listen Linda, "Masks Work"??? In reflection, I would need to know specifically what your are saying when you say "masks are proven to work". They certainly don't stop aerosol viral transmission, not even in a hospital setting. Now, they will stop your snot from getting on me. Maybe stop your bad breath for a little bit. Oh, they will stop a patient's bodily fluids from getting in a nurse's mouth. Maybe you get your science from Generation Rescue, but I get mine from Tom Jefferson.
p.s. and Karla Soares-Weiser, MD, PhD, MSc, Editor-in-Chief of the Cochrane Library is an example of what corporate/government capture is. Her statements are pure crap and meant to appease her corporate benefactors. She is a complete disgrace to the scientific community.
Please do share all of your observational, survey, case, and mechanistic studies that "prove" masks stop aerosol viral transmission. I would love to see your pseudoscience.
1. In the general public, masks have been proven over and over to reduce the risk of Covid.
2. Aerosol is still the wrong measure for covid...just like all the 100s of previous times this has been explained.
3. I did the experiment, took a 4th grader a couple of second to find this very long list of studies that masks work for covid...strange you couldn't find this information:
You exactly changed the topic, which was....
Contrary to Kirsch's assertions, there were thimerosal/autism studies in Dr. Offit's list of references.
Functional literacy is a level Kirsch frequently just can't achieve--but he fooled you.
"Only one vaccine has been studied for its relationship to autism, MMR."
Of course you are going to hide now....I can post study after study testing ~all the vaccines for their relationships to autism....
Once again, anti-vaccs obviously lied to you, but you just somehow couldn't read the names of the vaccines in the autism studies.
Hard to believe...but there you are.
Oy vey...Dude are you serious, Mr. Gaslighter? Hide from what? For some reason you tone bugs the F out of me. Ok, I had to get that emotional response out. Yes, there was thimerosal studies in Offit's list of references, which Kirsch acknowledges and calls these studies “bullshit”! Why are you so focused on this? I’ve acknowledged the studies in prior responses. Kirsch is correct, these studies are "weak and sophomoric" as I said. You called us illiterate, so intelligent. Yes, I did see the vaccines referenced in the six studies. Only one references DTP/DT the rest looked at the thimerosal-autism relationship, so purposely vague. What the #%!@ does that produce? Nothing! The studies have serious methodology, dosage, and data integrity issues producing conformational biased results. These studies don’t ask the right questions to solve for, which is “My child received thirty-eight vaccines by the time he was five, including twenty vaccines by his first birthday. Is the administration of so many vaccines causing autism in certain children?” [JB Handley] and please don’t placate or minimize the research of a parent of an autistic child. I doubt you have any skin in the game (If you do I retract my comment) Again, these studies are laughable, but they meet your orthodoxy. Plus they only focus on Thimerosal, which is toxic, but is a limited hangout for the other 30 ingredients that need to be looked at as I pointed out in my last response. Ok for shits and giggles lets go to Offit's “autism organization”, Autism Science Foundation (ASF). There we find all 27 studies touting that “vaccines and autism” are unrelated that Offit claims versus the six used in this laughable defense regarding RFK. Thirteen of the studies look at the thimerosal-autism relationship, which don’t do the correct analysis to determine a causal relationship. Ten of the studies look at the MMR-autism relationship. And four of the studies are “meta-analyses” of the aforementioned twenty-three thimerosal and MMR studies. That’s it. None of the twenty-seven studies cited by the ASF used to “prove” vaccines don’t cause autism have come close to asking the right questions about cause and effect or have even considered the proper control group (fully unvaccinated children) to get to an answer! Be glad to discuss any study you reference. I’m all ears and can be persuaded. Back to Offit, one of the studies cited, the Verstraeten study, compares dosage groups to see if there was any difference, what a joke.
https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article-abstract/112/5/1039/28714/Safety-of-Thimerosal-Containing-Vaccines-A-Two?redirectedFrom=fulltext Then you have the Tozzi study, done a few years later attempting the same trick, lame. Offit also cites the Thorsen Danish study. Hmmm, I guess he forgot about the CDC whistleblower providing evidence that the study was fraudulent and Dr. Thorsen was also charged with money laundering and wire fraud related regarding his vaccine “research” (propaganda). Do you really want me to go on about how bad the science that Offit is using to support his work? I can touch upon the other three studies cited but more of the same. A more important point is why is Offit offering up these studies to support his position, when he knows they are crap studies? Is he an idiot or captured? And since you are obviously very esteemed and knowledgeable…..why would you accept this? I gave you Ioannidis study about how bad these studies actually are. I suggest you read it instead again.
