Finally! It's time that a full safety investigation be made into the health effects of the *entire* childhood vaccine schedule on the effects of children's health. It is shameful that white elite men like Dr. Paul Offit and Dr. Anthony Fauci have an outsized say in what scientific safety assessments are done. This is a violation of health equity and of justice. It's time for a new guard to take over our scientific and medical institutions.

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They have been studied for safety extensively, already.

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The whole cumulative vaccine program has never been tested for safety. This is common knowledge by anyone following this issue.

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There's never been a study about safety of walking and chewing gum either. Or breathing and sleeping at the same time. We do know what happened before vaccines, poor people died in their 20s, richer white people their 30s. A cumulative vaccine study is almost impossible because it's impossible for a control group to account for confounding variables. Individually they can be studied and none increase the risk of ASD! The increased rate of ASD primary cause is the change in how we diagnose and our ability to diagnose. But thats just facts to ignore I know

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It wasn't vaccines that began saving people's lives, it was clean food, more food, better food, clean water and sewage systems that improved people's immune systems so they could successfully fight off what had been killer infections.

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Both were factors. Smallpox was eradicated using vaccines.

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Actually, this is doubtful. The Jenner vaccine was developed at a time when doctors didn't even wash hands, and there was no devices to purify vaccines from other pathogens. If one hundred years later, contamination can occur with the polio vaccine (see the Cutter incident if you aren't familiar) then it is just about guaranteed that the same would have happened with the Jenner vaccine.

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you are a fruitcake. shame on you. You are a liar

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Insults are the last recourse for those that have expended all of their intellectual ammo.

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Ad hominem is all you've got.

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Gosh......what happens in modern, developed countries that stop vaccinating?

The experiment has been done......

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Yes, but sanitation only got deaths from measles down to 300 a year. The vaccine did the rest. Are you happy for 300 children to continue dying of measles every year? A vaccine also eliminated smallpox.

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300 a year in a populace of 300+ million is a very small rate. It's not worth arguing about. Better to focus attention elsewhere.

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You don't care about the countries that listened to anti-vaccs and stopped vaccinating?

Not one single word from you about all those children that were killed by the anti-vacc lies.......

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Well, that started the process for many enteric diseases, sure, like typhoid/cholera/dysentery etc.

But to prevent widely disseminated, respiratory diseases like pneumonias, flu, chickenpox, meningiis, measles, pertussis, diphtheria etc?... not so much.

And read this:


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Nope, it is common knowledge that the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything counting on folks to be too clueless to look for the facts.

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It’s been tested for safety as far as is practically possible.

The problem is that your “safety” trials involve impossibly attainable concepts of safety.

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The childhood vaccine program has never been tested for cumulative doses nor overall safety.

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Not true. Once a vaccine or any medicine is approved, it still followed in what what are called "phase IV" or "post-market" trials in order to detect very rare safety problems. In other words, the medicines are followed in real world applications.

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This site is overrun with loons.

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If we are "loons" then you should be able to point out our errors. Could you please do so?

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Done so.

Still waiting for one single vaccine critic to acknowledge the basic facts.

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Several have already done so.

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Could you please provide a citation to one of those studies that examined cumulative doses or overall safety? I haven't seen such a study yet, but perhaps I missed it.

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this isn't true. and I've noticed that any criticism launched at vaccines paul offit, heidi larson, and the other pharmaceutical industry shills always come up with some lie to defend them again.

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LOL. You know more than the medical industry?? LOL. Go away you liar

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how come anytime anyone points out the weakness of paul and heidi larson and their myriad of absolute lies theyre attacked.

hate the facts butlive with em.


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Actually when you do epidemiologic studies it covers cumulative effects

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Could you provide a citation to such a study that looked at cumulative effects? Thanks.

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All phase 4 studies address cumulative affects by documenting abnormalities following vaccination. It's how we discovered myocarditis in covid vaccination. Also why we got rid of cox-2 inhibitors for pain drugs. Vioxx in 2004. Cumulative affects are found in all phase 4 studies and may lead to further study

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Sorry, I'd like you to be very clear with your epidemiology here. How *exactly* are cumulative effects studied in phase 4 studies?

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Please site the phase IV study that explored myocarditis from CoViD?

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That's not a study of cumulative effects from multiple vaccines. Can you provide a citation to a study designed to look at cumulative effects?

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Wrong. It wasn't ph4 studies or even post-marketing. The Janssen J&J was quietly stopped long before but not before it killed more people.

The CDC continues pushing both Moderna and Pfizer although it causes harm to far more than it protects in most age brackets.

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Here is a review of studies that look at the entire vaccine schedule:

"Each new vaccine considered for inclusion in the immunization schedule is tested within the context of the existing schedule and reviewed by clinical researchers, who analyze the balance of demonstrated benefits and risks. Thus, each new vaccine is approved on the basis of a detailed evaluation of both the vaccine itself and the immunization schedule. "


Or.......here is a crazy idea, how about looking at the FDA site?

Remember: we don't have OPV or BCG vaccines on our schedule........

"Prior and Concomitant Vaccines

All subjects were permitted to receive licensed pediatric vaccines concomitantly with RotaTeq or placebo except for oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) or Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG). OPV and BCG vaccines were permitted, but had to be administered more than 27 days before or after the study vaccine or placebo. "

Surprise! All the other vaccines were used.........and even two extra vaccines that are not on the schedule.


It is just massive denial by the vaccine critics to hide the fact that the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything.

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No, those are not studies that examine the entire vaccine schedule compared with getting none or fewer vaccines. Do you not understand what people are asking for?

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No, this is incorrect. Epidemiological studies have to provide adequate comparisons between the experiment and the control group, else bias occurs. Cumulative effects have never been studied.

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"Cumulative effects have never been studied."

No matter how many times you claim that, it is still a lie and it still just takes basic reading skills to see it is a lie.

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Offit has reason to be afraid of the truth.

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what a silly comment

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All of you vaccine supporters react the same way: instead of taking on the idea, you attack it with adjectives like "silly." My comment was not silly. It was sincere and the entire vaccine industry will soon be forced to come clean with the truth of what they've done in making our children chronically ill. So we'll see, won't we. You can keep defending vaccines, but in time you will see the fact that vaccines are inherently unsafe, as Dr. Stanley Plotkin has finally admitted and as the head of Wyeth Labs said to Ronald Reagan when Reagan asked him why doesn't the industry just make safer vaccines? And that is why vaccine makers demanded a liability shield.

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Well when you present silly ideas, expect that response. You are a lying crank who has ZERO science backing. Give up on Plotkin. You are laughable. What a joke....

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Ok, you don't like "silly".

Fact: there are today a number of examples were all it takes is basic reading skills to see the anti-vacc are flat out lying.

And in the few responses from vaccine critics.... Zero have had the integrity to acknowledge the truth.

Fact: you provide zero evidence that vaccines are unsafe,

Fact: in all the comments here, on all the topics, none of the critics have offered even one even a tiny bit rational bit of evidence that vaccines are unsafe.

Fact: One could listen to for profit health insurance companies.

You know, they pay for vaccines, they pay to administer vaccines, and they pay for the healthcare costs of their customers.

They have many decades of data on countless millions of children and they all find that vaccinated are healthier and vaccinations often save them money because vaccinate are so much healthier.

Same thing with all the national healthcare systems in the rest of the developed world.

The real-world data shows that vaccines are safe and effective and the anti-vaccs have nothing honest or rational to offer.

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Hmmm...it sounds to me he is afraid of the lies being spread about vaccines and what it will mean for the incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases that used to kill out kids.

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Personally, I fear for any child whose parents don't care enough to read the words and see that the anti-vaccs are lying when they say the entire schedule is not tested for safety.

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Yes it has.

As I recall this fact has been proven to many of the anti-vacc authors back at least to the late 1990s.

They just keep lying about it counting on folks to be too clueless to read.

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Jul 16
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Not I said "cumulative." The vaccine researchers believe N vaccines is safe, therefore N+1 vaccines are safe. So each vaccine is studied in isolation.

How do the odds ratio for autoimmunity change with each additional vaccine dose? It's a question no one knows the answer too.

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and the phase IV studies are done in real life on vaccines given to real people, meaning they get ALL THE VACCINES!! So the cumulative effects can be examined!!

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And the post marketing vigilance continues throughout the vaccines lifetime, this is what your VAERS and our yellow card scheme are intended to do. If you look at the British National Formulary website you can search for different vaccines (& other drugs), and the reported side effects are provided, even for older established medicines, with decades of reports.

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No. I'm sure you've heard CDC and pharma both say "we have not observed anything unexpected"?

That's a slippery phrase which allows them to compare one vaccine against a 'placebo, which is another vaccine with side effects, effectively covering up abnormalities. How many side effects are normalized for the COVID-19 vaccines? It's quite a list.

