Have you ever tried to file a VAERS report?!? It’s not easy. I highly doubt people are just doing it for fun. I’ve never had issues with any vaccine in my life. Went to get my first Pfizer shot, a perfectly healthy 38 year old cyclist, and within 24 hours everything went downhill. Ended up on immune suppressing meds for months. I’ve never felt that terrible in my life. And guess what. That was over two years ago and I’ve heard not a thing from VAERS!

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100% agree.

I'm a computer programmer and I struggled with the software. The average American has little desire or chance to fill out and submit a form like this.

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Fortunately our equivalent system in the U.K. is a bit easier to use.

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Thank you! Fours hours after my third covid shot (the booster) my back arthritis - that I have had for 25 years, and controlled with ibuprofen - got so inflamed and painful, that I needed to get a steroid injection so that I could function. This was years ago. Now, I still get routine injections in my back, knees, hands and now my neck. I have to take small does prednisone daily so I can keep working. All this started literally 4 hours after the booster.

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I’m so sorry this happened to you. I am 40 and had never taken a single dose of prednisone in my life, but since my first vaccine it has been a lifesaver for me. My primary doctor was skeptical at first (this was in 2021 when we didn’t know what we know now) but after she had a reaction to her booster and now has chronic joint pain, she sees it. I really think the vaccine and virus can both just be super inflammatory for the body unfortunately.

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Thank you LTY. But I'm more sorry for you since you are so young. I'm not young as I just turned 70. And I know people will say "oh you're old, anything will happen". In my case it's only partially true. Sine my college years I have been very fit and athletic. I've done this so I'd have a healthy older age. But I felt that the vaccine was going to derail 45 years of hard work - marathons, biathlons hours in thr gym, etc. I have no cardiovascular disease which makes me healthier than most 50 year olds. But I'm very fortunate that my doctor is so helpful.

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As I’ve aged so has my perspective on what old is. You are young! :) And I very much understand that feeling of feeling like the vaccine derailed so much hard work. I have a few drs who are helpful, but it took a while to find them and at the very beginning right after my vaccine it was so scary to even go to sleep at night for fear of a blood clot in my brain. They kept doing MRIs on me to be sure. I’m not sure I’ll quite ever be the same again but I’m thankful I’m here for my kids and can mostly still keep up with them.

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I am so sorry you all have to go through this. It’s so horrible. Like I said in my comment before, flood the emails get the physical address and forget filling out forms. It’s an ancient system, very overloaded. As far as age, there is no age, only how old you feel. Again, I am not vaxxed, but I deal with pulmonary aspergillosis, fungus in my lungs I got in 2016. I also have 3 replacements that have been re-replaced due to the fungus. As Joseph, I was a tri-athlete and a personal trainer for 15 years. I don’t worry anymore, I give it all to God. LTY, stop all the mri’s, not necessary. You are ok. We are all toxic now, whether you took it or not. Different levels of toxic. I will be that lighthouse you need to see. I care for all people no matter what and you will be ok. I can hope, have faith and believe it’s true. We are all loved.

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I am so sorry for your injury I wish you a full recovery

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Thank you!

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Wow thank you for sharing that propaganda. (Steve Clark?) Just in case I was ever in doubt ,not if the vaccine can cause injury, that much is obvious, but rather if there were still paid hacks out there on the topic, well here you are -how fun.

I really appreciate how you open your story with using the example of an 80 year old person... we all know how he was probably going to get sick with something eventually (just bad luck part of aging so sad, nothing to over react to here it’s kinda easy to dismiss- why bother looking further, am I right???).

Oh and it was great how you used the time line of one month in your fictitious scenario, we all know that a real reaction has to correlate temporarily and 1 month ?? Pfff, well it’s not like it happened with 15 minutes- dismiss, what a stupid example right??? Oh golly gee gillipers I guess us readers all can see so clearly now how smart the writer is, how smart it is to understand how stupid ant-vaxxers are, and can all be so comforted to know that there is nothing to see here, back to sleep we go, we can all just relax.

But sir there is one thing, yes one thing that bothers me (and here you need to picture Peter Falk in his beige raincoat doing his Colombo moment).

You mentioned one month but hmm there was that lady who went for her booster at the Shoppers Drugmart in Saskatoon and she did die in 15 minutes but yet you aren’t saying that is from the vaccine either. Hmmm.

And actually we also know that sometimes drugs can have effects years later (even sometimes it may only been seen in effects in the next generation). So could you share with us the long term trial data that could help ease our minds about such things. (I’ll wait).

Oh you recall that operation warp speed meant they got to skip long term trials and bring the product out to market early. Oh so there is no long term safety data that shows it’s safe because no one did that hmmm.... so you dismissing long term issues is based on what -the highly convenient to big pharma theory you have that it couldn’t cause anything to happen? Is that some super big brain you have that allows god like omniscient visions of whether any drug or vaccine could potentially cause harm? Geez mister your psychic abilities are astounding, you should like read tarot cards on YouTube your so good. I really can see that all we need to do is to listen to smart people such as yourself.

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LOL. What is your degree in vaccine science in? Please name ONE vaccine that ever had a long term effect. And tell us the age breakdown of people whose "adverse effects" were reported to VAERS. Harry's story is a good example of how the VAERs system is being abused. Nice that you have an anecdote about a lady who died 15 minutes after getting a vaccine. Don't you think that after giving 300 million doses that would happen to someone? You could blow kisses to 300 million people and find the same stories and claim that air kisses were killing people. You have ZERO evidence that the vaccines are hurting people while there are many published studies showing that they are safe. Why do you ignore them? Why do think I am being paid and you are not? Read this about long term vax effects and if you have an open mind, maybe you will learn something. Listening to smart people is better than listening to ignorant people: https://stevensclark.typepad.com/coronavirus_news_and_view/2021/09/long-term-side-effects-of-covid-vaccines.html

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The NIH knows the vaccines have hurt people Steve. They brought vaccine injured in, studied and tried to treat them, and basically ghosted them after that. This has been reported on. And I’m not going to name names here, but I myself have an email exchange with someone in the FDA who was spearheading vaccine stuff- she too admitted to me they had neurologists studying what had happened to me. And guess what. That was it. Never heard anything more. You clearly choose to ignore this side of things. Keep getting your boosters. I really hope this never happens to you.

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Well Steve to know the answer to your question regarding what vaccines may cause long term effects, we must ask what vaccines have been studied against placebos for long term effects... and please go research that and then find out that they don’t actually study that at all and then while your scratching your head wondering 1- why doesn’t your government agencies actually do proper science to provide “safety” information?

2- is there any other way to look at answering this question?

The answer the question 1 is they don’t do the studies when it is easier to say “No evidence exists (that they r aware of) that vaccine can cause such harm (because they don’t do the studies... not because they did them and found out the results in favour of safety). Then you realize what a scam, and they r more interested in promoting the industry then looking at actual safety.

