As a recently retired school nurse I want to say thank you Paul Offit for being such reliable and trust worthy resource for me not just during the pandemic but throughout my pediatric nursing career . My husband is a retired pediatrician and we are both alarmed at the level of willful misinformation and lies peddled to vulnerable populations. You speaking out against this anti- science venom maybe one of your most important public health contributions to date.

I am grateful. Thank You.

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I totally agree!

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Well said, Adriana.

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Listen you silly little thing.

RFK junior is a lawyer, not a scientist.

He is the lunatic that drove around with a severed pig's head on the roof of his car.

He is the idiot that beheaded a dead bear cub and dumped it in Central Park.

He is the unprincipled drongo that threw his campaign behind Trump after he was rejected by Harris.

He is the insufferable fool who had a dead worm eat part of his brain causing, by his own account, problems with his memory.

He treated his wife so badly she suicided.

This is the pathetic creature that you've allowed to fool you, you silly little thing.

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I replied to you as well, maybe you couldn’t find the comment. Good news is more people know you’re a fraud all the time. Why don’t you sue some of these anti vaxxers you speak of, get them on the stand, you go on the stand, sort out the whole mess.

Here’s Aaron Siri testifying before a legislature, you should be there so you could have a dialog, but you probably will be like hotez that wouldn’t even do it with millions of dollars for charity on the line. Just look at that potato chip eating picture of heath, who in there right mind would take health advice from that clown, probably you. Are you a doctor? Imagine people once had trust and respect in that profession. My dad was a part of that, he’d be ashamed how unprincipled they have become working for corporations rather than themselves. When he practiced it was considered in bad taste to advertise, even in the yellow pages.


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"Why don’t you sue some of these anti vaxxers you speak of, get them on the stand, you go on the stand, sort out the whole mess."

I can't even believe you're serious here. You just needed something to say. Amd it's just more babbling nonsense.

As if the law can decide the science. We've already seen the nonsense put out by one science illiterate lawyer. Aaron Siri. Clueless nong. And you must know that litigation is enormously expensive, takes forever, and favours those with deep pockets who can delay the process as long as they like until the opposition's money runs out.

I mean, who are you kidding?

"Aaron Siri testifying before a legislature"

Listen, you fool:


Get that through you thick ignorant skull.

"My dad ...."


Another personal ANECDOTE!

Do you ANTIVAX nongs never learn anything?

Anecdotes are not evidence. Science 101.


I can't believe it!

You are STILL linking to a TV personality as support for your nonsense.

Truly incredible!

Repeat after me;

- lawyers do not decide science.

- politicians do not decide science.

- Aaron Siri is a science illiterate antivax liar.

- Del Bigtree is a TV presenter with no expertise whatsoever in science.

- you are a gullible fool.

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Oh you vaccine guys

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OMFG! Champayne Joshi and Fact Mission on Twitter (eXcrement).


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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

Conspiracist nonsense. More ignorant grifters asking for money...I assume you have sent them some, Dag?

There are 2 different strains of HIV (1 and 2) and several different lineages. The only virus in chimpanzees in the wild is SIV, not HIV.

It is thought on the basis of phylogenetic and molecular clock analyses that the repeated exposures of humans to the SIVs in chimpanzees resulted in cross species transmissions and the evolution in humans of HIV variants in the early-mid part of the 20th Century. Emergence of highly transmissable variants like the M group resulted in the global pandemic during the 80s.

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Thanks for smacking the Dag down. :)

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RFK, the guy who effectively killed scores of kids in Samoa with his antivax propaganda?

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I take it you are in agreement that Paul Offit is a reliable source of factual information and gives informed opinion.

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Wake up. All government agencies are in collusion with big tech and big pharma. The NiH received 700 million dollars in royalties from big Pharma over the past 3 years, so of course the CDC will recommend another booster. Get your booster. Inject yet another mRNA manufactured spike protein into your body. It’s your body your choice!

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Pay attention much?

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"the same experimental mRNA vaccine that the CDC now wants to force on children, who are at little to no risk from COVID-19 but at great risk from public health officials."

How many lies are wrapped up in that little sentence?

- experimental.

- forced on children.

- little or no risk from COVID-19.

- great risk from public health officials.

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Come on say it’s all fake. Or better yet sue Del Bigtree so you can expose him in discovery. You guys are losing ground, just look at people’s booster rates, not exactly a vote of confidence in what you’re pushing.

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Sep 5·edited Sep 5

"Del Bigtree...blah, blah, blah"

Delicate LittleShrub is not even a scientist, let alone an immunologist or vaccinologist. Taking advice for that science illiterate grifter is like asking your mechanic to fix your teeth or your carpenter to remove your gallbladder.

"Dr. Paul Offit admitted that studies comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children have not been done, claiming they are impossible to do"

That is a misunderstanding on top of a lie.

Dr. Paul Offit said no such thing, let alone "admit" (which is nothing but a weasel word) it.

All vaccines in the childhood vaccination schedule have been fully tested for safety. The original vaccines were all tested against a saline placebo in RCTs. Improvements in the original vaccines are tested against the original vaccines. It is unethical to conduct a clinical trial of an improved version of an already tried and tested vaccine against a saline placebo because it denies the placebo group the benefits of the already tried and tested vaccine. Such a trial would never get past the Ethics Committee. The concept is called "Clinical Equipoise".


Delicate LittleShrub is just an arsehole exploiting your ignorance and gullibility by spreading deadly disinformation for personal fame and fortune.

"Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the ‘godfather of vaccines’, made a recent statement in a published paper revealing the truth about safety trials on vaccines in the US, painting a picture of vaccine safety that falls far short of the safety claims our health agencies make."

That is a blatant LIE.

Dr. Stanley Plotkin was not even talking about the safety and efficacy clinical trials. He was simply talking about post marketing surveillance finding those rare adverse effects more quickly by using funds accumulating in the Vaccine Court reserve fund. BigTree is a BigLiar. And he knows he's lying. Worse still, he treats you like a mug by deliberately lying to you. Worse still, you are a mug for believing the grifting liar.

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His reasoning in his particular case is reasonable. It would also be reasonable for someone else in his circumstances to get the booster. This is a borderline case. If he was in a low socioeconomic group and had poor access to health care, he would likely have chosen to get vaccinated and, because the booster was approved for 6 months plus, he would be able to get if free of charge.

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Hes an anit-vaxxer now. I figured he would eventually get off the booster-a-month deal, hes not blind to the damaging effects of his trust in that poison toxin. He wised up - when will you ?

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1) Booster have never been a monthly event. That is a obvious lie.

2) Dr. Paul Offit supports all vaccinations on the childhood schedule and more.

3) Dr. Paul Offit is a pro-vaccination hero and has been for decades.

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He misrepresents Offit and Plotkin.

Is that something anyone could sue Bigtree for?

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No one is misreprenting Pr-offit. His live interview is in the above link nimrod

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Hell even Paul Pr-offit is getting off the booster-for-life bandwagon

Paul Offit Saying No

Aug 23, 2024



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The way you attack people, you’re convincing more people every day what a scam your entire enterprise is. Keep up the good work!

