No its not, its a way in which a government functions. Your trying to tie a philosophy into a description of the way a government governs it citizens. The privatization of the economy vs total ownership of the economy is how you determine communism vs fascism. You can have a fascist democracy, or a fascist dictator, but its not some magi…
No its not, its a way in which a government functions. Your trying to tie a philosophy into a description of the way a government governs it citizens. The privatization of the economy vs total ownership of the economy is how you determine communism vs fascism. You can have a fascist democracy, or a fascist dictator, but its not some magical thing that doesn't apply to mandates and taking away freedoms for the betterment of everyone. Your by definition a fascist if your into that.
It’s pointless to argue with someone like you. You clearly don’t even know what fascism actually is and how it’s defined. I refer you again to Prof. Stanley’s book, Umberto Eco’s essay, or any of a number of scholarly works by actual historians and political scientists to learn the basics.
Yes, because he's redefining the common accepted historical definition of fascism, to one of a philosophy. Why a government abuses a class/people within their population to fuel their power isn't what I was even talking about.
Having the power to control peoples lives, but not owning the companies out right is fascism.
Please prove me wrong without some bs philosophical why someone is a fascist, rather than what it is. Drawing on Eco's personal experiences growing up in Mussolini's Italy and his extensive research on fascist movements, the essay offers valuable insights into the nature of fascism and its manifestations.
The last part is the key, its talking about the why, not the what.
I don't need a PH.D to understand having the power to control people = bad. and the more the governments uses that power = facsim.
If you do, then its pointless to argue with you, as you probably need an expert to tell you how do to about everything in your daily life.
Tis was fun, I did read a bit of the book, but honestly didn't think it was worth my time to continue.
Clearly. The arrogance of ignorance is enough for you. Let's just say that I'll accept the evidence- and research-backed discussions of fascism by actual historians and political scientists sooner than some rando showing up on Substack in Dr. Offit's comments bloviating about fascism, complete with a clear lack of understanding of what fascism actually is. I will give you credit, though, for at least not quoting Jonah Goldberg's bullshit. That's something, at least, that Phil (below) couldn't resist doing, even if he didn't actually name Goldberg.
No its not, its a way in which a government functions. Your trying to tie a philosophy into a description of the way a government governs it citizens. The privatization of the economy vs total ownership of the economy is how you determine communism vs fascism. You can have a fascist democracy, or a fascist dictator, but its not some magical thing that doesn't apply to mandates and taking away freedoms for the betterment of everyone. Your by definition a fascist if your into that.
It’s pointless to argue with someone like you. You clearly don’t even know what fascism actually is and how it’s defined. I refer you again to Prof. Stanley’s book, Umberto Eco’s essay, or any of a number of scholarly works by actual historians and political scientists to learn the basics.
Yes, because he's redefining the common accepted historical definition of fascism, to one of a philosophy. Why a government abuses a class/people within their population to fuel their power isn't what I was even talking about.
Having the power to control peoples lives, but not owning the companies out right is fascism.
Please prove me wrong without some bs philosophical why someone is a fascist, rather than what it is. Drawing on Eco's personal experiences growing up in Mussolini's Italy and his extensive research on fascist movements, the essay offers valuable insights into the nature of fascism and its manifestations.
The last part is the key, its talking about the why, not the what.
I don't need a PH.D to understand having the power to control people = bad. and the more the governments uses that power = facsim.
If you do, then its pointless to argue with you, as you probably need an expert to tell you how do to about everything in your daily life.
Tis was fun, I did read a bit of the book, but honestly didn't think it was worth my time to continue.
"I don't need a PhD."
Clearly. The arrogance of ignorance is enough for you. Let's just say that I'll accept the evidence- and research-backed discussions of fascism by actual historians and political scientists sooner than some rando showing up on Substack in Dr. Offit's comments bloviating about fascism, complete with a clear lack of understanding of what fascism actually is. I will give you credit, though, for at least not quoting Jonah Goldberg's bullshit. That's something, at least, that Phil (below) couldn't resist doing, even if he didn't actually name Goldberg.