Then maybe we should remove the protection the vaccine industry has for not being sued for adverse effects if they claim their shots do not cause autism. But if you have children that have been severely damaged with autism due to the shots all your arguments will never hold water.

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ABSOLUTELY! An absolute must. Repeal the 1986 law.

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The law that clearly says all American's can sue vaccine makers and those administering vaccines?

The law that the anti-vaccs have been lying about for decades...preying upon folks too clueless to read?

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Please send that law. My cousins daughter is disabled after HPV and they can’t get a dime from the dam government because they make it so hard. And yea the vaccine company is exempt. I pray someone you love is not just with the lies you spread

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Just curious, are they going to sue the vaccine maker?

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Most of all, I hope for the best for this person.

1. Here are the rules for winning in the vaccine court:


To receive compensation you need:

1. A theory

2. A sequence of events

3. A temporal relationship

I think the bar to win is super low.

2. Here is the law that says everyone can sue vaccine makers:


3. Here is a law firm that specializes in suing vaccine makers. They carefully explain how everyone can sue vaccine makers. And they have a number of current Civil lawsuits about HPV vaccines. Maybe they can help:


Note, that a Civil lawsuit does require someone to testify under oath. There is an interesting pattern of folks making claims about vaccines, but they just won't do so under oath.....

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Yes you are lying.

Good news: I posted the links so everyone that has the integrity to read the words will see the facts.

Why do you lie and support a fraud that kills children?

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Except....it doesn’t apply to any vaccine on the childhood vaccine schedule. Those are all exempted from manufacturer liability.

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Just curious, exactly how many times to I need to post the law here before you will admit that the anti-vaccs are just lying about being exempt from liability?


And how many times do I have to post actual court cases where the anti-vaccs sued vaccine makers....and the anti-vaccs were exposed as morons and liars before you will read the words and condemn them?



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Legal Immunity for Vaccine Manufacturers:

Under the NCVIA, vaccine manufacturers are generally immune from lawsuits for vaccine-related injuries or deaths. Instead, these claims are directed to the VICP.

This immunity is designed to protect manufacturers from the high costs of litigation and to ensure that vaccines remain available and affordable.

so youre actually wrong.

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Good thing I posted the law so anyone that has basic reading skills can see the claim the manufacturers have legal immunity is a lie.

I also posted a couple of lawsuits against vaccine makers.

Why are you silent on how the Courts detailed the anti-vaccs are morons and absolute frauds and liars?

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Bad: you just don't have the basic reading skills to find the facts.

Worse: you just don't care when it is proven that the anti-vaccs lied to you.

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And guess what just got added to it?

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And guess what the anti-vaccs are already lying about it!

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Sep 6, 2023
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I posted the law just above here where in simple basic words it explains that all American's can sue vaccine makers.

And I have posted many times actual lawsuits against vaccine makers.

Pretty simple logic: since American's do sue vaccine makers it can not be true that vaccine makers are exempt from liability.

Strange that you are so confused by such simple topics!

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Oh, he never loses. It's the rest of us who are too dumb to understand. According to his worldview. I see he's at it again, trying to prove his mental superiority over LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE.

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You keep insisting that Americans can sue vaccine makers and those administering them. But that is not precisely the truth! Americans sue in the federal vaccine court which uses money from an excise tax placed on all administered vaccines to pay for people who have been vaccine-injured. Pharma companies are not being sued in any traditional sense of the word. Those Americans who have taken vaccines are the ones providing the funds which are awarded to those who can prove a vaccine injury. Pharma's money is not at issue in these suits. And that is how Pharma is being protected from liability.

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1. From Maryland Civil court

"Pamela and Ernest Blackwell, parents and next friends of Jamarr Blackwell, sued the drug manufacturer Wyeth, Inc., its affiliates, and others, alleging that Jamarr’s autism and mental retardation were caused by thimerosal-laden vaccines administered to Jamarr when he was a baby. "


New York Civil court

"Minor plaintiff Baby Doe and his mother, Jane Doe (collectively, "Doe"), has filed suit against (1) Merck & Co. Inc. ("Merck"); and (2) Health and Human Services,....Doe alleges that Merck produced a measles, mumps, and rubella ("MMR") vaccine that was administered to him in 1999 and caused him to develop autism."


Since Americans DO sue vaccine makers in Civil court it MUST be possible to sue vaccine makers in Civil court!

2. Here is the exact section of US law that explains that everyone can sue vaccine makers:


3. Here is the SCOTUS ruling where they took great care to clearly explain that if think there is a vaccine injury you can sue the vaccine maker:


4. Here is the FAQ from the compensation site where in the very first question it clearly explains how everyone can sue vaccine makers:


5. Here is a US law firm that specializes in suing vaccine makers. They have a number of current lawsuits and they clearly explain how everyone can sue vaccine makers:


6. some facts:

A) the anti-vaccs are a fraud and they flat out lie when they claim you can't sue vaccine makers in civil court.

B) No matter how many times these simple facts are posted here, none of the anti-vaccs with admit the truth.

C) Not one single anti-vacc has been willing to acknowledge the facts documented in the Court rulings....zero not one single word.

To be clear: the courts demonstrate that the anti-vaccs are morons and frauds.

So Mary, are you willing to be the first?

Do you have the integrity to read the words and admit the anti-vaccs lied to you? Will you acknowledge the clear anti-vacc fraud revealed by the Court?

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The problem is the statue is limitations and the corrupt pharma / government have no double blind placebo controlled studies so proof of the injury is almost impossible.

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Go to Google and search for vaccine double blind placebo studies.

Read 100s of these studies that you say don't exist.

Then try reading the Blackwell ruling above.

The problem is that the anti-vaccs are a fraud and they have lied to you.

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And again...pages 1331/1332 clearly explain how all American's can sue vaccine makers/administrators.

If your link is difficult for you to follow, here is a simpler explanation:


It is right in the FAQ......

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Why are you not correcting your error?

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Albus, look yourself "Under the Act, persons with petitions of vaccine-related injuries or deaths resulting from covered vaccines must first exhaust their remedies under the VICP before they can pursue legal actions against vaccine manufacturers or administrators."

This is wrong and hurts the American people. It's just akin to saying you can't sue.

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It must be opposite day. The law explains how everyone can sue....saying that is akin to saying you can't sue is beyond delusional.

The law just says that first you need to file with the Vaccine court--and that is free!

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Sep 6, 2023
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I wonder how you got through medical school unable to do 5th grade math or middle-school biology....or as you proved elsewhere....unable to use google.

You might want to ask your personal physician about taking a MoCA test.

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Not good for anyone. Shown by multiple studies including from The Cleveland Clinic of their more than 50k employees, that the shot leads to increased susceptibility. The employees that took it got sick more than those who didn't and they were sicker.

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Now this is where I point out there are two Cleveland clinic studies and in both studies, in simple very clear words, they explain how the vaccines were effective and prevented covid.

And this is where you rant and rave etc, but absolutely refuse to use your basic reading skills to see how stupid the anti-vacc lies are!!

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Quote the studies and give links.

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The only people that would benefit would be a few lawyers. The VICP more than covers any vaccine related injuries and the most common compensation is from shoulder injury/pain which isn’t from the actual vaccines but giving the injection into the shoulder joint instead of the deltoid where it’s supposed to go.

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Make the doctors liable.

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Make physicians liable for what? The rate of serious reactions to vaccines is around 1:1,000,000. Do you realize that basically every other medication on the market has more serious reactions than vaccines?.

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Doctors take an oath to do no harm so when they don't critically think and investigate the potential side effects of vaccines before putting them into children, there should be a consequence. Instead the consequences fall on the American taxpayer.

How many doctors betrayed their oath the last 3 years while poisoning the world? I was just doing my job doesn't cut it neither does I was just following orders.

There's a reason vaccines are the only drug with liability protection. The pharmaceutical company said it in 1986 "we can't make a safe vaccine."

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It is just psychology!

For obvious reasons, Doctors DON'T take an oath to do no harm.

And if you check the law the vaccine makers are paying not the American taxpayers.

All it takes is basic math....or even basic reading skills...to see these claims about poisoning the world are just really stupid lies.

And the vaccine makers never said "we can't make a safe vaccine"....just another anti-vacc lie.

Thing is....some folks just would rather close their eyes...or rant and rave...then learn they have been played for a fool by the anti-vaccs!

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You need to read the law. Included in the cost of each vaccine is a levy that goes into the vaccine court coffers to cover paying out for injuries incurred. It is a user pays system. The vaccine manufacturers PAY NOTHING. They are absolved of any responsibility for their product.

