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If you don't like the term anti-vaccs, there are a number of courts that have described the anti-vaccs as for profit liars (in nicer words).

Of course RFK jr keeps lying and claiming one can't sue vaccine makers.....

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Vaccine makers were indemnified in 1986 (or thereabouts). It’s a law. Reagan signed it. RFK, Jr. said even his uncle Teddy Kennedy voted for it.

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No, running the anti-vacc fraud requires lying to people.

Here is the part in the US law that exactly explains how all people can sue vaccine makers:


And people do sue vaccine makers, and here is an example where the vaccine cause autism grifters are exposed as idiots and liars:


So the anti-vaccs just keep lying and claiming you can't sue vaccine makers.

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While some of what you are saying has threads of truth in it, this prior comment is quite misleading. Either you don't understand the nuance of this topic, or you are so blinded by your attempts to smear RFK jr. as a liar, that your capacity for critical thought has taken a back seat to cherry picking data that supports your industry or world view.

Technically, in America, it IS true that you can sue anyone or any company, for any reason. However, as your above link demonstrates, if you try to sue a vaccine manufacturer after your child suddenly regresses into autism post MMR vax, you will find that case goes nowhere. Thanks for sharing that link, as it is quite telling to anyone with prior exposure to the broader topics in question. That particular case was thrown out because the plaintiff's experts' testimony differed from the medical orthodoxy of the time. Which touts that no causal connection between Thimerosal and autism exists in the accepted medical consensus.

To understand why you cannot successfully sue vaccine manufacturers, you must be aware of some historical context. In 1986, The Act was passed, (also called the Vaccine Act). Where vaccine manufactures impressed upon congress that vaccines were "unavoidably unsafe." Congress agreed, and granted blanket liability for all vaccine manufacturers. As a mirage showing of 'good faith', the federal government offered the vaccine courts, (National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) to help process what, at that time, was a flood of young childhood injuries following MMR vaccination. The NVICP pays out relatively little for each person injured or killed by vaccines. Despite this judiciary hurdle, and the fact that these courts were designed to reject the majority of claims, billions of dollars have been paid out by the NVICP since it's conception, for deaths and injuries that had to be conclusively proven to be caused by vaccines, in a court of law.

By dismissing critics of your views as 'anti-vax,' you are attempting to marginalize us with pejoratives, as opposed to having a civil discussion about a valid topic. This only marginalizes you as someone childishly throwing epithets amid an adult conversation. I believe this is either because you know you are defending an inferior position, or you are just parroting some state funded media talking points, as a substitute to doing your own critical research. By promoting industry propaganda, you are also dipping your toe into the sea of blood that these criminal corporations whet their beaks with.

At least you have the courage of your convictions to debate your points. Something your hero, Paul Offit, knows better than to do. Especially against someone as knowledgeable of these topics as RFK jr.

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Wow...your reply was extraordinarily lacking in functional literacy.

RFK jr: "When vaccines injure or kill a child, the drug company that produced the vaccine is completely free from liability."

I posted the exact part of the law that explains that all US families can sue vaccine makers.

RFK jr is an attorney, he is just flat out lying.

And I provided an example of a vaccine maker being sued---there are lots of other examples.

Since vaccine makers are sued, it must be possible to sue. How can you fail to understand this simple fact????

Andin the case I posted, the Court summary rejected the anti-vaccs because it detailed how they are idiots and liars.

Seriously, can you not read the words?

All you have done there is to barf up standard anti-vacc lies that insult the intelligence of the average middle-schooler.

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So I suppose you can link to a court case where someone successfully sued a vaccine manufacturer for vax injury post 1986? All your links so far validate my point, and suggest that you have an agenda that will persist regardless of facts, even from your own citations. I don't think you understood me when I acknowledged that there have been cases attempted against these criminal organizations, but "Congress set up a system in which vaccine makers are "exonerated" in 99 percent of all cases, and few cases go to the state courts."

- Lawyer David Frederick https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=130518436.

You must be aware of Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, Inc. Supreme court rulings set legal precedents that can be difficult to penetrate. I'm not sure why you can't understand the nuance of this topic. "People who have a beef with vaccines they claim were designed improperly can't sidestep a federal law that protects manufacturers from lawsuits, the Supreme Court has ruled." https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2011/02/22/133964322/supreme-court-upholds-liability-shield-for-vaccine-makers

Again, you are trying to be dismissive through the use of insults and ad hominem attacks, yet you don't seem to be able to read or comprehend critical statements, even those that agree with you, like you wish to argue in an echo chamber. Considering these points, RFK's statement seems valid, and yours is misleading to not include those vital details. You just continue to repeat your rhetoric, rather than addressing any points I have made. You don't seem to have the legal literacy to understand why one will likely not be able to succeed in suing a vaccine maker after the development of the NVICP. Especially following the supreme court ruling in 2011. Are you wanting to have a serious conversation, or is your objective to belligerently argue semantics with strangers online? Stop wasting time on this thread and do some research from an avenue not affiliated with state powers or legacy media. If you want to make an impact, you must read and address the points of your critics, rather than dismissing them and endlessly repeating your uninformed mantras.