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So Steve quit your rhetoric . Site the studies. Site the Phase IV studies on the COVID “ vaccine”. It would be impossible to do them because there were so many versions of the booster.

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"It's a question no one knows the answer too."

Not true. You can't find the studies so YOU don't know.

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Note I said "cumulative." The vaccine researchers believe N vaccines is safe, therefore N+1 vaccines are safe. So each vaccine is studied in isolation.

How do the odds ratio for autoimmunity change with each additional vaccine dose? It's a question no one knows the answer too.

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no one knows the answer because your question makes zero sense

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What he is saying is that the difference between N and N+1 can look statistically insignificant. The difference between N+1 and N+2 can look statistically insignificant and so on down the line to N+ 20 etc... However if you compared N+20 to no vaccination at all, N+20 might look like it had problems. But they don't look at that no vaccination at all control group anymore. They just keep comparing to the general population that has many vaccinations and there's little to no difference when they add a new one. That's the best I can explain his view.

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no one knows the answer because your question makes zero sense

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What I don't know is why so many vaccine critics think mindlessly reposting obviously untrue things is a good idea.....

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Have you seen this? Do you know who Stanley Plokin is? https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2402379

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It’s Stanley Plotkin, and the paper doesn’t say what you think it does.

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Ok, then what DOES it say?

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It does not say, as disgraced lawyer Aaron Siri and antivax quack, Robert F. Kennedy jr. imply that we are not doing vaccine safety research. It says that we can always do with even more money...

"to do even more vaccine safety research to help sort out those ONE IN A MILLION type reactions that are sometimes reported after folks get vaccinated".

Can I take it that you approve, or do you want it both ways?

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So you don't care what it actually says.

Got it!

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It proposes to reallocate some funding to generate safety data more quickly.

Too bad not one single of the vaccine critics bothered to read the perspective article....

It is almost as if all of you know that if you look, you will see again that the anti-vaccs are lying about it.....

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What? You don't have the integrity to read the article and see Siri's lies?

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Isn't it amazing that out of all the vaccine critics.......not one of them will use their basic reading skills and see Siri is obviously lying from the very start.

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Site just a few of the extensive studies please.

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Let me suggest that if the only question you ever ask is a stupid one about citing studies which you are implying do not exist but that everyone knows exist and are laughing at your ignorance right now, then you should, at the very least, learn the difference between "site" and "cite" to avoid even more laughter at your expense.

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what difference would the results make to you? You are playing a game. Shame on you.

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Oh please just site them. Great excuse. You are playing the game. Shame on you. What a great reply.

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It's CITE. You can't even spell and you're asking me to give credence to your "intellectual" arguments?

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"site ... Shame on you"

Too funny.

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Whatever..it’s shame..well then cite the studies dude.

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Then why are you worried?

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Have you seen this? Do you know who Stanley Plokin is? https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2402379

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Do you know who Siri is?

He is businessman who makes money off of anti-vacc lies.

All you have to do is to read the nejm perspective article to see how staggeringly dishonest he is.

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Yes, and it does not say, as disgraced antivax lawyer, Aaron Siri, and antivax quack, Robert F. Kennedy jr., imply that we are not doing vaccine safety research. It says that we can always do with even more money...

"to do even more vaccine safety research to help sort out those ONE IN A MILLION type reactions that are sometimes reported after folks get vaccinated".

Can I take it that you approve, or do you want it both ways?

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You don't have the integrity to read the article and see Siri's lies?

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Do you know who Stanley Plokin is? https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp2402379

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"Do you know who Stanley Plokin is?"

Yes, do you? And do you know what he actually said as opposed to what your lying antivax liars lied about him saying?

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Never heard of "Plokin", no.

And please stop spamming the same silly comment over and over.

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Unfortunately, they are lying. It's intended and designed to look like what you are saying/ thinking but sadly it's not the reality. Check out lawyer Erin Seri ( part 1 The Highwire) https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/siri-testifies-new-hampshire-part-1/

A n d


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We agree, there sure is a lot of lying.

And if you use basic reading skills and read the perspective article from NEJM, you will see it is Siri/highwire that are liars.

Lying in the exact sense of complete fabricating the entire story.

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Incorrect and true placebos have never been used, to establish safety.

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What? You don't care that the anti-vaccs lied to you?

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Here is the most recent vaccine added to the schedule:


"participants in the trial were randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to receive 30 μg of BNT162b2 (0.3 ml volume per dose) or saline placebo."

Simple fact: the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything.

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Perhaps another study wouldn’t hurt. Surely you wouldn’t object to that given your faith in vaccines.

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Yes, you'd better check and check again and check again and check again. Always a great excuse to do nothing, which is what you want.

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if they have been studied 'for safety extensively'

then why this:


Funding Postauthorization Vaccine-Safety Science

none other than: Stanley A. Plotkin is an author.

“Postauthorization studies are needed to fully characterize the safety profile of a new vaccine, since prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes, follow up durations, and population heterogeneity.”

“It is critical to examine adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) that have not been detected in clinical trials, to ascertain whether they are causally or coincidentally related to vaccination.”

“Progress in vaccine-safety science has understandably been slow — often depending on epidemiologic evidence that is delayed or is inadequate to support causal conclusions and on an understanding of biologic mechanisms that is incomplete — which has adversely affected vaccine acceptance.”

sounds so EXTENSIVE that vaccine proponents say more research is needed.

are you up to date on all of your covid doses?

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He was talking about faster elucidation of 1 in a million events. You know that right? Well, you would have known that if you're actually read the paper rather than blindly accept what lying antivax lawyer, Aaron Siri, lied to you about what was in the paper.

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Biden just had to cancel a speech because he tested positive for covid. It's still out there and might get you.

Are you up to date on your shots?

You aren't an anti vaxer are you?

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Why not try for a response that at least gives the pretense that you are educated even if you aren't.

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so you are an antivaxxer.

if you didnt hear, elmo says the best way to protect you, your loved ones and your community is to stay up to date on your covid vaccines.

do your part for you & your community - stay up to date on your covid shots


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I hear it's mild, and he continues to work from isolation.

Biden (so we are told anyhow) is so old, decrepit and demented that any dose of Covid would be a death warrant or result in serious illness....but hey! he was vaxed, so no problem, even for him.

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Most people understand the selective quoting is dishonest and will read the article.......and see the anti-vacc lies...

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still kicking albus? you must be up to date on all your shots, right?

you wouldn't defy the cdc's recommendation like an antivaxxer would you?

how many covid mrna doses have you taken, it should be 8, or 9 at this point

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Yes, like any sane person I am up to date my shots.

Apparently you don't understand that most people love their children and will read the article and see how staggeringly dishonest you are.

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how many shots is that?

'like any sane person'...? you realize you are the minority, by a long shot right?


"Based on interviews conducted during November–December 2022, only 27.1% of adults and 18.5% of adolescents who had completed a COVID-19 primary series received a bivalent booster," but i am sure that is just 'selective quoting'

(published Feb '23...do you think jab rates have gone up since then?)

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More research in science and medicine is alsways welcome, and needed.

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no. they haven't. we need an adversarial process to monitor the pharmaceutical industry.

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Are you kidding me. If you think there is no monitoring of the pharmaceutical industry, how come they been fined 4 billion dollars and how come thay have to submit new products to the FDA for assessment and that they have to pay a fee to have them assessed.

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no I'm not kidding you and the fines ar emeaningless because theyve received billions more than theyve paid and most of what they lose is a tax write off. they do it so they can be profitable.

the pharmaceutical industry has been lying for so long and now many are on to the lie. we need an adversarial process and oversight for these organizations. there should be so much scrutiny that it is almost impossible to add a new vaccine to the market.

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Yet it's working, right?

And they continue to put out vaccines that save 3 million lives every year.

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no vaccine has ever “saved lives”. that is just a pharmaceutical industry talking point.

OR! I can accept that if you accept all thge lives vaccines take when they kill. something tells me you don’t want to accept how often vaccines kill because “correlation doesn’t equal causation” or some other basura.

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"the pharmaceutical industry has been lying for so long "

So pick some of their lies about vaccines and sue to have the vaccine removed from the market.

If what you claim is true, you will do so.

Of course if you know your claims are lies, you won't

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we both know that will never happen. it takes a severe public backlash to move the pharmaceutical industry. it is because of this that we have to be able to turn our backs on them completely.

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it isn't stupid.

the pharmaceutical industry shouldn't get free passes from the government and then mandates which create markets for their shoddily made medical products. it is a bonanza for the pharmaceutical industry but this is going to end come hell or high water.

accept it.

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Regulatory oversight......another topic in which you have remained fact-free

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I want adversarial regulation. it should be near impossible to get certain new medical products on the market.

