This is a gross display of professional negligence.
You assured your readers this DNA remains In The cytosol, yet any of your readers who have actually read our paper on the topic will have understood Dean et al which demonstrates the SV40 promoter has a nuclear targeting sequence which localizes to the nucleus in hours in all cell lines studied to date.
You also omitted any discussion of Drayman et al demonstrating the SV40 promoter sequence in the vaccine binds to the tumor suppressor gene p53. There are billions of copies of these in every dose. You deflect your your readers with billions of gram of DNA without discussing copy number of these DNAs? 10-100 billion copies of these SV40 promoters in every dose given.
You yourself stopped taking these jabs but continue to defend their use with illusions and misdirections like your article above.
Your readers would be wise to scrutinize your conflicts of interest in this field. They would get a more informed opinion with an AI chatbot.
AI isn’t going to take the blue collar jobs. It’s going wipe out the parasitic crony class first and you are clearly its first victim.
Quite the font of misinformation: there is no intact DNA sequence for SV40 promoters or enhancers in the COVID mRNA vaccines, and no proteins are encoded by any of the residual small fragments of DNA in these vaccines and no evidence that the trace amounts of fragmented DNA found in these vaccines integrate into the recipients DNA.
These claims regarding the putative and unknown dangers of residual DNA fragments present in COVID mRNA vaccines are not only completely unsubstantiated, but they are all the more outrageous when one considers that trace levels of fragmented DNA are present not only in virtually all vaccines, regardless of their method of production, but in all biologics (recombinant drugs produced in cells), including insulin. This has been recognized by both biopharmaceutical companies and regulatory agencies for decades. Moreover, methods for reducing both the overall levels of residual DNA and the size of the remaining fragments within acceptable limits are well established, and the regulatory requirements in this regard are applied to all biologics, including the COVID mRNA vaccines. To claim otherwise is evidence either of gross ignorance, or intentional deceit.
Look at the denialism from the Jonestown jab jihadist.
Multiple researchers from around the world have replicated the SV40 promoter discovery.
DNA limits were 1000x lower in 1985 before the NCVIA act gave Pharma pimps like Offit a liability shield.
These vaccines package the DNA in lipid nano particles making prior limits irrelevant.
DNA has a 10minute half life when injected. When protected in a LNP we can detect it weeks to months later.
We can see Stan has cut and pasted Peter Marks psalms regarding ‘no protein coding’ DNA. This is also false. We’ve detected 3.5kb fragments with ONT. These encode entire antibiotic resistance genes.
The evidence that these are harmful should fall on jab jihadists that cheered on liability free mandates.
The data in VAERs is not on your side. You created a death cult and released the most lethal medicine ever unleashed on society… all while being arrogant and beyond ignorant when it comes to genomics.
OK Stan I’ll give you the secret. Someone purposefully excluded it on the map they provided to the FDA. They physically would’ve had to have removed it from the map. Whoopie.
Are you saying that the anti-vaccs are liars? Do you trust the health agencies with truth? Do you believe that a virus exists, and has been isolated? Please enlighten us all with your scientific evidence, site all the virology masters of the past 60 years. Circular arguments all. Doctors Bailey and Bailey in New Zeeland have destroyed the fraud called virology, with the scientific method, unlike what was used to prove this Unicorn exists.
1. "Are you saying that the anti-vaccs are liars? "
I have clearly demonstrated that some are for profit liars.
2. "Do you trust the health agencies with truth? "
You don't need to do so. How did you miss that?
3. "Do you believe that a virus exists, and has been isolated? "
I know they do and that they are isolated every day buy many people all around the world.
4. "Please enlighten us all with your scientific evidence, site all the virology masters of the past 60 years."
You want 9+ years of education and 60 years of data in a text box. That is just silly.
5. "Circular arguments all. Doctors Bailey and Bailey in New Zeeland have destroyed the fraud called virology, with the scientific method, unlike what was used to prove this Unicorn exists."
Do mean Samantha Bailey?
The not a scientist that made money posting lots of BS?
Like offering references about covid virus...that were published before covid existed?
She can't even read the name of virus in papers correctly.
Is that who you mean?
Anyway....if you have a link to offer, I am happy to read it.
When you stoop to ad hominem attacks coupled with repetition of unsubstantiated claims, it show you’ve really got nothing. This nonsense re. the dangers of residual DNA has been throughly and repeatedly debunked.
Can you provide evidence that substantiates a single specific claim you have made? For example, the presence of 3.5 kb fragments encoding entire antibiotic resistance genes?
well, that about covers it. Has he ever actually worked at the bench doing cell culture and transfection experiments? I have spent over a decade at the bench and in cell culture rooms testing thousands of cationic compounds and formulations for transfection activity, and have the patents and marketed compounds to prove it. Same problem with Peter Marks, MD, PhD, hematologist/oncologist and member of the NAS.
Offit for profit. Virology is a fraud. I find it interesting that all the health freedom fighters have not mentioned this fact. Dr. Peter McKullah stated to Dr. Sam Bailey that he has a photo of a virus, and yet has not seen fit to show this photo as proof. They all condemn the vaccine, but fail to admit the thing they all must know, and this is the fact that there is no virus.
In what way is that AFP article (sponsored by pharma) a debunk? It literally restated that there is plasmid DNA in the products.
Please can you direct us to the FISH or equivalent definitive study showing that there was no nuclear transport of plasmid DNA in the preclinical studies performed for these products?
"Please can you direct us to the FISH or equivalent definitive study showing that there was no nuclear transport of plasmid DNA in the preclinical studies performed for these products?"
That was very poor sophistry....fortunately only the most feeble-minded would fall for it.
