Wait what? The vaccines were DESIGNED to keep people out of the hospital? What about Biden, Fauci, Gates, Wallenski, and dozens of others saying the vax was “to protect grandma” from catching it from others? Is that just completely memory-holed now? I’m pretty sure Dr PROffit also made the claim that “you will not get sick if you take the vaccine.”

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The purpose of every vaccine is to prevent the recipient becoming seriously ill or being hospitalised or dying, so from that perspective being vaccinated is a selfish act in the first instance; however, when a certain proportion of a population are vaccinated those that are unvaccinated are protected (community immunity), for measles this is 95%, for SARS-CoV-2 it’s around 75%. Finally, even if you’re vaccinated you can become infected and have minor symptoms, due to the innate immune system.

If you’re infected with a virus for the first time it takes the adaptive immune system between 7 and 14 days to reach peak response, if you’re vaccinated against that virus before initial contact then the adaptive immune response is between 3 & 7 days.

On first exposure, you will develop symptoms such as temperature, lethargy, cough, runny nose and other cold or flu symptoms, this is the initial inflammatory response. If you subsequently become infected with the same virus then you’re likely to develop similar symptoms, but you wouldn’t know the identity of the pathogen. The only reason that reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 is known is because people are testing themselves for it. You could become infected with measles multiple times, but as you only get inflammatory symptoms and no rash this cannot be proved. You could be shedding Epstein Barr Virus or Zoster or Cytomegalovirus without showing any signs or symptoms.

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I don’t think the part about covid herd immunity is right. Covid mutated so quickly the vaccines only protected people from severe symptoms. China and New Zealand were 95 percent vaccinated. Two different vaccines, same result.

But New Zealand’s CFR is about one-third the world average, so it looks like the vaccine protected individuals.

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Highly vaxxed countries are struggling w/ Covid and it will get worse. It was suppose to be elderly, immune compromised only! You cannot reach herd immunity when half are vaxxed. Africa is not struggling w/ Covid since they reached herd immunity.

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“The purpose of every vaccine is to prevent the recipient becoming seriously ill or being hospitalised or dying, so from that perspective being vaccinated is a selfish act in the first instance”

A couple of questions (Pease be honest with yourself):

If you knew that any medical intervention was was resulting in recipients being harmed or dying, would you consider looking into it? And would you want to see regularly bodies like FDA or CDC investigating?

And if something is for one’s own health, why would anyone ever consider that a selfish act?

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Did anyone see statistics Canada reported that 4000 more people died of covid in 2022 than in 2020. I wonder if deaths are categorized incorrectly or if the vaccine didn’t work. This vaccine stuff is just an experiment, they guys heading it up were totally wrong on many major issues.

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Every single medication has side effects, even acetaminophen/paracetamol.

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That’s true. And all we are asking for is an honest look at these side affects. When countless healthy people are reporting them after taking the Covid shots (and many are not mild either) don’t you think that the medical community should have the decency to not ignore it or pretend that it’s a case of stress?

Please take a little time to learn about what they are going through. See if it stirs a spark of empathy and compassion. And ask yourself why are all this folks being treated so cruelly? RealNotRare.com

And this site is only from those who have survived and must deal with failing health. There are lots of folks who have died including some close friends of mine.

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Here’s is just one report from a 29 year old police officer in Providence who can no longer work. I hope you’ll at least read this:

Q: What was your life like before you got the vaccine?

I was a healthy 29 year old with no health issues, except PCOS and an under active thyroid. At the time, I was a 7 year veteran of a police department in RI. I worked out and ran daily. I had a 5 year and 10 year plan, and now I can no longer do my job. I was preparing at the time for promotional tests to upgrade to a higher position in my career field. However, due to the stress, the study load and the competitiveness of the promotional tests, I would never be able to get through six weeks of studying, 1,000+ pages of memorizing, when I struggle with fatigue and memory problems from the medication I’m on.

Q: Would you like to share your reason(s) for getting the vaccine?

City of Providence mandate for employment

Q: What was your reaction, symptoms, & timeline?