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I want you to make an effort to understand how the current regulators are working.

But you refuse to learn any facts.

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I do understand how they work. they acept press releases as science and theyre bullied or in some cases on the payroll of the pharmaceutical industry.

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I see. You didn't read what Plotkin actually said. You read what the science illiterate lying antivax liar, lawyer Aaron Siri, lied about him saying. Got it.

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Isn't it amazing that out of all the vaccine critics.......not one of them will use their basic reading skills and see Siri is obviously lying from the very start.

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Site just a few of the extensive studies please.

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"Site" Too funny. Please refer to a dictionary. :)

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Could you please specify on which topic?


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Jul 16
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Yes, you already told us how you were fooled by a science illiterate antivax lawyer.

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Isn't it amazing that out of all the vaccine critics.......not one of them will use their basic reading skills and see Siri is obviously lying from the very start.

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From the moment a baby is born, the simple fact that he/she breathes and feeds, let alone takes the hand to the month or the eyes, puts the baby in contact with all sort of microbes, virus, fungi, protozoa, mites etc., some potentially pathogenic, others not so.

The baby also gets in immediate contact with hundreds, maybe thousands, of other antigenic molecules, ranging from proteins, polens, and a all range of allergens. The immunological system responds to all of these.

So unless you put the baby in a bubble for many months, the immunologic system will be facing daily challenges of all sort, some of them pretty dangerous.

And nevertheless you are concerned with a string of vaccine shots that have been studied and are some of the most scrutinized medicines ever?

Mind you that this string is nothing, compared to the thousand of other micro-challenges that the baby faces daily and you do NOT see, you are not even aware they exist. The immunological system of healthy newborns is prepared for this and much more... although it can do better with a little help from preventive medicine, as statistics of infant mortality through time show.

Indeed, there's a simple exercise you can do. Please consult infant mortality rates before mass vaccination came about in the 1960's. Also consult infant mortality rates in countries where mass vaccination is virtually non-existant. Check how much of that mortality is attributed to infectious diseases. Then maybe you will start grasping what is really dangerous for children.


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It isn’t just mortality but other serious illnesses such as encephalitis.

However here are the figures for England and Wales from 1940 to 2020. Measles is a notifiable disease. Note that the measles vaccine wasn’t introduced into the U.K. until 1968.



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A neonate is at high risk of death from pertussis, which is why pregnant women are advised to have the vaccine in the 3rd trimester.

In fact neonates are at high risk from respiratory infections.

This is because their airways are quite narrow. It’s worse for babies born earlier than 34 weeks gestation (premature) as their lungs are significantly underdeveloped.

This is our neonate vaccination schedule:

8 weeks old Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough),

polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib),hepatitis B

Meningococcal group B (MenB)

Rotavirus gastroenteritis

12 weeks old Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis,

polio, Hib, hepatitis B,

Pneumococcal (13 serotypes), Rotavirus

16 weeks old Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis,

polio, Hib, hepatitis B, MenB

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so long as these pharmaceutical products are not forced and people are given a choice. there can be no requirments for these products. all mandates must end.

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We don’t have childhood vaccination mandates in the U.K. and never have. The only mandates we have are for frontline healthcare workers for hepatitis B, measles and in some areas TB.

However, the downside is that if the level of vaccination falls below a certain threshold then we get outbreaks of measles or pertussis as has happened recently, with several deaths in neonates from pertussis.

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no one should have any sort of mandates. pharmaceutical products are a for-profit enterprise.none of these products can be mandated at all to anyone.

and pertussisis a dangerous medical product. we shouldn't give it to children. many deaths and side effect from that medical product.

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Where’s your evidence for thousands of deaths from vaccines? In these cases it was the mother who didn’t have the pertussis vaccination as these were neonates a few days or weeks old. You talk about depopulation as being the aim of various vaccines but your philosophy of not vaccinating will reduce the population a lot faster by orders of magnitude. Where is your humanity?

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to be clear, when you give vaccines. people die from this medical intervention. this happens whether you like it or not. there is a causal link between the vaccine and some deaths. yo udon't hacve to like that. but it is a fact.

now, paul would claim that SOME deaths are coincidental. and I agree. some people might get hit by a bus after dtap/tdap. but SOME people also die as a direct result. it doesn't matter how rare it is. what matters is that no one is forced to take these medical products. if they don't mandate these shoddily made medical products in your country you should be thankful for that.

in the U.S. in many states they are mandated. the pharmaceutical industry is given veto power over who can participate in society in many cases and this is wrong. it MUST and in fact will end.

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"You talk about depopulation" - John Collis

these are your words. not mine. I never made this claim.

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Omar read it on the internet.

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"and pertussisis a dangerous medical product. "

Correction: you just make things up.

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no. tdap/dtap are dangerous to SOME people. it kills. I don’t understand why that’s so hard for you to accept or agree with. it isn’t controversial…

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Mandates are a medical decision which are then required by law. It has nothing to do with drug company profits.

The pertussis vaccine has saved countless lives and is safer by far than the deadly illness it prevents.

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pertussis vaccine has saved no lives. that is a pharmaceutical industry talking point. sorry but those don’t work with me.

the fact is that mandates ar enot medical decisons. theyre “vaccine demand” and guarnateed markets for a pharmaceutical industry that has outlived its welcome.

there must be choice. FOR EVERYONE. the pharmaceutical industry cannot have veto power over who gets to work and who doesn’t.

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Too bad you didn't bother to look up what mandate means.....

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ive lived them. I am intimatley aware of what mandates are. we won’t be doing them again. I can guarnatee you that. paul did more damage to public health and vaccines than ANY person in history. I am so thankful for that. and in fact grateful for it.

there are children alive today that will NEVER take a vaccine for their entire lives because of paul.

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" I am intimatley aware of what mandates are."

Then why are you lying about them?

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I havent written any llies. just the facts.

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No mandates in Portugal, only strong recomendation.

Nevertheless our vaccine coverage for most of the entire childhood vaccination program is above 95% (cohorts evaluated at 2 years old).

Fortunately parents and grand parents do not have short memory - we recall the dark era of high infant mortality, not so many decades ago, before 1974.

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Unfortunately, the USA is not Portugal. In the USA, there is strong libertarian streak which many extend to medical considerations. Consider this: mandates were only introduced in the USA only after the vaccination rate stalled at 70%. The mandates did not move that percentage. When you encourage a libertarian they say "no". When you push them, they say "F**K NO". Then they die, and many did.

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no. the vast majority of people 99.95% of people are just fine. and there are less "correlated" issues when people cease consuming these shoddily made medical products.

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"the vast majority of people 99.95% of people are just fine."

You didn't post the data, because that is a lie.

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Portugal appears to be similar to the U.K., possibly because of Europe wide recommendations.

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oh! well hopefully parents wise up and discontinue consumption of these medical products in their children.

the every state in the U.S. should use this model. all mandates for everyone must end. no one can be forced to consume these shoddily made medical products.

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You clearly do not know what you are talking about

Oh, well, but freedom of speech is for all, including those who would greatly benefit from Biology 1001.

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Ive taken several bio classes. my educational history isn't at issue here. what is at issue is that no one should be forced to consume shoddily made medical products and the pharmaceutical industry shouldn't have veto power over social interaction.

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"oh! well hopefully parents wise up and discontinue consumption "

We have examples where that has happened.

The only result is lots more dead children.

Remember: the anti-vaccs are NOT misguided fools, they are actively trying to kill our children.

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we can look to chicago and see this is false. we can also see vaccines kill and cause debilitating disease. there are trade offs. the important thing is to be honest about them and give people a real choice. no mandates. no force. none.

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I truly hope you are not a father. But then again, your kids would be protected to some extent by various degrees of herd immunity as a result of reasonable parents getting their kids vaccinated - which would disappear if they were as science illiterate and ignorant as you are about vaccines and were persuaded by the anti-vaccine network of social media influencers to not get vaccinated.

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oh! I have convinced many to avoid vaccination or alter the vaccine schedule enough to render it meaningless. I have done this with several groups of parents in different parts of the world.

I sue what paul offit says and what he omits as proof. I have never quoted any “antivaxxers” because I don’t need them. I only use reputable sources for what I do and I love doing this.

we are enemies. I know that. I’m comfortable with it. you should be too. you covidians declared war on a large segment of the American public and I’m much obliged to “put in that work”. after what I was subjected to, I won’t ever stop. they took my hope away. it’s only right that I repay all the covid cult in kind.

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Vaccinations have never been "forced", except in unusual circumstances. Mandates are not "forced" vaccinations. You always have a choice. But, of course, with choices come circumstances.

And mandates will never end. For a start, health care providers are often - and quite appropriately - are mandated to be vaccinated before they can be employed in certain settings; and one of those unusual circumstances may arise again in the future.

