Unfortunately Dr Offit, covid was handled so poorly (let’s hope it was incompetence) that many people, it may turn out to be a majority don’t trust the Pharma industry, regulators, or those discrediting people with questions any longer. It’s mostly the nature / method of rejecting questions, the condescending tone, etc. It was misleading statements to push acceptance (in the case of the covid shots) like it’s just like all the vaccines we are so familiar with, like the polio vaccine. People that took public health at their word and discovered on their own that wasn’t the case are done. And that is just one example out of an almost endless list where Public health spent political capital that has been amassed over generations to get the population to comply. It’s a strategy that backfired.
The days of Stigmatizing and attacking the character of skeptics to ward off any inquiry about effectiveness or safety of vaccines is over, people just don’t trust anymore.
It’s at the stage that that strategy has lost, if the vaccines(probably should include all vaccines, I never would of dreamed of saying that 5 years ago) are critical to public health people like you and Kathryn Edwards, Fauci, Collins, Dasak, etc need to make yourselves available for polite professions public forum discussions with people like Del Bigtree, Aaron Siri, RFK, etc. I know your hair may stand up at the thought of that, but the truth is your side has lost the confidence of so many. If you truly believe vaccines are critical to public health the only responsible thing to do at this point is meet with your skeptics and answer questions, not leave the meeting with we’ll get back to you, it’s time for a kitchen table type of conversation.
Other things you could do possible to start winning back trust, would be to lobby to undo the liability component of the 1986 Vaccine act, manufactures have to be liability if their products cause harm. There are so many aspects to the vaccine industry so many had no idea of how it functions, but now that we do, we don’t trust any longer.
Dag, why have Dr. Offit sit down with three non-doctors for a "polite public forum discussion". I have already challenged him to a debate based on two incorrect claims he made in Part I. A shill named Albus told me I wasn't qualified to debate Dr. Offit. Turns out, though, I am an MIT-trained physicist (school and department #1 in the world) while he graduated from Tufts (ranked #379 in the world), major unknown) and had three times the amount of post graduate residency training. Mine was in general, plastic, and cardiac surgery while his was in pediatrics. I think it's fair to say I don't lack the qualifications to debate him. That simply could not be his justification for ducking the debate. Please read Part I and especially the comments.
Hi Reid, if there was ever an event to highlighted that doctors need people outside of their cohort auditing their activities it was covid. Their guidance was a disaster that we continue to pay for: excess mortality, declining mental health, market failures, worsening financial situations at every level, etc.
You don’t have to be a doctor to read studies and analyze data, in fact the attributes that make great doctors like bedside manner often are not typical of people that are good with numbers. Based on how many doctors get into financial trouble despite the amount they earn is evidence many of them are terrible at math. I know, my dad was one.
People that are on the pro side of vaccines (I was until covid made me look into it) should be watching Del Bigtree’s Highwire if for no other reason than to see where, why, and how they are losing. Del’s success has been because the pro vaccine side hasn’t been capable of discredit them (pro vaccine have attacked the people asking questions rather than their arguments).
When forced to put the cards on the table the vaccine side has a losing record. ICAN’s legal actions have opened a lot of minds to the position that the safety of vaccines has never been completed. ICAN looks like they have incredible lawyers (Aaron Siri is very good), however, winning is alway easier when the truth is on your side.
Very many of these prominent so called “anti-vaxxer’s” (they should be recognized as people simply with questions that need to be addressed) did not start out with these positions, many reluctantly ended up in the space once they saw things they couldn’t ignore. I feel the truth is that there is a lot of work that needs to be done to fix the vaccine industry, and the more that doctors attack the character of those asking questions rather than than address the problems the more convinced I am.
Doctors got us into the public health disaster we are currently in, so it’s reason like the ones I list that make me believe it is imperative that non-doctors be part of the solution to get out of it. I’m not trying to disrespect doctors, but sometime people need to hear the honest truth, from the outside looking in, it’s a mess. All you have to do is analyze the increasing rate of chronic disease in society over the last 30-40 years to assign a failing grade. And anyone that simply points a finger at someone or something else for the problem aren’t the kind of people that have ever been on a team that turned things around.
It’s time for wholesale change in how we do things in public health. However, unfortunately the establishment’s response to the criticisms highlighting the problems has been to put legislation in place to silence and censor critics rather than to take responsibility.
We are so far from where we should be it’s doubtful we can get there without imploding first - sometimes the only way to fix a business is for it to go bankrupt.
I see where you're coming from, Dag, but you need someone who understands this better than the three you mentioned. They all seem to be intellectually honest, very intelligent and asking the right questions. Where are they going to be, however, when the conversation moves into the functions of the major histocompatibility complex which it must, or the endotoxin contamination in the vaccine vials- hell, I doubt any of the three even know endotoxin comes from the cell walls of gram negative bacteria and certainly not that spike protein potentiates the effects of that endotoxin. Do they know the difference between SV-40 promoters and enhancers- you're going to have to when the conversation shifts to multi-generational spike protein production-, what ribosomal frame shifting is, what the resulting difference is between -1 and +3 frameshifts? Do they know one of the most fundamental questions; how the body tells self from non-self? And what is going to happen when the discussion comes around to the implications of a 100 nanometer diameter virus. None of the three have any idea of the implications; even my fellow doctors don't. It involves the electromagnetic spectrum and the de Broglie wavelength of an electron!
You and they don't know what they don't know. Del Bigtree doesn't know what he doesn't know because he never had me on his show. As smart as he is, he just has no idea. Instead of me, he invited, pardon me, Drs. Malhotra, Offit, a chiropractor, Aaron Siri, even Neil Degrasse Tyson, and on and on and on,; people who never contributed a single thing to our understanding of Covid, people who just threw their two cents in regarding the false narrative (after me and a few others proved the Narrative claims wrong). Do you really want Paul Offit debating Aaron Siri on a medical topic? What if he wins?
I have to say, it might turn out like what transpired when congress invited the "Proximal Origins" group in for questioning. They all lied about the origin of the virus and it was easy to prove but the congressmen didn't understand it enough to ask the right questions and the criminals walked free to spend the millions Fauci gave them for lying. If they had had me in there questioning them, they would have tapped out in the first round, right before the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals arrested me!
Yes, 99+% of my fellow doctors were wrong on this. I learned that when I did my 24 hours with Dr. B. Some were evil, some were stupid, some were cowards. They all should be punished. And you want to have Siri, Bigtree and RFK, Jr. debate Offit?
Have you reached out to Bigtree or Dr. Drew (or others with a platform)? You seem like a very knowledgeable fellow and I am sure they (or some of them, at least) would welcome the help.
I also suggest that you look into the Substacks of people like Kevin McKernan and Jessica Rose, who have the kind of scientific depth that you might find useful.
Thanks for adding your voice to this conversation.
Chester: Yes, I've reached out to them. Yes, I'm knowledgeable. More than all of the guests I have seen on their shows.(except for Mike Yeadon who was interviewed by Dr. Drew lately. Yeadon would be considered equivalent in knowledge if for slightly different reasons). It's likely I'm not getting through the 1st line of defense or I'm on an "absolute do NOT respond to this person" list the powers that be have circulated. I was 100% correct throughout and very early and busted their two sacred cows immediately: the virus getting into the human population by natural zoonotic spillover and it's relation to climate change (2/20/20) AND the derivation of the correct IFR(3/08/20). Please help me get through to them.
Well, I will spread the word in comments here and on Twitter but I am just one of the plebes, with no special stroke - unfortunately. I will take a look at your Substack; keep up the good fight and my thanks for doing so.
Thank you very much Reid for taking time to explain. With deep knowledge it becomes clear that if the people directing the people that put their trust (and I guess their lives) in their hands, if they are motivated by anything other than the absolute best interests of the patient first, it is the ultimate black box to never be able to pin down where things went wrong. Just attack people with basic questions rather than address the questions by smearing them, it has worked for generations. However, even with the ultimate black box, as I said before you can only fool people so far, covid was the equivalent of the golden goose, pharma and their paid for regulators took their greed too far, at some point it doesn’t matter how opaque the box, you know you’ve been had.
Of all industries that have an asymmetric information problem medicine is probably the one that has the capacity to impact people the most. But, as great as the black box is eventually problems surface, The decline of the populations’ health as measured by the rapid rise in chronic disease across the population especially in young people has to be the red flag. And if the very people that obviously control that domain refuse to accept responsibility for that failure which has happened, then other people even if less qualified come forward to fill the leadership void. Those people it turns out have been people such as Del Bigtree. But as you say they can only take it so far, they aren’t wrong about there being a problem, they were the catalyst that began waking people up. But they need people like you to join them to balance the asymmetric information equation.
You need to reach out to them, and don’t take no for an answer. Be like that mom with the vaccine injured child that drove to RFK’s house before he joined the vaccine fight armed with a box of scientific papers and told him she wasn’t leaving until he read them. He got dragged into this fight by a mom that wouldn’t take no for an answer. He didn’t seek out what has become the defining issue of his life. That mom recognized his stature being a Kennedy and saw his success in the environmental front and decided he was going to be on the team.
Anyway this may be getting a bit deep but I’m past holding back. It’s time the team that is required to take on the corruption of Pharma and the regulators grows - it is growing.
All things have a sliver lining COVID’s was that it woke up enough people to make a difference. So many doctors don’t even recognize that they were the first target in this long decline towards prescription medicine. Pharma bought the schools and rewrote the text books which slowly removed the doctor - patient relationship from the top of the pyramid. The majority of doctors now answer to their employers / regulators, they are no longer their own boss. I know their are a lot of really great people in healthcare, but the field has been set to interfere with them acting in the best interest of the patient, covid exposed this.
So get out there and keep fighting to join the team that can make a difference. Thank you for your service.
In my area, GPs are disappearing w quick trained PAs taking their places. Insurance dictates the treatment, and it's about profit.
I am currently working in medical records for a big health care conglomerate, a juggernaut. Self feeding machine. If you think you have something wrong, they'll find it! I just lived through that again thos month. Put me in fibrillation. I really believe they think they are helping. Get back to natural, unencumbered, food. Physical activity under the sun. Sitting in those call center office chairs all day will kill ya.
Albus, give it up. Who do you think you’re going to persuade? If you’re going to say Aaron Siri doesn’t know what a placebo is, you have to give evidence.
A placebo testing one product against another for it’s ability to stimulate an anti body response is different than doing a safety study. The more you write the less people trust you, keep up the good work.
These people in the alternative media may not be as knowledgeable as some, but they are getting the word out. If there is a disagreement in information those people should continue to send it to the alternative media. Without learning about the adverse reactions, deaths, the corruption in the health care systems, I may have gotten the Covid gene therapy. So God bless all those people who have gotten the word out. No more shots (any) shots for me.
I don’t know… you say residency training in surgery something that equips one in knowledge about childhood vaccines just as good as training in paediatrics??? …LOL.
And what of post residency training, and research?
The issue was the number of deaths in the US and the origin of the virus. They have nothing to do with childhood vaccines. Stop wasting our time.
"Post Residency/Fellowship training"?? What are you talking about? What of this kind of training does Dr. Offit (or anyone else, for that matter) have? Stop wasting our time..
You think a cardiac surgeon comes up short against a pediatrician with 1/3 the residency training? Stop wasting our time. Even Dr. Offit would agree and doesn't appreciate what you're doing. Every time you make a comment like this, his name gets dragged through the mud.
You could have 15 years residency in surgery…that doesn’t equip you for useful knowledge or experience in paediatric medicine and vaccinations.