I received my first vaccine on 8/18/21. Three days later, my hands and feet were tingling and felt like I had pins and needles in them. The fourth day, I experienced lightheadedness with numb hands and feet. The fifth day, while driving into my work, I lost vision in my left eye. I had extreme pressure behind both my eyes. I had vertigo so bad, I could barely stand. I had pain in the back of my head and neck. My limbs had started going numb one by one, and I had a weird squeezing feeling in my ribs. I managed to get into my work with the help of a coworker, told a superior what was going on and that I needed to go to the hospital. The hospital couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me after 10 hours and sent me home with instructions to follow up with my primary and a neurologist. The next day, I went to my primary who started me on oral steroids and gabapentin. He referred me to a neurologist and scheduled me for MRI’s. The neurologist did some in office tests, and at one point I was scared, because I couldn’t feel a vibrating tool he was holding on one part of my back. I then got the results of my brain MRI’s from my primary who told me that I had Multiple Sclerosis. I had two lesions on my brain and one active lesion showing highlighted on the base of my head/neck. I then went for my spine MRI’s and had a second lesion in my neck. The rest of my spine was clear. I went back to my neurologist who stated he wanted me to go see a MS specialist a state over, and while waiting, he wanted me to do a 5 day round of IV steroids to try and make the two active lesions on my neck inactive, since it was now October. During the waiting time until my appointment, my symptoms got worse. I had gotten the Lhermitte’s sign, while the MS hug did go away most of my other symptoms still remained. I met my MS neurologist and was officially diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting MS. I picked Ocrevus as my treatment and, after two denials from insurance, I was finally approved the week before Christmas to start in the new year. In January, I had my first two half doses of Ocrevus without any issues.

Fast forward a few months, I was diagnosed with Erythromelalgia, a burning skin condition triggered by heat and use of those limbs, by my primary and a dermatologist. It is also labeled as a side effect of the vaccine and started flaring in my hands days after the vaccine. I then was sent to a Rheumatologist, where I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis through X-rays in my hands, and not long after, diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in my lumbar spine.

I have now been out of work for 20 months on a paid sick leave. I cannot continue to be a police officer. I still struggle daily with fatigue, brain fog, issues with my hands, pain in my lower back. I constantly have doctors appointments or tests to try and help manage my pain better. I haven’t yet perfected the perfect “cocktail” of medication yet. My life now is trying to stay as positive as I can. I work out every day. Every morning, I still get up at 6:30am and do a workout, even though I can’t run. I do yoga, light walks, ride my peloton and strength training. I have a small window of time each day where I have energy to do a few things around the house, then that’s it.

Q: Tell us about any tests, diagnoses, and/or Medical Care received:

MRI’s, nerve tests, x-rays, blood work.

Diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis, Erythromelalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis in my hands and Osteoarthritis in my lower back.

Q: Where has your reaction been reported, and what was the response?

I reported to my employer who has placed me on a covid sick leave. Both my Neurologist and I filled out VAERS reports with no response from the website.

Q: Are there any treatments that have helped or hurt your health?

I’m on Ocrevus for my MS. I am on a lot of medication daily for the MS, RA and Erythromelalgia. I receive Botox injections in my neck, head and face for headaches and trigger point neck pain from my lesions. The nerves in my back have also created lower back pain with the Osteo pressing on the nerves, and I have had to undergo Diagnostic Medical Nerve Blocks. I have one more to do before an ablation of those lower back nerves. Physical therapy made my back pain worse.

Q: Have you had Covid before?

Yes. November 2020 and again in August of 2022. November 2020 it was a lot worse. I had trouble breathing, always felt out of breath, body aches, fever, common cold symptoms, and it took longer than the 14 days they recommended for my symptoms to go away. The second time in 2022 was nothing more than a cold.

Q: What do you wish others knew?

Never let someone control your decisions about your health. I went against my strong feelings of not wanting to get the vaccine in fear of losing my job. Looking back now at what I know and what happened, I would’ve never put my job over my health. Now I have neither, and I do not know what the future holds for my health or a career.

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PCOS is an autoimmune condition. Hypothyroidism is an autoimmune condition.

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Correct. Not sure about Offit, but everyone else was saying something similar to Rachel Maddow’s famous ‘it ends with you’ line of misinformation.

It was all about being a good citizen and getting the numbers of vaccinated up so as to attain herd immunity. And protect grandma. It only much later was revealed that the vaccines were never even tested to see if they prevented transmission.

The ‘oh, no, no, no ... it was always meant to mitigate serious illness’ line of nonsense is ass covering historical revisionism. Fortunately, the internet is forever.

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The vaccines WERE protective against infection- around 60% for the original variants, dropping to around 30% for Omicron at present.

So they did help grandma avoid getting infected. They are however much better at stopping grandma dying though... they remain between 50-90% effective.

You can't blame people for mentioning these facts, but we can criticise over-exageration of the benefits, in the same way we can also criticise over-exageration of the harms.

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He did not claim that you will not get sick. I’m not sure why you made that comment up.

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Dr Offitt certainly never said you will not get sick if your vaccinated! Nice attempted trolling though! Dont believe everything on the internet Andy. Biden, Fauci, Gates never made those claims. But by being vaccinated your immune system can get you to being non infectious a lot quicker. So in a sense you are less likely to infect a loved one if you reduce the days you are infectious from say 10 to 5 days.! Understand? Lets say you see grandma once per 30 day month in above example. You have a 17% chance(vaccinated) or a 33% chance ( unvax) at infecting grandma.

