Very simple, I don't trust a system that is dispensing a product that they bear no responsibility for not IF it harms people but WHEN it harms people. The Vaccine industry is the ONLY business that is shielded from liability by Federal Law.
Vaccine manufacturers pay a percent of revenues into the liability fund for *potential* harms. And because the percentage is set cautiously, payouts for actual harms are far below the pay-ins.
(This is exactly how a reserve fund SHOULD be managed: to have a cushion to deal with the unexpected)
The vaccine manufacturers are forced to bear MORE THAN the actual, rather rare harms, while the people get to have a lifesaving product
protection from liability for the pharmaceutical industry is so ironclad no one can sue them and with pharma shills like paul and their clown car "correlation doesn't equal causation schtick" it's worse because then we have scumbag politicans taking money from these fat cats like paul in the pharmaceutical industry and making laws that don't allow people to avoid these shoddily made medical products.
quit the cope and just use your traditinal talking points instead of the profanity, pal.
okay. well there are those two. now show me the ones where babies were forced to have their bowels resected because of the rotavirus vaccine. I’m sure you can’t find me any of those…
paul accepts that rotavirus vaccine causes instussusception. I'm detailing the treatments for it. why is that hard for you? O need proof that intussusception caused by vaccine DOESN'T require the bowels of children to be re-sected!? or in some cases the children die?
Nope. It is a lie. Drug companies ARE liable. Claimants just have to go through the vaccine court first. And even the vaccine court is funded by the drug companies. It is actually the best possible deal for those who suffer unfortunate adverse effects of vaccinations, and you should be championing it.
"no one can sue them"
You're simply mouthing RFK junior who knows it's a lie because he has actually sued them. That's how much of a gullible fool you are. You believe the lies of someone who is deliberately and knowingly lying to you.
"pharma shills"
That trope is so discredited and so long in the tooth, I'm surprised you're still using it. If you make a claim, you are expected to be able to back it up. You won't because you can't because there is no evidence that he is a shill. That makes you a dishonest bad actor who will just say anything regardless of whether it is true or not.
"correlation doesn't equal causation"
The correct saying is that "correlation does not necessarily equal causation". But if you have multiple independent lines of correlation that can, indeed, equal causation. For example, the evidence that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer is correlational, but it is a well-established fact because of the multiple independent lines of evidence. Learn some science.
"scumbag politicans"
How many times do we need to remind you that this is a science-based blog. Take your politics elsewhere.
"like paul in the pharmaceutical industry"
That is a slanderous lie.
"shoddily made medical products."
Stop lying. Vaccines are the most researched and well-tested of all the pharmaceutical products.
the absence of accountability after countless children have been maimed and killed by vaccines tells us all we need to know.
sell your wares to those that will buy them. the fact is that people who’s children are maimed by these shoddily made medical products find out too late. but that’s why I warn them.
the pharmaceutical industry is so powerful they have no accountability. no one can control or regulate them. they can tell us all how to live and what is and is not good for us. according to you…
"The Covid vaccines were distributed ONLY after Pfizer was legally protected against lawsuits."
That is incorrect. They secured protection against lawsuits before even developing and manufacturing the vaccines. They were not prepared to risk bankruptcy through frivolous legal action as happened before the vaccine court was established.
"FDA approval was also waived."
The COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer vaccine was fully approved on 23rd August 2021. That's nearly 3 years ago. Please keep up, son.
Vaccine harm cases are heard in a US Federal court with specialized expertise. Proven injury (versus the grifting VAERS trollers who attribute even swallowed batteries to a vaccine because docs are required to report ALL serious issues immediately after vaccinations) is paid from the vaccine producers' fund
There seems to be a lot of whinging by CDF and other ambulance-chasing lawyers that they can't get high contingency-fee payments because the court deals—as the OP article that Offit refers to—with facts, not “oh, big pharma with deep pockets should be forced to pay.”
Go ahead and provide the transcripts for cases where harmed individuals had proven cases unfairly denied by the court, and THEN let's talk about what the liability fund is for
the pharmaceutical industry is not and never is held accountable. they want all the benefits and permanant market for their shoddily made medical products but they want no accountability.
parents find out only too late they have no recourse when their children are maimed or killed by vaccines. very slowly but surely more and more people are seeing it my way. paul forced us here. he helped cause the tipping point.
The process is geared towards protection of the drug companies instead of safety of consumers. You have to jump through a million hoops, pile up legal fees and then it's innocent until proven guilty with onerous standards. That's why so few cases even come forward, let alone win. Get you head out of your ass. The system is corrupt.
as evidenced by your willful ignorance and avoidance of very horrific side effects, parents are usually not told when theyre given “presumptive reccomendations” by doctors that quite literally bully parents into pumping their children full of these shoddily made pharmaceutical products.
coping and apologetics don’t change the facts, pal.
In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.
That means that for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid.
Err, no. Read his post. He is saying there is a compensation scheme for those injured by vaccination, not that vaccination is perfectly safe. If it were, then the compensation fund wouldn't be needed.
Why are there any payouts at all if there is almost no damage, as you claim? It would be nice If you somehow manage to answer without the use of words like ‘shit’.
Yep that’s all you need to know.. no consequence for manufacturers producing harmful vaccines and regulators financially incentivised to approve all vaccines means we will see more harmful vaccines..
Anyone aware of how the real world works would NEVER trust a vaccine manufacturer or get vaccinated.
And for VAERS, this represents only 1-2% of the actual vaccine side effects people experience. Hardly anyone reports their side effects to VAERS. I know at least a dozen people with severe side effects from the Covid mRNA shots (including a few myocarditis, one heart attack and several with lasting heart arrhythmia) and none of them reported anything to VAERS.
Another antivax liar who will not accept that fact that drug companies are indeed liable quite apart from fully funding the vaccine court where claimants are given the benefit of the doubt and have all their legal fees fully paid. Your obvious lies discredit you.
"NEVER trust a vaccine manufacturer"
We don't. The drugs are tested independently, a privilege for which the drug companies pay in full, and a process which licences less than 20% of products submitted for testing.
"VAERS ...represents only 1-2% of the actual vaccine side effects"
Firstly, it is not adverse EFFECTS that are reported to VAERS. It is adverse EVENTS. Learn the difference. Adverse EVENTS occur after a vaccination but are not necessarily caused by the vaccination. Adverse EFFECTS are events that have been shown to have been caused by the vaccination because they occur more frequently in the vaccinated than in the general population (ie above the base rate).