So question 2 , are there other ways to look at answering the question. Well yes (thanks for asking) there are a few doctors who have looked at the patients in their clinics and compared the health of their vaxxed vs unvaxxed and have found that the unvaxxed were healthier (children had lower rates of ear infections, asthma, autoimmune issues, autism spectrum disorders etc. in one case he had over 500 unvaxxed and or 500 vaxxed ). And of course you will ask me to provide a state or federal study of their data (so it is a more robust data set). And then you (being a paid shill?) might get all snarky about how it doesn’t really show us that information is corroborated by the bigger population etc. To which I would reply ... ya good point, funny how the state should be doing that and doesn’t. The onus isn’t one me (a regular person unpaid to comment or promote vaccines) to pay for such a study, but I can point out that as per the 1986 decision to provide immunity from vaccine injury claims the state was supposed to do such things and they don’t.

Hmm maybe next time before starting posts with lol and saying there is zero evidence... you could pause before ridiculing others (thinking you are some superior type of human who knows everything). Because ya LOL, this is some funny stuff.

(And if we take for a moment a look at new medicines introduced then go back a few decades and look at the anti-nausea meds given to pregnant women which they thought were safe but the side effects didn’t show up until the next generation).

So thanks Steve but the first rule of medicine is “Do no harm”. If you don’t do proper studies for long term harms, then you are wrong to proceed with promoting them as safe. So please stop pretending that you know if they are safe. Stop promoting them.

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LOL. I notice you didn't answer my first question. What is your vaccine science education? Your ignorance shows in your questions. First question, "....we must ask what vaccines have been studied against placebos for long term effects..." My post basically pointed out that that was moot. Re-read it slowly this time, for clarification. 2. You claim that there are docs who have compared vaxed vs unvaxed and found the the health of the latter better. BACK UP YOUR CLAIM YOU LIAR!

You get an F. And maybe before whining about my "superior intelligence"---better education actually, face the facts. It is much better than your biased ego. I will not apologize for my background and experience. Maybe the next time you have a nasty cough and see a doc, tell them you sprained your ankle, because you read it on a blog somewhere....

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Oh so to your first question am I a doctor?

I already referred to myself as a regular person who is unpaid to comment on or promote vaccines.

I do take my health and the health of my children very seriously, so I have needed to pay attention and research this area after the dtap vaccine made my child incredibly ill.

I am not a liar. Here is a link for you perusal which backs up what I said.


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Offit gave an example of someone who did file a report for fun.

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I know that. That example is sited often. But have YOU ever tried to file a report? Clearly the guy who did it as the hulk was trying to make a point, but I’m telling you it’s not easy to do by any means and also drs don’t have the time to do it themselves so getting one filed is on you.

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and there are hundreds of thousands of other reports filed....

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Yes because like it or not, the covid vaccine is causing some crazy immune responses that should get reported.

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no it is not.

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Yes. Yes it is. You are brainwashed or paid off. Stop lying.

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As a doctor I have filed two VAERS reports.

One for local reaction after DTaP and one for allergic reaction after MMR (work up dx a gelatin allergy)

A bit tedious to fill out the online form but not too bad.

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But the difficulty factor means regular people won’t. Offit cites The Hulk guy to buttress the “there’s nothing to see here, shut up and take your shot.” Bit what about the injured people who slogged through the process to file a report? No sympathy for the because after nearly 4 decades since the federal law was passed, CDC still has a failed reporting system, which was effectively a condition for granting immunity to vaccine manufactures compulsorily injecting (and injuring) people.

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Vaccine supporters have previously said VAERS is proof vaccines are safe, while anti-vaxers said it under reported. Now, the COVID-“vax”- supports say it over reports because COVID shots show SO MUCH injury.

My view: if everyone agrees VAERS is defective, that suggests the 1986 law mandating the creation of an adverse event reporting system as a condition of immunity from prosecution was never followed. Pharma’s immunity should be pulled. Let the injured have the opportunity to prove their cases, let the chips fall where they may.

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Hi all, I am so sorry for all your issues with your shots and vaers. If the program is still running from ‘86, it’s probably on a dos based platform that can run Microsoft info on top. My suggestion is to write in your issues via email and flood the site to tell the computer programmers you want the accurate information. You that are injured from the vax, you all have that right. Again, o am so sorry you all are going through this. I get it. I did not get vaxxed, but my landlord did, shedding sucks, and my autoimmune system is haunted. Honestly I would not fret over it, just explain your personal experiences. This world today does everything ass-backwards. In 2019, New Jersey was on dis and dot matrix printers, to control the data from covid. Imagine that? I had to write the gov, Phil Murphy, in a lengthy email. Some programs were updated. Just suggesting. Worry about your health, not a computer program. Please. Praying for us all.

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Learn about the multiple systems used for monitoring vaccine safety in the US.

And consider that other nations have their own systems.

VAERS does not exist to establish either causality or incidence of problems

It is used to look for changes in patterns which are investigated using other data.

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Medical malpractice is hard. I have done it to 2 doctors. Write your medical board, things get done faster. As far as an outdated program, again, flood cares with victims emails. There are so many ways to do things if people critically think. How can we when the world is so screwed up?

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There are all sorts of masochists who do demented things for fun.

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Yes, the VAERS report requires you to fill out a preformed template. Unfortunately it requires some essential details. It's hardly simple, but is well within the capabilities of the average person.

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The only vaccine that did not have a list of potential side effects paperwork to read and sign I have ever taken was the emergency use mRNA shot from Pfizer. Why is that? Did they not know yet? Have you noticed that EVERY other drug advertised on TV lists all potential side effects in a rapid fire monologue but nothing from all those Pfizer ads still running on TV.

Dr Offit...I have two elderly parents who have religiously vaccinated and boosted. One of them took the first available and 5 days later was hospitalized with clots in both lungs. The hospital kept testing for Covid saying she must have Covid. She was negative every day. Finally they sent her home and said that even though she had not had a DVT prior, she must have had a DVT. Both lungs - many clots...not your typical situation. Honestly none of us thought there was a relation to the vaccine at the time because she is old. It was 5 days later most of us think an allergic or adverse event is going to occur within an hour or 24 hours as most paperwork with vaccines says BOLO for that time frame. Clots had never been mentioned as a potential adverse event or certainly not publicized. She has been on anti coagulation since then has continued to take all the boosters. The last booster she had, she had severe chest pain 48 hours later and her 02 dropped to the 70s. Back to the ER. Tested for everything under the sun. Nothing was wrong. She was told it was GERD and sent home. Now I ask this. Since when does GERD drop your oxygen? It took about 24 hours while she was in hospital for the pain to resolve and she was able to maintain her sats with supplemental oxygen. When pain resolved O2 went back up.

