It is total nonsense that a placebo for any vaccine can only be water. It is the correct way to formulate a placebo to use everything but the eventual antigen against which the body will make antibodies. Only a science illiterate person would claim otherwise.
Also our human bodies do not make antibodies against substances which are too sm…
It is total nonsense that a placebo for any vaccine can only be water. It is the correct way to formulate a placebo to use everything but the eventual antigen against which the body will make antibodies. Only a science illiterate person would claim otherwise.
Also our human bodies do not make antibodies against substances which are too small, so addition against sodium citrate, sodium phosphate, and sucrose cannot be an issue.
It is understandable that a lawyer has no real knowledge in biology, but that is zero excuse to write pseudoscientific babble in public and personal ignorance in biology is also no excuse to spread such babble.
What the heck is bioactive supposed to mean in this context? That a human body can metabolize some substances is totally irrelevant whether it produces antibodies against it. Even if the body would produce antibodies against those substances, the point of antibodies is that they are highly specific and they would not bind to rotavirus and therefore not protect from disease. It is therefore total nonsense to find presence of additional substances in a placebo objectionable.
Does either of you even have a remote clue why flu shots are given yearly? Obviously not.
I think you have swallowed way too many blue pills. Go and learn some basic facts about the human immune system before you think ignorant nonsense is worth writing about.
I think what the vaccine skeptical are referring to is that it depends on the study question: if we're talking about how effective the treatment is at stimulating an immune response, then yes, substances that are immunologically inert could reasonably be considered as being a placebo. But if safety is the question, then the placebo for something given parenterally should be saline, and nothing more.
If you don't like anti-vacc, then there are many courts that have characterized such folks as liars for money.
My 2 cents. Most folks aren't scientists and it is easy to see why they are fooled by anti-vaccs lying about what a placebo is. Then you are just a victim of fraud.
But if one then refuses to use their basic reading skills to learn what placebos are and how to use them.....then one is an anti-vacc.
Safety is studied in the phase 1 of a clinical trial. Effectiveness is studied in phase 2 of a clinical trial when it is already known whether the treatment is safe. So what is your point?
No one gets these colds that last a week or more. Most have a sniffle, cough, runny nose for a day or two and sometime just a few hour bug.
Healthy GMO free, chemical free vegtables, fruits, baked good and meats is the way to go.
Hell that nut job Kirsch offered a large sum of money if anyone could just find five amish people who died of covid...I mean all you had to do is scan the amish obit's in the amish papers....I read them all the time.
I mean Tigris why did you not take up Kirsch on his bet?
Surely you must believe the deadly covid killed the anti-vaxxer amish right??!?!??!!?!
At least Five of them.....right?!?!?!?!?!
If you cannot explain away why the amish did not die of from covid you should run along and stfu.
Every post I am going to ask you why the amish are not contracting covid, why they are not taking the jab and yet they flourish despite your fear mongering.
Paul Offut has zero to say about the amish.
The amish impugn the whole covid narrative.
and i can tell you the amish politely laugh at the notion that they are fine but they see all these crazy people wearing mask, lining up outside testing tents, getting jabbed down at the fire station and then the amish see these same type of people coming out of the store with cartons of cigarettes, bottles of coke and pepsi, bags of chips...fat and unhealthy with the wal-mart bodies.
Again tell me why the amish are immune to covid maybe i will take you seriously.
I have asked you why the amish that i live with are immune to covid?
Sadly you cannot answer.........and you will NEVER be able to answer.
You run off parroting the same old line about placebo's
Blah Blah Blah.
There is no covid and there is no need to be jab and if you believe so explain away the amish and their ability to magically sidestep covid.
and BTW this is not to say the amish are immune from sickness because there are amish farmers who do not know any better and they use Roundup and other chemicals and they get cancer. The amish community i am in are organic regenititive farmers, they do not have these problems.
What information would you need from me then to prove to you what I say, because i can offer it up to a legitimate source....