You also need to read what injuried the vaccine court has paid for. They have compensated for cases of autism. If vaccines do not cause autism explain why they have awarded the payments.

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Let me guess....you are repeating what you have heard...but you have never actually read the court documents--right?

1. All money comes from an excise tax paid by the vaccine makers.


2. All American's can still sue vaccine makers in civil court--the manufacturers still have full legal responsibility for their products. So far the anti-vaccs can't win in civil court because they are just a fraud.



3. The Vaccine court rules are very, very clear and set-up to routinely compensate sick kids that were not injured by vaccines.


4. You can't provide even one example where they compensated for autism because that is just a flat out anti-vacc lie.

If I am wrong, all you have to do is to post one example where autism was compensated!

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Again....so no you just don't care that the anti-vaccs lied to you.

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The tax (0.75c per individual vaccine) is levied off the vaccine manufacturers.

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You have zero knowledge. How much are they paying you to troll this post?

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I am sorry you would engage in personal attacks then use your basic reading skills and see how the anti-vaccs stupidly lie about ~everything.

But then as often pointed out, it does take willful ignorance to fall for the anti-vacc fraud

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I have wondered the same thing. He/She denied being an employee of Offit. So now I'm thinking he's a paid lobbyist for Pharma whose job is to protect people like Offit or he's a low level employee at a pharmaceutical company. I see below that he's accusing YOU of making a personal attack but meanwhile, that is HIS/HER tactic. Projection is what they do best.

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Of course the manufacturers didn’t say that....but the Supreme Court DID.

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Of course you haven't acknowledged that the anti-vaccs fooled you with a stupid lie.

That would take integrity.

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Of course you didn't post the SCOTUS document where they said that....because it is a flat out lie!

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I'd love to see data backing up those numbers. Data from someone other than the pharmaceutical company or the government.

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Just me....but I would really like it if just one anti-vacc made a tiny effort at learning the facts.....

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I don't think we are looking at facts from the same well. No matter what I say I don't think you plan on changing your mind. When I started looking into this I was 100% Pro vax that was 2016. I read a half a dozen books and I just can't continue my support.

Just read Turtles all the way down and then ask yourself if you are supporting the right side. If you haven't read that book you don't have a robust perspective.

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But I did read the Turtles book....I did one more thing--I read the references.

And I have posted exact quotes from the book...starting with the second paragraph...and the references.

And the fact is the book lies.

It isn't spinning or approximating or getting some details a bit off.

The book is a fraud and it grossly and systematical lies. But so far zero of it supports have been willing to read the references!

BTW: did you notice that all the organizations that pay for vaccines.....like for profit health insurance companies and national healthcare systems....everyone of them is still purchasing vaccines and just tossed the book in the garbage?

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So you don't care that the anti-vacc fraud hurts/kills kids.

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Or you could listen to the scientific community and learn that is just gross scientific fraud.


BTW: actual data shows that vaccinated kids are way healthier....but I bet you can't find any of your anti-vacc books or links that are honest about this simple fact.

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Do you mean like national healthcare systems and for profit health insurance companies?

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😂 that’s funny. If what you say is true then removing liability shielding shouldn’t be a problem if it’s only 1:1000000.

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Aren't we lucky?

I have already proven to you that everyone can sue vaccine makers.

And you just proved yourself willful dishonest.

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Albus, wrong, wrong, wrong. Look at the FAQ. You need to exhaust other remedies first.

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You keep saying I am wrong and then exactly pointing out that I am right!

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1:1,000,000 is marketing. No basis in epidemiological fact unless doctors turn their head and deny when there are injuries all around them, as Dr. Offit has done throughout his career.

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Sigh....so while you are attacking Dr. Offit's integrity.....

The fact is you didn't have the integrity to look at the facts!

Anaphylaxis is about 1.3 per million doses, other serious putative serious vaccine side effects are rarer....so rare that it is really hard to measure.


There is decades of key data from all around the developed world....if you care about the facts.....

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The fact is that a CDC commissioned study performed by Harvard concluded that about 1% of vaccine adverse reactions are ever reported. So much for post marketing follow-up. CDC decided not to use those results. Dr. Offit is well aware. He has made a choice to defend an industry's profits instead of public health. Vaccine adverse effects are common. Take a look at Aaby's body of research in Guinea Bissau repeatedly showing that DPT vaccinated babies had significantly higher all cause mortality than their unvaccinated counterparts who started out less healthy than the vaccinated babies. The CDC has refused to do that study in the US. Wonder why. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29616207/

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We do have some facts:

1. you posted a bunch of old, really stupid anti-vaccs predicted on folks being too stupid to read or count.

2. you don't care that the anti-vaccs are liars and kill children

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I note that you asserted there was no epidemiology and I provided some....you just changed the topic.

See your problem is you still aren't open to even the possibility that the anti-vaccs are just flat out liars.

The day you are willing to consider that they are just lying to you, you might start doing things like reading the actual studies!

Here is you go:


It was NOT from Harvard and study did NOT even try and measure adverse reactions!

The anti-vaccs just blatantly lied to you and just made things up about the study.

After you read the words....then we can use only our basic counting skills to see why every single country that was using has kept using the DTP vaccine....spoiler--it is because the claim it increased mortality is clearly wrong!

Of course that does require you to be willing to count....

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Oh look, I provided the epidemiological data that you claimed didn't exist.

And you just don't have the integrity to correct your falsehoods.

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Really? Where are the studies that prove that assertion?

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You have answered my question: no you don't have the skills/integrity to use google.

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Really? Is there a single anti-vacc that can use Google....apparently not.

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There aren't any studies. That's the issue. Vaccine safety is literally *turtles all the way down.*

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Aren't we lucky?

Such studies have been posted here.

And references have been posted here that demonstrate how the Turtles book blatantly lies.

What there isn't so far, is a single anti-vacc that cares what the facts are!

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For harm caused

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They are liable for harm caused....too bad you didn't check the law before posting.

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Sep 5, 2023
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What a strange posting!

It is "not necessary" to be healthy or even a live.

Meanwhile....with decades of data and countless billions of data points from all around the world we know that vaccines are safe and effective.

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Spotlight fallacy. Medicine and public health do the same kinds of studies over and over again, and convince themselves these are *novel* datapoints.

Moreover, it is easy to claim the heroes were vaccines when in reality they were something else.

Correlation is not causation. Not every intervention matters.

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Translation: you are just making things up.

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Not for everyone and not every vaccine...certainly the mRNA jabs are proven ineffective to prevent COVID infections but effective in causing fatal injuries.

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Thanks, those are very quantitative assertions.

So post the data and show your math.

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Thanks for the acknowledgement that you have zero data and are just making things up.

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Sep 5, 2023
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Offer back to with the same level of respect!

The reason you start with childish name-calling is that you just don't have the basic reading skills to read the Nuremberg code and see how anti-vaccs have played you for a fool.

And you don't have the 5th grade math skills to see that the covid vaccines are safe and effective.

And worse of all....even to protect yourself and your family....you just can't find the integrity to ask obvious questions....like what is the data from life insurance companies.

But I still have hope for you someday you open eyes and look at facts and see how breathtakingly stupid the anti-vacc lies are!

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Just anti-vacc 101...just name-calling but not a rational thought to offer....no matter how kids the anti-vacc lies kill

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I’m happy with that, as long as there is a quid pro quo…make parents of unvaccinated kids who are the source of any infections to vulnerable children liable.

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Liable for what? Children without comorbidity are the least vulnerable to fatal infection. Schools should never been shut down for reasons preventing COVID infection. Natural immunity in large numbers stops the spread.

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"Natural immunity in large numbers stops the spread."

No it slows down the spread. And we have tried that, so we know that there are lots more dead and sick kids.....which is why no country on earth will try such an absurd strategy.

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If an unvaccinated kid gets an infection and then passes it onto a vulnerable person who was unable to be vaccinated and who suffered harm, then the parents of the child should be held liable. That’s fair.

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What if a vaccinated kid gets and infection and passes it onto a vulnerable person, who is liable here?

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If you had an honest interest, and thought correctly, you would have started with asking what is required for liability?


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Sep 5, 2023
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I think you won't post any such studies because your "argument" fails basic counting.....

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Oh dear.....here again is pubmed:


If you are going to lie, you should at least try and be a bit clever!

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Can you cite these studies please?

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In the US they are liable.

Thing about the anti-vaccs is they count on you missing that they lie about ~everything!

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Yooooohooooo where is your integrity?

Why aren't you correcting your obvious error?

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Thanks, now please read your link.

The key part starts at the bottom of page 1331 Part B: Additional Remedies.