My parents are well educated with excellent health care. They even have a concierge physician - he was the one who told my mom to go to the hospital when she called about the severe pain that turned out to be the clots. Imagine if she had not made that call. Imagine if at 85 she had just died at home. Would anyone have examined COD? Probably not. She is elderly. How many elderly might have died after the vaccines but were just old. Our parents went to the health dept to get their shots. Neither their family practice nor the hospital even asked about her vaccine status that first time in the hospital. That shot info was at public health. Do you have confidence that follow up for all the high risk individuals who got the mRNA vaccine were properly followed? Can we be confident that side effects won’t be things we see over time? I personally - not to overshare watched my 19 year old daughter’s lymph nodes in her neck swell to the size of baseballs after the second shot. Took about 8 weeks to resolve. I am a healthy individual who also vaccinated and was unable to continue for three months with my regular exercise regime. Went to see my doctor who decided I had adult onset exercise induced asthma. He is a good man but I did not start an inhaler. I made an appt with a cardiologist who could not see me for two plus months. About the time of my appt it was resolving. I was told I must have had Covid. But I tested multiple times. Never positive. I have four children who received all the vaccines available. I believe in our healthcare systems. Or rather I did. But none of my three boys under 20 got the shots.

You mention the VAERS does follow up on cases. I reported my moms, my daughters and my symptoms post vaccine to Pfizer, Moderna and VAERS and that was not easy. I have not heard from anyone. I am nervous about posting this publicly. So much shaming involved if you speak out. But I have been following you and I respect you and believe you are about public health and not beholden to funding sources. I agree VAERS is a suspect data source. But how are we following up? How can we be sure that all these vaccinated people who are still getting Covid are faring better than if they would just stop boosting?

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Two extended family members were impacted with clots post covid vax- nurses told them no more covid jabs as the nurses had seen enough of it to know it was the vax. Very scary!

Boost your immune system and stear clear of doctors and prescriptions when you can....

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what nonsense

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Nonsense like everything said by NIH, CDC, Fauci, and most likely you?

Did you ridicule us when we said it causes Heart Problems? Nervous system Problems? Blood Clots? What about passing to breastFeeding infants or a fetus?

CDC data is now 2/1500 jabbed-males will get myocarditis.

Masks never worked, we knew that back when we designed the masks... and we also knew the harm they cause. Did you injure people by giving bad advice?

No. Your dismissal of peoples statements is NONSCIENCE. Its fallacy. They are not trying to prove anything, they are communicating.

Grow up, learn logic and the scientific process and maybe you wont enable psychopathic nazis and profiteers in their criminal enterprises

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LOL. back up a single thing you said with credible, published medical evidence. Or admit you have no idea what you are talking about. What an empty, baseless post.

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Jan 9
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LOL. And you can find a personal anecdote from an MD who claims that alien DNA is in our medicines! There is a very good reason that medical science does NOT rely on such anecdotes, but rather relies on controlled clinical trials of many people. THAT is real information. YOURS is nonsense.

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Medical science relies on "controlled clinical trials of many people" huh?

So how come they've never done a simple vaccinated vs unvaccinated controlled clinical trial?

And why does medical "science" refuse to use true saline placebos in the trials they do conduct, preferring instead to test one toxic vaccine against another toxic vaccine, instead of using an actual saline placebo?

Easy. If your shiny new toxic concoction is killing hundreds, just test it against the less-shiny old toxic concoction that only killed 99, and Voila!

"Comparable favorable outcome" freshly cooked to order.

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"So how come they've never done a simple vaccinated vs unvaccinated controlled clinical trial?"

I'm unsure what you may be referring to. The studies of the current [many] covid vaccines all went through randomised, double blinded, placebo controlled trials with tens of thousands of people in vaccinated and unvaccinated groups.

The placebo used was indeed saline.

In addition, there have been dozens of observational, real-world studies done on matched groups of vaccinated vs unvaccinated persons.

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You are clearly unfamiliar with the science that has been done and with clinical trials in general. Early on the initial vaccines were compared to a placebo and the studies are well published. If a vaccine is being compared to an existing therapy, then a placebo might not be an appropriate comparison, in which case, the experimental vax would be compared, not to a placebo, but to the existing therapy. I stand by my comment. I have been reading the literature. Have you? Or have you been following the fraudsters?

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I’m not sure how the nurses could make such a definitive diagnosis without knowing every person’s full medical history, family history and allergy history. You would also need to know what underlay the clotting disorder, whether anti PF4 antibodies were present (this was the cause of the clots post AstraZeneca vaccine) or the were other factors.

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Timing of ailment and vax and the increased frequency of these inccidences

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I had the same experience. I went to an urgent care to get my kids screened (required for travel) within 24 hours. One of my kids asked if they needed the vax. The nurse who administered the test looked at my child, then me, and said she advised against the shot for anyone. She said there was evidence suggesting problems and their own experience with administering the shot was not positive. She wouldn't give specifics citing privacy, but said the adverse effects were real and common.

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What time between vaccination and development of adverse event?

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Five eye countries in particular have been affected by the sudden death stats straight after the vaccine roll out. That’s called “ timing “.

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Which countries might these be?

The US was warned by antivaxers that introduction of the vaccines would trigger a "vaccine apocalypse" of deaths. Instead they saw a drop in all cause mortality [spurred by a drop in Covid deaths] but excess deaths have continued to settle back to their baseline expected rates.

No apocalypse, sorry....

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You never looked at the insurance data did you? Hmm pretty clear signal there, Ed Dowd shows the data. So the data that we can see ... (not your just trust us we looked at the data here are the cherry picked stats to comfort u) why do we see this data? because the insurance agencies are publicly traded corporations that have a fiduciary responsibility to show how many are injured and how many died to reveal how the information affects the finances of the company and that data was clear that post injections there was a huge rise in those numbers.

Oh I see the insurance data analysts aren’t doctors. Ok.

The insurance agencies sound like a bunch of anti-vaxxers now (even though they trusted the government and in some cases recommended the shots). Good stuff. Thanks.

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The head of the insurance industry pointed out the misrepresentation of the life insurance data.

I guess when all the medical and mortality evidence is against you, you’ll scrabble for any straws to clutch at, such as insurance data. Pity even that proves you wrong…

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Correlation is not causation.

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True, but correlation should warrant investigation to prove causality or not. So, go do that already or at least request that it be done. What is our excess death rate at present and how did we get to the point where "unknown cause" was the top killer in places like Ottowa? Correlation is a sign to look deeper. Failure to do so warrants removal and replacement of our regulatory bodies.

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There wasn't even any degree of correlation between vaccination and mortality to "warrant investigation". In some countries there has been a clear negative correlation. Haven't you looked at the data and the charts?