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As if you would have a goddamn clue.

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Hey we’re making progress a response without a slur. But I can assure you many people do agree with me, not calling people names and sharing information that resonates with their real life experiences, works great. The Problem with the position you’re pushing, people don’t relate to it, or worse they are being told what they experienced like a family member dying within a week of vaccination has nothing to do with it. Anyway there is a lot that occurred the last 4 years that you were not allowed to talk about and that never builds confidence in the person or body that isn’t allowing you to have that conversation.

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You regard calling you a science illiterate antivax loon who doesn't have a goddamn clue "not a slur"? Wow, son, you must be in worse condition that I thought!



- wait, you can't even do that!

If at all possible, please activate the meagre contents of your cranial cavity and set about responding to my complete and utter evisceration of your brain-dead sources.


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There you go again, talking nonsense. But it does help the cause to paint yourself as unhinged. Look, the reality is as more emphasis is placed in western medicine and the larger the percentage of the GDP that is spent on medicine the worse society’s health has become. That’s a big problem for you to overcome. Perhaps you are just a product of the indoctrination that is the medical system, seems likely. And if you are, it’s understandable why you are so upset that people are taking a pass on your advice. These are just observations of what is happening, the medical profession has fallen a long way from their peak of trust and respect.

Anyway Bill, keep up the good work, maybe you’ll see the light one day.

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Are you going to respond to my complete evisceration of your FOUR links or not?

If not, please do everyone the favour and STFU.

"western medicine"

The is no such thing as "western medicine". There is just science-based medicine, and rostrums that are not based in science.

"the larger the percentage of the GDP that is spent on medicine the worse society’s health has become. That’s a big problem for you to overcome."

Nope. That is an obvious LIE.

In 1900, the average life expectancy of a newborn was 32 years. By 2021 this had more than doubled to 71 years.


"you are so upset '


"These are just observations of what is happening"


The fact is that, in 1900, the average life expectancy of a newborn was 32 years, and by 2021 this had more than doubled to 71 years.


No wonder you're upset!

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Once again respectfully disagree. Re “little to no risk”: 1700/73 million children under the age of 18=.00238%, take out teens 1700/47 million under the age of 11 1700/47 million=.00361%. CHOP is a seriously skewed population. Re NIH, agree re its “good” contributions but Fauci and his EcoHealth Alliance lies have brought all of this criticism and healthy microscope to NIAID and NIH. Sometimes NIH funds utterly useless studies or fails to fund studies that would be immediately helpful like RCTs on therapy vs vaccination in 2020, RCTs on masking in 2020 instead of us relying on Bangladesh village studies. Concentrating 45 billion worth of funding under one arm of government is asking for corruption, malfeasance, favoritism, revenge. De-centralize the decision and grant making. So many physicians were fearful to speak out because of their funding through Fauci controlled arms. That is deeply unhealthy. All of this criticism and scrutiny is good for institutions.

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They said "little or no" risk.

There clearly was not "no" risk. Also, you seem to think death was the only risk. There were also sick children, hospitalised children, children in ICU, and children on ventilators. There were also children with MIS-C, long covid, permanent organ damage, and reduced life expectancy. There were also children with dead parents and grandparents.

The rest of your post is a slanderous lie.

If you think it would have been possible to conduct an RCT of mask wearing in 2020, you are clueless about scientific research. Utterly clueless in fact. You've probably picked up this piece of nonsense from others who are likewise completely clueless and have never conducted a single RCT in their entire lives.

And who on Earth relied entirely on Bangladesh village studies for evidence in favour of face masks in preventing infection? A challenge for you, son: attend to an active Ebola patient while not wearing a mask. Are you kidding me?

And an RCT on therapy vs vaccination. WTF are you talking about? What "therapy" are you even suggesting should have been tested against vaccinations?

You mindlessly repeat BS about useless studies but are unable to even mention a single one, let alone provide any details or explanation of why YOU think they were useless. As if you would have the slightest clue.

And this is just a blatant unadulterated LIE:

"So many physicians were fearful to speak out because of their funding through Fauci controlled arms".

Fearful to speak out? These science illiterate arseholes grifted for fame and fortune by bullshitting to their impressionable and gullible subscribers on social media. Give me a break.

As for "All of this criticism and scrutiny is good for institutions". Yeah but not by science illiterate fools who spent the pandemic clacking away at their keyboards in the comfort of their own homes while the scientists and health care workers worked around the clock for years on end trying to save their sorry lives.

Words are cheap, son.

Ungrateful ignorant nongs like you disgust me

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👏 I wish I was as articulate as you!

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3

The fraction isn’t 1700/73 million, because those 1700 deaths were over 2-3 years, and the denominator should represent that time-constrained risk of exposure, not a lifetime.

A loose analogy might be to look at the risk of death from car accidents, but measure them only over a two week period, and give it as a proportion of people who travel on vehicles over a year.

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Noted. Now that we're informed of project 2025 and the danger its authors present, surely you're contemplating highlighting the dangers figures like Fauci, Hotez, Wen, Topol, and company present(ed) to public health,too, right? Yeah right, you wouldn't dare, Paul.

After all, if you're were truly concerned about public health and its reputation moving forward, that would be an article worth writing.

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"surely you're contemplating highlighting the dangers figures like Fauci, Hotez, Wen, Topol, and company presented to public health ... that would be an article worth writing."

There is no such article, you lying hound.

"Yeah right, you wouldn't dare, Paul."

Silly clown. Good heavens!

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AFAIK, Offit has previously talked about what Fauci has achieved.

Spoiler alert: Almost all of it good, and a tiny bit poor.

Try posting on one of those threads, rather than trolling here, where the topic is what might happen if Project 2025 ever gets off the ground.

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Mike, no need to gaslight the public any further. We've all had our fill. These people need to be held accountable. They have damaged not only thier own reptuation but the reputation of public health.

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No, son, the lying antivax liars need to be held accountable for the damage they caused to the health and lives of the public.


Unfortunately, they never will be. Instead, they've successfully grifted for fame and fortune by lying to gullible little fools like you.

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Sure thing lil man.

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Paul <-- gullible little fools like you.

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Boy you really are sour about your scam falling apart. Again, get into one of those anti vaxx shows and set the record straight, that would be straight entertainment.

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Why did your mammy call you 'Dag'. Did she know?

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They would never.

They have been offered money (Bill Maher, Steve Kirsch and later Joe Rogan participated in an online gofund me that raised a million additional dollars) to their favorite childrens charities to show up for a debate.

No takers.

Last one mouthing off was Hoetz. He refused to debate RFKjr stating he was not properly credentialled. So Dr Peter McCullough offered himself and still Hoetz refused to debate.

Its religion for these morons. But a very carefully crafted money making grift that is child hood vaccination.

They cant afford for that church to crumble

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Just want to ask . Have you read the book by Kennedy, ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ Just a yes or no answer without commentary.