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nope. all mandates have to go. even for healthcare and especially in healthcare. you might not like it but they will end. come hell or high water.

and mandates are government force giving the pharmaceutical industry a guarnateed market and veto power over who can access government services. this is unacceptable going forward.

something tells me public health isn’t as sanguine about this as you…

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Nope. Certain mandates must stay. Some others may be required in certain emergency situations. They will never end for health care workers in certain health care settings.

And mandates are not "force". And they are government mandates on the advice of panels of medical specialist with recognised expertise. They are also industry mandates such as in the hospital system. They are also school mandates requiring, at the very least, your unvaccinated child's abstension from school during an outbreak.

The motive for mandates is that they save lives, especially the lives of our children.

I don't care about the drug industry except that it is regulated and fined as appropriate to keep the population safe, and that they keep producing life saving drugs and vaccines.

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and your attacks show me that you DO in fact care about the pharmaceutical industry.

pal, Ive done this enough to where you people tip your hand the minute you begin the apologetics.

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youre wrong about this. and allow me to guarnatee you that. mandates are done. you and anyone else can feel free to try them again. maybe they continue at chop. although, I’d guess taht even there they end.

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And I would like you to try and make honest posts......

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I am making honest posts. that’s why they cause you so much mental duress. tht’s also why paul won’t ever debate any of his positions because he will be absolutely irretrievably obliterated.

although at this point it doesn’t matter. paul has already done more damage to vaccines and public health than anyone in history. I’m thankful for it.

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You therefore would be very happy for your surgical team to tell you, prior to your getting major abdominal surgery, that none of them will be washing their hands, no instruments will be sterilised, and some of them have active Hep B/C and HIV infection...

...because none of them followed the hospital infection control mandates?

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no. I avoid corporate hospitals like the plague. if I can help it I won’t EVER go to another hospital as long as I live. I’m terrified of breaking a bone or needing pain relief. although I have taken many precautions in these regards.

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However, the baby has IgG antibodies against those pathogens passed from its mother through the placenta. Further antibodies are passed from mum to baby through her breast milk.

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Not to all pathogens and certainly not for long.

Passive immunity (that is inherited from the mother) for measles, for example, decays to within a few months at most, leaving the baby unprotected afterwards. The vaccine is recommended at 12months (in my country) to make up for that vulnerability.

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However, that immunity provides protection for those vulnerable few weeks post natal. Also the infant adaptive immune system is almost non existent.

This is our schedule


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Can you explain why an 8 week old born from healthy parents needs a Hepatitis

B vaccine?

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Note: initial infection causes minimal illness, most people never know when they get infected because the symptoms are so mild.

Long-term, the infection causes liver failure and liver cancer both of which have high mortality rates.

The younger you are when you get infected, the higher your risk of liver failure or liver cancer.

So why:

1. Hep b virus has low, but not zero infectivity from casual contact.

2. Thus it is important to know if in the real-world young children were getting infected with Hep b.

(a) Infections do occur say from "non-healthy" i.e. infected parents

(b) Infections could occur from casual contact when the parents are healthy i.e. not infected.

3. For decades in the US, young children were tested to see if they were infected with Hep b (remember there ~no symptoms, so these kids were not being otherwise tested for Hep b)

4. Surprise! In the US each year--in families with NON-INFECTED parents--~16,000 young kids were being infected each year.


Sane people think stopping ~16,000 people a year from risking liver cancer or liver failure is a good idea.

Now, will you condemn the anti-vaccs for lying about why the hep b vaccine is used?

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Because other measures to reduce rate of hepatitis B in children failed and vaccination helped to halve the incidence. That's a good thing, right?

In fact, the first dose is given, on its own, at birth and three further doses as part of the DTP/Hep B/IPV/HiB vaccine at 2, 4, and 6 months.

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2,3 and 4 months in the U.K.

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Actually I can’t, I don’t know when it was added to the U.K. schedule, but I believe it was after the USA.

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So no, you don't care that the anti-vaccs lie about the vaccine and want children to die from cancer.

Got it!

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1. Not all mothers are healthy or have had testing for HepB in pregnancy.

2. Even if the mother is negative for HepB, there is a risk of Hep B transmission from infected family contacts and community contacts.

HepB in an infant is a virtual death sentence...90% become chronic carriers, and 50% of these will die prematurely from cirrhosis, liver failure, or liver cancer.

3. Prevaccine, in the US every year around 16,000 kids caught Hep B every year.


4. Next?

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infant mortality is still high in the west. vaccines havent done what is claimed but clever statistics always hide the bodies and the bootlicking pharma shills are always happy to oblige in advancing the pharmaceutical sales propaganda.

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"bootlicking pharma shills"

You mean the folks with the integrity to look at the numbers and see the anti-vaccs lies.

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Bypassing nature’s built in barriers and injecting toxins directly into the body is hazardous to human neurological development.

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Good thing there are no toxins in any vaccine.

Remember, the anti-vacc liars count on you to be a moron.

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An evidence-free nonsense claim based on the Naturalistic Fallacy.

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Anyone with basic reading skills can't help but see the entire schedule is tested.

"Each new vaccine considered for inclusion in the immunization schedule is tested within the context of the existing schedule and reviewed by clinical researchers, who analyze the balance of demonstrated benefits and risks. Thus, each new vaccine is approved on the basis of a detailed evaluation of both the vaccine itself and the immunization schedule."


The only thing shameful are parents that won't use their basic reading skills to see that the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything.

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Now I’m pretty sure Mike S, steve. Billy Joe and Albus are all the same person. Crazy isn’t it! Four individuals could not think absolutely 100% the same.

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You should really look at the styles, word usage, topics........and see the lunacy of your posting.

Of course, it would also require you to be honest.....

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Same script

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Pretty much.

I keep putting the words right in front of your eyes so you can see that the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything.

But you just don't care!

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I know why you didn't post one word about what the facts are.....

As you just demonstrated, it takes willful stupidity not to see that the anti-vaccs are liars.

But hey, no big deal to you, their lies are only killing people....mostly children.

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Well maybe you vaxxers are the liars.

Maybe you lie about everything.

This is so fun. The evidence with the Covid vaccine has been the tell tale truth of the pharmaceutical industry. My God Joe Biden has been vaxxed, boosted and has stupid been tested positive for COVID ..and has been given Paxlovid ( now that the vaccine didn’t work, Paxlovid for COVID) for a cough and a sneeze and lethargy in an 81 year old man. This is insane. Again maybe you lie about everything. Remember if you are vaxxed you will not get COVID or spread COVID. What a joke. It is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The genetic serum called the COVID vaccine has been the demise of many people and the cause, whether it be the vaccine or the mitigations to stop the virus, of a mortality that has in been in excess

of what you would expect if the “vaccine” worked to stop the spread of a common cold virus.


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Good news!

1. I have provided so many of the anti-vacc references that all it takes is the integrity to read the words to see that the anti-vaccs are liars.

2. Your comments about Mr. Biden are predicated on you:

A. Not understanding the definition of vaccine

B. Not understanding percentages

3. "It is a pandemic of the unvaccinated." (I think you mean vaccinated)

A. Of course it is!

B. The anti-vacc liars count on you to be too clueless to count.

4. " for a cough and a sneeze"

A. Over a million Americans have already died from covid

B. 10+% of people infected get long-covid which causes damage to the

brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, pancreas, and the immune system

C. The anti-vacc liars are not insane, they are just flat out evil.

5. "The genetic serum called the COVID vaccine has been the demise of many people "

A. Good thing we can listen to life insurance companies from all around

the world---vaccination reduces your chance of dying

B. We can also listen to for profit health insurance companies and national

healthcare systems--vaccination makes you healthier

C. Remember Kathy, the anti-vacc liars count on you being really stupid.

6. Yes, CHD/RFK jr have come up many times before:

A. They are just for-profit anti-vacc scammers that make money lying about

vaccines preying upon people too clueless to read or count--lots of

examples have been posted here already that prove this simple fact.

B. There is NO scientific study in your link!

C. Anyone that remembers 5th grade science--and the importance of

controls--immediately see that your link isn't just a lie. It requires people

to be staggeringly stupid to believe it.

Now here is where denial kicks in and you refuse to read or count and see that ~everything you believe are just a bunch of lies.

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And you don't have the integrity to use your basic reading and math skills to see the anti-vacc lied to you.

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The entire schedule.. you mean 90 shots for kids of 17 different vaccines..never once in a placebo controlled trial. I was never anti-vax until COVID and it has been criminal.


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You do realize that month after month after month we keep posting studies with proper placebo controls.

Not one single vaccine critic here has had the integrity to use their basic reading skills and see the anti-vacc lies.

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When you associate skin color with someone’s faults, you lose all credibility with me.

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You don't have the integrity to condemn the anti-vaccs for their obvious lies?