Then one must gain higher specialist experience and research in vaccines and infection, all of which equip folk like Professor Offit with the expertise he has.
How many publications do you have on vaccines? How many books have you written?
You've got to be the dumbest person I've come across on the internet. As a pediatric cardiac surgeon, I can treat any pediatric patient for any condition Dr. Offit can. However, he couldn't repair total anomalous pulmonary venous return (or 25 other conditions) in his wildest dreams. So even in his specialty, I can treat more conditions than he can. Why would I have to have published something about vaccines to explain why the PCR test was used to exaggerate cases? Do you think you have to have developed a vaccine to understand why the virus couldn't have gotten into the human population through natural zoonotic spillover? No virologists figured it out. No vaccine developers did either. And no people who had published papers or books figured it out.
You couldn't understand it even if I explained it to you. I think Dr. Offit could but I'm not sure. I certainly hope so. He hasn't yet, though.
27 years in firefighting equips me to fight fires anywhere, but it doesn’t mean I have any idea how to address a California wild fire or a fire in a Georgia pine house fire.
Children’s hospitals exist because pediatrics is a SPECIALTY.
Also, I’ve watched GP’s try to do CPR and I’ve never seen worse compressions. Stay in your surgery lane.
"You've got to be the dumbest person I've come across on the internet. "
You might want to reconsider your name-calling strategy.
1. "I can treat any pediatric patient for any condition Dr. Offit can. "
It is unethical to provide treatment outside of your scope of practice.
2. "However, he couldn't repair total anomalous pulmonary venous return (or 25 other conditions) in his wildest dreams."
Thank you for acknowledging that absurdity of thinking a person can be effective in an area they are not trained in.....like how you are not a scientist.
3. "Why would I have to have published something about vaccines to explain why the PCR test was used to exaggerate cases? "
You can't publish such a study because you can't demonstrate that they exaggerate cases.
You seem to be ignoring the key point that peer review weeds out (most) scientific nonsense.
4. "Do you think you have to have developed a vaccine to understand why the virus couldn't have gotten into the human population through natural zoonotic spillover? "
Actually, you just need a basic understanding of virology to see that it exactly could have been a zoonotic transfer.
But then, you have already demonstrated that you don't have a basic understanding of virology.
Who would parents choose to manage their child with meningococcal meningitis, or Haemophilus pneumonia?
A pediatric surgeon, or a pediatric infectious diseases specialist?
….No contest, sunshine.
Offit isn’t just an expert in infection and vaccination, but someone with specific training and skills in closely allied topics like virology, microbiology, epidemiology, immunology and public health.
If ever anyone was guilty of epistemic trespassing, it’s you. What a classic case.
As I understand the profession, all of those are basic medicine. One takes a different path once all prereqs in medicine are accomplished successfully.
Hi Albus, can you respond without derogatory comments directed at a person? It’s exactly this mentality that further polarizes the people, it’s not helpful, it’s a lose / lose tactic.
Dag - ol’ little Albus is incapable of anything but his/her/it’s Schtick... one-trick pony crapping on anyone who doesn’t just salivate over their posts here.
Actually, people like Del Bigtree, Aaron Siri, RFK, make money counting on folks not to bother looking at the facts....like how all Americans can....and do sue vaccine manufacturers....and the anti-vacc fraud is well detailed in the Court rulings......like this one:
You might not be able to help solve the public health crisis unfortunately. The 3 you take aim at are much more convincing, their record in court is evidence of that. Why are you so reluctant to the idea of people working together to solve a problem? Surely if vaccines are perfect with no room for improvement the discussion should be an easy experience for everyone to go through. But even as per the 1986 vaccine Act they recognized at the time there was work required to improve the safety of vaccines they wouldn’t have written up the Act the way they did otherwise.
Pointing at people making money as a means to discredit them obviously calls pharma’s motivations into question. Obviously the way society is organized people have to earn a living, if they weren’t allowed to be paid to question pharma no one could question them. Perhaps that is your hope, no questions allowed.
I get it, it’s hard arguing the side that survives by maintaining a lack of transparency. Just make a list of all the things Pharma and regulators won’t share, their actions kind of say it all.
ICAN have a better record. The studies that you point to are obviously false, everyone that got the shots got covid. My point is that right out of the gate even though Gov’ts signed contracts that acknowledged the shots could be leaky and cause harm every public health figure was chirping safe and effective. How many people you think would have taken the shots if they had highlighted for people those sections. Not only did they misrepresent the shots effectiveness and safety they offered burgers and other ridiculous incentives and even resorted to mandates based on the virus stops with vaccination and can’t used the vaccinated person to infect someone else, what a lie. But I guess that’s the silver lining of covid, it woke a lot of people up to the standard Pharma game plan. And the more you pile on the more it confirms it, so I guess carry on and help the cause.
I had just provided you with their white paper that is riddled with staggeringly stupid lies.....but you ignore them!
2. "The studies that you point to are obviously false, everyone that got the shots got covid"
Lots of people...like me....are vaccinated and never had covid.
What you really mean is that the anti-vacc lie about the vaccine not stopping infection or transmission.....so you are going to make things up rather than look at the many studies from all around the world.
3. "My point is that right out of the gate even though Gov’ts signed contracts that acknowledged the shots could be leaky and cause harm every public health figure was chirping safe and effective. "
You mean the contracts that were signed before the studies were done and we didn't have the data......
"Section “I” discusses how Congress granted pharmaceutical companies immunity from liability for vaccine injuries and transferred all responsibility for vaccine safety to the United States Department of Health & Human Services HHS) and its agencies, including the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)"
That is not a bit of spin or getting minor details wrong....that is flat out lying.
If you bother to go sentence by sentence through the white paper....it is just breathtaking dishonest....at least it doesn't stand up to any good faith effort at fact-checking.
Saying the covid shots were going to prevent catching / transmission was a straight lie, the purchaser acknowledgment section of the contracts countries signed said as much. What you don’t understand is the tactics used for so many years to discredit people with questions is now convincing more people all the time that the vaccine lobby aren’t to be trusted.
You changed the subject....which was that anti-vaccs like RFK jr and ICAN obviously lie a lot.
"Saying the covid shots were going to prevent catching / transmission was a straight lie,"
With a couple of seconds on Google....one can easily find lots of studies that demonstrate--while not perfect--do prevent infection and transmission. Here are a couple to get you started:
Appreciate the feedback and support. Albus must get great money to do the work that they do sharing any bs in an attempt to suppress opposing views. Sure would be interesting who they are, instead of going by a Harry Potter character. If it was Scooby-Doo who would be behind the mask when they peel it off?
You are so right. They didn't question the validity or intent. They didn't question a new, experimental "vaxx". They went w it. They closed their minds and their eyes and they accepted it without intellectual considerations.
Not to say all kinds of bizzare protocol including staffing being out for possible exposures. Some put for 14 days, later 10. With how we already operate business- count every penny, we were already short staffed.
Then, the research and trying to find supply for new cleaning/sanitation measures. Filling our store room with all the emergency supplies, creating spreadsheets to track it. All the "gear". All the extra testing and trying to get masks. We were using the same masks for a week bc they weren't available. Even those w double shifts. Storing them in a brown paper bag, in a common drawer.
All of the craziness left many to quit their jobs, increasing the burden.
When did we stop thinking? All these nurses in charge don't question? I managed kitchens and refused all those shots and was harassed about it. When did intelligent people stop thinking?
That is such a good one, read the 1986 Vaccine Act. Making a statement like that further erodes anything else you put forward. Back in school days wasn’t it a drag being given the side of an argument to defend that in your gut you knew was wrong.
On a more festive note happy solstice, everyone (in the North) can look forward to longer days ahead. I truly hope you enjoy your Christmas with family and friends and that all of mankind can start breaking down the polarization that is being imposed on us to destroy society - everyone loses except for a very few. Maybe people could look up Rotary’s 4-Way test and try to exchange with each other keeping those overarching principles in mind. Merry Christmas to all.
I simply note that even Courts detail how t the anti-vaccs are frauds and doing great evil to families.....especially children.....you just don't care.
"That is such a good one, read the 1986 Vaccine Act."
I keep posting the exact part of the law that in simple, basic words explain how all American's can sue vaccine makers claiming a vaccine injury....here it is again:
A chiropractor that isn't functionally literate, ignores obvious fraud detailed by the courts....and whose total intellectual contribution is a scatological comment.
Are you trying to make a mockery of your "profession"?
I am aware that you didn't post even one of them may lawsuits.
I am aware that it takes willful stupidity to believe the anti-vacc lies.
I am aware that anyone with the most basic thinking skills can easily figure out that the vaccines are NOT toxic......just another stupid anti-vacc lie.
I am also aware that you won't many any effort at even trying to be moral or rational in your reply.
You didn't answer the question....you won't make your claims under oath because all you have are really stupid lies.
BTW: your assertion about Pfizer's legal record is still a lie predicated on folks being too stupid to read....just like last time that lie was posted.
People who develop vaccines should not also sit on the board that decides which ones are put on the vaccination schedule. That, is a serious conflict of interest. That, should stop immediately.
Albus - wow - you can not even let yourself dare to question the quackcine industry...as millions die from their crap. You are tragically either a troll or clueless or a paid shill for the vile, lying industry.
So thankful many, many, many are waking up to the lies upon lies that have been spewed over the decades by this abysmal industry.
All of my family wisely refused to get the C-19 shots - we all got Covid instead, stayed home, used healthy natural remedies. We now have healthier immune systems with robust T cells that did their designed job/role & resultant antibodies & SURVIVED...ALL without succumbing to the deathvaxxx, clotshot, propaganda from the govt, the corrupt medical establishments, the media & shills like you.
You can keep your little “studies”, & your ACIP, and your love affair with Offit, & all your little shots. Take them all - go ahead - Knock yourself out with all the Big pHARMus jabs, shots, inoculations, injections, aerosol sprays, etc, etc! Be our guest - YOU, Albus, can have it ALL! Do it, take all of it, every BOOster, every jab, every.single.time. Go ahead, be their ferret, their Netherlands rabbit, their little lab/jab rat! DO IT!!! 👏🙌
Albus - YOU are using “open-minded” in reference to yourself? Good joke - thanks for making us laugh at your absurdity - you little shill for the Quackcene Industry!
Now, go put your $$$ where your mouth is & get your RSV/Flu/Shingles/Cov 19 Booster.
Albus - DO NOT mistake silence for being astute in realizing we are arguing/debating a fool ... quit wasting our time - go get your precious BOOsters ...Little shill.
Time to go
No more debate today
Got important things to accomplish other than continuing to point out the obvious with you - you have sold your little soul to a greedy industry ...slow-killing millions upon millions 😉
There is no money in respecting conflicts of interest. Reminds me of an old joke about a certain law farm in my investment banker days: “They never had a conflict of interest that they could not get around.”
"There is no money in respecting conflicts of interest. "
Of course there is.
Organizations that pay for vaccines....like national healthcare systems and health insurance companies....have huge financial interested in respecting CoI.
it is amazing and distressing that such a credentialed and experienced OB-GYN would make so many counter-factual [false/wrong/misleading] statements to Congress about the impact of vaccination on pregnant women and their developing children.
The trust is so far gone and others have provided so many examples, it’s past that point. It’s time to sit down face to face with the people that have questions. It’s time for people to end the fight and solve the problem. Attacking people’s character at this point is only going to add to further polarization and then we all lose.
Why do Pfizer’s own data sheets on the vaccines classify the lipidnano particles as toxic, and the manufacturer of those classify them as highly toxic and not for use in humans?