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The real problem is that no one knows exactly when you’re infectious with or without symptoms. Basically, as I see it, it’s a function of your immune system as to what viral load can develop before it’s cleared, this would either be the innate system or the IgA adaptive response, if there’s a large viral load then you could be more infectious earlier than perhaps other. Also an individual’s susceptibility is not the same, necessarily, as someone else, for example Japanese are more susceptible to influenza than we are in Britain, down to genetic variation.

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Well Japanese evolved on a tiny island with no outside contact, you Brits had contact with peeps all over the world, along with viruses from around the globe! You killed a lot of American Indians with your bugs that just made you sick!

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Actually it was probably the Spanish and French more than the British.

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With an Covid infection fatality rate of 0.035% in the unvaccinated , the vaccine would almost have to be perfectly effective to have any impact at all.


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Exactly. And even the premise of whether or not the vax actually kept people out of the hospital is completely unprovable... which is the point.

Most healthy people shook off COVID with no worries, a few with different genetic makeups or unknown underlying conditions had worse outcomes.

I’ll even give the COVIDIANS the first 2-3 months of the initial rollout when they had the right variant targeted, but after that... when the “Breakthrough Infections” started, claiming that the vax dictated these outcomes is an Appeal to Ignorance... especially when negative outcomes for otherwise healthy people were so astonishingly few and far between.

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Most everyone who had worse outcomes, had said worse outcomes as a direct result of a deliberate lack of early treatment. https://odysee.com/@BannedYouTubeVideos:4/CRAIG-KELLY-INTERVIEWS-DR-BRIAN-TYSON:4


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Based on seroprevalence rather than incident infections? No wonder the IFR isn’t as high as numerous other studies.

Ioannidis has an unfortunate history of being wrong wrt Covid estimates, forecasting “10,000 deaths” and publishing an awful study on IFR using flawed data out of Stanford.

For the USA the study says the IFR is 0.2%. (Other calculations put it at 0.5%).

1.2 million Americans have died so far out of 330 million. That gives an IFR of 0.36%, *assuming the entire population is infected*.

You then also need to factor in that people often get infected more than once…each episode will add up and you need to account for that increasing the risk per individual.

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How exactly are those deaths attributed?

And *from * Covid, not with?

Got any good references to cite?

And what about the age breakdown?

And the RCT that shows vaccine effectiveness ?

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Jan 3, 2024
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You seem to have swallowed the antivax/Covid contrarian playbook, judging by the number of false tropes you are spouting.

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Hah! Are you real or AI? If you are real I suggest you catch up on It. Here is a conversation between the number one disinformation superspreader and a nurse who spills all the beans. By why should you believe her? She must be a grifter looking to make a quick buck. After all she lost her job for asking why the hospital was murdering patients with Remdesivir and of course the mRNA shots. What credibility could she possibly have? https://kirschsubstack.com/p/the-single-most-important-interview

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True. Unfortunately, that only speaks to effectiveness. What we know about their safety now makes them totally beyond the pale.

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Looking at world numbers, the CFR was about 0.9 percent. Pretty much the same in all countries, despite different reporting methods.

I’m sure you could cherry pick numbers, but that’s the big picture.

Now, I’m pretty sure most cases were not reported. People got tested because they were sick. People who were exposed and had no serious symptoms didn’t get tested.

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I don’t wish to be disagreeable, but everyone and their monkey’s uncle was getting tested either by choice or by coercive force whether they had symptoms or not. The tests were pretty much a crap shoot... a coin toss may have served better.

You vaccine believers with your mental and numeric masturbation are free to take onboard as much of this poison as you like, but when you look at the way Covid played out in the US, most people recovered fine after mild disease even before the experimental mRNA gene therapy injectable products.

After the masses were duped into allowing that bioweapon into their bodies the numbers of hospitalizations and deaths skyrocketed. I witnessed it myself from inside the medical system.

So believe in the Cult if it makes you feel safer. Just do not try to indoctrinate free thinking individuals into your evil lair.

Happy New Year and best of luck to you.

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If you look at the data, the excess/all cause mortality dropped dramatically during the first 6 months after the vaccine rollout in 2021.

It went up again during the Delta and Omicron surges, when primarily unvaccinated individuals died from Covid, but has now settled down to usual expected levels.

There was no "vaccine apocalypse".


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People like Mike S are to me impossible to take seriously. Either he is a pharma rep, so blue pilled Joe Biden could start WWIII nuke style and he would say ‘he did it and it is working!’, or he is terrified at what he did to himself and his family and can’t force himself to believe it. The first is evil. The second is too stupid to consider. The third, pure fear, I have no respect for, although I do sympathize with people who have harmed their families.

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If you go to Mike S substack you will see he says he is a "Recently retired NHS infectious disease specialist". So the indoctrination is deep and impenetrable in him.

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I’ve never been tested. The one time I’m sure I had it, the wait for testing was a week.

