Why not bring Paul Offit and RFK Junior in a face-to-face Debate, where we can see the data from both sides and also hear their immediate responses.

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Because RFK doesn't have data. Everything he claims to have is either discredited or retracted.

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Also because RFK Jr steadfastly avoids him & refuses to be pinned down; it works better for him to lie that "Dr. Offit won't debate me". Comments like this keep repeating the same lie, like a broken record. Frustrating.

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Also, there are simply not enough hours in the day to sit down and have a lengthy, face-to-face debate with every single outspoken crusading celebrity who thinks they're the reincarnation of Ignaz Semmelweis, but who are in fact acting in bad faith to platform their own anti-vax/anti-science opinions. Dr. Offit gets an amazing amount done and already packs in a ton of debates, podcasts, interviews (on Fox News, MSNBC, and everything in between); he also serves on committees and is a full-time practicing physician. Oh and he's *already* dealt with every aspect of anything RFK Jr claims to want to discuss - in balanced, detailed, fact-checked things like this: https://naturalhistory.si.edu/events/after-hours-programs-adults/video-webinars-outbreak-epidemics-connected-world/ensuring-vaccine-safety

But it must feel like shouting in the wind. RFK Jr seems to be in his own world. I remember when he was our environmental hero. A smart, sensible, breath of fresh air dude we were all grateful to for his activism. It's been tragic & exasperating watching him go off the rails. Here's some homework for you before you ask, for the 1000th time, about setting up a face-to-face debate:


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I think that when the celebrity in question has a cabinet position, the value of such debates increases enough to justify having one.

I've never been a fan of refusing all debate on a subject. It didn't work for evolutionists with regard to creationism. I don't think it's worked for vaccines either.

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There is also a basic disconnect between a scientist and an attorney. Scientists seek truth as best as can be judged from available data and don’t ignore ambiguity or the possibility that future data will refine their conclusions. Attorneys aim to win their case for their clients, and guilt or innocence are irrelevant. Only data in support of a predetermined outcome are considered while anything that contradicts the position is ignored. It’s very difficult to bridge this difference in approach.

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A similar argument was made for scientists declining all debates with creationists. But the aim isn't to win over people you are debating. The aim is to win space in the minds of the audience to consider your points and plant some seeds of independent thought.

I regret that evolutionists decided to take that stance decades ago. Such debates were instrumental in my own breakaway from the beliefs of my parents fundamentalist creationist church.

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good point. I will reconsider. Admit I have built up resistance to the idea by now... but you're right. Thanks

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So you don’t believe in evolution either?

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I believe that evolution is the best explanation for the diversity of life on earth. Televised debates on the matter back in the 70's were instrumental in my developing that opinion. That's one of the reasons I don't think that scientists should shy from debating non-scientists. The contribution they could make towards swaying others to believe their theories should not be discounted.

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Discredited and retracted by those that stand to lose by it being pointed out. If his data is so poor all the more reason to face him publicly, as it always becomes clear when data is bs like data that stated a lab leak was impossible and that transmission stopped with mRNA vaccination. It’s a no brainer.

Not sure why Offit doesn’t reach out and try to work with Bobby in HHS. Time for the sides to come together and work through the issues of contention. Everything needs to be on the table, the nation is sicker than ever, something isn’t working.

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If RFK‘s commentary in his book is incorrect, don’t you think somebody should take him to court? I wonder why no one has?

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Because it's not illegal to publish fiction or bad ideas. It's just sad that folks lack the education to tell the difference between truth and opinion.

There's a sucker born every minute, and a customer for every grift. A fool and his money are soon parted. (How many more cliches can I use?)

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Books fall under Free Speech. Also he never claims to be recommending or selling anything he promotes, just stating his opinions on them, which also falls under Free Speech.

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Offit should debate him publicly. Offit is the one who should provide the data.

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I believe Dr Offit has stated in the past that this would be a useless exercise and a waste of his time as Kennedy just wants hear himself talk and isn’t interested in factual debate. Or words to this effect.

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It’s too late for doing less harm but not providing him a platform, people have lost trust and want to hear them go head to head.

A lot of people and a growing number don’t trust people like Offit anymore because he did things like vote to recommend mRNA shots for kids that even high schools students are able to confirm contain replication-competent DNA. Totally reckless experiment these phamra captured regulators agreed to send everyone on.


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When you say “people like these” do you mean people that have numerous years of education compounded with decades of work in their field of science and healthcare? Compared to a lying nut job conspiracy theorist I’ll take most scientists like Dr Offit any day. No one got everything correct during the pandemic. The pressure scientists and docs were under was extraordinary and I believe we should be grateful for their efforts and results.

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They got things wrong like the covid shots are just like all the vaccines we are so familiar with, just like the polio vaccine. Someone saying that was either lying or incompetent and should not have had the job. You don’t need to understand finer points of these issues to know what is simply wrong. When statements like that are made they destroy their credibility. From FOIA it’s clear the CDC knew the Covid shots did not stop transmission a long time before they stopped making that claim. Really it’s not a matter that no one got everything right, more accurate would be to say they got almost nothing right.