Secondly, what you said is deliberately deceitful. It is probably true that only 1-2% of minor adverse events such as arm pain and reactive fever are reported, but practically all serious adverse events such as hospitalisations and deaths are reported to VAERS.
"I know at least a dozen people with severe side effects ... and none of them reported anything to VAERS."
So what? That does not mean they weren't reported. The treating doctor is obligated to report adverse events such as these, and they do. There are forms printed for this express purpose and there are fines and disciplinary procedures if these obligations are not met.
"FDA laboratories generally test drugs to standards set by the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), an organization that publishes quality monographs for medicines including attributes such as:
Identity – is it the right drug as indicated on the label?
Assay – how much drug is there and is it consistent with the labeled amount?
Impurities – are impurities within established specifications?
Dissolution – does the active ingredient dissolve out of the dosage unit so that the drug is available for the body to absorb?"
Using only your basic reading skills, you can learn that VAERS doesn't even measure side effects and....
The vaccine manufacturers have full liability for their products. The anti-vaccs lie about this simple fact because the anti-vacc fraud is well detailed in Court rulings:
You are simply wrong. COVID vaccine manufacturers were exempt from both liability and FDA approval. Do you work for Pfizer? You are pedantic in your responses, and also make claims with a confidence a physicist would not have about the existence of gravity.
How many times has everyone heard “safe and effective” talk about recycling. What’s the 3 month + safety profile of a vaxx tested for less than 3 months, what’s the effectiveness of a vaccine not tested to see if it prevents catching and spreading, so many lies.
Hey and you still haven’t updated your profile identity. Maybe change it to Anonymous Shill if you really can’t have anyone know who you are.
You are correct that most people don't report their vaccine side effects to VAERS...I didn't report mine for example (a sore arm for 24 hrs after Moderna). But most of the reports to VAERS consist of similarly minor reactions you will find, and a high proportion of reports are entirely coincidental. I suggest you read the information VAERS carries about this on its website.
I am referring to the 20 or so coworkers that got heart arrhythmia, vaginal bleeding for months, one heart attack with emergency open heart surgery needed, and myocarditis- they didn’t even know about VAERS. The SAE’s are underreported to VAERS by a factor of 30. The “sore arm” is not what we are referring to.. lol
There were so many cases of heart arrhythmia that we just expected it.. the arrhythmia would last 3 to 6 months approximately. The heart attack happened after a Pfizer booster shot (3rd shot)
There are so many factors that make auditing the safety of vaccines once out in the population almost impossible. The matter of selecting who takes vaccines and who does not. People on their death bed would never be given a vaccine as an example, yet are held up as an unvaccinated death. There are timing issues, just so many things that either side can point to to claim bias.
You’re better to look at a much higher proxy, like societal rates of chronic disease. Which has to be accepted have increased in all cohorts in step with an ever increasing number of vaccines people are encouraged to take. Or look at the total health profile of the vaccinated verse unvaccinated in the limited studies that have been able to be produced, the unvaccinated are healthier people, less allergies, less asthma, less autoimmune type diseases, ear infections, basically go done through list, staying away from vaccines is better for your health.
And if Covid achieved something it finally made it clear vaccines don’t prevent disease, and without that there is no social contract to take them to protect others. Just give up on the mandating aspect of vaccines and there is nothing to fight about. Except of course people will still be encouraged to take them without full disclosure, like they took Vioxx and other failed drugs and there needs to be a way for pharma to be liable for their vaccine products where they can be sued and be subject to discovery like every other industry. Your position that they are liable and fund the compensation for those injured, that is not being liable, that’s just being able to insure the problem away, it’s a deal no other industry has.
The days of simply dismissing people skeptical of vaccines is perhaps ending and that will be a positive in getting the dialog going on the old “safe and effective” hallmark.
Think about this, at one time the courts upheld slavery . . . & the fact that Thalidomide was FDA approved, we the people MUST maintain the right to question EVERYTHING.
Here is a crazy idea: why don't you question things by look for the basic facts?
Thalidomide was never FDA approved for morning sickness--which is where it causes the birth defects.
It is recently (1999?) approved for certain very deadly cancers. Those patients generally are not pregnant and you can't be pregnant and take thalidomide.
BTW: why don't you care that what Mr. Data claimed is clearly not true?
Why do you just blatantly lie? Everyone knows this claim is false, so what is the possible advantage to you to make it. All it does is discredit anything else you have to say. Drug companies ARE liable. You just have to go through the vaccine court first - a court funded by the drug companies.
What OTHER industry enjoys this protection from a direct lawsuit against the manufacturers which would normally include a "discovery" process to verify injury and damage ?
Frivolous lawsuits and sympathetic juries were awarding hundred million dollar settlements for adverse effects. This meant drug companies were going bankrupt and everyone else been left with nothing, as well as no more vaccines. We now have the best of both worlds:
- life-saving vaccines continuing to be produced.
- fair compensation for those suffering adverse effects with no legal costs.
- an option to sue if you are not happy with the decision of the vaccine court.
We know which vaccines have which adverse effects, and the only thing that needs to be ascertained in the fully paid for vaccine court cases is if the claimant actually has one of those recognised adverse effects. If that is the case, they are compensated accordingly.
If they do not have a recognised adverse effect, then there is an adversarial process to determine if they qualify in any case. And the determinations are very lenient. Obviously, if they are trying to get cover for a condition that is clearly not caused by a vaccine, then they are not compensated. Otherwise, abuse of the system would be rampant. There has to be some restrictions but, again, they are very much in favour of the claimant.
And to repeat:
Frivolous lawsuits and sympathetic juries were awarding hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements to individual claimants. This meant drug companies were going bankrupt which would mean that everyone else would be left with nothing at all. They would be extraordinarly inequitable. As well as drug companies facing possible bankruptcy, others were pulling out of vaccine development and manufacture altogether, which would have meant no more life-saving vaccines in the long run. So, we really do have the best of all worlds:
- life-saving vaccines continue to be produced.
- fair compensation is given for those suffering legitimate adverse effects with no legal costs imposed.
- there is an option to sue if the claimant is not happy with the decision of the vaccine court.
