As a retired healthcare provider, I am dumbfounded at how we even got to this place. It’s astounding not only that RFK believes what he believes, but even more infuriating that many in our general public are so science and medically illiterate. Dark days ahead.

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You clearly have not read Kennedy's book. Offit has purposefully misunderstood how Kennedy used the term. He was referring to terrain theory. And I am not science illiterate. But maybe you are. Many physicians are some of the most poorly educated people when it comes to nutrition in America.

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Terrain theory is germ theory denialism. If he was referring to it, maybe he should have used those words instead of “Miasma vs. Germ Theory".


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Interesting that he wanted vitamin A treatment for measles in Samoa- you’d think he be supportive of GE technology that has made a rice that is fortified with vitamin A! But turns out RFK is not supportive of that either. It’s just infuriating!! Thank you for your work Dr. Offit!

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More selective misuse of scientific info by RFK Jr...Vitamin A supplementation may be beneficial for reducing mеasles severity and risk of complications. Some data suggest that administration of vitamin A to children <2 years of age with meаѕles may be associated with reduced mortality.

I also recall reading about Vit A being given as a "Hail Mary" attempt when a child succumbs to one of the Long-term complications of measles... preventable with MMR vaccination.

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a very rare, but fatal disease of the CNS that results from a measles virus infection.

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An excellent article. As a retired physician, I’m horrified that RFK Jr will likely be confirmed to head a government agency.

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Lets audit your financial investments. That will tell us why you are opposed to an RFKjr nomination

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He's anti face mask and his favorite hobbies involve rotting animal carcasses. If he's a miasma theorist, one must conclude he's on the side of miasma.

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Very good! Made me chuckle..

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More than one thing can be true. This is why even immunized people with immune deficiencies still wear masks for self-protection. A fully immune-competent mother can still get a viral infection with few or NO symptoms, and the virus can infect and damage her fetus. The immunization an infant gets for the same virus does not come close in risk. RFK is willfully ignorant and should be nowhere near government.

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The idea that RFK Jr is totally anti vax is 100% progaganda bullshit and you should be embarrased to suggest such a thing.

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He has said over and over and over that vaccines should be studied as one of many other possibilities that are causing chronic illness. There has to be some reason for chronic illness. Why not study vaccines?

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Everything is not black or white.

Many things can be true.

In some cases vaccine may be a significant benefit but in others not as much.

In some cases sanitation may be of significant benefit but in others not so much.

In some cases concentrating on weight, nutrition, exercise, taking supplements etc... to improve the immune system may be a huge benefit and actually the best approach to combatting a virus.

It's not my way or the highway.

One can believe that vaccination, better sanitation, better healthcare, a better understanding of diseases being contagious, and better nutrition have all lead to better outcomes and not just vaccination without being a conspiracy theorist or having propaganda attacks against them that misrepresent their views like THIS TRASH.

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Your response is reminiscent of the State of Florida's conclusion in its official encouragement of seniors to not receive either the seasonal flu or Covid-19 boosters, but rather promoting, "Staying physically active, minimizing processed foods,

prioritizing vegetables and healthy fats, and spending time outdoors to support necessary vitamin D levels." Now I grant that it has been many years since I was in medical school, and in consideration of the fact that, indeed, everything is not black & white, I am on the record as as one to never disparage recommendations that support a healthy lifestyle. Period. Likewise, I have read nothing here that suggests the singular promotion of vaccines to the exclusion of a healthy lifestyles or sanitation. From the comments I have read, you are the only person to draw these "separation" distinctions. Nevertheless, I cannot think of a single, virulent, deadly virus that will ever respond simply to lifestyle or environmental changes alone. Black and white. It is a foolish, non-sensical recommendation where the very young, the elderly, and the immuno-compromised -despite a healthy diet, exercise, and time in the sun- are at great risk. Mr. Kennedy promises never to touch vaccination, but his pattern is to use the civil courts to drive vaccine manufacturers from the market with arcane demands for clinical trials for vaccines that have been in use for decades, with extraordinary safety profiles. And why? In his testimony before the Senate Finance Committee, he refused to stop his conflict of interest with law firms suing vaccine manufacturers. Sen. Elizabeth Warren said "Kennedy can kill off access to vaccines and make millions of dollars while he does it... [He] can profit off of anti-vaccine lawsuits even if he is confirmed as HHS Secretary." Black and white.

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I agree. I also saw this part of RFK jrs testimony. He refused to stop taking a percentage (10%) of winnings in cases that he referred to a law firm suing vaccine manufacturers. He lies about vaccine safety and then convinces people to sue. That generates the bulk of his income. Conflict of interest 101.

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I’m reading “Turtles all the Way Down”. Excellent book about the science behind vaccines. Must read for everyone interested in the topic (and it is an important topic). The problem with today is we are all getting sound bites and not really sinking into the issues.

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Please provide an e.g. of what you believe to be a vaccine of "not (so) much benefit"?

