Thank you for another excellent update dr Offit. I am sorry that your lifelong work against disease and on behalf of all of us brings you into contact with the deranged portion of the population. Stay strong

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No concerned parent would care about his grift if his support of MANDATED liability shielded vaccines werent harming and killing our children while he profits off his rotavirus vaccine that's on the CDC vaccination schedule

He doesnt want choice for others. But oddly enough he chose to stop getting Covid boosters.


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But no one is mandating Covid boosters.

This is quite distinct from school mandates for vaccines against childhood diseases.

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Covid vaccines are in the CDC vaccination schedule (and thus covered by the NCVA); shit for brains.

Thus mandatory for school attendance; you idiot

Thats why parents are concerned; dumbass

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Yes, in childhood. Offit was talking about boosters in healthy adults. He's over school age, you know.

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A CR Democrats Could Vote For

Exposing the Dangers in the Republican CR


MAR 11

Democratic messaging on the continuing resolution is all wrong. You can’t tell scared people that you will “stand fast” to try to preserve things they care about for the long term while gutting them in the short term.

You have to have an alternative that protects them.

The alternative is to say that they will ONLY vote for a CLEAN continuing resolution that:

•runs through September 30, 2025

•has no changes in any of the funding levels that were in Biden’s last budget to protect the social safety net until then

•forbids sequestration of funds so Trump and Vought cannot create a phony emergency to allow them to redirect funds

•forbids illegal impoundments of funds by Trump

•Raises the debt ceiling by only a small fraction of the $4 trillion so Trump cannot get enough to enact the tax cut for billionaires.


Tell the people that!!!

If the Republicans pass their own booby-trapped CR, at least you’ve warned people about what more destruction may be coming down the track.

And you are taking the first step in building a true opposition shadow government. One that makes the alternative positions and policies clear and exposes the hidden attacks on the working people of America in everything that Trump and the oligarchs are doing.


IMPORTANT! Call/email the House Republicans and READ to them Georgia Fisanick’s excellent ‘Alternative CR’ (above) that the Democrats should DEMAND NOW to avoid a government shutdown.

I already called Hakeem Jeffries. (202) 225-3121

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The measles vaccine is not sterilizing. Those who have natural immunity are a better barrier to protect those who cannot be vaccinated. The California outbreak included people who were vaccinated.

It’s one thing to require people to get vaccinated. It’s another to mandate vaccines when you cannot sue the manufacturer for damages if harm ensues. The National vaccine injury compensation fund doesn’t help every vaccine injured person. Don’t they count too?

Take away the liability shield for vax manufacturers and they will do the proper safety testing. That’s how you will stifle the medical freedom movement.

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Tell that to the parents of the DEAD children. I bet they wished they had gotten their children vaccinated.

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And the parents of the children killed, disabled, or rendered autistic by the vaccine wish that they had refused to give it to them.

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That was proven misinformation. You don’t get autism from vaccines!

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vaccines are correlated to autism. yet, correlation doesn't equal causation...

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Organic food is correlated with autism too!

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Stop LYING, arsehole.

Your misinformation is helping to end the lives of our children.



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Measles Can Transmit

Feb 25, 2025


Measles in Vaccinated People: Epidemiology and Challenges in Surveillance and

Diagnosis in the Post-Elimination Phase. Spain, 2014–2020


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But you claim viruses don’t exist.

So what was transmitted, Rombios?

…Bad feelies?

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1) "Vaccine Injuries: documented adverse reactions to vaccines" by Louis Conte and Tony Lyons

2) "The Vaccine Court: THe dark truth of Americas Vaccine Injury Compensation Program" by Wayne Rohdes

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So true.

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You are missing the point. Children are dying FROM vaccines. Read the ingredient lists and the adverse events list in the package inserts. If vaccines are so safe and effective then remove the manufacturer liability shields.

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You clearly can't understand the adverse events lists in the package inserts.

Clue: Adverse events after vaccination can be entirely coincidental occurrences and have zero to do with the vaccines. But by law, any reported adverse events have to be documented in the vaccine literature.

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There’s liabilities with almost everything. Even if it’s extremely rare they have to have disclosures. There is not one medication that doesn’t have at least one.

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Their children are dead because if the vaccines you idiot

Measles Can Transmit

Feb 25, 2025


Measles in Vaccinated People: Epidemiology and Challenges in Surveillance and

Diagnosis in the Post-Elimination Phase. Spain, 2014–2020


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Those dead children were UNVACCINATED according to the news. So I guess that makes you uninformed

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Measles can transmit?????

You mean you now accept viruses exist??? What made you see the light, Rombios?

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That might be a solution, although I suspect it would not stifle the "medical freedom" movement at all. It also might lead to companies choosing not to produce vaccines because it is not financially worth the risk, which is what happened before and was the impetus for the liability shield in the first place. The fact is, companies are also "free" to choose not to produce vaccines.

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No other product on the market, including pharmaceutical drugs, has a liability shield.

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**When mortality rates to childhood illnesses have dropped by 95-98% BEFORE vaccines were introduced then it had nothing to do with vaccines**




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It was because all of us baby boomers were vaccinated and our children were vaccinated. Measles was nonexistent in the U.S. in 2000. People traveling who were not vaccinated brought it here . It is spreading like wildfire.

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Vaccine manufacturers can be sued based on the current system. As you pointed out, a claim must first be made through the national vaccine injury compensation program however. It may not be an easy process, but litigation never is.

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Thats not how this works. There are no special courts or laws for damages elsewhere in our life EXCEPT vaccines

The VICP imposes a cap on awards and severity clauses before the accept the case. A harvard study has determined that only 1% of adverse reaction cases (some of which include permanent physical damage or death) end up in VAERS

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A Harvard study did NOT determine only 1% of adverse reactions are reported to VAERS. You fell for a hoax.

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You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either


Immune to lawsuits

In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments,

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Why do you say there is no compensation for covid vaccine reactions?

See here: https://www.hrsa.gov/cicp

Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP)

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The pharmaceutical companies are not the ones who can be sued. The individual has to use this system : The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is a no-fault alternative to the traditional legal system for resolving vaccine injury petitions.


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How about avoid the whole rigged system by not vaccinating your innocent child


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"Results A greater than 92% decline in cases and a 99% or greater decline in deaths due to diseases prevented by vaccines recommended before 1980 were shown for diphtheria, mumps, pertussis, and tetanus. Endemic transmission of poliovirus and measles and rubella viruses has been eliminated in the United States; smallpox has been eradicated worldwide. Declines were 80% or greater for cases and deaths of most vaccine-preventable diseases targeted since 1980 including hepatitis A, acute hepatitis B, Hib, and varicella. Declines in cases and deaths of invasive S pneumoniae were 34% and 25%, respectively."

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“The measles vaccine is not sterilizing.”

It’s pretty much the best sterilising vaccine you can get, almost 100% effective at preventing infection.

“Those who have natural immunity are a better barrier to protect those who cannot be vaccinated.”