Why does the DOD own the patent? Why don’t they recommend aspirating the injection site to be sure no vaccine enters the bloodstream? I mean you don’t want your epithelial tissue to start producing spike protein and be destroyed by T-cells, as that is the way the vaccine works.
It is startling that “hundreds” of children in the US have died of Covid. No healthy children died from Covid in the UK.
Were all these US children at death’s door already and Covid was the final straw, or were your treatment protocols severely lacking? Were you pumping them full of remdesivir and putting them on vents?
Not at all. There is ONE tragic disputable case of a 15 year old who died of myocarditis very soon after catching Covid. But she had previously had Kawasaki and viral myocarditis can happen with any virus in those predisposed. A vaccine that also causes myocarditis might also have been fatal, so I don’t know what the answer is on cases like that.
I replied to another poster (pixie) on this. In the first 9 months of the pandemic, among the 20 or so child deaths from Covid in England there were 5 with no comorbidities.
There have been many more healthy kids die since then.
This does not show where people died with Covid as the main cause of death. It is people who died after a positive PCR test. Not at all the same thing, as should be very clear by now.
No, it’s based on death-certificated cause of death. Please don’t tell us you are another one of those delusional “everyone who died really died “with” covid and not from covid” types.
Its right there in the subtitle of the chart you linked to
Not EVERYONE. Just healthy children in the UK. Feel free to find a case report of a counter factual. The only debatable one I can find is jorja Halliday.
They are ones who got ineffective treatments and they would be alive if given effective known treatments. Unfortunately the CV19 jab is not effective as a vaccine. We’re still losing patients to it. Again the only CV19 deaths have occurred when dangerous or ineffective treatments were used and from clots and from heart inflammation following CV19 jabs, clotshots.
Wow, I really can't believe you are writing about this. Have you even looked through the Pfizer study documents that were released to the public through FISA. You guys just approve to fill your own pockets. The trials Pfizer did were not even randomized double blinded. If you are interested all the analysis by people way more qualified than you have done: Dailyclout.io. I hope all of you go to prison for the rest of your lives.
1. I doubt that those at “the Daily Clout” are “way more qualified” than Dr Offit.
2. The Pfizer phase 3 studies preceding FDA authorisation were indeed double-blind, randomised, saline placebo-controlled trials. Whatever makes you think otherwise?
Mike - keep pushing the FDA, NIH, Offit narrative - good folks are waking up & there is no going back to the Biggg pHARMus days when everyone lined up like a good little ferret (lab rat) & got their jabb(from
The Quackcene Indystey)
Too many have been awakened - you can keep shilling for them, but, times have changed. Now ... we have to figure out how to win ag their aerosol sprays & beat them at their diabolical eugenics.
But, you, Mike S - you go ahead - go get ALL your jabs, your sprays, your pills, your under-the-skin implants. DO IT! Take all the Industry’s crap...we will applaud YOU for your willingness to be their lab rat, their shill!
Mike - you obviously have not gone thru the initial 55,000 page dump required by the judge from good ol’ Pfizzzzer! At least Naomi did have an amazing team of professionals who went thru that study’s mess. But, go ahead - get all your little shots & by all means ...continue to push the deathvaxxes & clot shots & make sure you continue to shill for the Big phHARMus quackcine industry. DO IT!
And if you read the documents, you too will see that they did do randomized placebo-controlled trials and know that the anti-vaccs lied about the basic facts.
They did not do them. There have never been randomized placebo-controlled trials. You have to use unvaccinated from birth to get the correct result and the Pfizer trial unblinded after 4 months. There were also 8-9 pages single spaced pages of adverse reactions including covid and death during the trials. If that is safe and effective then you can have all my vaccines. Also the trial vaccine (cominerty) was not the same one they used in america. So all the vaccines Americans got were not even tested. They did not get all the toxins from the e-coli they used to grow it and did not clean out the mRNA fragments. I have analysis book and have access to all the documents., dailyclout.io is the location and now you have them. GO LOOK!!
Well, there were 20,000 who got placebo. Over 3 months you would expect at least 50 deaths. These would happen even if none of them were in the trial. Under trial conditions you’d therefore expect 50 deaths in the placebo arm. You also have 20,000 in the vaccine arm, and you’d expect the same number of deaths if the vaccine was ineffective and inert.
Each of these 100 deaths would be reported under the study protocol as a “SAEFV”; a serious adverse event following vaccination. Whether suspected to be due to vaccine or not…doesn’t matter.
Each of those death reports will come with seriously wordy documentation.
I’m surprised there were only 8-9 pages of the 55,000 page document.
I conclude maybe there were FEWER deaths in the trial than anticipated.
The placebo was not a placebo like normal saline and had the same basic makeup as the active vaccine without the mRNA and thus it’s a way to cover for the adverse effects of the vaccine since even the control causes adverse effects.
Christine - oh, more than prison awaits them... prison would be a cakewalk compared to when they stand before God. I take solace in HIS justice. They will be without excuse and no amount of farcical study links or grant-funding will suffice. I wouldn’t want to be in a politician’s nor recent president’s shoes either. Offit is well-named- he is abysmal. The little ones harmed by this vile industry are calling out to God for Justice from this Quackcene cult
Sorry...there is no such thing as an unbiased study.
But there are lots of studies from health insurance companies and university faculty and national healthcare systems....if you want to read some you can find them at pubmed.
Good thing you can read the funding sources in the studies from health insurance companies and university faculty and national healthcare systems...and get the answers you said you wanted...
There’s a very good reason for pregnant women being vaccinated, it provides the foetus with antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 that cross the placenta and in breast milk. The first 6 weeks of life are particularly dangerous for neonates and worse for preterm babies.
Actually it has occured to me that people who do not get an mRNA COVID vaccine are valuable to study . It appears that the mRNA COVID vaccines are safe for the most part but I'm hoping that scientists continue studying them in case there is some negative side which hasnt been identified yet .I also continue to wonder why I never hear anything about the vaccine developed by Dr Peter Hotez and his team which is not an mRNA vaccine . How does it compare to mRNA COVID vaccines ? It's much cheaper to manufacturer and can be stored in a normal refrigerator while the mRNA vaccines must be stored at -90 F . If this vaccine is even close in effectiveness to the much more expensive mRNA vaccines , let's use it in the US and save taxpayers a lot of money !
Unfortunately, the Quackcene industry is inventing aerosols, sprays, tablets, etc for this mRNA crapola & will make unnecessary to be contained under cold temps
Your hypothesis relies and data and graphs, designed by the same men who want to push those things that have killed a number of people I know personally.
Isn't it funny that no one else, except those who wanted the same result, was allowed in on the critical decision making? Those with concerns were not allowed in the conversation.
It is crystal clear that you are a bot for killing machine, or incredibly naive and ignorant.
Science is more that graphs a few people , with ill intent, it now appears, put together. It allows critical thinking with all facts available. Another way science is considered right today and wrong tomorrow is that the do not use data yet to come (or shut out).
You keep trolling your way here, but you aren't changing any minds. Just the way these things were rolled out deserves to be investigated.
Maybe your a bot. Maybe your a pharmaceutical guru who stand to lose millions. Maybe your prestige in on the line. I have no idea and I have no reason to care. What I do know is your "science" has been proven flawed.
Elon Musk reportedly said recently that if you want to get past the anthill you just run over it to get where you want to go. We can see that this is happening. But we , collectively, just may have outfitted the "science ". You forgot how to think critically for yourselves. You didn't have all the pieces to your puzzle to come to a reasonable hypothesis. One wrong piece and the who house of cards falls. That's just a smidgen of what happens when people don't have truth within them. Maybe you haven't cracked open your Holy Book in a while?
mRNA genetic material contains a methylated U nucleotide as well as a poly c g promoter
The protein S1 is the product of the ribosome of millions of cells that are otherwise healthy
When hundreds of billions of copies of S1 are produced they will bind ACE2 receptors in cardiovascular tissue so each and every one who gets active S1 mRNnA containing injection will be adversely affected and the vast majority is asymptomatic imo
Yeah, the S1 subunit which coats the billions of virions pumped into circulation on a daily basis during productive Covid infection must pose a huge risk to health; so that explains why people can get so sick.
In 11 adolescent individuals who are taking tennis lessons we saw 100% of the vaccinated children have chest pain and myocarditis. If they have no symptoms of myocarditis and got the vaccines then I am more concerned with sudden death. Fatigue is the most common adverse effect of CV19 jab.
Which has been quite a problem. There is so much data out there. So much yo make me feel, at this time, that it is a probable nefarious action. We need them to be pulled immediately.
Possibly, but it won’t be much, and don’t forget that unlike Covid myocarditis, which is far commoner, vaccine myocarditis is usually very mild and transient, with only very rare serious sequelae. Of course you could find the rare case of arrhythmia or even death, but these complications are at least 20 times likelier during acute Covid.
Myocarditis appears to be the sole confirmed serious side effect from mRNA vaccination, and it also has become less frequent (since most cases reported date from the period that a second dose of vaccine followed within 6-12 weeks after the first dose. That doesn’t happen now, boosters are 12 months apart and that doesn’t seem to cause an issue according to data presented by the CDC.
Yes, indeed. I worked through the madness, am a grandma and a mother. I had studied these bio tech products long before covid. I refused bc of prior knowledge. Of my friends, the ones who have died suddenly, or by prolonged heart failure, one was suffering, after injection, acute systolic & diastolic heart failure. The people I worked with either didn't know or didn't want us to know they sacrificed one of their own-the long time, only reliable charge nurse. Another has had to have heart surger to stop here chronic heart rhythm distrubances. Just this week, I lost 2 friends in my circle. Both the same- sudden shortness of breath. They just died! There are many more. In my family there were many side affects, needing surgery or longer term care. Of those in the medical community, I wonder how many ? Do they just retire? Why aren't we hearing more from them? Don't get me started here.
I know work medical records after all that LTC & Hospital madness, none of which was of the virus itself, but all the extra protocols put in place. And the fear drove employees away. Then trucking and supply chain.
Let me repeat: we had 0 severe covid cases and 0 deaths from the virus. (I am not saying others didn't) The problems came after the injection, which we are clearly seeing now. We saw many many deaths after the mass vaxx clinic at the stadium.
Yes, the data is being tracked, even infant death and stillborn births.
CMS, DHHS, CIOX, to name just a few who have "official' data.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the nefarious deeds here. In fact, there has been recent testimony to the same. Many scientists and physicians are saying it is dangerous.
To pull it now.
What if those sacrificed for such an experiment were your children? There are some who believe themselves to be gods who say "run over the anthill to get where you want, they are just people". I say, God created us in His image and likeness and will not allow such crazy experiments on the human genome without some retribution, which may well be on its way.
If you had to be part of the whole production. Hospital & LTC, you had a basis or normal, let's say. Everyday goings on. Then this virus (who knows). We had people were very old, near a hundred, who passed away pretty quickly, as she lived for her daily visits from her kids. Everyone was shut in their rooms for months on end. I woud go bonkers. There was a lot of fear, which also fell over to employees. It was a trying time. We did not see unexpected deaths until after the mass vax clinics. I managed in 2 different facilities and had private clients too.
No, I did not write down statistics, but probably could go back and round up that data.
From the infection control nurse suddenly getting a new lump that surgery immediately (she was in charge of pushing out the stuff, but quit after this). My sister needing emergency hysterectomy, my son having his leg, foot and hand go numb for several months. I still see him tripping and he fell down the stairs not all that long ago. My best friend getting ready to retire was pretty healthy and liked to keep that way. Took no meds. Suddenly, she started having fibrillation and tachycardia pretty often (she still takes every one, even though she has since had to have heart surgery.