A liar is a liar, it doesn’t matter how much education or years in the business. A good step would be to restore the regular product liability process to allow discovery to help bring transparency to the business.

It’s a corrupt business.

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Offit is a coward. If Offit is correct then he should easily be able to prove it.

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Generally agreed, but not when RFK is up for the head of the HHS

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Because the purpose of these "debates" that you and your pals demand isn't honest. Instead, you want a flashy competition like a TV singing show. The audience cheers when they feel something, not when they learn something. Your "debate" assumes the "judges" are knowledgeable enough to choose the "winner." But science is not about feelings, winning, or who can sing the highest and loudest; science is about slow, careful discovery of the truth driven by data analysis. People don't want the truth, you want to be entertained... and they're too ignorant to realize the difference between the two. That's not science.

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The industry operators on standard trial manipulations that are done routinely to create whatever results it needs. There is more false science created by those producing it to sell their products than legitimate.

At the end of the day, make it a choice and no one cares, the products often don’t accomplish what they claim to do (stop transmission as an example) so there is no consequence to those that want them from those that don’t. As if products that are so wonderful need mandates and liability protection.

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Debate and civil discourse is necessary. It used to be part of the standard scientific process.

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I didn’t undetstand whether you are for or against public examination of vaccine damage. From your tone, I would say you don’t believe in vaccine damage? Science, however, amply reveals the damage.

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This is so helpful, Paul.

I'd also like someone to mention in a hearing that RFK,jr states that chronic problems like autoimmune diseases and childhood intellectual impairments were rare when before the current vaccine schedule was put together in the last 50 years.

However, his uncle, JFK, had Addison's disease and hypothyroidism.

His aunt Eunice also had Addison's disease.

His other aunt Rosemary had significant intellectual impairment.

Were those conditions caused by the MMR vaccine or the COVID vaccine?

No - people have always gotten autoimmune diseases, and some kids have intellectual or developmental differences.

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thank you, good reminder that RFK Jr has not been letting truth stand in the way of a good story. Surveys suggest that smart, highly educated people are at greater risk of falling down conspiracy rabbit holes; but it still boggles my mind. How anyone can look at pre-vaccination childhood death rates compared with post-vaccine ones and somehow go around stating it 𝒆𝒙𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒘𝒂𝒚 𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 - let alone a fellow with these close family members standing as counterexamples to his anti-vax theories. Not to mention his grampa Joe's colleague and decades-long family connection, FDR, who famously suffered from polio - 34 years before the "safe, effective, and potent" vaccine arrived. 🙏🏼 [edit - grammar]

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We have a chronic health disease crisis in this country and we spend more on healthcare than any other country. What we are doing is not working and it is not sustainable.

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Ouch.. It’ll be a miracle if these questions are ever answered honestly.

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I sent your first batch of questions to Rep Eleanor Holmes Norton. Asked her to pass on. Suggestion send to Senate health chair Bernie S or others

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Excellent questions! Bravo Dr.Offit. Sounds like the process in answering these questions will look like "science" and promote proper assessment and debates to finally meet. You can be a hero too if you are open to the answers you are requesting 🙏

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1. Vaccines cause autism. No doubt. Many of us are genetically prone to react to vaccines. All vaccines cause inflammation and immune activation. In many they are excessive and cause vaccine encephalitis. The resulting brain damage is what we call autism. Vaccine encephalitis can manifest as blank staring episodes or excessive somnolence. I reacted to my first DPT with screaming syndrome for several days, and it caused Asperger’s. My newborn was given the hep-B vaccine at midnight the day she was born, without my knowledge or permission, and against my instructions to the pediatrician and my birth plan. She started screaming nearly four days later and screamed constantly and inconsolably for four days and nights. Le cri encéphalique.

Her speech was delayed, but she was saying two words by 18 months: uh (up) at the foot of the slide at the playground, and uff when she saw a dog from her stroller. Both words were erased when she got the DTaP booster at 18 months old and she was diagnosed with autism two months later, at 20 months.

She is 24 now, still low-verbal, cannot converse so cannot have friends, although she longs for them. Will never marry or have children of her own. She has a minimum wage part-time job, but it was an immense uphill struggle to get that for her. All the social agencies parroted that she could never have a job, but I knew someone at Job Point who got her this job.

She has the Medicaid waiver. All Americans should be aware that the autism rate was zero in 1930, one in 10,000 in 1980, one in 25 now. The waiver can be used to pay $100,000 a year for her care. The US is bankrupt now. Why keep cranking out millions of autists, depriving them of ever being independent? Parents must be extremely judicious about the few vaccines they should permit their children to get. It is their choice. Most states have religious exemptions for school or they can homeschool. Or move away from California, the Mad Max state anyway.

Wakefield was railroaded and the GMC show trial was denounced by High Court Judge Sir John Mittong as dishonest and unfair.

2. Is anyone still giving their children the Covid shot? It is a dangerous vaccine, while at this time, three years post Omicron, the disease is only dangerous maybe to the weakest, oldest people. Why endanger your child’s life with a dangerous vaccine?