Free testing was pretty much over by omicron time.

I’m pretty sure, based on CDC wastewater monitoring, that most people have had omicron, or have been exposed.

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I’d stick to data from countries with good testing and good reporting and mortality data.

It’s impossible to estimate IFRs when you use data biased by massive underreporting and errors of cases and deaths.

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Remind me about the law of large numbers.

I will have a look at this, nature hasn’t been the best source of information during the pandemic.

I would tend to take numbers coming from Ionnaides or Jay Bhattacharya over most of those that follow. Particularly if they don’t agree.

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I'm sure you'll find this one interesting if you haven't seen it yet: https://surgicalneurologyint.com/surgicalint-articles/the-pharmaceutical-industry-is-dangerous-to-health-further-proof-with-covid-19/

I believe the sources include at least three former medical journal editors who've written books about the corrupting influence of Big Pharma money in the journal system and the peer-review process.

And a lot of good information here about the system: https://youtu.be/UAEAWyfuEWY

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Nature is a Very strong Journal. CONSORT statement, strict authorship requirements, reject a lot of papers and peer reviewed unlike your citation. Essentially the law of large numbers means more precise and will self correct for bad input data assuming its not all bad. Also hopefully Randomized sample. Recommend reading a book called "snake oil science" talks about how to spot a good study and bad statistics!

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I’m familiar with Nature’s reputation... I also remember that they (and Science and NEJM and JAMA) have fallen down on the job over the past few years.

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What we should be looking at is Case Fatality Rate (CFR) for a better picture. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8496974/

As for large number, I am using an example: 1% CFR, population ~328 million will result in over 3 million death. https://www.britannica.com/science/law-of-large-numbers

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That CFR, IFR is reported in 12/2021 which is outdated at this point.

What really matters now is a "refresh" of this in the setting of all of the acquired immunity that everybody has...

The IFR is important, because even in April 2020(!) Jay Bhattacharya at Stanford did a community survey and found an asymptomatic infection rate of about 80%... those who are asymptomatically infected gain immunity which protects them from the next variant.... fast forward through 3 years of vaccines and variants... hence the very quiet year we are having now.

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So, one of the co-author of the Great Barrington Declaration did a study looking for confirmation, got citation? The reality we having now is over 200 deaths a day, not very quiet in my books.

I suspect this is part of it. https://www.science.org/content/article/antibody-surveys-suggesting-vast-undercount-coronavirus-infections-may-be-unreliable

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Do you understand how you contradict argument? If antibody surveys undercount that would make the IFR even lower.

What is your source for 200 deaths per day from Covid? How is a death determined? How does that compare to an average flu season?

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.5 % over 60 is a bad number also in report

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Correct- labels do matter. Such as being labeled an “anti-vaxxer” and an “undue burden” on my employer or society when I declined the jab due to natural immunity. Respectfully, Dr. Offit, I cannot dismiss such derogatory classifications and “mislabeling”. They are other equally impactful words floating around now that cannot be so easily dismissed either such as “psyop”, “excess death”, and “died suddenly”. Such words were not part of the global lexicon until the dark horse of mandatory vaccination arrived as a central character in this plandemic performance.

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Vaccine induced immunity IS natural immunity. The immune system cannot distinguish between any pathogen and its vaccine.

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Au contraire. For SARS- CoV-2, the jab was not a true vaccine and therefore unable to confer immunity. Disease acquired immunity (“natural immunity”) has proven durable and more effective than any Covid jab to date in observational and clinical trials. My employer and their enforcement of CDC based standards were wrong.

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Nope, you're wrong!

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Why isn’t it a vaccine? No vaccine confers immunity from infection.

Okay, a person has COVID. Later they develop cold/flu symptoms how do you know for certain that it isn’t due to SARS-CoV-2 unless you test yourself, which you’re unlikely to do.

Cold/flu symptoms like fever, lethargy, reduced appetite are signs of an inflammatory response and are caused by the immune system responding to a pathogen or a vaccination.

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It's not a vaccine, it's a genetic therapy product... one that has since been proven to contain up to 5200ng/dose of plasmid DNA contamination and there are studies that even with cytoplasmic injection, dating back to the 90s, proving even 3-10 copies of this type of contamination produce gene expression... that 5200ng is the equivalent of ~180 billion copies... how's that for a "vaccine" - you wouldn't catch me injecting that cocktail into my body. Not only does this product not produce a long-term robust immunity, it has the ability to alter your genetics and pass those corrupted gene lines on to your children! Bad "medicine".

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You take in more foreign DNA with every mouthful of food you eat than you get in a vaccine. Calm down.

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Sure, I'll grant that. However, there's no lipid nanoparticles that are delivering that DNA directly into the nucleus of your cell and causing gene expression. Not to mention the strand flipping phenomenon that's producing proteins that resemble dragline silk... always fun to have your own body replicating foreign materials that both trigger your immune system and cause widespread clotting that your body can't break down...

