Jul 25, 2023Liked by Paul Offit

This is an excellent history of poliovirus vaccine and SV40. Appropriate call for RFK Jr to retract his false statements

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This is just a pleasure to read, really. History, biology, intrigue, and decades of health surveillance to provide evidence based answers on risk/benefit. So much benefit. So many fewer lives ruined by polio.

Lawyers shouldn’t practice outside their lanes. Some might call that malpractice. And misleaders shouldn’t try to lead, best of intentions or not.

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Paul Offit

Please do continue to bring up and challenge the misguided vaccine statements that RFK Jr is using to attract voters. Everyone deserves to read the facts from an expert like you. RFK Jr’s followers are unfortunately impressed by someone they believe is an eloquent and knowledgeable man when the reality is that his eloquence keeps spitting out twisted and unfounded statements (he often cites references that are either wrong or that include data he failed to interpret). Thanks. Your piece is crystal clear!

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Jul 25, 2023Liked by Paul Offit

RFK Jr. continues his carnival barker series of scare tactics re: vaccinations w/zero proof. Whether it’s Thimersol, mRNA or now SV40, every single anti-vaccination cause he’s celebrated has been debunked literally by millions of people benefiting from the tireless research by giants like Dr. Offit, Dr. Hotez, and all the others that made mass-vaccinations possible.

I’m so grateful to benefit from all the vaccinations I received because they’ve protected me from terrible diseases. Thank you, Dr. Offit!

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When India had 500 000 cases of polio, they realized that 100% of them were from the vaccine lineage. So they forbade it all to protect the children. In the meantime the industry changed the polio name to sudden flacid paralysis and made the iatrogenic polio epidemic disappear. The fraud is deep, the corruption deeper, the assault on children unfathomable. Hopefully Karma will notice.

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Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

The irony is RFK Jr himself, and all of his siblings, cousins, and grade school friends, probably received the Sabin “sugar cube”. Have any of them developed soft tissue cancer?

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I think to myself, people who are so anti-vaccine, are probably alive because of a vaccine.

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First off, where’s Paul’s evidence he does not receive any royalties from Pharma. He says his employer owns him and has the right to those patents. Ummm, it’s not that simple. And if he were to be publicly transparent on any data manipulation or false logic in research he would lose his job and any bonuses he makes. So therefore he is by definition a profiteer of the industry.

Second, the very fact that both of these “scientists” dismiss any need to test the vaccines against an inert saline injection are knowingly misrepresenting the safety of the vaccine products.

Third, I agree with most of the comments on the video. So many intelligent critics of this video. The most important, if you are certain your products are safe, then debate the professionals who say they are not. If u want a scientist because u believe a “lawyer” is not literate enough in science, then ask RFK to present a scientist to do that debate. His organization certainly has experts scientist they would be able to rationally critique Offit’s arguments.

All we want it to have the vaccines prove their safety at an undisputed level. At present they fail miserably.

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Fox and the rest of the Trump friendly media circus seem to be encouraging RFK to (a) try and damage Biden and (b) give them more grifting ammunition as they continue to take the gullible for a ride.

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Like many antivaxxers, RFK Jr. lies, whether deliberately I do not know. But he will not admit his lies. Antivaxxers seldom do

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Thank you so much for writing these and for all of your hard work educating me and the public. I appreciate you.

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When master lawyers protect us and our children from environmental assault we should listen. And when the corporate mouthpiece wants silence, that's an admission of guilt.

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Vaccines don't work, never have, never will! Sanatation, preventing industrial waste from polluting all the eco systems and the science of strengthening the immune system, is the real medicine. Really, nowhere to be found. Vaccines like all unnatural contrived drugs, mimicking off of nature, are for patenting, reinterpreting and remodelling, existence. The tyrannists art/science. The means to enter and control godhood and the state under it, by entering and controlling the body (people and planetary body), dynamisms.

Vaccines and other contrived patented drugs, pollutes the body, like the planet has been polluted by industrial science's toxic wastes. Which is the main cause of body, environmental and climate, degradation.

That's the prime reason to stop Vaccinations. People do and don't want communist Jesus and communis Marx. Socrates' critical/scaring reason and balancing act being harder and harder to solace and maintain. But the new vaccines (and contrived drugs in general) communist Tyranny, is so lopsidedly perverse there's no choice any more.

It's communism, now of a Marx communist dominating type, by other means, (medical perversity tyranny communism) that will far surpass communist china's tyranny process death toll (80 million people) in achieving the WHO Pandemic Treaty, medical tyranny communist control of the planet (8 billion). Further it wants to create/turn people into medical interface zoo animals, in controlled 15 minutes extent, so called smart cities, gages. The zoo controllers being 1% of the population. The population being reduced from 8.5 billion to 500,000.

What a ShiiiitShow god and existence is turning out to be. The after life has the good sense to seperate Marxists and Jesusists, communists, of so called hell and heaven. Socrates critical/scaring reason, and balancing act between them, is no where to be found there apparently, anymore. It's a very suspect, scientifically mess making and morally questionable, god now? Or infinity condition, if can no longer believe in a god condition, anymore

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I appreciate your Substack writing, and I have read two of your books. If I know you’ll be on a podcast or interview, I tune in. I am a retired teacher, not a medical professional so forgive me if my question sounds ignorant or uninformed, but I simply have not heard any discussion of the importance of the delivery system of vaccines as you have highlighted in this post. I think some in the public are not so much anti-VAX as they are skeptical of the mRNA delivery system of the Pfizer and Moderna Vaccines. Are you and other doctors, researchers, and drug developers completely sure that there are no deleterious effects from the mRNA vaccine delivery? Is there any ongoing research? I have seen some commentary on autopsy reports but no large scale study or expert analysis. I am fearful that if the medical experts don’t examine the issue and prove to the public that there are no safety issues beyond what we normally see with other vaccines and treatments, that the next pandemic will be even more chaotic than this one. We need rational discussion. I wish Lex would invite you on his podcast to respond to his listeners. I don’t think we need to re-hash polio, but the burden of proof of safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines, at this point, really is on the researchers. The current vaccines did the best they could, but maybe another type of vaccine delivery is even better.

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Would anyone like to explain to Albus that belittling and name calling are not scientific arguments. Sorry, I am done with my proof.

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You argue....

“In honesty they never were the saviors that they are claimed to be. It has been shown that vaccines did not account for the massive drop in historical deaths from infectious diseases ( except small pox).”

Mortality is the WRONG measure. If after one second of thought, you honestly can't understand that simple fact, then you need a new hobby.”

Did you give me any evidence that vaccines have saved lives? Not propaganda. Actual studies.....

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