You are full of bluster, and you know it. You don't care if the present system works in everyone's favour, you simply want those life-saving vaccinations stopped. That is NOT going to happen.
Iam going to ignore your idiotic rant and drivel above ; and address your last point
>You don't care if the present system works in everyone's favour, you simply want those life-saving vaccinations stopped. That is NOT going to happen.
First there is nothing life saving about vaccinations. Mortality rates to child hood illnesses had declined over 90% before any vaccine for that illness was introduced
Finally, i subscribed to the Libertarian mindset. Free peoples should have the right to injest and inject whatever they want.
I dont want vaccines banned no more than I would want crack, cocaine, lsd, marijuana, advilpm, tylenol banned.
The core of this issue is mandates. If you want to vaccinate your children every hour on the hour be my guest. But you and your ilk will NEVER impose your will on my children. EVER!!!
Did you miss the part where it states the HHS Secretary determines whether or not any legal action can take place.
Immune to lawsuits
In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.
That means that for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid.
There was a pandemic in which people were dying, and the government needed to encourage drug companies to come up with a life-saving vaccine. As a result of previous litigation (that resulted in setting up the vaccine court), the drug companies were not prepared to risk bankruptcy in return for work and effort of developing a life-saving vaccine that would benefit everyone. There was no alternative but to offer immunity.
As it turned out, the scientists working for these drug companies came up with a safe and 95% effective vaccine at a time when 4000 Americans were dying of COVID-19 every single day. I know that is disturbing to antivax loons like you, but, fortunately, the vast majority of us are reasonable people.
The vaccine claims are paid for out of the VICP purse, which is the money raised through the excise tax of 75c per vaccine shot levied off the Pharmaceutical companies making that vaccine.
For info on the number of vaccine claims compensated through that scheme go to their website and see.
CONvid is a lie. The vaccine destroys your immune system leaving you susceptible to illnesses that require lifetime dependence on pharmaceutical giants.
Exercise, Get adequate rest, Go outside for fresh air and sunlight supplement your vitamin D3, zinc and magnesium levels during flu season
The other side
says Cower at home. Wear a mask. Social distance. Take this jab, this booster, this booster, this booster, this booster, this booster, this bivalent booster, this bivalent booster.
The Cardio vascular issues and facial paralysis and seizures are all in your head. That muscular tick that won't go away???
They don't know the cause of it but they are sure it's NOT the vaccine. How *convenient*
When pressed create a fictitious new term "long COVID" to explain away adverse events and sudden death
Also myocarditis drugs are on the market and pPazlovid is available to keep you on the hamster wheel
It's not difficult to figure out which side any thinking adult would go with
“ Some aren’t willing to accept any serious vaccine side effects no matter how quickly defined, well understood, or uncommon”
Then they should not take any medication, even paracetamol/acetaminophen or other over the counter medications, particularly in the states as adverts for these list possible side effects.
You will find it near impossible to restore public trust in the agencies that have treated the vaccine injured so cruelly.The entire world has seen it by now.
The NIH, CDC, and FDA all knew in January 2021 there were thousands of vaccine injuries taking place.
The NIH was flying injured out to Maryland and studying them.
They promised the injured they would help them and let the public know what was happening.
Instead, they silenced and abandoned them and that continues to this day.
Following is a response I have given to which includes a one minute excerpt with my friend , Bri Dressen, who was studied by the NIH. Full interview also is included.
Injuries and deaths have occurred with all the Covid vaccines.
You now have several attorney generals who have filed suit against Pfizer for their marketing of the vaccine being safe and effective.
For you, or anyone else, to expect that our government health agencies can treat good and decent Americans, who trusted these agencies, with such unconscionable cruelty is beyond the scope of rationality.
"You now have several attorney generals who have filed suit against Pfizer"
Being sued does not mean "you are guilty".
"agencies that have treated the vaccine injured so cruelly"
Here is your error though: an adverse EVENT is not an adverse EFFECT.
Here is the difference:
An adverse EVENT occurs after a vaccination but is not necessarily caused by the vaccination.
An adverse EFFECT is an adverse event that has been shown to be caused by the vaccination because it occurs at a higher rate among the vaccinated than in the general population.
So, the NIH was studying adverse EVENTS that occurred after the vaccinations to determine if they were actually caused by the vaccination. That sounds like what they should be doing.
It is clear from your reply that you are completely unaware of all the facts surrounding Bri Dressen.
In regards to the NIH study in January 2021 the reason why those with vaccine injuries were flown out to the NIH is because the NIH knew that the injuries had occurred from the vaccines.
If you, or Dr.Offit, really want to address vaccine hesitancy, then the vaccine injured need to be acknowledged and helped.
To continue to call people who took the vaccine any-vaxxers Is completely illogical.
Albus, I am personal friends with Bri - so all the information I have is first hand. There is no reason why anyone should be against helping people who were injured by the vaccine.
Truth is the pharma cartel has been proven guilty of actually committing fraud. Why don’t you update your profile with your real identity and declare your conflicts of interest. Or Just sit there and lie to yourself about how wonderful they are and watch society’s health further decline instep with a higher and higher percentage of GDP being spent on healthcare. Do more of what’s obviously not working, that only makes sense to those getting rich from all the sickness.
thoughtful -- yes, it is impossible to predict an adverse event with a frequency of 4/10e6 prior to enormous populations receiving a drug/vaccine/device. Rigorous post-licensing follow-up will detect low frequency events, and thoughtful decisions can be made after the analysis of data.
The scale of Covid highlighted that as per the 1986 Vaccine Act, vaccines are unavoidably dangerous - now it’s just a dance moving data around to downplay to what extent.
COVID also required that the long understood position that vaccines prevent disease be reframed (look at Biden, on record with 6 shots and still gets Covid). The idea that no one is safe until everyone is safe can’t be achieved with vaccines. Society’s health continues to decline right along with an ever greater percentage of GDP being spent on healthcare including an ever expanding vaccine schedule - doing more of what’s not working will not provide better outcomes.
Giving interventions to perfectly healthy people is a different proposition than treating people with something like terminal cancer, vaccines must be a choice.
The funding sources and authors with conflicts of interest being cited by health authorities as proof of vindication where various vaccines have been caught up in controversy does not restore confidence. It’s the equivalent of a company resolving an employee grievance without the employee being present or having representation. It’s time for pharma to include their staunchest opponents in the process of evaluating the clinical trials that are utilized to first approve vaccines and the review of the post rollout reporting of identified problems.