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"It is shameful that white elite men like Dr. Paul Offit and Dr. Anthony Fauci have an outsized say in what scientific safety assessments are done. "

Perhaps you would also agree on your pizza delivery man having an equal say right along with your architect about the blueprint for your house build.

"This is a violation of health equity and of justice."

That's pretty funny. Equity and justice demands that your pizza delivery man be given an equal say alongside your architect about the blueprint for your house build!

"It's time for a new guard to take over our scientific and medical institutions"

Oh, I see, you want the pizza delivery man to have the final say!

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Hey are you and Steve the same person? You can vaccinate high risk infants for Hep B, but to vax the entire infant population is absurd.


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You do realize that cureus is an open-access, pay to publish site where you get to pick the referees the review your paper right?

All you have to do is to look at the numbers from the different countries to see you link is absolutely lying.

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Like the meta analysis that showed the benefits of Ivermectin in the treatment of Covid . And more people died in the vaccinated arm of the Pfizer trial and then they got scared and unblinded it? I would trust anything posted by on “Cereus more than government backed Lancet, JAMA, NEJM

So Albus, steve, Mike S . Billy Joe. Say hello your fellow to each other. Weird beyond belief you are!

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1. "Like the meta analysis that showed the benefits of Ivermectin in the treatment of Covid"

You mean the one where the frauds fabricated the data? It is literally impossible to have a 5th grade education and not see the ivermectin fraud.

2. "And more people died in the vaccinated arm of the Pfizer trial....:"

Nope 2 died in the vaccine arm and 4 died in the placebo arm.


Fact: for 3.5 years the anti-vaccs have lied about the deaths counting on folks like you to be too clueless to read.

Hey! That is like ~everything the anti-vaccs claim!

3. " and then they got scared and unblinded it?"

Nope, the anti-vaccs just lie about that, counting on you to not use your 5th grade counting skills to see their lie.

Now this is where you hide from the fact that ~everything you believe is an anti-vacc lie that insults the intelligence of the average 10 year old!

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Experience has guided paediatricians here. They tried vaccinating high risk infants and didn't see any improvement. When they moved to routine vaccination they saw a halving of incidence of this chronic debilitating and life limiting disease. They are driven to prevent infectious disease in children because they can kill and maim and reduce life quality and expectancy.

And please do not cite "Cureus", they have a poor track record of publishing poorly peer-reviewed studies that get retracted. Also, Goldberg has his PhD in computer science. Also, single studies mean nothing. Decisions are made on meta-analyses of systematic reviews and determined by panels of specialist who are recognised experts in their field.

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And Miller believes he has spoken to Aliens.

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Sir, I have witnessed too many children who had autism not to see a correlation therein. I read Robert F Kennedy’s book supporting this idea. Why put children at risk when they need not? My husband lost two siblings: age 4 and age 11 months to vaccines. Don’t tell his mother there’s no correlation!

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sorry anecdotes do not science make. This has been studied over and over and the rate of autism in vaccinated and unvaccinated has consistently not been different in studies in different countries around the world.

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Over and over again Billy Joe. Over and over again..so where are the studies that have been done over and over again? The studies that show there is absolutely ***NO*** evidence that there is an association between the childhood vaccination schedule and autism? We are waiting for you to “site” those studies. Meaning to locate them, show them to us.. if they are so numerous take us to the site..please..the place where they are located so we can all be enlightened like you so we can all know there is absolutely ***NO*** evidence.. Still waiting, maybe you are still searching. It has taken you such a long time.

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Please be honest.

You refuse to read the studies because you already know the anti-vacc are liars.

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" The studies that show there is absolutely ***NO*** evidence that there is an association between the childhood vaccination schedule and autism? "

I have posted some today.

And I have posted many different ones previously.

And how many of the vaccine critics have made an honest comment on the basic facts--so far zero!

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You want to know their site? Try PubMed.

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paul uses anecdotes. tell him.

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"paul uses anecdotes. "

You can use anecdotes to ILLUSTRATE a point you are making. You cannot use an anecdote to provide EVIDENCE in favour of) your point. You might try to learn the difference instead of trying to be a "smartarse" or "gotcha".

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okay. tell that to paul when he uses anecdotes to illustrate lies he tells.

I could detail these lies but I won’t because I don’t want him to change what he says or alter the lies that he uses.

he’s practiced them so many times that when no one questions him on some of them he alters the anecdote to give it more weight.

I’ve listened to him over decade tell one anecodte I know is an absolute lie because he was called out on it. but what do you care. you gotta protect those pharma profits, right…

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Using anecdotes to illustrate is NOT a problem. Using anecdotes as evidence IS a problem. Are you cognitively impaired as well as science illiterate AND ignorant of medicine AND ethically challenged?

BTW, those are the reasons you were targeted by the anti-vaccine network of disgraceful millionaire social media influencers. Those of us armed with knowledge of medical science, and who have cognitive health, and a well-developed sense of ethics are immune to their nefarious influence.

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and to be clear, paul uses anecdotes as evidence. he does this often. his anecdotes are as good as anyone else’s…

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I don’t consume any “anti-vax” social media content. none. I don’t wantch any conspiracy theory garbage. I only watch people like paul, heidi larson, twiv, and individuals that supported the covid cult narrative. THEY had power.

so again, your criticisms fall flat because theyre meaningless.

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Correlation does not mean there’s a causal link. There’s correlation between ice cream consumption and shark attacks in Australia, but that doesn’t mean eating ice cream will causes a shark to attack you.

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there's also a correlation between vaccines and autism.

we know the absurdity of the causul link between ice cream and shark attacks because we don't inject ice cream into babies.

now, I'm not claiming vaccines cause autism. paul has told us what happens when a person does that - theyll be attacked, have their papers retracted, and have their credentials revoked because the pharmaceutical industry has the power to do this.

yet, you don't have to like a corollary. but your pharmaceutical industry tlking points are showing their age and weakness.

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There is no causal link between vaccines and autism, this has been demonstrated multiple times. Also if there were such a link then why does the number of cases in male children far exceed the number of cases in females, as the vaccine is administered to approximately the same number of each sex?

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in addition to being a pharma shill, youre also unable to read.

pal, try again.


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The only connection I have with any pharmaceutical company are the medications I take. I am retired so I’m not even in paid employment.

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so then why are you so into defending them!? it’s like you want to lick their boots or something. I get why paul does it. he’s paid handsomely. but when normies defend the pharmaceutical industry it’s total cringe…

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"a pharma shill"

Shameful. Yes, you went there. But that's more a comment about you - that you have realised that you have no reasonable arguments - than it is a comment about John Collins who at least knows what he is talking about.

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I know what I’m talking about too. that’s why Im here. and if youre shilling for pharma, I will tell you about it.

youre close but right now youre just attacking me. its clever but ive had this happen before and much worse. I was pilloried for more than 72 hours by thousands of covid cult members before my 13 year old twitter account was banned because I dared speak the truth. that truth no longer matters. neither do your attacks.

so try something else, pal.


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"there's also a correlation between vaccines and autism."

Nope, there is not even a correlation.

"when a person does that - theyll be attacked, have their papers retracted, and have their credentials revoked because the pharmaceutical industry has the power to do this."

Scientists determine the value of a paper, not the drug companies. And it is recognised experts in their respective fields of science who collate and assess all the evidence to come to a conclusion about what is likely to be true. But, if you write a shoddy paper, you can guarantee other scientists will rip it to shreds. This is peer-review and it's how the wheat is sifted from the chaff. Clearly, you have no understanding about how science is done.

"your pharmaceutical industry tlking points are showing their age and weakness."

The old shameful "pharma shill" gambit. You are new to this game, right?

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well there is a correlation vaccines and autism. just as there is a correlation between many things. like vaccines and sudden infant death syndrome.

now, I’m not suggesting there is a causal link. it seems like you can’t read either. yet, don’t mad at me for presenting a fact.

if you don’t like facts there’s nothing I can do to help you with that, pal..

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"now, I’m not suggesting there is a causal link. "

That is wise.

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thanks. I know.

which is why I detail the autism/vaccine correlation. the way I do.

it doesn’t suggest causality.

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Nope. There is no correlation between vaccinations and autism. Nope. There is no correlation between vaccines and SIDS.

It seems you don't understand that I probably knew the difference between correlation or causation before you were weaned off your mommy's breast, although I guess that couldn't have been too long ago considering the baby-talk we're seeing here.

And you need to learn how to distinguish evidence, facts, and data from personal uneducated opinion. Because you suck at this, son.

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yes. there is a correlation between vaccines, autism, SIDS, and several other maladies.

now, again. I’m not suggesting a causal link but there is a correlation. not accepting that seems almost delusional…

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Yes there is a correlation between vaccines and autism.

Anti-vaccs lying about autism being caused by vaccines.