I have my bills to the farm that itemize every farm worker i bring to the farm, creamery worker (Milk maids) deliveries, pick ups, auctions...etc...etc.....that i do for the amish.
I have documented proof for over two and a half years of that pandemic B/S that shows I continued to bring the same workers in day after day after day and like i said i never missed a day of work and i never got sick....why is that? said yourself the amish had covid, then i should have contracted....right?!
How come no one showed Steve Kirsch the obit of five amish that died of covid so they could collect a big payday?
because no amish died of covid.
Well Albus I take that back. I know one Amish who died of covid.
He had a Congenital heart condition and went to a hospital where you know they are going to diagnose $$$$ covid.
The family was raising the money to have a new autopsy done. The community knows why this man died and they know it is not covid.
are you okay? do you need someone to talk to besides typing comments here? there are solutions out there for you.
i have seen a lot of advertisements for a new company called "better help". i believe it is a counseling & therapy business you can use conveniently from the privacy of your home. maybe it is something you should look into.
the reason I did not respond to your argument is: you did not respond to mine.
you seem to think you did, but adding conjecture does nothing to advance the conversation nor bring clarity to the core issue.
Paul Offit already got caught editing his recent post "should scientists debate the undebatable" by Aaron Siri walking back his claim that 'of course all vaccines are tested against placebos': being you are unlikely to - you know, read - the punch line is Offit changed his words from "all" to "most"
again the punchline being: RFK wont take away any vaccines, but he will push the CDC to live up to its mission & conduct placebo controlled studies for the cdc recommended vaccine schedule.
I live in the heart of amish community, i work on an amish organic farm. I spend my whole day with amish. I bring all the workers into the farm early every morning, I run errands for the farm and am on many other amish farms daily.
Amazingly I did not mask, the amish did not mask, I was never sick at all during the faux pandemic and no one got covid....and you cannot prove any amish had just can't!
Not only do i work on the farm i help out other amish families in the community.
No one had covid, they had the sniffles and colds they always have during the cold winter months....
You have never spent one mintue of any real meaningful time with the amish.
Me? I have been fortunate and blessed to allowed to be a part of a community that i moved into just to get away from the karens and darrens like yourself.
Amish did not mask in their stores, farm stands and the like, did not test, did not social distance, did not get covid, did not vaccinate and did not die from covid.
It is sad that you cannot fathom that.
I witnessed and lived the proof......
You have ZERO proof, no evidence, lacking any verifiable information to back up your assertions and can probably do no more than post a link to an article that will reinforce the lies you believe making you think you somehow won the debate/argument......
Oh look, no actual data in your set of assertions.
Folks often note how anti-vaccs just make things up.
1. Although not recently, like others, I have for decades done research with (primarily) Mennonites and Hutterites and (secondarily) with Amish.
The reasons for collaborating with them really, really, really should be obvious.....
2. More than three years ago Holmes Morton--you know, the rather famous doctor that serves the Amish--set up a covid testing clinic for the Amish....guess what? The Amish got covid!
Strange that with your extensive personal knowledge of the Amish that you are unaware of all the Covid cases that were detected.
3. Then it is just counting. According to the Amish they had 3 major peaks of Covid deaths by the end of 2021:
You claimed a lawyer dude (you seem to think that being a lawyer makes somebody omniscient in other matters) says a placebo only can contain water.
I explained to you that this is wrong and why.
You have not been able to defend your position.
And of course vaccines are not always tested against placebos. There is a progression in clinical studies. It depends on the phase of the clinical study what a vaccine is tested against.
But you don't know what clinical studies are, you have no clue that sucrose is table sugar. Yes, if you eat too much sugar it is bad for you. You have no clue that that in an oral vaccine the absence of sugar only in the placebo could really clue somebody in whether their child is getting a placebo or not.