My husband had a heart attack this past spring. Didn't expect that and no family history. Trim guy. Likes his beer. Who knows.
I am a late graduate and lost one of my college friends to heart attack about a year ago. Buff, worked out every day, liked his beer too. Who knows.
Charge nurse, our report was that she had an inflammatory response and went pretty quickly. Because I have since left the dramatic scene behind, I work in medical records. Her record came across my desk and I didn't have to look at it to see the dx. Acture systolic & diastolic heart failure. This took place over a year and a half. How terribly uncomfortable. After a surgery gone wring once, I had to fight my way out of CHF over a good couple of years. It was terrible and debilitating.
Personal client: in her 90s. Some muscular problems, some vision loss, a little forgetfulness at times. Enjoyed getting up every day, watching her gardens and political shows (ugh!). Hair had to be just right and still did her makeup. Daughter, who is also a nurse, took her in for her 2nd shot (or that would have been the timing people were getting their second). Within a week nobody recognized her. Combatant, yelling, crazed. She was taken to the hospital and nobody could diagnose anything. Another personal client, wife just bragged about them getting their second. He quickly took a turn for the worse. He did have parkinsons, but he was walking and even doing steps ok.
Mass vax clinic at the area sports complex. I had to take clients who wanted to go. Right after I took a management position at a local LTC. I was hoping to avoid the staffing shortages, which didn't pan out. Also, next round of covid came and trucking and supply interruptions as well. We were working 60- 80 hr weeks for a good number of months. It was crazy.
Just after the clinic, the new admission after new admission. Families reported sudden changes in condition. Some lived a few hours after admission, some a few days. The client with parkinsons came to the facility also and while he lived 2 months, he declined very rapidly and was not walking by time he came to us just two weeks of me being a care provider for him at home.
My other client, whose daughter is a nurse, had to be taken to a hospice care facility, never overcame her mental crisis and passed a month later.
Just in the last 10 days I have had two friends (their husbands) die suddenly. Sudden SOB which couldn't be remedied. They "just died" is the message my group received. One I know had at least the first one, as it was required for his work. I'm guessing by his easy going nature that he followed his Dr's protocol on the vax. I'll learn more later.
The other I don't know for certain that he got the injection, but his wife works for the university, who required it of all students and staff. I would bet that he accepted it as a "free benefit", at least initially, until people were questioning. Still, I have not yet heard about his vax status, but will learn more at a later date. You sure don't bring those things up at such a trying time.
Another employee was older, poorer health. Got covid first round and came through it like a gem. Was sure to get her shot. Died 3 mos later.
Now, my time in medical records shows the incredible number of people, young and older, with suddend cardiac problems. What I see most is heart rhythm disturbances. Several heart surgeries have had to transpire. Some have died, some very ill. I don't go looking for vax status, but if it's there I take note. Yes, it is a common thread.
If DHHS , CMS, CIOX and others are collecting data, some which we are not allowed to look at. Some is on the infant deaths during covid. Some audits on the infant deaths by state agencies. Then you have a pretty good idea that it is suspect that the shot is causing the damage.
There are many protocols that Dr's have said will help clear the spike proteins, like NAC and bromeline (from pineapple), and some others. I say a healthy diet goes a long way.
You, be well! Never lose your curiosity for truth and justice.
This character went on to harass me, so I had to block him. Good riddance to those who want to deploy their snake oil magic on everyone, regardless of the outcomes.
That we are still using these, with the many scientists and physicians reporting on the excess deaths, as well as life insurance company payout data, is incredible to me.
We will find the truth and those responsible for this massive shakedown on the world's population will be held accountable. If not by man, God will rein down His justice.
Let's see....we can make life/death decisions based on assertions someone makes on-line.
Or we can listen to the organizations...like life/health insurance companies/systems....who have the data and whose finances are hugely impacted by the safety/efficacy of vaccines.
And they are clear....the vaccines are safe and effective!
"COVID-19 vaccines are a safe and effective way to protect your health."
Unfortunately Dr Offit, covid was handled so poorly (let’s hope it was incompetence) that many people, it may turn out to be a majority don’t trust the Pharma industry, regulators, or those discrediting people with questions any longer. It’s mostly the nature / method of rejecting questions, the condescending tone, etc. It was misleading statements to push acceptance (in the case of the covid shots) like it’s just like all the vaccines we are so familiar with, like the polio vaccine. People that took public health at their word and discovered on their own that wasn’t the case are done. And that is just one example out of an almost endless list where Public health spent political capital that has been amassed over generations to get the population to comply. It’s a strategy that backfired.
The days of Stigmatizing and attacking the character of skeptics to ward off any inquiry about effectiveness or safety of vaccines is over, people just don’t trust anymore.
It’s at the stage that that strategy has lost, if the vaccines(probably should include all vaccines, I never would of dreamed of saying that 5 years ago) are critical to public health people like you and Kathryn Edwards, Fauci, Collins, Dasak, etc need to make yourselves available for polite professions public forum discussions with people like Del Bigtree, Aaron Siri, RFK, etc. I know your hair may stand up at the thought of that, but the truth is your side has lost the confidence of so many. If you truly believe vaccines are critical to public health the only responsible thing to do at this point is meet with your skeptics and answer questions, not leave the meeting with we’ll get back to you, it’s time for a kitchen table type of conversation.
Other things you could do possible to start winning back trust, would be to lobby to undo the liability component of the 1986 Vaccine act, manufactures have to be liability if their products cause harm. There are so many aspects to the vaccine industry so many had no idea of how it functions, but now that we do, we don’t trust any longer.
It’s time for change.
Sincerely, Dag Waddell.
Dag, why have Dr. Offit sit down with three non-doctors for a "polite public forum discussion". I have already challenged him to a debate based on two incorrect claims he made in Part I. A shill named Albus told me I wasn't qualified to debate Dr. Offit. Turns out, though, I am an MIT-trained physicist (school and department #1 in the world) while he graduated from Tufts (ranked #379 in the world), major unknown) and had three times the amount of post graduate residency training. Mine was in general, plastic, and cardiac surgery while his was in pediatrics. I think it's fair to say I don't lack the qualifications to debate him. That simply could not be his justification for ducking the debate. Please read Part I and especially the comments.
Hi Reid, if there was ever an event to highlighted that doctors need people outside of their cohort auditing their activities it was covid. Their guidance was a disaster that we continue to pay for: excess mortality, declining mental health, market failures, worsening financial situations at every level, etc.
You don’t have to be a doctor to read studies and analyze data, in fact the attributes that make great doctors like bedside manner often are not typical of people that are good with numbers. Based on how many doctors get into financial trouble despite the amount they earn is evidence many of them are terrible at math. I know, my dad was one.
People that are on the pro side of vaccines (I was until covid made me look into it) should be watching Del Bigtree’s Highwire if for no other reason than to see where, why, and how they are losing. Del’s success has been because the pro vaccine side hasn’t been capable of discredit them (pro vaccine have attacked the people asking questions rather than their arguments).
When forced to put the cards on the table the vaccine side has a losing record. ICAN’s legal actions have opened a lot of minds to the position that the safety of vaccines has never been completed. ICAN looks like they have incredible lawyers (Aaron Siri is very good), however, winning is alway easier when the truth is on your side.
Very many of these prominent so called “anti-vaxxer’s” (they should be recognized as people simply with questions that need to be addressed) did not start out with these positions, many reluctantly ended up in the space once they saw things they couldn’t ignore. I feel the truth is that there is a lot of work that needs to be done to fix the vaccine industry, and the more that doctors attack the character of those asking questions rather than than address the problems the more convinced I am.
Doctors got us into the public health disaster we are currently in, so it’s reason like the ones I list that make me believe it is imperative that non-doctors be part of the solution to get out of it. I’m not trying to disrespect doctors, but sometime people need to hear the honest truth, from the outside looking in, it’s a mess. All you have to do is analyze the increasing rate of chronic disease in society over the last 30-40 years to assign a failing grade. And anyone that simply points a finger at someone or something else for the problem aren’t the kind of people that have ever been on a team that turned things around.
It’s time for wholesale change in how we do things in public health. However, unfortunately the establishment’s response to the criticisms highlighting the problems has been to put legislation in place to silence and censor critics rather than to take responsibility.
We are so far from where we should be it’s doubtful we can get there without imploding first - sometimes the only way to fix a business is for it to go bankrupt.
I see where you're coming from, Dag, but you need someone who understands this better than the three you mentioned. They all seem to be intellectually honest, very intelligent and asking the right questions. Where are they going to be, however, when the conversation moves into the functions of the major histocompatibility complex which it must, or the endotoxin contamination in the vaccine vials- hell, I doubt any of the three even know endotoxin comes from the cell walls of gram negative bacteria and certainly not that spike protein potentiates the effects of that endotoxin. Do they know the difference between SV-40 promoters and enhancers- you're going to have to when the conversation shifts to multi-generational spike protein production-, what ribosomal frame shifting is, what the resulting difference is between -1 and +3 frameshifts? Do they know one of the most fundamental questions; how the body tells self from non-self? And what is going to happen when the discussion comes around to the implications of a 100 nanometer diameter virus. None of the three have any idea of the implications; even my fellow doctors don't. It involves the electromagnetic spectrum and the de Broglie wavelength of an electron!
You and they don't know what they don't know. Del Bigtree doesn't know what he doesn't know because he never had me on his show. As smart as he is, he just has no idea. Instead of me, he invited, pardon me, Drs. Malhotra, Offit, a chiropractor, Aaron Siri, even Neil Degrasse Tyson, and on and on and on,; people who never contributed a single thing to our understanding of Covid, people who just threw their two cents in regarding the false narrative (after me and a few others proved the Narrative claims wrong). Do you really want Paul Offit debating Aaron Siri on a medical topic? What if he wins?
I have to say, it might turn out like what transpired when congress invited the "Proximal Origins" group in for questioning. They all lied about the origin of the virus and it was easy to prove but the congressmen didn't understand it enough to ask the right questions and the criminals walked free to spend the millions Fauci gave them for lying. If they had had me in there questioning them, they would have tapped out in the first round, right before the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals arrested me!
Yes, 99+% of my fellow doctors were wrong on this. I learned that when I did my 24 hours with Dr. B. Some were evil, some were stupid, some were cowards. They all should be punished. And you want to have Siri, Bigtree and RFK, Jr. debate Offit?
What if he wins?
Have you reached out to Bigtree or Dr. Drew (or others with a platform)? You seem like a very knowledgeable fellow and I am sure they (or some of them, at least) would welcome the help.
I also suggest that you look into the Substacks of people like Kevin McKernan and Jessica Rose, who have the kind of scientific depth that you might find useful.
Thanks for adding your voice to this conversation.
Chester: Yes, I've reached out to them. Yes, I'm knowledgeable. More than all of the guests I have seen on their shows.(except for Mike Yeadon who was interviewed by Dr. Drew lately. Yeadon would be considered equivalent in knowledge if for slightly different reasons). It's likely I'm not getting through the 1st line of defense or I'm on an "absolute do NOT respond to this person" list the powers that be have circulated. I was 100% correct throughout and very early and busted their two sacred cows immediately: the virus getting into the human population by natural zoonotic spillover and it's relation to climate change (2/20/20) AND the derivation of the correct IFR(3/08/20). Please help me get through to them.