Good news: it is a really, really stupid lie!

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okay. theres still a correlation. learn to live with it.

not suggesting a causal link.

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...Like the correlation between organic food and autism?


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theres a correlation between vaccines and autism and several other diseases. this does not suggest a causal link. there may be additional corollaries as well.

I can accept them all. funny how you and this other fellow have difficulty accepting any.

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O.K.. there is no correlation. An N=2 is useless, anecdotal evidence.

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The correlation is RFK jr making money by lying to people that don't bother to check his claims.

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what a silly comment. One example. The country of Denmark followed EVERY SINGLE CHILD BORN THERE for years and found that the difference in the rate of autism between those who were vaccinated and those who were not to be absolutely non existent. Congrats on wasting your time with RFK,Jr and his brain worm's book. The fruitcake also believes that HIV does not not cause AIDS, that a pesticide causes transvestism, that 5G technology causes cancer, that there are no safe and effective vaccines at all, etc....Tell us, what is YOUR PhD in. Mine is in immunology. I studied how the immune system recognizes viruses and I did vaccine research.

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Not true regarding the Danish study. Look at their data. Children who were MMR vaccinated were significantly LESS likely to be diagnosed with autism: 1.66% of unvaccinated children were diagnosed with autism while only 0.96% of MMR vaccinated children were diagnosed with autism. A statistically significant difference given the number of children included in the study. Yet the authors did not mention that correlation in their paper. It can only be discerned by running a chi-squared test on the data they published.

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You mean this paper?


You got the stats wrong.

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Yes, that’s the paper. What do you think is wrong with the stats?

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Please reread the CIs in figure 3.

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The "Cumulative incidences of autism" graph? That does not separate out those children who were MMR vaccinated compared with those who were not MMR vaccinated so it is unrelated to the stats I reported.

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You are kidding, right? Personal anecdotes are NOT evidence. It's the well-known logical fallacy called: "After this therefore because of this". This was realised more than 400 years ago, and it is why we do science in the first place! You cannot trust your personal experience. It could be coincidental. And, in the case of autism, the science tells us there is NO link between vaccinations and autism. And Robert K Kennedy junior is a blatant liar. He has been caught out on numerous occasions over the last two decades. He never admits his mistakes and blunders on regardless, safe in the knowledge that the science illiterate public won't see through his BS. Shameful. The death toll - especially of children - that lie at the feet of that despicable person is incalculable.

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ALL vaccines are a major risk. You jab your offspring up if you like, but I actually love my kids so will allow their natural immunity to develop and keep their mercury and toxic chemicals as low as is physically possible. Once you have a vaccine injured child you never regain trust in the medical industrial complex.

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How nice of you to love your kid enough for them to potentially die or face a lifetime of illness and injury by getting infected with a vaccine-preventable illness. Have you never read a history book? Do you have and idea what the childhood mortality rate was in the pre-vaccine era? But hey, you do you.

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Do you keep your children in sterile bubbles? They are exposed to toxic chemicals throughout their lives. Poison is in the dose. Drink 4 litres of water and you’ll possibly develop hyponatraemia which can cause convulsions. Eat nothing but bananas then you may develop hyperkalaemia which can cause heart arrhythmia. If there’s granite near where you live then there’s the risk of radioactivity. The quantity of mercury in vaccines is vanishingly small, and as far as I’m aware it’s no longer added to vaccines except the influenza vaccine (certainly true here in the U.K.)

If you live in the USA and you eat bread then you’re ingesting ridiculous quantities of sugar, when visiting DC we couldn’t find any bread that didn’t have sugar added.

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That’s a lot of “if’s”...and mercury isn’t the only toxin present in vaccines.

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Mercury is not in any childhood vaccines here in the U.K.

What other toxins are present? Please quantify.

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Aluminum for one.

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Do you use aluminium pans for cooking? Do you drink from aluminium cans? Do you use aluminium foil? Aluminium is the third most abundant element in the earth’s crust. The aluminium adjuvants are in the form of salts and not the metal, they’ve been added to vaccines for nigh on 100 years.

There is a T cell receptor for Alum.

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No actually I don’t. No aluminum cookware in my house and no drinks in aluminum cans either.

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Really helps if you start by getting the basic facts correct.

Aluminum is an element......

Then there are these people called "toxicologists" in theory you could try listening to them.......

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Aluminum is an element but nature doesn’t inject in developing children and neither should we.

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First, it was the measles vaccine, then it was the mercury, now it is the aluminium. It's doesn't matter to an antivaxxer because to an antivaxxer it is always the vaccines and the details can be manipulated and lied about later.

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Definition of toxin:

"a poisonous substance that is a specific product of the metabolic activities of a living organism and is usually very unstable, notably toxic when introduced into the tissues, and typically capable of inducing antibody formation"

There are no ifs here.

Mercury is NOT a toxin, there are no toxins in vaccines, and there is no mercury in vaccines.

Simple fact, the anti-vaccs stupidly lie about ~everything.

But hey, it is only the lives of YOUR children.

Heaven forbid you spend a moment and use your 5th grade skills to see evil people have filled your head with lies that endanger YOUR children.

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Mercury is not a toxin???? Are you insane?

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I posted the definition.

Are the words too hard to read?

Or do you just not care that the anti-vaccs are liars?

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No it's not a toxin. You could reasonably describe it as a toxicant.

Childhood vaccines don't contain any mercury, not even in the form of thimerosal (a safe salt of mercury)

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Sterile bubbles cause compromised immune systems as does injecting toxins into babies with undeveloped immune systems.

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Vaccines do not compromise immune systems, but some infections do - including measles and SARS-CoV-2. That is a lie promoted by lying antivax liars.

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"ALL vaccines are a major risk."

Nope, the anti-vacc just make that lie, counting on parents to be morons and believe it.

"but I actually love my kids so will allow their natural immunity to develop....."

You love them so much you want them to get dangerous, sometimes lethal diseases.

"keep their mercury and toxic chemicals as low as is physically possible."

You some them so much you won't use your basic reading skills and see there is no mercury or toxic chemicals in vaccines.

You have a really messed up idea of what the word love means.

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Here is the result:

The risk that your kids will die from a vaccine preventable disease is far, far, greater than the risk of any vaccination, mitigated only by the fact the most parents love their kids enough to vaccinate them and keep them safe, thereby providing your unfortunate kids with a degree of herd immunity.


At the start of the recent pandemic the unvaccinated were dying (all-cause mortality) at 20 times the rate of the vaccinated.

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😂 you’re joking right? 🤦🏼‍♂️

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Math too difficult for you?

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Nope. Those are the facts, no matter how inconvenient for you.

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You want your kids to develop "natural immunity" to meningitis, pneumonia, measles, polio and cervical cancer?

...Poor things.

PS: Why do you want them to get immunity anyway?


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Well, admittedly as a parent who dutilfy gave all his four children the full vaccine schedule, I am starting to wonder if we're going way too far. When I was a kid, there were very, very few autistic children. Now 1 in 32 kids now have autism, and it's supposed to be because "we're better at diagnosing it". Something is wrong. Maybe it's the vaccines. Maybe it's something else. But something is way off and all we're hearing is "shut up, you don't know what you're talking about, listen to the experts". Huh.

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Still reading?

Or do you not care that the anti-vaccs lied to you?

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"When I was a kid, there were very, very few autistic children. Now 1 in 32 kids now have autism...."

Nope, both of those are just anti-vacc lies.

You should look at the actual data and listen to actual scientists.

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I believe the developing consensus is, in fact, that the increase is unrelated to "better diagnosis". Autism is, in fact, increasing.

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That is not true among epidemiologists or statisticians.

There is probably a real small increase in autism.

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Repeat after me:


There have been far too many large studies attesting to this fact that you are now have to blatantly lie about it to say otherwise. And antivaxxer do lie. In fact antivaxxer=LIAR.

These are the reason why we see more autism

- the definition of autism has been broardened.

- we now have "autism spectrum disorder" in which the original "autism" diagnosis is a small fraction.

- the condition is more widely known among the population.

- there is far less stigma attached to the diagnosis.

- there are far more centres specialising in the diagnosis.

- schools get government assistance for children with autism.

- parents get government assistance for children with autism.

There may also be an increasing insidence of autism of ASD over time...



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but there is a correlation between vaccines and autism.

this does not suggest a causal link.

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We have 10s of thousands of chemicals that disrupt the process of oxidative phosphrolation, AKA the process the body uses for energy ATP BECOMING ADP then back to ATP. Our brains are 3% of our mass yet uses 20 % of energy. This " metabolic dysfunction " can't be good IMHO. Yet No one talks about this, they just take the easy road, blame vaccines

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Ooops? maybe that’s because the cat is out of the bag and more people now know the dangers of mass vaccination. They shouldn’t have pushed the dangerous mRNA spike protein on us.

