In 1960 in the US, 99% of children had measles by the age of 18. Three to four million cases a year, 450 deaths. Centuries of universal measles produced both specific and non-specific immunity. Normal immune systems produced healthy adults.
Another trump administration, another failure to address a serious public health issue. RFK Jr said: <[The best] approach to public health is to boost individual immune responses.”> That is exactly what a vaccine does—safely, quickly and effectively. Nutrition and hygiene important, but to get rapid protection—VACCINATE!
Kennedy was right to stress the importance of good nutrition in overcoming measles. But hygiene has little to do with measles, but rather is crucial for preventing fecal-borne diseases like polio and hep-A. Respiratory diseases like measles are borne on the air, and if you are nearby and breathe, you will probably get it. The measles virus, like the pertussis pathogen, evolved to become milder over time. Every community had mechanisms in place which primed children with non-specific immunity before they got measles, which then gave them specigic immunity.
Kennedy's now saying those of us who want vaccines should have access to them (it's our "choice"), yet he's cancelling the vital meetings related to vaccines. So apparently this is his strategy to force all of us to lose access to vaccines. So much for freedom. As for those Republican Congressmen and women who voted for him, per Democrat Eric Swalwell, some of his Republican friends have reported to him that they fear for their lives if they do anything to thwart Trump. Apparently, they have no problem with allowing children to die.
We don’t need the rubber-stamp meetings. We already know the recommendations. The vaccines continue to be available for purchase, and anyone who chooses can go to any pharmacy or medical provider and get MMR or any other vaccine. Or not seek them if they don’t want them. That is as it should be.
My true fear, the only 'wakeup' call for JFK Jr (sad legacy for a family that enabled many positive contributions for the American public & the global community) will be the death of other children.
** Before readers shout at my positive view of the Kennedy family, save your venting RFK Jr is the problem not his father or uncles**
The "immune amnesia" that results from acute measles (correctly stated by Dr. Offit) presents challenges for those infected going forward. Parents doing their research & holding vigil over their critical I'll child that I 🙏 survive, will be dealing with the rare but factual possiblity their child succumbs to fatal SSPE 😥
We have cases of measles in Canada also... completely preventable (ok not quite 100%) however our current total is approximately that reported in Texas/NM
Paul, I would love to hear your thoughts about the recent Nature publication that strongly associates western diet during pregnancy with ADHD and autism given that anti-vaccine propagandists have been pushing vaccines as the cause for decades. This is a huge swing and a miss for conspiracy theorists and a win for science.
From the study, Horner, D. et al. A western dietary pattern during pregnancy is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood and adolescence. medRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 Jun 25:2024.03.07.24303907. doi: 10.1101/2024.03.07.24303907. PMID: 38496582; PMCID: PMC10942528.
"Genetics contribute significantly to neurodevelopmental disorders, with heritability estimates as high as 80%. The increasing prevalence of these disorders highlight the need for a better understanding of how environmental factors interact with genetic risk. In this context, pregnancy dietary influences may be moderated by the child's underlying genetic risk for neurodevelopmental disorders, which can be succinctly captured in a polygenic risk score (PRS). While twin studies consider gene-environment interactions when estimating heritability, clinical evidence validating this potential interaction is notably lacking."
"In our large prospective general population COPSAC2010 mother-child cohort, we observed strong associations between a Western dietary pattern during pregnancy with ADHD and autism diagnoses, as well as related symptom loads for these disorders in 10-year-old children. Our findings for ADHD were corroborated in three additional cohorts, which together encompass more than 60,000 mother-child pairs. From the 43 metabolites associated with a Western dietary pattern, a subset of 15 mediating metabolites notably strengthened the association with ADHD diagnosis in external validation. In the COPSAC2010 and VDAART cohorts, we consistently found dietary metabolite score associations in early-mid pregnancy had the strongest associations with neurodevelopmental outcomes, suggesting that this may be a particularly sensitive period of neurodevelopment to dietary influences. Finally, we observed that the association of the Western dietary pattern during pregnancy with ADHD and autism diagnoses, as well as symptom loads, was markedly stronger in children with higher genetic predisposition and maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, particularly in male children."
And after accounting for confounding factors and applying "external validation in three independent mother-child cohorts,"" they concluded,
"[A]Western dietary pattern in pregnancy was strongly associated with ADHD and autism, and with symptom loads for these disorders. Our findings suggest that early to mid-pregnancy may be a particularly sensitive window during which dietary influences may impact child neurodevelopment. Highlighting specific subgroup effects, our research points towards the potential for tailored dietary guidelines during pregnancy, especially for at-risk populations. Ultimately, our research underscores the importance of developing targeted dietary interventions for pregnant women to potentially mitigate the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in children."
Silly. The Western diet had been in place for centuries when vaccination produced the first cases of autism after 1932. And has continued to be the same when each new vaccine caused an increase in autism.
The genetic basis for autism has been long established. Other factors may influence its expression. Are these dietary factors working through epigenetics, or do they have a direct effect on developing neurones?