Regarding my statement, "There is only one vaccine that has been studied for its relationship to autism". I should have specified “safety” study. Please, please, please "post study after study and their relationship to autism” so we can evaluate collectively the quality of the studies you share. I dare you. Meanwhile take a look at these quality studies and tell me where you object to their results.
https://www.nature.com/articles/4001177 You’ll need to ask for access
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1280342/ Thank god it was monkeys, not humans. NIH loves to experiment on animals.
I can keep going, I have about 80 more, let me know.
For some reason I am thinking your are a CIA shill or maybe some AI bot, but you roped me in with your gaslighting, so maybe you are Offit, lmao. Good luck and peace be with you.
p.s. Stop using “anti-vaxxer”, you need to be more sophisticated in your name calling. These people (myself included) want to have true safety trials and studies for the medicine that take or give their kids. What is so wrong with that. There have been so many drugs and vaccines that weren’t properly vetted for human consumption and still approved by the FDA, only later to have the drug pulled. If a vaccine or drug is properly vetted then we all benefit. And I mean “properly vet” not like the C19 vaccines that were “safe and effective”, lmao. The paramount issue is that our government and accomplices like Offit obfuscate the needed safety trials. Under a FOIA request the NIH had to admit that there are no qualified safety trials for any of the scheduled childhood vaccines, claiming that randomized placebo control trials would be unethical. Seriously, WTF. Please reevaluate your ignorance.
Odds and ends:
" “My child received thirty-eight vaccines by the time he was five, including twenty vaccines by his first birthday. Is the administration of so many vaccines causing autism in certain children?” [JB Handley] "
There are only 13 vaccines--Handley is a notorious anti-vacc liar that preys upon folk like you that are too clueless to count.
And as anyone that has taken stats 101 knows, unvaccinated are the wrong controls to use.
If you don't like the term "anti-vacc" there are many courts that have described them as for-profit liars.
The BS you have posted demonstrates why Court do this!
Those 13 vaccines include multiple doses that add up to 38. I think a child gets 78 doses/shots before the age of ten. Duh!
Regarding 101 vaccinology: not using the unvaccinated is the entire issue with the vaccine safety. This proves your steadfast belief in your orthodoxy. You fail miserably at understanding fundamental evidence based medicine. You are using the Pharma and captured dogma as your excuse for a proper control group.
Please exercise and eat right, it will clear your mind. :) you vaccine terrorist - the courts have used “terrorist” too :(
(1) "Those 13 vaccines include multiple doses that add up to 38"
Oh look, you don't know what the word vaccine means.
You also don't seem to have thought about it.
If you have a headache and you take 2 aspirin pills--you DIDN'T take 2 drugs. You took 1.
(2) By "orthodoxy" you mean the folks that understand the ~100 years of work that proves unvaccinated are (almost always) the wrong control to use because you will get invalid results?
You might know the infamous example, when the anti-vacc group Generation Rescue did their "research".
They found that 100% unvaccinated kids had HIGHER risk for autism/ASD then vaccinated kids.
Note that it matters since we knew before they started the results would be invalid.
Seriously, I feel like I am arguing with a word I noun I can only keep to myself. You do indeed need to measure dosage and multiple administrations of a complete cycle of an administered vaccine(s). Each dose at a given age can have different effects and each dose is injected into a child or adult. Duh!
I’ve never heard of the Generation. rescue study, why don’t you share the studies you reference? Maybe cause it was pseudoscience. It happens regardless of what side you are on, just happens more with the research Offit offers up. You only provide meaningless Sophomoric rhetoric without providing any thought. Here I’ll share a vaxx vs u vaxxed study for your superior brain to analyze for retort.
