If anyone believes that Trump/RFK will be blamed somehow for the deaths that come from a future outbreak/pandemic of a vaccine preventable disease, think again. Just look at the recent DC plane crash. He froze hiring of all new FAA employees, he FIRED the head of FAA at Elon's urging (because the insistence on SpaceX safety was hurting Elon's bottom line), and now a week later this happens. His response, and the narrative on Fox and right-wing social media: DEI initiatives caused this! Stating it while the bodies were literally still in the water.

If the next pandemic kills millions, he will say without any justification that he saved the lives of tens of millions. If it takes the lives of hundreds of millions, he will say he saved trillions. Even though the global population is only 8 billion. Doesn't matter. His propaganda machine will accept it and spread it.

For everyone who stayed home on November 5th because they worried about the price of eggs, and for all the major medical organizations who are staying silent because they want to stay "neutral", this is all on you.

Side note, the price of eggs has gone up, not down.

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Call me naive, but surely this should immediately recuse Robert Kennedy from the position

“ Warren asked, “Would you be willing to forgo a financial stake in all these lawsuits so that the decisions you make will not financially benefit you?” “No,” said Kennedy, “I will not.””, is there not a huge conflict of interest, equivalent to making Al Capone the chief of police in Chicago?

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You are naive.

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Thank you Dr. Offit for speaking truth to power. We need your voice now more than ever. Trite but true! I’m doing my best to spread your message.

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Thanks again for another great informative post. I just wish the major medical organizations (AMA, ACEP, IDSA, AAP, etc) would do their duty and speak up.

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Yes ! Sen Whitehouse and Senator Collins were the only two Health Comnittee members who acknowledged speaking with professional groups. Whitehouse listened to his ObGyns on late term abortions and Collins detailed the concerns of a Pediatric NP re school attendance, herd immunity and immunocompromised students

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Please email Senator Bill Cassidy, MD. (LA). He is the best and most likely person to prevent him from winning nomination. https://www.cassidy.senate.gov/

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This weekend !

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I called. Also planning to call several other senators tomorrow, including my own— John Fetterman. Someone has to address the chronic disease epidemic in this country. Democrat senators don’t appear to be interested.

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The RFK Jr. nomination has many disqualifying features:

1) conflict of interest re: personal income vs. policy

2) a bewildering set of incongruities re: past statements / lies / assertions that all lead back to 1), ie trying to get rich while referring cases of alleged harm to ambulance chasers

3) a REMARKABLE ability to project confidence while making his current statements even while he is committing perjury.

4) his only goal as a head for HHS is to make the president happy.

5) his ostensible-sensible-sounding aversion to dyes, etc. Is attractively-wrapped in MAHA sound bites but devoid of actual science. Running HHS while ignoring scientific facts is a recipe for disaster.

I conclude, he has no shame and just wants to stay rich. The cabinet position is the best way to achieve that goal. If kids die (like in Samoa) or women die (HPV), too bad, as it likely won’t affect his family (since he and his family are all vaccinated).

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Unlike all those senators who take money from Pharma. I couldn’t help but notice how little cash it takes to buy off some of them.

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Exactly. Point 1 describes every single senator. Bernie, what a disgrace.

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Your point 4 was most obvious and I fear the reason he will get the nod. The Bully is outrageous and knows health better than anyone. Loyalty.

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RFK may tend to have a conspiratorial mind and financial incentives to sue drug companies but he provides his OWN scientific experts to support the cases he brings. They are NOT totally baseless. Also, most members of congress take money from the drug companies. So they are equally or even more incentivized t say they are all safe and effective (which was obvious BS when it came to the Covid vaccines). The medical community is also incentivized because claiming vaccine injury means the death of your career.

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He has no experts whatsoever working with him. No specialists, no medical professionals with actual experience treating infectious disease, pediatrics, or critically ill patients. And what in the world are you talking about when you say, “The medical community is also incentivized because claiming vaccine injury means the death of your career.”?

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While the CoVID vaccines did cause injuries and death, these were very small numbers compared with CoVID. If you are concerned about "money issues" with the respect to the US, then look at data from Canada, Australia and New Zealand. These are countries that import almost all of their pharmaceuticals, and have socialized medicine so there are not incentives for health care professionals to lie about CoVID stats. (For the record, I believe that the US Health professionals and government agencies are recording CoVID vaccine problems as well CoVID deaths honestly as well).

RFK is either a nut or grifter. And yes, a guy with a law degree and an undergrad degree in History & American Literature and NO medical or (lab) bench experience is NOT qualified to be the head hancho of what IMO is the most important health organization in the world.

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Thank you for your informative post today.

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....Just say No to WestLA-RFK! The fact That he is a recovered Heroin Addict that was a drug supplier and addiction facilitator to members of his family should preclude him being considered to head an agency like HHS in the first place!!

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I listened to the hearings. He stated that he refused to stop suing manufacturers -- which is a good thing! All manufacturers should be held accountable for the products they create. Vaccine manufacturers are indemnified. This needs to shift.

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Hi Paul, important post, thank you. I watch from Australia in horror, knowing these decisions in the US will impact the world. I have a question re the numbers you quote, I assume these are US figures only? And do these numbers include all 9 cancers that the vaccine prevents?

" Every year, HPV causes about 20,000 cancers in women and 14,000 in men. For women, HPV is the only known cause of cervical cancer, accounting for about 11,000 cases and 4,000 deaths every year. For men, HPV is a common cause of head, neck, anal, and genital cancers." Thanks, Sonya

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This is mostly a propaganda piece.

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Offit is a huge, well paid pharma shill.

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Attached is the Warren interview at the Kennedy hearings. There is no where I can find in this interview that as Paul Offit indicted Kennedy saying, “No,” said Kennedy, “I will not.”


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Does anyone actually trust the so-called experts that review injury claims when they are all pressured by government and the drug industry to conclude there was no harm?

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Look at injury claims outside the US. (e.g. Canada). Like the US, low numbers.

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The thought of him getting nominated is already making me sick, I am a very grateful anal cancer survivor and also have been hiv + since 1988. We need to keep moving forward not backwards.

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I bet Bernie wears those onesies on Epstein island

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Liar says what?

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