Sorry Dr. Offit, we are don’t with profit over people.

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Nothing new here.

Anti-vaccs can't even count the number of vaccines correctly.

As usual, everyone with 5th grade math skills is laughing at the anti-vacc lies.

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"maybe that’s because the cat is out of the bag and more people now know the dangers of mass vaccination."

Or maybe there are more science illiterate social media influencers who make millions promoting false antivax messages because they've seen that this drives subscribers, viewers, and commenters on their SubStack or YouTube channels, which in turn drives income. They've effectively become captives of their audience who now determine what they will talk about and how they will talk about it. Education it is NOT.

For someone with a science or medical background, and an education in media studies and critical thinking, this is not a problem. But most of the population is both science illiterate and gullible and are easily fooled by these unethical money mongering influencers. Don't be one of them. Learn about science. Learn about the logical fallacies. Learn some critical thinking. Learn how to spot BS and clickbait in the media.

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You say OOPS!


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Makes sense.

Like Mr. Trump and Mr. Kennedy, you can't count the number of vaccines correctly.

Makes sense then that you can't do the 5th grade math to see that the bioweapon claim is a lie.

Good news: the anti-vacc liars are morons!

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So what is the count of the vaccines that the CDC recommends for children under 18’? Albus, steve, Mike S, Billy Joe please list them. So we can all be in awe that any parent would inject their child with that many! I think it is 180. Please prove me wrong.

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Did you see my comment about all the denial around how the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything?

The answer is: there are 13 vaccines on the birth to 18 schedule:


# Vaccine

1 hep b

2 RV

3 DTaP

4 Hib



7 Covid

8 Influenza


10 Var

11 Hep A

12 HPV

13 MenA

Here is where you demonstrate denial!

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Not on my watch Albus. You can inject yourself and your children if you have any with this many vaccines. Go for it. You forgot to include the COVID Vaccine.

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#7 above...."Covid"--I did NOT forget any.

You just didn't read correctly.

But you did demonstrate my point about how you would respond with denial.

What you really, really mean is you won't look and see that the anti-vaccs are liars, running a fraud that kills children.

Entirely reflects upon you as a human being.

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Dear Kathy......ashamed that you can't count well enough to see that the anti-vaccc liars played you for a fool?

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Maybe you are the fool. You are so smart. You can judge who tells the truth and who lies and who is the fool and who is not. Wish I could be like you to know the truth from lies and who is the fool and who is not. Must feel good to pump your chest up and know that you know what is truth and what is not.

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Hey, I posted the vaccine schedule.

I listed them out as YOU requested.

Everyone with kindergarten level counting skills and the integrity to look sees the anti-vacc lies.

Then there are folks like you!

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Vaccine denialist?

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I don’t know what that guy’s thinking. I’ve seen all sorts of strange stuff about vaccines.

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RFK Jr. as Attorney General like his father would be the best.. he could then investigate Pfizer etc

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Did you miss how RFK jr keeps claiming fraud etc, etc......but he never, ever, ever sues to stop the use of the vaccines.....

No surprise, since anyone with a middle school education can't help but see he lies about vaccines.

At least he has pocketed million$ from his scam.......

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He is nothing like his father. His father cared, he does not. He lies and his lies kill children. You don't get a liar and killer to investigate anything.

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Lol.. cry me a river.. go read the Real Anthony Fauci & see the notes.. of course this assumes you can read

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Surprise! Another anti-vacc that refuses to read the references and see that the anti-vaccs are liars!

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" Real Anthony Fauci & see the notes.. "

I did and RFK jr is staggeringly and obviously dishonest.

Anyone reasonable person could miss he is selling BS, this assumes one has the integrity to look!

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I have read enough to know that I'd be wasting my time reading the BS put out by that creature. He has been lying about vaccinations for two decades. He doesn't care. He is unlikely to care when he writes lies about Dr. Anthony Fauci either.

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Jul 16Edited

How about you just do what every American wants?

That seems like a much better idea!

We want the same quality of testing done for vaccines that is done for new drugs (double blind etc...).

We want the same testing done for any new brew of vaccines each and every single time you add a new one.

We don't want the results of any new vaccination test to be compared to the general population that has already had many vaccinations. We want them compared to no vaccination at all.

There are populations that still resist any vaccinations at all that can be used as the control group. Otherwise small statistically insignificant impacts from one brew to the next that are ignored can become significant cumulatively and we don't see it.

Is that too much to ask?

If not, then how about about NOT recommending the same vaccinations for males, females, babies, teens, adults, very old people, sick people, healthy people etc,..when each of them and every combination of them has a different risk reward profile for the disease and any potential side effect from vaccination.

I used to think RFK Jr was a crackpot. But after Covid, now I think he's probably wrong on some things but very correct on the degree on corruption at the FDA, CDC, drug companies, in the government, in the media, and even in journals that report on studies. I'd be happy to have RFK Jr in the administration. He'll ensure the crooks aren't putting us at risk and if he's wrong he has the integrity to back off.

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YooooHooooo are you still reading and seeing all the anti-vacc lies?

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I couldn’t find the ridiculous study you posted about how the COVID vaccine stops transmission. Third graders know that is not true,


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You mean you didn’t read the many studies I have posted.

It takes willful stupidity not to see the anti vacc lies!

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"We want the same quality of testing done for vaccines that is done for new drugs"

So, this is how successful the antivax lies have been, right? Because the fact is that the testing of vaccines is far more rigorous than for new drugs. And rightly so. Drugs treat disease in sick people. Vaccines prevent disease in healthy people. It is only right that they are tested far more rigorously, and they are. So, you have been lied to, right? Can you admit that?

"We want the same testing done for any new brew of vaccines each and every single time you add a new one."

We already have that, right?

The COVID-19 vaccines were all tested in an RCT against a saline placebo, right?

"We want them compared to no vaccination at all."

So, that was done, right? And, in the case of the mRNA vaccines they were found to be safe and effective compared with no vaccination. But, once a vaccine has been shown to be safe and effective, you cannot test an improved vaccine against "no vaccination", right? Because you would be depriving the placebo group of a proven safe and effective vaccination and that would be unethical, right? You test it against the old vaccine to see if it performs as well or better.

"There are populations that still resist any vaccinations at all that can be used as the control group."

Nope. You forgot about the "Random" part of the "Random Controlled Trial". And RCT must have random allocation to the treated and untreated group, otherwise you can introduce any number of confounders that could invalidate the trial. Let me guess: you have no idea how to read or evaluate a clinical trial. Am I right? Of course, I am.

"I used to think RFK Jr was a crackpot."

You were wrong. He was, and is, a despicable liar, and he doesn't care. And he has been that way for nearly two decades now. He has been corrected on numerous occasions, but he just ignores the corrections and pushes through. But the only way you will see that is if you educate yourself in science (especially virology, epidemiology, immunology and clinical trial procedures). He is successful only because the population at large has no clue that he is wrong and why he is wrong and has no idea that he blatantly lies about vaccines.

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"We want the same quality of testing done for vaccines that is done for new drugs (double blind etc...)."

How about you use your basic reading skills and that vaccines do have the testing and often more than other new drugs.

"We want the same testing done for any new brew of vaccines each and every single time you add a new one."

How about you use your basic reading skills and see that testing is done.

RFK jr is not a crackpot. He is a businessman that has made million$ lying about vaccines.

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What utter BS. The sooner real science and accountability can come into play on the entire topic of health, the better. We've poisoned ourselves and our children and the piper has come to be paid now; we see it in so many data points (fertility, autism, cancer, autoimmune issues, etc...). It's time to correct things and thanks God there are people willing to do it.

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Real science?

Oh, you mean like listening to for profit health insurance companies or national healthcare systems whose data proves vaccines are safe and effective and the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything?

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Said like a true USEFUL FOOL of the antivax network.

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What? You don't care how the real-world data proves the anti-vacc lies are killing children?

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I do like to see what educated people are thinking because as we all know, educated certainly does not mean smart & Offit falls into this category. You would do well to look at the history of eradication of diseases vs. the mass rollout of vaccines. I believe Dr Suzanne Humphries has given talks with this exact data. You should look it up because your substack is just rubbish.. you might be educated but you certainly are not smart

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Correction: as proven above, Humphries preys upon folks that simply can't follow 5th grade math/science.

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Your comment is more about you than it is about "Offit".

Dr. Paul Offit is both educated and smart. His knowledge in the field of vaccinology is extensive and deep, and he has loads of experience both in developing vaccines and in treating children. He has recognised expertise in that particular field of science.

Only someone with bias and no background in science or medicine could say otherwise.

Yeah, I'm talking about you, Mr. NoData.

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Oh no, you got me! Mr No Data….

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That's what you get when you expose yourself.