I disagree with you entirely regarding the use of an unvaccinated group to compare with. Maybe your 100 years of dogmatic science is wrong? Who gives a shit if was a hundred years. They used to think peptic ulcers were caused by stress a hundred years ago too until a doctor, who was ridiculed, proved that it is in fact caused by a bacteria (helicobacter pylori). Do you believe in every word of the man made book called the Bible? Do you believe every word your CDC or NIH tell you? Do you believe in weapons of mass destruction? Do you believe the earth is flat? Do you believe civilization only began 12,000 years ago?
C’mon (person) wake up!
(1) You are distracting from the fact that the claim children receive 38 vaccines is a lie.
(2) Google still works. Here are the GenR raw data:
(3) You mean you don't understand the proper use of controls in studies and you won't learn. Good news: most of the rest of world cares enough about our children to do the science correct.
(4) Yes Aaby's work is really interesting and well know. What exactly is your point?
Distracting? Its really simple. Let me break it down for you. For instance, based on CDC guidelines 10 vaccines are recommended (mandated or your Doc will turn you in to the authorities) for infants up to 24 months of age.
Here is the schedule:https://www.healthline.com/health/vaccinations/infant-immunization-schedule#importance
Now, if you add up all of the required doses you get 31! Wow, is it that hard to get what I am saying? My god!
No wonder I had never heard of Generation Rescue? This is not science, Mr. Kruger? Its a survey, and a survey without methods or limitations. I didn't look back, but I bet it was refuted by everyone way back when. You seriously think RFK or anyone else would use this pseudoscience? Only a vaccine terrorist or covidiot would use it, just say'n.
You know what my point is regarding Aaby's study "Evidence of Increase in Mortality After the Introduction of Diphtheria–Tetanus–Pertussis Vaccine to Children Aged 6–35 Months in Guinea-Bissau: A Time for Reflection?" Its that mortality is higher in the vaccinated group compared to the unvaccinated group, but you avoid reflecting to only ask, "what is your point". As Aaby says, "A Time for Reflection". Please reflect, its healthy.
Silence from Jonny.....but seriously what could say beyond the fact that no one over the age of 10 could honestly believe the anti-vacc lies!
It’s amazing how you never address anything I present and just call it a lie. Lmao. You are such a covidiot.
1. Yes the anti-vaccs prey upon folks that can't tell the difference between # of vaccines and # of vaccine doses.
2. You didn't read GenR data....the exact point is they found 100% unvaccinated kids had higher risk for autism...exactly what the bad old scientists would happen because unvaccinated are still the wrong control.
3. Do did Guinea-Bissau stop using DTP? No they did not. How about any country--nope, none of them stopped using DTP.
Why did everyone keep using DTP?
Because using only their 5th grade math, they could see that Aaby must be wrong.
Then there are folks like you.....
1. Doses, vaccines, you know what I meant. All doses should be evaluated for safety. You’ve took the C-19 vax and are up to 5 shots and you better get the next two soon so you can say you got the vaccine since technically you haven’t since you define a vaccine as having all the shots. You don’t want to get on Offit’s bad side.
2. GenR data set does not represent anything close to how you would conduct a study to determine a causal relationship, Mr. Swap Meet Used Science kit.
3. F’ing stupid that anyone is still taking DTP. The science hasn’t overtaken the captured healthcare systems of the world. Why the hell would anyone take that vaccine after reading that study? Just the ignorant. 🤷🏼♂️
Oh law...
Thompson is NOT a whistleblower and the entire data set is available and the fact is the anti-vaccs just flat out lie about it.
About Thorsen, he case has gone to court and all charges dropped.
Remember Johhny, the anti-vacc counts on folks to be really stupid.
Huh? What are you talking about regarding Thompson? Maybe I should have been more specific. Thompson, as a government employee, shared critical and substantial information refuting Thorsen.
Yes, charges were dropped. Reminds me of the charges against Hunter Biden. How is Thorsen doing now, lmao.
Offer something substantial. Btw…no “h” in my name Dr. Offit
Silence from Jonny....but seriously what could you say...beyond the fact that the anti-vacc fraud preys upon folks too stupid to use a dictionary.