Well, I will spread the word in comments here and on Twitter but I am just one of the plebes, with no special stroke - unfortunately. I will take a look at your Substack; keep up the good fight and my thanks for doing so.
Thank you very much Reid for taking time to explain. With deep knowledge it becomes clear that if the people directing the people that put their trust (and I guess their lives) in their hands, if they are motivated by anything other than the absolute best interests of the patient first, it is the ultimate black box to never be able to pin down where things went wrong. Just attack people with basic questions rather than address the questions by smearing them, it has worked for generations. However, even with the ultimate black box, as I said before you can only fool people so far, covid was the equivalent of the golden goose, pharma and their paid for regulators took their greed too far, at some point it doesn’t matter how opaque the box, you know you’ve been had.
Of all industries that have an asymmetric information problem medicine is probably the one that has the capacity to impact people the most. But, as great as the black box is eventually problems surface, The decline of the populations’ health as measured by the rapid rise in chronic disease across the population especially in young people has to be the red flag. And if the very people that obviously control that domain refuse to accept responsibility for that failure which has happened, then other people even if less qualified come forward to fill the leadership void. Those people it turns out have been people such as Del Bigtree. But as you say they can only take it so far, they aren’t wrong about there being a problem, they were the catalyst that began waking people up. But they need people like you to join them to balance the asymmetric information equation.
You need to reach out to them, and don’t take no for an answer. Be like that mom with the vaccine injured child that drove to RFK’s house before he joined the vaccine fight armed with a box of scientific papers and told him she wasn’t leaving until he read them. He got dragged into this fight by a mom that wouldn’t take no for an answer. He didn’t seek out what has become the defining issue of his life. That mom recognized his stature being a Kennedy and saw his success in the environmental front and decided he was going to be on the team.
Anyway this may be getting a bit deep but I’m past holding back. It’s time the team that is required to take on the corruption of Pharma and the regulators grows - it is growing.
All things have a sliver lining COVID’s was that it woke up enough people to make a difference. So many doctors don’t even recognize that they were the first target in this long decline towards prescription medicine. Pharma bought the schools and rewrote the text books which slowly removed the doctor - patient relationship from the top of the pyramid. The majority of doctors now answer to their employers / regulators, they are no longer their own boss. I know their are a lot of really great people in healthcare, but the field has been set to interfere with them acting in the best interest of the patient, covid exposed this.
So get out there and keep fighting to join the team that can make a difference. Thank you for your service.
In my area, GPs are disappearing w quick trained PAs taking their places. Insurance dictates the treatment, and it's about profit.
I am currently working in medical records for a big health care conglomerate, a juggernaut. Self feeding machine. If you think you have something wrong, they'll find it! I just lived through that again thos month. Put me in fibrillation. I really believe they think they are helping. Get back to natural, unencumbered, food. Physical activity under the sun. Sitting in those call center office chairs all day will kill ya.
" (Aaron Siri is very good), however, winning is alway easier when the truth is on your side."
Truth is that Siri doesn't understand what placebos or how they are used....
ICAN/Bigtree...doesn't matter....bet you can't give one example of their work that is competent and relevent....
Albus, give it up. Who do you think you’re going to persuade? If you’re going to say Aaron Siri doesn’t know what a placebo is, you have to give evidence.
Already delt with here.
Not one single anti-vacc was willing to read what a placebo is or how to use them correctly.
A placebo testing one product against another for it’s ability to stimulate an anti body response is different than doing a safety study. The more you write the less people trust you, keep up the good work.
Albus - time to give it up
Little Shill for the Quackcene Industry!
Nobody is buying your hard sell here.
You are a sideshow . A one-trick
But, thanks for the laughs this morn - it is good to at least recognize the shills like you.
Gotta love ya for your persistence, if nothing else!
These people in the alternative media may not be as knowledgeable as some, but they are getting the word out. If there is a disagreement in information those people should continue to send it to the alternative media. Without learning about the adverse reactions, deaths, the corruption in the health care systems, I may have gotten the Covid gene therapy. So God bless all those people who have gotten the word out. No more shots (any) shots for me.
Ducking the debate is so much more favorable to maintaining a very comfortable relationship with sponsors, colleagues, and creditors.
Oh, like Reid does here!
ChesteR - BINGO!!!
Oh, like Reid does here!
Of course, you can't have a middle-school education and honestly not see his errors.
I don’t know… you say residency training in surgery something that equips one in knowledge about childhood vaccines just as good as training in paediatrics??? …LOL.
And what of post residency training, and research?
Seems like you come up short, Dr Sheftall.
The issue was the number of deaths in the US and the origin of the virus. They have nothing to do with childhood vaccines. Stop wasting our time.
"Post Residency/Fellowship training"?? What are you talking about? What of this kind of training does Dr. Offit (or anyone else, for that matter) have? Stop wasting our time..
You think a cardiac surgeon comes up short against a pediatrician with 1/3 the residency training? Stop wasting our time. Even Dr. Offit would agree and doesn't appreciate what you're doing. Every time you make a comment like this, his name gets dragged through the mud.
You could have 15 years residency in surgery…that doesn’t equip you for useful knowledge or experience in paediatric medicine and vaccinations.
Then one must gain higher specialist experience and research in vaccines and infection, all of which equip folk like Professor Offit with the expertise he has.
How many publications do you have on vaccines? How many books have you written?
How many vaccines have you invented/developed?
You've got to be the dumbest person I've come across on the internet. As a pediatric cardiac surgeon, I can treat any pediatric patient for any condition Dr. Offit can. However, he couldn't repair total anomalous pulmonary venous return (or 25 other conditions) in his wildest dreams. So even in his specialty, I can treat more conditions than he can. Why would I have to have published something about vaccines to explain why the PCR test was used to exaggerate cases? Do you think you have to have developed a vaccine to understand why the virus couldn't have gotten into the human population through natural zoonotic spillover? No virologists figured it out. No vaccine developers did either. And no people who had published papers or books figured it out.
You couldn't understand it even if I explained it to you. I think Dr. Offit could but I'm not sure. I certainly hope so. He hasn't yet, though.
27 years in firefighting equips me to fight fires anywhere, but it doesn’t mean I have any idea how to address a California wild fire or a fire in a Georgia pine house fire.
Children’s hospitals exist because pediatrics is a SPECIALTY.
Also, I’ve watched GP’s try to do CPR and I’ve never seen worse compressions. Stay in your surgery lane.
"You've got to be the dumbest person I've come across on the internet. "
You might want to reconsider your name-calling strategy.
1. "I can treat any pediatric patient for any condition Dr. Offit can. "
It is unethical to provide treatment outside of your scope of practice.
2. "However, he couldn't repair total anomalous pulmonary venous return (or 25 other conditions) in his wildest dreams."
Thank you for acknowledging that absurdity of thinking a person can be effective in an area they are not trained in.....like how you are not a scientist.
3. "Why would I have to have published something about vaccines to explain why the PCR test was used to exaggerate cases? "
You can't publish such a study because you can't demonstrate that they exaggerate cases.
You seem to be ignoring the key point that peer review weeds out (most) scientific nonsense.
4. "Do you think you have to have developed a vaccine to understand why the virus couldn't have gotten into the human population through natural zoonotic spillover? "
Actually, you just need a basic understanding of virology to see that it exactly could have been a zoonotic transfer.
But then, you have already demonstrated that you don't have a basic understanding of virology.
Yeah, right.
Who would parents choose to manage their child with meningococcal meningitis, or Haemophilus pneumonia?
A pediatric surgeon, or a pediatric infectious diseases specialist?
….No contest, sunshine.
Offit isn’t just an expert in infection and vaccination, but someone with specific training and skills in closely allied topics like virology, microbiology, epidemiology, immunology and public health.
If ever anyone was guilty of epistemic trespassing, it’s you. What a classic case.
It’s not education limiting anybody. It’s willful ignorance at this point and/ or opportunism! There are actual words for this phenomenon.
Mike - all one has to do is read what you state in your Substack profile...Bwahahaha🤪😂🤣😆🤭
Have you seen yours?
As I understand the profession, all of those are basic medicine. One takes a different path once all prereqs in medicine are accomplished successfully.
They've done Dr. Offit a terrible disservice, goading me into comparing educational backgrounds with him for all the world to see.
Offit’s expertise in the relevant areas trumps yours by a wide margin.
And “all the world” isn’t reading your posts, maybe 2 or 3 people.
To put it very, very gently....I demonstrated that you are simply scientifically illiterate.
But hey....at least you have name-calling
Hi Albus, can you respond without derogatory comments directed at a person? It’s exactly this mentality that further polarizes the people, it’s not helpful, it’s a lose / lose tactic.
I simply note you are silent on the name-calling from Reid.
I never "name-called" anybody. Where did I do that?
"A shill named Albus"
Dag - ol’ little Albus is incapable of anything but his/her/it’s Schtick... one-trick pony crapping on anyone who doesn’t just salivate over their posts here.
Wasted time.
Thx for your input instead!
It is like you want folks to laugh at you....
Dag - thx 4 your comments & 4 your very informative discussion here along with Dr Reid! Much appreciated.
Actually, people like Del Bigtree, Aaron Siri, RFK, make money counting on folks not to bother looking at the facts....like how all Americans can....and do sue vaccine manufacturers....and the anti-vacc fraud is well detailed in the Court rulings......like this one:
Good news: once you start looking, generally the facts are easy to find.
You might not be able to help solve the public health crisis unfortunately. The 3 you take aim at are much more convincing, their record in court is evidence of that. Why are you so reluctant to the idea of people working together to solve a problem? Surely if vaccines are perfect with no room for improvement the discussion should be an easy experience for everyone to go through. But even as per the 1986 vaccine Act they recognized at the time there was work required to improve the safety of vaccines they wouldn’t have written up the Act the way they did otherwise.
Pointing at people making money as a means to discredit them obviously calls pharma’s motivations into question. Obviously the way society is organized people have to earn a living, if they weren’t allowed to be paid to question pharma no one could question them. Perhaps that is your hope, no questions allowed.
I get it, it’s hard arguing the side that survives by maintaining a lack of transparency. Just make a list of all the things Pharma and regulators won’t share, their actions kind of say it all.
ICAN have a better record. The studies that you point to are obviously false, everyone that got the shots got covid. My point is that right out of the gate even though Gov’ts signed contracts that acknowledged the shots could be leaky and cause harm every public health figure was chirping safe and effective. How many people you think would have taken the shots if they had highlighted for people those sections. Not only did they misrepresent the shots effectiveness and safety they offered burgers and other ridiculous incentives and even resorted to mandates based on the virus stops with vaccination and can’t used the vaccinated person to infect someone else, what a lie. But I guess that’s the silver lining of covid, it woke a lot of people up to the standard Pharma game plan. And the more you pile on the more it confirms it, so I guess carry on and help the cause.
Dag - Excellent points !
If your goal is to demonstrate that the anti-vacc fraud is predicated on folks being too stupid to read.
Interesting....bunch of silly assertions!
1. "ICAN have a better record. "
I had just provided you with their white paper that is riddled with staggeringly stupid lies.....but you ignore them!
2. "The studies that you point to are obviously false, everyone that got the shots got covid"
Lots of people...like me....are vaccinated and never had covid.
What you really mean is that the anti-vacc lie about the vaccine not stopping infection or transmission.....so you are going to make things up rather than look at the many studies from all around the world.
3. "My point is that right out of the gate even though Gov’ts signed contracts that acknowledged the shots could be leaky and cause harm every public health figure was chirping safe and effective. "
You mean the contracts that were signed before the studies were done and we didn't have the data......
