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The role of Steve Kirsch in exposing flaws in the medical and pharmacological system is exactly what? Where are the studies he has published in peer reviewed non-predatory journals which would show up in pubmed? Nothing you copy and paste about has anything to do with Steve Kirsch or how to best have a discussion about scientific matters. What about efforts to provide a level playing field? How to ensure actual falsehoods are exposed? You are commenting on an article where one person documents lies said about him by a different person. Do you endorse lies? Steve seems to do so. He is not about creating a level playing field in a debate, he is all about creating a spectacle, preferable in a way which gives his side a huge advantage. That is not servicing truth and transparency. That is demagoguery. Endorsing this style of debate is endorsing demagoguery.

What you quote about profits in the pharma industry comes from a study published in a scientific journal like this:


Which is a published study. According to your copypasta we can't trust studies any more. So why can we trust this one? Studies are good if they tell me what I want to hear? Or what is it? Should we dispense with science because some of it is bad? If you are looking for perfection, you are not going to find it. That is just a fact.

Producing copypasta instead of a cogent argument also means your cherrypicking will produce inaccuracies: Dr. Marcia Angell did not resign from her post, she voluntarily withdrew from it, and she was not 20 years editor-in-Chief, though she was one of the editors during that time, but she was editor-in-Chief only for a brief time. Taking quotes out of their context can change them.

While nobody denies that excessive profit is a problem in the pharma industry, but do you really want to abolish it and deprive people of their often life-saving medications? What is your alternative? Do you have a plan? Or do you just want to tear down, to hell with consequences? Have you ever thought a problem through yourself, or do you always rely on others to do your thinking by picking quotes you like?

Do you really want to go back to times before smallpox was eradicated? Smallpox would still be around but for vaccines. Have you read up on smallpox? Would you have wanted to catch it?

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Tigris posted,

What you quote about profits in the pharma industry comes from a study published in a scientific journal like this:....

No it comes from the mouth of Marcia Angell or do you have another flesh and blood man or women to attribute it to?

I mean she told you where the information came from.

Who is responsible for the Fortune 500?



Of course not and then you actually say: "comes from a study published in a scientific journal like this:...."

Not that it was published in an EXACT specific scientific journal ....just one like this........

Seriously?!?! one just like this?

Why don't you give me the actual scientific journal's name where it is published? and not one just like this...........

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Tigris posted,

"Do you really want to go back to times before smallpox was eradicated? Smallpox would still be around but for vaccines. Have you read up on smallpox? Would you have wanted to catch it"

Isn't to "catch" something i would do willingly?

I mean who would "catch" something they do not want?

Anyways I had someone say the exact same thing only they used "Polio" as opposed to smallpox.

I promptly told that person both the Salk and Sabin vaccines were tainted with an animal carcinogen. and that 98 Million doses were given.

Tigris what do "carcinogens" cause?

The polio vaccine was given in the 50's and the 60's and then it is these groups of people that have cancer left and right just like it is the common friggin cold...so much that there are hospitals just for cancer now....who would have thought???

My Mother had five differnt kinds of cancer or so they say, gave her CHEM_o_icals that HEALed her? No it killed her......I watched it happen as the brainless Dr just follow their teachings and practices.

You can inject chemicals to keep from dying, I will eat organic foods and live in the amish community that does not allow Strangers to TELL A VISION of virus, vaccines, death, fear..........

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I am not about defending Steve Kirch and never will.

and the quotes are not taken out of context.

She was Chief Editor YES or NO? "Yes" thank you for agreeing with me!

Why even mention that she was CHIEF EDITOR....was that to verify what I posted.....Lol!

and that quote I actually transcribed from a book, so politely f off on the copy paste comment.

What is my alternative?

Glad you asked.

I live amongst the amish working on an amish organic farm.

My alternative is to eat healthy, no chemicals, additives, food coloring, toxins, preservatives, vaccines, medicines, GMO's, processed foods...etc....etc........

I never get sick....I might have a 12 or 24 hour bug once or twice a year which i fast through drinking a lot of water, but i never get sick to where I am down and out for a week or more or that I would be desperate enough to go to a capitalistic allopath for some "medicine by deception" (Pharmakeia/Pharmacy)

Also the amish did not test, did not mask, did not vaccinate, did not contract covid or die from covid. The amish are not cloistered, they get out and about, they eat in restaurants, shop in stores, go on vacation, non amish shop in amish shops/stores/businesses so the prevailing narrative AS YOU BELIEVE it should have covid slaying the amish because they did none of the reccomendations and yet they are one of the healthiest communities in america if not the world and you have zero to refute any of what I just said. In fact you can pound sand because the amish prove the covid narrative is 100% bullshit and they will tell you that and none of them have a college degree, are a scientist, experts, doctor...blah...blah...blah.

...and this leads to the fact the vaccinations are bullshit....I mean why do you need them?

Just ask the amish what they did to not need a jab with respect to covid.....right?!?!

BTW I cannot wait to hear the tripe you are going to post about the amish.

One last thing

There are two things that determine how long and how well you will live.

1) What you consume and or put in or on your body.

2) How clean is the Air, Land and Water you live around.

These two things have more to do with how long and how well you live than anything eles in this world and nothing else comes close least it fall under one of the two categories.

Knowing this I act accordingly, this is why i would never take a vax.

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