Dr. Offitt, I’ll miss your frequent contributions but I’m extremely thankful that you’re taking a break! I hope you’ll find your break as restorative as you had hoped.

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Dr. Offit: Thank you for putting yourself out there. Those of us who do not agree with you on some important issues appreciate it very much. When you come back, please make a point of responding to comments made by serious dissenters. The world of science needs it and the world more generally deserves it. Enjoy your break!

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“Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!”

-Michael Corleone / The Godfather

😉 Enjoy “the break.” A love of writing and passion for truth in medicine will pull you back in.

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Arnold may beat you at arm wrestling, but you are a powerful voice, Paul!

Enjoy the time out.

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Enjoy your time off. I hope you get some time to relax before the hustle and bustle (and sniffles) of the holiday season.

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enjoy the well-earned break, Paul!

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Enjoy the well-deserved break!

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Thank you, Dr. Offitt! I’ve appreciated your thoughtful voice, and am glad you are getting a break. (More evidence of wisdom 😉). Be well, and look forward to reading your thoughts when you return.

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We will miss you while you’re gone. Thank you for continuing to write and share. It helps a lot of us!

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Dr Offit,

I can only echo the comments made before this; take care and thank you.

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Will be looking forward to your return. Enjoy.

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We will miss you but I’m glad to know that you’ll be back.

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In case you check these comments, here is a little "light reading" and more validation in the ongoing struggle against RFK Jr vaccine malpractice:


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Have a restful break, Paul. We look forward to seeing you back in the saddle soon!

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Enjoy your well-deserved break. I’ll be waiting when you’re ready to write again. And, Thank you.

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Thank you Paul 🩵😎👊

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