If RFK is so concerned about vaccine safety, why does he say all his kids are fully vaccinated? He won't put his kids at risk of infectious diseases, but for other kids, that it totally fine?
you explained why a randomized double blind placebo controlled trial for a vaccine using a saline solution is wrong? where?
you claim "It is the correct way to formulate a placebo to use everything but the eventual antigen against which the body will make antibodies," but provide no rationale other than, "Only a science illiterate person would claim otherwise."
this is your unsubstantiated claim. many disagree with you and think that giving mercury or aluminum (which will be in the final formulation of the drug being tested) to the control group in a vaccine trial may mask safety signals.
you say 'of course vaccines are not tested against placebos"
paul offit just got caught revising himself initially claiming "all" vaccines do placebo trials to "most":
you make a lot of claims and use an appeal to authority as your only justification.
"you don't know what clinical studies are, you have no clue that sucrose is table sugar."
Tigris, it seems like you are very stressed and are lashing out. talking with someone about what is stressing you may be a good idea. perhaps you should take some time away from the internet and reflect on what is causing your stress.
offit agrees that too much of anything can cause adverse events including water & salt.
you then create this weak argument about risk to the clinical trial if the blinding is broken - yet again it's a claim without data.
here is something you might find interesting - its one of the most widely cited papers by one of the world's most cited researchers (phD in epidemiology): Why most published research findings are false - lead author John Ioannidis
To quote what you copied and pasted in the beginning:
"RotaTeq is administered via oral drops. A “placebo” would have been water drops in the mouth. The control used in the trial, however, included bioactive ingredients including almost all the ingredients in the RotaTeq vaccine itself.
Now you claim that your argument was that you wrote saline, which is false. The statements I make are very easy to verify. I trusted you to have sufficient integrity to check up on my statements and learn in the process. I guess I am expecting too much.
Instead of educating yourself e.g. on the different phases of clinical trials you seem to think a good response is to attack me as a person. All that does is indicate that you are unable to attack the arguments. To add to this inability you leave words out when claiming to quote me which is dishonest. I never wrote "of course vaccines are not tested against placebos". I wrote "And of course vaccines are not always tested against placebos." That "always" is important. You have shown by your own actions that you are not a good faith actor. But hey, what's new, another lying internet troll. Only you managed to set the bar really low. That is not an achievement you ought to be proud of, but you probably will be.
Oh, and feel free to respond to that with the tritest insults you can come up with. I won't mind at all. I am done with substack. I would need to get paid in order to put up with such a level of idiocy. But I am grateful to all of you who contributed to this insight. Just keep asking RFK, Kirsch et al. what to think. After all they are dealing with complex problems by giving the clear, simple answers...;-)
Albus is dense...he does not see that both sides are working towards the same goal.
It is the same playbook in every other country.
RFK loves vaccines.........
To say otherwise is just flat out wrong!
He has said it many many many times he is for vaccines just not the untested covid vaccine...and it is untested.
In the EUA was one sentence that said: "It is an Investigational Vaccine Not Licensed for Any Indication"
Albus took an 'It is an Investigational Vaccine Not Licensed for any Indication'
and you really have to be amazed at people who allowed this crap to be injected into their body when that sentence is in every Emergency Use Authorization letter......
That EUA was a warning not to take the jab.
What did you think when you read that sentence in the EUA Albus?
Apparently you must have thought it took the jab....right?
Talk about foolish!
Again the covid vaccinations is: 'It is an Investigational Vaccine Not Licensed for any Indication'
You deflect and now i will call you out as a Fraud everytime.
The EUA States: 'It is an Investigational Vaccine Not Licensed for any Indication'
What part of the sentence out of the Emergency Use Authorization says it is fully tested?
It is implying just the opposite.
Does "Investigational" = "Of course it was tested before the EUA"
BTW Albus the USA Government has lied endlessly, what in the world makes you believe you can post a government link and think that you are getting any kind of truth?
Here again are the exact words....still posted above:
"...not the untested covid vaccine..." Untested is 100% clear, zero ambiguity there.
