A debate between a lawyer and infectious disease specialist on infectious disease is pointless, the infectious disease specialist knows a lot more about infectious disease than a lawyer! Lawyering is not about Truth, its about raising doubt. Which is why RFK is so good at spreading misinformation and sowing doubt. He is a really solid lawyer. Check out Ari Melber explanation on why debate is pointless. By the way, Ari loves debate, even has a book about it.
I prefer reading books, with books you learn as you go, with videos I have to then go back, check, research, investigate excogitate about what strangers say when i can form my own opinions while i read.
Watching the video the host correctly points out that environmental issues could be the cause of autism.....see same page, don't be so quick to judge.
In the environmental insurance industry there are but two things that determine how long and how well one will live.
1) How clean is the air, land and water you live upon.
2) What you consume and or put in or on your body.
Nothing else comes close and if it does it falls under one of the two aforementioned.
Vaccines fall under #2
For the host to then turn around and say we simply don't know precisely the cause of Autism is just a bunch of wishy washy speak. I am suppose to trust the capitalistic allopathic medical scientific experts that cannot figure out the cause of autism but don't worry injecting these foreign substances in you definitely will not be the cause of autism.....right?
in fact the shots are HEALthy aren't they james.......right?!
After the admission that the host has no idea what cause autism he continues to speak about it by telling that people they have a cognitive bias and skews how we interpret new information...Blah...blah....blah.... I am an adult flesh and blood male. I do not need some nerd dressed to tell me how to excogitate. This guy could not be more wrong. he is full of sh_t
Moving along the video there is a lot of B/S speak. The examples, allegories the host comes up with are pathetic and kiddie like....I mean cars? puddles?
Then he speaks of over a dozen peer reviewed papers that say there is no correlation.
Correlations is Statistical between random variables....
So it is number crunchers that tell me a vaccine is safe.....eh?
Bill Gates already made it clear "How to Lie with Statistics" by Darrell Huff....Right?!?!
Also lets not speak of the 98 million doses of polio vaccine given that was tainted with an animal carcinogen when speaking abut the safety of vaccines ....Ok?
I mean anyone can post a link, so i will return the favor. Here is one: 226 papers demonstrating the multiple associations between vaccines and autism.
The host admits that people (which I will change to MOTHERS) Draw a conclusion between vaccines and autism. ....and why would that be?????????
Mothers are special.... for without "Mother" there is nothing. I trust the instinct of "Mothers" if they Draw a conclusion with concern to their offspring it is legit.
Now here is a whopper:
The host says: "(Parents) MOTHERS who Think about Vaccines before their child is born is 8 times less likely to vaccinate their children" Conclusion? TRUST MOTHER!
and then goes on to say that when Mothers do their own research Mothers get confused and default to doing nothing (no vax).
Quite frankly doing nothing in many instances is better than doing something just for the sake of especially when you do not fully understand it as the host is seemingly making clear.
Seriously this video was a joke.
It had nothing, just a bunch or mumbo jumbo speak.
You must have been joking that it was good, even if it backed up your point of view it was a ridiculously horrible video. Suffice to say there will be no need to link a video to me in the future...... you better come with something much better than that.
There was zilch in this video...notta, zero hard evidence!
Not a strange question at all - if you have children you should reallt read ┬лThe Real Anthony Fauci┬╗ by Robert Kennedy. Or even better and a shorter read is ┬лA Letter To Liberals┬╗ - the facts are there and references to studies, etc. ItтАЩs very odd to me that no one in public health wants to step up and debate him. That is strange.
Not sure if you are a bot or if you canтАЩt read or comprehend well, but in case you wish to understand, IтАЩm not speaking about anything in that article you referenced. IтАЩm speaking about that RFK jr stated that my father had a patent on the measles vaccine (which he did not) and made millions from pharma (which he did not.). How would my father have a patent and make millions without knowing that he did? You make no sense.
