Mr. Kennedy, if you get sepsis, MRSA or any other infection with a high mortality rate, will you take antibiotics? Mr. Kennedy, if you get bit by a rabid animal, will you get the rabies vaccine?

Mr. Kennedy, are you aware of the fatality rate of most infectious diseases prior to the discovery/invention of antibiotics, antivirals, and vaccines, back when humans ate healthy unprocessed food and exercised a great deal?

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Mr. Kennedy, where did you get your medical degree? Did you specialize in virology? Public health? Infectious diseases?

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RFK promises to not allow physicians or scientists to sit on FDA or CDC committees if they receive any financial support from Big Pharma. Are you NOT supportive of this higher degree of ethics and conflict of interest? Your answer (or non-answer) will be very telling.

Federal agencies have been captured by the corporations that the agencies are supposed to regulate. BIg Pharma doesn't like this...and Big Media is doing ALL it can to protect its biggest advertiser. Good for RFK!

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I know, really? Better to have a someone working so selflessly towards "children's defense" while taking a very humble and modest $2.2 million for himself.


I forgot, does Yahoo count as "mainstream"? It's so confusing because the highest rated news (Fox), podcast (Rogan), and social media (Twitter) platforms are in fact the plucky outsiders trying to bring truth to the masses.

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LOL! Why a “medical decree?” so he can bamboozle like Offit? hide behind a credential? slap on a white coat.., look at me. look at me! i’m possess the truth! follow me! see my degree you dummy

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Go ahead and see Dana Ullman next time you are sick, or have a medical emergency. Dont bother calling 911. Last thing you want is people who have actually studied and practiced medicine caring for you.

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A medical degree is "hiding behind a credential" when it comes to a HEALTH position?

Thank you for demonstrating why education matters. Open the schools.

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His confirmation will be back page news with the other insane and outrageous Trump words/actions taking center stage.

Where the hell are our medical advocacy organizations such as AMA, AAP, IDSA, ACEP, etc?

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Paul...You are either pretending to misunderstand or you truly misunderstand RFK's questioning of germ theory. Germs do not "cause" disease but are a "co-factor" to disease. If germs "caused" disease, then, everyone who got infected with a germ would get a disease...but we KNOW that this isn't true. Many of us have strep in our throat, pneumonococcus in our bronchials, and cancer cells in different places in our bodies...but our own immune and defense system keeps these pathological agents in check.

Anyone can get "infected," but only those people who are "susceptible" will actually get the disease. This is basic infecdious disease 101, and when you over-simplify RFK's (and others') systemic understanding of infectious disease, it makes YOU look like a fool, not him.

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Sounds like a distinction without a difference in the real world that I live in filled with pathogens. In any case, I see no evidence that Kennedy's understanding on this topic is is anything but simplistic.

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It sounds like you don't have a clue about what RFK says or thinks (a common symptom of people who believe everything that the MSM says...my condolences).

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Agree. As an aside, I always crack up when I hear nonsense about "believe everything the MSM says". Fox News openly boasts, incessantly, about how they have the highest ratings among news networks. Twitter openly boasts about their high numbers of active users compared to other social media sites. Joe Rogan boasts of being the most listened-to podcast. The level of hypocrisy, or maybe it's just willful ignorance/stupidity, in bragging about having the highest ratings while calling other sources "mainstream" is mind-boggling.

And what RFK Jr says and writes is out there in the open. No "MSM" involved. He has openly promoted the debunked theory on a link between childhood vaccines and autism, openly stated his feelings that the covid vaccine was "the deadliest vaccine ever made", or that HIV may not cause AIDS (holy crap!), and yes a doubt in goddamned germ theory!

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My sympathies to you in your over-simplification of the media. First, Fox News is NOT a credible source...but MSNBC isn't either.

As for vaccines and autism, I guess that you don't know about the CDC's Senior Scientist William Thompson, PhD. He was an author of one of the most authoritative studies on the MMR vaccine and autism. He has admitted that his team falsified data to show no relationship between vaccines and autism, and Dr. Thompson has achieved "whistlerblower status," but NO American President since Obama has allowed him to speak.

RFK has much higher standards around research than others because he is not financially conflicted by Big Pharma...just as he was successfuly in suing Monsanto for $280 million for their Roundup product. Needless to say, one does not win such huge judgments with "misinformation." Actually, it is Monsanto and Big Pharma who are the larger proveyors of misinformation.

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No need for sympathy! I live in reality. It's a wonderful place!

I certainly agree that fox is not credible. I never actually mentioned anything about MSNBC, but whatever. Just continue that conversation in your head I guess.

The study Thompson was a part of was not "one of the most authoritative studies on the MMR vaccine and autism". Again, just because you hear something bouncing around a lot inside of a social media echo chamber doesnt make it more or less authoritative than others.