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And your incredible digestive system destroy them. One you eat, and it is digested. The other you inject into your blood stream. And it replicates. When I eat a burger it doesn’t replicate. (Although bean burritos can!’).

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Source of 5200ng, dont think its that high. All biologicals have DNA contamination and the levels are set at Safe levels by FDA. Including the probiotics your taking at grams of DNA and the 1 lb steak you ate last night! Oh btw you consumed 2200000000000 ng of foreign DNA LAST Night from that steak! 2.2 x10 to 12th power. Even at those insane amounts your body was most likely able to prevent your DNA from permanent alteration. Kinda amazing that immune system!

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Actually, those amounts are correct. I'll link the study below. As far as safe levels set by the FDA, those levels are set with non genetic therapies in mind. They're set for vaccines, but traditional vaccines, not these genetic cocktails that they've been shooting into people. You picked the wrong guy for the steak analogy - I've been vegan for 23+ years. Even if I wasn't, there's no lipid nanoparticles in that steak that are delivering SV40 DNA directly into the nucleus of my cells causing gene expression... Not comparing apples to apples with those analogies.

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To the original point- labels matter.

“vaccine (ˈvӕksiːn) noun

a substance made from the germs that cause a particular disease, especially smallpox, and given to a person or animal to prevent him from catching that disease. “

That’s why the Covid jab was not a vaccine. It failed to produce effective immunity in all but a small subset of the population and for a number of reasons too lengthy to list here.

Labeling the Covid jab a “vaccine” conveyed a type of perceived security for Covid immunity like populations had seen with the eradication of smallpox, polio, or Hib disease. “Take the vaccine and you won’t catch the illness- right?”. Wrong.

BTW-The CDC changed their definition of “vaccine” soon after population surveillance proved the jab was not preventing people from catching Covid in 2021.

The more labels the more fodder for hyping up (manipulating)the public, subverting medical freedoms, and creating discourse... labeled the “New Normal” 🤦.

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Vaccines have never prevented from disease. They prevent serious consequences. Disease are caused by organisms, those organisms get into your body everyday! Vaccines stop serious consequences. Influenza shot 1 example, hepatitis is another as is measles, which we are still exposed too but fortunately we have heard immunity produced by vaccines, which is changing. Measles will make a comeback this year or next because of the anti- vax idiots! I just hope its their kids that die not some kid not eligible for MMR.

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“Psyop” has been in the lexicon for decades, as has “excess deaths” (if you followed public health or epidemiology even tangentially.

“Died Suddenly” is a construct designed to give the false impression that after vaccination lots of people drop dead for some vaguely cardiac related issue. To back this BS up, a film was produced, but it contained a series of :

People who didn’t die at all, but merely fainted,

People who died from things like suicide, or strokes, or end stage cancer,

People who died who weren’t vaccinated, and

People who died before the vaccines were in use.

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Not to mention to back it up my healthy 45 year old young neighbour Mom has myocarditis. And can barely walk uo the hill in front of our house. My friend’s 20 year old nephew died of a heart attack. I know several people who are ‘feigning’ early onset dementia. A friends healthy brother, no heart issues, bikes 50 km 3x a week died of a heart attack. Her healthy sister has rapid onset Lew Body. My older buddy who had beat cancer and had been cancer free for a decade had a turbo onset and died in three weeks. Another neighbour has rapid onset Lew Body. My $225,000 a year employee has been sick since his booster about half the time. I had 42 guys on a jobsite with 26 off sick. Funnily enough they all were vaxed. The 16 not sick? Not vaxed. What a weird coincidence. Meantime 5 of 6 off sick in the office. The one not? Wow! Who would have guessed. NOT vaxed. Quelle surprise! If you are real Mike. I am sorry. You are a dead man walking. Oh, and here is a weird one. Two people I know have atrophying arms in the arm they were shot. Cuz it is a normal vaccine right? And vaccines are good. Last thing. A young buddy who has worked for me in various capacities whom I begged NOT to take the poison. He is fine. Great! He has five young friends, all in the trades, permanently disabled though. Five.

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Anti Vaxxer, Draft Dodger, no difference really. Thank god for those boys who stormed the beaches so we could have the freedom to complain, discuss need for mandates!. If we didnt have so much crap info on internet, wouldnt need mandates IMHO!

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The system is corrupt to the core - with only two heads of the FDA not going to work for big pharma in the last 40 years there is zero trust. That means you. We all know that you made a fortune getting your useless vaccine on the schedule. You’re a paid pharma mouth piece nothing more!!!

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Children now receive 72 by the age of 18.