And in the top couple of sentences on page 1332 it clearly explains how everyone can sue vaccine makers and administrators (i.e. who give the vaccine).

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Albus, Albus, you have to exhaust all other legal remedies first.

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That is correct.

You just didn't bother to detail what exactly is meant by "exhaust all other legal remedies first"

You also keep ignoring how the anti-vaccs keep lying and asserting one can NOT sue vaccine makers or administrators.

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There are several countries that do not have government vaccine injury compensation programs. Those countries use the same vaccines and do not see any differences in vaccine injuries as any other country. Attacking the VICP does nothing to make vaccines safer and would only reduce the availability of vaccines while making it significantly harder for anyone with serious vaccine injuries to be compensated.


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You are right that, excluding the Covid vaccines, other countries do use the same childhood vaccines. However, you are dead wrong in assuming that they do not see any difference in vaccine injuries. Each country has its own unique childhood vaccine schedule. One of the reasons is that they realise that the injuries caused by using particular vaccines in their population causes more harm than the actual disease, e.g. Japan does not require the MMR or the HPV vaccines.

In countries that do not have vaccine courts the injured are required to use the normal court system with its standards of proof of guilt. It is very difficult to prove causation when the manufacturers are not required to provide the safety testing of vaccines in the same way as they are for EVERY other medication. Nor are vaccine manufacturers required to do anything to improve their product when it is proven unsafe or not fit for purpose.

This assumption that drug manufacturers who have repeatedly been found guilty fraud, misconduct and hiding the adverse events of their products are suddenly upstanding, moral corporations when it comes to vaccines beggars belief.

If you BELIEVE vaccines are 'safe and effective have as many as you want. If they work you are at no danger from the unvaccinated.

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It is not about belief, I provided facts right below here.....you are just silent.

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Sigh....here is the Japanese vaccination schedule:


I note you provided zero evidence that any country "realized the vaccine was causing more injuries then the actual disease"......

Here is the approval process for vaccines:


It is really the same as for other products...actually a bit tougher safety testing then pharmaceuticals.

There is a basic logic error in your comments about misconduct....and on a related topic there is no assumption there is decades of real world data from throughout the developed world that vaccines are safe and effective.

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Albus lied and misrepresented the facts. He doesn't understand that all other legal remedies have to be exhausted first before you can sue the manufacturers.

Also, he tried a bait-and-switch. He posted the schedule recommended by the "Japanese Pediatric Society" which is not the Japanese government.

The FDA vaccine approval process has many holes. It is routinely abused by pharma and vaccine-makers.

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We agree, there sure is a lot of lying!

1. Here is one example from above:

"Congress specifically EXEMPTED them {vaccine makers} from liability.

There are lots and lots of similar anti-vacc assertions here...claims that it is impossible to sue vaccine makers...but as you clearly know, the exempt from liability claim is a flat out lie.

You are just trying to distract from the fact that it is the anti-vaccs that are lying.

And you choose to remain silent on the facts documented in the Court rulings.....

2. Also, he tried a bait-and-switch. "

No Sherlock, most folks understand that Japanese government documents tend to be in Japanese.

I simply posted the correct Japanese schedule, written in English. You just don't like the facts.

3. The anti-vaccs are just a fraud that kills children, but clearly it takes willful stupidity to fall for their lies....

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1. Incorrect. The grounds for bringing the suit are so onerous as to essentially be equivalent to not being able to do so.

2. No, look at your link. It comes from the Japanese Pediatric society. You will have to do better. We cannot tell *who* made the recommendation.

3. I already disproved this using the graphs I posted before.

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Sep 5, 2023
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Nonsense. Where do you get this misinformation from?

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"They had to dilute the poison so it would not be so obvious so get your head out of the sand."

You didn't provide any actual facts....and you don't understand what the word "batch" means....

Here is a guess: no one will ever make this absurd diluting poison argument in Court under oath because it is an obvious lie that fails 5th grade math.

Strange that you missed that.....

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Sep 5, 2023
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Oh look, still no facts from you...and you are silent on the fact that no one will make such absurd arguments under oath!

Bad: apparently you literally can't do the 5th grade math to see how stupid the dilution argument is.

Worse: you just don't care that it is a lie.

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Sep 5, 2023
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Why are you silent on the fact that one can sue vaccine industry and that the vaccines cause autism fraud has been so well exposed by the Courts?



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Misrepresentation, lies from Albus. You have to exhaust all legal remedies first. Same as protection.

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Thanks for acknowledging that what I posted is correct!

Like all anti-vaccs, you toss around stupid name-calling, but you didn't post a single world about the Court decisions.

What could you say? Beyond the fact that the Courts detail how the anti-vaccs are morons and frauds!

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Albus, you missed the point like a person with IQ of 80.

What part of the claimants have to "exist all other legal remedies" did you not understand?

Surely, you can see how this benefits Big Pharma, no?

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1. Again you offer not one single word about the anti-vacc fraud that is well detailed in Court rulings.

2. Basic reading skills. We were told here many, many times that it is impossible to sue vaccine makers.

You keep acknowledging that the claim of not being able to sue is a lie.

Why do you keep engaging in mindless personal attacks to try and deflect away from the simple fact that the anti-vaccs are liars?

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Or....you could read the law and see that everyone in the US can sue vaccine makers claiming adverse effects.

And then you could read the existing lawsuits where the vaccines cause autism fraud is well detailed by the Courts.

But then you will know why the anti-vaccs keep lying and claiming you can't sue vaccine makers....

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Sep 5, 2023
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You just won't correct your falsehoods....will you?

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" There is a cap on the amount of damages; "

Actually there is ZERO cap on damages from civil lawsuits....you know, like the ones I keep posting that demonstrate the anti-vacc fraud?

BTW: the ways that anti-vaccs deceive parents into believing in non-existent vaccine injuries are well known....if you are interested in knowing the facts.....

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Sep 5, 2023
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And the TRUTH has SPOKEN.

Everyone can sue vaccine makers claiming vaccine injuries and the anti-vaccs just keep lying about this because they lawsuits expose them as morons and frauds.

Then there is the rest of the world where US law doesn't apply...

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Shielding vaccine makers from liability is standard practice world wide. https://globalnews.ca/news/7521148/coronavirus-vaccine-safety-liability-government-anand-pfizer/

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Did you even read your link?

It is about vaccines that have not been licensed.

All the vaccines on the schedule--including the covid vaccines--are licensed and all Americans can sue the vaccine makers.....no matter how many times you ignore this fact it is still a fact.

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Sorry, I keep making the mistake of expecting you to be functionally literate.

My bad.

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Are you still here? Don’t you have a job or something else to do besides argue with strangers for days? I’m done with your style of medicine...it done me and mine dirty, so I’m out. Not coming back...

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You are just mad because I keep proving that ~everything you claim is a lie.

You are embarrassed that over and over and over you just can't read or count at the 5th grade level.

And I think you are ashamed, because now in your very heart of hearts you know that the anti-vaccs played you for a fool and you have grossly failed your own children.

How sad that you would rather remain a fool then to protect your own children from fraud.

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You cannot sue manufacturers for liability. You sue the government. (The only way to sue manufacturers is for fraud.)


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You really need to work on your reading skills.

From YOUR link:

" Petitioners who reject the decision of the Court (or those who withdraw their claims after certain timelines are met) may file a claim in civil court against the vaccine manufacturer and/or the health care provider who administered the vaccine."

This super simple. First you have to file in the vaccine court, then you can sue the vaccine maker or vaccine administer.

And one more time...Americans do sue vaccine makers...anti-vaccs just don't like the facts revealed in the Court rulings!

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Your SINGLE argument is to always attack the character, intelligence, reading ability, and motives of those you disagree with. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that you work as a lobbyist for Pharma or are some kind of low level employee at a pharmaceutical company.

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And not one single word from you about the Court rulings I posted.

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As this thread demonstrates your assertion is not true. I quoted the exact section of Kristie's own link that proves she was wrong.

So what? We are all human, we all make mistakes. Just correct the error and move on to the next topic.

But just like all the anti-vaccs, in all the other treads about the law, all you have done to deflect and try to hide a very simple fact: the anti-vaccs lie when they claim you can't use vaccine makers.

Here is another fact. You, like all the other anti-vaccs, have not posted one single word about the Court rulings where Americans have sued vaccine makers.

Not one single word from you......



Big hint here: since people do sue vaccine makers it must be possible to sue vaccine makers!

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Yes they do....BUT they can’t for the ones listed on the CDC childhood schedule. Those are protected.