It is becoming clear to a great more people that vaccines are wildly unpredictable and very far from an exact science - we’re experimenting on healthy people.
As long as vaccines are mandated proponents of vaccines should welcome critical analysis of the products. Choice should be the path forward.
Very simple, I don't trust a system that is dispensing a product that they bear no responsibility for not IF it harms people but WHEN it harms people. The Vaccine industry is the ONLY business that is shielded from liability by Federal Law.
Vaccine manufacturers pay a percent of revenues into the liability fund for *potential* harms. And because the percentage is set cautiously, payouts for actual harms are far below the pay-ins.
(This is exactly how a reserve fund SHOULD be managed: to have a cushion to deal with the unexpected)
The vaccine manufacturers are forced to bear MORE THAN the actual, rather rare harms, while the people get to have a lifesaving product
youre so upset about it. it is a fact.
protection from liability for the pharmaceutical industry is so ironclad no one can sue them and with pharma shills like paul and their clown car "correlation doesn't equal causation schtick" it's worse because then we have scumbag politicans taking money from these fat cats like paul in the pharmaceutical industry and making laws that don't allow people to avoid these shoddily made medical products.
quit the cope and just use your traditinal talking points instead of the profanity, pal.
"protection from liability for the pharmaceutical industry is so ironclad no one can sue them"
Here is a lawsuit--the anti-vaccs were exposed as liars and frauds:
Here is a lawsuit--the anti-vaccs were exposed as being at best complete morons:
Here is a law firm that specializes in suing vaccine makers, and they have many current lawsuits:
Thanks again for demonstrating the two basic facts:
1. The anti-vaccs are liars
2. One has to be a complete and total moron to believe them
okay. well there are those two. now show me the ones where babies were forced to have their bowels resected because of the rotavirus vaccine. I’m sure you can’t find me any of those…
See how it works?
The anti-vaccs lie and say you can't sue vaccine makers--but you don't care.
The courts detail how the anti-vaccs are liars and frauds--but you don't care.
I provided more than two--but you are unable or unwilling to read correctly.
And naturally, you provided zero evidence of harm from the rotavirus vaccine.
paul accepts that rotavirus vaccine causes instussusception. I'm detailing the treatments for it. why is that hard for you? O need proof that intussusception caused by vaccine DOESN'T require the bowels of children to be re-sected!? or in some cases the children die?
"it is a fact."
Nope. It is a lie. Drug companies ARE liable. Claimants just have to go through the vaccine court first. And even the vaccine court is funded by the drug companies. It is actually the best possible deal for those who suffer unfortunate adverse effects of vaccinations, and you should be championing it.
"no one can sue them"
You're simply mouthing RFK junior who knows it's a lie because he has actually sued them. That's how much of a gullible fool you are. You believe the lies of someone who is deliberately and knowingly lying to you.
"pharma shills"
That trope is so discredited and so long in the tooth, I'm surprised you're still using it. If you make a claim, you are expected to be able to back it up. You won't because you can't because there is no evidence that he is a shill. That makes you a dishonest bad actor who will just say anything regardless of whether it is true or not.
"correlation doesn't equal causation"
The correct saying is that "correlation does not necessarily equal causation". But if you have multiple independent lines of correlation that can, indeed, equal causation. For example, the evidence that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer is correlational, but it is a well-established fact because of the multiple independent lines of evidence. Learn some science.
"scumbag politicans"
How many times do we need to remind you that this is a science-based blog. Take your politics elsewhere.
"like paul in the pharmaceutical industry"
That is a slanderous lie.
"shoddily made medical products."
Stop lying. Vaccines are the most researched and well-tested of all the pharmaceutical products.
the absence of accountability after countless children have been maimed and killed by vaccines tells us all we need to know.
sell your wares to those that will buy them. the fact is that people who’s children are maimed by these shoddily made medical products find out too late. but that’s why I warn them.
the pharmaceutical industry is so powerful they have no accountability. no one can control or regulate them. they can tell us all how to live and what is and is not good for us. according to you…
we will fix that...
"the absence of accountability "
There is no absence of accountability, just anti-vacc lies.
cope as much as you want. their days of controlling government policy and regulation are over.
The Covid vaccines were distributed ONLY after Pfizer was legally protected against lawsuits. You KNOW this.
FDA approval was also waived.
Yes, there are some legal protections under and EUA. Is it not obvious to you why?
And approval was NOT waived, they are approved:
"The Covid vaccines were distributed ONLY after Pfizer was legally protected against lawsuits."
That is incorrect. They secured protection against lawsuits before even developing and manufacturing the vaccines. They were not prepared to risk bankruptcy through frivolous legal action as happened before the vaccine court was established.
"FDA approval was also waived."
The COVID-19 mRNA Pfizer vaccine was fully approved on 23rd August 2021. That's nearly 3 years ago. Please keep up, son.
That doesn't mean the drug manufacturers., government, and FDA aren't all corrupted by money.
Just look at how top people move jobs back and forth between drug companies and FDA. It's a disgraceful corrupt sham.
" Vaccines are the most researched and well-tested of all the pharmaceutical products." Can you support your assertion?
The testing for different products is clearly listed on the FDA site.
Read away.
Ya, the "FDA" works for the Pharmaceutical industry - that is GREED INC.
FDA approved was waived for COVID vaccines - yet mandated anyway.
So no, you literally won't use your basic reading skills and see the facts.
Vaccine harm cases are heard in a US Federal court with specialized expertise. Proven injury (versus the grifting VAERS trollers who attribute even swallowed batteries to a vaccine because docs are required to report ALL serious issues immediately after vaccinations) is paid from the vaccine producers' fund
There seems to be a lot of whinging by CDF and other ambulance-chasing lawyers that they can't get high contingency-fee payments because the court deals—as the OP article that Offit refers to—with facts, not “oh, big pharma with deep pockets should be forced to pay.”
Go ahead and provide the transcripts for cases where harmed individuals had proven cases unfairly denied by the court, and THEN let's talk about what the liability fund is for
yeah. sure, pal.
the pharmaceutical industry is not and never is held accountable. they want all the benefits and permanant market for their shoddily made medical products but they want no accountability.
parents find out only too late they have no recourse when their children are maimed or killed by vaccines. very slowly but surely more and more people are seeing it my way. paul forced us here. he helped cause the tipping point.
paul has done irreparable damage to vaccines.