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There is a much more immediate threat to NIH in current proposal to reorganize NIH. The House Appropriations committee ((Chair Tom Cole (R–Oklahoma) and Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro (D–Connecticut) has a proposal for Fiscal Year 2025 where the Labor, Health and Human Services (Labor-HHS) appropriations bill includes a proposal to restructure the National Institutes of Health (NIH). “Authorizing an entirely new structure for the NIH in an appropriations bill without hearings, data, and review of the impact on biomedical research is a violation of process and procedures,” “This massive consolidation of NIH’s Institutes and Centers amounts to Congress dictating science; it would affect all research conducted at the NIH and be detrimental to the research enterprise. A policy of this magnitude—and one affecting one of our nation’s preeminent research institutions—should not be included in an appropriations bill.”

ALL readers of this substack should contact their congressional representative NOW to fight against this serious threat to NIH

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It is not the NIH that is the threat to our health but the politicians who threaten the NIH.

Well said.

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None of what was stated here about the NIH/NIADS is remotely true.

What we do know is that they have been participating in gain of function research in a bid to weaponize existing respiratory illnesses and thus justify their budgets and boost the profiles and stock options of their pharmaceutical allies

Senator Rand Paul is owed a great debt for bringing this to the public consciousness

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Rombios is an ignorant antivax loon.

Nothing to see here.

His first link is to an anonymous source abusing science on Substack.

His second link is a screenshot of the title of the article in his first link. WTF?

As for Gain of Function research, you simply cannot do any virological research without doing Gain of Function research according to someone's definition. It is a stupid argument.

The weaponising of respiratory illnesses to justify budgets is a vacuous lie.

And Rand Paul should hold his head in shame for viciously pursuing a man who helped save millions of American lives both before and during the pandemic.

Dr. Anthony Offit is an American hero.

Rombios is a clueless, stupid little pissant.

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Anthony Offit, good one, they would make a great clone the two of them.

We’d be farther ahead if the lab rats would just stop screwing around. The lab work is the root of the problem. All the vaccines are garbage. Look in gaza, the polio they are treating is from vaccine derived poliovirus. And some kids have paralysis, maybe they have reached the limit of toxins they can take from all the bombing, the chemicals in the bombs, the chemicals from the things that get blown up from the bombs. The kid with paralysis could have got it from a number of things they could have been exposed to. It’s pretty clear toxins can cause body defects, etc. I’m sure they really did a study to find the root of the problem there. And they are bombing these people and then turn humanitarian because of few infections from a vaccine derived poliovirus. It’s a total joke, idiots that think they can outsmart nature. And then the new one they are using is the genetically modified nOPV2 that’s not fully licensed so it is being used under EUA. It’s the same bs all the time.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7



All you have done is offered yet further evidence that you have absolutely no knowledge, let alone any experience, in science or medicine and are completely clueless about both.

You are also ignorant about logical fallacies and critical thinking. That has made you fodder for science illiterate social media influencers selling their souls for personal fame and fortune.

You have been brainwashed by these grifters to the extent that you now blindly regurgitate their bullshit. You are what we refer to as a "USEFUL FOOLS". The only difference between you and them is that they know what they're doing, and they are making a fortune doing it, while you haven't a clue what you're doing, and you are doing it for nothing.

Correction of your LIES:

- vaccines save 3 million lives every year; 150 million lives over the past 50 years.

- science illiterate fools like you who talk about "the toxins" never seem to be able to name even a single one.

- the polio vaccine has almost eliminated polio from the face to the Earth.

- it is misinformation spread by arseholes like you that has prevented it from eliminating it completely.



There are two polio vaccines: the live attenuated oral polio vaccine (OPV) and the killed or inactivated injectable polio vaccine (IPV). Together they have reduced 350,000 cases of polio in 1988 down to 35 cases in 2018.

The first version (OPV) is used in large third world populations because:

- it is cheap and affordable.

- it requires minimal storage and transport conditions.

- it requires no training and can be given by anyone.

That enables large populations to be vaccinated very quickly at low cost.

The drawback is that it is a live attenuated vaccine and, as such, it can revert back to the pathogenic variant. But the incidence of vaccine-linked polio is several orders of magnitude less that the incidence of wild polio before the vaccination effort commenced. There are about 3 cases of vaccine-linked polio per million vaccinations compared with 5,000 cases of wild polio per million infections before the vaccination effort commenced.

In developed countries that can afford the cost and where the incidence of polio is very low, the inactivated injectable form (IPV) is used. This is unable to revert to the pathogenic form and therefore cannot cause vaccine-linked polio. But it is far more expensive, requires strict conditions of storage and transport and can only be dispensed by trained vaccinators. This makes it unsuitable for third world countries.

Does this science illiterate dude know any of this? No. Does he care? No. This antivax fool has been duped by the "Naturalistic Fallacy" into thinking that "natural" infection must be better than "un-natural" vaccination and, as a result, is spreading deadly disinformation that kills and paralyses children.



Polio was eradicated in the Gaza Strip 25 years ago, thanks to regular vaccination campaigns. Note: zero cases of polio for 25 years thanks to the polio vaccine! But, while 99% of Gazan children were immunised in 2022, that number has dropped to less than 90%. And the conditions of war which include crowding, poor sanitation and hygiene, contaminated water supply contributed to the risk.

The effort to curtail the outbreak includes rapidly vaccinating with more than 1.6 million doses of an oral polio vaccine (OPV). This cannot be achieved using the IPV because of reasons listed above. The vaccination effort must increase coverage to at least 95% of children to achieve herd immunity and stop the outbreak.

But, apparently, this science illiterate antivax fool is against the vaccination effort that will save the lives of children and reduce their risk of paralytic polio. He is killing and paralysing children through his own ignorance and gullibility.



There has been some criticism of the WHO polio campaign in third world countries. When you use the OPV to vaccinate a population there must be an all-out effort to vaccinate more that 95% of the population as quickly as possible to reduce the number of cases of vaccine-linked polio. The WHO has been accused, with some legitimacy, of dropping the ball here, leading to more cases of vaccine-linked polio than there could have been. But this is a separate issue.

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What’s with all the capitals, it just makes you look hysterical, perhaps you are.

You have a big hurtle to overcome with the bs you’re pushing, it’s out of sync with what’s happening in the real world.

You have this problem that there is as perfect a correlation as you can produce of ever higher rates of autoimmune problems, Chronic disease in kids right in step with an ever increasing childhood vaccine schedule. From 1986 right when the liability for pharma was taken over by govt (who cares that the pot is funded by industry, it’s a sweetheart deal) the rush to produce ever more shot is plain to see along with the health problems that came with it.

The other big problem is that if you ever allowed yourself to do the comparison (the comparison you say can’t be done) of the overall health of unvaccinated kids compared to vaccinated kids it’s so clear the unvaccinated are so much healthier, they have way less ear infections, allergies, asthma, etc, the list is long included the ultimate one autism. You can be certain that comparison would be paraded every day if they could find a way to manipulate the data by changing groupings or something. And we know this is true by the pandemic of the unvaccinated story that we all witnessed in 2021-2022 that was a pure manipulation: exclude vaccinated from the stats until 14 days past 2nd shot, accumulate all unvaccinated numbers from from inception (when no one was vaccinated) and divide by the current day number of people still not vaccinated to produce incident rates per 100,000, etc. They loved that comparison and correlation until the manipulations caught up with them and they could no longer hide that the vaccinated were over represented in hospitalizations and deaths and all that information by age and number of shots disappeared and wasn’t talked about anymore after mid 2022.