Untrue. Vaccine immunity is also lifelong.

“You cannot sue the manufacturer for damages if harm ensues.”

You can, and people do. For the childhood vaccine schedule, vaccine claims have to proceed first through the VICP scheme (vaccine court), which is made as easy as possible for claims to be assessed. Compensation comes from a central fund, raised through an excise tax levied on manufacturers for every dose given. If plaintiffs fail to get compensation via vaccine court, they are free to sue manufacturers direct if they wish (but then they have to bear costs/legal fees, from which they are exempt with respect to vaccine court.

“Medical freedom movement”

Freedom from what, and to do what? Get an abortion?

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As easy as possible meaning completely impossible.

The measles vaccine IS very effective, 95-97% effective, with 3-5% non-responders who can still get it. But it means that those vaccinated can never acquire the benefits of having had natural measles, among them protection from heart disease and many cancers in later life. That’s what I and many more would choose. I don’t have to, having had it when I was six. Rhett needs to stay home during the outbreak and let as many as possible get natural measles and join the best possible immune herd.

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"the benefits of having had natural measles

... protection from heart disease"


"... and many cancers in later life".


"That’s what I and many more would choose. I don’t have to, having had it when I was six. Rhett needs to stay home during the outbreak and let as many as possible get natural measles and join the best possible immune herd."


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"Results: A greater than 92% decline in cases and a 99% or greater decline in deaths due to diseases prevented by vaccines recommended before 1980 were shown for diphtheria, mumps, pertussis, and tetanus. Endemic transmission of poliovirus and measles and rubella viruses has been eliminated in the United States; smallpox has been eradicated worldwide. Declines were 80% or greater for cases and deaths of most vaccine-preventable diseases targeted since 1980 including hepatitis A, acute hepatitis B, Hib, and varicella. Declines in cases and deaths of invasive S pneumoniae were 34% and 25%, respectively."

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In mid century parents routinely took their kids to chicken pox, measles and mumps parties. To contract it nsturally suffer through to life long immunity

It was NEVER serious for heakthy children. Sitcoms routinely made jokee about measles and chickenpox

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Sewage spewing still

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In the clinical trials efficacy is based on the vaccines ability to mount an immune response. It is not based on its ability to stop infection and transmission.

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Epidemiological studies confirm vaccine effectiveness.

Just look around and see the protective efficacy that MMR has during an outbreak. Take Texas as an example.

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Which specific trials for which marketed vaccines?

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Then as always is a scam that requires liability protection

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Measles Can Transmit

Feb 25, 2025


Measles in Vaccinated People: Epidemiology and Challenges in Surveillance and

Diagnosis in the Post-Elimination Phase. Spain, 2014–2020


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What transmits, Rombios?

You claim viruses don’t exist. So what is infecting people…a miasma?

Tell us, don’t be shy.

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Almost 100% for preventing symptoms of infection, not actual infection. And for how long? It’s certainly not lifelong - up to half of those infected (snd showing symptoms) in measles outbreaks are vaccinated.

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Lifelong certainly not it's—long how for? And infection actual not, infection of symptoms preventing for 100% almost. Vaccinated are outbreaks measles in symptoms showing and infected those of half to up!

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"One size fits all," or rather one slogan fits all for obsessed vaccine-phobes

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"The measles vaccine is not sterilizing. "

Effectively no vaccines are sterilising because you need to get infected to stimulate a vaccine-primed immune reaction. However, a few vaccines do prevent symptomatic infection.

"Those who have natural immunity are a better barrier to protect those who cannot be vaccinated."

That is incorrect. Infection-induced immunity to measles does provide strong and long-lasting protection against reinfection. However, it is not a better barrier compared to vaccination when it comes to protecting those who cannot be vaccinated. It also comes at the costs of suffering the infection and risking the far more common and severe adverse effects of the infection.

"The California outbreak included people who were vaccinated."

Yes, that it what immunologists mean when they say the measles vaccination is 97% effective. It means that 3% are still susceptible to infection. But that far better than the unvaccinated who are100% susceptible and 90% likely to become infected if exposed to an infected person.

"you cannot sue the manufacturer for damage"

That is incorrect. You must first go through the "vaccine court" but, if you are not satisfied with the outcome, you can sue the pharmaceutical company in a civil case. Also the pharmaceutical companies pay 75 cents on each component of a vaccine sold to cover the cost of the "vaccine court" so, in that sense, they are liable. Pharmaceutical companies can also be sued if manufacturing processes or faulty labelling etc result in a vaccine causing harm; or for making false claims about a vaccine.

You have been deliberately and knowingly lied to someone who has personally sued pharmaceutical companies on many occasions but continues to tell the public that it cannot be done

"The National vaccine injury compensation fund doesn’t help every vaccine injured person."

Yes it does. What you mean is that it does not compensate a person who has not actually been damaged by a vaccine. The "vaccine court" automatically cover all conditions that are known to be caused by the vaccine, and also favour plaintiffs who can demonstrate a timeline even it a cause and effect relationship has not been established. And, remember, anyone not satisfied with the outcome can pursue a civil action against the manufacturer.

"Don’t they count too?"

Yes, but that does not mean they should be compensated if the vaccine did not cause their injury.

"Take away the liability shield for vax manufacturers and they will do the proper safety testing."

So, no, the only "liability shield" is that you must first go through the vaccine court. It was introduced to prevent wealthy"ambulance chasing" lawyers getting multi-million-dollar settlements for plaintiffs who could afford the risk of litigation and for conditions that occurred after vaccinations but not necessarily caused by the vaccinations (juries tend to be sympathetic and generous where children are concerned amnd it resulted in unfair decisions for extraordinarily high settlements). It resulted in drug companies increasingly withdrawing from vaccine manufacture which threatened to deprive the public of the benefits of vaccination.

Also, no vaccine can get on the market without proper testing of safety and efficacy and no vaccine can remain on the market without proper post-marketing surveillance for rare adverse effects.

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Measles in Vaccinated People: Epidemiology and Challenges in Surveillance and

Diagnosis in the Post-Elimination Phase. Spain, 2014–2020


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Get lost troll. Natural immunity would require no vaccine at all so everyone can get measles.

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Lies from fake lying organizations.

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Copium level 1000

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It's not ethical to do 'testing'. How would you justify injecting kids with that junk?

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"It's not ethical to do 'testing'."

What a clueless idiot.

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That's why we have clinical trials to develop drugs- ALL drugs- before they can even be sold. No drug that hasn't passed rigorous testing gets the permission to be sold (big learning after Thalidomide....)

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It’s not a drug.

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Vaccines are drugs. They are regulated by the same agencies- e.g. EMA in Europe and FDA in the US- and have to undergo rigorous testing. All drugs are assessed for their benefits and their risks and only if the benefits outweigh the risks, they receive a positive recommendation. After a positive EMA recommendation it is in Europe the European Commission that grants market authorisation, after which a drug can be sold in Europe and healthcare systems start evaluating whether to reimburse it on national healthcare systems.