"the pharmaceutical industry is not and never is held accountable. "
Yes it is. The anti-vaccs just lie and count on folks being too stupid to read.
The process is geared towards protection of the drug companies instead of safety of consumers. You have to jump through a million hoops, pile up legal fees and then it's innocent until proven guilty with onerous standards. That's why so few cases even come forward, let alone win. Get you head out of your ass. The system is corrupt.
Parents should read the vaccine information leaflets issued with every vaccine. These carry information about the VICP and how to claim.
Parents finding out "only too late" that such a scheme exists will be the ones who don't pay attention to the information they are given.
as evidenced by your willful ignorance and avoidance of very horrific side effects, parents are usually not told when theyre given “presumptive reccomendations” by doctors that quite literally bully parents into pumping their children full of these shoddily made pharmaceutical products.
coping and apologetics don’t change the facts, pal.
No you are wrong. The vaccine companies are specifically protected from direct litigation. Your only recourse is an adversarial CLOSED VICP court.
No other industry enjoys this protection. Its the number 1 reason why we vowed never to take anothet vaccine a decade ago
I can......I have posted the law and Civil lawsuits against vaccine companies.
But I make you functionally literate or give you integrity.
*You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either*
Yes, you do have this strange idea that posting lies predicated on folks being too stupid to read is a good idea.
And apparently selective reading is your forte
Immune to lawsuits
In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.
That means that for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid.
HHS declined CNBC’s request for an interview
HHS Secretary is the determinant of whether or not any legal action can take place. And his stance on the matter is clear above ...
Thats called "reading comprehension"
Thanks for playing ...
so you appear to be convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Vaccines are “Safe & Effective” . . . is that it?
It is not about belief, it is about data.
bad data.
OK, so explain in detail.
you would never accept it no matter what information is put in front of you. youre a hamas style jihadist in that regard.
Err, no. Read his post. He is saying there is a compensation scheme for those injured by vaccination, not that vaccination is perfectly safe. If it were, then the compensation fund wouldn't be needed.
Why are there any payouts at all if there is almost no damage, as you claim? It would be nice If you somehow manage to answer without the use of words like ‘shit’.
Yep that’s all you need to know.. no consequence for manufacturers producing harmful vaccines and regulators financially incentivised to approve all vaccines means we will see more harmful vaccines..
Anyone aware of how the real world works would NEVER trust a vaccine manufacturer or get vaccinated.
And for VAERS, this represents only 1-2% of the actual vaccine side effects people experience. Hardly anyone reports their side effects to VAERS. I know at least a dozen people with severe side effects from the Covid mRNA shots (including a few myocarditis, one heart attack and several with lasting heart arrhythmia) and none of them reported anything to VAERS.
"no consequence for manufacturers"
Another antivax liar who will not accept that fact that drug companies are indeed liable quite apart from fully funding the vaccine court where claimants are given the benefit of the doubt and have all their legal fees fully paid. Your obvious lies discredit you.
"NEVER trust a vaccine manufacturer"
We don't. The drugs are tested independently, a privilege for which the drug companies pay in full, and a process which licences less than 20% of products submitted for testing.
"VAERS ...represents only 1-2% of the actual vaccine side effects"
Firstly, it is not adverse EFFECTS that are reported to VAERS. It is adverse EVENTS. Learn the difference. Adverse EVENTS occur after a vaccination but are not necessarily caused by the vaccination. Adverse EFFECTS are events that have been shown to have been caused by the vaccination because they occur more frequently in the vaccinated than in the general population (ie above the base rate).
Secondly, what you said is deliberately deceitful. It is probably true that only 1-2% of minor adverse events such as arm pain and reactive fever are reported, but practically all serious adverse events such as hospitalisations and deaths are reported to VAERS.
"I know at least a dozen people with severe side effects ... and none of them reported anything to VAERS."
So what? That does not mean they weren't reported. The treating doctor is obligated to report adverse events such as these, and they do. There are forms printed for this express purpose and there are fines and disciplinary procedures if these obligations are not met.
" The drugs are tested independently," Can you document that assertion?
Sure, besides lots of universities and independent testing companies and other governments, there is the FDA and the Pentagon:,specific%20tests%20for%20this%20vulnerability.
"FDA laboratories generally test drugs to standards set by the U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP), an organization that publishes quality monographs for medicines including attributes such as:
Identity – is it the right drug as indicated on the label?
Assay – how much drug is there and is it consistent with the labeled amount?
Impurities – are impurities within established specifications?
Dissolution – does the active ingredient dissolve out of the dosage unit so that the drug is available for the body to absorb?"
Facts got your tongue?
Using only your basic reading skills, you can learn that VAERS doesn't even measure side effects and....
The vaccine manufacturers have full liability for their products. The anti-vaccs lie about this simple fact because the anti-vacc fraud is well detailed in Court rulings:
You are simply wrong. COVID vaccine manufacturers were exempt from both liability and FDA approval. Do you work for Pfizer? You are pedantic in your responses, and also make claims with a confidence a physicist would not have about the existence of gravity.
1. "Do you work for Pfizer? "
2. "COVID vaccine manufacturers were exempt from both liability and FDA approval. "
A. It is right in the Prep act and right in the Prep declaration that one can sue the vaccine makers.
b. The vaccines are approved.
On August 23, 2021, the FDA put out a press release that the Pfizer vaccine was approved.
The FDA keeps a list of all approved vaccines on their site:
Both the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines are approved!
3. Of course I am confident.
Fact is the anti-vaccs just keep recycling the same old lies over and over.
Good news: it really is trivially easy to see their lies!
You very well know I refer to the vaccinations mandated before the approvals.
I know that I posted the links so anyone with basic reading skills could see you are wrong.
How many times has everyone heard “safe and effective” talk about recycling. What’s the 3 month + safety profile of a vaxx tested for less than 3 months, what’s the effectiveness of a vaccine not tested to see if it prevents catching and spreading, so many lies.
Hey and you still haven’t updated your profile identity. Maybe change it to Anonymous Shill if you really can’t have anyone know who you are.
See how it works?