You: "The gene therapies are super safe and nothing can go wrong"
Me: "It has a bunch of nuclear localisation signals so it's pretty nailed on it will go to the nucleus and integrate"
You: "Nah pretty sure that doesn't happen conspiracy theorist REEEEEE"
Me: "No problem. Where's the FISH showing that you're right, because when you are introducing a novel gene therapy you need to do some basic safety evaluations"
Jihadists is being overly kind you historical buffoon.
At least in Jihad they spare women and children.
Unlike your decrepit cult that went after 6 month olds and pregnant women, all because you pissed your pants over a flu.
Mike, when you’re done with your outrage porn and safe spaces will you address the audience regarding why your poke priest Offit omitted the nuclear targeting sequences or the p53 interaction?
We have all the time in the world.
We can wait for your melted snowflake to get its act together and actually address the core argument you breezed over with your safe space smoke grenade.
Omg you are a master of many things and taking down these amoebas while making people cry with laughter is one of them. Keep fighting the good fight. These people are vile and so pleased that they are being exposed for the cheap hookers that they are.
"Mike, when you’re done with your outrage porn and safe spaces will you address the audience regarding why your poke priest Offit omitted the nuclear targeting sequences or the p53 interaction?"
Ok the anti-vacc fraud consists of lying and then lots of inflammatory language as a substitute for looking for the facts.
So vaers was so adept and fine for decades as our ONLY system but now that even young ppl die suddenly and unexpectedly vaers suddenly isn't?? Then what exactly IS?? Consider yourself mercifully given another chance, 6-7 other life chances to thank the Lord if you’re truly up to date all boosted. Oh and be sure to run for your rsv jab too. Yes vaers! Oh and only tens of millions dead. The nations were deceived by their sorceries. Sorceries word study definitions mean pharmakeia, magic arts and spells. Pharmaceuticals and .. being captivated thus have trouble believing or understanding outside of what you’re constantly told by nudge tech, bribed and bought media, and blinded ‘leaders’. Be blessed with truth and set free. He waits mercifully, the only One Who saves.
Yes and smoke alerts to fires. No not tens of millions dead of covid. Dead of cocktail IV sedation, remdesivir, neglect, illegal DNRs, overwhelming anxiety from propaganda, pay for play, lack of proper treatment, etc. The ‘vaccines’ saved none, disabled tens of millions and killed tens of millions and is still doing so. Offit stopped boosting, like hundreds of millions have because they saw their loved ones die or become disabled or they themselves were injured. Many finally found the deadly facts outside of pharma bribed msm and puppet gov. So he has to change the discussion now to distract. VA and DOD data is clear, it kills and disables. vaers is neglected and solid cases have been scrubbed. Bioweapon of nanoparticles and myriad other dangerous ingredients has been admitted by gov but all this distraction from mouthpieces to not speak of it. Over 1,400 dead in the first 4 months in Pfizer docs. So many know read them and know this. Man has fallen and corrupted science to line his pockets and end his neighbors. Happy researching. Peace.
I love this one Stan, because it shows just how naïve you are. If you’re referring to the FDA forms, you might want to throw that RNA sequence into something that can map it for you and put what’s there in really pretty beautiful color stuff so you can better understand. lol
Keep on doing what you're doing because many people who blindly believed Offit (because of how he was pushed heavily by MSM as the only credible vaccine specialist at the height of the pandemic) and who unwittingly took the vaccines or were coerced into taking them, have the RIGHT to know about how nefarious they actually are.
And the more details emerge about the technical aspects of how they actually operate the better. God bless!
“Furthermore, we have demonstrated that portions of the 72 bp SV40 enhancer are required for the nuclear entry of plasmid DNA in all eukaryotic cells tested to date; plasmids not containing this sequence remain in the cytoplasm until cell division, whereas plasmids containing the enhancer migrate to the nucleus within several hours. “
Thanks for the link....which looks really consistent with the earlier Dean paper referenced by Anandamide.
But what exactly does that have to do with the fact that nowhere in the Dean paper do they show any binding of transcriptional factors...there is nothing at all about that in Anandamide's paper.
Why doesn't it bother you that she/he just keeps making things up?
He’s probably one of those new millennial scientists, who learned 50% activism and kind of sort of 50% of of the science. Good luck to the future folks.
Oh hey, Albus. Just popping in on the Vax-Scene shills and their naked regret clumsily disguised as feverish worshiping of pharmaceutical companies, white coats and gov't bureaucrats. You didn't disappoint! In the spirit of Christmas, thought you'd appreciate a little nostalgia from the jab's golden hour. Please enjoy this totally normal and not-at-all propagandist cringe from the hilarious and talented Stephen Colbert. It's the Box Set! 🤩🎁🌲😘
Smaller base pairs, actually make things worse because they have exposed ends and can integrate anywhere just about. That argument because the enzyme digestion works even less effective. How is this moron answering any of us? Lol
Dr Offit, you didn’t mention that the DNA is not naked - but rather, packaged in LNPs.
Could you also address the role of the SV40 promoter in the Pfizer contamination, which is known to be good at dragging contents into the cell nucleus?
Dr. Peter Marks also overlooks this key point regarding the formulation of the contaminating DNA fragments into the same lipidnanoparticles. The current generation of lipidnanoparticle technology, largely created by Dr. Pieter Cullis et al of UBC (who played a much more important role that Kariko/Weissman and should have been the one tapped for the Nobel), is the most effective in vivo non-viral delivery system ever devised. Dr. Offit knows this, or he was asleep during the various FDA and CDC meetings he has participated in. Dr. Offit also overlooks that the current manufacturing system is almost identical to the one that I pioneered, but now at even larger scale. With one key difference - the use of centrifugation rather than column chromatography for the purification of the mRNA. Which is clearly less effective in separating full length mod-mRNA from the small DNA frags. Both Dr. Marks and Dr. Offit apparently have been snowed by Pfizer and Moderna, probably because of their superficial understanding of the technology.