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Unless fraud is involved...but not for damages if it’s approved and recommended for children.

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Kristie's link above proves you are wrong!

Seriously, why can't you ever read the words correctly?

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One more time....please read the words in YOUR link....pages 1331/1332!

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Still reading?

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Dr. Offit, it is people like Albus that make people distrust science and public health.

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Nope, it is the anti-vacc lies and your repeated inability to read and count that makes you distrust.

That is mostly on you.

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"stop vaccinating everyone 100% of the time for the next FIVE years.........AND THE TRUTH WILL SPEAK FOR ITSELF."

Sometimes I wish this would happen, so we can reset people's perceptions of the threats posed by vaccine-preventable disease.

Lets have polio epidemics surge across the globe paralysing and killing our kids, let;s see measles outbreaks killing our children, let's have women losing their babies to congenital rubella, let's see our hospitals filled beyond capacity with cases of meningitis, pertussis, rotaviral gastro, pneumonia, let's see tens of thousands of babies die from tetanus across the globe because mothers couldn't get a tetanus shot in pregnancy.... let's roll the clock back to the 18th century and THE TRUTH WILL SPEAK FOR ITSELF!

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Medicine is exceedingly resistant to change and challenges in its practices; even hand-washing was rejected for decades, even after germ theory was recognized as a source of infection. I think we're seeing the same thing at work here with vaccines. Vaccines are another medical fad that will, at some point, pass into medical history as an "oopsy." We just have to push harder. We know now, for example that most infectious childhood diseases ended with the coming of clean water, good sewage treatment, cleaner air, and especially better nutrition.

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Vaccines will be looked back on as an “Oopsy”?

What nonsense. Just take one vaccine, smallpox. It helped eradicate a global scourge, in the process saving nearly half a billion lives.

Oopsy? 🤪

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😂 you’re a funny guy...I bet you believe that the government loves you, the FDA protects you, the CDC is looking for your best interests and Tony Fauci is a saint too.

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You make a good point. There are always errors made and psychology is always important.

For example, some folks won't use their basic counting skills to see the obvious fact that :

"We know now, for example that most infectious childhood diseases ended with the coming of clean water, good sewage treatment, cleaner air, and especially better nutrition."

Is clearly an anti-vacc lie...because that would mean admitting they were played for a fool.

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Yes, it’s amazing how many people think diseases like smallpox were eradicated by drinking clean water, or hand washing.

A primer in infection transmission would be in order. Judging from the number of ignorant folk here an advisory course would be oversubscribed.

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You are looking at it from an incomplete standpoint. Mere exposure is not akin to infection.

The strength of the host and its immune system makes all the difference.

Vaccines or not, if you drink "poop water," your body is going to have problems.

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I understand that not everyone is a scientist or has the basic skills to evaluate such assertions.

But I will never understand someone that won't look at facts to protect their children's health.....even if it means admitted they were fooled by liars.

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Albus, you are making Dr. Offit look bad.

Look at the graphs yourself here:


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1. "We know now, for example that most infectious childhood diseases ended with the coming of clean water, good sewage treatment, cleaner air, and especially better nutrition."

Can you truly not understand that sentence?

2. Can you not read the graphs in your link?

3. Or both?

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No they won’t pass, sadly, they are too effective at damaging people just enough to require them to be on drugs for the rest of their lives. Creating customers for life is pharma’s business model. It’s very effective.

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Sep 7, 2023
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1. Dissolving illusions is a bunch of lies, grifting money from folks not smart enough to read a graph.

2. your substack, in addition to be really quite stupid, references gross fraud for its "data".

Thanks again for demonstrating that it takes willful stupidity to fall for the anti-vacc lies.

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Seriously, can you just not read a graph?

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Albus, these are non-intellectual arguments of a 5-year old. You need to do more than throw around insults.

Infectious disease mortality did drop mostly before vaccines. That is an established fact.

Which lies are you referring to?

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Mortality rate is the WRONG thing to measure for vaccines.

Dissolving Illusions makes money preying upon fools.

That is a relevant established fact!

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If you mean a dramatic increase in vaccine-preventable-illness, then you are right on target.

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Please provide a citation for this. Vaccine-preventable illnesses mostly dropped from 1900-1960s, save for a few diseases (measles and chickenpox) which ceased being dangers anyway during this period.

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Please work on your basic reading and counting skills.

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How are my skills incorrect? Please state your reasoning rather than throwing insults.

Seldom does this make you look credible before onlookers.

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1. The graphs YOU posted don't support the assertion that:

"Vaccine-preventable illnesses mostly dropped from 1900-1960s"

2. Your argument fails basic counting.

E.g. https://www.cdc.gov/pertussis/surv-reporting/cases-by-year.html

To be clear, if you want some more meaningful conversation, don't argue by assertion....especially with such obviously insane assertions.

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If Paul Offit had any integrity in this he would have been more analytical in his VRBPAC assessment of Pfizer’s own claims compared with the actual Pfizer data. Both VAERS and other countries reporting systems significantly under report serious adverse events, yet, in Pfizer’s own words and in the Periodic Safety Update reports out of the EU, the numbers and range of these SAEs are hugely significant raising the need for further scientific inquiry. In the first 6months of the rollout, PSUR #1 reported 1.3 million serious adverse events in it’s population. While small compared with the target population, surely concern should have been aroused. Time to sit back, reevaluate the data and have a reasoned scientific debate about the findings that the FDA/CDC had during the EUA and subsequently. Truth is out there but may have more than one side to it. I am afraid these ‘experts’ have lost my Trust for good.

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“PSUR #1 reported 1.3 million serious adverse events in its population.”

Nope. Citation needed, as well as evidence the events were “serious” adverse events.

And you do know an adverse event isn’t the same thing as an adverse vaccine reaction, I hope?

Clue: A fractured arm from a fall 2 weeks after vaccination is counted as a serious adverse event (but it is not a serious adverse reaction).

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This claim that people will report a fractured arm as a vaccine adverse event is just plain stupid. The reality is that most adverse events go unreported as people don't link the events. Only the most obvious temporal events are reported.

Doctors are required, but fail, to report ALL potentially connected events because they are unable to assess accurately whether or not there is a causal link. Events are generally reported by the public when their medical provider dismisses a link because they have no training in how to identify vaccine adverse events.

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Events are reported within vaccine studies. Every event will be recorded, including those with no obvious vaccine link (ie this will encompass things like a fracture).

Post licensing, events can be recorded through reporting systems such as VAERS. As they take great pains to point out, a reported event doesn’t imply causality, merely temporal association. All serious events are investigated and serious events shown to be due to vaccination are very rare.

PS: Don’t think obviously unrelated events aren’t reported; would you like links to the VAERS reports of penile enlargement following Covid vaccines, or multiple orgasm?

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Oh you mean like the motorcyclist who died in an accident but was counted as a Covid death????

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Again....you just made that up right!

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Yes, the apocryphal biker. One among 1.1 million.

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Oh look , no supporting data.

Guess there is no chance you will read the links to the life insurance companies that I keep posting.....

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So no, you won't read the reports and see how the anti-vaccs lied to you.

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"This claim that people will report a fractured arm as a vaccine adverse event is just plain stupid. "

If you try reading the reports you will find lots and lots of obviously absurd reports....the famous joke one that a vaccine turned him into the incredible hulk!

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Here’s another ‘clue’ a ‘positive’ PCR test at >26Ct then death from a gunshot wound 2 weeks later does NOT equal a ‘Covid’ death. Oh, um it does though. How convenient.

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Guess that means "no" that didn't happen and you just made it up.

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Where is this documented?


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Reading the comments at a glance, it would appear that most people aren’t falling for your vaccine propaganda any longer, Dr. Offit.

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Reading the anti vax comments only shows that they're immune to evidence and motivated by ideology, not science.

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On the contrary Mr. Rice, you’ll find that most anti-vaxxers were in fact pro vaccination for the better part of their lives and it was only after doing considerable research and examining the actual evidence (that is, studies not funded by the pharmaceutical industry or their henchmen in respected but compromised educational or other institutions receiving government funding or dirty grant money from a laundry list of conspiratorial “philanthropic” organizations) that they became aware of the magnitude of the con. As long as Pharma is funding it’s own “science” you can bet that the resulting studies will continue to show no harm, even when there is incontrovertible proof that correlation is in fact highly likely. The books Turtles All the Way Down and Dissolving Illusions by Dr Suzanne Humphries might be a good place for skeptics such as yourself to start.