Granted, he never said data was "falsified", and what in the world are you talking about with regards to presidents not allowing him to speak???

In fact, he has openly spoke out via press release:


"I want to be absolutely clear that I believe vaccines have saved and continue to save countless

lives. I would never suggest that any parent avoid vaccinating children of any race. Vaccines

prevent serious diseases, and the risks associated with their administration are vastly outweighed

by their individual and societal benefits."

RFK Jr absolutely does NOT have "higher standards around research"! That's like saying flat-earthers have deeper insight into air/space travel than astrophysicists. He has repeatedly demonstrated this via his repeated nonsensical claims of a link between vaccines and autism, his HIV denialism, his lack of understanding of what VAERS data represents, etc etc etc.

Like you, he gets his "standard around research" is basically what he hears bounced around on line and that fits with whatever conspiracy theory he is trying to promote. Not actual science.

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Not every dog bites.

But dogs are def the cause of dogbites.

This is another of those things that everybody knows, except those who think RFKJr and his ilk are unique in having discovered them or brave in exposing the conspiracy to deny them; for another instance, the idea that despite his erroneous ideas, RFKJr is the man, because he's the only one saying that people should eat right and get exercise, something the medical industry conspiracy has kept hidden for too long because they profit from treating the ill. You know how whenever you visit a doctor, they tell you to take it easy, spend more time on the couch, and treat yourself to some junk food, right?

Anyway, definition of "causing a disease":

"Generally, the agent must be present for disease to occur; however, presence of that agent alone is not always sufficient to cause disease. A variety of factors influence whether exposure to an organism will result in disease, including the organism’s pathogenicity (ability to cause disease) and dose."

-Concepts of Disease Occurrence, CDC


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However, when a pathogen is new, like H1N1 in 1919 or Ebola in 1976, no one’s immune system is able to cope effectively, and mortality is very high. Regardless of nutritional status.

I disagree with Kennedy. HIV obviously causes AIDS, which is a horrifying disease. I’m glad that retrovirals can help patients live for many years.

I have encountered many who don’t believe in the “germ theory,” Kennedy is not the only one. I don’t understand their stance at all. While many germs are harmless, even beneficial, many are dangerous.

Good nutrition and avoidance of toxic substances are important, but in many cases not sufficient to withstand dangerous diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungus, or parasites. Half of Europe was killed by the Black Plague, even the well-nourished rich. Between 50 and 100 million killed by the Spanish flu, with healthy, well-nourished young adults suffering the highest mortality. Total mortality is uncertain because so many villages in Asia were completely wiped out, without a single survivor. And not because all the dead had taken too much aspirin.

Vaccines can be either life-saving or life-destroying, or just problematic in their effect on the immune system. It’s not the case that anyone should take all that are offered. Each must be considered carefully, most rejected. But if there had been an effective and often apparently safe vaccine for H1N1 at the time of the Spanish flu, I would have taken it. By 1922, I would not have, because by then everyone in the world had antibodies from natural exposure, and people’s immune systems had learned how to cope.

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It's significant here that RFKJr is one of the skeptics that HIV causes AIDS.

"Germs" is, of course, not a biological term, and is used in general speech to include things like, bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

There is some truth to the fact that we are colonized with a lot of bacteria who could potentially cause disease, but often do not. And that bacteria can often take advantage of a disease or infection that they did not cause, to move in.

Fungi, even more so; if you've ever tried to "cure" yourself of a fungus only to have it return, you know how fungi can also colonize us without actual disease.

So far, good for the "it's not germs" concept. But viruses...

Viruses do not quietly colonize everybody. We do not have billions of viruses on our skin or guts or respiratory tract waiting for us to weaken. We get viral diseases when somebody wafts a virus in our direction and it hits us. It may or may not launch a successful infection, but you can have no immune system at all and you won't catch a viral disease unless somebody infects you.

This puts a crimp into the point of view the infectious disease is actually your immune system weakening, which of course is your own fault for not doing healthy stuff, and the "germs" are just there anyway, and just take advantage of your internal disease state.

And editing their theory to say, "except viruses of course," while not impossible scientifically, would take all the wind out of it as moralistic belief that Nature loves you and wouldn't have things that would kill you, so you're bringing it on yourself. And how would that prove that their health is a badge of their moral superiority?

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Not strictly true. We do harbor some viruses without getting sick and not everyone infected by a pathogenic virus develops an overt disease. And yes, our immune system is quite good at protecting us. Nonetheless, viruses without doubt cause disease, and vaccines are the best approach to making sure our immune systems are capable of preventing or at least diminishing disease. Unfortunately, RFK understands none of this and doesn’t appear interested in searching for facts or truth, just confirming his preconceived notions.