3. Many studies have shown the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin in treating Covid. Finding studies which reach the opposite conclusion should make one look at the source of the funding for the studies. You get what you pay for.

4. Hepatitis-B was always rare in the US. Before the ‘90s, only one American child in 100,000 between one and ten was diagnosed with it. After the age of three or four, nearly all of them make a complete recovery with time, the way most adults do.

Infants born to mothers with surface-antigen positive hep-B, acquired through contaminated needles used for illegal drugs, have a poor prognosis. Those infants should get the hep-B vaccine at birth and gamma globulin.

Infants not born to mothers with a louche lifestyle of illegal drugs, alcoholism, and prostituon, should not get the vaccine. Autism rates started their upward spiral in 1990-1, when the hep-B vaccine for all newborns was introduced.

I read Judy Converse’s When Your Doctor is Wrong: The Hepatitis-B Vaccine and Autism, and was amazed at how closely the experience of her son Ben resembled that of my daughter C. Parents had better realize that the hep-B vacvine is even more likely to cause autism than the MMR, DTaP, and flu vaccines, which is saying a lot.

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1) Nope. Allergic reactions are a well known, understood and avoidable. Inflammation and immune responses are expected because they're supposed to happen, traditional vaccines work by injecting inactive versions of the virus specifically to trigger an immune response. There is NO evidence this causes autism in ANY study that has withstood scrutiny.

Anecdotes are not evidence.

I can find no records of any vaccine causing encephalitis. Encephalitis is a mosquito borne disease for which there is a vaccine. I don't know where you're getting your information from but they lied to you.

There is no evidenced link between vaccines and Asperger's. Current evidence suggests a combination of inheritable genetic factors and environmental factors like viral infections, prenatal complications and air pollution.

Again, no link between vaccines and Autism either. As seen in all reliable studies about causal links, testing across thousands of children, the rate of autism between vaccinated and unvaccinated is roughly equal. Currently evidence points to a combination inheritable genetics, parental age and possible (though far less evidenced) environmental factors.

In 1930 most autistic people would have been deemed either just dumb or mentally insane. The superior ability of modern medicine to accurately identify conditions is not a good argument when trying to argue against it.

Wakefield railroaded himself. Shoving cameras up children's bottoms tells you nothing of if they have autism or not.

2) It isn't. The side effects experienced the few are identical to a full infection but a TINY fraction as intense. And by the few I mean few. A few thousand out of the billions who got the vaccine is well below tolerances of other treatments you would consider good.

3) No, they haven't. Every single one has at least one significant error that renders them useless. Ranging from having no control group to straight up not recording who took what, how much or for how long. They're all so bad they wouldn't pass as middle school science lab reports.

4) No, they did not make a 'complete recovery.' Most would go on to develop liver cancer. And so what? It protects against infection of Heb-B later in life as well. Better to be protected and be able to fend off the infection before it becomes bad then have to recover from a full infection and all the long term consequences that come with it.

Again, modern medicines superior ability to identify autism for what it is, rather then simply as inherently stupid or insane, is not the argument you think it is.

Books mean nothing in scientific discourse. If she had any evidence backing her claim she'd have written an academic paper and submitted it for publication with a credible academic journal. That she didn't tells anyone all they need to know; she can't back up a single claim.

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Great response but don't expect to convince her of anything! (See my response to Mike below).

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See heading Vaccine Encephalopathy: https://www.vaccineinjuryhelpcenter.com/vaccine-encephalopathy/

The vaccines listed are mot comprehensive. Yes, all vaccines cause an inflammatory response in order to cause the immune system to produce antibodies. But many people, largely from genetic profiles, react with too much inflammation, which can result in vaccine encephalitis and brain damage, or sudden heart failure, as in many cases from the Covid vacvine. Or the antigens suddenly appearing in the bloodstream often sensitize the immune system to vaccine ingredients, resulting in allergies or autoimmune disease when the sensitizing substance resembles the body’s own cells, organs, or systems at a molecular level. See Yehuda Schönfeld’s Vaccines and Autoimmunity. Also Heather Fraser’s The Peanut Allergy Epidemic. And Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine Encephalitis?

It appears your research skills are poor since you were able to find nothing on vaccine encephalitis. Did you look up thr source of the French term le cri encéphalique! The encephalitic scream?

Asperger’s and autism were first described around the same time in the early twentieth century. Autism by Dr. Leo Kanner in an article published in 1943. While a few cases haf been described in children who had reacted to the smallpox vaccine by losing their language and picking up hot coals from the fire with their bare hands, it started to pick up with the introduction of mercury in the diphtheria vaccine in 1932. Dr. Kanner described for the first time the now-familiar symptoms of autism, saying that they were so strange and distinctive that if they had existed before, someone would have described them, but no one ever had. He and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins had recently collaborated on a anthology describing all childhood psychiatric conditions ever described, and nothing even vaguely resembling autism was included.