Dr. Offit also appears ignorant of the switch from manufacturing process #1 (performed by Aldevron, employing PCR for production of the DNA template) to process #2 (I believe Lonza) in which it appears that research grade plasmid templates were pulled off the shelf in haste, rather than specifically designing production plasmids (lacking, for example, the typical research shuttle vector SV40 ori/enhancer/promoter). One is left wondering whether Dr. Offit has the background and training to comprehend such nuances.
I do not know much about manufacturing vaccines, but I know that Covid-19 is a mortality hoax (unable to give more deaths in a year than the common influenza) and easily proven by the math-logic way, ...and it was not any task for medicals:
It should be the starting point for anything else, however the proof seems to be very difficult to medicals as requires heavy attention. But even a small part of it is the efficient proof itself:
"Even just the average number of chronic conditions confirms the main result, which number must have been considerably increased among alive ones (but not already in a terminal state) and then really killed by the virus against the comparative group of just alive ones with the same age-structure. The CDC knew there had to be a very clear correlation between Covid-19 Death Risk Ratio and the number of underlying conditions, but in the official "Deaths involving Covid-19" (DIC) group none increase in the average number was visible even after limiting the list of conditions to the conservative CCW list, what was possible only when the share of real Covid-19 deaths in the DIC group was very small or even close to Zero %. Those still alive (but not in a terminal state) at a given age, if were infected, but were not forced to die at a specific date by the virus, would die, on average, considerably later in the future, but those amongst them with high numbers of conditions would die, on average, much faster than the rest of still alive ones at this age."
Telling us that multiple people are lying counting on folks not to understand what contaminated means....really is not a compelling argument.
Remember: selling contaminated vaccines is illegal and none of the anti-vaccs have/will sue and make this claim under oath--because it is just a lie.
Based on the postings here.....Anandamide is a remarkably scientifically illiterate business person who grifts from people that don't bother to read her/his references and see how he/her just keeps making things up.
Albus, since you believe the vaccines are not contamindated, I have a question: How much time have you spent in your lab with pipette and test equipment? Please describe your lab set up, test protocol, and test results. If you have your own data (not someone else's) to refute what other's post, please show us your own lab work.
The entire topic is predicated on not understanding what contaminated means.
Since you ask, I have more than 30 years of experience which is why I know not to have my own protocol or to do my own testing when there are compendial results and lots of independent labs that do the testing all the time.
You know, the independent labs that all agree the vaccines are not contaminated?
Nope. You're wrong. This is very simple: The "vaccines" contain stuff that was hidden from regulators and not disclosed to the public. That's called "contamination". Time will tell whether or not the contamination proves to be harmful. From personal expericence, I can say that my doctor didn't mention DNA fragments, SV 40 promoter/enhancer, or zombie proteins when he was hammering me to get the jab in early 2021. His mantra was "safe and effective". I feel completely betrayed, and likely will never trust him or the "health care agencies" ever again - just too much corruption.
Dr Malone is a serious doctor top of his field. There are many doctors in emergency, heart, and cancer tracking the after math of the COVID vaccine which was not properly tested and has caused immeasurable vaccine injury to too many. Here is an interview I did with Canadian emergency doctor who has sacrificed everything to tell the truth.
You cannot silence everyone with your snarky smear attacks on doctors and politicians willing to expose the truth.
Thanks, that’s a useful though dated discussion with Offit, but it nicely reveals his passion, his scientific credentials, and his non-partisan independence.
…He even manages to mention your role in the culture wars too!
Offit is a marketeer and damage control operator for Pharmaceutical Monopolies. He has zero ethics and abrogated his duty to Do No Harm decades ago. He wants us to ignore the DNA plasmid contamination, ignore what binding to P53 means for cancer progression. He wants everyone to ignore all established science to push these products on children and pregnant women and whoever he was directed to market it towards by his handler paymasters. No different than the doctors who pushed smoking Camels or Marlboros while pregnant as a great healthy way to relax. Doctors like Offit are the same kind of hustlers.
The insults flow robotically from your lips; god forbid you step away from your fellow sheep and hear what the scientists and people outside your little herd are saying, something other than … “the sky is falling, the sky is falling!”
As someone with several vax injuries, I echo the good Dr. Kimber's sentiments. GFY. 17 million excess deaths that are so tightly correlated with vax injections aren't hard to understand. I know statistics and time series analysis and the data is terrifying. The folks trying to blame it on COVID have no case. And there is no other explanation. What's your excuse for the tsunami of excess deaths?
Which “scientists”? The WHORES who lead your herd or the ethical and brilliant ones that managed to find survival outside the gutter through their brilliance & can speak out about corporate malfeasance and scientific fraud?
Hi Dr. Malone, would you like to come on my Stand on Guard podcast, at your convenience, to talk about current issues and where things are at with the COVID vaccine and anything you want to talk about? My YouTube Channel is here, and for Dr. Trozzi we did intro on Twitter, YT, and FB and pushed everyone to Rumble for the majority of the interview. If you are interested email me; I would likely also feature your comments in an article for The Post Millennial which I report for.
Dr. Offit. There are a number of errors and omissions in your post.
The omissions: You omitted the important fact that the plasmids also contain code for SV-40 promoters and enhancers.
The errors. 1. As documented by Dr. Kevin McKernan, there are very significant amounts of DNA contamination in the vaccine vials. You keep referring to them as "small quantities of DNA" and "trace amounts of DNA", which are "cpmpletely and utterly harmless".