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The problem was much deeper than use of the term "breakthrough" infection. After the Provincetown and UCSF outbreaks in July 2021, the CDC made the terrible decision to reimpose universal masking, test-trace-isolate-quarantine, and other highly divisive and socially disruptive measures. The public health community began pushing vaccine mandates culminating in the disastrous decision of the President in Sept. 2021 to impose the illegal OSHA mandate, which predictably led to a massive backlash against all vaccines that will continue for years to come. We should also not forget that Walensky, Fauci, and others clearly told the American public in Spring 2021 that the covid vaccines would "end the pandemic" when they had no scientific basis for this claim. Fauci admitted that he made up herd immunity thresholds based on covid vaccine uptake. They lied.

The "breakthough infection" misinformation was but a drop in the bucket of a massive campaign of propaganda, false and exaggerated claims, and pseudoscience foisted on the public by the ID and public health communities. I do not see how they can recover without a very large dose of confession, apologies, atonement, and resolution that the mistakes will not be repeated.

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This is hilarious, I mean it’s actually breathtaking how stupid it is! The games up pal, history is already judging you and the rest of the scammers. This book you’ve written, I bet that’s a thing of beauty....🤡

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Why did the developer of the PCR test say it wasn’t meant to be diagnostic? Why do some test positive with no symptoms? Weird...why excess deaths in last two years since vaccine roll out, cardiac, nervous system, autoimmune, increased miscarriages, fertility....? Please explain DNA contamination as well?

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Mullis developed PCR over 40 years ago. The tech has come along considerably since then.

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If you search for the original patent, Kary Mullis, suggested in that patent it could be used as diagnostic.

The PCR test used for SARS-CoV-2 is more than the original PCR test, there are explanatory videos on YouTube, search for qPCR.

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True, there are differences, but the cycle counts they used to process these tests were so high they would have been impossible to determine active infection. Anyone worth their salt who is familiar with PCR science should have been able to clearly communicate that without other rigorous diagnostic criteria, with these cycle counts it's impossible to determine active infection rates, and this was manipulated fraudulently into a false case-count and death-count ticker on every news channel... that is inexcusable. Horrendous misuse of this technology...

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Nobody fraudulently used PCR to generate false positive counts. There were labs that produced flawed results (one in Florida IIRC) but nobody suggested those with cycle thresholds above 28/30 indicated active infection. You are confusing the fact that PCR by it's nature can be positive in cycles out to around 40 when residual fragments of virus are detected. The WHO advised:

“ ...careful interpretation of weak positive results is needed (1). The cycle threshold (Ct) needed to detect virus is inversely proportional to the patient’s viral load. Where test results do not correspond with the clinical presentation, a new specimen should be taken and retested using the same or different [nucleic acid testing] technology.”

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This video on YouTube is from 7 years ago and briefly explains the process


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Mistakes were made lol.

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On a more serious note, I do not forgive the murderers, nor do I forgive those who try to make up disgusting excuses to cover up the murders.

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I don’t forgive the murderers either…promoters of deadly antivaccine disinformation who helped kill hundreds of thousands of Americans who believed their lies.

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Could you please list who said what specifically that got that many people killed? It should be simple for you to do and would then convince myself and others. Thank you

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How about the spurious/false claims by various antivaccine agents (numerous websites, Del Bigtree, RFKjr, various quack doctors) that the vaccines:

..didn't work

..were dangerous

..caused infertility

..caused miscarriage

..altered your/your baby's DNA

..caused fetal anomalies

...caused cancer/turbo cancer

..caused long covid

..caused deadly myocarditis or people to "die suddenly"

..would cause a vaccine apocalype of deaths


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And here is the proof that this statistical trick was used to show a false efficacy in favor of the vax. Also, exactly how the trick works, which does prove that the vaccine didn't. I await your stern and well thought out rebuttal.


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I note you haven’t answered my question.

I’m always receptive to data, even if it seems to contradict my pov.

I look for facts, and follow the scientific evidence.

Clearly you and your supporters here are conspiracy nuts gullibly feeding on everything your antivax websites tell you.

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Andi - don’t waste too much time trying to convince him of something he refuses to closely examine. He takes his shots dutifully and his heart is still ticking. Plus he’s got plenty of sources like Offit telling him just what he wants to believe. If someone told him that they were harmed by the shot he’d just refuse to believe it and that would make him right.

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And I'm sure you can easily prove that their arguments are spurious lies. So why don't we take the first point, that they did not work. Please show any study, statistics, etc thelat did not include the middle school paror trick of inappropriate exlusion or faulty inclusion, such as counting the 1st 7 to 21 days after being jabbed as unvaccinated, much like the ONS, CDC and Health Canada did.

I mean it's a rampant but pathetic accounting trick that gives an initial efficacy of 90% to 95% efficiacy which then rapidly wanes over the following weeks to zero, much like the initial regimen and each booster did, historically. I'm sure you can find statistics supporting your 1st point that don't contain these statistical hijinx. Can't wait to see them.