The hallmark of autism is abnormal and deficient development of language, which may or may not include mental retardation. My daughter has an IQ of 100 or 103, on IQ tests given at school. She went to public school and was also home schooled. I read an article the other day on only 3% of high schoolers being able to answer basic civics questions, and only 36% of adults. It has been over ten years since we covered this in home schooling (2004-2019), I called my daughter in and asked her Highest law in the land. She said the Constitution. Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson. Three branches of government. She said executive, legislative, and… i had to coach her for a minute without saying the word. She said judicial. Three of the rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. She said freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and… I coached for a minute obliquely until she said freedom of religion. I asked all the questions again and she got all of them right immediately.

M., you might want to write to your M.P. And suggest the inclusion of these rights in British law. They start with engraving them in the hearts of citizens.

There is no historical record of any person with normal hearing in any country being unable to speak normally. Even people with M.R. It was new in the 1930s in the US. You want to cite St. Ludwige? Please notice that she was normal until she had a serious skating accident with many neurological sequelae. It is usual for s-s to cite deaf people and wolf children, who are obviously inadmissible.

Please supply a 30 year record of outcomes of children diagnosed with hep-B who appeared to make a full recovery, but then went on to fulminant hep-B and liver failure. Adults as well. Full recovery with antibodies and mo sequelae is the usual outcome of hepatitis-B. Yes, many infected as children carry it latent and it later resurfaces. But usually not. Not in Western countries usually.

When I was a child, there were 30 children per class. Every single one from K-12 could speak, write, converse, socialize, and reason. There was no paraprofessional in any school.

An autism teacher at my daughter’s school had to vacate her specially-furnished classroom with a bathroom because the school suddenly got twenty new non-verbal, non-toilet trained kindergartners in one year, and they had to form a new class. Our county autism services rep told me ten years ago that the numbers had exploded in the three years that he had been there. I asked our current rep ladt week if the numbers were continuing to explode, and she said they were. Look it up. Are autism numbers really exploding or is it all better diagnosis? You think there are still kajillions of non-verbal children whose families, teachers, and doctors thought were perfectly normal until they realized last week, 35 years into the autism epidemic, that they really weren’t normal, but autistic? Your evidence? It’s one in 25 with autism in the US now. Can you provide figures showing where this 4% of 50 and 60 years olds are being housed?

Scientific discourse has a lot of vested interests. No one should accept anything said by Science without independent confirmation.

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Got a source that is a reliable, credible and scientific? Because that's a bunch of predatory lawyers. Also not that your link does not provide a single source for any other claims?

The next sources you list are books. You can say anything you like in a book even if it is 100% not true. Books aren't under the burden of proof scientific publications are. If those authors could actually support their claims they wouldn't have written books, they'd have published academic papers and changed how we do medicine.

I did. All I found where references to about a dozen similar disorders... none vaccine related.

Vaccines never used pure mercury. They used thimerosal, a compound with mercury in it, that the body breaks down and excretes too quickly to be able to build up to toxic levels. Most vaccines that still use it only have less then 0.3 nanograms. You would need to drink a whole shot glass of the pure stuff over a few days to get a toxic build up.

I can find no reference to Kanner saying those things. Even in his own paper from the time, or subsequent research. Cite a source or it didn't happen. In fact, from what I can find, he lists the symptoms of early childhood autism as being misdiagnosed as a precursor to schizophrenia.

Anecdotes are not evidence.

I have no idea what you're on about in the next to paragraphs.

My source for Hep-b recovery is the medical records of every single country that provides vaccination for Hep-b since the vaccines introduction.

Anecdotes are not evidence. You can't prove any of that.

Anecdotes are not evidence. Prove that happened with credible sources such as official documents of the teacher having to change rooms, or the official records of that many autistic kindergarteners being signed up at once.

Yes, it is diagnosis. The understanding of all types of neurodivergent disorders is significantly better understood, leading to better and better treatments. And I am just a layperson, I don't have all the figures, nor do I care to. I just know enough to know that sources that aren't under the brutal scrutiny scientific ones are cannot be trusted to accurately describe how to fit a light bulb, let alone give medical advice.

Science has built in means of cancelling out vested interests. It's called Peer Review. And no, it's not their buddies reading the paper. It's their rivals and critics, people more then happy to ruin careers to eliminate the competition. Peer Review is a savage beating where you need to back every claim with solid evidence just to survive.

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Thimerosal is half ethyl mercury by weight. Burbacher has done Scientific studies showing exactly how it causes brain damage. Therr is no safe level of any kind of mercury.

Books are where all of us learn nearly everything we know. You glean the Truth only from personal verbal communications from Prophets? How primitive of you.

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You are free to take any vaccine you like for yourself or your children, and will have no one to blame but yourself if you suffer a disabling, even fatal, reaction. I doubt your sincerity, but, if you are sincere, are short-sighted.

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Try this one: https://www.amazon.com/Shaken-Syndrome-Vaccine-Induced-Encephalitis/dp/1456719769

Screaming syndrome in recently vaxxed babies shows irritation of the meninges, and is very likely a reaction to the vaccine, e.g., vaccine encephalitis, regardless of whether that particular vaccine has been admitted to cause encephalitis. The disease process is the same. I have looked at all the vaccine information sheets for all the vaccines on the childhood schedule, and most had encephalitis listed as a possible reaction. The VISs are available online.