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Jan 10
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Doesn’t matter given they have all the data to provide their “safe “ position. But don’t want to share this data

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There wasn't even a correlation in those countries; The US saw a dramatic drop in all cause mortality after the introduction of vaccines in Dec 2020, from +40% down to less than +10%.

New Zealand and Australia saw no increase in mortality after the vaccines were introduced in early 2021. It was into 2022 before mortality rose (as covid cases climbed following the lifting of restrictions)

In the UK, mortality followed the US pattern... a fall after vaccines were introduced.

Canada was fairly similar...a drop after vaccines was introduced, and in fact within 3 months their mortality was 6% less than the usual historical levels. Mortality did rise again, but this was primarily due to the Delta and then Omicron surges, with seasonal winter peaks in high mortality, but currently the mortality has settled back to baseline.

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Jan 9
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You have a medical degree? Amazing, and unbelievable.

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Enough deflection..Do you have a medical degree?

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Louise, there are countless numbers of vaccine injured people. My life will never be the same. The failure is that “these” people aren’t collecting independent, unbiased data. They never disclosed that if vaccine injured there’s no help. Doctors don’t know what to do for you as the injury is at such a deep molecular level. And why when there is a test it’s not being implemented? All their whining about misinformation, disinformation could be settled if that test was utilized.

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Thank you for sharing your story.

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Look up dr Ardis on rumble he may help he said there was snake venom in the shots and that nicotine is the antidote Ivermectin and fenbendazole are a great help

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Every vaccine has what is known as a "Vaccine Information Statement" or VIS produced by the CDC and given to everyone who gets a vaccine. This includes the current Covid vaccines. Here is an electronic copy of the one in current use:


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Jan 15
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All relevant information is there that is legally required….Sorry, troll.

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I have never had to do that with a vax. It is your clinic/pharmacy requiring that.

Ask them why.

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Jan 9
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Wrong. The Hippocratic oath only applies to MDs. And when it talks about alternative therapies, it does not mean therapies that have not been tested or that are not approved or that have been proven ineffective like most of the ones in your list have. And one can indeed claim, based on clinical trials that a vaccine is tested to be safe and effective.

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Ivermectin had hundreds of trials in the end showing it’s effectiveness ?

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Back up your claim. I say it is a lie and my point is backed up by reams of published clinical trials. I have seen ZERO credible evidence of significant morbidity or mortality caused by the vaccines and ZERO data like that in ANY medical journal. Back up your claim. And speaking of ethics and morals, shame on you for your unfounded lies about NIH, CDC, and the FDA. You are a hypocrite. Look in the mirror before you lecture me. Intentional vaccine disinformation that leads to people not getting a vax that can save their lives is no different than taking away life saving medicine, which would be a felony. Shame on you!

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Together Trails were a fraud. The headline was published 3 months before the report, why?

Because the methods weee a sham. Dosage, treatment timeline, duration...all manipulated for a desired result.

Do better badger

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Jan 9
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Please Dr Offit, provide extraordinary evidence for your extraordinary claim “COVID vaccines are estimated to have saved at least 3.2 million lives in the U.S. alone.” [1]

You’ve said this numerous times, citing various models.

These models are easily falsifiable.

3.4 million people died in 2020, roughly 500k more than expected. There were no vaccines during this time.

Then, in 2021, most of the US got vaccinated and.... there were still 3.4 million deaths.

Explain to us how you come to the conclusion “we saved 3.2 million lives”.

I’ve long admired you, own many of your books (including a preorder for your new one), but this is a ridiculous claim.

Signed, a confused fan.


[1] https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/main-lessons-covid-19-pandemic-excerpt

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During 2021, there were the Delta and then Omicron surges, both of which killed a large number of [mainly unvaccinated] individuals, so yes, deaths remained high despite vaccine having been rolled out.

One must factor into models what the deaths would have been in 2021 WITHOUT vaccination having taken place.

That's where the estimates of lives saved by vaccines comes about.

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We have plenty of countries with dismal vaccination rates which had identical outcomes to the highly vaccinated countries. This is why the modelers showing that the thing they want to be true is proved by their models should be mocked and laughed at for their absurd claims.

Let alone, to make the claim that the 2021 vaccination drive prevented 3.2 million deaths, you would need to have at least 2.5 million more deaths *on top* of the 3.4 million deaths we had in 2020 in the US.

It so obvious bullshit I'm shocked Paul himself hasn't pushed back, as he is very reasonable. I'm guessing he isn't familiar with all-cause mortality data and misplaced his faith on this one.

Can't engage with you too much this time Mike S, your absurd claim last month that the skyrocketing mortality in South Korea spring 2022 would have been even higher without their vaccines demonstrated you aren't a serious person. On this issue at least.

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Your memory plays you false about South Korea’s data. We won’t revisit this, it was too embarrassing for you.

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Yes, it is embarrasing for you. You claimed the vaccine was causing a rise in all cause mortality, but switched from that debunked notion to the claim that the vaccine didn't work, specifically saying South Korea's increased deaths when they had a Covid spike proved the vaccine didn't work.

That's an unfalsifiable hypothesis if I've ever seen one, since you cannot know how many more might have died if there had been no vaccination. You tried to wriggle out of that truism by finger pointing to other cherry-picked countries that had similar rates of vaccination and had lower mortality as if to prove that South Korea did have a very high mortality. Not only is it disingenuous to make broad comparisons between very different countries with very different health systems and different local pandemic responses, it revealed how foolish you were because your "proof" that South Korea's vaccination did not work can also be taken as "proof" that vaccination DID work in the countries you tried to compare it too.


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Not once, in any comment, ever, have I suggested the vaccine caused excess deaths. The data has shown for at least 2 years it merely does nothing. It’s a rain dance.

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This has been thoroughly pulled apart on who were dying in hospitals . Nurses were unable to change the automatic notice -in red on everyone’s chart to say unvaccinated. ...regardless if correct . Unvaccinated was on the 13 th day of their current jab. You only became vaccinated on the day 14. By this time those that died/maimed from the shot were called unvaccinated . There was no increase in death until the vaccine role out particularly in5 eye countries .

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We’ve covered this elsewhere.

Because the vaccines take 2 weeks before their effect kicks in, during some studies of vaccine EFFICACY subjects were only regarded as “vaccinated” from 2 weeks after the shot. Regarding them as vaccinated from the time of the shot would have introduced bias and would have been incorrect obviously.

For studies about SAFETY subjects are regarded as vaccinated from the time they received the vaccine.

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At minimum, if you are honest you need to track the partially vaccinated as a separate group. Including them in with the unvaccinated will result in the appearance of vaccine efficacy where there is none. Failure to do so invalidates the data and any analysis based on this data.

In addition, if you did track them separately and found that during this Partially Vaccinated stage an individual was more vulnerable to infection this information would need to be considered when evaluating the vaccine as you are only in this state because you received the jab.