And from the link I posted:
"The available safety data to support the EUA include 37,586 of the participants enrolled in an ongoing randomized, placebo-controlled international study."
And if one reads through the references one finds there was lots more data.
Fact: the claim the vaccine was "untested" is a lie predicated on folks being unable or unwilling to read.
BTW: I stand by my statements that the anti-vaccs are fraud and liars and it takes willful...essentially infinite...stupidity to believe them.
It is total nonsense that a placebo for any vaccine can only be water. It is the correct way to formulate a placebo to use everything but the eventual antigen against which the body will make antibodies. Only a science illiterate person would claim otherwise.
Also our human bodies do not make antibodies against substances which are too small, so addition against sodium citrate, sodium phosphate, and sucrose cannot be an issue.
It is understandable that a lawyer has no real knowledge in biology, but that is zero excuse to write pseudoscientific babble in public and personal ignorance in biology is also no excuse to spread such babble.
What the heck is bioactive supposed to mean in this context? That a human body can metabolize some substances is totally irrelevant whether it produces antibodies against it. Even if the body would produce antibodies against those substances, the point of antibodies is that they are highly specific and they would not bind to rotavirus and therefore not protect from disease. It is therefore total nonsense to find presence of additional substances in a placebo objectionable.
Does either of you even have a remote clue why flu shots are given yearly? Obviously not.
I think you have swallowed way too many blue pills. Go and learn some basic facts about the human immune system before you think ignorant nonsense is worth writing about.
I think what the vaccine skeptical are referring to is that it depends on the study question: if we're talking about how effective the treatment is at stimulating an immune response, then yes, substances that are immunologically inert could reasonably be considered as being a placebo. But if safety is the question, then the placebo for something given parenterally should be saline, and nothing more.
Let’s imagine the call to poison control.
Hello poison control? My infant accidentally swallowed 2mL of polysorbate 80, sodium citrate, sodium phosphate, and sucrose.
….. your baby is fine.
First thing to do is to look up what the actual function of a placebo is....not what the anti-vaccs keep claiming.
anti vaxx is a term of marginlization.
Why don't you be stand up and just say people are skeptical about Big Pharmas claims of safety because that is what it really comes down to.
You have made this comment several times.......
So why don't you just tell people what a placebo is Smarty Pants instead of just being a jerk off.
If you don't like anti-vacc, then there are many courts that have characterized such folks as liars for money.
My 2 cents. Most folks aren't scientists and it is easy to see why they are fooled by anti-vaccs lying about what a placebo is. Then you are just a victim of fraud.
But if one then refuses to use their basic reading skills to learn what placebos are and how to use them.....then one is an anti-vacc.
Knock it off with scientist B/S!
You do not have to be a scientist to understand and comprehend these allopathic Rockefeller Medicine Men Operations.
How about the scientist at Duke? A world renown research university.
Let me geuss that Duke is the ONLY research university that would LIE and FALSIFY Data to get grants...right?!?
you are so naive that is why you injected a substance you have no idea what is in it unless you would like to give me the ingredient list....
Safety is studied in the phase 1 of a clinical trial. Effectiveness is studied in phase 2 of a clinical trial when it is already known whether the treatment is safe. So what is your point?
No I do not have a clue why there are flu shots.
I live amongst the amish.
No one gets these colds that last a week or more. Most have a sniffle, cough, runny nose for a day or two and sometime just a few hour bug.
Healthy GMO free, chemical free vegtables, fruits, baked good and meats is the way to go.
Hell that nut job Kirsch offered a large sum of money if anyone could just find five amish people who died of covid...I mean all you had to do is scan the amish obit's in the amish papers....I read them all the time.
I mean Tigris why did you not take up Kirsch on his bet?
Surely you must believe the deadly covid killed the anti-vaxxer amish right??!?!??!!?!
At least Five of them.....right?!?!?!?!?!
If you cannot explain away why the amish did not die of from covid you should run along and stfu.