While other, smaller studies have suggested that either deficiencies or low intake of micronutrients, or conversely, consumption of excessive amounts of highly processed nutrients are suspected of increasing the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders - associated with alterations in the microbiome gut-brain axis (thank you Dr. Conway) - this study, with 60,000 subjects, focuses attention. If they are indeed correct upon further investigation, the resolution to these epigenetic influences will be mitigated in "defiance," if you will, of concerns (i.e. "Should I or should I not vaccinate?") of the already established safety record of the MMR vaccine.
Thanks Dr Offitt. RFK is a professional BSr but gotta see if he told truth to Bernie Sanders and can admit when he's wrong. We will see as we have no choice. The way we always have done things is not an excuse not to try new things. But we need humility from people to realize the new way, not working as well.
Yes, it is everyone’s right to refuse the MMR. Those who want it should be free to get it, and they are. But additionally, if someone gets the MMR, he is 95% guaranteed not to get measles. But he stands a good chance of suffering a vaccine reaction: autism, bowel disease, thrombocytopenia, or any of dozens more reported reactions. Many, including me, would rather get measles than any of the reactions, and it is our right to make that choice. Also, getting natural measles confers many benefits: lifelong immunity, the ability to protect future infants, a more competent immune system, and protection from cancer in later life. It is also our right to choose those benefits.
It has been reported that the girl was given MMR when already symptomatic for measles. All vaccines suppress immune function for about a month. That’s why DPT administration was suspended during polio outbreaks. It increased the chance of severe and paralytic polio.
It is very important to give the public a truthful account of what happened. It is probable that everyone in the area had been exposed to measles. That the girl had a runny nose, sore throat, and low fever, because she was coming down with measles. That health care providers had been told to vax everyone possible, including those who had been recently exposed. And so they vaxxed her, which depressed her immune system at the moment she most needed it to be fully functioning. Which led to her coughing, which became bronchitis, then pneumonia. Vitamin A drops would have helped her, but the local newspaper told the public not to give vitamin A.
A press conference should be held, confirming or denying these events. It is very important that the public know, so it may know its options, as Kennedy said.
Dr. Offit, you certainly have a lot of "noise" to get beyond, and more power to you. We really appreciate your efforts.
He IS the noise.
If you believe that, why are you even here?
In what respect is he "the noise"?
Get lost troll.
Vaccines Cause Adults!
Vaccines Save Lives!
In 1960 in the US, 99% of children had measles by the age of 18. Three to four million cases a year, 450 deaths. Centuries of universal measles produced both specific and non-specific immunity. Normal immune systems produced healthy adults.
Thanks for your input. Appreciate the truth
I always follow your opinions on such critical matters. We need your valuable comments at this critical time.
Another trump administration, another failure to address a serious public health issue. RFK Jr said: <[The best] approach to public health is to boost individual immune responses.”> That is exactly what a vaccine does—safely, quickly and effectively. Nutrition and hygiene important, but to get rapid protection—VACCINATE!
Kennedy was right to stress the importance of good nutrition in overcoming measles. But hygiene has little to do with measles, but rather is crucial for preventing fecal-borne diseases like polio and hep-A. Respiratory diseases like measles are borne on the air, and if you are nearby and breathe, you will probably get it. The measles virus, like the pertussis pathogen, evolved to become milder over time. Every community had mechanisms in place which primed children with non-specific immunity before they got measles, which then gave them specigic immunity.
Kennedy's now saying those of us who want vaccines should have access to them (it's our "choice"), yet he's cancelling the vital meetings related to vaccines. So apparently this is his strategy to force all of us to lose access to vaccines. So much for freedom. As for those Republican Congressmen and women who voted for him, per Democrat Eric Swalwell, some of his Republican friends have reported to him that they fear for their lives if they do anything to thwart Trump. Apparently, they have no problem with allowing children to die.
We don’t need the rubber-stamp meetings. We already know the recommendations. The vaccines continue to be available for purchase, and anyone who chooses can go to any pharmacy or medical provider and get MMR or any other vaccine. Or not seek them if they don’t want them. That is as it should be.
My true fear, the only 'wakeup' call for JFK Jr (sad legacy for a family that enabled many positive contributions for the American public & the global community) will be the death of other children.
** Before readers shout at my positive view of the Kennedy family, save your venting RFK Jr is the problem not his father or uncles**
The "immune amnesia" that results from acute measles (correctly stated by Dr. Offit) presents challenges for those infected going forward. Parents doing their research & holding vigil over their critical I'll child that I 🙏 survive, will be dealing with the rare but factual possiblity their child succumbs to fatal SSPE 😥
We have cases of measles in Canada also... completely preventable (ok not quite 100%) however our current total is approximately that reported in Texas/NM
JJF Phm 🇨🇦
Has Junior’s [brain] worm turned?
Nope, just a little wriggle.
Paul, I would love to hear your thoughts about the recent Nature publication that strongly associates western diet during pregnancy with ADHD and autism given that anti-vaccine propagandists have been pushing vaccines as the cause for decades. This is a huge swing and a miss for conspiracy theorists and a win for science.