Why would one want to read anything written by a misinformation superspreader? For giggles? You are commenting on an article where a witness ennumerates RFK Jr. lies. Do you have any evidence that he does never lie?
How would you know anything if you do not read the book?
People who utter "Misinformation superspreader" means a person cannot think for themselves so they parrot, regurigitate and repeat what the vision tellers, experts, talking heads tell them to repeat because that is all they can do, they certainly cannot seek the truth least they burst their own bubble.
"How would you know anything if you do not read the book?"
I have posted a number of examples...the exact page number and the exact quotes from the book where all it takes is functionally literacy to see that RFK jr lied.
BTW you have never ever once read where I claimed to be anti vaxx, so why do you continue with that label?
Call me what I claim: I am Anti Allopathic Capitalistic Medicine..... but you will not go there for it would force you to come to the understanding that the whole ball of wax that is Allopathy would crumble due to a century plus of lies and crimes under the guise of medicine and you are too timid mentally to break out of this programming.
Yes but you fail to understand that the ENTIRE ALLOPATHIC CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM OF MEDICINE (not HEALth) is BORN of corruption.
This is why you and I cannot move forward with a discussion.
Medicine has NEVER been an honest endeavor......EVER.
The Origins, History, the Etymology, the Symbolism says otherwise, the fact you are not clued into this is your problem not mine.
You can give me all the numbers you desire, the fact that it arise from this very system of corruption (not medicine) precludes and prevents any truth, John D Rockefeller and his Rockefeller Medicine Men would not have it any other way.
I like Health
You like Medicine
The two are not one in the same.
....and no one ever said medicine leads to good HEALth
but Good HEALth like an apple a day will keep the allopath away was not said for no reason at all.
I believe you are getting the wrong information
The wrong information about what? About what I read in that article with my own eyes, or about what I know to be true about my own father?
A debate between a lawyer and infectious disease specialist on infectious disease is pointless, the infectious disease specialist knows a lot more about infectious disease than a lawyer! Lawyering is not about Truth, its about raising doubt. Which is why RFK is so good at spreading misinformation and sowing doubt. He is a really solid lawyer. Check out Ari Melber explanation on why debate is pointless. By the way, Ari loves debate, even has a book about it.
That is a lie.
A debate is never pointless.
https://youtu.be/Rzxr9FeZf1g. Good video for you to watch! If you can, which I doubt
I prefer reading books, with books you learn as you go, with videos I have to then go back, check, research, investigate excogitate about what strangers say when i can form my own opinions while i read.
Watching the video the host correctly points out that environmental issues could be the cause of autism.....see same page, don't be so quick to judge.
In the environmental insurance industry there are but two things that determine how long and how well one will live.
1) How clean is the air, land and water you live upon.
2) What you consume and or put in or on your body.
Nothing else comes close and if it does it falls under one of the two aforementioned.
Vaccines fall under #2
For the host to then turn around and say we simply don't know precisely the cause of Autism is just a bunch of wishy washy speak. I am suppose to trust the capitalistic allopathic medical scientific experts that cannot figure out the cause of autism but don't worry injecting these foreign substances in you definitely will not be the cause of autism.....right?
in fact the shots are HEALthy aren't they james.......right?!
After the admission that the host has no idea what cause autism he continues to speak about it by telling that people they have a cognitive bias and skews how we interpret new information...Blah...blah....blah.... I am an adult flesh and blood male. I do not need some nerd dressed to tell me how to excogitate. This guy could not be more wrong. he is full of sh_t
Moving along the video there is a lot of B/S speak. The examples, allegories the host comes up with are pathetic and kiddie like....I mean cars? puddles?
Then he speaks of over a dozen peer reviewed papers that say there is no correlation.
Correlations is Statistical between random variables....
So it is number crunchers that tell me a vaccine is safe.....eh?
Bill Gates already made it clear "How to Lie with Statistics" by Darrell Huff....Right?!?!
Also lets not speak of the 98 million doses of polio vaccine given that was tainted with an animal carcinogen when speaking abut the safety of vaccines ....Ok?