You were silent on the existence of lawsuits against vaccine makers, and the facts of the case.
" The 3 you take aim at are much more convincing, their record in court is evidence of that."
You didn't provide any examples......
Here is a simple example. Remember that RFK jr is a lawyer...
Second sentence:
"Section “I” discusses how Congress granted pharmaceutical companies immunity from liability for vaccine injuries and transferred all responsibility for vaccine safety to the United States Department of Health & Human Services HHS) and its agencies, including the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)"
That is not a bit of spin or getting minor details wrong....that is flat out lying.
If you bother to go sentence by sentence through the white paper....it is just breathtaking dishonest....at least it doesn't stand up to any good faith effort at fact-checking.
Saying the covid shots were going to prevent catching / transmission was a straight lie, the purchaser acknowledgment section of the contracts countries signed said as much. What you don’t understand is the tactics used for so many years to discredit people with questions is now convincing more people all the time that the vaccine lobby aren’t to be trusted.
You changed the subject....which was that anti-vaccs like RFK jr and ICAN obviously lie a lot.
"Saying the covid shots were going to prevent catching / transmission was a straight lie,"
With a couple of seconds on Google....one can easily find lots of studies that demonstrate--while not perfect--do prevent infection and transmission. Here are a couple to get you started:
Again it is clear which are the lies.
"the purchaser acknowledgment section of the contracts countries signed said as much."
You mean the contracts signed before the studies were completed and we didn't have the data yet.......
Everyone who wore masks also got Covid.
Albus - You’re such a great paid troll/shill for the Quackcene Industry! Goid going! Keep.it.up!! 😆🤣🤪😂😘
Hi San
Appreciate the feedback and support. Albus must get great money to do the work that they do sharing any bs in an attempt to suppress opposing views. Sure would be interesting who they are, instead of going by a Harry Potter character. If it was Scooby-Doo who would be behind the mask when they peel it off?
Yup - appears to be a Bigg pHARMus shill
Oh look....
You don't care that Del Bigtree, Aaron Siri, RFK, are lies.
And you don't care that Courts have clearly detailed how the anti-vaccs are frauds.
But hey, if you willingly choose to be on the side of frauds that endanger/injury/kill chilren....that will be on your soul.
Albus - what are YOU waitin’ on?
GO GET YOUR BOOSTER! Hurry up - Biggg Pharmass is counting on you - you little shill! Bwahahaha!
I posted the link so everyone can see the anti-vaccs are liars.
You just continue to support the fraud and lies.
Must have been removed. Blank screen
Just checked....it works.
You are so right. They didn't question the validity or intent. They didn't question a new, experimental "vaxx". They went w it. They closed their minds and their eyes and they accepted it without intellectual considerations.
Not to say all kinds of bizzare protocol including staffing being out for possible exposures. Some put for 14 days, later 10. With how we already operate business- count every penny, we were already short staffed.
Then, the research and trying to find supply for new cleaning/sanitation measures. Filling our store room with all the emergency supplies, creating spreadsheets to track it. All the "gear". All the extra testing and trying to get masks. We were using the same masks for a week bc they weren't available. Even those w double shifts. Storing them in a brown paper bag, in a common drawer.
All of the craziness left many to quit their jobs, increasing the burden.
When did we stop thinking? All these nurses in charge don't question? I managed kitchens and refused all those shots and was harassed about it. When did intelligent people stop thinking?
Nope...just because you don't know the basic facts....doesn't change them.
BTW: contrary to Dag's assertion the vaccine manufacturers do have complete liability...an example where the anti-vaccs just don't tell the truth.
That is such a good one, read the 1986 Vaccine Act. Making a statement like that further erodes anything else you put forward. Back in school days wasn’t it a drag being given the side of an argument to defend that in your gut you knew was wrong.
On a more festive note happy solstice, everyone (in the North) can look forward to longer days ahead. I truly hope you enjoy your Christmas with family and friends and that all of mankind can start breaking down the polarization that is being imposed on us to destroy society - everyone loses except for a very few. Maybe people could look up Rotary’s 4-Way test and try to exchange with each other keeping those overarching principles in mind. Merry Christmas to all.
I simply note that even Courts detail how t the anti-vaccs are frauds and doing great evil to families.....especially children.....you just don't care.
Not exactly the true spirit of Jesus......
Thanks for contrast.
"That is such a good one, read the 1986 Vaccine Act."
I keep posting the exact part of the law that in simple, basic words explain how all American's can sue vaccine makers claiming a vaccine injury....here it is again:
Here are some other links I have posted here many times already....
1. SCOTUS took great care to explain that everyone can sue vaccine makers claiming and injury....it is in Section A paragraph 4 of the opinion.
2. Right in answer #1 of the FAQ from the compensation site it explains you can sue vaccine makers.
3. Here is a law firm that specializes in suing vaccine makers....they have a number of suits currently ongoing.
4. Since people DO sue vaccine makers....it MUST be true that one CAN sue vaccine makers!
Like this ruling:
And here is the most important point.......this topic has come up over and over and over......
All it takes is the integrity to read the words to see the facts:
A. The anti-vaccs are lying when they claim you can't sue vaccine makers.
B. The Court ruling clearly details that the anti-vaccs are moron and frauds.
But so far zero....not one single.....vaccine critic has had the integrity to read the words.
Will you be the first?
Albus - this is ALL ya got?
Buahahaha! Go get your Boosters! DO IT! 😘😘😘
Yup, they are called facts.
A chiropractor that isn't functionally literate, ignores obvious fraud detailed by the courts....and whose total intellectual contribution is a scatological comment.
Are you trying to make a mockery of your "profession"?
Just below here I posted the law...and the SCOTUS ruling...that both clearly explain how all American's can sue vaccine makers.
And I posted Court rulings where the vaccine makers were sued and guess what? The Courts detail how the anti-vaccs are morons and frauds.
Simple fact: one can't be functionally literate and fall for the anti-vacc lies.
You just need to get everybody vaccinated, Paul, so there won’t be any unvaccinated controls to expose any adverse effects.
So why aren't suing and making your claim in Court?
Where perjury applies....
Albus - are YOU this ignorant that you are not aware of the many lawsuits Re these nefarious toxic injections? SMH!
No he is a mentally ill fagot. Ask him if his male partner got pregnant yet?
I am aware that you didn't post even one of them may lawsuits.
I am aware that it takes willful stupidity to believe the anti-vacc lies.
I am aware that anyone with the most basic thinking skills can easily figure out that the vaccines are NOT toxic......just another stupid anti-vacc lie.
I am also aware that you won't many any effort at even trying to be moral or rational in your reply.
Oh no its not that Fagot Albus? Mentally deranged retard. Have you tried getting your partner pregnant yet??
Thanks....this is really helpful.
With more than 3 weeks to prepare a reply.....
You carpet-bombed a bunch of immoral sexual personal attacks.
But you couldn't come up with even one rational thought!
I appreciate your public service in demonstrating that the anti-vaccs are intellectual zeros and morally even less!
You didn't answer the question....you won't make your claims under oath because all you have are really stupid lies.
BTW: your assertion about Pfizer's legal record is still a lie predicated on folks being too stupid to read....just like last time that lie was posted.
People who develop vaccines should not also sit on the board that decides which ones are put on the vaccination schedule. That, is a serious conflict of interest. That, should stop immediately.
Good thing it is public knowledge exactly who is on ACIP and it is easy to see the anti-vacc lies.....you just have to read the words.
Albus - wow - you can not even let yourself dare to question the quackcine industry...as millions die from their crap. You are tragically either a troll or clueless or a paid shill for the vile, lying industry.
So thankful many, many, many are waking up to the lies upon lies that have been spewed over the decades by this abysmal industry.
All of my family wisely refused to get the C-19 shots - we all got Covid instead, stayed home, used healthy natural remedies. We now have healthier immune systems with robust T cells that did their designed job/role & resultant antibodies & SURVIVED...ALL without succumbing to the deathvaxxx, clotshot, propaganda from the govt, the corrupt medical establishments, the media & shills like you.
You can keep your little “studies”, & your ACIP, and your love affair with Offit, & all your little shots. Take them all - go ahead - Knock yourself out with all the Big pHARMus jabs, shots, inoculations, injections, aerosol sprays, etc, etc! Be our guest - YOU, Albus, can have it ALL! Do it, take all of it, every BOOster, every jab, every.single.time. Go ahead, be their ferret, their Netherlands rabbit, their little lab/jab rat! DO IT!!! 👏🙌
You are just mad because everyone the reads the words will the anti-vaccs are lying about who sits on ACIP.
Apparently, you just don't care how often or how stupidly the anti-vaccs lie.
Albus - Did you not get enough LOVE as a child? You poor thing! 😘😘😘😘😘
You keep changing the subject.
Thanks for demonstrating that it takes willful stupidity to not see that anti-vacc lies are predicated on folks being too stupid to read.
So are you saying that there has never been a vaccine developer who also served on the ACIP, and voted to place their vaccine on the schedule?
I can't find any. But I am open minded enough to look.
I am saying you didn't provide any examples.
Albus - YOU are using “open-minded” in reference to yourself? Good joke - thanks for making us laugh at your absurdity - you little shill for the Quackcene Industry!
Now, go put your $$$ where your mouth is & get your RSV/Flu/Shingles/Cov 19 Booster.
We’ll wait. 😆😉
The facts are clear.
When the anti-vaccs offer a reference, I read it.
In this case, there is no reference because the claim is just a really stupid lie.
Apparently, that is the best you have to offer.
From you silence....I gather that you were just making things up.....
Albus - DO NOT mistake silence for being astute in realizing we are arguing/debating a fool ... quit wasting our time - go get your precious BOOsters ...Little shill.
Time to go
No more debate today
Got important things to accomplish other than continuing to point out the obvious with you - you have sold your little soul to a greedy industry ...slow-killing millions upon millions 😉
Translation: you are mad that the anti-vaccs are caught in a really, really stupid lie.
I too would like to see an example of this claim.
Wrong approach again, have you considered taking any conflict resolution courses?
There is no money in respecting conflicts of interest. Reminds me of an old joke about a certain law farm in my investment banker days: “They never had a conflict of interest that they could not get around.”
"There is no money in respecting conflicts of interest. "
Of course there is.
Organizations that pay for vaccines....like national healthcare systems and health insurance companies....have huge financial interested in respecting CoI.
So no, you don't want to read who exactly is sitting on the board......guess you don't want people to see Paul's fabricated COI
it is amazing and distressing that such a credentialed and experienced OB-GYN would make so many counter-factual [false/wrong/misleading] statements to Congress about the impact of vaccination on pregnant women and their developing children.
Well, not really a statement to Congress, more a statement to MTJ’s little kangaroo court.
Silly comment by a silly person,?
Ad hominem much?
Mike - You wouldn’t know TRUTH if it walked up and kissed you! 🤭🤣😂😘
Did you not get enough love as a child?
It is striking that you didn't offer even one example of an error from Dr. Offit.
LOL, you broke again. I don't think you read Carol's comment, as she was talking about the article as presented...
haha your a funny dude.
The trust is so far gone and others have provided so many examples, it’s past that point. It’s time to sit down face to face with the people that have questions. It’s time for people to end the fight and solve the problem. Attacking people’s character at this point is only going to add to further polarization and then we all lose.
Albus - SHILL for Offit!
Thanks for confirming that there were zero errors and that you don't care!
Albus - are you really thinking these statements “confirm” your misguided & antiquated beliefs??? REALLY?