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I think this sensible way of looking at safe and effective is showing mike S up. Nicely worded Woot, It’s logical if you introduce an intervention: see you are following the Hippocratic oath 1st. Too many people died immediately after the shot and they were considered “ unvaccinated “. This shows what an operation it was . These shots have nothing to do with peoples well being .

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TopCate those are good points. Thank you for sharing them.

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The fact is: "COVID-19 was associated with approximately 460,000 deaths in the U.S. during January–December 2021." https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7117e1.htm

In 2020, "The COVID-19 pandemic caused approximately 375,000 deaths in the United States during 2020." https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7014e1.htm

Overall, deaths increased 17% in 2020 from 2019.

Also, considering that in 2021, we didn't reach 60% of fully vaccinated until end of 2021 with starting at 20% in March. https://usafacts.org/visualizations/covid-vaccine-tracker-states/

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“Also, considering that in 2021, we didn't reach 60% of fully vaccinated until end of 2021 with starting at 20% in March”

Also interesting considering all cause mortality receded back close to normal in early 2021, before very many people were vaccinated (as you note only 20% in March). We see the same phenom around the world, where the vaccine got to take credit initially for what we later realized was just seasonality.

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Yes, the all cause mortality in the US dropped during 2021.

60% of people had received a vaccine by August 2021, by which time the all cause mortality had dropped down from an excess of 40% to a plateau of less than 10% higher than expected.

Just looking at that time frame, why do you think that the vaccination rollout did not reflect a massive mortality from the vaccine shots?

Was it that the vaccines took "time" to have a deleterious effect? I guess not, since the primary adverse effects such as myocarditis and the supposed "suddenly died" episodes take place within 2 weeks of vaccination. So it's highly puzzling that excess mortality dropped so low when 60% of the population had been vaccinated.

You can then move on to the next period from August 2021 onwards.... well if you recall, the US was badly hit by the Delta variant which caused a large spike in cases and deaths that fall, and then over the winter period Omicron took hold and had the same outcome. Basically theree were many covid deaths which pushed up all cause mortality again, making the impact of vaccination on mortality more difficult to evaluate. During that 6 month period from August 21 until Feb 2022 only an additional 15% of people were vaccinated, yet excess mortality had spiked up to 35% again...clearly due to Covid, but maybe you are going to look into your crystal ball and claim it would have been much greater if more people had been vaccinated!

You are a joke.



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Show me the math where 3.2 million people died without vaccines in the US. Certainly with several states having much lower vaccination rates than other states, if I were to blind All Cause Mortality by state you could tell the ones with good vs bad vaccine rates? Right? Here are two neighboring states, with similar populations, demographics, politics. Which one had a 69% vaccine uptake and which had 84%?


It is a ludicrous claim I would expect from Twitter charlatans like Lucky Tran and Eric Feigl Ding, not Paul Offit.

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I fail to see anything that refutes the previous claim. Did 3.2M fewer people die in 2021 vs 2020?

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I actually doubt that it was 3 million lives saved. That seems to be the most optimistic outlier estimate from the models, with a realistic estimate being sonmewhere between 1 and 2 million.

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You know how to eliminate the vax as the cause of the jump in all cause mortality? Have each sudden death of a healthy person treated as a crime scene with mandatory autopsy and pathology report and exact times of vaccinations.

Instead we have a CDC burying their heads in the sand and acting like they have no idea what is happening. It's a disgrace and why people have lost faith in the medical system. And to make matters worse, they have medical doctors running cover for them along with the media.

It's time for an overhaul of our medical system to rid it of the greed and corruption once and for all.

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I find it funny, when more and more of the population is required to utilize data in their daily lives, more and more of it is locked away from us.

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Jan 9Edited

Exactly. While other countries were sounding the alarm about myocarditis, our hero Walensky went on TV and said she just didn't see a signal.

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In the U.K. if there’s a sudden death and the person has not been seen by a physician in the previous 48 hours then it is reported to the coroner’s office and the deceased person’s body is then “owned” by the coroner. The coroner will order an autopsy by a home office pathologist and if there are suspicious circumstances then there could be a coroner’s inquest.

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Jumps in all cause mortality in the US correlate almost exactly with deaths from Covid, which is responsible for the majority of the excess deaths seen.

Vaccines are not responsible.

During the first 6 months of vaccine roll out, excess deaths plummeted. They did rise later thanks to surges in Covid deaths from Delta, then Omicron, but have now settles again back to expected levels.


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Mike, spend some quality time with Dr John Campbell. Then get back to us about your Covid death propaganda.

Here’s one....


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I see that rather than discuss the data presented, you prefer to refer me to John Campbell I know about him, and his descent from being a nurse educator into the antivaccine and covid disinformation black hole.

His videos deliberately misrepresent data and cherry pick information.

They have been widely distributed (audience capture and all that), but also widely ridiculed by proper scientists.

One such is Susan Oliver, who has exposed Campbell's lies many times. Here is one of her videos about his claims about the excess deaths.


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I will take Dr John’s figures and analysis. He has been consistent in his rational science based analysis of Covid and Vaccines since the beginning. He evolved like most of us to see the lies & distortion coming from Big Media at the behest of Big Pharma. He had no reason to skew his interpretation and took a lot of courage to question the narrative. But when u follow all the science, you see the manipulation of the narrative. Here’s a nice thorough analysis of Dr Susan....


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Ps, we are never going to agree. You will choose your sources and I will choose mine. The truth is out there. And while it might be impossible to prove each other wrong, I will take my chances on the millions of years of evolution of the immune system. Furthermore, I will not advocate for a medical intervention that is being pushed by a notoriously corrupt, money-grabbing, corporate controlled system. You obviously believe wholeheartedly in it, so maybe you can help fix the system. But, I have direct daily experience with the damage and death it causes. Once we see Big Medicine/Pharma care about the health and lives of people, we can revisit the “science”.

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I'll stick to independent, objective scientific sources.

You can stick to YouTube and X.

As for taking your chances on the immune system, don't forget that not so long ago (prevaccine and pre-antibiotic era) 2 out of every 5 kids died from infectious diseases before their 5th birthday. I bet their parents weren't showering their wonderfully evolved immune system with praises.

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Youre so absolute in saying vaccines are not responsible for excess all cause deaths ? The reason Reagan put legislation into indemnity for big pharma in 1986 is because “ vaccines are unavoidably unsafe”. There is so much data to prove your point but they won’t release it. As with whistle blower Barry in New Zealand he surprisingly is not charged in court with presenting false information but for publishing stolen info. This is owned by the public or should be owned once you-extort those getting this procedure for the “common good” . It has to br absolutely transparent . We know it was never tested for transmission so why extort in the 1st place ?

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You are jumping all over the place. Like everything in life, vaccines have side effects.