Every post I am going to ask you why the amish are not contracting covid, why they are not taking the jab and yet they flourish despite your fear mongering.
Paul Offut has zero to say about the amish.
The amish impugn the whole covid narrative.
and i can tell you the amish politely laugh at the notion that they are fine but they see all these crazy people wearing mask, lining up outside testing tents, getting jabbed down at the fire station and then the amish see these same type of people coming out of the store with cartons of cigarettes, bottles of coke and pepsi, bags of chips...fat and unhealthy with the wal-mart bodies.
Again tell me why the amish are immune to covid maybe i will take you seriously.
Here we go again!
The fraud narrative that only certain people can understand or have the knowledge.
You are a Fraud Tigris. You are basically calling everyone stupid....
Vaccines have never worked. There is a centuries worth of vaccine injuries and deaths.
Are you "Signature Reduction"
lol, good luck to you.
are you up to date on all of your covid shots?
You are obviously unable to cogently defend the position you have been presenting. Have you been overdosing on your blue pills yet again?
I have defended my positions.
I have asked you why the amish that i live with are immune to covid?
Sadly you cannot answer.........and you will NEVER be able to answer.
You run off parroting the same old line about placebo's
Blah Blah Blah.
There is no covid and there is no need to be jab and if you believe so explain away the amish and their ability to magically sidestep covid.
and BTW this is not to say the amish are immune from sickness because there are amish farmers who do not know any better and they use Roundup and other chemicals and they get cancer. The amish community i am in are organic regenititive farmers, they do not have these problems.
"I have asked you why the amish that i live with are immune to covid"
Flat out making things up is not defending your is demonstrating how wrong you are.
What information would you need from me then to prove to you what I say, because i can offer it up to a legitimate source....
I have my bills to the farm that itemize every farm worker i bring to the farm, creamery worker (Milk maids) deliveries, pick ups, auctions...etc...etc.....that i do for the amish.
I have documented proof for over two and a half years of that pandemic B/S that shows I continued to bring the same workers in day after day after day and like i said i never missed a day of work and i never got sick....why is that? said yourself the amish had covid, then i should have contracted....right?!
How come no one showed Steve Kirsch the obit of five amish that died of covid so they could collect a big payday?
because no amish died of covid.
Well Albus I take that back. I know one Amish who died of covid.
He had a Congenital heart condition and went to a hospital where you know they are going to diagnose $$$$ covid.
The family was raising the money to have a new autopsy done. The community knows why this man died and they know it is not covid.
are you okay? do you need someone to talk to besides typing comments here? there are solutions out there for you.
i have seen a lot of advertisements for a new company called "better help". i believe it is a counseling & therapy business you can use conveniently from the privacy of your home. maybe it is something you should look into.
the reason I did not respond to your argument is: you did not respond to mine.
you seem to think you did, but adding conjecture does nothing to advance the conversation nor bring clarity to the core issue.
Paul Offit already got caught editing his recent post "should scientists debate the undebatable" by Aaron Siri walking back his claim that 'of course all vaccines are tested against placebos': being you are unlikely to - you know, read - the punch line is Offit changed his words from "all" to "most"
here is the best example of RFK's opinion on vaccines, its a long form discussion in which both a MD & the news host push back.
again the punchline being: RFK wont take away any vaccines, but he will push the CDC to live up to its mission & conduct placebo controlled studies for the cdc recommended vaccine schedule.
Here let me fix that for you:
RFK jr will continue grifting million$ from the clueless.
Agreed, but why would you think a Kennedy is not in it for you tell me why the amish are immune to covid?
While following absolutely none of the covid protocols?
The Amish are not immune to covid and have been hit hard by the virus.
Naturally the anti-vaccs lie about this simple fact.
I live in the heart of amish community, i work on an amish organic farm. I spend my whole day with amish. I bring all the workers into the farm early every morning, I run errands for the farm and am on many other amish farms daily.
Amazingly I did not mask, the amish did not mask, I was never sick at all during the faux pandemic and no one got covid....and you cannot prove any amish had just can't!