Huh indeed.
(1) Maybe you could have used a dictionary. Dr. Thompson is NOT a whistleblower.
(2) The entire dataset from the Thompson et al study is widely available and used by scientists around the world.
The claim that this data refutes vaccine safety is a lie in the exact sense that anti-vaccs just make things up.
(3) there is nothing from Thorsen to refute. He was the grant administer, he never had access to the data and he didn't do the analysis.
Remember: the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything.
(4) Thorsen was accused and exonerated. At least before covid....he worked at Odense University Hospital and it was common to see him at conferences.
On science--you wrote:
"Yes, there was thimerosal studies in Offit's list of references, which Kirsch acknowledges and calls these studies “bullshit”! "
That is a fact-free, completely mindless comment.
They are find studies and the stupid anti-vacc lies don't change that fact.
If you actually listened to scientists, they would point out how the internet allows for predatory journals like you posted, where for a fee they will "publish" any BS.
And they would point out that the CI goes through 1 meaning there was NO DIFFERENCE for mercury with respect to autism....the authors are exactly that stupid.
And they would point out that the paper doesn't even try and measure the type of mercury found in vaccines.
You paper is completely stupid.
(2) https://www.nature.com/articles/4001177
I gather you didn't even try and read it. It is not a study, and it isn't even about what causes autism.
(3) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1280342/
A fine study, did your read it? It isn't a safety study, and it clearly supports the safety of vaccines.
(4) https://www.academia.edu/en/25939789/Thimerosal_induces_apoptotic_and_fibrotic_changes_to_kidney_epithelial_cells_in_vitro
Another fine study.
Even if you just can't see that it is an in vitro study and tells us nothing about vaccines, it is just simple math that also shows that that it tells us nothing about vaccines.
Can you not do the math????
I suppose you have many references that you have ZERO understanding of!
You wrote:
"Good luck and I wish you well. There is no need to go on,"
So, did you change your mind, or can you not keep track of your position?
On literacy--you posted:
"Only one vaccine has been studied for its relationship to autism, MMR."
Google works:
It is easy to read the words and see that lots of different vaccines have been studied for relationships with autism---somehow, this was just too difficult for you.
And here again is what Kirsch originally wrote:
I {Krisch} checked the page. There are no studies on that page showing thimerosal doesn’t cause autism."
That is not true and once again Kirch just couldn't read.
After being publicly ridiculed for not being functionally literate, Kirsch edited his text, but he didn't have the integrity to note his error.
This is important, because this is a matter of life and death and apparently from the comments many people are making their healthcare decisions based on crap that Krisch claims--even though he just can't argue at the middle-school level.
Lmao, it’s not difficult. Obviously you consider all pharma vaccine results and conclusions as absolute fact. Still you are unable to defend. You throw up a link for me to search for studies? Huh? I gave you 27 studies!!!! All of which are pseudoscience..you still won't even engage to tell me where I was wrong. I’m done.
I take great comfort from the fact that anyone with ~3rd grade reading skills can see your errors.
Seriously, I appreciate the conversation. It clearly shows that you are unable to actually refute anything. You just call me stupid or an anti-vaxxer. That’s real productive.
So interesting how you interpret Kirsch’s statement. Clearly he is saying that the studies Offit offered don’t qualify in his opinion. That’s your only defense. What is with the continuous reference to a “3rd grade education”? Did something traumatic happen to you in the 3rd grade? I’m sorry, please get a therapist, lol
About refuting:
I pointed out that your nature link isn't at all about what causes autism. You were silent on the basic facts.
I pointed out that your copper/lead/mercury study was from a scam "journal" and how they lied--their "results" do not show any relationship between autism and mercury.
Again you were silent about the facts.
I pointed out that by just basic math you would see how the anti-vaccs lie about the Barbosa paper.
Again you were silent about the facts.
You have been refuted, you just don't seem to care.
Lmao, “you have been refuted, you don’t seem to care”. You are funny. Good thing one person believes in you, yourself.
The copper/lead/mercury study: What scam are you talking about? I see nothing in PubMed or other places this study was published? What are you talking about?