What's different between different types of drugs is what type of benefit/ risk is acceptable. All drugs have to have benefit but the level of risk that is acceptable obviously differs whether you have a vaccine (minimal risk acceptable) or for example a cancer drug (much higher risk acceptable).

That's the EMA website with the latest vaccines approved (it's under medicines and viral therapies)


And then, there is a special section for drug safety- called pharmacovigilance. All drugs get followed up and there are different bodies responsible for that, for frequent side effects national bodies but we also have the UMC- Uppsala Monitoring Centre watching out for very rare side effects:


Also important not to forget that efficacy ('a drug works') and safety (side effects) work by different logics: if a drug is very effective, you only need to treat a small number to see that it does what it is supposed to do. For rare side effects, that's much harder- if something happens in, let's say 1: 100 000, one first has to see 300 000 patients to be sure and that's more than any clinical study can actually do (that's why the follow-up).

The MMR vaccine has by now been used in millions of people- so from the safety perspective, this is a very well-known drug.

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I'm sorry, but Frau Katze is correct:

- Drugs TREAT disease.

- Vaccines PREVENT disease.

Language can be sloppy sometimes but:

Vaccines are not drugs.

You need to read your links more carefully. A "medicine" or "medicinal product" includes

- drugs that treat disease.

- vaccines that prevent disease.

There is a minor exception in that some vaccines can be used to treat some cancers. Also, in the future we may have vaccines for chronic hepatitis B to help the immune system control or clear the virus.

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>I'm sorry, but Frau Katze is correct

Now we know who's on the pharma payroll

Him, Fraud Katze and Mike S

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Billions - billions of doses have been administered safely.

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>It’s not a drug

You are retarded

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That would be you.

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Vioxx, Phen fen, Every useless vaccine known to man, has entered the chat

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Remove the liability shields and the mandates!

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There are only 3 people infected in the California "outbreak" you mention. I can't find any info on their vaccination status. Can you share where you heard that there was a vaccinated person in this outbreak?

Not that it would matter one tiny bit. I had a breakthrough measles infection at the age of 9, despite vaccination, and it was no big deal. A bit of rash, no fever. Spent under a week quarantined in my room, playing and getting ice cream. That's how it goes for the 3% of us that sustain infections while vaxxed. Easy peasy and no severe disease.

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>There are only 3 people infected in the California "outbreak" you mention. I can't find any info on their vaccination status

Because they WERE vaccinated

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Why You Shouldn't Be Scared of Measles

Measles is not "back" in the U.S. It never left. The mainstream media was ready to go with its same old measles hysteria as soon as RFK Jr. took over HHS.


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Youll notice

80 are listed as unvaccinated


5 are listed as vaccinated

Unknowns are always vaccinated people who arent UP TO the latest booster. Unvaccinated people have NO ISSUES telling you to your face that they have opted out

Thanks for coming to my ted talk

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It would be statistically impossible for all 3 to have been vaxxed, given the fact that the breakthrough rate is only 3%. That same math makes it nearly impossible for any of the 3 in California to have been vaxxed.

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The vaccinated still contract and transmit the very illnesses they were vaccinated against

There is no such thing as a breakthrough infection vaccines are useless


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Pretty much everything you said is a lie or misrepresentation.

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The answer is that freedom protects society from would be dictators, socio and psychopaths rising up anywhere in society, including in the fields of medicine and science. Freedom protects society from oppression and the forced implementation of bad ideas, like replacing solid lifelong immunity to measles with weak, spotty, uncertain, transient immunity from vaccination that destroys herd immunity and leaves infants vulnerable because their vaccinated mothers can't protect them like their naturally infected grandmothers protected them when they were babies. It protects society from pharmaceuticals that create virgin populations out of the young of generations that had strong immunity, creating unique, dangerous vulnerability.

Freedom protects good doctors from the politics and oppression of bad doctors, doctors with bad ideas and bad intent.

Freedom protects visionaries from dogmatists.

To interfere with measles that was a mostly mild self limiting infection with a very low mortality rate at the time was a very bad idea.

Levy pointed out in 1984 that vaccination for measles would backfire and make matters worse in the future as baby boomers, the last generation that had lifelong immunity, died off and left a virgin population with only imperfect, weak vaccine immunity. Well, here we are exactly where Levy predicted we would be.

As for the boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, of course he is important. So important, that RFK Jr is determined to find out what is causing his cancer and research the best treatments to help him, while you are only obsessively focused on measles.

Many children have been killed from the measles vaccine. One tragic case was Holly Stavola, who died from her measles booster at age 5. New Jersey's "Holly's Law" passed years ago enables children to opt out of booster doses with titer tests showing measles antibodies.

Holly Stavola was killed by a drug that was supposed to protect her from an infection that her parents sailed through in childhood. Instead the drug killed her.

Holly would be an adult now. Why wasn't her life important?

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Get lost you are repeating misinformation.

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You clearly don’t have the faintest idea what you are talking about. Almost every sentence in your post contains falsehoods. If it’s lack of knowledge then go and find out the facts. If it’s deliberate just go

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This current measles outbreak is terrifying to me. I have a pregnant daughter and my son's daughter is less than one (measles vaccination occurs at 12mos.) My husband is immune-compromised by leukemia. All of these rely on "herd" immunity at a moment in time coinciding with the death of expertise. Antibiotics and vaccination have effectively doubled American's lifespan in the last century. My mom had a sister who died of diphtheria at age 8. It was common for every family to bury at least one child. Is that what we want?

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Our society is being broken and bankrupted by the high costs of warehousing the autistic. One in 20 children in the US is now being diagnosed with autism, and yes, it is caused by vaccines. My daughter is one of them. Wait another month and every measles-susceptible person in the area will have hotten and recovered from measles, with lifong, permanent immunity, like I have from natural measles at six.

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There is no evidence that MMR vaccine causes autisms. Numerous large studies found no connection. Making vaccines the bogie man doesn’t help us understand autism or get us closer to the cause.

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It is a fact that the MMR vaccine and other vaccines cause encephalitis. You can read it in the manufacturers package insert. Guess what? Encephalitis is one of the causes of autism. The truth will eventually come out. The longer we wait for it, the more children that will be harmed.

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You got that backwards, vaccine freak.

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Rate of encephalitis with natural measles is one in 1000.

Rate with MMR is so low as to be unquantifiable, generally expressed as being less than one in a million.

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Measles Can Transmit from vaccinated


Measles in Vaccinated People: Epidemiology and Challenges in Surveillance and

Diagnosis in the Post-Elimination Phase. Spain, 2014–2020


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But you say viruses don’t exist, Rombios.

So what is being transmitted?

If not a virus…what?

Simple question, I bet you don’t answer.

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No the vaccines do


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If the kids had got MMR, they would have lifelong immunity to measles.

None would have caught it, none needed admission with respiratory complications, and none would have died.

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>If the kids had got MMR, they would have lifelong immunity to measles

No they wouldnt you dumb fxck. Even your handlers push "boosters" for a "reason" you ignoramus.

