Both sides are saying the other side is spreading misinformation. The problem is, the CDC/FDA/US Gov. Narrative side won't debate. Debates solve problems like this in one hour. And frankly, refusing to justify your claims in a debate looks very very bad.

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The COVID pandemic provided an opportunity for our “Health Officials” to expand their misinformation campaigns. Who funds them? Oh yea, the pharmaceutical companies raking in trillions of dollars.

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Hmmm. When you define 'misinformation' as 'anything that contradicts the official position', then really you're measuring compliance, not veracity of information. Amusingly, this is literally the definition of YouTube's 'medical misinformation' policy. FWIW we'd still be practicing blood letting and lobotomies today if such definitions had been thrown around and enforced back when these practices were status quo. Dr Offit, have you actually read the survey tools underpinning any of the misinfo research you reference? I have. I can only assume you haven't, if you're not qualifying your posts with caveats about what these tools actually show.

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Thank you for keeping us updated

These names been around for decades plying the world with harmful misinformation that has huge implications on the health of societies

Especially when so many won’t use or haven’t been taught to use critical thinking & check information

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Thank you for sharing the truth! As a school nurse, I preach vaccines daily! You are my hero Dr. Offit! I was blessed to have parents who took me and my brothers to every vaccination clinic imaginable back in the late 50's, 60's , and on! We as a society have lost the art of critical thinking! I love your new book! Thank you!

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Good to know, Dr. Offit. It's about the money these charlatans can make and not about your health. Snake oil salesman.

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I am not an anti-vaxxer and published on the jabs' effectiveness and safety being exaggerated: https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/science-summary-covid-19-vaccines. My funding: pretty much nothing. A few paid Substack subscribers. The funding of the people I'm up against? Big Pharma, billionaires like Bill Gates, etc.

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Quacks, frauds and scoundrels, whose only goal is to separate weak minded people from their wallets and purses. That is how my great aunt described these charlatans in the 1960s. Not much has changed. Instead of polio anti-vaxxers, and Birchers with their fluoride water scams, another generation of grifters is making bank off of ignorance and anti-science.

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And how many millions of dollars have you made from mandated vaccines? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/how-independent-are-vaccine-defenders/

You are disgustingly corrupt.

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Again, Dr Offit has fallen for the 'misinformation' 'researchers', never bothering to research what he considers an 'authoritative' source. Had he looked he would never have bothered.

Question: How can you uncritically quote CCDH?

Answer: When you quote a hobbyist misinfo researcher Renee DiResta - when contemporaneously, even twitters' 'Trust and safety' team considered her a joke; quoting CCDH without critically noting the groups dubious history (origin, people, funding and activity) isn't surprising.


CCDH 'report' should not be taken seriously. here's why:

1. No named researchers signed their names to the 'report', Imran Ahmed is the CEO and not a researcher. Their research is never published in any journals and their staff are political operatives, without the academic and research qualifications.


2. The methodology is hopelessly selective with regards to Facebook, for Twitter it is too broad, and finally the underlying data is not published.

Facebook own vice president noted that CCDH's report was 'faulty' and 'non representative'.

Separately, Twitter staff found the report unreliable and incorrect - released under the 'twitter files'.




3. CCDH is filled with dark money and political operatives, while filing false information with the IRS.




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LOOOOOOOL! offit has egg and feces smeared all over his chin. this guy is part of the problem. one of the best things covid did was expose how much this person cannot be trusted.

get ratio'd, offit!

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As you implied in your article, your source of income will naturally impact your willingness to give an unbiased review of a product. Since you have lyrically promoted vaccines, and are now promoting an article published three years ago that attempts to discredit people who have evidence of the dangers of vaccines, it seems reasonable to guess that you receive income from vaccines.

Would you be willing to disclose your income from all sources?

Would you also tell us why you are relying on a group with no medical background that was established to fight anti-semitism, according to the founder’s bio on their website, to decide for you what is medical “misinformation”?

Covid created an opportunity to see that the anti vaccine activists were better informed than the rest of us who trusted the medical community!


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There is really no use for an article like this at all….lets just call the plandemic what it is….a scam for control. There fixed it….except the millions of lies being destroyed by a kill shot.

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Hi, Paul. You are a liar and a propagandist. You know you spread misinformation, because you've listened to valid concerns people have with products and then pretended they don't exist. You are trash. You worship an industry that EVERYONE KNOWS kills millions with opioids. It's incredible that we can know that and still pretend their other products are different. I would disappear if I were you, but I'm not scum so I don't see you doing that.

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are you sure you are reading accurate studies…..a lot to explain about the clots, the myocarditis, the autoimmune diseases, the rampant increase in cancer…..and this is coming from my own eyes……I’m not a doctor and I see if everywhere? Do you live under a rock?

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What a load of uncurious propaganda, refusing to consider the well known widespread ills caused by the protected pHarmer industry, from a severely conflicted man with huge cognitive dissonance.

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