In fact, relative to food there is no "beneficial supplement" other than the bottom line of the promoter/manufacture.

Also our immune system for everyone is that which coincides with our age & no supplement, or food group enhanced it but most of not all vaccinations can lessen you likelihood of being hospitalized (increased risk in of being there), post infectious complications or death.

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>Many things can be true.

>In some cases vaccine may be a significant benefit but in others not as much.

>In some cases sanitation may be of significant benefit but in others not so much.

This is provably incorrect. Two things cannot be true here.

**When mortality rates to childhood illnesses have dropped by 95-98% BEFORE vaccines were introduced then it had nothing to do with vaccines**



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Thank you for the post, Dr Offit. I’ve been explaining to many the misunderstanding about infectious diseases and spread of infection held by RFK Jr — thank you for improving my own understanding of his take. It’s been a remarkable privilege to be a pediatrician, help families understand how infections spread, help others understand how we can all prevent them, and how we work to cure them when the unfortunate happens. I am hopeful we can have some physicians experienced in preventing disease and taking care of children and adults with infections, join HHS. Not sure there are any plans for that but I remain hopeful that savvy, experienced clinicians and good communicators will join leadership roles despite the complexities of the work.

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I highly recommend “Turtles all the way Down” book about vaccines for clear science.

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There is some common ground to be found here if participants are willing to seek it. Economic development and improvement in water quality and sanitation are responsible for an enormous reduction in burden of infectious diseases. Nutrition, good general health, and innate and natural immunity are all important primary defenses against infectious diseases. Morbidity and mortality of measles and other infectious diseases dropped precipitously in the USA in the 20th century prior to introduction of vaccines. It is also true that vaccines are useful in the mitigation of some infectious diseases, and that the risk/benefit ratio of some vaccines in some populations is questionable. All of the above can be true.

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Nobody disputes the huge benefits bestowed by advances in public health such as sanitation and clean water. I am glad to see that you are not a miasmist like RFKjr, but disappointed that you would try and detract from the massive health benefits gained through vaccination, which globally have saved more than 150 million lives over the last 50 years.


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Thank you SO MUCH for seeing the world the way it actually is.

Sometimes many factors are important and the blind ones are the ones with prevalant view.

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>All of the above can be true.


**When mortality rates to childhood illnesses have dropped by 95-98% BEFORE vaccines were introduced then it had nothing to do with vaccines**



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Yeah, 200 years ago living conditions were so bad that one in every 5 kids didn’t reach their first birthday, primarily because of infections. Things improved a lot over the next 100 years, but then got stuck. Instead of ten in every thousand kids dying from measles, it was “just” one kid in every thousand dying from it.

But it took vaccines to turn that into zero measles deaths. Altogether in the last 20 years, childhood vaccines have saved around 2 million US kids’ lives. Kids weren’t catching (and dying from) polio, diphtheria, measles, chickenpox, HiB, bacterial meningitis, pertussis, bacterial pneumonia, rotavirus, rubella, mumps any more, until you antivaxers decided to turn back the clock to 1930, and you are just desperate to get it back to 1850 again, aren’t you?

Are you a shill for a baby coffin manufacturer? Sounds like it.

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Didn’t happen liar.

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Paul Offit is a big pharma puppet as I have said before. What is his fear about researching what are the causes of autism and vaccine toxicities?


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His rotavirus vaccine is in the CDCs children vacvine schedule.

He stands to lose a lot of $$$ and prestige when the truth comes out

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No, his rotavaccine is NOT on the schedule.

And he sold the patent rights to it around 20 years ago.

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I vowed not to engage you again because you are a uneducated, uninformed, dishonest, lying, pharma shill; who hasnt read a single book on a subject he is so passionate on commenting

Here I break that vow for what is hopefully that first and last time on this thread.

I will use the fraudulent and corrupt CDCs own website to challenge your statement

>No, his rotavaccine is NOT on the schedule.

Gentle readers here is the CDC schedule


Here is the specific section on rotatek (RSV5)


This is CHOP "about" profile section on Paul Offit


4 paragraphs down;

He is also the co-inventor of the rotavirus vaccine, RotaTeq, recommended for universal use in infants by the CDC

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Dr. Offit, once again, you're misrepresenting the facts. You omitted the last portion of the passage you cherry-picked. RFK Jr. didn't advocate for a belief; he used it as an example that one theory can't explain the entirety of infectious disease.

I have both his book and several of yours on my desk. Here's the missing part:

"It seems to me that a mutually respectful, science-based, evidence-based marriage incorporating the best of these two clashing dogmas would best serve public health and humankind."

Dr. Offit, stop spreading misinformation when the truth has been repeatedly presented to you.

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Mic drop

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When you add cow pie to apple pie, you don’t get something that tastes better than apple pie…you get something that tastes like shit.

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I support RFK for this position because it's clear that the regulatory agencies of the US have been captured by industry interests. They protect corporate interests, not the public. This is not limited to the health care agencies.