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Yep. My kids started off following the approved schedule until the side effects starting showing up. Epilepsy, ADHD, Autism etc. We quit totally and the remaining unvaxxed children experienced none of the undesirable side effects and none died from the things they weren’t vaccinated against. Spew all the crap you like about anti-vaxxers...we didn’t start off this way. Kneeling beside your kid convulsing on the ground holding their head so they don’t beat it into the floor at 4 o’clock in the morning and paying $1000 dental bills repairing chipped teeth from seizing and smashing their head on the tub changes your perspective on all these safe and effective and non-toxic substances (that list these as possible side effects) we allowed them to be injected with.

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I am very sorry for the terrible health problems you describe..

That is a good reminder of the true evil done by the anti-vacc fraud.

Not only were your remining kids needlessly risked, but countless 100s of millions of valuable research dollars have been wasted reconfirming the already confirmed fact that vaccines don't cause autism.

Too bad that money wasn't spent on any of the potential treatments that might have really helped your family!

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Sorry you had such a hard journey to finding the truth Jonathan. Glad you came out on the other side.

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"truth" that word doesn't mean what you think it means.

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This is where I point out that examples have been posted here already....for example starting in the second paragraph of Turtles ...where the book just obviously and really stupidly lie....but so far none of the anti-vaccs have been willing to read the words.

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Don't be silly.

The same folks that can't figure out that Mercola/Tenpenny/Wolf etc etc are grifters selling BS just clearly can't understand Dr. Offit's article.

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Please see my response to Eddie Rice below. Apologies but I haven’t the time or patience to repeat myself. Best of luck having your mind expanded and opinions/personal confirmation bias challenged. ✌🏼

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It is just psychology.

I am sure you have the basic reading skills to see your sources are big piles of stupid lies.....you just choose not to look.

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Funnily enough, I’d argue the same about you. Those alphabet agencies and institutions you believe to be the pillars of democracy holding up society? Well they’re rotten to the core. At least I’m no longer falling victim to those illusions.

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I note your continued refusal to read the references and see your books lie.

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The difference I posted the exact quotes from the books and the references where all it takes is the integrity to read the words to see your books lie.

You are victim of the anti-vacc fraud that is--to be blunt--so staggeringly stupid you literally have to refuse to look at the words.

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Sep 5, 2023
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Did you really miss that ~everything posted here from an anti-vacc is at best BS?

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It’s pointless to argue with Paul Offitt who has one goal ...make money for pharma. He cares nothing about your health.

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Correction: since the anti-vaccs can't put together a rational thought, it is impossible for the anti-vaccs to argue with Dr. Offit.

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Your insults to everyone are laughable and useless. You have zero credibility. People are very untuned to the fraud perpetrated on humanity and if you can’t see it, one of two things. 1: you are part of the scam or 2. You are a list cause until you or your loved ones experience injury or SADS.

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Hey I keep posting the relevant links.

If you chose not to use your ~5th grade reading skills and see that the anti-vaccs stupidly lie about ~everything....well that is on you.

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I note what you didn't say.

You didn't say anything like: "Ok Al, I will read one of the links you posted".

Yup, the anti-vaccs lies are so staggeringly stupid you literally have to refuse to read the words.

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Such crap! Why anyone who has taken a serious scan of the rampant corruption of government and their 3-letter agencies would take belief in any "studies" from those currupt entities is just beyond truth and reality, and IMO, blasphemous.

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Thanks for offering every single rational argument that anti-vaccs have to offer!

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I take issue with the statement that myocarditis and blood clots were not anticipated to be problems associated with the Covid vaccines. They were both identified as potential side effects of concern in FDA briefing documents.

That adenovirus vectors can cause thrombocytic thrombocytopenia has been known in the literature since 2007.

They should have been monitored closely and any issues detected far more swiftly than the CDC later (begrudgingly) acknowledged, long after other countries had done so. To claim myocarditis rates of only 1 in 50k is to obscure & diminish the much higher rate in young men.

This article is disingenuous at best. And I’m being very generous there.

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I take issue with anything that comes out of Paul Offit's mouth. I never thought I'd believe someone could lie more than a lawyer but in this situation it's a slam dunk. This guy has no soul.

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Here is a crazy idea: instead of gross personal attacks, how about if you try getting a fact or two correct first????

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"This article is disingenuous at best. And I’m being very generous there."

Thanks for today's irony.

"I take issue with the statement that myocarditis and blood clots were not anticipated to be problems associated with the Covid vaccines. They were both identified as potential side effects of concern in FDA briefing documents."

You forgot to post the briefing documents. Here they are:



And where exactly where were they identified as potential side effects of concern?

Then we can go on to the math of myocarditis...

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Sep 5, 2023
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No I am not.

1. Why are you ignoring the fact that what Sophocles is factually incorrect? The bar here is basic reading skills.

2. I have a long standing interest in improving science literacy and as we see over and over here an amazing number of adults are breathtakingly scientifically illiterate.

3. Mostly I am just sick of the anti-vacc fraud killing people....and I am really tired of folks that don't care the anti-vaccs are a fraud.

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Where is your integrity?

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You are so funny! Mr Siri is getting quite close to the truth - vaccines are dangerous. And you’re trying to cover up this fact with semantics. I guess Mr Siri is capable of better logic.

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“LOGIC”, period!!

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Actual Siri runs a business grifting money from folks that just can't follow 5th grade science.

Why do you think he won't stand up in Court and make his same claims under oath?????

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I’ve read through your one man crusade to protect the poor vaccine manufacturers in these comments and do you know the only thing that surprises me? You don’t have a Ukraine flag as your thumbnail.

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Still searching for a single rational thought to offer?

Maybe you just don't have one!

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You know what doesn't surprise me?

You failed to offer any actual thoughts or data or logic....nothing at all!

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Where’s your Russian flag?

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I don’t get dragged into psyops

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Let me correct that for you.

You don't have a rational thought to offer.

But then--just like Siri--a lot of natural health is just lies used to grift money from fools.

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Haha, are you still flapping your gums? Why don't you get yourself a flash light, wait until it gets dark and argue with your shadow, no-one else cares what you have to say pet. #lemming #idiocracy #clownworld

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First sentence - scientific truths - is absurd. It shows the intentional bias of Offit. Anyone still promoting the mRNA vax after all that has emerged is on someone’s payroll. If I were a doctor and had promoted these poisons I would be too ashamed to continue practicing.

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These people don’t know the meaning of the word...shame.

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Rich....when you cleary don't know what the word poison means and you apparently can't do the basic math to see the lunacy of that assertion....

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"First sentence - scientific truths - is absurd"

You really should have thought about that more before posting. The only thing absurd is your argument by assertion.

And you really should look up what "poisons" are.

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I count formaldehyde as a poison. Perhaps you will identify more?

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I already know you will present the same lame argument about all of the aluminum in vaccines--a neurotoxin. But for those reading the comments, Dr Christopher Exley has spent his career researching this subject. Of course, he’s also been tarred and feathered by the “scientific establishment” bought and paid for by industry. https://www.aluminiumresearchgroup.com/

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It is interesting how many people claim such high moral/religious standards....

But then publicly continue to knowingly support fraud that kills children.

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Oh dear....

So every breath ever taken had mercury in it. According to you mercury is a poison, so you must be opposed to breathing!

And every single drop of breastmilk ever produced had mercury and aluminum in it. So you must really be opposed to breast feeding!

Nope? That is because your position is absurd.

The statement X is a poison is meaningless. This is first year college material....you need details, like dose and route of administration.

It is a fact that there are zero poisons and zero neurotoxins in vaccines. There is no ambiguity here--those are flat out lies.

And even if you don't care, fact is that Exley got fired and lost all his funding because he turned into a grifter scamming money from ignorant people based on obvious lies.

Big hint: while is he off making money making outrageous claims, what he won't do is make those same claims in Court....under oath....where perjury applies....in your heart of hears you know why he won't!

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You should really start listen to scientists.

Formaldehyde is made by every single cell in your body! So clearly it can't be so simple as to assert it is a poison....if only you would get your science from actual scientists....

"Humans produce about 1.5 ounces of formaldehyde a day as a normal part of our metabolism"


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Maybe you should tell the poison control center. They apparently have their information wrong. Either way, we don’t need to be injecting embalming fluid into our infants. “Formaldehyde, an ingredient found in embalming fluid, is a preservative that is often added to nail polish. Formaldehyde is known to be harmful to humans, as it can cause cancer of the nasopharynx (the nose and upper throat). However, these cancers generally occur in individuals who were exposed to formaldehyde in the workplace, at high concentrations for a period of many years.”

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Sep 6, 2023
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If the trials aren’t designed to detect serious side effects why would anyone with more than two functioning brain cells allow themselves to be used as the Guinea Pig? Especially when the manufacturer has ZERO LIABILITY?