Many things we cannot avoid, such as eating for example, can be defined as unavoidably unsafe, because nothing is ever 100% safe.

What matters is that they are as safe as possible and that serious harms are extremely rare, and the risk/benefit is always tipped in favour of the benefits being significantly greater than the harms.

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People won’t spend 20 seconds on anything nowadays, much less hours filling out VAERS reports unless it’s for a good reason.

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Dr. Offit, where is your evidence? for such a science based guy, you sure do make a lot of bogus pronouncements on substack. But of course we should trust you because you are independent of Big Pharma... are you? What would happen if you told the truth about all of the vaccines safety issues?

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Here is a NIH study of VAERS data: Sorry Doctor, deaths are likely “under-reported”:


“For GBS, VAERS captured 12% of cases after the 2012-13 inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine, 15-55% of cases after the 2009 H1N1 inactivated pandemic influenza vaccine, and 64% of cases after 4vHPV vaccine.”

GBS Guillain-Barré Syndrome is a very serious and well-known AE from vaccines. The fact that VAERS only caught between 12-64% of cases is a huge signal that VAERS underreports serious vaccine injury.

The Lazarus study in 2010 claims that approximately 1% of vaccine AE are reported to VAERS:


Of course since this study was sponsored by Big Med, we dont have any access to the data and analysis of that conclusion.

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The common vaccine side effects are usually trivial and transient, which is why they are seldom reported through systems such as VAERS (sore arm, fever for example). Serious side effects are more accurately reported to VAERS, with those such as paralysis and death being "under-reported" by around a third. However there are also significant over-reporting of vaccine events, and the vast majority of deaths recorded are entirely coincidental.

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Where are your solid studies to back any of those claims? The only one that seems correct is the under reporting of deaths... a detail that shows more harm to your argument.

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Here is a summation of the CDC data/VAERS reports which has links within it to the relevant studies and data.


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Jan 15
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No dearie, not underreported by a factor of 100.

All the events you mention are far commoner with Covid than with a vaccine. Some aren’t linked to vaccines at all, such as cancer or sterilisation. You are dissembling, troll.

As for “getting a life”, I’m likelier to have one being vaccinated than not. 😉

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GBS incidence varies widely for different vaccines and is extremely rare. You can compare that to the risk of death or serious complications from the disease, which compared to covid cannot compare.

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From https://geekymedics.com/guillain-barre-syndrome/

Note that cytomegalovirus and Epstein Barr Virus both cause infectious mononucleosis (glandular fever in the U.K.) and both viruses remain in a latent state for life with occasional reactivations due to various triggers.

“ Around 66% of GBS cases involve a previous history of either an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) or a gastrointestinal infection. The most commonly-associated organisms are cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, Mycoplasma, and Campylobacter jejuni.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome is considered to be an autoimmune condition. Current evidence suggests GBS occurs due to immune system activation against these pathogens, where the immune response mistakes key components of peripheral nerves for the virus it is attacking. This phenomenon is termed molecular mimicry.

The result is demyelination of both motor and sensory peripheral nerves, impacting their ability to relay information between the central nervous system and the periphery. This causes clinical features such as paraesthesia and weakness.

There have been reports of patients developing GBS following Zika virus outbreaks or more rarely COVID-19”

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John, have u ever had GBS or treated someone for it? It’s a major disability. Even when a person gets their function/feeling back, they are weakened for life. It’s akin to MS or Parkinson.

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Yes I nursed patients with GBS, also those with MS, MND and PD when I first became a nurse.


“ Most people eventually make a full recovery from Guillain-Barré syndrome, but this can sometimes take a long time and around 1 in 5 people have long-term problems.

The vast majority of people recover within a year.

A few people may have symptoms again years later, but this is rare.

Possible long-term problems

These can include:

being unable to walk without assistance – some people need to use a wheelchair

weakness in your arms, legs or face

numbness, pain or a tingling or burning sensation

balance and co-ordination problems

extreme tiredness”



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GBS is listed o the insert as a side effect for the flu vaccines / ditap as well which has been placed in the tetanus vaccine . The nine pages of side effects listed from the phase 3 trial that Pfizer tried to have a 75 yr moratorium on included Gullian barre syndrome

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Yes, vaccines can have side effects.

The relevant issue is the risk to benefit equation, and for vaccines (including Covid) the benefits greatly outweigh the harms.

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Except there is no evidence of any benefit from covid vaccines at this point.

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flat wrong. The vaccines are extremely good at preventing covid hospitalization and death.

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Where did you get such an outrageous idea from? How can you qualify that? Vaccine data on the health outcomes on those that are vaccinated and unvaccinated is all there but they won’t release it . I wonder why ?

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it has been well published in science journals, which you probably don't read.

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GBS is not an adverse effect of the mRNA vaccines, but may occur after Astra/Zeneca or J&J vaccines.


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Those nine pages are a list of side effects of special concern, that IF they occurred then Pfizer needed to know. They were not expected. The 75 years was the estimated time required to answer an FOIA request with the staff they had at that time.

GBS is listed as a side effect with unknown frequency for the HPV vaccine. GBS is not listed for influenza vaccine in the U.K.

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Ok, so the result of GBS after vaccination shows that vaccination can have a very deleterious affect on the immune system. Makes no sense to risk a naturally occurring Flu infection ( not deadly in vast majority of cases) with a known permanent disability.

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GBS is treatable with steroids, it’s not a permanent disability.

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Factually incorrect; it IS treated with steroids and it can be fatal. Read up

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If the respiratory system is affected, then that is life threatening, however it is the interventions that are more likely to precipitate death

“A quarter of all people with Guillain–Barré syndrome develop weakness of the breathing muscles leading to respiratory failure, the inability to breathe adequately to maintain healthy levels of oxygen, and/or carbon dioxide in the blood.[5][9][12] This life-threatening scenario is complicated by other medical problems such as pneumonia, severe infections, blood clots in the lungs, and bleeding in the digestive tract in 60% of those who require artificial ventilation.[9]”

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he provided a link for an evidence based site that compared vaccinated vs non vaxed people that you can look up.

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Dr. Offit, we demand data and studies that are not funded by NIH and Big Pharma. Those of us in primary healthcare see major negative effects from medications and medical interventions that are “proven safe” by NIH studies. It makes it impossible to believe those studies.

In regard to COVID and the vaccines, every one of the people I know in medicine has seen an alarming uptick in deaths and strange and fast occurring diseases/cancers. I have been practicing for 27 years and never seen this level of spontaneous disease and death.

In specific to the mRNA vaccines, I have had approximately 3000 active patients over the last 4 years, with over 16,000 visits. I have seen at least a dozen people who have had serious AEs (life injuring) from the vaccines: That’s a 1 in 250 instance of serious AE.