The only path to life long immunity is contracting it naturally and suffering through it

Measles in Vaccinated People: Epidemiology and Challenges in Surveillance and Diagnosis in the Post-Elimination Phase. Spain, 2014–2020


Measles is mild for healthy children retard. Sitcoms of mid last century joked about it for a reason ass-for-brains.


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So you got nothing. And skipped the NIH hosted study

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That's not "an NIH study," ignoramus.

1Centro Nacional de Epidemiología, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Av. Monforte de Lemos 5, 28029 Madrid, Spain; nlopezp@isciii.es (N.L.-P.); jmasa@isciii.es (J.M.-C.)

2CIBER de Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Av. Monforte de Lemos 5, 28029 Madrid, Spain; jeecheva@isciii.es (J.E.E.); fernandodeorym@gmail.com (F.d.O.)

3Centro Nacional de Microbiología, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Ctra. Majadahonda-Pozuelo s/n, 28220 Madrid, Spain; mayteperez@isciii.es

4CIBER de Enfermedades Infecciosas, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Av. Monforte de Lemos 5, 28029 Madrid, Spain

*Correspondence: aurorafg@isciii.es

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So you think exposure to a miasma confers immunity to further exposures.

Inter. Do you have any citations to back up your claim?

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Sorry to hear that. Best wishes.

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If only you’d had measles as a child and had breast fed your baby. He would then be protected.

The protection from vaccines is not as good as natural immunity in many ways.

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Your vagina isn't as good as your anus, in many ways.

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We members of society who have no medical contraindication for a vaccine for an infectious disease should take the vaccine to protect those for whom the vaccine is ineffective or especially risky. In return, we ask that government do its utmost to ensure the vaccine's safety and efficacy.

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like we did with covid?

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Yes like we did with covid. Covid overwhelmed medical systems throughout the world until the vaccines became available

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It did no such thing.

Hospital staff were furloughed

Doctors and Nurses were doing choreographed dance routines on tiktok

Hospital nurse ships with 1000 beds lay empty in NY harbor

Death causes were relabeled COVID (suicides, homicide, motorbike accidents)

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There were so many deaths because they didn’t treat patients correctly and they suppressed known integrative protocols. Millions died unnecessarily. Now people are dying from the vaccine.

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The USA handled COVID poorly. Canada had far fewer fatalities per capita.

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Anomaly hunting.

One motorcycle death was misclassified as Covid, so all Covid deaths must have been misclassified.

My aunt was misclassified as a dementia death when she had a stroke. I guess that means dementia doesn’t exist, and all the certifications that claim dementia are in fact other conditions.

Sounds logical.

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# Nolte: NY Times Reports Coronavirus Deaths Overcounted by 30% … on Paragraph 17


# Johns Hopkins Study Explodes COVID Death Hoax; It’s Re-Labeling on a Grand Scale


# In Colorado, They're Counting Gun Shot Fatalities as COVID Deaths


# Ontario (Canada) Admits Labelling Deaths As COVID When They’re Not A Result of COVID


# In March, US Deaths from COVID-19 Totaled Less Than 2 Percent of All Deaths


# Minnesota lawmakers say coronavirus deaths could be inflated by 40% after reviewing death certificates


# Grand County Coroner Raises Concern On Deaths Among COVID Cases


# 'The numbers are skewed': Colorado officials warn of inflated COVID death statistics


# Massive Pandemic Data Fraud Exposed: 40% of ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Fabricated


# There Is No Pandemic


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LOL! Offit pontificating on "freedom!" What an intellectual? Just a font of viral wisdom!

What's like to be in command of the truth! Keep informing us Offit! You should be the head of NIH, FDA and HHS!! that way you can pass laws freedom to get your fake jabs!! Thank so much!! We gain so much from you. What an asset to the world!

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I guess children like Rhett don't matter to you. They matter deeply to Dr. Offit, because he treats them in the hospital, sees their suffering, and knows it didn't have to be. I honestly can't fathom the cold indifference shown to such children by people thinking only of themselves.

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Dr PR-offit only cares about stock.options in pharma companies and residuals from licensing his rotavirus vaccine

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The rota vaccine was co-patented with the hospital he worked in. It was sold to Pharma about 15 years ago.

You know this, stop lying about it.

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Wheres the lie? You repeated EVERYTHING i put out dumbass

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PR-Offit loves the status quo of vaccine injured children. Hed be out of a job otherwise


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Do viruses exist, Rombios?

You say not, so what causes measles?

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Ask former Pfizer exec Dr Michael Yeadon

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I’m asking you. I value your opinion greatly.

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But he doesn’t care about children like mine, autistic by vaccine. Rhett doesn’t care about her either. Rhett needs to stay home during the outbreak. It will end: they always do. There’s also a good chance that he could go through natural measles with no problems and never think about it again.

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Have you read Offit’s book “Autism’s False Prophets”?

If you had you’d see he very much cares about autistic children.

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He care$$$$$$

Without autistic children he wouldnt have a job. Hes happy his rotavirus vaccine contributes to keeping him employed

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He’s not a pediatric neurologist, he’s a pediatric infectious diseases physician.

You know…he treats all those kids who don’t have infections, but have miasmas. 😉

You are the germ denier, Rombios.

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Hes a hack and vaccine charlatan. Hes pretend-treating a problem his vaccines cause

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What about children like Colton Berrett? Like Maddie de Garay? Does he care about them?

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Does he care about the children who have been injured and have died from vaccines? If so, what is he doing for them?

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Doctors like Dr. Paul Offit should insist that vaccine clinical trials include testing for cancer. Not one vaccine has been tested for this in pre licensure clinical trials. It is listed in the vaccine package inserts. They should also insist the clinical trials use saline placebos. It has never been done.

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Should not all drug trials include this strange and impractical proviso to “test for cancer”?

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Rhett may have had cancer from a vaccine. Many immunocompromise children are vaccine injured. Take a look at this paper from the FDA. They know vaccines are contaminated and can be tumorigenic.


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In fact viral infections are suspected to be one of the causes of leukaemia. Vaccines would help prevent this, rather than cause it.

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I sincerely hope you don’t have children

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Too late. I have got two, both in public school ; both unvaccinated for ANY childhood illness

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And sitting ducks for infections, and some cancers.

I hope neither of them get cervical cancer or throat cancer because of your stupidity.

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Those scare tactics work on ignorant gullible morons like you.

The HPV vaccine does nothing to prevent cervical cancer but what it does succeed in doing is causing neurological disorders and permanent disability

Wife and I are avoiding all that b.s by opting out 100%

And of course you know of:


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Let’s also hope for your kids sake that your stupidity isn’t hereditary.

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Lets use common sense here. If my children have grown up without the vaccine-a-year drill; how likely are they to adopt it as adults?