2. You say the excess DNA was filtered out in the process of making the RNA to be included in the vaccines. Again, refer to Kevin McKernan's work. He sequenced the vials and found DNA in abundance,
3. You claim "It is virtually impossible for foreign DNA to enter the nucleus of a cell that is not dividing" Even when there are SV-40 promoters and enhancers in the mix? Numerous papers contradict you on this.
You have not responded to my debate challenge re: the origin of SARS-2 (you claim it got into the human population through natural zoonotic spillover) and your claim that 1.2 million people died in the US from Covid.
Millions of doses have been given so it must be safe to transfect cells with foreign DNA fragments? Is this what you’re saying? Meanwhile, young people are dying at unprecedented rates and cancer is through the roof, “puzzling” all the damage control Pharma Pimps currently blaming everything but the mandated product that was forced on populations when the increases in deaths began, and, Pfizer stock is tanking. The FDA may be captured by the very industry it’s supposed to be regulating but enough people are wide awake and CDC/ FDA credibility is in the toilet where it belongs. The Liars for Hire will be exposed. There is no turning back from here.
I am exactly saying that if you stop with the inflammatory language and listen to actual qualified will learn how the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything.
Dr Offit,
This is a gross display of professional negligence.
You assured your readers this DNA remains In The cytosol, yet any of your readers who have actually read our paper on the topic will have understood Dean et al which demonstrates the SV40 promoter has a nuclear targeting sequence which localizes to the nucleus in hours in all cell lines studied to date.
You also omitted any discussion of Drayman et al demonstrating the SV40 promoter sequence in the vaccine binds to the tumor suppressor gene p53. There are billions of copies of these in every dose. You deflect your your readers with billions of gram of DNA without discussing copy number of these DNAs? 10-100 billion copies of these SV40 promoters in every dose given.
You yourself stopped taking these jabs but continue to defend their use with illusions and misdirections like your article above.
Your readers would be wise to scrutinize your conflicts of interest in this field. They would get a more informed opinion with an AI chatbot.
AI isn’t going to take the blue collar jobs. It’s going wipe out the parasitic crony class first and you are clearly its first victim.
"You also omitted any discussion of Drayman et al demonstrating the SV40 promoter sequence in the vaccine binds to the tumor suppressor gene p53."
Exactly! This explains the ballooning turbo cancers all over the world since the mrna vaccine push began.
Guess that you won't read the Drayman paper and see what it actually says.....
And no you won't do the basic math to see how the turbo cancers is just a lie.
You're just a Pharma shill. Nobody is listening to your disinformation. Go away.
Far, far away.
Oh look....more name-calling.
But you refused to read the Drayman paper and see the anti-vaccs are lying about it.
It is like you are trying to make a mockery of the anti-vaccs!
Cheer up , anti -vaccer. Measles is on the way for you. your strategy is willful ignorance.
That is an acknowledgement that you know the anti-vaccs are liars.
They are thank you.
And thank you for once again demonstrating that the anti-vaccs are completely immoral.
YOU are the most immoral individual on this Substack, with the exception of the author.
Oh sweetie....the folks that offer body part name-calling to support a fraud predicated on people being too stupid to count are immoral.
Can you really just not read or count well enough to see the facts?
Thank for demonstrating that the anti-vaccs aren't smart enough to understand 5th grade math.
Please post everyday, as often as to can about vaccines!
Says the person that whose only contribution is personal attacks.
BTW: the average 5th grader can explain why you are wrong.
Dr Offit is a well paid liar for big pharama. Nothing he saids can be trusted.
Oh dear....lacking a rational thought to have nothing but name-calling.
Thanks for the continued public service in demonstrating what the anti-vaccs really are....
Oh sweetie..... Albus is just a fag.
My apologies for the late reply.
I should have thanked you for publicly proving how completely immoral and utterly incapable of thought you are.
Please keep up the great work and post about vaccines as often as you can!
Just came out of the closet?
There you are, doubling down on immoral.
Cleary you are just trying to distract from how stupid the anti-vacc fraud is.
Quite the font of misinformation: there is no intact DNA sequence for SV40 promoters or enhancers in the COVID mRNA vaccines, and no proteins are encoded by any of the residual small fragments of DNA in these vaccines and no evidence that the trace amounts of fragmented DNA found in these vaccines integrate into the recipients DNA.
These claims regarding the putative and unknown dangers of residual DNA fragments present in COVID mRNA vaccines are not only completely unsubstantiated, but they are all the more outrageous when one considers that trace levels of fragmented DNA are present not only in virtually all vaccines, regardless of their method of production, but in all biologics (recombinant drugs produced in cells), including insulin. This has been recognized by both biopharmaceutical companies and regulatory agencies for decades. Moreover, methods for reducing both the overall levels of residual DNA and the size of the remaining fragments within acceptable limits are well established, and the regulatory requirements in this regard are applied to all biologics, including the COVID mRNA vaccines. To claim otherwise is evidence either of gross ignorance, or intentional deceit.
Look at the denialism from the Jonestown jab jihadist.
Multiple researchers from around the world have replicated the SV40 promoter discovery.
DNA limits were 1000x lower in 1985 before the NCVIA act gave Pharma pimps like Offit a liability shield.
These vaccines package the DNA in lipid nano particles making prior limits irrelevant.
DNA has a 10minute half life when injected. When protected in a LNP we can detect it weeks to months later.
We can see Stan has cut and pasted Peter Marks psalms regarding ‘no protein coding’ DNA. This is also false. We’ve detected 3.5kb fragments with ONT. These encode entire antibiotic resistance genes.
The evidence that these are harmful should fall on jab jihadists that cheered on liability free mandates.
The data in VAERs is not on your side. You created a death cult and released the most lethal medicine ever unleashed on society… all while being arrogant and beyond ignorant when it comes to genomics.