The whole vaccine agenda is like religion you must believe, you can’t ask questions or point anything out. They produce fraudulent studies written in a language that is the equivalent of an old priest standing before the congregation speaking in Latin so no one knows what the hell is going on other than you don’t dare ask a question. Maybe you’re the priest up there trying to control the message or maybe you’re one of the ones in the congregation that fully believes. Your science has as many holes in it as the Noah’s Ark story, but you’re still demanding total faith in your preachings, at least the church has loosened up, mind you it took 1000’s of years for that spell to be broken. Maybe the advent of modern communication tools the vaccine spell can be fixed. It sure does seem like many people have a curiosity to know more these days and the priests of the vaccine religion are panicking just the same as the church panicked when people started thinking maybe Noah didn’t build that boat.

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"What’s with all the capitals"

It's to draw your attention to details that your mind seems to have paid no attention to in the past.

"autoimmune problem"

See what mean.

I already informed you that vaccinations can produce what might be defined as autoimmune REACTIONS, but there has never been any evidence that any vaccine has caused autoimmune DISEASES.

"Chronic disease in kids right in step with an ever increasing childhood vaccine schedule"

There is no evidence that vaccinations cause chronic diseases.

There is no evidence that vaccinations cause autoimmune diseases.

In fact, vaccinations actually prevent infections that lead to chronic diseases.


"the unvaccinated are so much healthier"


Study: Immunizations in Children With Chronic Diseases: A State of the Science Review With Implications for Practice Change; year: 2022


"Compared with healthy children, children with chronic illnesses have significantly lower vaccination rates, and they face higher risks if they contract a preventable disease".


"The whole vaccine agenda is like religion"

But you are a scientifically illiterate nong blindly repeating the deliberate lies by mavericks, quacks, and cranks grifting for fame and fortune on social media at the expense of YOUR health.

Come on, admit it, because it is so obvious that you could not possibly deny it: you have absolutely no background in medicine, science, media studies, or critical thinking studies. Am I right? Of course, I am. You rely on the babble than emanates from social media and babbling is exactly what you sound like. I just re-read your screed: nothing of substance, no indication you understand anything you've read...just a load of babbling nonsense.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 8

All good points


Some good articles on this subject of Polio; from the wayback machine:

M. Biskind, "DDT poisoning and the elusive Virus X". American Journal of Digestive Diseases vol 16 1949

J. Gabliks and L. Friedman. "Effects of insectisides on mammalian cells and virus infections", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol 160. 1969

F. Burgess and G.R Cameron. "The Toxicity of D.D.T", British Medical Journal vol 1 june 23 1945

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"All good points"

Nope. Nothing but bullshit.

Read my detailed evisceration of this science illiterate antivax liar below.

And more lies for this antivax liar:

- DDT categorically did not cause polio. That unlikely hypothesis has been completely debunked for a long time now. Polio is caused by the polio virus.

I suspect we have some actual virus deniers commenting here. Incredible as it may seem, there are still such ignorant fools who deny the existence of viruses even with the overwhelming evidence not only of the existence of viruses but also their detailed and complex interactions with plant, animal, and human cells.

I am not sure what we can do about WILFUL IGNORANCE!

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So lets try this.

Ill avoid the polio vaccine because its bullshit and you take it.

Lets see who fares better in.the long term. Case closed

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Well , we already know that, like all antivaxxers, you are scientifically illiterate but thanks for providing even more evidence:

Anecdotes are not evidence.

The plural of 'anecdote' is not 'data'.

Anecdotes can only serve to generate hypotheses which must them be tested in a scientific trial.


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Oh Billy Bob and Mike S are going to lose it, they hate that graph at shows polio going up after the war when all other disease had already plummeted (before the vaccines came into the scene). But back to polio, it went straight up and right back down with the use of DDT after WW2, they hate that one even more.

No one ever reasonably answered why was polio going up when other disease mortality was basically gone (there was cases but deaths were from the past). And why was polio only a serious problem in the industrial world not in the 3rd world (hint, they weren’t spraying everybody with DDT there yet). They proposed maybe polio was from too much hygiene, theorizing that kids weren’t getting exposure to polio so their immune system wasn’t getting trained. But that idea fell apart when polio took off in the 3rd world (when they started spraying) so it was back to being an issue of not enough hygiene. The answer probably lies in all they had to do was stop spraying everyone with poison and the problem would have gone away. Kind of like the kids in gaza, if they could be removed from all the toxins that are a byproduct of the war the problem would probably go away.

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Those graphs have been around for a long time, and we have also known for a long time that they are bullshit. Even you know it or, if you don't, you should.

Antivaxxers never let go of any arguments no matter how long, repeatedly, and thoroughly they have been debunked.

DDT is NOT the cause of polio.

Polio is caused by the POLIO VIRUS.


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>DDT is NOT the cause of polio.

Yes it is (along with LEAD ARSENATE pesticide). And has LONG been proven to be the case without question

M. Biskind, "DDT poisoning and the elusive Virus X". American Journal of Digestive Diseases vol 16 1949

J. Gabliks and L. Friedman. "Effects of insectisides on mammalian cells and virus infections", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol 160. 1969

>Polio is caused by the POLIO VIRUS.

No its not. There is no such virus

F. Burgess and G.R Cameron. "The Toxicity of D.D.T", British Medical Journal vol 1 june 23 1945


Little boy having a tantrum. Stamping his feet.

Nope; thats not how this works. You are NOT the arbiter of truth or facts.

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>Those graphs have been around for a long time, and we have also known for a long time that they are bullshit.

The massive COPE on this dumbass.

Thats not how things work Billy Bob. Any truth brought to light doesnt become bullshit because it goes against your pharma-masters narrative.

Heres some science for ya


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Hahaha good one, like autism it’s more accurate to say they don’t have the research one way or the other, like Kathrine Edwards acknowledges on the stand under oath. But there she is one hell of a correlation, and pharma is all over correlation depending on what they are correlating, pandemic of the unvaccinated, good correlation, autism bad correlation. And the one vaccine they say they studied the issue and concluded it does not (MMR) a whistle blower (William Thompson) came forward to say they committed fraud so if the study and kept copies of everything he was ordered to destroy. This behaviour is totally consistent for pharma just look at OxyContin or Vioxx. You guys lie, it’s just what you do. Must suck having to live with that, but when you’re putting a kid through Harvard or paying for that place at Cape Cod you bet it gets easier saying they are safe and effective.

Anyway it’s been fun chatting again, but I have to head out to a hockey game, take care Billy.

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Might as well throw this in there to cement the issue.

And lets not forget Dr Edward Kass former head of the Infectious Disease Society of America who commented on the data above



Aug 5, 2024

None of this had ANYTHING to do with Vaccines


Infectious Diseases and Social ChangeAuthor(s): Edward H. KassSource: The

Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 123, No. 1 (Jan., 1971), pp.