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Exactly. I wouldn’t buy an appliance without liability.

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Good thing all it takes is basic reading skills to see in the US vaccine makers do have liability.

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Hey, just because you don't care about the truth, doesn't change the fact that anyone with basic reading skills....and the integrity to look can easily find that they do have liability.

Which bar was too high for you? Both?

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Have you not heard of the 1986 prep act?


Or feel free to reference the NIH or congress.gov websites directly if you’re willing and able to sift through all the jargon.

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But the facts are clear:

1. the anti-vaccs stupidly lie about ~everything.

2. you don't care....no matter how many kids they kill

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Have you not heard that running a fraud requires lying to people?

One more time.....here is the exact section of the law that clearly explains how all American's can sue vaccine makers:


And how to sue vaccine makers is right in the NVICP FAQs:


And to be very direct, the anti-vacc lies about not being able to sue vaccine makers are so common, the SCOTUS took great care to carefully explain that anyone can sue for alleged vaccine injuries:


And American's DO sue vaccine makers in Civil court:



But since every other anti-vacc have ignored the facts documented by the Court rulings....I am guessing you will ignore them too....

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You asserted this earlier. Where is your evidence that this is the case.

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I keep posting it.

Now tell the truth please: you don't actually read the words....do you?

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Please word on your basic reading skills.

1. Pfizer and Moderna full liability for their vaccines....no matter how many times anti-vaccs lie about this simple fact, it is still true.

2. The trials are designed to detect serious side effects....you have grossly misunderstood Dr. Offit's article.

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😂 1: show me the evidence that Moderna and Pfizer have any vaccine liability exposure. Congress specifically EXEMPTED them from liability.

2: using his words isn’t a “misunderstanding”.

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I have given up on a functionally literate posting from you.

But it would be nice if you acted with integrity....just once would be a good start.

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You mean this law that exactly says that everyone can sue vaccine makers!


Here are some Court rulings from lawsuits against vaccine makers:



I think they about the law:

1. because the Court rulings expose them as frauds and morons.

2. they think folks like you just aren't smart enough to find the most basic facts.

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Funny seems you can’t read Laws

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Sad that no matter how many times I post the law and lawsuits against vaccine makers....you don't care that the anti-vaccs are just liars.

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That’s a Lie 1986 law

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See the facts are very clear.

1. the anti-vaccs stupidly lie about the law.

2. you don't care that the anti-vaccs lie.

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I agree there sure is a lot of lying!

You mean this law that exactly explains how all American's can sue vaccine makers?


Good thing the SCOTUS took great care to explain how everyone who thinks they were injured by a vaccine can sue the vaccine maker:


More good news! Here is a law firm that specializes in suing vaccine makers. They have a number of ongoing lawsuits. And they are so very kind to explain that everyone can sue vaccine makers!


Fact is there are completed lawsuits against vaccine makers where the anti-vaccs are exposed as not just frauds, but abject morons!



let me guess....this where you rant or do something immoral.....but absolutely refuse to condemn the anti-vaccs for their really stupid lies!

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Sep 5, 2023
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What? That the anti-vacc fraud is predicated on folks being too clueless to read?

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Go get another booster

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I agree. I will do so. All it takes is 5th grade math to understand why that is the correct choice.

Just like all it takes is basic reading skills to see that not only can American's sue vaccine makers...they do sue vaccine makers....and ruling detail how the anti-vaccs are morons and frauds.

Oh wait Agnes...it also takes integrity....and not wanting people to needlessly die!

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Agree, get another booster, hurry the bivalent booster will be taken off the market soon. Get the bivalent booster and then get the new XBB!

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Sep 5, 2023
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I am very aware of basic immunology.

I am also aware about how the anti-vaccs lie about the science.

1. Dissolving Illusions is a scam that lies to folks counting on them to be unable to correctly read a graph. Strange that as a Nurse you missed that!

2. Bet you haven't read the actual studies on pertussis vaccines/pathogen evolution.

Big hint: just like covid, all it takes is 5th grade math to see how the anti-vaccs like and it is exactly the unvaccinated that increase risk.

But I bet there is no chance you will actually read the studies....or post them here for others to read....

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See how it works?

You make these extraordinary claims, but you won't post the evidence.

And that is because you are quoting grifters that prey upon folks that can't count or even read a graph.

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1 in 100 affected by autism? I believe this is misinformation. We know prevalence rates continue to climb but you don’t appear interested in helping families, just mocking and belittling them.

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OMG - the official results have been released albeit 2 years old. It’s 1 in 34. Males are 4 x as likely.

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OMG...you didn't read the words correctly!


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"1 in 100 affected by autism? I believe this is misinformation. "

Why didn't you bother to look before the personal attacks on Dr. Offit?


There is no detailed breakdown, but 1 in 100 looks about right....

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Yes, that is one site that is consistently higher than most of the others.

Taking all the data together from the rest of the country, Dr. Offit still looks to be correct.

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You yourself admit that there isn’t good nationwide data. That is why the CDC has targeted sites where they can get more accurate information. They themselves report 1:36. In 2020 that was 11 sites, not just New Jersey.


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Still reading your link?

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"They themselves report 1:36."

But the 1:36 number is not for autism.

Please read the words.

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Ho much money have you made supporting vaccines?

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I’d say far less money than RFK Jr makes from being antivaccine.

And Offit has saved hundreds of thousands of lives through his vaccine work. Last I heard RFK was responsible for 83 kids dying in Samoa from measles, and several hundred getting encephalitis.

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You credit RFK with far too much influence. I doubt you could find a handful of people is Samoa who have ever heard of him.

The Samoan children died because their government relied on the vaccinating an undernourished population rather than ensuring that the population are well nourished. Death from measles is primarily a result of Vitamin A deficiency. See https://methods.cochrane.org/equity/vitamin-measles

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So no, you just really don't care that the anti-vacc fraud is just a bunch of innumerate lies.

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You are ignoring that RFK jr gets 500K a year just from CHD....plus all this other for profit anti-vacc BS...so he has made way more money than Dr. Offit.

Oh, and you provided zero evidence that the dead kids were difficient for Vit A, and many of them were too old to be helped by supplements....and you seem to be ignoring the fact that somehow it was the unvaccinated that got sick/died.

Oh...and then there are the rather obvious lies from RFK jr when he visited the island....

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No, you have fallen for the narrative that RFK is promulgating, trying to blame vaccination for the measles epidemic in Samoa.

The facts are that measles vaccination is effective, even in undernourished children, the same way it is effective in every other part of the world where there is starvation and famine. Samoa is not a nation of malnourished children anyway; it is relatively prosperous compared to most underdeveloped nations, and Samoa has issues with obesity rather than starvation, and I they don't suffer significant vitamin A deficiency, faring better than most low income Asia Pacific nations. Death from measles is not due to Vitamin A deficiency, it is due to measles encephalitis and pneumonitis mainly, with secondary pneumonias. Vitamin A deficiency worsens the outcome, but is not "the cause".


RFK's intervention led to vaccination rates dropping in Samoa and they were at 40%, so how does this relate to the epidemic being "caused by vaccination"? Don't be so stupid. You just have to see the experience of vaccination in any other country to see how effective it is at tackling measles.

RFK should be facing the consequences of his actions. Nuremberg 2.0 I believe they call it.

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The quest for an anti-vacc with the integrity to look is still unanswered!

Oh....and nothing from you about his actual article.

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You can not find if you refuse to look which is what we are doing now. Offit knows this and continues to promote the lies that the Covid-19 MRNA shots are safe and effective even though it’s been shown that they are neither effective nor are they safe. Hundreds of thousands are dead because they were killed by the shots and not because they caught Covid-19. He will pay the ultimate price when his time in this world comes to an end.

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"...he lies that the Covid-19 MRNA shots are safe and effective even though it’s been shown that they are neither effective nor are they safe."

I note zero data from you and I note once again make extraordinary claims about people being killed by the shots.....but you aren't making them in Court under oath.

Not really surprising since anyone with basic math and reading skills knows you are very, very wrong!

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The data is everywhere just look. Thousands of young people dying in their sleep or playing There are large groups sharing their stories but they can’t get the MSM to cover it because the MSM is owned by the pharmaceutical industry via their advertising dollars. The life insurance industry shows it with large increases in deaths in young people many standard deviations above normal right after the mass vaccination began and it continues even now. So ignore it if you want take the loaded revolver spin the cylinder and pull the trigger. It’s the same thing for ever shot of the vaccine you take sooner or later you will lose.