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Your DNA was changed -did you know? Another lie we were told, yet you keep defending them. Are you ok with your DNA being changed? You probably are…


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“Health Feedback” tells you what to believe… “Our goal is to help readers know which news to trust”

Cmon man! “Trusted News” lol

You have poison spike in every organ in your body. It didn’t stay at the injection site, it didn’t dissipate in 3 days, and it has damaged every organ! So sorry we were all lied to!

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I’d suggest you follow the science, not shoot the bearer of inconvenient truths.

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Ok mikey

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Thanks for posting this terse exegesis of the CDC’s very poor verbiage used at the time of the infamous “breakthrough” event in Massachusetts. I am looking forward to reading your new book. One thing that bothers me greatly — and nobody is talking about this meta-issue — is just how in the hell did we have ZERO clarifying comments (about the poor CDC wording) from any of the major players in American epidemiology at the time of the original so-called “breakthrough infection” problem. HUH ?

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Likely for the same reason there were ZERO clarifying comments when the Old Man Pretending to be President lied to the American people and told us that if you got the vaccine, you would not get or transmit the disease .Acknowledging it at the time would have made their mandates look as tyrannical as they truly were. Therefore, anyone stating facts that did not align with the official religious orthodoxy had to be banned and removed from all media sites.

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How about the old man pretending to be president who said it would all be over by Easter (2020)?

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Funny you should bring him up. I voted for a Republican for the very first time in my life in 2020. And not because I liked Trump so much but because he clearly said that as president he would never mandate the shot and he was genuinely interested in finding and using simple inexpensive off label therapies. He took a lot of shit for it but he turned out to be correct. And after all the harms and deaths caused by those poisonous injections, I cannot for the life of me understand why after he left office, he continued to praise and recommend them. But we live in the Twilight Zone. It’s the only explanation I can come up with for all of it.

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I wish the demented old man that’s there now was half the President that Trump was. And there’s evidence that we’d be better off if we had been “done” with it by Easter. Unfortunately, the corrupted fascists that created the virus and looked to profit to the tune of billions of dollars from the “cure” they also happened to be researching would ensure that wouldn’t be an option.

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Not even "at the time" but at ANY time in the last 3 years until now.

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Now do 95 percent effectiveness. And herd immunity. I think you could make a long list of miscommunications. How about extinction?

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Herd immunity was the delusion of the “Great Barrington Declaration”

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Mr Offit, your “ we could-have-done-better” take ignores, less virulent Covid variants, data showing that now the vaccinated are clearly the ones being hospitalized, Original Antigenic Sin, compromised immunity, and significant damage done by vaccines, only to name a few of many oversights. Like all CDC analyses it is without scientific rigor by omission- no long term health studies, no curiosity about excess deaths, no autopsies seeking understanding, ignoring the IFR 0.035, ignoring the current lack of danger, totally gaslighting the reporting systems like VAERS (faulty as it is) and the post- Covid- vaccine reporting system (sorry, I forgot its name) that reveal significant damage rates post vaccine. It is do microscopic it is delusional.

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Paul has been courageous about pushing back on much of this BS given his position in pediatric vaccinations and his service on the FDA vaccine advisory board.

He publicly stated in September 2023 that he (a 70ish yo man) would not get a booster because it didn’t offer him any benefit. Some of this could be qualified in the fact that the current booster is targeted against older variants...

Which gets to his second courageous point which explains why most of the people getting recurrent infections are multiply vaccinated and boosted...

Original antigenic sin

When you constantly prime your immune system with YESTERDAY’S variant proteins, when a new virus variant arises your immune system can’t innovate effectively to respond to it.

Like a gun with the sight misaligned, you can think you are aiming at the target (new variant) all day long, but your immune system is focused on the past variant.

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He’s pushed back on SOME of the BS. But he remains attached to the wishful thinking that the vaccines limited severe infection and death. No RCT shows this.

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You think there are no RCTs showing the vaccines prevent disease and death...?

Here are 28 (though any one would do to prove you wrong):

"28 RCTs (n=286 915 in vaccination groups and n=233 236 in placebo groups; median follow-up 1–6 months after last vaccination) across 32 publications were included in this review. The combined efficacy of full vaccination was 44·5% (95% CI 27·8–57·4) for preventing asymptomatic infections, 76·5% (69·8–81·7) for preventing symptomatic infections, 95·4% (95% credible interval 88·0–98·7) for preventing hospitalisation, 90·8% (85·5–95·1) for preventing severe infection, and 85·8% (68·7–94·6) for preventing death."


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Prospective RCTs? Everything else is cherry picked bias riddled uselessness

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Ha! Can’t admit you were wrong, can you?

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You can’t point me to a prospective RCT. You are talking out of your backside

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Well, for starters the original prospective RCT for the Pfizer vaccine showed 100% efficacy in reducing severe disease.