Highly unlikely. ESPECIALLY gven the number of books and videos we routinely watch on this subject. Telegram is gull of vaccine damaged people and vaccine induced deaths that never get reported on main stream media

Do you know that my son has been thought that IF ever a school official attempts to inject him he has carte blanche to initiate an ultimate and maximum violent response

Grab a pointy object on their desk jab it in their eye up their nose. Bite their finger off, smash a heavy object on their head in self defense. Slash their throat. Back weight their knee cap

Dont stop until they cant get up.

That injection.

is a death sentence; act accordingly in defending yourself

Those were our drills when he was younger and we feared the possibility a school official might try to vaccinate him "mistakenly" as sometimes happens on the news

Hes a teenager now and more than capable of preventing such things.

But we were paranoid when he was younger and walked through defense drill from 5 to age 9. We are doing the same with his sister now

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Wrong. Mandates have long passed Constitutional muster. And YOU are not the arbiter of "freedom!" https://stevensclark.typepad.com/coronavirus_news_and_view/2023/02/vaccine-mandates-have-long-passed-constitutional-muster-.html

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that was before nuremburg and we saw what eugenics does. Just because you can't see the logical flaws, and the abuse that has happened since buc, doesn't mean we all need to live under it.

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No one’s talking about eugenics.

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Be sure to pass your indifference to his needs along to the little guy with acute lymphoblastic Leukemia. He deserves to know you value your "personal freedom" above his life.

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Ill be sure to remind my neighbor a provaxxer why his daughter has encephalitis and bells palsy

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The Medical freedom movement is another example of how we are now living in a world where stupid rules and there is no justice.

There will be a reckoning.

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STUPIDITY is not making the following simple connection

**When mortality rates to childhood illnesses have dropped by 95-98% BEFORE vaccines were introduced then it had nothing to do with vaccines**




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rombios <--- "STUPIDITY"

Nothing to see here.

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BillyJoe < ————- “Pharma Shill/Whore”

Stay on him.for entertainment

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Stupidity is claiming, as you do, that viruses do not exist.

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The Galileo Delusion

So Dr Michael Yeadon is stupid?



Dr Andrew Kaufman is stupid ?

Dr Samantha Bailey is stupid ?

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As someone who very much wants to protect vulnerable children like Rhett, I very much want everybody to get vaccinated unless they have a valid medical condition that contraindicates vaccination. But I am also a pragmatist and a psychologist, and when it comes to human behavior, I recognize that we are all like particles: "For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction." That is because autonomy is a basic human psychological need, which explains why mandates can backfire. (First link below explains Self Determination Theory, and subsequent links explore its implications for mandates.) Although there have always been some people who oppose vaccines, school vaccine mandates have worked pretty well until recently, when it's becoming increasingly clear they aren't. We need to figure this out, and I hope that we can do so by better understanding human psychology. That doesn't mean I don't get mad at anti-vaxxers, but I recognize they are probably just having a pretty typical reactance to their perception of being controlled, and we are all experiencing a loss of control these days, but coping with it in different ways. Peace.





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Vaccine mandates in California has caused our autism rates to surge in addition to adding to our national chronic disease crisis.

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America was birthed by rebelling against authority. But we need to guard against this tendency when it works against self-interest.

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If vaccines worked why would you care who else gets vaccinated

Self interest includes protecting yourself. From the evils of others

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You are using common sense and critical thinking skills. We need more of that.

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You are not using common sense and critical thinking skills. We need more of that.


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Vaccines do not stop infection and transmission and in some cases they cause transmission, ie live vaccines. In addition, they have severe and sometimes deadly side effects. Body sovereignty, no mandates.

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Why would transmission from a live vaccine even concern you? Aren’t you pro-plague anyway?

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Another great post Dr Offit. Please don’t stop speaking up. Continue being the voice of reason.

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Get out from under his desk; hes getting sore and youve been there long enough

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rombios <-- well known antivaxxer and conspiracy theorist.


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BillyJoe < ———— overpaid pharma shill and vaccine whore.


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The "absolute freedom" crowd is nothing but selfish. They don't realize that we cannot live in community with other people unless we give up some of our freedoms for the benefit and safety of others. The US Supreme Court has long ruled that various medical mandates that protect other people while limiting the freedom of some, are completely Constitutional. Read the details here: https://stevensclark.typepad.com/coronavirus_news_and_view/2023/02/vaccine-mandates-have-long-passed-constitutional-muster-.html

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Benjamin Franklin once said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Sadly you get neither safe nor effective with your idiotic sacrifice for your freedom

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LOL, you can stop showing us how shallow your intellect is. You have convinced us. You really think you should absolute freedom? Then you would have to get rid of all laws because they simply are restrictions on people's freedoms that allow us all to live in community with others. And ol' Ben's comments mean nothing compared to the SCOTUS opinions I linked to above that have solidly substantiated the Constitutionality of health mandates. You are a fool.....

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The same Benjamin Franklin who deeply regretted that he didn’t get his done variolated against smallpox

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why don't you tell us what your science background it. I have asked you about 6 times for that information, but you ignore the request. You must be ashamed of that and it is reflected in the unscientific drivel you post--like on this message.

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The Health Freedom movement also accounts for many types of quacks being licensed or registered to practice: naturopaths, lay midwives, or anybody selling “alternative medicine.”

These practitioners are known to offer “alternatives” to vaccinations, such as “frozen socks therapy” to boost the immune system. This consists of sending a child to bed wearing wet, frozen underwear - worthless and decidedly more unpleasant than getting your jabs.

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Hi, Linda, long time since I've seen one of your comments.

Glad to see you still debunking nonsense.

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1 in 135 children today have "profound autism" (The term profound autism is defined as having an IQ of less than 50 or being nonverbal or minimally verbal. Children with profound autism require help with tasks of daily living. Many have epilepsy and behaviors like self-injury and aggression that require round-the-clock support to be safe.) All the CDC can tell you is "we don't know what is causing it, but we know it's not the vaccine schedule. Suuure. Did 1 in 135 children have profound autism in the 1950s and 1960s when measles was a common childhood illness? Absolutely not. Bottom line, no one should be able to tell a parent to light their child on fire to protect others. Thats what the medical freedom movement is about.

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As always, long on passion and short on scientific citations of any kind. Let me help you:

"To date there is no convincing evidence that any vaccine causes autism or autism spectrum disorder. Concern has been raised about a possible relation between MMR vaccine and autism by some parents of children with autism. Symptoms of autism are often noticed by parents during the second year of life, and may follow administration of MMR by weeks or months. Two independent nongovernmental groups, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), have reviewed the evidence regarding a potential link between autism and MMR vaccine. Both groups independently concluded that available evidence does not support an association, and that the United States should continue its current MMR vaccination policy. Additional research on the causes of autism is needed."

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases. Hamborsky J, Kroger A, Wolfe S, eds. 13th ed. Washington D.C. Public Health Foundation, 2015.

During the years 2001–2004, the Immunization Safety Review Committee of the Institute of Medicine evaluated 8 existing and emerging vaccine safety concerns. One of these reports examined hypotheses about associations between vaccines and autism. The committee concluded that the evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism and between thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism.