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That's a book, not a credible, peer-reviewed academic source.

Books can be published with nothing but lies in them.

Academic sources cannot.

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Hi Daniel. You do understand that peer review is not perfect, right?

ever hear of: "The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It" by Dr. Marcia Angell. Dr. Angell, who was the former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Journal of Medicine, discusses issues including the credibility of peer-reviewed research journals, particularly in relation to pharmaceutical company influence.

in addition, there is this recent article Nov 2024:

72% of biomedical researchers think field is facing a reproducibility crisis: survey


which sites a 2016 article published in Nature stating + a more up to date survey published in 2024 9https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3002870)

"We conducted an international cross-sectional survey of biomedical researchers’ perspectives on the reproducibility of research. This study builds on a widely cited 2016 survey on reproducibility and provides a biomedical-specific and contemporary perspective on reproducibility."

"72% of participants agreed there was a reproducibility crisis in biomedicine, with 27% of participants indicating the crisis was “significant.”"

there is also the book "Sickening" by MD & faculty of Harvard Medical School (25+ years) - notably showing that peer reviewed journals dont get the full, unadulterated data from drug clinical trials but solely rely on SUMMARIES provided by drug manufacturers.

and finally there is this from John Ioannidis:

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False


one of the most heavily cited papers EVER which proposes and provides evidence to the argument there is tremendous publication bias + "it is more likely for a research claim to be false than true."

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And you want me to trust assurances from the pharma cabal? Studies can be designed to show whatever you want.

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Hi Daniel. responding to #3 - specifically "{Hep B vaccine at birth} It protects against infection of Heb-B later in life as well. Better to be protected and be able to fend off the infection before it becomes bad then have to recover from a full infection and all the long term consequences that come with it."

did you see this study: Duration of Hepatitis B Vaccine-Induced Protection among Medical Students and Healthcare Workers following Primary Vaccination in Infancy and Rate of Immunity Decline

published Feb 2022


from the abstract:

464 med school students in Thailand (where hep b vaccination rate among infants is 99.4%) who received hep b vaccination in infancy were assessed...

"Primary vaccination may not provide lifelong protection since HBV immunity deteriorates over time. "

from the results section:

"Insufficient anti-HBs levels (anti-HBs < 10 mIU/mL) were found in 51% of participants."

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"I can find no records of any vaccine causing encephalitis"

Try this one, Daniel...


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Then there is also this double-speak as the Government as quietly paid out millions of dollars in vaccine court for vaccines causing encephalopathy that goes on to manifest as 'autism like symptoms'.

"He says the prevailing medical opinion is that vaccines are scientifically linked to encephalopathy, but not scientifically linked to autism."


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And? 1,300 cases out of how many vaccines in the same period of time?

And compare that to how many would die or endure long term suffering if those vaccines where not being administered over the same period of time.

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Autism is now in 4% of vaxxed American children. What VPD could compare with that? Please say. That’s just the discussion we need to have.

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Even your own source couldn't find a link between vaccines and encephalitis for the vast majority of the cases. And even for those that could be linked they couldn't confirm a causal link.

Aka, your source does not support the claim of vaccines causing encephalitis.

At worst, according to your own source, the risks are less then 1 in 10,000, and that's assuming the treating physicians diagnosis where accurate. If they where not, then actual risk is far lower than that.

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Except that parents are not warned to be on the lookout for screaming syndrome as a vaccine reaction. My mother told the pediatrician about my newborn’s endless screaming. He said Is it for more than four hours a day? She said It’s much, much more than that! He said Oh, well, must be colic. (Except that colic follows a rule of three, never before the third week of life, for at least three hours a day, ends by three months old.) Dr. Boudreau did not suggest doing any tests.

Who knows? He may never have heard of vaccine reactions. Certainly he could not have grasped that by forgetting my instruction and written birth plan not to give her the hep-B vaccine, he was responsible for disabling her for life.

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Hep B wasn't easy to diagnose by blood tests until the 1980's.

Fully vaccinated children by the typical schedule are LESS likely to be diagnosed with autism.

90% of kids infected with hep b as infants will go on to liver failure or get liver cancer, they don't recover without long-term issues.

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Pregnant mothers are tested for Hep B. No reason to give it to babies. It was never properly tested for safety. Do you think a 5 or 4 day safety trial with no placebo is sufficient?

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Yes, as infants. I said they should get the vaccine and gamma globulin at birth, although if they’ve been exposed in utero to the virus from their addicted mothers, it may do little good. Healthy children should not get it. And alcoholic and drug addict parents should be advised not to let their toddlers play with their razor blades or put their toothbrushes in their mouths.

Children over three are at the same low risk as older children and adults and in nearly all cases recover.

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To prove your contrntion, you’d have to give the findings of a largescale vax-unvax stidy, which has been ordered twoce by Congress, but never done.

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Hep-B didn’t exist in the US until the late ‘60s, when it was introduced from Asia.

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Hep B can be traced back to Neolithic times, Cia.