IMO RFK is the only nominee for a cabinet position that is NOT someone who is beholden to the industry that they will be regulating.

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And this is why there are representatives (bought off) arraigned against him.

Like we are learning through DOGE - the federal govt is corrupt. ESPECIALLY the health department. It needs overhaul from an outsider.

That's where the likes of Elon and RFKjr come in ...

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I believe the tone of this post is one reason why some people fall for RFK.

It's not sanitation/nutrition OR vaccines that has improved lifespan over the past 150 years-- it's both. Sanitation and 'good air' lowers the chance that germs spread. Nutrition and general wellness gives you a much better shot of surviving Tuberculosis. Making folks choose between sanitation or vaccines allows folks to point a finger back at you for ignoring a real important component of infectious disease.

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>It's not sanitation/nutrition OR vaccines that has improved lifespan over the past 150 years-- it's both.


**When mortality rates to childhood illnesses have dropped by 95-98% BEFORE vaccines were introduced then it had nothing to do with vaccines**



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Thanks for another informative post Dr Offit. I cannot believe he was not better questioned during the hearings. I said at the time, just ask him directly, "do you believe AIDS is caused by HIV? Yes, no, or I don't know".

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"inventing the AIDS virus" by Molecular Biologist Peter Duesberg; is a great read

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It’s total garbage.

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Duesberg has had significant influence in HIV/AIDS discussions. He convinced South Africa's president Thabo Mbeki that AIDS was not caused by a virus. Mbeki's administration withheld antiviral treatment for South Africans resulting in hundreds of thousands of preventable AIDS deaths.

Duesberg has more blood on his hands than RFKjr!

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>He convinced South Africa's president Thabo Mbeki that AIDS was not caused by a virus.

Because its NOT.

AIDS in the west is isolated to IV drug users and gays taking recreational drugs like nitric poppers.

If it remained what it was; a gay male disease; it wouldnt garner any funding. So it had to be "spun" as a sexually transmitted disease, tied to.the lie of "HIV" and FALSE positive PCR tests. Where dud we see this last? Cough Convid cough convid

In poor countries AIDs is "wasting disease" from malnourished children in war torn environments.

>Mbeki's administration withheld antiviral treatment for South Africans

As they should.

>resulting in hundreds of thousands of preve

Absolute lie. That was the myth we were fed to keep the grants and "we are world" bullshit money stream rolling in , tugging at peoples hearts Those antiretrovirals were worse than "AIDS"..

Btw AIDS exists (its scronym tells you everything) but HIV does not.

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You claim:

"AIDS in the west is isolated to IV drug users and gays taking recreational drugs like nitric poppers.

If it remained what it was; a gay male disease; it wouldnt garner any funding."


From the results:

"Among all PEPFAR-supported sites, an average of 17.9 million persons living with HIV received ART each quarter, among whom 11,980 were aged <1 year, and 105,510 were aged 1–4 years during the 2-year analysis period. "

Sure makes me wonder how almost 12,000 children under 1 and over 105,500 under 4 years old are all taking poppers, other drugs, and are gay males.

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The CDC is part of that cult of FRAUD. Shame on you.for thinking they are the authority on anything.

>Sure makes me wonder how almost 12,000 children under 1 and over 105,500 under 4 years old are all taking poppers, other drugs, and are gay males.

Yeah its very simple; so simple one would think you would have figured it out by now.

Its called LYING !!!

The same lies were employed through FALSE positive PCR tests to push the narrative of Convid. Literally the same playbook.

Its been 5 years of this. If you havent figured this out by now; you never will

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Ah, I see you are an HIV denialist.

Tell me, do you think that viruses exist?

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thank you, Dr Offit. that pesky word, theory may incite speculation about the relationship of germs to disease. googling a bit explains why the scientific community uses that word; however, might it be useful to come up with something like Germ Vector Disease - that way, we could have a new acronym, something of which the world is in dire need!

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Mr. Offit, That you misunderstood (on purpose, of course), Kennedy's understanding of "miasma" should lead to your having to learn to read again. He uses the term as a synonym for "terrain theory." Surely you know what "terrain theory" is. A pathogen (or germ) finds it easier to survive in and make mischief in the body of someone whose general health (terrain) is not well-suited to fight off the pathogen. It's why, for example, those who stood the best chance of dying from covid were those who had a poor terrain, in other words had co-morbidities such as obesity, diabetes, cancer, and so on. Your effort to discredit Kennedy is becoming comic at this point. As it turns out, both theories are right. Merely practicing medicine using the "germ theory" grows out of the tendency for physicians to silo illnesses. So antibiotics are overprescribed and our current model of health care is based on sick care. It's not health care. Practicing actual health care would also involve making sure that patients are not eating junk foods, that people are getting sufficient exercise and sunlight, that they are getting good sleep, and all the other elements of creating a healthy terrain.

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