I mean anyone can post a link, so i will return the favor. Here is one: 226 papers demonstrating the multiple associations between vaccines and autism.
I Digress...
The host admits that people (which I will change to MOTHERS) Draw a conclusion between vaccines and autism. ....and why would that be?????????
Mothers are special.... for without "Mother" there is nothing. I trust the instinct of "Mothers" if they Draw a conclusion with concern to their offspring it is legit.
Now here is a whopper:
The host says: "(Parents) MOTHERS who Think about Vaccines before their child is born is 8 times less likely to vaccinate their children" Conclusion? TRUST MOTHER!
and then goes on to say that when Mothers do their own research Mothers get confused and default to doing nothing (no vax).
Quite frankly doing nothing in many instances is better than doing something just for the sake of especially when you do not fully understand it as the host is seemingly making clear.
Seriously this video was a joke.
It had nothing, just a bunch or mumbo jumbo speak.
You must have been joking that it was good, even if it backed up your point of view it was a ridiculously horrible video. Suffice to say there will be no need to link a video to me in the future...... you better come with something much better than that.
There was zilch in this video...notta, zero hard evidence!
How do you know your father knows what is true? That is what I meant
How does he know what is true about himself? About whether or not he accepted bribes from drug companies? What a strange question.
Not a strange question at all - if you have children you should reallt read ┬лThe Real Anthony Fauci┬╗ by Robert Kennedy. Or even better and a shorter read is ┬лA Letter To Liberals┬╗ - the facts are there and references to studies, etc. ItтАЩs very odd to me that no one in public health wants to step up and debate him. That is strange.
Not sure if you are a bot or if you canтАЩt read or comprehend well, but in case you wish to understand, IтАЩm not speaking about anything in that article you referenced. IтАЩm speaking about that RFK jr stated that my father had a patent on the measles vaccine (which he did not) and made millions from pharma (which he did not.). How would my father have a patent and make millions without knowing that he did? You make no sense.
I sm not referring to anything regarding your fatherтАЩs patent. I do not lnow anything about that and I sm not a bot. You should still read his book
Why would one want to read anything written by a misinformation superspreader? For giggles? You are commenting on an article where a witness ennumerates RFK Jr. lies. Do you have any evidence that he does never lie?
How would you know anything if you do not read the book?
People who utter "Misinformation superspreader" means a person cannot think for themselves so they parrot, regurigitate and repeat what the vision tellers, experts, talking heads tell them to repeat because that is all they can do, they certainly cannot seek the truth least they burst their own bubble.
"How would you know anything if you do not read the book?"
I have posted a number of examples...the exact page number and the exact quotes from the book where all it takes is functionally literacy to see that RFK jr lied.
Why has every single anti-vacc ignored the facts?
BTW you have never ever once read where I claimed to be anti vaxx, so why do you continue with that label?
Call me what I claim: I am Anti Allopathic Capitalistic Medicine..... but you will not go there for it would force you to come to the understanding that the whole ball of wax that is Allopathy would crumble due to a century plus of lies and crimes under the guise of medicine and you are too timid mentally to break out of this programming.
Yes but you fail to understand that the ENTIRE ALLOPATHIC CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM OF MEDICINE (not HEALth) is BORN of corruption.
This is why you and I cannot move forward with a discussion.
Medicine has NEVER been an honest endeavor......EVER.
The Origins, History, the Etymology, the Symbolism says otherwise, the fact you are not clued into this is your problem not mine.
You can give me all the numbers you desire, the fact that it arise from this very system of corruption (not medicine) precludes and prevents any truth, John D Rockefeller and his Rockefeller Medicine Men would not have it any other way.
I like Health
You like Medicine
The two are not one in the same.
....and no one ever said medicine leads to good HEALth
but Good HEALth like an apple a day will keep the allopath away was not said for no reason at all.
People set aside the truth and their own integrity, in exchange for money, every day. Some people do not.