I’m surprised you don’t know of the one third of a million American servicemen infected with Hep B in WW2 from a yellow fever vaccine derived from contaminated serum.

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I had read about that, I didn’t remember the number. The yellow fever vaccine was probably made using virus and inadvertent contaminants from yellow fever and hep-B zones in the tropics? Hep-B is common among many groups in Asia and Africa, not in English-speaking countries. The vast majority of Caucasians recovers from it untreated over several months. Habits that compromise the liver, like alcoholism, darken the prognosis.

Interesting that hep-B has been found in Neolithic bone samples. But that still doesn’t change that hep-B has always been rare in Caucasians with moderate lifestyles. I was tested for it during pregnancy, as all women in the developed world are, and was negative for hep-B, as close to all women are. There was no reason to give it to my baby, especially since I had said not to give it to her, as I had read it often caused autism. The physician forgot to tell the nursing staff.

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I’ve addressed your points before, Cia. I’ve done so in great detail several times over the last 8 years or so.

Did you not listen to anything?

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Did you really think that she would? People deep down the rabbit hole will never climb out based on mere empirical evidence and logical reasoning because their response is a psychological coping mechanism to deal with existential anxiety. (I can give you a book recommendation if that interests you). It's ironic that fear of death causes many people to have beliefs leading to behavior that increase their risk of death - we humans are so strange! :) But the rest of us enjoy your posts; just don't get too disappointed when you don't reach the unreachable. As the old joke goes about how many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb...only one but the light bulb has to WANT to change!

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Oh, come now, M. You don’t remember when you started? March 2013. To replace DR. Twelve years now, not eight. And, obviously, you can’t make me unsee what I have seen.

Happy New Year! Still in B? I think about you whenever I read the dark news from there. Will there be a new election?

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Sorry for getting the year we first clashed wrong. I was unaware the exact month and year was so cherished an event in your memory.


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Our acquaintance has been very important in my life. I’m not sure it’s appropriate to say her name. She was expecting L, which may be why she stepped back.

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What are you on about? A mutual acquaintance? If so give me some clues, no need for the name details

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So you aren’t really Mike?’Just a stand-in?

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I made a mistake. March 2014. The Ebola year.

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On what is the statement based that 10,000 children under ten had hep-B? They were not diagnosed with it. Extrapolation was done from adults diagnosed with it when they predictably denied that they had gotten the blood- or semen-borne disease from the usual sexual vectors. Ah ha! This person would never lie about his unsavory past! So he must have gotten it as an innocent child from completely unknown vectors, and it lay latent for twenty years. Now there’s our justification for disabling thousands of newborns with the hep-B vaccine! Save them from their future drug addiction, alcoholism, and promiscuity!

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The figure given was 18,000. Even more ridiculous. I have a copy of a CDC chart showing that in the US before the vaccine only one child between one and ten out of 100,000 was diagnosed with hep-B. Children have never been routinely tested for hep-B. There has never been any need.

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This is why many countries wait and vaccinate preteens along with HPV. In newborns the doubling of fever rates leads to unnecessary antibiotics and procedures. HBIG is needed for infants with infected mothers.

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Cia, as a fellow 'antivaxxer' to another 'antivaxxer', if you really believe that vaccines cause autism, why would you ever recommend any?! Why would a parent vaccinate and risk having a permanently injured child, many severely, as opposed to leaving the child unprotected against diseases that they may not get, and, even if they do, those diseases almost invariably run a mild, self limiting course, and not to mention the immunity benefits they may confer?

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Every individual must be free to research and decide for himself whether to take a vaccine for himself or his (or her) children. It’s always risk v. benefit. Everyone in my family has been disabled by vaccines. We would be justified in refusing all of them altogether. Those without such a history might, or might not, want to roll the dice more often, depending on their current situation. Most vaccines are effective, but all are dangerous, or can be dangerous. No guarantees either way.

I am against routine, universal vaccination. I wouldn’t take any doctor’s word at face value, but would do independent research before considering any vaccine. And recommend that others do likewise.

Tetanus is always a possibility. The spores are in the digestive tract and poop of most mammals, but vaccine protection lasts at least forty years, much longer than ten. I reacted to a tetanus booster at nineteen with brachial plexus neuropathy, both arms being paralyzed for several days, also triggering my multiple sclerosis. I have thought it was the mercury in the nine DPTs and dTs that I got over the years, but maybe it was the tetanus component. While the disinfection of wounds is very important, that only prevents half of tetanus cases. My father as a boy saw a man die of tetanus in his father’s doctor’s office in Reserve, Louisiana. I am afraid of tetanus, and got a tetanus booster in 2005 when our gerbil Killer (formerly Bianca) bit us several times. The vaccine is effective: all servicemen in WWII were given the vaccine, and none ever got tetanus for the rest of his life.