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Read “Plague” by Dr Judy Mikovitz. She has studies showing that children under 3 years of age cannot handle the vaccine load. Their immune systems are too immature. This “schedule” was never studied for safety and effectiveness.

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The human immune system comes in contact with 30 trillion cells and almost as many bacteria, add another 30 billion bacteriophages each DAY, and you think 31 more shots in 18 years is a problem? "Here's your Sign"

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Please don't be silly.

After getting out of jail, Mikovitz's only option for making money was to prey upon folks too clueless to read the words and see that the entire vaccine schedule was studied.

"Each new vaccine considered for inclusion in the immunization schedule is tested within the context of the existing schedule and reviewed by clinical researchers, who analyze the balance of demonstrated benefits and risks. Thus, each new vaccine is approved on the basis of a detailed evaluation of both the vaccine itself and the immunization schedule."


As often pointed out, the anti-vacc liars just aren't very clever.

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"Judy Mikovitz"

Are you kidding me?

"She has studies"

Don't make me laugh - well, if it wasn't so serious!

"Their immune systems are too immature."

Not "too immature" just "less mature", which is why some vaccinations are delayed till 12 months of age, and why most vaccinations have to be given in multiple doses.

"This “schedule” was never studied for safety and effectiveness."

That is a blatant lie.

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Answer me this:

Why is the thymus gland in infants huge compared with body size, when in adults the ratio of thymus gland to body size is miniscule?

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What? You don't care that Mikovitz makes money lying to people?

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Read “Plague” by Dr Judy Mikovitz. She has studies showing that children under 3 years of age cannot handle the vaccine load. Their immune systems are too immature. This “schedule” was never studied for safety and effectiveness.

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I note that anti-vaccs have this strange idea that if they keep posting a lie that somehow it becomes true.....

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It was bad enough the first time you wrote that.

I am betting your PhD is not in any science or medical field. Am I right? Of course, I am.

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Magic crystals? That she happens to sell in her shop?

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well, this is an extremley political post for a man that claims to not want politics involved in science.

to be clear, I'm a biden supporter, I agree with podsaveamerica folks and I think the discussion of him stepping aside is one that will progress. yet, I think a democrat WALKS into the presidency with a convicted felon running for office.

yet, why are you injecting politics into a discussion of vaccines. this is an extreme misstep. more to the point, I agree with rfk and the former president. I don't support them politically but I agree with them.

paul, you don't care about children. stop pretending. and one fact is very clear: ALL mandates must end. they all have to go. so I hope your political attack helps democrats. it probably will. but mandates still have to go.

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Omar keeps making things up, thus it YOU that have proven you don't care about children.

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I’m not claiming to care about all children. in fact I don’t. I do care that people are given a choice in their consumption of shoddily made medical products. I KNOW paul doesn’t care about children. paul cares about pharmaceutical industry profits. and probably his own as well.

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"I’m not claiming to care about all children. in fact I don’t."

Thank you that was an honest post!

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I don't it isn't possible to care about all children. anyone that claims to care about all children is an absolute liar.

paul cares about other children more than his own children or grandchildren!? I don't think so.

and we know paul doesn't care about children because he cares about pharma profits more.

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"I don't it isn't possible to care about all children. "

Clearly not possible for you!

And you have already clearly demonstrated who the liar is.

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I havent lied about anything.

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I like your politics but, as you say, this is a science-based discussion and I won't expand further. Unfortunately, as far as science is concerned, you have clearly demonstrated that you don't have a clue.

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and another usless attack against me and not the facts.

like em or hate em learn to live with em, pal.


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Still waiting for 1 fact or any data from you.

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Thanks for directing us back to comment that demonstrates the anti-vaccs count on folks being too clueless to read.

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people die from taking vaccines.

this is a fact. you need data on that? genuine question.

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That is an assertion.

And you didn't provide any actual data........much less any analysis.

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but it is in g=fact true that people die from taking vaccines. it is a fact. it happens EVERY YEAR. 1000's of people in fact die from taking vaccines. even more have severe side effects.

why do you claim otherwise when what I wrote is a factual statement?

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Yes, it is a fact, but people dying from vaccination is a very rare phenomenon. You need to balance it against how many die from the diseases (if not vaccinated).

It's like saying "People die from drinking water, therefore drinking water is bad".

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no. what I'm saying isn't comparable to drinking water.

1000's upon 1000's every year isn't "rare". rare is 1-3 people total. THAT is rare. vaccine deaths and children being maimed by vaccines is not rare.

and then there are all the "correlated" side effects that magically arant "caused" by vaccines. ther emust be choice and there can NEVER be mandates of any kind in any setting.

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Now, come on, I clearly HAVE attacked you, and with good reason, but this was just the statement of an obvious fact about your knowledge of science, based on the contents of your numerous, clearly ignorant, comments here.

I'm guessing though that, from your volume of output, that you are a speed touch typist. Like me. So, another thing we have in common.

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or I’m using speech to text.

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Oppss....Actually, their discussion sounds like it has the potential to bring forth some good. Fingers crossed.🤞

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Maybe a bit.

Some people will notice that neither Mr Trump or Mr Kennedy could even count the number of vaccines correctly.

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One only needs to walk through an old cemetery to see how many children died from infectious diseases at very young ages. Families often lost multiple children. Do we really want to go back to that situation? I for one am happy to have lived to see the development of vaccines. In the 50’s parents were terrified that their child would be stricken with polio, now all but eradicated. This year in Ontario, Canada we had the first child death from measles since 1989. The child was unvaccinated. I am so glad that I am at the end of my life when I see the insanity that is rampant today. In my opinion we’re going backwards and I feel sorry for those starting out now. Good luck to them. They’ll need it.

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Please look into the measles death rate in Canada prior to the vaccine roll out. It had been nearly eradicated before 1973. Sanitation, clean water, and efficient closed system removal of human waste were the actual heroes in the battle against infections diseases, not shots of toxic chemicals mixed with dead viruses/bacteria grown in vats of fecal matter or eggs. Sorry, but does that process sound like a good idea to you or anyone? Maybe offit thinks so, but to me that's proof that every policy making board he sits on, he clearly should be offit.

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Enter facts, exit Andi!

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1. "Please look into the measles death rate in Canada prior to the vaccine roll out. "

Yes death rates had decreased--which is a great thing.

a: death is not the only risk.

b: the reported deaths are undercounts because some deaths (e.g. from SSPE) could not then be counted.

2. "It had been nearly eradicated before 1973. "

That is a basic counting error. There were 1,000s to 10,000s of cases per year.

3. "Sanitation, clean water, and efficient closed system removal of human waste were the actual heroes " All good things.

a. They did nothing for respiratory diseases like measles.

b. for some diseases like polio they increased risks.

4. "shots of toxic chemicals...vats of fecal matter "

There are no toxic chemicals in any vaccine and vaccines are not grown in fecal matter.

Examples of anti-vaccs just making things up.

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Measles is an airborne virus. Nothing to do with clean water. In the 1950s every child caught measles (including me).

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It’s stronger immune systems that get kids through measles, and stronger immune systems are the consequence of better living conditions: better food, cleaner air, water, good sewage systems. You’re not going to deny that these basic improvements haven’t changed health outcomes, are you?

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Thanks for acknowledging that the anti-vacc claims about "stronger immune systems" are lies.

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"It’s stronger immune systems that get kids through measles, and stronger immune systems are the consequence of better living conditions:"

This is where I ask how is "stronger immune system" measured and then the data showing that better living conditions result in stronger immune systems.

Bet you have nothing to offer..........

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You’re changing the subject. The commenter said it had been eradicated by better hygiene. Not true.

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In fact greater hygeine is felt to lead to a *weaker* immune system. Aren't you aware of that?

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Measles like SARS-CoV-2 and others is an upper respiratory tract infection.

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Right. So nothing to do with clean water.

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Effective sanitation and clean water reduces the risk of disease from pathogens that infect through the faecal/oral route such as typhoid, dysentery, polio, food poisoning etc. However, hand washing with soap and water does reduce the risk of infection from airborne pathogens that could be present when you cough or sneeze into your hand.

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Exactly, Dr Suzanne Humphries gave a lecture with plenty of historical data demonstrating this.. for measles and many other diseases

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Bet you can't offer any relevant examples where Humphries isn't selling BS.

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OK...can you point me to anywhere measles was eradicated (prevaccine)?

Citations please..let's see those data!.

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How does sanitation wipe out measles, a respiratory-spread virus?

Didn't "everyone" get measles back in the 60s? Are you saying this was a lie, and almost no-one did?

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Thank goodness on behalf of my blinded mother! There must be accountability. Somebody from the outside must take a good look and build from zero. In business, we call it 0 based budgeting. Everything must be justified … no sacred cows

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Had to know what you're trying to say, but okay...

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