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"So I suppose you can link to a court case where someone successfully sued a vaccine manufacturer for vax injury post 1986? "

I did already.

The Maryland link is from 2008 and the Blackwell family sued the vaccine maker Wyeth--claiming that their child's autism was caused by vaccination.

Naturally you continue to be silent on the facts of the case: the Court clearly detailed how the vaccines cause autism grifters are idiots and frauds....

And here is the Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, Inc. Supreme court ruling:


Note paragraph 4 of the opinion:

"At that point, a claimant has two options: to accept the court’s judgment and forgo a traditional tort suit for damages, or to reject the judgment and seek tort relief from the vaccine manufacturer."

The law is super clear, you must file first with the vaccine court....and then everyone can sue the vaccine makers.

It is just a fact, the anti-vaccs have spent decades lying saying the vaccine makers were immune from liability.

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I am against all vaccines and I never take that argument about the Government saying you cannot sue this or that.

Bright intelligent people do not depend on Government and its henchmen, experts, mouthpieces, politicans, laws, lettered agencies...etc...etc.... to attain the knowledge to keep good HEALth and well being.

I always go with the obvious....and that is the Rockefeller Created Allopathic Capitalistic System of Medicine.

It is not in doubt, a careful inspection of the history of the Rockefeller Foundation will clue you into a system of medicine that does not cure, does not lead to good HEALth and well being, otherwise why is everyone so sick in america???

It is a system of medicine that the usury nature of the money supply prevents the medical system from actually curing an unhealthy body, instead you are 'treated' not cured.

Seriously the Allopathic system of medicine arose out of John D Rockefeller's Big Oil. No Oil no Allopathic system of Medicine.

The Organic Compounds in the petroleum products were used for medicines. The carcenogenic nature of oil led to a rise in Cancer in the early 1900's to which John D funded into existence the American Cancer Society in 1913.

....and the cure is known, keep the chemicals, toxins, carcinogens out of your body, but the ACS does not promote such for the ACS job is to give America a SOCIETY of CANCER and looky looky we have exactly that. I mean now days they have cancer hospitals just for cancer....where you can get some more petroleum products (Chemo) to cure your cancer, before checking out in horrible pain.

The worst part is it needs ignorant people to support this fraudulant allopathic system of pHARMa and Butchery..... this is where you come in......Albus

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So why didn't you condemn the anti-vaccs for lying about not being able to sue vaccine makers?

OK.....even if you don't understand the science, we can follow your advice and just try thinking.

National healthcare systems and US for profit health insurance companies all pay to purchase vaccines, they pay to store and administer vaccines and they also pay for the healthcare expenses of their members.

They also have been collecting data for many decades on many 100s of millions of people.

Surprise, they all support using vaccines. They all find vaccines are safe and effective.

For profit health insurance companies want to maximize their profits...and they all support and actively encourage the use of vaccines.

How many billion more real world data points do you need to see that vaccines are safe and effective?

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When no discussion is allowed, no debate and there is censorship I do not even have to read the data to know that it is a scam.

Vaccines have never worked, Jenner is a fraud, Sabin and Salk are frauds.........they of the tainted polio vaccines....98 million doses to be exact

The medical industrial complex and big pharma are just business models for the Rockefeller medicine men.

It is all about money and if there is money to be made people will rush in to suport the fraud and make it look real.

See Below!

“We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”

--------Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance reported in a National Academies Press publication February 12, 2016

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"When no discussion is allowed, no debate and there is censorship I do not even have to read the data to know that it is a scam."

And when one is functionally literate and one has the integrity to look one see that there is extensive discussion and debate in the scientific community....and systematical censorship by the anti-vaccs!

BTW: your quote from Dazak is inaccurate....really helps you know what he actual said!


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Why did you not go after CNBC and other news outlest that said EXACTLY that!!!

........as oppose to attacking your fellow everyday human being who like most heard it on the news which is no place to get anthing but shit shoveled down your gullet and then repeat and regurgitate such a statement.

I was not going to condemn people on a point that is moot.

Fact is I cannot sue a vaccine mfg like I could sue any other business that harmed me.

Here is a link from FindLaw. Also note they state "Most drugs cause harm" Lol tested ...right!?!?!


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1. Why didn't you provide any examples of CNBC etc saying exactly that?

2. You didn't read your link correctly. It clearly explains that the law prevents exactly one type of lawsuit...really, really helps if you know what a design defect "argument" is....


"...is a hypothetical alternative design that would be safer than the original design, as economically feasible as the original design, and as practical as the original design,..."

3. Fact is that anyone in the US who thinks there is vaccine injury can sue the vaccine maker.

Why are you silent on the facts as detailed by the Courts in the lawsuits I previously posted?



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They filed their lawsuit against Wyeth and the Court determined it to be valid.

Perhaps what you really meant to ask was for was an example of someone winning compensation?

Come on, you can figure this out....even in the US where BS lawsuits win all the time...the anti-vacc lies are so stupid they can't win.

With all your personal attacks I think you are just trying to distract from the facts.

It is a fact that anti-vaccs like RFK jr keep lying vaccine makers completely free from liability.

And contrary to your assertion above, the Maryland case clearly shows the anti-vaccs to be liars and frauds.

Apparently you just don't care.

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