Not only do i work on the farm i help out other amish families in the community.
No one had covid, they had the sniffles and colds they always have during the cold winter months....
You have never spent one mintue of any real meaningful time with the amish.
Me? I have been fortunate and blessed to allowed to be a part of a community that i moved into just to get away from the karens and darrens like yourself.
Amish did not mask in their stores, farm stands and the like, did not test, did not social distance, did not get covid, did not vaccinate and did not die from covid.
It is sad that you cannot fathom that.
I witnessed and lived the proof......
You have ZERO proof, no evidence, lacking any verifiable information to back up your assertions and can probably do no more than post a link to an article that will reinforce the lies you believe making you think you somehow won the debate/argument......
Oh look, no actual data in your set of assertions.
Folks often note how anti-vaccs just make things up.
1. Although not recently, like others, I have for decades done research with (primarily) Mennonites and Hutterites and (secondarily) with Amish.
The reasons for collaborating with them really, really, really should be obvious.....
2. More than three years ago Holmes Morton--you know, the rather famous doctor that serves the Amish--set up a covid testing clinic for the Amish....guess what? The Amish got covid!
Strange that with your extensive personal knowledge of the Amish that you are unaware of all the Covid cases that were detected.
3. Then it is just counting. According to the Amish they had 3 major peaks of Covid deaths by the end of 2021:
And there is lots of information how so many Amish have died from just has to care about facts!
You claimed a lawyer dude (you seem to think that being a lawyer makes somebody omniscient in other matters) says a placebo only can contain water.
I explained to you that this is wrong and why.
You have not been able to defend your position.
And of course vaccines are not always tested against placebos. There is a progression in clinical studies. It depends on the phase of the clinical study what a vaccine is tested against.
But you don't know what clinical studies are, you have no clue that sucrose is table sugar. Yes, if you eat too much sugar it is bad for you. You have no clue that that in an oral vaccine the absence of sugar only in the placebo could really clue somebody in whether their child is getting a placebo or not.
If RFK is so concerned about vaccine safety, why does he say all his kids are fully vaccinated? He won't put his kids at risk of infectious diseases, but for other kids, that it totally fine?
you explained why a randomized double blind placebo controlled trial for a vaccine using a saline solution is wrong? where?
you claim "It is the correct way to formulate a placebo to use everything but the eventual antigen against which the body will make antibodies," but provide no rationale other than, "Only a science illiterate person would claim otherwise."
this is your unsubstantiated claim. many disagree with you and think that giving mercury or aluminum (which will be in the final formulation of the drug being tested) to the control group in a vaccine trial may mask safety signals.
you say 'of course vaccines are not tested against placebos"
paul offit just got caught revising himself initially claiming "all" vaccines do placebo trials to "most":
you make a lot of claims and use an appeal to authority as your only justification.
"you don't know what clinical studies are, you have no clue that sucrose is table sugar."
Tigris, it seems like you are very stressed and are lashing out. talking with someone about what is stressing you may be a good idea. perhaps you should take some time away from the internet and reflect on what is causing your stress.
offit agrees that too much of anything can cause adverse events including water & salt.
you then create this weak argument about risk to the clinical trial if the blinding is broken - yet again it's a claim without data.
here is something you might find interesting - its one of the most widely cited papers by one of the world's most cited researchers (phD in epidemiology): Why most published research findings are false - lead author John Ioannidis
when did pfizer & moderna break their blinding on their clinical trial programs? did it compromise the study?
are you up to date on your covid shots?
have you received your updated pfizer or moderna shot?
CDC says you should go get your updated shot:
best not to question authority.
To quote what you copied and pasted in the beginning:
"RotaTeq is administered via oral drops. A “placebo” would have been water drops in the mouth. The control used in the trial, however, included bioactive ingredients including almost all the ingredients in the RotaTeq vaccine itself.