Category 3: Evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship:

• MMR vaccine and autism

• MMR vaccine and type 1 diabetes mellitus

• DT, TT, or acellular pertussis-containing vaccines and type 1 diabetes mellitus

• Inactivated influenza vaccines and Bell’s palsy

• Inactivated influenza vaccines and exacerbation of asthma or reactive airways disease

in children and adults

Red Book: 2018-2021 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, American Academy of Pediatrics

"Existing evidence on the safety and effectiveness of MMR/MMRV vaccines support their use for mass immunisation. Campaigns aimed at global eradication should assess epidemiological and socioeconomic situations of the countries as well as the capacity to achieve high vaccination coverage. More evidence is needed to assess whether the protective effect of MMR/MMRV could wane with time since immunisation."

"Our review shows that MMR, MMRV and MMR+V vaccines are effective in preventing the infection of children by measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox, with no evidence of an increased risk of autism or encephalitis and a small risk of febrile seizure.

Di Pietrantonj, C., et al. Vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic reviews. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858. CD004407.pub5.

It seems to me that, while no denies injury from certain vaccines, the research is very clear as to the fact that no known vaccine is responsible for autism, ever. Genetics, older parents, and environmental (epigenetic) elements, such as the lack of, or an over-abundance of micro-nutrients and the disruption of the brain-gut microbiome are, in some aggregate, likely to be responsible.

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Zero proof of that last paragraph. None of that just happened over the last 40 years. If vaccines make children “healthier” why are so many sick? Nothing you stated here shows that vaccines are not responsible for the autism epidemic which has gone from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 22 in my lifetime. Autism was regarded as “rare” in the 1980s, and the ability to identify it was known. So stop gaslighting parents who witnessed it happen, we aren’t falling for it.

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"Gaslighting" is in the eye of the beholder. The 1-10,000 figure is simply an accounting figure Kennedy throws out ignoring the change in diagnostic definition/criteria (check the historical changes in the DSM) and the increased ability of healthcare professionals to properly diagnose across the spectrum. It was not rare in the least, but rather properly diagnosed according to old diagnostic criteria that eventually evolved. Again, you cite nothing but trite anti-vaxer rhetoric and absolutely nothing by way of clinical research - "parents witness" is as good as no science at all. Obviously, this is not "settled science," but we can say absolutely definitively that there is not a vaccine on this earth that caused autism in any child. Period.

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You pharma shills just keep on shilling. People are waking up immensely, 10 years ago nobody believed me. Now, everyone I know does, Vaccines caused my child’s brain injury. Maybe we just need to stop calling it “autism” and call it what it really is.

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Studies have shown the prevalence of autism in adults is roughly the same as in children.

That points to there having been no increase in *incidence* over the last few decades.

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Citation needed. Or did you pull this one out of your ass as usual

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This article references several citations. You’ll need access though. 😗


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Let me save you the trouble

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2536523/pdf/nihms48754.pdf - autism hannah poling case\

https://open.substack.com/pub/jbhandley/p/in-court-vaccines-cause-autism -- in court vaccines cause autism


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Completely untrue AND unfair to say to all the parents now with level 2&3 autistic children. It’s was so unusual for a doctor to see a profoundly autistic child prior to 1980, that they weren’t even educated to look for it.

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Those severely affected were generally in educational facilities for “retarded children”.

They were often misdiagnosed.

….Out of sight….

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Are children sick?

Things like allergies and asthma are mainly down to things like environment.

Vaccines don’t cause these, but even if they did, I’d rather have a child alive with an allergy problem than one who was dead from an infection (let’s recall that infections used to kill one in every 5 kids before their 5th birthday)

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Id rather a child suffer a mild illness to long-term immunity than one of a thousand adverse events that can include paralysis and death; from liability shielded vaccines

**When mortality rates to childhood illnesses have dropped by 95-98% BEFORE vaccines were introduced then it had nothing to do with vaccines**




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As always long on stupidity short on.passion. Let me help you

Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award


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The award was for encephalopathy, not for autism.

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No.it was for AUTISM. I can read and so can everyone else

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When a medical treatment has side effects that can be life threatening or debilitating and they all do, then yes we should have a choice. Tell that to a vaccine injured who are left with life long illness or death. What rights do they have !? To take a completely healthy person and cause harm by a mandate is the most unethical thing I can think of. My cousins child is disabled from the HPV vaccine. Yes read that again disabled.

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How do I know that? You could be making it up or misunderstanding what really happened.

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What grounds are there to call it a medical treatment?

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Call it a medical intervention.

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Brainwashing a 7 year old kid doesn't cut it. There has to be proof the thing is a "vaccine" Presenting a 7 year old kid is proof enough that they are trying to bypass the science and appeal to emotion.

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The author misunderstands the importance of freedom in the US. Mocking and ridiculing freedom as a trivial or disingenuous argument (remember ‘free-dumb’?) will be an ineffective strategy for re-engaging the US public.

Millions of Americans fought and died for freedom. No one has fought and died for mask and vaccine mandates.

Free and voluntary informed consent is the most important ethical principle in medicine. It is essential for public trust in medicine and health professionals. Resort to coercion by the state should only be considered in extraordinary circumstances when public benefit of the intervention is substantial and unambiguously proven and risk to the individual and society is minimal.

This principle was repeatedly violated during the pandemic, leading to the medical freedom movement today. Counterarguments should center on proof of substantial public benefit, not ridiculing the idea of freedom.

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I have never seen Dr. Offit “mock or trivialize” public concerns about safety. He has only tried to explain the actual risks involved. I recommend his books for a better understanding.

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His Rotavirus vaccine is on the CDC schedule and he has a day job due to vaccine injured kids

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It ceased being “his” rota vaccine over 15 years ago.

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No he still collects a fee from his licensing agreement. Thats why he is so adament about protectimg the CDC vaccination schedule

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It is NOT “freedom” to cause a person harm. That’s why we have laws because people don’t exercise good judgment (seatbelts, etc.).

We had eradicated measles by 2000. Now it is back, spreading and KILLING people. It’s only a matter of time we will be seeing the SAME with Tuberculosis. BTW, it costs nearly $200,000 to treat ONE TB patient.

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Except what RFK et al push is not “informed consent”, but “misinformed refusal”, as so articulately expressed by David Gorski.

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And what do you call this ?

Paul Offit Saying No



So even PR-offit is getting off the booster-for-life band wagon. Does he know

something YOU DONT ?

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That’s nothing to do with the topic discussed. Keep on point, Rombios.

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Tell me you have no retort without telling me you have no retort

Your boss is a hypocrite, but hes not entirely stuoid. He knows when to get off the ride

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Do you know that in the past (in my lifetime), there were vaccine mandates for travel? Many countries required evidence of smallpox vaccination. Some countries required evidence of other vaccinations (eg typhoid, tetanus etc).

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Do you know in my day airplanes allowed you to travel with knives and projectile weapons ??.