110-114Published by: Oxford University Press

President of the Infectious Diseases Society of America stated

First we had accepted some half truths and had stopped searching for the whole

truths. The principal half truths were that medical research had stamped out

the great killers of the past?tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneu- monia, puerperal

sepsis, etc.?and that medical research and our superior system of medical care

were major factors in extending life expectancy, thus providing the American

people with the high- est level of health available in the world. That these

are half truths is known but is perhaps not as well know as it should be.

Figure 1, for example, gives the data on deaths from tuberculosis in England

and Wales. Similar data have been obtained in every industrialized country and

throughout the United States, but these data are cited because they are

reliable and begin in 1850. The data on deaths from tubercu- losis show that

the mortality rate from this dis- ease has been declining steadily since the

middle of the 19th century and has continued to decline in almost linear

fashion during the past 100 years

Similar trends in mortality have been reported with respect to diphtheria

(figure 2), scarlet fever (figure 3), rheumatic fever, pertussis (figure 4),

measles (figure 5), and many others. There are less reliably documented but

suggestive similar trends with respect to carcinoma of the cervix, toxemia of

pregnancy, stroke, and certain other disorders. This decline in rates of

certain dis- orders, correlated roughly with improving so- cioeconomic

circumstances, is merely the most important happening in the history of the

health of man


The ignorance has risen to this level because sane voices had largely kept quiet in the past.

But am making it my mission to challenge these demented, idiotic, uneducated, science illiterate, pro vaccine pharma shills; on whatever public forum they rear their ugly heads

I will continue encouraging people to do their own research and seek out the articles and books written by dissident doctors and medical researchers

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More copy-paste from the science illiterate antivax loon's "Disinformation Dump"

Nothing to see here.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

I can't see the graph you think will make me "lose it", but perhaps you can see this one. Hope you don't lose it. There are plenty more similar charts for other countries where that one came from, but one should be enough to push you over the edge.


DDT...you are having a laugh.

I've dealt with your errors of fact on the clinical manifestations of polio versus DDT/toxins before Dag. Have you forgotten already?

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Billy Bob is an uneducated illiterate pro vax pharma shill. Hes being paid to be here and distract.

This fool waxes poetic on a subject he hasnt read a single book in support of. Not one. Not even the one written by this substack sponsor. The lack of intellectual curiosity with this clown is beyond imagining.

His idea of American heroes are pharma allied hacks benefiting from media induced fear and public ignorance on this subject.

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Yes, I make $100 for every response to a science illiterate antivax lunatic spreading misinformation that kills.

Keep it coming, son.

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And who is paying you?

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Use your head.

Iam against vaccines: the most dangerous drugs on earth. A multi billion industry of rigged RCTs, mandates and indemnity.

What am i promoting?



Trust in the bodies FREE natural immune system - and gratefulness to plumbers, electricians and sanitation workers who provided clean water, refrigeration and waste disposal which were at the fore front of the 90% reduction in mortality rates from childhood illnesses before ANY vaccines for that illness appeared on the market

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You are promoting fear and ignorance.

…Nuff said.

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Its YOUR side that advices against personal research.

Its YOUR side that preaches "trust the science" while rigging the data and downplaying negative results

Its YOUR side pushing mandates and removing personal choice and making a mockery of body autonomy

Its YOUR side that hides behind the shield of legal immunity. Oddly enough the only immunity that exists in this entire spectacle

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What about the fear pharma shells out. Models like 3.4% case fatality rate for covid that the WHO jumped on board with, pretty sure it’s pharma and the bought off regulators pushing the fear. Look how hard they are trying with bird flu and monkeypox, it’s their game.

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It’s understandable that the captured agencies will attempt to frame any initiative to reform them as an attempted dictatorial takeover. Anyone that can’t see reform is necessary after the overreach of these agencies during the mismanagement of covid is either blindly naive or their livelihood depends on its current structure continuing.

Thing is, I think most people see it judging from the percentage of the population that is still following their guidance (look at Covid booster rates). Often the last people to wake up are the ones that are the most indoctrinated. It’s going to take non medical people to get us out of the chronic disease crisis we are in, as the doctors etc are the ones that were at the helm to get us here and they are totally indoctrinated in allopathic medicine - the type of medicine that was ushered in by the pharmaceutical industry taking over the schools and rewriting the textbooks. There is getting to be a real appetite for alternatives to the “healthcare” system that is bankrupting society and is only offering to expand the system that got us here.

When businesses go broke, trustees arms length from the enterprise are brought in to sort the mess out (or potentially shut it down if it’s bad enough) why should healthcare be any different, leaving the people who got us here in charge would meet the definition of insanity, the whole establishment needs fresh eyes.

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Sep 4·edited Sep 4

Talk about blindly naive. Do you have a mirror, son?

Talk about indoctrinated. Do you have a mirror, son?

"It’s going to take non medical people to get us out of the chronic disease crisis"


"the doctors etc are the ones that were at the helm to get us here"

So, how clueless are you?

Medical doctors do not do research, son. Medical scientists do.


That is BS talk for "medicine that does not work".

"the definition of insanity"

That would be you, son.

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You make my point perfectly, thanks for laying it out so well. You’re obviously totally conflicted and dependant on the corruption for whatever you do. Making a case that Covid was handled well you just make yourself look like a clown.

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Who said Covid was handled well?

It may have been in many countries (predominantly those who introduced and complied with public health measures and achieved high vax rates), but it certainly wasn’t in the US where politicians and conspiracy theorists screwed it up.

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It was a disaster anywhere where public health lockdown, did mandates etc. that is widely accepted. Look at the booster uptake rates. Don’t blame conspiracy theorist, public health needs to take responsibility for the biggest public health screwup / scam of all time.

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No, it isn't "widely accepted", other than in the echochambers you inhabit on the internet.

It is a narrative that the anti-science Covid deniers have manufactured and promoted, brainwashing gullible rubes like yourself.

Just look at countries which did have strict measures and good travel restrictions (eg Australia, New Zealand). And look at countries where during the first waves of the pandemic, isolation was enforced by rule of law at the point of a gun, like China. Then see what happened in those countries when restrictions were lifted.

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What do you mean by “captured agencies”?

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Regulatory agencies that get a large portion of their budget from the pharmaceutical companies or other companies and regulators in other industries they are supposed to regulate. It’s such an obvious conflict for corruption.

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3

That’s what I thought.

Check where your FAA gets most of its funding from.

Our equivalent the CAA gets 100% of its funding from the industries they regulate.

Our MHRA, the equivalent to your FDA, receives 80% of its total funding from the pharmaceutical companies that they regulate, the other 20% is received from the government to cover the costs of regulating medical devices (reasons are historical)

Similarly, other regulatory bodies in the U.K. receive most of their funding from the people or industries they regulate, this is a legal requirement.

Extract from CAA website, note I have reformatted it as the table format doesn’t cut and paste properly.

“Our responsibilities

Like most regulators in the UK, we are funded by the charges we levy on the industry we regulate.

Areas outside of our responsibility

We are not funded by the UK tax payer and are legally required to cover the cost of our regulatory activity through charges on the industry.”

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Exactly. The regulatory agencies levy charges on the pharmaceutical industry…they are making them pay for the cost of regulating them.

And quite tight too.