My parents got a lot of polio vaccine for me as a child, probably too many, but I never got polio. I had a roommate, Tina Frank, who had been crippled by polio. Her parents had refused the vaccine for her, and she got a crippling case of polio. I got my daughter three doses, rejecting the K booster, but if there were an outbreak of polio here again (very unlikely), we would both take the oral vaccine which I’m sure would be offered. That is an area on which I don’t trust the antivaxxers. The SV-40 contamination was bad, but couldn’t have been prevented at that time, and has been screened for since the early sixties. The cell line used to produce the vaccine is not immortal and I don’t think it causes cancer. I distrust the insistence on a moratorium on the polio vaccine until a decades-long safety study is done. There are many causes of cancer. SV-40 was one of dozens, but no longer is. I do not believe the cell line is. But the vaccines have successfully wiped out serotypes 2 and 3, and nearly all of 1. Giving one or two doses of the injected Salk vaccine, then two of the oral Sabin, would prevent the rare case of the live virus reverting to wildness. If polio came back, 99% of people would want the vaccine, which is effective and safer than most.

Diphtheria was a horrific disease in its clinical form. My mother had a neighbor child who died asphyxiated by it in Taylor, Texas. It can usually be treated by antibiotics. Hilary Butler thinks the DT is less reactive than the monovalent T, and I wanted my daughter to have that. My mistake was in permitting her to get the pertussis component in three DTaPs. At five I got her the DT booster with no P. Too late. The 18 month DTaP booster had already erased her words and tipped her into autism. She had had pertussis after three DTaPs at 8 and 9 months old (it lasted a long time). Pertussis is no longer a dangerous disease for those past the newborn stage, and the acellular pertussis vaccine is not very effective. I think parents would do well to refuse the pertussis vaccine and just let their children go through the disease, which they would, as it is common now.

Those vaccines are the ones worth considering. Babies and small children should be breastfed and cared for at home. My daughter caught pertussis at a La Leche League meeting in January 2001. I now know that banies should not be taken to such meetings, but it didn’t go through my mind then.

Babies and toddlers who have to be in daycare would probably benefit from the Hib and Prevnar series, at separate visits, from two months old if in daycare. The Hib does cause peanut allergy in one in fifty children, but before the vaccine was given to young babies starting in 1990, a larger number was killed or disabled by the disease than now dies from peanut allergy. It is very effective in preventing Hib disease. Prevnar for pneumococcal disease I am more hesitant about. The disease was very common, rarely dangerous, but sometimes it was, and it caused many deaths. The vaccine is often reactive. I’d have to just say that the parents should research it and think about how many of the child’s relatives have allergic or autoimmune disease, and make a difficult choice.

Measles and mumps should be allowed to come back, for the greater good, but parents should be able to choose the vaccine, especially if their child is immunocompromised. I refused the MMR for my daughter. I had measles at six: all children got it at that time, with great benefits for lifetime health. I ordered the rubella nosode from Helios, and will give it to her when it, and the meningococcal nosode, arrive.

I think parents must read and think carefully about it, taking both the VPDs and vaccine damage very seriously. In my opinion, I don’t think Kennedy takes the vaccine-preventable diseases seriously enough, and takes their absence in the developed world for granted, when near-universal vaccination accounts for much of that. I do appreciate his bringing vaccine damage to the forefront. More than half of children now have allergic or autoimmune disease, nearly all of it from vaccine reactions.

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Cia, you are repeatingly hammering home how dangerous vaccines are while also arguing that there should be a place for them since many are highly effacious against VPDs. What gives?! Cia, recently I purchased a draino product from Home Depot that did a phenomenal job at clearing hair from my clogged bathroom sink. When I returned a week ago to get a second bottle, the staff at the store agreed that it was highly effective, but also informed me that Home Depot was no longer carrying it because it was too corrosive and toxic. For them, safety trumped effacy.

Cia, Trump's CDC pick, Dave Weldon, is on record arguing that safety and not effacy should be the sole standard for approving drugs. I agree.

I am not suggesting the government should ban vaccines, but, if proper safety studies are done and they're shown to be unsafe, why should the Government provide liability protection for them. The Government would be in the right to lift such protection, removing themselves from the equation, and have the consumers (parents) and pharma settle matters when harm occurs.

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Mike S said eleven years ago that he had seen babies die of Hib at the hospital where he worked thirty years ago. I would be interested in learning more. Were the antibiotics they were given ineffective, or given too late?

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The problem is you are a scientist and these questions will be asked before a Senate Committee, people like John Kennedy. You need to keep it simple and homey. Lots of posters of kids in iron lungs. Remember the way Dave Garoway introduced Jonas Salk: "I was getting ready to come here tonight and still hadn't thought of what to say about Dr. Salk when my 7 year old saw me putting on my tuxedo and asked what the big deal was and I said I was going to introduce Jonas Salk tonight and he asked, 'Who's Jonas Salk?' And I said, 'He's the guy who vanquished polio.' And my 7 year old asked, 'What's polio, Dad?' Can you imagine a 7 year old of our generation who would not have known what polio was? --the best introduction I can think of for Dr. Salk."

Keep it simple. Keep it homey. This is the US Senate, not a conference room at a university.

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Therein is one of the problems.

The people in the US government aren't smart enough to run the country. And that goes for all sides.

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I don't think it's a lack of brain power, and Kenney is super slickly smart. It's a combination of ego and the wrong incentives. Only campaign finance reform has a chance to fix it, and how likely is that?