#Smallpox: The Historical Myths behind Mandatory Vaccines


# Smallpox vaccine did not eradicate smallpox


#Was smallpx really eradicated ?


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One of my points was that vaccine mandates have been around for a long time. I first encountered them in the mid-1960s. I know people who survived smallpox, and of course they knew people who died from it. The people I know had severe scarring that was a common side effect of small pox.

So your first reference is writing by "someone" - I can not see who... is this guy a scientist or a doctor?

The second is by a de-listed Dr from England Vernon Coleman. He is not actually a researcher.

I can't see who wrote the third one.

The actual acedemic paper cited in one of the articles does not support what the authors are saying.

I am taking it that you actually have no formal education in Microbiology or any of the affiliated fields, and of course no "bench" or field experience actually isolating disease causing organisms, or experience making or testing vaccines.

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Stop attacking the messenger. Its a tiresome provaxx shill tactic. The only that matters is this

When mortality rates to childhood illnesses have dropped by 95-98% BEFORE vaccines were introduced then it had nothing to do with vaccines




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This is only an issue when you refuse their poison toxins.

Dare you come out against abortion as murder and these troglodytes will once more scream and yell "muH Freed0m"

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You have a valid point about everyone else needing to get vaccinated for measles, even though most would do fine without vaccination, to protect those who cannot be vaccinated. But, have you ever considered that the MMR vaccine has caused many severe side effects and some deaths? Is a child who dies or is permanently injured from an MMR vaccine any less worthy or suffers any less than a child who dies because he cannot be vaccinated? According to CDCs own statistics about 16x more children have died from the MMR vaccine as from measles in about the last 20 years. Should we sacrifice these children to save others?

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Could you link the statistics? I found a 2015 report from the CDC that says there is not good evidence of MMR causing death:


"In fact, a review of the VAERS data reveals that many of the death reports for MMR vaccine involved children with serious preexisting medical conditions or were likely unrelated to vaccination (e.g., accidents). These complete VAERS reports and any accompanying medical records, autopsy reports and death certificates have been reviewed in depth by FDA and CDC physicians and no concerning patterns have emerged that would suggest a causal relationship with the MMR vaccine and death."

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I will try to find the source. I know that it did use raw, unverified VAERS reports. But, keep in mind that studies have estimated that only about 1% of adverse events are even reported to VAERS. Also, in the CDC report you cited it said that “many” (we don’t know the percent) that died in conjunction with vaccination had underlying conditions; but apparently not all, so some may have died primarily from the vaccine. Furthermore, maybe we should not be vaccinating children that have underlying health conditions if they are more likely to be injured or killed by the vaccine. My point still stands; we are knowingly sacrificing the lives of at least some children so that others may be protected. The CDC report said, “FDA and CDC physicians and no concerning patterns have emerged that would suggest a causal relationship with the MMR vaccine and death." Unfortunately, the FDA and CDC proved during COVID that they cannot reliably analyze VAERS reports as they found no signal to suggest mRNA covid vaccines caused myocarditis. Many other studies have found a direct causal link between mRNA vaccines and myocarditis.

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You are completely misrepresenting the purpose of VAERS and obviously didn't read the disclaimer that proceeds any use:

"Key considerations and limitations of VAERS data:

* The number of reports alone cannot be interpreted as evidence of a causal association between a vaccine and an adverse event, or as evidence about the existence, severity, frequency, or rates of problems associated with vaccines.

* Reports may include incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental and unverified information.

* VAERS does not obtain follow up records on every report. If a report is classified as serious, VAERS requests additional information, such as health records, to further evaluate the report.

* VAERS data are limited to vaccine adverse event reports received between 1990 and the most recent date for which data are available.VAERS data do not represent all known safety information for a vaccine and should be interpreted in the context of other scientific information."

It was developed as an open-source system for researchers to collect patterns of data that may warrant further study. Anyone - from physicians, to healthcare workers, and even patients - can directly file, search, and even download and interpret data as they wish, regardless of whether their report is accurate as to actually having an association with a known vaccine. It is full of the most ridiculous, most unsubstantiated, and most inane forms of data imaginable - including reports of harm and death that are known to be completely contrived. You want to entertain yourself for an evening? Download a year's worth of VAERS' data into Excel and examine.

And by the way, the link between mRNA vaccines and myocarditis is so RARE as to be insignificant, and several studies actually found that you are significantly more likely to develop myocarditis from Covid-19 that from the mRNA vaccine:

"A systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrated that the risk of myocarditis is 7 times more apparent in COVID-19 patients [RR: 15 (95% CI: 11.09–19.81] as compared to vaccination group RR: 2 (95% CI: 1.44–2.65). These findings support the usage of COVID-19 vaccination in all the age groups to reduce the likelihood of developing future infections as well as cardiac complications including myocarditis."

Ulucay, AS, et al. Do COVID-19 viral infection and its mRNA vaccine carry an equivalent risk of myocarditis? Review of the current evidence, insights, and future directions. Indian Heart J. 2023 Jul 1;75(4):217–223. doi: 10.1016/j.ihj.2023.06.009

Apparently you made that up.

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"I know that it did use raw, unverified VAERS reports. "

You simply cannot use VAERS for that purpose. There is a specific warning at the VAERS website to this effect. VAERS is an early warning system but it cannot establish cause and effect. There are other systems - such as VSD - which test the early warning signals detected by VAERS to establish whether the vaccination was the cause.

"1% of adverse events are even reported to VAERS"

This is how anti-vaccine activists lie to you. It is called a "lie of omission". The 1% refers to adverse effects such as "pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site". It does not apply to adverse effects such as "anaphylactic reaction" or "permanent disability" or "death". ALL these adverse effects are reported. The incidence of these adverse effect is 1 in a million or less.

Compare that with death from measles infection of 1 in 1000.

"maybe we should not be vaccinating children that have underlying health conditions"

Maybe we should listen the recognised experts in immunology and vaccinology rather than a random internet commentator who has already demonstrated a profound lack of even basic knowledge about vaccines and infections. Okay?

The MMR vaccine (and other live attenuated vaccines) is not given to children who have significant impairment of their immune systems. It is especailly recommended to children with illnesses that do not impair their immune systems because they are particularly susceptible to the measles infection. The death rate of measles in some African countries is as high a 1 in 10.

"we are knowingly sacrificing the lives of at least some children so that others may be protected"

Come on, you can't be that dense.

Death from the measles vaccination: far less than 1 in 1,000,000.

Death from the measles infection: 1 in 1000.

"VAERS reports as they found no signal to suggest mRNA covid vaccines caused myocarditis."

THAT is a blatant lie. The signal was picked up by VAERS, a warning went out, and within a fortnight the link was confirmed through the VSD. And other similar systems in other countries. COVID-19 in fact was a excellent demonstration of the effectiveness of the VEARS signal detection system and the VSD confirmation process.

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“studies have estimated that only about 1% of adverse events are even reported to VAERS.”

I challenge you to produce the published research on the data behind that claim (Lazarus won’t cut it).