OK Stan I’ll give you the secret. Someone purposefully excluded it on the map they provided to the FDA. They physically would’ve had to have removed it from the map. Whoopie.
"Someone purposefully excluded it on the map they provided to the FDA"
That would be illegal if the intent was to deceive.
I will let you in on the non-secret. None of the anti-vaccs will sue and make their claims under oath because they are liars.
Suites are already filed Albus
Muting your rabid noise
"Suites are already filed Albus"
You keep saying that, but you never give any examples.
Are you once again just making things up?
Are you saying that the anti-vaccs are liars? Do you trust the health agencies with truth? Do you believe that a virus exists, and has been isolated? Please enlighten us all with your scientific evidence, site all the virology masters of the past 60 years. Circular arguments all. Doctors Bailey and Bailey in New Zeeland have destroyed the fraud called virology, with the scientific method, unlike what was used to prove this Unicorn exists.
1. "Are you saying that the anti-vaccs are liars? "
I have clearly demonstrated that some are for profit liars.
2. "Do you trust the health agencies with truth? "
You don't need to do so. How did you miss that?
3. "Do you believe that a virus exists, and has been isolated? "
I know they do and that they are isolated every day buy many people all around the world.
4. "Please enlighten us all with your scientific evidence, site all the virology masters of the past 60 years."
You want 9+ years of education and 60 years of data in a text box. That is just silly.
5. "Circular arguments all. Doctors Bailey and Bailey in New Zeeland have destroyed the fraud called virology, with the scientific method, unlike what was used to prove this Unicorn exists."
Do mean Samantha Bailey?
The not a scientist that made money posting lots of BS?
Like offering references about covid virus...that were published before covid existed?
She can't even read the name of virus in papers correctly.
Is that who you mean?
Anyway....if you have a link to offer, I am happy to read it.
When you stoop to ad hominem attacks coupled with repetition of unsubstantiated claims, it show you’ve really got nothing. This nonsense re. the dangers of residual DNA has been throughly and repeatedly debunked.
Can you provide evidence that substantiates a single specific claim you have made? For example, the presence of 3.5 kb fragments encoding entire antibiotic resistance genes?
“Gross ignorance or intentional deceit” Stan wants to police as hominems:) is funded by Pfizer and makes the same mistakes as Dr. Offit.
Omits the nuclear localization.
Omits the p53 binding.
The ONT reads are public in our publication which has been replicated by other labs.
Do you even pipette Stan? Got any papers of your own sequencing these? I bet you don’t.
well, that about covers it. Has he ever actually worked at the bench doing cell culture and transfection experiments? I have spent over a decade at the bench and in cell culture rooms testing thousands of cationic compounds and formulations for transfection activity, and have the patents and marketed compounds to prove it. Same problem with Peter Marks, MD, PhD, hematologist/oncologist and member of the NAS.
"well, that about covers it. "
Indeed, we have the anti-vaccs offering name-calling but not reading or counting correctly.
Offit for profit. Virology is a fraud. I find it interesting that all the health freedom fighters have not mentioned this fact. Dr. Peter McKullah stated to Dr. Sam Bailey that he has a photo of a virus, and yet has not seen fit to show this photo as proof. They all condemn the vaccine, but fail to admit the thing they all must know, and this is the fact that there is no virus.
I agree...some folks sure are frauds!
In what way is that AFP article (sponsored by pharma) a debunk? It literally restated that there is plasmid DNA in the products.
Please can you direct us to the FISH or equivalent definitive study showing that there was no nuclear transport of plasmid DNA in the preclinical studies performed for these products?
"Please can you direct us to the FISH or equivalent definitive study showing that there was no nuclear transport of plasmid DNA in the preclinical studies performed for these products?"
That was very poor sophistry....fortunately only the most feeble-minded would fall for it.
That's all you've got?
You: "The gene therapies are super safe and nothing can go wrong"
Me: "It has a bunch of nuclear localisation signals so it's pretty nailed on it will go to the nucleus and integrate"
You: "Nah pretty sure that doesn't happen conspiracy theorist REEEEEE"
Me: "No problem. Where's the FISH showing that you're right, because when you are introducing a novel gene therapy you need to do some basic safety evaluations"
“Jab jihadists”?
Can’t you make a coherent argument without resorting to abuse/insults?
And VAERS? …seriously?
Jihadists is being overly kind you historical buffoon.
At least in Jihad they spare women and children.
Unlike your decrepit cult that went after 6 month olds and pregnant women, all because you pissed your pants over a flu.
Mike, when you’re done with your outrage porn and safe spaces will you address the audience regarding why your poke priest Offit omitted the nuclear targeting sequences or the p53 interaction?
We have all the time in the world.
We can wait for your melted snowflake to get its act together and actually address the core argument you breezed over with your safe space smoke grenade.
Omg you are a master of many things and taking down these amoebas while making people cry with laughter is one of them. Keep fighting the good fight. These people are vile and so pleased that they are being exposed for the cheap hookers that they are.
Translation: no you won't read Anandamide's references and see what they actual say.
"Mike, when you’re done with your outrage porn and safe spaces will you address the audience regarding why your poke priest Offit omitted the nuclear targeting sequences or the p53 interaction?"
Ok the anti-vacc fraud consists of lying and then lots of inflammatory language as a substitute for looking for the facts.
Well done, a masterful example of delusional nonsense. Have a Harpic badge.
Everyone on this thread can see that Mike won’t touch the SV40 nuclear targeting sequence published by Dean et al.
He won’t touch the p53 interaction disclosed by Drayman et al
Even if showered in pleasant bromides,
Mike will run away while blindly defending his poke priests overt omission of these material facts.
Drayman et al.
Dean et al.