1. Bob posted old anti-vacc lies predicated on folks being too clueless to read.
Naturally, you didn't have the integrity to acknowledge the facts.
Instead, you changed the subject.
2. "What’s the 3 month + safety profile of a vaxx tested for less than 3 months,"
That is a lie predicated on folks being too stupid to read or count.
3. "what’s the effectiveness of a vaccine not tested to see if it prevents catching and spreading"
Again, anyone that can read will see the vaccines were tested for effectiveness and preventing infection and preventing transmission.......
Just standard anti-vacc lies predicated on folks being too stupid to read.
Anti-vaccs keep resorting to name-calling because almost everything they claim is a lie that insults the intelligence of the average 10 year old.
You just proved this fact.
Now here is where you ignore the previous anti-vacc lies and just add more.....
You are correct that most people don't report their vaccine side effects to VAERS...I didn't report mine for example (a sore arm for 24 hrs after Moderna). But most of the reports to VAERS consist of similarly minor reactions you will find, and a high proportion of reports are entirely coincidental. I suggest you read the information VAERS carries about this on its website.
I am referring to the 20 or so coworkers that got heart arrhythmia, vaginal bleeding for months, one heart attack with emergency open heart surgery needed, and myocarditis- they didn’t even know about VAERS. The SAE’s are underreported to VAERS by a factor of 30. The “sore arm” is not what we are referring to.. lol
There were so many cases of heart arrhythmia that we just expected it.. the arrhythmia would last 3 to 6 months approximately. The heart attack happened after a Pfizer booster shot (3rd shot)
VAERS has problems with under and over reporting.
Naturally, none of the anti-vaccs ever reference the better safety data then VAERS.....
There are so many factors that make auditing the safety of vaccines once out in the population almost impossible. The matter of selecting who takes vaccines and who does not. People on their death bed would never be given a vaccine as an example, yet are held up as an unvaccinated death. There are timing issues, just so many things that either side can point to to claim bias.
You’re better to look at a much higher proxy, like societal rates of chronic disease. Which has to be accepted have increased in all cohorts in step with an ever increasing number of vaccines people are encouraged to take. Or look at the total health profile of the vaccinated verse unvaccinated in the limited studies that have been able to be produced, the unvaccinated are healthier people, less allergies, less asthma, less autoimmune type diseases, ear infections, basically go done through list, staying away from vaccines is better for your health.
And if Covid achieved something it finally made it clear vaccines don’t prevent disease, and without that there is no social contract to take them to protect others. Just give up on the mandating aspect of vaccines and there is nothing to fight about. Except of course people will still be encouraged to take them without full disclosure, like they took Vioxx and other failed drugs and there needs to be a way for pharma to be liable for their vaccine products where they can be sued and be subject to discovery like every other industry. Your position that they are liable and fund the compensation for those injured, that is not being liable, that’s just being able to insure the problem away, it’s a deal no other industry has.
The days of simply dismissing people skeptical of vaccines is perhaps ending and that will be a positive in getting the dialog going on the old “safe and effective” hallmark.
1. You changed the subject. Are you trying to hide the anti-vacc lie about VAERS?
2. "There are so many factors that make auditing the safety of vaccines once out in the population almost impossible. "
That is 100% not true.
E.g. all one has to do is to listen to health insurance companies and national healthcare systems.
The have many decades of data on 100s of millions of patients.
We know two things with certainty:
1. vaccinated are much healthier
2. the anti-vacc lie about this fact.
Sadly, some folks don't care that the anti-vaccs are liars.
Of course all those you know got serious side effects after vaccination…goes without saying. The Vaccine apocalypse!!!! (Which never happened)…😵💫😜
There are 2000 heart attacks each day in the US.
This means that in the week following any vaccine shot, there will be 14,000 heart attacks, entirely by coincidence!!!!!
I think you should change your nym to “Mr Don’t know Data”
there is a statistical base-line ALL CAUSE MORTALITY, given that,
Post vaccine roll-out, the ACM figures increased above the statistical norm.
Shocking. All-cause mortality increased during a global pandemic.
That is one remarkable discovery you made!
No, ACM rose BEFORE vaccine rollout.
In the US, it was up to 40% above baseline when vaccines started their roll out at the end of 2020.
Here is data from the economist:
Still working on reading?
Or just don't care what the facts are?
Think about this, at one time the courts upheld slavery . . . & the fact that Thalidomide was FDA approved, we the people MUST maintain the right to question EVERYTHING.
Here is a crazy idea: why don't you question things by look for the basic facts?
Thalidomide was never FDA approved for morning sickness--which is where it causes the birth defects.
It is recently (1999?) approved for certain very deadly cancers. Those patients generally are not pregnant and you can't be pregnant and take thalidomide.
BTW: why don't you care that what Mr. Data claimed is clearly not true?
This may seem like a tangent, but bear with,
. . . Question for you: do you believe that an airliner could have penetrated a skyscraper wall "like a hot knife through butter" ?
Please indulge me . . . { & Thanks }
Answer: if you are referring to 911, then it is not a question of belief it is a matter of data and facts.
Rude and wrong.
Sorry the words are too difficult for you to read.
You should find a new hobby. I hear pet rocks are good for people with your intellect.
Are you embarrassed by how stupid the anti-vacc lies are?
It is simple: US law clearly states that everyone can sue vaccine makers for alleged injuries:
(note the section: authority to bring actions)
The anti-vaccs keep lying about this simple fact.
BTW: in the US the gun industry has very significant liability shielding in federal law.
>BTW: in the US the gun industry has very significant liability shielding in federal law.
Bullets aren't injected into your blood stream you ignoramus
BTW: no vaccine is injected into your blood stream.
Yes, you offer lots of name-calling, but the fact is you just keep proving unable to read at the 3rd grade level.
And I suppose the blood the trickles out is "aether" and the cotton swab and bandaid placed over the site - is just for show
Oh look......your previous comments were lies predicated on folks being too stupid to you changed the topic.
Why do you just blatantly lie? Everyone knows this claim is false, so what is the possible advantage to you to make it. All it does is discredit anything else you have to say. Drug companies ARE liable. You just have to go through the vaccine court first - a court funded by the drug companies.
What OTHER industry enjoys this protection from a direct lawsuit against the manufacturers which would normally include a "discovery" process to verify injury and damage ?