Of course, this can be deliberately misrepresented as the industry “bribing” the regulators. Which is BS.

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It can be accurately represented as industry being the customer of the regulator, with all the corresponding aspects of that relationship. That it is legally required does not eliminate the potential for corruption.

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Yes, I'm sure you also have control over the agency you pay for your Driver's Licence.

Or don't they trust an incompetent like you with a Driver's Licence?

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if I paid for everyone’s license they issued I might be able to put a word in for you. But simply buying one, unfortunately they won’t care what I have to say. Kind of like newspapers when the business model was people paying a nickel for a paper from some guy on the corner, no one could corrupt the press, but now that pharma provides the majority of their ad revenue they also get I approve the news stories. Not to mention the same institutional investors own the msm as well as the pharma companies they are reporting on, who do you think calls the shots? This shouldn’t be rocket science for a guy as smart as you.

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You seemed to have missed the point.

Not the brightest spark in the antivax dungeon, are you, son?

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The basis of your comment to be primarily an insult rather than any argument that would give you any credibility is understandable, you’re a fraud, what else would you be able to do.

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Let's be real. As with most gov't institutions, NIH is corrupt over-reaching establishment. Establishment is the threat. Reform it or dismantle it.

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Foolish Fran.

Words are cheap.

The NIH has almost certainly saved your life or the life of someone you know.

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RFK Jr: There Has to Be a “Reckoning” for “Immoral, Homicidal” COVID Criminals Like Fauci." Kennedy said individuals like Fauci are “criminals” and need to be held accountable for what they did during COVID.

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Listen, Foolish Fran, RFK junior is the criminal. His disinformation has been killing people - mainly children! - for nearly two decades now, and the insufferable fool will never face any consequences. It is an absolute travesty that this is the case.

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Billy, keep up the great work attacking people, it’s helping expose the fraud that you are. You’ll notice no matter how viciously people like yourself attack people like RFK that provides references at every turn he replies respectfully. The one trait (yours) is consistent with someone that is not telling the truth while the other’s (RFK’s) is consistent with someone that has nothing to hide. These traits are as old as humanity itself, you’re a fraud and if history is any indication you probably also know it.

People like yourself loved RFK when he was immersed in environmental advocacy, but when that work lead him to search for the sources of the toxins leading to ever higher rates of chronic disease in kids and that searching led to things like aluminum in vaccines you all panicked and went on the attack. Never in history are the people doing the slurs and censorship ever on the right side, in fact it has always been the opposite.

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Empty self-serving post with no meaningful content.

"RFK ... at every turn he replies respectfully"

And, at every turn kills children with deadly disinformation.

"RFK ... provides references"

RFK junior cherry picks fatally flawed and fraudulent studies that support his false claims. Worse, he knows what he is doing.

"People like yourself loved RFK"

I despise the despicable child killer. He is personally responsible for an uncountable number of childhood deaths including 75 recently in Samoa.

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Of course expect status quo stablishment shills like Offit to disagree.

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I'd *suggest* that "Ms. Halen" might fruitfully spend time becoming more informed about the validity of RFKJr's criticisms of Dr. Fauci; RFKJr's views on the "dangers" of vaccination for childhood diseases like measles; and RFKJr's antics generally, before slinging around terms like "status quo establishment shills". One place to start is the freely-accessible YouTuber channel "Debunk The Funk" with Dr. Wilson ( PhD not MD.). <Link to follow.>

On second thought, having checked again - Dr. Wilson has four YouTube pieces on RFKJr's not good, very very bad book about Dr. Fauci.


Is another review of RFKJr's opinions about Covid, generally.

Hope this is useful!

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My Birds-eye view of our exchange: You: advocate for the pro establishment elite, pro big government leftism. Me: advocate for the citizen and common people holding on to control & sovereignty.

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False dichotomy, using clearly false premises.

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I guess Mr Brien didn't get the memo on most so-called "fact-checkers", regarding their new mission as yet another propoganda arm of the dummycrats.

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But the YT videos do intrigued me.

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I think you’ve let your ideological hatred for Fauci colour your views.

Fauci was Director of the NIAID, merely one of the 27 agencies which make up the NIH.

I bet you think Fauci directed the entire NIH, controlled every aspect of funding disbursement and personally signed off every single one of the NIH’s research proposals.


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RFK Jr: There Has to Be a “Reckoning” for “Immoral, Homicidal” COVID Criminals Like Fauci." Kennedy said individuals like Fauci are “criminals” and need to be held accountable for what they did during COVID.

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This would be RFK, the guy whose antivax propaganda directly led to a measles epidemic that killed 72 children in Samoa and brain damaged hundreds more, and by extension fostered the epidemic in the Philippines which killed hundreds more?

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Oh hey! Good to know Mike S is really Paul Offit himself, the BigPharma funded propogandist himself!

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

Nope, not me sweetie.

…and no word on the reckoning that should face homicidal criminals like RFK?

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Paul you’re Spreading disinformation (you know it’s wrong) about Samoa. Watch the clip they specifically address Samoa.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7

I (that’s Mike, not Dr Offit) have looked at the clip. RFK says several lies regarding Samoa.

1. He says the ban on MMR was in place before he came to Samoa so he was not responsible for a fall in vaccination (with his publicised antivax propaganda), and the ban was because the vaccine had killed some children.

That’s BS. The background is that 2 children died when a nurse accidentally injected a muscle relaxant in error. The deaths were NOT from the vaccine. A temporary halt to MMR Vax was immediately put in place but lifted as soon as it was clear this was a nursing administration error. When RFK arrived, no ban was in place. He had several public meetings where he falsely blamed MMR for the deaths and stoked up antivax sentiment. The vax uptake started to drop, and was followed by the measles epidemic.

2. RFK then blamed MMR vaccine for the 80 or so measles deaths. THAT IS COMPLETE BS. These kids all died from measles. RFK is just trying to deflect blame.

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The name is Mike, Dag.

I’m not Offit.

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Of course I expect status quo establishment shills like Offit to disagree.

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I do like Paul Offit's substack. This one 'splains how we, the U. S., was able to create an effictive COVID vaccine in amazingly record time. Just gotta make sure that the frikken Heritage Foundation, Trump, Steven Miller, Steve Bannon, Elon Musk, Roger Stone, etc., etc. don't get near the White House. If Trump does not make it this time, someone else on the team is bound to step up.

Check this site for a list of people pardoned by Trump. It also show the nature of the charges. See who was pardoned on August 18, 2020. Tee hee!


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Thank you Dr Offit

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On Nov 2 2004, in a leading peer-reviewed journal (Ann Intern Med. 2004;141:662-673) Hong Kong epidemiologists published a thorough and definitive epidemiologic study of the original SARS outbreak in Hong Kong which ran from Nov 2002--July 2003. The Epidemiology of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in the 2003 Hong Kong Epidemic: An Analysis of All 1755 Patients Why has not a comparable study been published studying the epidemiology of COVID-19 in Wuhan? Why hasn't Dr. Fauci and other leading US policy makers insisted on such a study? Why are all the leading experts content to give the Chinese a free pass in attributing the origin to crossover infection from an animal reservoir? Fauci remains suspect as complicit in Wuhan Institute of Virology research that might explain the pandemic. All discussion of the origins of COVID-19 should start with asserting the glaring failure of the Chinese to produce such a study.