Now you claim that your argument was that you wrote saline, which is false. The statements I make are very easy to verify. I trusted you to have sufficient integrity to check up on my statements and learn in the process. I guess I am expecting too much.
Instead of educating yourself e.g. on the different phases of clinical trials you seem to think a good response is to attack me as a person. All that does is indicate that you are unable to attack the arguments. To add to this inability you leave words out when claiming to quote me which is dishonest. I never wrote "of course vaccines are not tested against placebos". I wrote "And of course vaccines are not always tested against placebos." That "always" is important. You have shown by your own actions that you are not a good faith actor. But hey, what's new, another lying internet troll. Only you managed to set the bar really low. That is not an achievement you ought to be proud of, but you probably will be.
Oh, and feel free to respond to that with the tritest insults you can come up with. I won't mind at all. I am done with substack. I would need to get paid in order to put up with such a level of idiocy. But I am grateful to all of you who contributed to this insight. Just keep asking RFK, Kirsch et al. what to think. After all they are dealing with complex problems by giving the clear, simple answers...;-)
too funny. claim the moral high ground, commit projection, throw an ad hominem and leave. that solves it!
best to follow cdc guidance and go get up to date on your covid shots.
you wouldnt dissent from the cdc would you? are you an anti-vaxer?
How it really just too difficult for you to see how saline placebos can break the study blinding????
"you explained why a randomized double blind placebo controlled trial for a vaccine using a saline solution is wrong? "
Sometimes a saline placebo would break the blinding of the trial and make the results invalid.
This is first year college level, and statisticians have been explaining this fact to the anti-vaccs for decades.
Albus is dense...he does not see that both sides are working towards the same goal.
It is the same playbook in every other country.
RFK loves vaccines.........
To say otherwise is just flat out wrong!
He has said it many many many times he is for vaccines just not the untested covid vaccine...and it is untested.
In the EUA was one sentence that said: "It is an Investigational Vaccine Not Licensed for Any Indication"
Albus took an 'It is an Investigational Vaccine Not Licensed for any Indication'
and you really have to be amazed at people who allowed this crap to be injected into their body when that sentence is in every Emergency Use Authorization letter......
That EUA was a warning not to take the jab.
What did you think when you read that sentence in the EUA Albus?
Apparently you must have thought it took the jab....right?
Talk about foolish!
Again the covid vaccinations is: 'It is an Investigational Vaccine Not Licensed for any Indication'
"He has said it many many many times he is for vaccines just not the untested covid vaccine...and it is untested."
Of course it was tested before the EUA.
And lots and lots more testing since then.
Amazingly some folks just can't find these basic facts....anti-vaccs like RFK jr prey upon such folks.
Albus said: "And lots and lots more testing since then"
Why would you need more testing?
You yourself stated it was already tested before the EUA.
You are wishy washy
"Why would you need more testing?"
Somewhere your 5th grade science and English teachers are crying...
Besides for the regulatory reasons explained in the link I posted, for the same reason there is testing on-going on penicillin! And Aspirin, etc etc
You deflect and now i will call you out as a Fraud everytime.
The EUA States: 'It is an Investigational Vaccine Not Licensed for any Indication'
What part of the sentence out of the Emergency Use Authorization says it is fully tested?
It is implying just the opposite.
Does "Investigational" = "Of course it was tested before the EUA"
BTW Albus the USA Government has lied endlessly, what in the world makes you believe you can post a government link and think that you are getting any kind of truth?
Thank you!
Here again are the exact words....still posted above:
"...not the untested covid vaccine..." Untested is 100% clear, zero ambiguity there.
And from the link I posted:
"The available safety data to support the EUA include 37,586 of the participants enrolled in an ongoing randomized, placebo-controlled international study."
And if one reads through the references one finds there was lots more data.
Fact: the claim the vaccine was "untested" is a lie predicated on folks being unable or unwilling to read.
BTW: I stand by my statements that the anti-vaccs are fraud and liars and it takes willful...essentially infinite...stupidity to believe them.