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Thanks for confirming that there is literally ZERO data that supports your assertions!

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I sure hope the FDA/CDC is paying you well to spout all of their talking points. You who ask for facts only reference the government information which is already known to be corrupt/lies. Sort of like the CDC claiming masks work to reduce the spread of Covid-19. When the actual real studies tell us otherwise. So spout more of your lies no one believes you.

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What could you say?

Beyond the obvious fact that everyone with a 5th grade education knows it is the anti-vaccs that lie....

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We agree there sure is a lot of lying!

"You who ask for facts only reference the government information which is already known to be corrupt/lies."

1. I have lots of references that are NOT from governments...look at that YOU lied!

2. Here is an example I have posted before from a US life insurance company:


Surprise: facts show the vaccines work!

The reason why you don't post any data that you claim to have, is that your assertions about the safety and efficacy of the vaccines are just lies predicated on folks being too stupid to count.

"Sort of like the CDC claiming masks work to reduce the spread of Covid-19. When the actual real studies tell us otherwise"

Naturally you didn't post any such "real studies".

Fact is anyone with middle-school education can easily see that masks have been proven to work all around the world.


Free advice: if you chose to be an "Arch Villan" and actively participate in a fraud that kills folks, you should really try harder not to be a complete moron.

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"The data is everywhere just look. "

That is correct.

There is also an anti-vacc industry that lies about the data.

One simple example: the life insurance industry has been really public that there data shows that being unvaccinated hugely increases your risk of dying/being disabled by covid infections.

They are talking about raising premiums based on NOT being vaccinated against covid because the risks are so much higher for unvaccinated.

You are a smart person, if you try you can easily see how the anti-vaccs are lying about the safety and the efficacy of covid vaccines.

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Sep 5, 2023
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A better question: seriously, how could anyone finish middle-school and believe that BS?

Best question: why didn't you provide any data?

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"consistently promotes false and dangerously misleading information about vaccines."

citation PLEASE . . . .

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Offit cites the C19 vaccine trials showing "low risk" of certain adverse effects, but those numbers aren't reflected in real world observations. Real world is showing much higher incidents of AE.

Which leads to the obvious questions: Why did pharma get the numbers for AE so wrong? What other drugs are the trial numbers so badly off compared to real world? Why hasn't the FDA pulled the Covid vaccines from the market due to the dangerously high number of AE?

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Because they refuse to even acknowledge that your mother father sister brother son friend who died within days from sudden cardiac arrest was due to the shot. IE they are lying to you.

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Oh look, you just accused them of fraud.

So why aren't you in Court suing them?

I mean other than the fact that a jury of middle-school students would convict you of perjury if you made just a BS assertion under oath...

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Because, in the USA, you can't take a vaccine manufacturer to court UNLESS you can prove fraud. For all our sakes look at the law and stop making unfounded assertion. Cite the law you keep referring.

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And again, you don't care that the anti-vaccs lied to you.

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I have posted the law over and over.....here again is the exact section of the law that explains how everyone can sue vaccine makers:


Here are examples of such lawsuits where the anti-vaccs are exposed as morons and flat out frauds:



Just curious, exactly how many times do the anti-vaccs have to be proven to be liars before you care?

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Still waiting for you to sue and make your claims in Court...under oath...

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Because they did not do even minimal safety studies. Unblinking the trial at 2 months is inexcusable. From what we've seen of the Pfizer, and now Moderna, papers they show such an horrific rate of adverse events that the unlinked the studied in an attempt to hide their failure to make a safe or effective vaccine. And, of course, to maximize their profit.

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So you don't care that the anti-vaccs lied to you....

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"Because they did not do even minimal safety studies."

You know most folks will spend a few seconds to see that is a lie.

If you stopped listening to the anti-vaccs liars, but instead to scientists you would know that they absolutely had to unblind the studies. And it wasn't unblinded at 2 months:


And no, they are safe, the anti-vaccs just prey upon folks that can't do the math or understand what AEs are.....

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What “dangerously high number of AE”?

All the studies I’ve seen on verified serious reactions show a very low number.

And don’t you mean “dangerous AE” rather than “dangerously high number”?

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Don’t you wonder why they shut down VAERS site? 🧐 too many injuries. If they stop tracking it, they don’t have to report it.

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Seriously, can any anti-vacc read?

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Sigh...VAERS doesn't measure vaccine injuries.....


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Sep 5, 2023
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So no, you can't show us any change to 14 days post vaccination.

Just another lie.......

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Please show where they changed to 1 days post vaccination? As far as I recall it was always 14 days.

Oh, and seriously it is just high school biology why they correctly count you as vaccinated after 14 days....it takes 14 days for the vaccine to work.

So until the vaccine can start working....you are correctly classified as unvaccinated.

I truly don't know how anyone could make it through nursing school and not understand such basic concepts, but I do know that every single country rejects your "argument" because it is very wrong.

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Who has done the studies? What was their funding source? Look at the independent, i.e. non-phamaceutical funding source, studies and you will learn that the propaganda/marketing machine has been deceiving you.

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So no, you don't care what the facts are.

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Most journals require funding disclosures in the published studies....so you just need to look.

Independent....oh, like the healthcare systems and health insurance companies.....that have decades of data showing vaccinated kids are way healthier!

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"Why hasn't the FDA pulled the Covid vaccines from the market due to the dangerously high number of AE?"

In simplest terms, they know what AEs are and they can do the math that shows that the vaccines are safe and effective.

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Because the FDA has been a part of the lie from day 1. Just today there is a report out from examinations of Pfizer town trial data that there is 3.7 times more cardiac related deaths than the placebo group (they and the FDA hide this data). There was also FOIA reports that showed the the FDA was well aware that the MRNA shots were losing any effectiveness well before Biden mandated the shots just to keep their jobs. (For the simple minded this means they lied again). They will never pull the vaccines they will never admit to the horror that they have allowed to happen the thousands of dead young people who had zero risk to Covid-19.

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So that would be another NO, you don't know what AEs are, you can't do the math to see your claims are nonsense....and you won't listen to life insurance/health insurance companies and here what their data is....

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They have not pulled the C19 vaccines, the most dangerous vaccines ever administered, because DARPA has not told them to. The covid vaccine rollout out was a Department of Defence project from the start. The FDA and CDC had no say. They are just the rubber stamps to give the injections the air of legitimacy needed for the public to willingly submit to being injected with a, known to be unsafe, gene-altering therapy.

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I will take your silence as an admission that the claim they are the most dangerous vaccine was just a lie.

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"They have not pulled the C19 vaccines, the most dangerous vaccines ever administered, because DARPA has not told them to."

Please show the math that shows they are the most dangerous vaccine and how you know that DARPA told them not to pull the vaccines and why all the other countries haven't pulled the vaccines....

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The trends in Autism diagnosis correlate directly with trends in the increase in numbers of childhood vaccine schedule. Has this correlation been disproven from being actual cause? No.

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Nope, they do not. They do correlate with the trends in requirements to diagnose and report autism, which began in the 1990s. Prior to that autism was usually lumped in with mental illness.

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Yes but I spoke to a student NP who was devastated at the amount of autism in her rotation. That was not the case 20 years ago. Most children coming in did not have the “ mental illness “ problem either.

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On the one hand we have a claim from some anonymous student.

And on the other hand we data from decades of work from scientists all around the world.

One of those is more credible then the other...

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“That was not the case 20 years ago”

So, I take it that any childhood vaccines given prior to 2003 are exonerated from any blame for autism? So that means the MMR, DTaP, Cpox, pneumonia, HiB, Hep B etc did not cause autism?

…interesting, and a brave admission on your part in the face of all the antivax trolling on this board.

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This claim has been thoroughly debunked. See https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fped.2015.00085/full

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That is not true. Did you even read your link?

"Conclusion: This study suggests diagnostic substitution cannot fully explain increased PDD prevalence during the 1990s within the United States."

Not surprising since substitution is only one of the explainations.....

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Still reading the words?

Or do you just not care what the facts are?

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Why don't you care that the anti-vacc lied to you about the correlation?

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Except they don't correlate.

Strange how that error keeps getting explained year after year but somehow the anti-vaccs just can't seem to get the fact right....

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The real question is why the health authorities cannot pin point the cause of the autism epidemic. This is devastating new young parents at a rate never seen before and our government refuses to do a double blind placebo control to rule out vaccines. I am sure any unvaccinated parent would gladly allow the government to view their child’s health history so we can last this to rest once and for all. I am tired of the stupid arguments both ways I just want the answers !!