Since Jan 2021, I have had more patients die from unexpected causes than from chronic diseases. I have also heard directly of many, many spontaneous deaths of love ones of patients. Some of them were known to be soon after the vaccine. Furthermore the number of “unexpected” death is beyond any I had ever heard before. In 2021 and 2022 it was a weekly occurrence to hear of a love-one dying. And most were unexpected. Many were very fast killing cancers, blood clots, heart attacks, and pure spontaneous death of unknown cause.

You say this is anecdotal? People don’t make up the unexpected death of a loved one. Because of what I do, I usually hear about every death in a persons immediate life. The last three years eclipse the covid deaths in 2020 by many factors. Same for all the years since I started practicing.

And, most importantly, Dr. Offit, revisit your Hippocratic oath, “First, do no harm.”. You seem to believe that vaccines are a huge positive benefit for society. However, the evidence is weak and what “evidence” there is promoted by the system that is funded directly from the system that profits from the pain and suffering of the citizens.

The more we study the immune system, the more we should realize it is much smarter and more capable than medicine at protecting us. Leave it alone. The level of chronic disease is mind-blowing. If vaccines are a part of that disease, then we need to cease them immediately.

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Virtually everyone has had a vaccine shot, so it's natural that deaths happening over the last couple of years will be deaths following vaccination, and its natural for people to jump to conclusions that the events are linked.

But this is a Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc fallacy.

Data do not support the claims the vaccines trigger deaths.

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Your assumptions are incorrect. I’ve worked in Pharmacovigilance writing the reports of serious adverse events and AESI that are sent to the FDA and the EMA. To say that it’s “natural” that there are deaths following vaccination is utterly false. Any serious event including death that’s reported in the 14 days following vaccination or any drug given is automatically considered related to the vaccine/drug due to a temporal relationship.

Pharma doesn’t benefit from making people well. They do benefit from having zero liability and making new vaccines because they are a bottomless pit of profits especially since the FDA and the CDC add most to the childhood vaccines and promote and advertise them FOR PHARMA!

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Around 8,000 people die of natural causes in the US each day. So yes, after a vaccine, shot you still expect 8,000 to die “naturally” every day following that even if the vaccine caused none of the deaths. 🙄

Didn’t they point this out to you when you were doing AEFI reports?

Pharma *does* benefit from making people well, preventing disease, and cutting the numbers dying.

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One of my coworkers died two weeks after her first booster. It made her really sick. When she felt better she went ahead and performed with her traditional dance group. She dropped dead. She was in her 40s and active. No one filed a VAERs. Her family didn’t relate her death to the shot. I don’t believe there was mass over reporting. I think it is under reported.

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I see... you mean to tell me that vaccine deaths were overcounted by "conspiracy theorists" like Tucker. Died with the vaccine, not died from the vaccine. Now do the same for the CDC (and "news" sources who repeated and amplified the mis-information) dramatically overcounting deaths from the disease itself.

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Dr. Offit likes his cake.

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Paul, are you serious? Have you seen any of my analyses? The rate per million doses of death for the COVID-19 shots is exceedingly higher when compared to ONLY influenza vaccines (ONLY 2020 (Influenza vaccines) and 2021 (COVID products)). What you wrote here is a glaring misunderstanding of what's going on in VAERS. And reports are legally meant to be made for all adverse events, not just serious ones. I'd be happy to run it by you, if you like. I also gave a webinar about this subject matter and you can check out my slides here: https://www.jessicasuniverse.com/_files/ugd/eabd45_db46825497e24f9fb9c7a7ead46cf6b1.pdf

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Have you considered that since the covid pandemic, healthcare professionals have been instructed to report a number of things to VAERS as follows:

Healthcare providers should report the following adverse events to VAERS:

Vaccine administration errors whether or not associated with an adverse event(AE)

Serious AEs regardless of causality. Serious AEs per FDA are defined as:


A life-threatening AE

Inpatient hospitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization

A persistent or significant incapacity or substantial disruption of the ability to conduct normal life functions

A congenital anomaly/birth defect

An important medical event that based on appropriate medical judgement may jeopardize the individual and may require medical or surgical intervention to prevent one of the outcomes listed above

Cases of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children and adults

Cases of myocarditis after a Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Novavax, or Janssen COVID-19 vaccine

Cases of pericarditis after a Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Novavax, or Janssen COVID-19 vaccine

Cases of COVID-19 that result in hospitalization or death


So, any death or serioius event is meant to be reported, regardless of causality (eg, even the 97 year old who dies from the frailty of old age 2 years after a covid shot), and every case of Covid that was hospitalised.

This massively increases the VAERS reports for covid vaccines. The same was never done for any other vaccine, flu vaccines included.

So it is invalid to make a comparison; this is comparing apples with oranges.

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We know you are lying,

You know you are lying, you know we know you are lying, we know you know we know you are lying,

but you still lie.

See how this goes?

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Everyone knows that Vaers under-reports for all other vaccines with at least a factor of 10, probably much more. But all of a sudden for these new mRNA shots people are over-reporting. I fail to follow that logic. Furthermore there are multiple scientific papers that confirm the vast amount of severe adverse effects from these shots. And the side effects of these shots have also been confirmed by the special system developed during the pandemic, the V-safe app data. That data is shown here:


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The adverse publicity particularly through social media about covid vaccines and the easy availability and access to reporting sysems suchas VAERS has meant there has been a huge jump in spurious reports.

If there are "multiple scientific papers confirming the vast amount of severe side effects from these shots", can you link us to a few please, because I haven't seen any.

There are plenty of papers on side effects, some of them potentially seriouus but none that show "vast numbers" and even the side effects that are talked about the most such as myocarditis are infrequent and usually recover without sequelae, and are much more commonly seen with Covid itself than the vaccines.

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You forgot to mention to Harvard study that showed that only about 1% of adverse reactions get reported to VAERS making reactions highly underreported not over reported as you imply. https://landofree.substack.com/p/harvard-vaccine-injury-study-revealed

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...Not a "Harvard" study, but a study originating from an HMO called "Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare".

...there's a huge difference.

And they didn't find only 1% of reactions were reported to VAERS, they commented that other sources indicated 1% of reactions were reported to the FDA. Given how the vast majority of reactions are minor and transient, it's no wonder they aren't reported. I didn't report my sore arm, for example. Many still do though.

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Not really. Not sure if you have been paying attention but Harvard does not carry the weight it used to. 80% of all grades issued at Harvard are A's. So what is an A at Harvard worth?? Also, through the promotion to President a plagiarist, with insufficient credentials to serve as a Community College President, Harvard has proven they put politics above all else and certainly above scholarship.

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As I pointed out, the study had NOTHING to do with Harvard.

Even if it did, I see you’d be antagonistic to it because of whataboutism.