On a related note: no one has published the organizational structure that Tony Fauci controlled at NIAID, including research budgets for NIAID grants and the National Biodefense Institute which VP Dick Cheney created and to which he appointed Dr. Fauci as executive overseer. No one has outlined the governance of those two programs to assess checks-and-balances on the executive overseer. Dr. Fauci controlled budgets and agendas that ranked him among the oligarchs in the rogue states around the world. Human nature being what it is, unchecked power over a massive budget leads to corrupt dealings and shrouds the truth.

revisit James Madison Federalist 51: what applies to the 3 branches of government also applies here, Mutatis mutandis: "It may be a reflection on human nature, that such devices should be necessary to control the abuses of government. But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself."

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"Why? ... Why? ... Why? ... blah, blah, blah"

Why are you lying?

Why do you so blindly accept antivax lies, memes, and tropes?

Why are you so arrogant in your goddamn ignorance?

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Billy, you’re so confident why don’t you ask to debate RFK in a public forum, you could shred him and set the record straight. The time of simply dismissing those that have concerns are over, people don’t trust you anymore, it’s time you meet your critics at the table. Maybe see how you do with Aaron Siri or Del Bigtree.

The thing is even though the people disputing your claims have no budget relative to pharma are winning the debate is because they reference real information and don’t come out simply throwing around slurs like anti vaxx, when most of the people you call anti vaxx have taken plenty of shots and are now waking up to what a scam your business is. Oh and when you are debating on the side that resonates with people’s real life experience it’s also a lot easier to win, even if you don’t have money behind you.

Anyway, contact those anti vaxx shows I’m sure they would love to have you on.

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Billy Bob hasnt a SINGLE book on his book shelf in support of the bullsxt narratives he espouses on here.

The little tyke is a paid vaccine shill without any intelluctual curiousity at all.

Some time ago we challenged each other on the source of our opinions on this subject. I mentioned Iam in posession of over 40 books on this subject; most written by doctors (in public and private practice) and medical researchers.


1) First he criticized my authors

2) Then he criticized the subject matter

When called out for stalling

1) he responded that his books are in ebook format 😅😅😅

When I laughed off his lie and called him an uneducated pharma whore

2) he responded that it didnt matter that he hadnt any reading material on the subject and that he has nothing to prove.

He is a veritable joke and source of mild amusement on this forum, nothing more

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

Did you enjoy your book on "Emerging Viruses", Rombios?

For someone who repeatedly claims there are no viruses, that must have come as a bit of a shock.

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Get back to me when you assemble enough intellectual curiousity to read ANY books (hell; even a childrens pop up picture book) on this subject.

Until then; stfu

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Your book is written by Professor Stephen Morse.

Stephen S. Morse, Ph.D., is Professor of Epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University, Director of PREDICT (a project to strengthen global capacity for identification, surveillance, and risk assessment of zoonotic pathogens of human pandemic disease potential) of USAID's Emerging Pandemic Threats (EPT) program, and Visiting Professor at the University of California, Davis.

Earlier, he was founding director of the Columbia University Center for Public Health Preparedness. In 1996-2000 (on loan from Columbia), he was Program Manager for Biodefense at DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). Before coming to Columbia, he was assistant professor of virology at The Rockefeller University in New York, where he remains an adjunct faculty member. He was Chair of the 1989 NIAID-NIH Conference on Emerging Viruses, for which he originated the term and concept of emerging viruses/infections. He was a member of the "Committee on Emerging Microbial Threats to Health" at the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies of Sciences, chaired its Task Force on Viruses, and was an author of the resulting report "Emerging Infections" (1992). He was the founding chair of ProMED (the nonprofit international Program to Monitor Emerging Diseases), and an originator of ProMED-mail, an international network inaugurated by ProMED in 1994 for outbreak reporting and disease monitoring using the Internet. He was a founding Section Editor of the CDC journal "Emerging Infectious Diseases", and is currently a member of the IOM Forum on Microbial Threats (formerly the Forum on Emerging Infections).

He is someone who clearly knows viruses exist.

Do you disagree with him?

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No, seriously, what did you think of the book?

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"why don’t you ask to debate RFK in a public forum ... Aaron Siri or Del Bigtree."

I don't debate inferior human specimens.

- RFucK junior.

- Delicate LittleShrub.

- AssRon UnSirious.

Nor will I give them free publicity and let them raise their public profile.

"dismissing those that have concerns"

No, these are ignorant science illiterate antivax loons whose lies have been killing people for decades, especially children.

"people’s real life experience"

You mean, personal anecdote:

- a personal anecdote is not evidence.

- the plural of 'anecdote' is not 'data".


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It sure must sucks when people don’t believe your bs. You must dream of the old days when you could just lie and it was accepted. Oh well, times change.

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"people don’t believe you"

Listen, son, you can speak for yourself - and you are a science illiterate antivax loon - but you cannot speak for anyone else.

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You know when you make arguments like you can’t compare the health of unvaxx to vaxxd, that’s complete garbage, of course you can compare, but if you don’t like the results of course you’re going to say there is no way to do it in an objective way. If you can’t compare vaxx to unvaxxed then how did all the public health bodies whip up the pandemic of the unvaccinated? They did it by manipulating the data like excluding people from the stats from the time they have a shot until 14 days after their second shot and many other typical pharma tactics.

When you say all vaccines have been tested against a saline placebo you’re not accurate. MMR4 tested against MMR3, but keep going back and there’s no trial of any kind for Version 1. Or take Paul’s rotavirus vaccine, there was no other oral vaccine to use at the time and you could not very well use a needle vaccine in a blinded trial, so they made a placebo that had all the same ingredients as the shot minus the rotavirus itself - but if there was ever a chance to use salt water this was it. So in that trial there was zero potential benefit to the participants, just risk. And of course there turned out to be risks as the placebo group actually had a higher rate of intussusception than the shot side, I wonder why. And if you say oh that’s in the phase 3 stage and we’re not testing for safety just efficacy at that stage , saline is used in an earlier stage when safety is being tested, you’re accepting that safety is tested when the study can’t determine anything because it’s too small. It’s all bullshit. And then when they have to fend off concerns that a shot causes something like autoimmune problems like I the case of HPV then they produce an industry funded study like the garbage Grimaldi 2014 study that was done by consultants LA-SER funded by Merks Sanofi Pasteur MSD that state on their website they provide cutting edge outcomes research designed to demonstrate the benefit to patients that products and health technologies provide. Basically they accept money to make drugs / vaccines look good. Their retrospective study is a joke, subjects selected from their own proprietary database “randomly”. Yeah I bet. They compare people with autoimmune disease against controls with autoimmune diseases just not the same autoimmune diseases. That would be like testing to see if smoking causes cancer and test throat cancer subjects against lung cancer subject and because there is no difference between the two groups the conclusion is both sides are the same so it can’t be the smoking. Pharma has so many bullshit tactics to produce whatever results they require, you can’t trust a thing. They produce the studies which test their products, there are just so many problems.