And look up VAERS before you decide it provides a denominator for events or that reports to it are always causally linked to the vaccines.

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>Lazarus won’t cut it

Get fucked. You dont get to dismiss a study because you dont like its results you baffoon.


Dr David Kessler

Former FDA chairman and head of the Infectious disease society of America is credited with pointing out that less than 1% of vaccine damages are reported and that it was a myth that vaccines improved national health

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CDC reported on myocarditis in May 2021.

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This is a brochure that says nothing about whether people have died from the vaccine.

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The family were those hideous anti-vaxxers we all read about. You know, the types of people who later their change viewpoint after their child dies as the result of a vaccine. Here is the story of Holly's death from MMR shot, which caused the NJ legislature to enact Holly's law. This data is not hard to find.


On February 4th, 2000, Holly Stavola, our daughter, and a sibling, a grandchild, and a niece died tragically and unnecessarily from encephalopathy due to her 2nd MMR vaccination. Holly was a completely healthy, bright, kind and beautiful 5 year old child. The day she received her vaccinations at her 5 year well check-up Holly was not sick nor immunocompromised in any way. She received the MMR, the oral polio (which was no longer recommended as of Jan. 2000), the DTaP, the Mantoux test, and my son received the Chickenpox Vaccine (he was 9 years old).


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You have been lied to;

"the MMR vaccine has caused ... some deaths?"

The only way an MMR vaccination can lead to death is as a result of an anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine or one of its components.

An anaphylactic reaction occurs in about 1 in a million, and there have been no documented deaths from anaphylactic reactions to measles vaccinations since the introduction of protocols requiring observation for 15–20 minutes post-vaccination and the availability of adrenaline for immediate treatment.

Compare this to a mortality rate of 1 in 1000 for a measles infection.

"the MMR vaccine has caused many severe side effects"

The risks of MMR vaccination are far, far, less than the complications of the infection. They mostly consists of pain, redness, and swelling at the vaccination site; fever; febrile convulsions which are harmless and ocur more commonly after an infection; thrombocytopenia which is almost always mild and temporary and almost never results in permanent harm.

Compare that with a measles mortality rate of 1 in 1000.

"permanently injured from an MMR vaccine"

It is possible as a result of thrombocytopenia which is almost always mild and temporary and almost never results in permanent harm.

Again compare that with a measles death rate of 1 in 1000.

"most would do fine without vaccination"

As I said, you have been lied to:

Death: 1 in 1000.

Encephalitis: 1 in 1000.

Pneumonia: 1 in 20.

Otitis Media: 1 in 10.

Hospitalisation: 1 in 5

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So it’s not the case that it’s acceptable to force anyone to take any vax. Any vax might do severe and permanent damage. While the VPDs might also disable, every person has the human right to do his own risk-benefit calculation.

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"it’s not the case that it’s acceptable to force anyone to take any vax"

Nobody is forced to take any vaccination, you lying hound.

Nobody is forcibly held down and forcibly injected with a vaccine agaisnt their will.

But with all decisions come consequences, and that does not apply only to decisions about vaccines. You are not forcibly prevented form driving at 100mph through main street but, if you do, there will be consequences.

Get over yourself.

"Any vax might do severe and permanent damage"

Typical arsehole antivaxxer who ALWAYS mentions the mostly mild and temporary adverse effects of a vaccination and NEVER mentions the far more common and serious effects of the infection that are prevented by the vaccination.

"very person has the human right to do his own risk-benefit calculation"

No, arsehole. You are not entitled to your own lying interpretation of the risk-benefit calculation.

Death from measles vaccination: FAR LESS THAN 1 in i million.

Death fro measles infection: 1 in 1000.

This means that death from measles is far more than 1000 times more common than death from vaccinations and this is NOT open to personal interpretation. Arsehole.

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I hope you can source your made up statistics

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Get lost with your lies.

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**When mortality rates to childhood illnesses have dropped by 95-98% BEFORE vaccines were introduced then it had nothing to do with vaccines**




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MMR….What severe side effects? What deaths?

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Read Mercks package insert for starters dipshit

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If Dr. Offit was REALLY concerned about ONE death from the measles in 20 years (!), then he should be REALLY concerned about the significant number of MOTHERS who KNOW that their child was severely injured shortly after the MMR vaccine.

This TIME magazine story discusses how a CDC Senior Scientist (!), William Thompson, PhD, has obtained "whistleblower" status because he claims that his group of researcher falsified data when they conducted one of the leading studies that supposedly asserted that the vaccine was safe, but in reality, there was a connection between a vaccine and autism.


So, if Dr. Offit is truly sincere about one death, he should listen to MOTHERS plus listen to WHISTLEBLOWERS, especially when they are Senior Scientists at the CDC.

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Take your lies elsewhere.

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Yawn…resurrecting the CDC “whistleblower” hoax, yet again.

Take a rest, Dana.

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All the while our broken health care system does nothing to find the cause and to abate the rise in autism and chronic disease.

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"health care system does nothing to find the cause and to abate the rise in autism and chronic disease."

I'll excuse your bad grammar but not your lying.

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Oh, look, here is that DECEITFUL CRANK, Dana Ullman again.

William Thompson was not a "whistleblower".

He was a goddamn liar who knew he was lying and didn't care. He claimed that a 2004 CDC study on the MMR vaccine and autism omitted data suggesting a higher incidence of autism in African American boys vaccinated before 36 months of age. His claims were publicized by anti-vaccine activist, Andrew Wakefield.


The truth, as William Thompson well knows, is that the connection was found by "subgroup analysis". It is a legitimate process only when it is used to generate hypotheses that then must be subjected to a separate piece of research using different data.

In scientific research, a p-value of 0.05 is used which means there is a 1 in 20 chance of getting a false result (a bit more complicated than that but never mind). That means that, if you do a whole series of subgroup analyses, you will eventually find a statistical correlation just by chance. THAT is what happened here.

So, when that LYING CRANK, Dana Ullman, says "there was a connection between a vaccine and autism", he means "there was a connection between a vaccine and autism




THIS IS A LIE BY OMISSION, and the DECEITFUL LYING CRANK knows exactly what he is doing.

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Sounds like you did watch that lying hive of scum movie and believed every lying word.

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Do you believe encephalitis can lead to autism? Encephalitis is listed as a potential adverse event in all of the childhood vaccines’ manufacturers’ package inserts.

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It's not a matter of belief.

The neurological effects of encephalitis can produce symptoms that overlap with the symptoms of autism but there is no evidence of a link between the two.

Encephalitis is an extremely rare adverse effect *associated with* the MMR vaccine occurring in about 1 in 1 million doses in individuals with weakened immune systems.

The MMR vaccine is not given to individuals with weakened immune systems/


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The "Children's Health Defense" is an antivax organisation founded by that lying hive of scum, RFK jr.

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The "Children's Health Defense" is a lying hive of scum founded by that pathological liar, RFK jr.

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I completely agree with you.

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