Johnstown Jab Jihadists
So vaers was so adept and fine for decades as our ONLY system but now that even young ppl die suddenly and unexpectedly vaers suddenly isn't?? Then what exactly IS?? Consider yourself mercifully given another chance, 6-7 other life chances to thank the Lord if you’re truly up to date all boosted. Oh and be sure to run for your rsv jab too. Yes vaers! Oh and only tens of millions dead. The nations were deceived by their sorceries. Sorceries word study definitions mean pharmakeia, magic arts and spells. Pharmaceuticals and .. being captivated thus have trouble believing or understanding outside of what you’re constantly told by nudge tech, bribed and bought media, and blinded ‘leaders’. Be blessed with truth and set free. He waits mercifully, the only One Who saves.
VAERS is only one of the vaccine surveillance systems in place, though the best known. You also have VSD, CISA, VA etc.
VAERS is purely passive and of high sensitivity so it picks up a lot of false positive reports. Think of it as a vaccine smoke alarm if you will.
If you bothered paying attention though, you’d have seen I was talking about myocarditis *from a VAERS analysis*
There are tens of millions dead, from Covid.
But the good Lord has graced science with the means to vaccinate against it, saving around 20 million lives. How blessed and merciful is that?
If the jabs saved anyone covid deaths would go down after jabs came out, not way up. Oh and all causes have gone up too, just the worldwide hallmark of a failed experimental. You must expand your sources of info widely or you'll continue to parrot falseness… like our total propagandized media. Yes there really is evil and scheming.
Yes and smoke alerts to fires. No not tens of millions dead of covid. Dead of cocktail IV sedation, remdesivir, neglect, illegal DNRs, overwhelming anxiety from propaganda, pay for play, lack of proper treatment, etc. The ‘vaccines’ saved none, disabled tens of millions and killed tens of millions and is still doing so. Offit stopped boosting, like hundreds of millions have because they saw their loved ones die or become disabled or they themselves were injured. Many finally found the deadly facts outside of pharma bribed msm and puppet gov. So he has to change the discussion now to distract. VA and DOD data is clear, it kills and disables. vaers is neglected and solid cases have been scrubbed. Bioweapon of nanoparticles and myriad other dangerous ingredients has been admitted by gov but all this distraction from mouthpieces to not speak of it. Over 1,400 dead in the first 4 months in Pfizer docs. So many know read them and know this. Man has fallen and corrupted science to line his pockets and end his neighbors. Happy researching. Peace.
More name-calling.....
"DNA limits were 1000x lower in 1985 before the NCVIA act gave Pharma pimps like Offit a liability shield."
Actually the residual limits were changed by the WHO....then the EMA....and then FDA.
BTW: vaccines are NOT liability free....that is just an old and really stupid anti-vacc lie.
I love this one Stan, because it shows just how naïve you are. If you’re referring to the FDA forms, you might want to throw that RNA sequence into something that can map it for you and put what’s there in really pretty beautiful color stuff so you can better understand. lol
If you’re a scientist, I would quit
I bet you believe everything the government tells you lol. After they just shot you up with it.
I bet you can't see the obvious error in your posting!
Also unsubstantiated is the fact that any virus exist.
Did you sequence it yourself?
OR, you j ow somebody who did?
"This is a gross display of professional negligence."
Thanks for the irony.
Dean et al: nuclear transport required a 366 base pair sequence....but all the residual DNA fragments are less than 200 base pairs.
The size distribution from ONT has 3.5kb reads in it. These reads are public but your intellectual lethargy prevents you from seeing them.
And Dean et al showed a 72bp SV40 enhancer is all that is required to bind transcription factors that localize to the nucleus.
Read more.
Bark less.
Keep on doing what you're doing because many people who blindly believed Offit (because of how he was pushed heavily by MSM as the only credible vaccine specialist at the height of the pandemic) and who unwittingly took the vaccines or were coerced into taking them, have the RIGHT to know about how nefarious they actually are.
And the more details emerge about the technical aspects of how they actually operate the better. God bless!
"And Dean et al showed a 72bp SV40 enhancer is all that is required to bind transcription factors that localize to the nucleus."
They did NOT show that at are just flat making things up.
Don't worry....I am sure that none of your fans will care that once again you just fabricate claims.
“Furthermore, we have demonstrated that portions of the 72 bp SV40 enhancer are required for the nuclear entry of plasmid DNA in all eukaryotic cells tested to date; plasmids not containing this sequence remain in the cytoplasm until cell division, whereas plasmids containing the enhancer migrate to the nucleus within several hours. “
So, you don't care that Anandamide just keeps making things up.
Thanks for the link....which looks really consistent with the earlier Dean paper referenced by Anandamide.
But what exactly does that have to do with the fact that nowhere in the Dean paper do they show any binding of transcriptional factors...there is nothing at all about that in Anandamide's paper.
Why doesn't it bother you that she/he just keeps making things up?
"The size distribution from ONT has 3.5kb reads in it."
You should really take molecular biology 101 lab course and lean the basics.
Anandamide's h-index is over 40.
Yours must be well over that to make that ridiculous comment. Can you share it with us?
If that is true, why can't he get the most basic facts about his references correct?
And if you are Dr, why can't you see that his claims aren't even functionally literate?
If the anti-vaccs would just offer something rational you wouldn't have to resort to personal attacks.......
You really don’t know who you are writing about? Are you being facetious?
He/IT is just here to spread fear and doubt.
Probably an AI chatbot.
No evidence it’s anything but a biobabble bickering subroutine.
You just don't like having someone read your references.
The solution is for you to be truthful!
He’s probably one of those new millennial scientists, who learned 50% activism and kind of sort of 50% of of the science. Good luck to the future folks.