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Warning to everyone here: Ullman is a homeopath, which means he thinks that something that causes symptoms will cure a disease with those symptoms, and also that diluting a remedy makes it more effective, even to the point that there is no active ingredient left in the remedy. Homeopathic medicines are basically water, sugar pills, or alcohol. You can learn more by searching for his name in sciencebasedmedicine.org. He's also 'honored' with a listing in the Encyclopedia of American Loons. His pronouncements are not trustworthy, particularly since he is a germ theory denier.

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So, drinking "raw" milk is more "natural" than drinking pasteurized milk in the same way drinking raw river water in a large city is more "natural" than drinking bottled water...with similar outcomes, no doubt.

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Please send to Srnate Health Chair Cassidy. Excellent questions

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There are many reasons RFK Jr is not qualified to lead HHS. These quotes from his book top the list for me!

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thank you for your clear presentation of RFK's fatal flaws

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If Ivanka came down with some life-threatening virus, and high fever, who would Trump call? Mehmet Oz, who would check her horoscope? One of the con artists who promote HCG or ivermectin? Or how about a faith healer?

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I’m saddened that you’ve read a book that challenges your narrative and your response is to focus on two little comments about germs and infection which don’t seem in conflict with your understanding.

In other words, it feels like you’re making a big to do about nothing, which is what everybody does nowadays to gain their position. The real question is, how do we create healthy human beings?

Are we more healthy? Are our children more healthy with more vaccines?

I can definitely say that children are not more healthy right now. Is it red dye three or the other 2000 additives we allow in our foods that Europeans do not is it the crappy pesticides we use on the food sold in grocery stores? Is it the spray on organic foods in stores? What’s making us sick?

What I do know is Anthony Fauci created a deadly protocol in hospitals that killed many. That made healthcare workers leave their field because they didn’t want to kill people and their administration said they must. By creating a killing field in the hospital now more than half of America doesn’t trust their doctors doesn’t trust going to the hospital.

Why would Anthony Fauci create a deadly protocol for AIDS in the 80s? I mean if you look in the 80s, he was saying we should wear masks inside so we wouldn’t infect each other with AIDS. He used the exact same playbook in the 80s. It just didn’t take as well.

And now again, we had a pandemic based on him wanting to make money. That’s it that’s the only reason to kill people in the hospitals with remdesivir which causes renal failure. Do you remember the beginning of the pandemic when the New York doctors would give their daily reports? And they were like we’ve never seen a virus do so much damage to the renal system…. Oh, but wait, fauci had already instituted remdesivir as the only treatment. He also pushed ventilators. Healthy people who are having a little trouble breathing were pushed on the ventilators to die.

Even now there is still benefit for people being put on ventilators and dying. Hospitals still get an up charge for that.

Imagine the mental sickness it takes to push a vaccine by killing people with a drug that was pulled from the Ebola study. Fauci is a very sick man.

But he got his wish now most of the world has been injected with modified RNA, which we now know spreads to other people (which was known before from all the other studies with mrna). So we have all of these people that have this crap in them now that’s clotting up their blood. We still have excess mortality maybe it’s from the virus that was created in a Fauci lab or maybe it’s from the vaccines that were created so that Fauci could be a hero. But what I do know is that people died unnecessarily and it was wrong.

And I am thankful for people like RFK Junior who’s willing to stand up and say maybe we shouldn’t let people die.

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A book that challenges a narrative assumes that book is based in reality and not outright fabrications because conspiracy theories and pseudoscience sell to the ignorant, contrarian masses.

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If the book had fabrications, Fauci would sue. But he hasn’t… bc RFK jr backs up all the Fauci facts with citations. People died because Fauci wanted fame. The pardon… going back to 2014… the year Obama banned gain of function… is quite telling. How dare fauci make hospital protocols that would kill so many. He made a toxic renal failure causing drug the only choice for hospitals to treat our family and friends. He withheld drugs that did work, like budesomide. Now, hospitals are more dangerous. Even doctors are suggesting a family member stay with patients…. Like one must stay with a family member in developing countries. Greatness.

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If a person denies the existence of bacteria and viruses, does that extend to parasitic infections such as malaria?

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Also DJT went to Penn. Can the university or medical write to their distinguished alum ? Barton is at NYU. Ivanka Georgetown. Maybe these med schools will object ?

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lol! Offit in full panic mode. so great to see. he keeps parading out same old discredited canned smearing “aids denialist” blah blah.. keep it going offit! keep spewing the same nonsense! show us all your wisdom! you the man!! lol! Finally Offit/CDC propaganda seeing the light of day!

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all those indigenous ppls were just malnourished so they couldnt fight off the smallpox eh?

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Tonight - NEW: The Trump administration has instructed federal health agencies to pause all external communications, such as health advisories, weekly scientific reports, updates to websites and social media posts, according to officials/others familiar.

Write your senators. I don’t have one !

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RFKJr belongs nowhere near CMS.

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