The Nature "article" I found interesting since it reports that traits of autis spectrum disorders are known to come from mercury exposure, onset of autistic symptoms are temporally associated with mercury containing vaccines and that elevated levels of mercury have been documented in autistic children.
You are right about the Barbosa paper, In vitro...which isn't really good science. Kinda like observational or mechanistic studies.
I should have taken my time and shared alternative studies.
Bad--as demonstrated above your "arguments" are not even functionally literate.
Worse--you don't care.
Really, I don't care? Why would I spend my valuable time trying to convince you to reflect upon your orthodoxy? Yeah, its your opinion that my "arguments" are not functionally literate, which is just you gaslighting again. That's what religious vaccine terrorist do.
Yes, being an anti-vacc does require willful stupidity.
Meanwhile folks that actually read the words from your scam journal/paper:
"there was a significant relationship between mercury concentration and autism (SMD (95% CI): 1.96 (0.56,3.35);"
The CI goes through 1--that exactly means that there was NO relationship between mercury and autism!
It is just a fact, it requires willful stupidity to believe your paper.
"Clearly he is saying that the studies Offit offered don’t qualify in his opinion"
You continue to miss the point.
When Kirsch posted his article he asserted that there were NOT ANY thimerosal studies in Dr. Offit's list.
That was not true.
And anyone with ~3rd grade reading skills could easily see the thimerosal studies....except Kirch didn't.....then he edited his article trusting that folks like you wouldn't notice.
Fact is we have a huge dataset of examples where Kirsch just can't get the basic English meaning of the words correct.
What is there to refute? Kirsch and you have offered ZERO rational criticisms of the studies.
They are fine studies, and anti-vaccs making things up about them doesn't change the facts.
OMG, you didn’t get the the 4th grade where they teach you to interpret the emotion a writer can evoke with his/her prose. Kirsch calls the studies “bullshit” and is dismissing the studies as irrelevant since they fail all requirements to be taken seriously. Him saying there is “Not” means he is discounting their relevance.
They are not “fine” studies. Again full of empty statement and zero detail. You learn to interpret opinion and facts and how to support them in High School. An analogy would be like comparing the effects of vodka to another group drinking bourbon. It’s baffonery science that corporate captured people leverage like Offit.
I suppose you agree that the science proves out that masks stop aerosol viral transmission. Lmao
" Kirsch calls the studies “bullshit” and is dismissing the studies as irrelevant since they fail all requirements to be taken seriously. "
That is just a flat out lie.
"They are not “fine” studies. " They certainly are. Your scientific ignorance doesn't change the facts. Too bad you don't care enough to try....
"I suppose you agree that the science proves out that masks stop aerosol viral transmission."
Are talking about Covid?
I know that anyone with a middle-school education can find:
1. that masks are proven to work
2. that the anti-vaccs keep lying about this preying upon fools.
Listen Linda, "Masks Work"??? In reflection, I would need to know specifically what your are saying when you say "masks are proven to work". They certainly don't stop aerosol viral transmission, not even in a hospital setting. Now, they will stop your snot from getting on me. Maybe stop your bad breath for a little bit. Oh, they will stop a patient's bodily fluids from getting in a nurse's mouth. Maybe you get your science from Generation Rescue, but I get mine from Tom Jefferson.
p.s. and Karla Soares-Weiser, MD, PhD, MSc, Editor-in-Chief of the Cochrane Library is an example of what corporate/government capture is. Her statements are pure crap and meant to appease her corporate benefactors. She is a complete disgrace to the scientific community.
Please do share all of your observational, survey, case, and mechanistic studies that "prove" masks stop aerosol viral transmission. I would love to see your pseudoscience.
1. In the general public, masks have been proven over and over to reduce the risk of Covid.
2. Aerosol is still the wrong measure for covid...just like all the 100s of previous times this has been explained.
3. I did the experiment, took a 4th grader a couple of second to find this very long list of studies that masks work for covid...strange you couldn't find this information:
PS here is the comment:
Fact is the anti-vaccs lied about the study counting on folks to be too clueless to read the words. Clearly they were correct!