No offense to the good millennials and Z who get it
I have no idea who she/he is.
I do know that his/her claims here have been remarkably scientifically illiterate.
And I do know that anyone with basic reading skills can see that he/she just makes things up.
I don't know why her/his supporters don't care that he is selling BS.
LOL An incredible admission. Well, you just exposed your ignorance right there. That’s Kevin McKernan you dunderhead.
Oh hey, Albus. Just popping in on the Vax-Scene shills and their naked regret clumsily disguised as feverish worshiping of pharmaceutical companies, white coats and gov't bureaucrats. You didn't disappoint! In the spirit of Christmas, thought you'd appreciate a little nostalgia from the jab's golden hour. Please enjoy this totally normal and not-at-all propagandist cringe from the hilarious and talented Stephen Colbert. It's the Box Set! 🤩🎁🌲😘
I take it that you won't read the words in the Dean paper and see that Anandamide is just making things up.
Smaller base pairs, actually make things worse because they have exposed ends and can integrate anywhere just about. That argument because the enzyme digestion works even less effective. How is this moron answering any of us? Lol
"Smaller base pairs, actually make things worse"
Not according to the posted references.
You didn't actually read them....did you?
Dr Offit, you didn’t mention that the DNA is not naked - but rather, packaged in LNPs.
Could you also address the role of the SV40 promoter in the Pfizer contamination, which is known to be good at dragging contents into the cell nucleus?
Dr. Peter Marks also overlooks this key point regarding the formulation of the contaminating DNA fragments into the same lipidnanoparticles. The current generation of lipidnanoparticle technology, largely created by Dr. Pieter Cullis et al of UBC (who played a much more important role that Kariko/Weissman and should have been the one tapped for the Nobel), is the most effective in vivo non-viral delivery system ever devised. Dr. Offit knows this, or he was asleep during the various FDA and CDC meetings he has participated in. Dr. Offit also overlooks that the current manufacturing system is almost identical to the one that I pioneered, but now at even larger scale. With one key difference - the use of centrifugation rather than column chromatography for the purification of the mRNA. Which is clearly less effective in separating full length mod-mRNA from the small DNA frags. Both Dr. Marks and Dr. Offit apparently have been snowed by Pfizer and Moderna, probably because of their superficial understanding of the technology.
Dr. Offit also appears ignorant of the switch from manufacturing process #1 (performed by Aldevron, employing PCR for production of the DNA template) to process #2 (I believe Lonza) in which it appears that research grade plasmid templates were pulled off the shelf in haste, rather than specifically designing production plasmids (lacking, for example, the typical research shuttle vector SV40 ori/enhancer/promoter). One is left wondering whether Dr. Offit has the background and training to comprehend such nuances.
"research grade plasmid templates "
That would be any actual evidence?
Once again, it’s published in the BMJ. Levi et al.
Looks like we need a Backhoe to spoon feed Albus the literature he’s oblivious to.
Guess that means that you just flat out invented the reference.
Don't worry....none of your fans seem to care.....
You didn't post the reference seems like it doesn't exist....
Are you mentally handicapped?
This reporting illustrates my point. Dr. Marks, like Dr. Offit, is either ignorant and inexperienced or is gaslighting both the Surgeon General of the State of FL as well as all of us.
Dr Offit is a liar call it what it is.
If only you had a rational thought to offer....just one....
I do not know much about manufacturing vaccines, but I know that Covid-19 is a mortality hoax (unable to give more deaths in a year than the common influenza) and easily proven by the math-logic way, ...and it was not any task for medicals:
It should be the starting point for anything else, however the proof seems to be very difficult to medicals as requires heavy attention. But even a small part of it is the efficient proof itself:
"Even just the average number of chronic conditions confirms the main result, which number must have been considerably increased among alive ones (but not already in a terminal state) and then really killed by the virus against the comparative group of just alive ones with the same age-structure. The CDC knew there had to be a very clear correlation between Covid-19 Death Risk Ratio and the number of underlying conditions, but in the official "Deaths involving Covid-19" (DIC) group none increase in the average number was visible even after limiting the list of conditions to the conservative CCW list, what was possible only when the share of real Covid-19 deaths in the DIC group was very small or even close to Zero %. Those still alive (but not in a terminal state) at a given age, if were infected, but were not forced to die at a specific date by the virus, would die, on average, considerably later in the future, but those amongst them with high numbers of conditions would die, on average, much faster than the rest of still alive ones at this age."
I know that no one that has passed stats 101 could fall for the obvious nonsense in your assertions.
Easy: the vaccines are NOT contaminated.
So 5 separate labs falsified the results using snap gene. Got it. Do you know who Anandamide is?
Telling us that multiple people are lying counting on folks not to understand what contaminated means....really is not a compelling argument.
Remember: selling contaminated vaccines is illegal and none of the anti-vaccs have/will sue and make this claim under oath--because it is just a lie.
Based on the postings here.....Anandamide is a remarkably scientifically illiterate business person who grifts from people that don't bother to read her/his references and see how he/her just keeps making things up.
BTW: here again is the "contamination" paper.
So far none of the vaccine critics have been willing to see what it actually says and thus how we know it is wrong.
Will you be the first?
Are you willing to be the first?
Albus, since you believe the vaccines are not contamindated, I have a question: How much time have you spent in your lab with pipette and test equipment? Please describe your lab set up, test protocol, and test results. If you have your own data (not someone else's) to refute what other's post, please show us your own lab work.
You have missed the point.
The entire topic is predicated on not understanding what contaminated means.
Since you ask, I have more than 30 years of experience which is why I know not to have my own protocol or to do my own testing when there are compendial results and lots of independent labs that do the testing all the time.