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There are over a dozen peer reviewed studies that found no correlation between vaccines and autism. Paul Offit noted this in a previous post, but here's a direct link for specifics. I hope this provides some clarity! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2908388/

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Peer reviewed means absolutely nothing anymore. It’s a sham making you believe that it undertook critical analysis when it’s nothing more than a bunch of like minded people claiming it’s all true. IE it’s just like preaching to the choir vs going out to the village square and convincing people who do kit already agree with you.


Here is a link to an article in the Free Press on how the Climate change industry forces all studies to support the narrative. It’s the exact same thing in regards to vaccines. RFK jr has shown this time and time again. None of their studies are to be trusted because they hide the raw data.

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Exactly !!

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"Here is a link to an article in the Free Press on how the Climate change industry forces all studies to support the narrative."

No actual data in the link that supports that assertion....somehow you missed that fact.

Speaking of facts....there are lots of examples here that demonstrate that RFK jr just flat out lies.

Speaking of lies, the raw data is not hidden.

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You can post all the opinion pieces you like, but it's meaningless. Because you don't have any evidence to support your claims.

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This was not an opinion piece it was one author’s story on what he had to do to get published in the scientific literature regarding climate science. Making all studies regarding climate science subject to the same fraudulent practices. (Here in reality we call it lying). The same thing goes on in the pharmaceutical world. RFK jr has written extensively about it. Read his book “The Real Anthony Fauci”. Pierre Kory has an excellent book called the War on Ivermectin detailing the same kind of fraudulent behavior that he experienced. The pharmaceutical industry has paid the most fines in all of human history over their criminal activities. How anyone could trust anything from them is beyond me. The FDA and CDC are complicit in the lies as well.

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We all know now that the studies are corrupted. I don’t know how trust will EVER be regained

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Don't be silly.

The anti-vaccs are just a fraud, so they have to make up BS like that to explain away the facts!

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That is exactly an opinion piece. And in theory you could try read lots of published climate science studies and find ones that don't "support the narrative"....too bad you didn't bother to look.....

We agree there sure is a lot of lying!

1. The Real Anthony Fauci is filled with obvious and stupid lies....examples have been posted here on other article already.

2. Kory is a businessman who makes money grifting folks with the ivermectin scam.

He had a paper retracted because they lied about their treatment's efficacy.

The hospital where his patients were treated contacted the journal and provided the actual medical records.

Surprise! 28% of covid patients that received his protocol died! If anything, they increased the death rate.

Fact is, that all around the world the ivermectin sellers have been exposed as frauds just flat making up data...inventing non-existent patients, etc, etc....

3. and if you looked, you would have learned that pharm has not paid the most in fines....but you didn't....

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It was one author's story about how he struggled to get papers published in the more prestigious journals (something we all suffer from). He claims that they will only be published if one conforms to the expected narrative, yet the opposite may often be the case (most journals relish publishing controversial work that challenges the usual consensus, since that pushes the journal's reach and visibility and increases their citation index).

It looks like he took the selfish decision to publish his work in altered form to get it accepted by the higher tier journals, when he could have had it published unaltered by a less prestigious one. That he did so he admits was for the reasons that getting into a journal like Nature would be a major feather in his cap and he could then boast about it and get more grants for further research.

But if he wanted his true opinion to be visible, he should have accepted getting published in a lower tier journal and then publicised that. Very full of self-interest, I'd say.

I think the problem for him is that the higher tier journals have far more exacting standards and peer review, not that they didn't want to hear about something that went against the consensus. It's likely that his speculation in this regard did not meet sufficiently high standards, and that is why the higher journals reject his work (or require some revision before acceptance).

I think he's upset at what happened, feels somewhat vindictive and paranoid about it, and is telling us about it only now that he is no longer in academia as it won't impact on him (ie it's a bit cowardly of him to only tell people about this now).

If he had belief in his own research findings, he should never have submitted a milked-down/altered paper to Nature. Because that was accepted, his published work will be widely quoted, cited and believed. In essence he led out of self interest and contributed to the spread of a narrative he now claims is false in some respects.

He is now working for a privately funded climate team group, where his work will have to conform closely with the views of his funders. Instead of gaining independence, he has sacrificed it.

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I want a double blind placebo controlled. There is none !!! Peer reviewed means nothing. Too many bought out.

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"I want a double blind placebo controlled. There is none "

Huh? Go to Google and search: "vaccine double blind placebo" read a few 100 studies and you will know the facts.

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"I want a double blind placebo controlled. There is none !!!"

....I predict a No True Scotsman fallacy will be dumped on you by Ms Sibley (if she even bothers to reply)

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I predict silence.

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Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

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No clarity.

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Now please tell the truth...you didn't actual read them did you?

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And there are, at least, 2,000 studies that show a link. See https://envgencauses.com/

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Why don't you pick just one from your link that you think is good?

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Yes, let's see the article that you feel most comprehensively demonstrates that vaccines cause autism, so we will have a look at it.

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Thank you listed every part of your link that is good!

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New example.


"Hannah Poling developed autism within 2 days after her shot. She went from perfectly healthy to autistic. It was even determined scientifically that her autism was caused by the vaccine. So that should have ended the debate."

That is completely untrue. And Ms Poling has been public for almost a decade about how the anti-vaccs were lying about the case.


How come Steve couldn't get the most basic facts correct and why did he not correct his obvious errors when pointed out to him?

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You don't care that Steve makes money from people too clueless to read?

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There are other studies too. Beyond time for a debate. Paul Offit has repeatedly been asked to debate. https://open.substack.com/pub/stevekirsch/p/if-vaccines-dont-cause-autism-then?r=o82jl&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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And if you read through the comments, it has been pointed out examples were Steve just couldn't read correctly....much less get the science correct!

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They haven’t refused and there is no reason to a double blind randomized control studies on vaccines to r/o asd and vaccines. We know from cohort studies looking at unvaccinated children and vaccinated children that there is no difference in asd rates. All those RCTs would do is unnecessarily expose children to vaccine preventable infections for no reason when there are already numerous studies showing asd is not caused from vaccines or vaccines additives.

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We do know from vaccinated and unvaccinated studies that unvaccinated children are healthier when broader criteria for health are used in US and African studies.

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Thank you for providing actual evidence. I find it interesting that the people attacking Dr. Offit never seem to have any.

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AND the data is there in all the insurance claims and records to show this. What are you hiding PAUL OFFITT? Release the data. IT’S ALL THERE to support this.

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Dr. Offit has no way of making insurance companies release their records. Your posting is absurd!

Bonus: anyone that makes the most childish effort can find results from insurance companies....you just have to care about the truth!

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We have learned a new thing.

Some folks just don't care that the anti-vaccs are a fraud that kills children.

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Actually, we do know two things:

1. that the vaccinated kids are much healthier,

2. there is a for-profit industry that puts out fraudulent anti-vacc studies claiming otherwise.

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Can you cite one of those studies, so I can read it?

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Tell it to the Amish

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Tell Amish what? The Amish routinely vaccinate. https://fullfact.org/health/amish-vaccines-autism-adhd-gmo/

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So no, you don't care that the anti-vaccs lie about the Amish not vaccinating....

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You mean the Amish...who vaccinated their kids....who the anti-vaccs keep lying about?

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Where is that data ?

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" I just want the answers "

Then stop listening to anti-vaccs and get your science from actual scientists.

1. There is great data showing 100% unvaccinated kids have the same risk for autism as vaccinated.

2. We have ~50 years of data now showing autism starts in utero.

3. Yes autism rates are increasing but there is no epidemic.

Fact is we have the answers, the anti-vaccs just aren't truthful.

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Ok, don't like how foolish Steve was with his image.

How about his basic literacy?


"Simpsonwood meeting: CDC scientist Thomas Verstraeten did a study in 1999 linking thimerosal with autism. They tried to make the autism signal go away."

Here is Simpsonwood:


Page 44--there was no autism signal.

Why can't Steve read the words correctly?

Why didn't Steve correct his error when pointed out?

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I like Steve.....but he is an extraordinarily poor researcher.


PS: Dr. Offit has gone to court, but I am betting that Steve will never ever make his claims under oath!

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So in the true spirit of Christ and basic morally and ethics.....you don't care that Steve makes money preying upon folks that can't read.

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Did you listen to the Steve Kirsch/Avi Bitterman debate? It went on for several hours, and the consensus was that Avi wiped the floor with Steve, despite the debate being set up to favour Kirsch.

Kirsch promised $10,000 to Bitterman for debating him, but he never paid.

He has no integrity, and based on examples like this, only a fool would try one of his ridiculous "Debate me, Bro" challenges.

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