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Not whataboutism at all. Harvard Pilgrim is likely a more credible source than the politicized Harvard. It is a broadly accepted fact that VAERs, as a passive reporting system, suffers from significant underreporting.

From the HHS website ""Underreporting" is one of the main limitations of passive surveillance systems, including VAERS. The term, underreporting refers to the fact that VAERS receives reports for only a small fraction of actual adverse events. ". https://vaers.hhs.gov/data/dataguide.html

It is not easy to submit a VAERs report and it takes significant time to do so. Time for which medical professionals are not compensated. Even so more than 80% of VAERs reports are submitted by medical professionals. The safety signals from the UK vaccine monitoring system and the CDCs own V-Safe system show similar safety signals.

CDCs V-Safe data, that was only made public due to a court order, show the following of the 10 million + users who received the Covid jab:

•1,225,867 (12.13%) were unable to perform their normal activities.

•1,344,330 (13.3%) missed work or school.

•782,913 (7.7%) required medical care, on average 2.7 times.

Nearly 8% of those who received the Covid Jab required medical care!!!

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OK, maybe I’m wrong and it was a report from Harvard that said fewer than 1% of reactions are reported…. So that isn’t a credible source and must be wrong.

…We agree!

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You are a foolish man.

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It is important to realize that by trying to mandate vaccines on EVERYBODY, including those healthy people under the age of 50, the pharmaceutical vaccine industrial complex has been actively working to erase ANY possible control group to use to identify "excess deaths" or injuries due to the vaccine or otherwise.

One of the many evil, unethical aspects of this whole Covid vaccine scheme.

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Thank God for the refusers!

The ones brave enough to stand their ground in the face of intense pressure to crumble into slavery. Thank God there is a control group.

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Have you noticed something?

The control group have a mortality rate from Covid that is 5-10 times higher than the vaccinated group.

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That’s an outright lie. Try zopiclone to help you sleep at night.

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I refer you to my references. You clearly have some zopiclone experience to draw from; I don’t need any.

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My 60+ year old cousin got pericarditis and tried to report it 4 times and finally gave up. Her cardiologist told her he couldn't report it because it glitches all the time and to a specialist like him time is in short supply. Her brother also came down with Afib and myocarditis. Both were fine before covid vaccines. If anything, VAERS is under reported to. Just like that Harvard study found over a decade ago.

DR OFFIT, we hear you called Dr Proffit an awful lot. Why?

Because you pushed the rotavirus vaccine you owned onto unsuspecting infants, and now we have generations of kids who can't poo because it caused intussusception. You don't care about damages vaccine cause children.

Also why didn't you demand a better easier to use by drs injury reporting system? 1986 was well over 35 years ago. Was it because you don't want the $ to stop? Ppl are not stupid.

Vaers is almost impossible to report to. My cousin tried 4 different times and every time near the end of the process after an hour it threw her out saying "Data Not Saved".

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It was not a "Harvard study", but a study from an HMO called "Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare"

Persons with average IT skills seem to have no problem filling VAERS reports.

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Mike this is the author information from the study..

1) Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, Boston, MA

2) Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, Boston, MA

3) MetroHealth System

4Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH

5) Immunization Safety Office, Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA

6) Commonwealth Informatics Inc.

And here is the study.


It was published in 2015 showing an electronic program called ESP-VAERS can improve Adverse Event Reporting significantly.

It proved their electronic system helped doctors identify and report AEs & increased numbers of reports by 34.9 reports per 100,000 vaccinations between June 2006 and Oct 2009., compared to the 3 years previous which averaged only 1.09 reports per 100,000 vaccinations over the same time period of December 4th thru August 3rd, as that was timeframe for the electronic experiment. VAERS reports would be more accurate if doctors are assisted with the ESP program that assisted in Identifying the reactions. Basically electronic VSP helped identify & report Adverse Events that ended up being 1 in every 2,865 vaccines, when before their study the reports were 1.09 in every 100,000. also of note most of the vaccines given were DTaP or the flu shot probably due to the time frame of the data.

Conclusion of the study: Better reporting to VAERS and VSD is needed. ESP would improve system.

IF you want to get technical, the study was a study funded by AHRQ.gov which is the Agency for Healthcare, Research and Quality, and is a part of the federal governments department of Health and Human Services. The study in its introduction pointed out that clinicians likely weren't reporting to VAERS because of lack of time, possible lack of knowledge of VAERS, or possibly not relating the event to vaccine. (Why wouldn't doctors and nurses know about VAERS?)

So tell me this Mike, and Dr Offit, Why wasn't this improved streamlined easier for Doctors and Nurses to use System implemented everywhere? Study was over in what 2010? Not published til 2015? My cousin was told by her cardiologist to report it herself, he didn't have time. This was in 2022!

Nurses I know who have tried to use VAERS complain about how time consuming reporting to Vaers is because it glitches so often. That is a fact. And I would assume they are not IT unsavvy as Mike implies my cousin is.

If there has been a better more accurate easier way to report since 2010 for Doctors to use why was it not implemented?

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Firstly, the study was one from Harvard Pilgrim; the fact that some coauthors were from Harvard doesn't change that, it does not have the imprimatur of the Harvard Institution itself (and if it did would it be faked/plagiarised?)

As regards the study, it showed that using the implemented electronic system, the rate of reporting went up by 30x (so the widespread claim that this study "proves only 1% of reactions are reported through VAERS" is clearly incorrect). The reports covered EVERY post vaccination event, coincidental or otherwise, and included events such as sore arms, fever (which are minor, and not expected to all be needing reporting through VAERS anyhow), and we know from VAERS itself that serious events are more reliably reported.

So this study does confirm under-reporting, but that's somethinng we all knew. As to why this system has not been taken up and rolled out, I assume that's due to funding rather than anything else. I'm unsure how much it would cost to implement Nation wide.

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1. I'm and experienced computer programmer consultant. I looked at VAERS in an attempt to fill out a form on my side effects. It's very difficult to navigate and even harder to submit a report. The vast majority of reports are almost certainly from doctors and nurses familiar with the system because the average person will not successfully submit a report using VAERS.

2. The number of doctors and nurses with the time to fill out a report is almost certainly a small percentage of actual side effects reported. So the cases are absolutely certain to understated.

3. Of course some people will die for reasons other that the vaccine just by chance. However, since it's mostly medical professionals filling these reports out, the number of random cases of death that had nothing to do with the vaccine is probably a small percentage of the overall reports. It's certainly not all of them. Medical professionals know when it might be related to the vaccine based on the symptoms and health status of the patient at the time.

4. At the absolutely minimum, these cases should have been investigated, but most are not due to lack of resources given there are so many.

5. These reports should have been setting of red flags and flares from day one of the reports because caution was paramount and the number was huge and wildly underreported. That it took people outside the medical community to raise red flags and flares tells you how corrupt the medical community is.

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