There is discovery against vaccine makers, once again functional literacy is just too difficult for you.
No there is not; you vaccine pharma shill.
A discovery process will call into question
1) the contents and formulation of vaccine under question
2) **independent lab** verification of the RCT results
3) court order demanding all lab data and communication related to this product
It was necessary.
Frivolous lawsuits and sympathetic juries were awarding hundred million dollar settlements for adverse effects. This meant drug companies were going bankrupt and everyone else been left with nothing, as well as no more vaccines. We now have the best of both worlds:
- life-saving vaccines continuing to be produced.
- fair compensation for those suffering adverse effects with no legal costs.
- an option to sue if you are not happy with the decision of the vaccine court.
>We now have the best of both worlds:
You are insane.
1) we have an adversarial court hand picked by vaccine company allies
2) a lack luster enforced event reporting system
3) road blocks in severity clauses and time constraints that stymie the path to justice
4) ballooning cases of chronic disorders and developmental problems
Don't be silly.
We just have anti-vacc liars preying upon fools.
anti-vax no longer has the sting - YOU THINK IT DOES
You are babbling.
We know which vaccines have which adverse effects, and the only thing that needs to be ascertained in the fully paid for vaccine court cases is if the claimant actually has one of those recognised adverse effects. If that is the case, they are compensated accordingly.
If they do not have a recognised adverse effect, then there is an adversarial process to determine if they qualify in any case. And the determinations are very lenient. Obviously, if they are trying to get cover for a condition that is clearly not caused by a vaccine, then they are not compensated. Otherwise, abuse of the system would be rampant. There has to be some restrictions but, again, they are very much in favour of the claimant.
And to repeat:
Frivolous lawsuits and sympathetic juries were awarding hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements to individual claimants. This meant drug companies were going bankrupt which would mean that everyone else would be left with nothing at all. They would be extraordinarly inequitable. As well as drug companies facing possible bankruptcy, others were pulling out of vaccine development and manufacture altogether, which would have meant no more life-saving vaccines in the long run. So, we really do have the best of all worlds:
- life-saving vaccines continue to be produced.
- fair compensation is given for those suffering legitimate adverse effects with no legal costs imposed.
- there is an option to sue if the claimant is not happy with the decision of the vaccine court.
You are full of bluster, and you know it. You don't care if the present system works in everyone's favour, you simply want those life-saving vaccinations stopped. That is NOT going to happen.
Iam going to ignore your idiotic rant and drivel above ; and address your last point
>You don't care if the present system works in everyone's favour, you simply want those life-saving vaccinations stopped. That is NOT going to happen.
First there is nothing life saving about vaccinations. Mortality rates to child hood illnesses had declined over 90% before any vaccine for that illness was introduced
Vaccinated children still contract and transmit the very illnesses they were vaccinated against
Finally, i subscribed to the Libertarian mindset. Free peoples should have the right to injest and inject whatever they want.
I dont want vaccines banned no more than I would want crack, cocaine, lsd, marijuana, advilpm, tylenol banned.
The core of this issue is mandates. If you want to vaccinate your children every hour on the hour be my guest. But you and your ilk will NEVER impose your will on my children. EVER!!!
A vaccine court funded by the drug companies.. right, and just how naïve and gullible are you?
Then there are courts like the THE COURT OF APPEALS OF MARYLAND
Remember, all American's can sue vaccine makers in civil court.
Once again you prove unable to read.
And once again you prove you are unable to think
Look it up, son, you are embarrassing yourself. Drug companies pay a percent on every vaccine sold and that funds the vaccine court. That is a fact.
Amazing isn't it?
We keep going over time and time again......
Here again is the Prep act declaration:
And just like all the other times, it just takes basic reading skills to see one could sue Pfizer or Moderna for their mRNA vaccines.
Of course, the vaccines are now licensed so the normal law applies and everyone can sue for vaccine injuries.
Thanks again for demonstrating that the anti-vacc liars count on folks being too stupid to read.
Did you miss the part where it states the HHS Secretary determines whether or not any legal action can take place.
Immune to lawsuits
In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.
That means that for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid.
HHS declined CNBC’s request for an interview
That's a special case, and you know it.
There was a pandemic in which people were dying, and the government needed to encourage drug companies to come up with a life-saving vaccine. As a result of previous litigation (that resulted in setting up the vaccine court), the drug companies were not prepared to risk bankruptcy in return for work and effort of developing a life-saving vaccine that would benefit everyone. There was no alternative but to offer immunity.
As it turned out, the scientists working for these drug companies came up with a safe and 95% effective vaccine at a time when 4000 Americans were dying of COVID-19 every single day. I know that is disturbing to antivax loons like you, but, fortunately, the vast majority of us are reasonable people.
There was no pandemic.
It was simply OVER hyped FALSE positive PCR tests coupled with reclassifying deaths "with" as deaths from Covid
Dr Deborah Brix of the Covid task force explains the grift here
Its been 4 years of this bullshit. Try and keep up
"antivax loons like you, but, fortunately, the vast majority of us are reasonable people." . . . thank U 4 Your OPINION
How many victims have actually been compensated, and where is your DOCUMENTATION stating the the Drug companies pay the settlements?
“Everyone knows this claim is false,” REALLY
exactly how can you possibly support that assertion?
Please read the vaccine court site/law.
All their funds come from a tax put on the vaccine makers.
The vaccine claims are paid for out of the VICP purse, which is the money raised through the excise tax of 75c per vaccine shot levied off the Pharmaceutical companies making that vaccine.
For info on the number of vaccine claims compensated through that scheme go to their website and see.
So that would be a big old no, you won't use your basic reading skills and see the facts.
You don't care that the anti-vaccs lied to you?
You don't care that it was childishly easy to see the lies.........but you didn't......
One side says:
CONvid is a lie. The vaccine destroys your immune system leaving you susceptible to illnesses that require lifetime dependence on pharmaceutical giants.
Exercise, Get adequate rest, Go outside for fresh air and sunlight supplement your vitamin D3, zinc and magnesium levels during flu season
The other side
says Cower at home. Wear a mask. Social distance. Take this jab, this booster, this booster, this booster, this booster, this booster, this bivalent booster, this bivalent booster.
The Cardio vascular issues and facial paralysis and seizures are all in your head. That muscular tick that won't go away???