That is ALL ya got?
You are too fun to spar with!
Your words are still posted above.....
Carol - it really is abysmal...what some people sell their souls for - tragic
Agreed there is a special place in hell for the anti-vacc liars.
Why do Pfizer’s own data sheets on the vaccines classify the lipidnano particles as toxic, and the manufacturer of those classify them as highly toxic and not for use in humans?
Why does the DOD own the patent? Why don’t they recommend aspirating the injection site to be sure no vaccine enters the bloodstream? I mean you don’t want your epithelial tissue to start producing spike protein and be destroyed by T-cells, as that is the way the vaccine works.
Just asking for a friend.
So why didn't you post the data sheets or the manufacturers MSDS or the patents?
They are posted in enough other Substack, and there is a search feature.
So, no you can't provide one example where they were not lying about the documents?
Thanks...I have seen some that.....to put kindly....obviously lie about the documents.
So...can post some where they aren't lying about the documents?
George - GOOD Questions!
Thankfully, not a TROLL & SHILL for the vaxxx industry like ol’ Albus here in this thread!
Here is a good answer: the anti-vaccs lie about these documents.
Remember San it takes willful stupidity to fall for the anti-vacc lies.
Albus - what reality do you live in?
Like anyone here would take anything you say seriously? Nope, Nilch, nada, nah, negative!
It’s been fun, Albus!
Hugs & love to you!
In my world people actually love their children and will read some words to keep them alive/healthy.
Then there are folks like you....
Here is an interview I did with Canadian emergency doctor who has sacrificed everything to tell the truth. https://rumble.com/v412nvl-putting-everything-on-the-line-to-fight-for-people-exclusive-w-dr.-trozzi-s.html
Krayden - Dr Trozzi - what a truly amazing Doctor- thanks for the link!
No surprise....
You support terrorism and murder.
Are you trying to make the ant-vaccs look silly?
Albus - Little SHILL - verrry little ;)
I note that you don't even try to defend Trozzi's lies......
But what you lack in a rational argument....you make up for with name-calling....
Albus - THAT’S ALL you got???
I note that you don't deign knowingly supporting terrorism and murder.
Thank you for the continuing public service in demonstrating exactly what the anti-vaccs are.
Putting aside Trozzi's gross basic medical/scientific/ethical failings....
Why in the world would you support a person that advocates killing people that disagree with him????
It is startling that “hundreds” of children in the US have died of Covid. No healthy children died from Covid in the UK.
Were all these US children at death’s door already and Covid was the final straw, or were your treatment protocols severely lacking? Were you pumping them full of remdesivir and putting them on vents?
So you were just making things up when you said no health children died from covid in the UK?
Not at all. There is ONE tragic disputable case of a 15 year old who died of myocarditis very soon after catching Covid. But she had previously had Kawasaki and viral myocarditis can happen with any virus in those predisposed. A vaccine that also causes myocarditis might also have been fatal, so I don’t know what the answer is on cases like that.
These vaccines need to be pulled from the market and they are not safe nor are they effective.
Instead of assertions, provide the data and analysis.
You never answered my question.
How exactly do you know the kids medical backgrounds?
Without the details, it is impossible for you to know if they were healthy or not.
" No healthy children died from Covid in the UK."
How exactly do you know that?
The ONS produce data. He’s wrong of course.
Mike S = TROLL!
Albus = TROLL
You are just mad because once again an anti-vacc is caught just making things up.
I replied to another poster (pixie) on this. In the first 9 months of the pandemic, among the 20 or so child deaths from Covid in England there were 5 with no comorbidities.
There have been many more healthy kids die since then.
Here is pixies chart
This does not show where people died with Covid as the main cause of death. It is people who died after a positive PCR test. Not at all the same thing, as should be very clear by now.
Why don't you try reading how Covid is diagnosed?
No, it’s based on death-certificated cause of death. Please don’t tell us you are another one of those delusional “everyone who died really died “with” covid and not from covid” types.
Its right there in the subtitle of the chart you linked to
Not EVERYONE. Just healthy children in the UK. Feel free to find a case report of a counter factual. The only debatable one I can find is jorja Halliday.
They are ones who got ineffective treatments and they would be alive if given effective known treatments. Unfortunately the CV19 jab is not effective as a vaccine. We’re still losing patients to it. Again the only CV19 deaths have occurred when dangerous or ineffective treatments were used and from clots and from heart inflammation following CV19 jabs, clotshots.
Strange there is no actual data in your posting....
Wow, I really can't believe you are writing about this. Have you even looked through the Pfizer study documents that were released to the public through FISA. You guys just approve to fill your own pockets. The trials Pfizer did were not even randomized double blinded. If you are interested all the analysis by people way more qualified than you have done: Dailyclout.io. I hope all of you go to prison for the rest of your lives.
1. I doubt that those at “the Daily Clout” are “way more qualified” than Dr Offit.
2. The Pfizer phase 3 studies preceding FDA authorisation were indeed double-blind, randomised, saline placebo-controlled trials. Whatever makes you think otherwise?
Mike - keep pushing the FDA, NIH, Offit narrative - good folks are waking up & there is no going back to the Biggg pHARMus days when everyone lined up like a good little ferret (lab rat) & got their jabb(from
The Quackcene Indystey)
Too many have been awakened - you can keep shilling for them, but, times have changed. Now ... we have to figure out how to win ag their aerosol sprays & beat them at their diabolical eugenics.
But, you, Mike S - you go ahead - go get ALL your jabs, your sprays, your pills, your under-the-skin implants. DO IT! Take all the Industry’s crap...we will applaud YOU for your willingness to be their lab rat, their shill!
Nothing has changed.....
We have more than 100 years of anti-vacc liars preying upon the ignorant.
Mike - you obviously have not gone thru the initial 55,000 page dump required by the judge from good ol’ Pfizzzzer! At least Naomi did have an amazing team of professionals who went thru that study’s mess. But, go ahead - get all your little shots & by all means ...continue to push the deathvaxxes & clot shots & make sure you continue to shill for the Big phHARMus quackcine industry. DO IT!
Correction: Naomi runs a business preying upon folks too clueless to read.
Well, I got to page 34,675, which was well past the section on the saline placebo.
They used saline, ie Normal NaCl solution.
Mike - NO they did not use the normal saline solution - are you not even aware of the whistleblowers on this Pfizzer crapola?
Mike = TROLL/SHILL for the vaxxx industry
Most of us are aware that the anti-vaccs stupidly lie about everything?
Seriously....how could anyone be so foolish as to fall for the lies?????
And if you read the documents, you too will see that they did do randomized placebo-controlled trials and know that the anti-vaccs lied about the basic facts.
They did not do them. There have never been randomized placebo-controlled trials. You have to use unvaccinated from birth to get the correct result and the Pfizer trial unblinded after 4 months. There were also 8-9 pages single spaced pages of adverse reactions including covid and death during the trials. If that is safe and effective then you can have all my vaccines. Also the trial vaccine (cominerty) was not the same one they used in america. So all the vaccines Americans got were not even tested. They did not get all the toxins from the e-coli they used to grow it and did not clean out the mRNA fragments. I have analysis book and have access to all the documents., dailyclout.io is the location and now you have them. GO LOOK!!
You are just parroting what the anti-vaccs claim.
Now please read the documents and see what they actually say.
One example:
"There were also 8-9 pages single spaced pages of adverse reactions including covid and death during the trial"
That is a complete fabrication.....those 8-9 pages don't exist. Just and anti-vacc lie.
Well, there were 20,000 who got placebo. Over 3 months you would expect at least 50 deaths. These would happen even if none of them were in the trial. Under trial conditions you’d therefore expect 50 deaths in the placebo arm. You also have 20,000 in the vaccine arm, and you’d expect the same number of deaths if the vaccine was ineffective and inert.
Each of these 100 deaths would be reported under the study protocol as a “SAEFV”; a serious adverse event following vaccination. Whether suspected to be due to vaccine or not…doesn’t matter.
Each of those death reports will come with seriously wordy documentation.
I’m surprised there were only 8-9 pages of the 55,000 page document.
I conclude maybe there were FEWER deaths in the trial than anticipated.
Still working on reading the words in the document?
Christine - you are dealing with a little shill for the Quackcene industry
Verrry little shill
No surprise, you don't want her to read the documents and see what they actually say...
The placebo was not a placebo like normal saline and had the same basic makeup as the active vaccine without the mRNA and thus it’s a way to cover for the adverse effects of the vaccine since even the control causes adverse effects.
Instead of making things up, why don't you try reading the studies?
The placebo was normal saline....0.9 % NaCl......
That was easy!
What nonsense. The placebo was saline.
Mike - prove that ...you can’t
Sorry San....this thread requires people to be functionally literate and to have the integrity to read the words.
Christine - oh, more than prison awaits them... prison would be a cakewalk compared to when they stand before God. I take solace in HIS justice. They will be without excuse and no amount of farcical study links or grant-funding will suffice. I wouldn’t want to be in a politician’s nor recent president’s shoes either. Offit is well-named- he is abysmal. The little ones harmed by this vile industry are calling out to God for Justice from this Quackcene cult
Oh please.....
The anti-vacc liars are probably not going to prison.
Unless one of them is so foolish as to make their claims under oath....where perjury applies.
The only way to settle this issue is to have an unbiased non-Pharma funded study done. I doubt that will happen.
Until then I will put my faith in the doctors that have no financial incentive to promote vaccine uptake. So no vaccines for me.
Sorry...there is no such thing as an unbiased study.
But there are lots of studies from health insurance companies and university faculty and national healthcare systems....if you want to read some you can find them at pubmed.
If they were funded by Pharma they mean nothing. To me.
Have a look. There are many studies of real world vaccine efficacy from multiple agencies and scientific institutions that did not use Pharma funding.
Good thing you can read the funding sources in the studies from health insurance companies and university faculty and national healthcare systems...and get the answers you said you wanted...
Albus - using a gov website to support your govt-sponsored jab crapola - very cute
Good going-yay for you! 👏🤣🙌
I posted a link to a searchable database so everyone here can read the studies.
Remember San....it is not just that the anti-vaccs are liars......it is also a fact that it takes willful stupidity to believe their lies.
Albus - Hey, what are you hangin’ around here for? - you need to go get your next booster!
Go get it! 😂
I note you don't say anything like: yes stopping children from dying is important enough to read some words.
You really just don't have any clue as how immoral you being...
There’s a very good reason for pregnant women being vaccinated, it provides the foetus with antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 that cross the placenta and in breast milk. The first 6 weeks of life are particularly dangerous for neonates and worse for preterm babies.
Actually it has occured to me that people who do not get an mRNA COVID vaccine are valuable to study . It appears that the mRNA COVID vaccines are safe for the most part but I'm hoping that scientists continue studying them in case there is some negative side which hasnt been identified yet .I also continue to wonder why I never hear anything about the vaccine developed by Dr Peter Hotez and his team which is not an mRNA vaccine . How does it compare to mRNA COVID vaccines ? It's much cheaper to manufacturer and can be stored in a normal refrigerator while the mRNA vaccines must be stored at -90 F . If this vaccine is even close in effectiveness to the much more expensive mRNA vaccines , let's use it in the US and save taxpayers a lot of money !
Jon - good points
Unfortunately, the Quackcene industry is inventing aerosols, sprays, tablets, etc for this mRNA crapola & will make unnecessary to be contained under cold temps
Thanks for agreeing that the mRNA vaccines are safe!
Albus - NO one agrees with you that has done their research - get real!
And yet not one piece of data from.