From the study, Horner, D. et al. A western dietary pattern during pregnancy is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood and adolescence. medRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 Jun 25:2024.03.07.24303907. doi: 10.1101/2024.03.07.24303907. PMID: 38496582; PMCID: PMC10942528.
"Genetics contribute significantly to neurodevelopmental disorders, with heritability estimates as high as 80%. The increasing prevalence of these disorders highlight the need for a better understanding of how environmental factors interact with genetic risk. In this context, pregnancy dietary influences may be moderated by the child's underlying genetic risk for neurodevelopmental disorders, which can be succinctly captured in a polygenic risk score (PRS). While twin studies consider gene-environment interactions when estimating heritability, clinical evidence validating this potential interaction is notably lacking."
"In our large prospective general population COPSAC2010 mother-child cohort, we observed strong associations between a Western dietary pattern during pregnancy with ADHD and autism diagnoses, as well as related symptom loads for these disorders in 10-year-old children. Our findings for ADHD were corroborated in three additional cohorts, which together encompass more than 60,000 mother-child pairs. From the 43 metabolites associated with a Western dietary pattern, a subset of 15 mediating metabolites notably strengthened the association with ADHD diagnosis in external validation. In the COPSAC2010 and VDAART cohorts, we consistently found dietary metabolite score associations in early-mid pregnancy had the strongest associations with neurodevelopmental outcomes, suggesting that this may be a particularly sensitive period of neurodevelopment to dietary influences. Finally, we observed that the association of the Western dietary pattern during pregnancy with ADHD and autism diagnoses, as well as symptom loads, was markedly stronger in children with higher genetic predisposition and maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, particularly in male children."
And after accounting for confounding factors and applying "external validation in three independent mother-child cohorts,"" they concluded,
"[A]Western dietary pattern in pregnancy was strongly associated with ADHD and autism, and with symptom loads for these disorders. Our findings suggest that early to mid-pregnancy may be a particularly sensitive window during which dietary influences may impact child neurodevelopment. Highlighting specific subgroup effects, our research points towards the potential for tailored dietary guidelines during pregnancy, especially for at-risk populations. Ultimately, our research underscores the importance of developing targeted dietary interventions for pregnant women to potentially mitigate the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in children."
Silly. The Western diet had been in place for centuries when vaccination produced the first cases of autism after 1932. And has continued to be the same when each new vaccine caused an increase in autism.
The genetic basis for autism has been long established. Other factors may influence its expression. Are these dietary factors working through epigenetics, or do they have a direct effect on developing neurones?
I’m laughing at your tongue-in-cheek pretend agreement.
While other, smaller studies have suggested that either deficiencies or low intake of micronutrients, or conversely, consumption of excessive amounts of highly processed nutrients are suspected of increasing the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders - associated with alterations in the microbiome gut-brain axis (thank you Dr. Conway) - this study, with 60,000 subjects, focuses attention. If they are indeed correct upon further investigation, the resolution to these epigenetic influences will be mitigated in "defiance," if you will, of concerns (i.e. "Should I or should I not vaccinate?") of the already established safety record of the MMR vaccine.
Or associated with alterations in the microbiome gut-brain axis...
Doctors of America unite to get rid of him
Thanks Dr Offitt. RFK is a professional BSr but gotta see if he told truth to Bernie Sanders and can admit when he's wrong. We will see as we have no choice. The way we always have done things is not an excuse not to try new things. But we need humility from people to realize the new way, not working as well.
RFK (or his little buddy in his head) sure does love some alliteration
"pushing patented pills, powders, pricks, potions, and poisons and the powerful professions of virology and vaccinology"
Isn’t RFK practicing medicine without a license ?
This is the NFID Call to Action with references for use of Vitamin A in measles infected people and the hazards of used for prevention.
This is the clinical guideline for measles care which includes using Vitamin A on diagnosis.
Yes, it is everyone’s right to refuse the MMR. Those who want it should be free to get it, and they are. But additionally, if someone gets the MMR, he is 95% guaranteed not to get measles. But he stands a good chance of suffering a vaccine reaction: autism, bowel disease, thrombocytopenia, or any of dozens more reported reactions. Many, including me, would rather get measles than any of the reactions, and it is our right to make that choice. Also, getting natural measles confers many benefits: lifelong immunity, the ability to protect future infants, a more competent immune system, and protection from cancer in later life. It is also our right to choose those benefits.
It has been reported that the girl was given MMR when already symptomatic for measles. All vaccines suppress immune function for about a month. That’s why DPT administration was suspended during polio outbreaks. It increased the chance of severe and paralytic polio.
It is very important to give the public a truthful account of what happened. It is probable that everyone in the area had been exposed to measles. That the girl had a runny nose, sore throat, and low fever, because she was coming down with measles. That health care providers had been told to vax everyone possible, including those who had been recently exposed. And so they vaxxed her, which depressed her immune system at the moment she most needed it to be fully functioning. Which led to her coughing, which became bronchitis, then pneumonia. Vitamin A drops would have helped her, but the local newspaper told the public not to give vitamin A.
A press conference should be held, confirming or denying these events. It is very important that the public know, so it may know its options, as Kennedy said.
Covid stands for Citrus Orange Varieties Instant Date.