They don't know the cause of it but they are sure it's NOT the vaccine. How *convenient*
When pressed create a fictitious new term "long COVID" to explain away adverse events and sudden death
Also myocarditis drugs are on the market and pPazlovid is available to keep you on the hamster wheel
It's not difficult to figure out which side any thinking adult would go with
“ Some aren’t willing to accept any serious vaccine side effects no matter how quickly defined, well understood, or uncommon”
Then they should not take any medication, even paracetamol/acetaminophen or other over the counter medications, particularly in the states as adverts for these list possible side effects.
You will find it near impossible to restore public trust in the agencies that have treated the vaccine injured so cruelly.The entire world has seen it by now.
The NIH, CDC, and FDA all knew in January 2021 there were thousands of vaccine injuries taking place.
The NIH was flying injured out to Maryland and studying them.
They promised the injured they would help them and let the public know what was happening.
Instead, they silenced and abandoned them and that continues to this day.
Following is a response I have given to which includes a one minute excerpt with my friend , Bri Dressen, who was studied by the NIH. Full interview also is included.
Injuries and deaths have occurred with all the Covid vaccines.
You now have several attorney generals who have filed suit against Pfizer for their marketing of the vaccine being safe and effective.
For you, or anyone else, to expect that our government health agencies can treat good and decent Americans, who trusted these agencies, with such unconscionable cruelty is beyond the scope of rationality.
"You now have several attorney generals who have filed suit against Pfizer"
Being sued does not mean "you are guilty".
"agencies that have treated the vaccine injured so cruelly"
Here is your error though: an adverse EVENT is not an adverse EFFECT.
Here is the difference:
An adverse EVENT occurs after a vaccination but is not necessarily caused by the vaccination.
An adverse EFFECT is an adverse event that has been shown to be caused by the vaccination because it occurs at a higher rate among the vaccinated than in the general population.
So, the NIH was studying adverse EVENTS that occurred after the vaccinations to determine if they were actually caused by the vaccination. That sounds like what they should be doing.
Everyone who was studied by the NIH would have been classified by your definition as a vaccine effect.
The depth of deception that have taken place is really beyond what most of us can even comprehend.
As Bri Dressen herself has said, “I would have never believed all of this had I actually not lived through it.”
We agree, there sure is a whole of deception and really stupid lies from the anti-vaccs!
1."Everyone who was studied by the NIH would have been classified by your definition as a vaccine effect."
That is 100% not true. Just an old anti-vacc lie. All it takes is the integrity to read the definitions:
2. "As Bri Dressen herself has said,"
You failed to mention that she is suing for money or to post her lawsuit.
Putting aside the facts that it is legally and scientifically complete also is predicated on folks being too clueless to read.
My bet: her case gets destroyed in Court and is dismissed with prejudice.
Followed by lots and lots of bitching from anti-vaccs, none of whom will bother to read the facts.
It is clear from your reply that you are completely unaware of all the facts surrounding Bri Dressen.
In regards to the NIH study in January 2021 the reason why those with vaccine injuries were flown out to the NIH is because the NIH knew that the injuries had occurred from the vaccines.
If you, or Dr.Offit, really want to address vaccine hesitancy, then the vaccine injured need to be acknowledged and helped.
To continue to call people who took the vaccine any-vaxxers Is completely illogical.
I posted the lawsuit.
You are silent on the facts because the suit is abject idiocy.
The NIH study is NOT about vaccine injured--that is an anti-vacc lie predicated on folks not having basic reading skills.
Just like the claims vaccines have never been tested against placebos is a lie predicated on folks not having basic reading skills.
Just like the claim that all other drugs must be tested against placebos is a lie predicated on folks not having basic reading skills.
You can ignore the truth as long as you want, but right now you know that the anti-vaccs are liars.
Albus, I am personal friends with Bri - so all the information I have is first hand. There is no reason why anyone should be against helping people who were injured by the vaccine.
Makes sense.
Last article, you refused to use your basic reading skills to see the anti-vacc how proper placebos are used.
Now you won't use your basic reading skills to see that those are NOT vaccine injuries being studied.
Simple fact: the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything.
"Simple fact: the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything."
More OPINION . . .
Truth is the pharma cartel has been proven guilty of actually committing fraud. Why don’t you update your profile with your real identity and declare your conflicts of interest. Or Just sit there and lie to yourself about how wonderful they are and watch society’s health further decline instep with a higher and higher percentage of GDP being spent on healthcare. Do more of what’s obviously not working, that only makes sense to those getting rich from all the sickness.
Why did you change the subject?
Are you ashamed by the stupidity of the anti-vacc lies?
Why didn't you provide any examples of them being proven of committing fraud? Are you lying?
thoughtful -- yes, it is impossible to predict an adverse event with a frequency of 4/10e6 prior to enormous populations receiving a drug/vaccine/device. Rigorous post-licensing follow-up will detect low frequency events, and thoughtful decisions can be made after the analysis of data.
The scale of Covid highlighted that as per the 1986 Vaccine Act, vaccines are unavoidably dangerous - now it’s just a dance moving data around to downplay to what extent.
COVID also required that the long understood position that vaccines prevent disease be reframed (look at Biden, on record with 6 shots and still gets Covid). The idea that no one is safe until everyone is safe can’t be achieved with vaccines. Society’s health continues to decline right along with an ever greater percentage of GDP being spent on healthcare including an ever expanding vaccine schedule - doing more of what’s not working will not provide better outcomes.
Giving interventions to perfectly healthy people is a different proposition than treating people with something like terminal cancer, vaccines must be a choice.
The funding sources and authors with conflicts of interest being cited by health authorities as proof of vindication where various vaccines have been caught up in controversy does not restore confidence. It’s the equivalent of a company resolving an employee grievance without the employee being present or having representation. It’s time for pharma to include their staunchest opponents in the process of evaluating the clinical trials that are utilized to first approve vaccines and the review of the post rollout reporting of identified problems.
It is becoming clear to a great more people that vaccines are wildly unpredictable and very far from an exact science - we’re experimenting on healthy people.
As long as vaccines are mandated proponents of vaccines should welcome critical analysis of the products. Choice should be the path forward.
Vaccines are always a choice, and critical analysis of vaccine and other medical products is always welcome. Don't imply that they are not.
You are trying to make your argument by deploying a number of false claims and logical fallacies.