This is literally 5th grade.....you can keep up intellectually keep up with the average 10 year old....right????
Dr Mike Yeadon- past VP of Phyzer (brilliant). Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Marik. Dr Kory
These people know the truth
They aren’t vaccines.
Your hypothesis relies and data and graphs, designed by the same men who want to push those things that have killed a number of people I know personally.
Isn't it funny that no one else, except those who wanted the same result, was allowed in on the critical decision making? Those with concerns were not allowed in the conversation.
It is crystal clear that you are a bot for killing machine, or incredibly naive and ignorant.
Science is more that graphs a few people , with ill intent, it now appears, put together. It allows critical thinking with all facts available. Another way science is considered right today and wrong tomorrow is that the do not use data yet to come (or shut out).
You keep trolling your way here, but you aren't changing any minds. Just the way these things were rolled out deserves to be investigated.
Maybe your a bot. Maybe your a pharmaceutical guru who stand to lose millions. Maybe your prestige in on the line. I have no idea and I have no reason to care. What I do know is your "science" has been proven flawed.
Elon Musk reportedly said recently that if you want to get past the anthill you just run over it to get where you want to go. We can see that this is happening. But we , collectively, just may have outfitted the "science ". You forgot how to think critically for yourselves. You didn't have all the pieces to your puzzle to come to a reasonable hypothesis. One wrong piece and the who house of cards falls. That's just a smidgen of what happens when people don't have truth within them. Maybe you haven't cracked open your Holy Book in a while?
"Your hypothesis relies and data and graphs, designed by the same men who want to push those things...."
Most people can read the names from the publications and see you are wrong....
Anti-vacc 101: lots of inflammatory rhetoric, but not even functionally literate.
Nothing marks out a troll more than someone dropping into a thread throwing insults in an attempt to get attention, while calling others ”TROLL!!”
MTG is a warrior .. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 we need more truth tellers like her.
Interesting. So we'll risk the lives of millions of children by injecting the all so a hundred will live.
Are we talking accountability yet? Transparency? Knocking those monsters down who inflicted such evil on a global population?
Thank you, for the work you are doing-insisting and real data and truth.
Can you enumerate these life-risking threats Covid vaccines pose to children, and give us some idea as to their frequency?
mRNA genetic material contains a methylated U nucleotide as well as a poly c g promoter
The protein S1 is the product of the ribosome of millions of cells that are otherwise healthy
When hundreds of billions of copies of S1 are produced they will bind ACE2 receptors in cardiovascular tissue so each and every one who gets active S1 mRNnA containing injection will be adversely affected and the vast majority is asymptomatic imo
You should take immunology 101 class and learn what actually happens to the expressed protein....
Yeah, the S1 subunit which coats the billions of virions pumped into circulation on a daily basis during productive Covid infection must pose a huge risk to health; so that explains why people can get so sick.
In 11 adolescent individuals who are taking tennis lessons we saw 100% of the vaccinated children have chest pain and myocarditis. If they have no symptoms of myocarditis and got the vaccines then I am more concerned with sudden death. Fatigue is the most common adverse effect of CV19 jab.
100% ... have chest pain, performance rapid decline, and/or myocarditis.
With what I am seeing with friends' families and in medical records, I don't doubt that.
Jonathan - ♥️💔
Strange how your experience is so profoundly different from the world-wide experience of life/health insurance companies/systems.....
They only have actual data on many 100s of millions of people....
Incidence of vaccine myocarditis in adolescent males is 5-14 per 100,000 vaccine shots moreso following a second vaccine close to the first.
For you to have all 11 children get vaccine myocarditis (100%!) is just completely improbable.
Right so could 5 per 100,000 be underreporting.
Which has been quite a problem. There is so much data out there. So much yo make me feel, at this time, that it is a probable nefarious action. We need them to be pulled immediately.
"There is so much data out there. "
Which is why no country will withdraw the vaccines....the data is so clear that they are safe and effective!
Possibly, but it won’t be much, and don’t forget that unlike Covid myocarditis, which is far commoner, vaccine myocarditis is usually very mild and transient, with only very rare serious sequelae. Of course you could find the rare case of arrhythmia or even death, but these complications are at least 20 times likelier during acute Covid.
Myocarditis appears to be the sole confirmed serious side effect from mRNA vaccination, and it also has become less frequent (since most cases reported date from the period that a second dose of vaccine followed within 6-12 weeks after the first dose. That doesn’t happen now, boosters are 12 months apart and that doesn’t seem to cause an issue according to data presented by the CDC.
Really helps if you understand the risks from infection.
Yes, indeed. I worked through the madness, am a grandma and a mother. I had studied these bio tech products long before covid. I refused bc of prior knowledge. Of my friends, the ones who have died suddenly, or by prolonged heart failure, one was suffering, after injection, acute systolic & diastolic heart failure. The people I worked with either didn't know or didn't want us to know they sacrificed one of their own-the long time, only reliable charge nurse. Another has had to have heart surger to stop here chronic heart rhythm distrubances. Just this week, I lost 2 friends in my circle. Both the same- sudden shortness of breath. They just died! There are many more. In my family there were many side affects, needing surgery or longer term care. Of those in the medical community, I wonder how many ? Do they just retire? Why aren't we hearing more from them? Don't get me started here.
I know work medical records after all that LTC & Hospital madness, none of which was of the virus itself, but all the extra protocols put in place. And the fear drove employees away. Then trucking and supply chain.
Let me repeat: we had 0 severe covid cases and 0 deaths from the virus. (I am not saying others didn't) The problems came after the injection, which we are clearly seeing now. We saw many many deaths after the mass vaxx clinic at the stadium.
Yes, the data is being tracked, even infant death and stillborn births.
CMS, DHHS, CIOX, to name just a few who have "official' data.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the nefarious deeds here. In fact, there has been recent testimony to the same. Many scientists and physicians are saying it is dangerous.
To pull it now.
What if those sacrificed for such an experiment were your children? There are some who believe themselves to be gods who say "run over the anthill to get where you want, they are just people". I say, God created us in His image and likeness and will not allow such crazy experiments on the human genome without some retribution, which may well be on its way.
How do you discriminate between a death from the vaccine as opposed to a death from Covid, or death from another cause?
Pardon my spelling. Not allowed to edit the mistakes made in my haste to tell what I've seen
If you had to be part of the whole production. Hospital & LTC, you had a basis or normal, let's say. Everyday goings on. Then this virus (who knows). We had people were very old, near a hundred, who passed away pretty quickly, as she lived for her daily visits from her kids. Everyone was shut in their rooms for months on end. I woud go bonkers. There was a lot of fear, which also fell over to employees. It was a trying time. We did not see unexpected deaths until after the mass vax clinics. I managed in 2 different facilities and had private clients too.
No, I did not write down statistics, but probably could go back and round up that data.
From the infection control nurse suddenly getting a new lump that surgery immediately (she was in charge of pushing out the stuff, but quit after this). My sister needing emergency hysterectomy, my son having his leg, foot and hand go numb for several months. I still see him tripping and he fell down the stairs not all that long ago. My best friend getting ready to retire was pretty healthy and liked to keep that way. Took no meds. Suddenly, she started having fibrillation and tachycardia pretty often (she still takes every one, even though she has since had to have heart surgery.
My husband had a heart attack this past spring. Didn't expect that and no family history. Trim guy. Likes his beer. Who knows.
I am a late graduate and lost one of my college friends to heart attack about a year ago. Buff, worked out every day, liked his beer too. Who knows.
Charge nurse, our report was that she had an inflammatory response and went pretty quickly. Because I have since left the dramatic scene behind, I work in medical records. Her record came across my desk and I didn't have to look at it to see the dx. Acture systolic & diastolic heart failure. This took place over a year and a half. How terribly uncomfortable. After a surgery gone wring once, I had to fight my way out of CHF over a good couple of years. It was terrible and debilitating.
Personal client: in her 90s. Some muscular problems, some vision loss, a little forgetfulness at times. Enjoyed getting up every day, watching her gardens and political shows (ugh!). Hair had to be just right and still did her makeup. Daughter, who is also a nurse, took her in for her 2nd shot (or that would have been the timing people were getting their second). Within a week nobody recognized her. Combatant, yelling, crazed. She was taken to the hospital and nobody could diagnose anything. Another personal client, wife just bragged about them getting their second. He quickly took a turn for the worse. He did have parkinsons, but he was walking and even doing steps ok.
Mass vax clinic at the area sports complex. I had to take clients who wanted to go. Right after I took a management position at a local LTC. I was hoping to avoid the staffing shortages, which didn't pan out. Also, next round of covid came and trucking and supply interruptions as well. We were working 60- 80 hr weeks for a good number of months. It was crazy.
Just after the clinic, the new admission after new admission. Families reported sudden changes in condition. Some lived a few hours after admission, some a few days. The client with parkinsons came to the facility also and while he lived 2 months, he declined very rapidly and was not walking by time he came to us just two weeks of me being a care provider for him at home.
My other client, whose daughter is a nurse, had to be taken to a hospice care facility, never overcame her mental crisis and passed a month later.
Just in the last 10 days I have had two friends (their husbands) die suddenly. Sudden SOB which couldn't be remedied. They "just died" is the message my group received. One I know had at least the first one, as it was required for his work. I'm guessing by his easy going nature that he followed his Dr's protocol on the vax. I'll learn more later.
The other I don't know for certain that he got the injection, but his wife works for the university, who required it of all students and staff. I would bet that he accepted it as a "free benefit", at least initially, until people were questioning. Still, I have not yet heard about his vax status, but will learn more at a later date. You sure don't bring those things up at such a trying time.
Another employee was older, poorer health. Got covid first round and came through it like a gem. Was sure to get her shot. Died 3 mos later.
Now, my time in medical records shows the incredible number of people, young and older, with suddend cardiac problems. What I see most is heart rhythm disturbances. Several heart surgeries have had to transpire. Some have died, some very ill. I don't go looking for vax status, but if it's there I take note. Yes, it is a common thread.
If DHHS , CMS, CIOX and others are collecting data, some which we are not allowed to look at. Some is on the infant deaths during covid. Some audits on the infant deaths by state agencies. Then you have a pretty good idea that it is suspect that the shot is causing the damage.
There are many protocols that Dr's have said will help clear the spike proteins, like NAC and bromeline (from pineapple), and some others. I say a healthy diet goes a long way.
You, be well! Never lose your curiosity for truth and justice.
Albus is right. Many have been played a fool.
This character went on to harass me, so I had to block him. Good riddance to those who want to deploy their snake oil magic on everyone, regardless of the outcomes.
That we are still using these, with the many scientists and physicians reporting on the excess deaths, as well as life insurance company payout data, is incredible to me.
We will find the truth and those responsible for this massive shakedown on the world's population will be held accountable. If not by man, God will rein down His justice.
"If you had to be part of the whole production. Hospital & LTC, you had a basis or normal, let's say."
What biased data set. All you have are the people that are sick.
Good news: health insurance companies/national healthcare systems have the needed data and are clear that the vaccines are safe and effective.
Sadly, some folks just don't want to admit they have been played for a fool.
Let's see....we can make life/death decisions based on assertions someone makes on-line.
Or we can listen to the organizations...like life/health insurance companies/systems....who have the data and whose finances are hugely impacted by the safety/efficacy of vaccines.
And they are clear....the vaccines are safe and effective!
"COVID-19 vaccines are a safe and effective way to protect your health."
Livinsimply - thank you - blessings to you ♥️💔❤️🩹
Remarkably innumerate....