So there you go, I replied to your debunking pieces, you just used the same bs that phamra does.

Time for you to open up unless of course you’re pushing an agenda rather than trying to find the truth.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9

>I don't debate inferior human specimens.

>- RFucK junior.

>- Delicate LittleShrub.

>- AssRon UnSirious.

What are you two years old.???.

Jesus Christ. You are beyond demented. "Inferior human beings" while you are sitting in your moms basement hiding behind anonymity.

You are a nobody of no consequence.

"i dont debate inferior human beings" he says ... Bwahaaa but we tolerate you on here ..

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Just to confirm this list of "inferior human beings":

1) RFK junior - lawyer

2) Del Bigtree - TV presenter.

3) Aaron Siri - lawyer.

These "inferior human beings" have NO EXPERTISE in science.

They spread MISINFORMATION on subjects in which they have NO EXPERTISE.


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Perhaps you could contact This Week in Virology and ask for a discussion, or challenge Offit to a debate (only on his terms, mind, …Bigtree rules)

Put your money where your mouth is, Dag.

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Now why would he possible do that when Aaron Siri, Del Bigtree, RFK, Suzanne Humphries, Hooker, and so many other prominent names have been calling for a public forum on the subject. But it really is encouraging that you have come around to the position that a public debate is what is required. A year ago you were still simply dismissing out of hand because you could. I guess you’re coming around to the realization that these vaccine gods will eventually have to make themselves available. If they really believe in the vaccines they promote, and they really believe society is better off with them why aren’t they rushing forward. The excuse that they won’t give any time to the vaccine skeptics on account that it’s too risky to give them a platform and risk vaccine hesitancy it hollow, people don’t trust them already

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Have you already forgotten Offit's debate with Siri on HighWire last year?

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I have a better idea, make it a court proceeding under oath. Paul could join his partners Stanley and Kathrine and get deposed on video. Surely he’d welcome the opportunity to go on the record.



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"These guys really seem to be onto something: https://romanbystrianyk.substack.com/p/whooping-cough-and-vaccination?r=1ge4y7&utm_medium=ios&triedRedirect=true"

So, that is now the 4th link you've Gish Galloped way to without even an attempt to respond to the evisceration of your first 3 links.

Roman Bystrianyk has a B.S. in engineering and M.S. in computer science.

Do you also take the advice of a mechanic about the condition of your teeth?

Roman Bystrianyk, an anti-vaccine influencer who is well known for creating propaganda using mortality charts that appear in the book he co-authored with another anti-vaccine influencer and nephrologist, Suzanne Humphries, titled "Dissolving Illusions".

For anyone interested in a complete debunking of this book:

- https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/wrong-about-polio-a-review-of-suzanne-humphries-md-and-roman-bystrianyks-dissolving-illusions-part-1-the-long-version/

It is written by an actual epidemiologist.

Clearly you have a "Disinformation Dump" of links and quotes you can copy/paste for as long as you like.

But what you CANNOT do is respond to my rebuttals - or the rebuttal of the book you stupidly and blindly linked to - because you are nothing more than a science illiterate antivax loon who blindly accepts what a gaggle of science illiterate lawyers, TV personalities, mavericks, quacks and cranks tell you.



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Do you see a pattern there dimwit?

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The pattern I see is that you can’t cite valid scientific sources so you cite crank antivaccine propaganda websites instead.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 8

The data is available in many books but you idiot pro vaxxers dont read; so we reference plots of mortality rates pre and post vaccines in neat graphs on websites because you rxtards don't read books on this subject

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Harvard-Westlake students were vaccinated. Dozens caught whooping cough anyway


But all of the sick students had been vaccinated against the disease, according to school officials. In fact, all 90 people who have recently come down with pertussis — the official name for whooping cough — in Los Angeles County this year had been immunized against it, according to county officials.

Eighteen students there have not been vaccinated against pertussis, but none of them has caught the illness, school spokesman Ari Engelberg said.

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You fool. When 99% of a population is vaccinated, if an outbreak occurs, some (or even all) of those infected will be “vaccinated”.

With pertussis, vaccine immunity is not lifelong, but nor is natural immunity.

The fact that only 90 people in a highly vaxed county like LA county got pertussis is an example of how helpful vaccination is.

I’ve explained the Base Rate fallacy to you several times before. Why you can’t understand it leaves me wondering just how low an IQ you must have.

Virtually all road deaths are in people who were wearing seatbelts. So obviously seatbelts do not reduce the risk of dying, using your thinking. This is the Base Rate fallacy.

I take it you never wear a seatbelt.

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The only ones catching pertussis where the pathetic souls unlucky to be vaccinated WITH pertussis

Thr unvaccinated never caught it. Not even one

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So, this is now your FIFTH Gish Gallop.

It is telling that you have been unable to respond to my eviscerations of your first FOUR links.

It tells me you have a "Disinformation Dump" and that you don't understand a single thing contained in that dump.


It also means that you are a gullible fool who would believe anything a random grifter, quack, or crank tells you, especially if it aligns with your pre-conceived non-science-based conclusions.


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Sep 7·edited Sep 8

More copy pasted responses from this provax uneducated illiterate pharma shill's "mis information dump"

Nothing to see here

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I want to know why Fauci hasn’t insisted that the Chinese stop doping of their Olympic athletes. Why has he given them a free pass?

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Yeah, clueless Tommy.

Apparently, he is an MD. Thomas J Safranek MD. It is very important for everyone to know that his middle initial is J and that he is an MD.

His argument apparently cannot stand on its own!

Too funny!

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NIH corruption is covered quite well in the following substack post below


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LOOOOL! paul! never retire! you just make stuff up. and to be clear, I'm a democrat and YOU are NOT on my side. I reject you. I don't need your help to defeat anyone. in fact I use YOU to defeat and destroy your life's work.

keep up the great work sending people to my side, you absolute clown.

I won't even reference this trash article. no need.

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Irrational and illogical. If you use Paul Offit to defeat and destroy himself, why would you not reference this article of his?

I think we know why.

1. It’s good info and makes good sense.

2. The comments section shows you in a bad light.

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Hey Mike!

I don't think the comment section shows me in a bad light. In your estiamtion it might. and that's fine. the fact is that paul is atrtempting to do what he did when he went on jama with dr. bachner in 2019/2020. then I almost welcomed what he and pharmaceutical sales reps like him were doing because the adminsitration needed to change. this time around, I recognize the cost of associating with bad almost cartoonishly nefarious actors like paul. paul is a dishonest person with I believe terrible intentions. he lies over and over again and thankfully we have his body of work and video evidence of him (which I have watched) over the past 25+ years.

paul using politics is like dick and liz cheney endorsing Harris/Walz. why would you accept their help or endorsement!? it makes people LESS likley to trust you or want to support you. it would be boneheaded to accept these endorsments or paul's for that matter.

by the by, I'll respond to the other thing soon.


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World Economic Forum Finally Tells the Truth About Covid: It Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order

They wanted to know how many people would comply with a complete re-ordering of their lives based on no science at all, just random orders, some of which bordered on absurdity.


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