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Prefer dictators, do you?

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I'd prefer Democracies where there is a minimum standard for entry into politics, a standard high enough the likes of the last 30 years of US leaders, from all parties and levels, or even myself for that matter, would likely not have passed.

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Why not both? RFK Jr and his ilk are not sated or convinced by homey, simple lines of reasoning. When a simple question is asked, a complicated answer is given. This makes the answer appear more intelligent than the question. RFK Jr deals in pseudo intellectualism, as a lawyer. I believe Dr. Offit's line of questioning meets a good balance of confrontation and complexity while still being understood by a general audience and congress.

But I do agree that more homey questions should be in there too.

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Offit should have debated Robert Kennedy Jr a long time ago.

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There is no debate to be had.


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There are no guarantees either way. The polio vaccine was a great accomplishment, but even so, a certain number of vaccine recipients was disabled or killed by it. It has been safer than most vaccines. Probably no one needs to see videos of autists, as common as autism has become because of vaccines. It would be false and manipulative to say Look at these videos showing disability from polio seventy years ago without showing autism and deaths from asthma now.

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Those that got sick from the vaccine either received a contaminated dose that was not manufactured to the standards expected, or received an inferior live-virus vaccine after the government over compensated for the contaminated doses.

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LOL! it is mind boggling the chain of logical fallacies Offit commits and asserts in each of his queries to RFKjr. i.e. “cites debunked purported studies published in “JAMA” and “LACENT” etc, yet he fails to acknowledge journals just compromised marketing rags for his products and ideology. Offit’s shtick is appeal to authority— he continually hangs his hat on what CDC claims, which is even more unreliable than journals—that’s why he wont debate RFKjr—he knows he would embarrass himself. Botton Line: Offit epitome of an intellectual coward, he should not be anywhere near the debate—he is compromised, he misrepresents historical data, and worst of all, he relies on chicken shit ad hominem attacks.

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I posted this comment on the first article as well:

"I initially sat down and typed out detailed responses to these questions. But then I considered what answering them would actually mean. Dr. Offit isn’t genuinely seeking answers he’d accept—he’s attempting to extract information, not engage in honest dialogue.

The answers to these questions serve as valuable marketing data for the pharmaceutical industry. Why should I provide them? Why should I help refine their propaganda strategies when they refuse to acknowledge the need for greater oversight? The industry has been captured, and now that people are demanding more scrutiny, they dislike losing control. Well, tough.

This isn’t going away. These questions won’t stop what’s coming. I am a Bluer-than-Blue Democrat, and I fully support RFK Jr.’s nomination."

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excellent questions, backed by solid data

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Offit had not provided proper data nor is he willing to debate Kennedy.

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Senate Health committee realigns this week so please send to new chair

I will also send round 2 to Eleanor Holmes Norton

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Since you're the one sending the questions to the Senator, here's my 2 cents. Since Kennedy is very slick, he'll likely have no problem pulling the wool over the eyes of most of these folks with these types of questions, or at least, pulling the wool over the eyes of voters which is all these Senators care about. To me, the most important question is, "Mr. Kennedy, do you plan to make any changes to vaccine access and/or current recommendations for already approved vaccines?" PIN HIM DOWN ON THIS!

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He has said that he would not try to limit vaccine access, he wouldn’t have the power to, and he shouldn’t. He should, however, sponsor public discussion of each vaccine, its benefits and risks, which has not been done and the urgent need for which has not been taken seriously. He should sponsor bills to rescind all vaccine mandates. The risk of lifetime disability from vaccine damage is much greater than has been recognized. Careful records of vaccines received and possible reactions recorded, and given to AI to analyze. We cannot continue down this road of 4% of vaccinated children with autism. Every parent must have the freedom and responsibility to decide which vaccines to take a chance on.

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Rescind mandates by withholding federal funds from institutions with mandates. I don’t think he could do more than that.

Mike, you have said that you thought that receipt of vaccines should be voluntary. So, no mandates. Do you still hold to that?

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The problem is rfk, jr and his boss simply cannot experience enbarrassment

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Typical for politicians.

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Dr. Offit,

Thank you for enduring the slings, arrows and anvils while communicating real health science. These questions you raise are critical in maintaining the health of children and the integrity of the working knowledge of those providing health care at the Point of Care. Thanks again!

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“as HHS director you will be proven wrong when data given to you”. LOL! like RFKJr needs to be confirmed to be get access to data!” show us now! that’s the whole point Offit! access to all the data or lack thereof! do you have access to something we don’t? and that “data?” is it unimpeachable because published in LANCET? or CDC? these are discredited institutions! the lied studies retracted, especially on “ivermectin!” finally Offit being exposed!

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Dr. Offit,

You nailed it when you said in an interview that RFK Jr. Does not believe in germ theory.

Make America Victorian Again is what they are all about.

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Thank you, Doctor Offit and to all the other adults with sensible replies. These are all good things to think about. None of us should get threatened because we’re using our freedom of speech and thinking these things out loud to try to find the right course for our beautiful country and our lovely children. Keep them coming.

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