“ A key secondary end point evaluated the efficacy of mRNA-1273 at preventing severe Covid-19. Thirty participants in the trial had severe Covid-19; all 30 were in the placebo group (indicating vaccine efficacy of 100% [95% CI, could not be estimated to 1.0]), and one death among these participants was attributed to Covid-19 (Table S16).”


….you lose.

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What the hell do inferences from antibody levels have to do with clinical effectiveness proven in an RCT?


The efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in preventing severe COVID-19 illness and death is uncertain due to the rarity of data in individual trials. How well the antibody concentrations can predict the efficacy is also uncertain. We aimed to assess the efficacy of these vaccines in preventing SARS-CoV-2 infections of different severities and the dose–response relationship between the antibody concentrations and efficacy.”

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Try again. That’s not an endpoint.

You’re a joke

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You are enmeshed in denial. You said there were no RCTs, I showed you dozens.

You lose.

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CDC: Centralized Deceptive Communications - will NEVER trust what they say again.

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I'm curious about the matching control groups. In this example, was there another group of "thousands" of men, similar age, race and health status who, unvaccinated, gathered together where their rate of infection and hospitalization was measured? If not, how can we know for sure the vax changed the outcome for the one group since there was no scientific comparison? See, the public isn't actually stupid. They ask why they should be vaccinated for something which is often asymptomatic. They ask why PCR testing is being used to measure when its own inventor said it should never be used diagnostically. They also ask why now, although the vax does seem to reduce infection (by PCR test) for about 3 months, after that the rates of infection, hospitalization and death are greater among the vaxxed then among those never vaccinated? These questions are even over and above why vax injuries themselves were universally denied and uncounted (scientifically) as well as why some of the greatest medical minds had pitched in to help, discovering treatments that helped in at least half the severe cases that tried them, but the treatments were squashed, the medical professionals canceled, and the "scientific" studies that refuted the treatments were so poorly done it was transparent to even lay people. Does your book discuss these things as well? Because it sounds like just another claim of "safe and effective" when we know they aren't either. A measure of safety would have to honestly account for the vax injuries, not coldly and uncompassionately deny them. And a measure of effectiveness would need to have far more transparent control groups for comparison - control groups which apparently our rich, advanced country hasn't been able to muster for four whole years. So you're still shouting into a hollow tube. The same zealots who never cared about real science will say yay, and everyone else will just say it's more of the same. Meaningless non-answers to the questions the public still has.

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Too much BS to debunk in one post.

Studies did have unvaccinated control groups…that’s the basis for RCTs.

The unvaxed have death rates 5-10 times higher than vaxxed persons. Multiple independent non-US (and US) studies confirm this.

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Nope. All you said was wrong. Pfizer worked diligently to hide vax deaths from regulators. Which was higher in vaxed than unvaxed.

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"All I said was wrong"?

....So you claim the vaccine studies had no unvaccinated controls? ...LOL!

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The control groups were cherry picked. That was obvious. Ergo it was a scam.

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Yeah, right…..Whenever you are proved wrong, claim it was a scam.

(3rd page of the antivax playbook).

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Legal research will show that, under the DOD contracts, what we would normally refer to as RCTs were scaled way down to very small 'demos,' as in marketing or proof of concept, not as in robust, regulated medical trials. It's understandable given that everyone was rushing, but it also explains, once the rushed vax was released to the frightened public, the wide variation in batch outcomes and the continued refusal to collect full unbiased experiential population data. Given that the mRNA technology itself is revolutionary in that the "dosing" is uncontrollable and unpredictable (the dose isn't in the vial or syringe, it's in the output of your own cells after the mRNA instructs them to manufacture spike protein, how much, how fast or how long no one can say), even if coercing it on the public was wrong it was also a hugely missed opportunity to study the self-dose manufacturing mechanism, like maybe some peoples' cell-factories were sluggish while others' went into overdrive, or why did some bodies direct the nanoparticles into the brain whereas others sent spike to collect in the reproductive organs. Such a waste. I'm afraid this whole episode will forever be clouded by a lack of curiosity and a failure to perform actual science without prejudice or bias.

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Bravo. Well said.

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Jane - what you write might be a bit much for some of the readers here who still believe the Covid narrative according to the Gates and the Fauci’s of the world. I can see their cognitive dissonance causing their heads to explode 🤯

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Just sounds like you described an intermediary point between the "the virus stops with the vaccinated" and "get a booster to avoid hospitalization". In other words, just a stepping stone in the path to complete failure.

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I think a key point that is being left out of the discussion is at the time the public was being told over and over that if you took this vaccine you wouldn't spread the virus, giving a false sense of security to people, which was very dangerous! The vaccine mandates were based upon this lie. If you want to discuss bad messaging from the CDC, you can't ignore this.

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