You know, the independent labs that all agree the vaccines are not contaminated?!3652!3!654741179735!p!!g!!residual%20dna!2012810285!119555809338&gad_source=1
Nope. You're wrong. This is very simple: The "vaccines" contain stuff that was hidden from regulators and not disclosed to the public. That's called "contamination". Time will tell whether or not the contamination proves to be harmful. From personal expericence, I can say that my doctor didn't mention DNA fragments, SV 40 promoter/enhancer, or zombie proteins when he was hammering me to get the jab in early 2021. His mantra was "safe and effective". I feel completely betrayed, and likely will never trust him or the "health care agencies" ever again - just too much corruption.
It is simple.
You have just asserted many crimes were committed.
If you honestly believe that, then sue to stop the use of the vaccines.
Thanks. Yes, lawsuits are coming.
Dr Malone is a serious doctor top of his field. There are many doctors in emergency, heart, and cancer tracking the after math of the COVID vaccine which was not properly tested and has caused immeasurable vaccine injury to too many. Here is an interview I did with Canadian emergency doctor who has sacrificed everything to tell the truth.
You cannot silence everyone with your snarky smear attacks on doctors and politicians willing to expose the truth.
He does like to belittle colleagues, doesn't he. Not the hallmark of a first class mind.
Thanks, that’s a useful though dated discussion with Offit, but it nicely reveals his passion, his scientific credentials, and his non-partisan independence.
…He even manages to mention your role in the culture wars too!
Thank heavens people like him exist.
Offit is a marketeer and damage control operator for Pharmaceutical Monopolies. He has zero ethics and abrogated his duty to Do No Harm decades ago. He wants us to ignore the DNA plasmid contamination, ignore what binding to P53 means for cancer progression. He wants everyone to ignore all established science to push these products on children and pregnant women and whoever he was directed to market it towards by his handler paymasters. No different than the doctors who pushed smoking Camels or Marlboros while pregnant as a great healthy way to relax. Doctors like Offit are the same kind of hustlers.
Nope....I think he wants people that have finished middle-school to have the basic skills to see that what you posted is just BS.
The insults flow robotically from your lips; god forbid you step away from your fellow sheep and hear what the scientists and people outside your little herd are saying, something other than … “the sky is falling, the sky is falling!”
As someone with several vax injuries, I echo the good Dr. Kimber's sentiments. GFY. 17 million excess deaths that are so tightly correlated with vax injections aren't hard to understand. I know statistics and time series analysis and the data is terrifying. The folks trying to blame it on COVID have no case. And there is no other explanation. What's your excuse for the tsunami of excess deaths?
Which “scientists”? The WHORES who lead your herd or the ethical and brilliant ones that managed to find survival outside the gutter through their brilliance & can speak out about corporate malfeasance and scientific fraud?
Hi Dr. Malone, would you like to come on my Stand on Guard podcast, at your convenience, to talk about current issues and where things are at with the COVID vaccine and anything you want to talk about? My YouTube Channel is here, and for Dr. Trozzi we did intro on Twitter, YT, and FB and pushed everyone to Rumble for the majority of the interview. If you are interested email me; I would likely also feature your comments in an article for The Post Millennial which I report for.
Dr. Offit. There are a number of errors and omissions in your post.
The omissions: You omitted the important fact that the plasmids also contain code for SV-40 promoters and enhancers.
The errors. 1. As documented by Dr. Kevin McKernan, there are very significant amounts of DNA contamination in the vaccine vials. You keep referring to them as "small quantities of DNA" and "trace amounts of DNA", which are "cpmpletely and utterly harmless".
2. You say the excess DNA was filtered out in the process of making the RNA to be included in the vaccines. Again, refer to Kevin McKernan's work. He sequenced the vials and found DNA in abundance,
3. You claim "It is virtually impossible for foreign DNA to enter the nucleus of a cell that is not dividing" Even when there are SV-40 promoters and enhancers in the mix? Numerous papers contradict you on this.
You have not responded to my debate challenge re: the origin of SARS-2 (you claim it got into the human population through natural zoonotic spillover) and your claim that 1.2 million people died in the US from Covid.
You mean this study?
Besides the gross analytical errors.....they clearly explain right in the paper the data is wrong.....
Once again you prove yourself not to be a competent scientist....and it is really strange that you couldn't read the words or do the math.....
50% of peer reviewed papers can’t be replicated.
That preprint has been replicated in over 5 labs around the world.
Engel ….
Replication trumps your spell checker.
As a result the FDA, the EMA and Health Canada have confirmed these undisclosed SV40 sequences DO EXIST in the Pfizer vaccine.
You can also spell check their press releases if it helps you cope.
Note- they have never put their methods public in any preprint or manner in which they can be replicated.
Come on admit it.
You just can't understand the basics of the study!
Still working on reading the words in the pre-print?
Yes....all biologics have residual DNA in them.....there is literally decades of data establishing their safety.
The entire sv40 story is just BS....which is why no country is withdrawing the vaccines.
Tell us that multiple anti-vaccs are pulling the same scam is really not compelling.
"they clearly explain right in the paper the data is wrong....."
How could you miss this simple fact?
Millions of doses have been given so it must be safe to transfect cells with foreign DNA fragments? Is this what you’re saying? Meanwhile, young people are dying at unprecedented rates and cancer is through the roof, “puzzling” all the damage control Pharma Pimps currently blaming everything but the mandated product that was forced on populations when the increases in deaths began, and, Pfizer stock is tanking. The FDA may be captured by the very industry it’s supposed to be regulating but enough people are wide awake and CDC/ FDA credibility is in the toilet where it belongs. The Liars for Hire will be exposed. There is no turning back from here.
I am exactly saying that if you stop with the inflammatory language and listen to actual qualified will learn how the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything.