You couldn’t tell from the hysteria the media is trying to whip up. Let’s face it, enough people are now thoroughly convinced COVID was just yet another pharma scam of overselling the risk of some sickness and the effectiveness of whatever the response to it was going to be,
and sweeping the damage done by said response under the rug, that they aren’t biting this time. But there is no doubt pharma’s wish for another scam is front of mind.
Yes, the Covid revisionists have been working really industriously to rewrite recent history in many ways, including the brainwashing of the populace into imagining Covid was nothing but a scam or a bad cold and unworthy of any attempts to prevent, control or treat it.
Over 1 million dead in the US, 20 million+ globally, and 5-10% with post Covid complications….all swept under the rug. 🙄
your numbers are false. there may indeed be one million dead now after the mrna medical product damage but one million people did not die from covid. that's a lie. and 20 million people did not die of covid worldwide. that's also a lie.
You know canada reported about 13,500 covid deaths in 2020, but based on age specific mortality rates there was about 5500 extra all cause deaths, almost all of which were in the elderly cohort and were sick. They were the one group to protect. So yes they over reported COVID deaths, for most it was a case of died with rather than from COVID in 2020. After that it was more a case of died with COVID vaccine than without, the vaccine like Covid itself was hardest on the oldest and sickest. The fact that vaccinated were excluded from stats until after 14 days follow the second shot, imagine how many problems occurred in that period when the clinical trial showed problems in that period which also corresponded with adverse reporting systems that recorded the majority of the deaths following vaccination occurred in the 1st week. There was a lot of over selling the danger of COVID, overselling the effectiveness of vaccine and downplaying the harms of the vaccine. But really that’s the same for all vaccines so really Covid was just par for the course.
the public health disaster was the government response and people like paul going around making the claims he was making.
in addition hospitals worldwide instituted a policy that murdered thousands of patients. I care about the people murdered in portugese hospitals but I have to leave that for a portugese person to debate those absolutley false numbers.
the fact is that people were murdered in hospitals with ventilators and lack of treatment. people like paul supported that. paul and the public health authorities responsible for these things should be standing trial for their crimes or in jail.
this is never not going to be an issue. ALL vaccine mandates of any kind have to go. no one can be forced to take any of these medical products.
and I know all about jitsuvax and their attempts at using the charge of "payment" as an attack. pal, this is free. I do this because you people took more from me in 3 years than I was able to acheive in a 15 year career. I won't ever let this go.
we're going to be here. this is what we're going to do. the pharmaceutical industry no longer gets a pass and free money from acip and unscrupulous criminals like paul here.
There are about 60 thousand MD's in Portugal, all somehow doing the best they could to save lifes during the worst days of the pandemic: december 2020 to february 2021. Unknowingly (?) all involved in a major conspiracy, making up a nonexistant disease, killing people intentionally in ICUs, using ventilators to choke the elderly, pretending to treat but killing instead. Right?
Interesting. Next you are going to tell us that virus don't even exist right? People dropping dead in large amounts either by coincidence or by medical conspiracy, right?
I would refer you to psychiatry if I could. Please consider professional help my friend, seriously, or else you'll end up hurting yourself and your loved ones. Good luck. Manuel
to be clear - the standard of care shoving ventilators down people's throats was murder. the people responsible for this policy should be put into prison. THAT is just one of my many gripes.
another point of clarity - the public health response exacerbated death, disease, and human misery and sufferiung. the people responsible for this should also be tried before a jury of their peers and if found guilty put into prison or given the death penalty for the untold suffering of humanity.
so your lame attemnpts at making up what I said only shows how YOU need a professional help, pal.
I have been 4 almost 5 years with people directing the same lame defenses of public health, paul offit, and the medical & pharmaceutical industries at me. it just doesn't work with me. I only listen to "reputable sources" and they inspire the most caution in me.
no. actually you prove my points. and you do this consistently. and I agree. correlation does not equal causation.
my initial thought is that you were making the claims you usually do. that anyone who disagrees with your bootlicking pharmaceutical industry talking points is somehow some "q" quoting conspiracy cultists. that's what youre normally doing so I can be forgiven for applying that to your cringe attempt at pedantry. pal, we all have chat gpt. you don't know latin so don't try.
the fact is that there are indeed fals correlations going on all over the place. if I begin to point out yours you won't like it. we both know paul hates it when one does that.
LOOOL! so what's next with your pharma talking points?
Funny how medical people were free to openly speak of this stuff when pharma was openly discussing exiting the childhood vaccines market when liability was making it too risky to continue.
Did you know that by 1968, when the measles vaccine became national in England, deaths from measles were down 99.8%?
Did you know that by 1957, when the whooping cough vaccine became national in England, deaths from whooping cough were down 99.7%?
Gordon T. Stewart, Emeritus Professor of Public Health, 1981
Gordon T. Stewart, “Whooping Cough in Relation to Other Childhood Infections in 1977–9 in the United Kingdom,” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, vol. 35, 1981, p. 145.
“In the United Kingdom and in many other countries, whooping cough (and measles) are no longer important causes of death or severe illness except in a small minority of infants who are usually otherwise disadvantaged. In these circumstances, I cannot see how it is justifiable to promote mass vaccination of children everywhere against generally mild diseases, which confer lasting immunity, and which most children escape or overcome easily without being vaccinated.”
There you go with cases, who cares, only natural infection protects against catching spreading whooping cough. The vaccine doesn’t work, simply masks symptoms, turns the vaccinated into super spreaders.
The way pharma smears anyone that is skeptical, calling someone an anti this or that is meaningless anymore.
The hard reality is the more influence pharma has gained over the last 40-50 years the higher chronic health problems have been in kids. It’s just the truth.
The studies public health cite to make a case are manipulated from who gets selected in the study and control groups, to erroneously adjusting results to produce required results. You just can’t trust the people that are paid by pharma to produce studies. It’s at the stage until studies are jointly produced by people on both sides of the debate, less people will accept the results.
Remember the industry is the most charged for fraud of any, they can’t be trusted.
Natural infection in childhood does NOT stop future infection by pertussis in adulthood. What you don’t get is the characteristic whooping found in young children as this is due to their narrower airway. What you do get is a persistent cough lasting several months, giving rise to the alternative name 100 day cough.
Can you talk us through this chart, Dag? It’s from the UK’s pertussis data and shows infant cases notified in England.
You see the flare up in pertussis epidemics in the late 70s/early 80s which followed the drop in vaccine uptake from over 80% to only 30%? These epidemics killed over 50 infants and caused hundreds of cases of avoidable brain damage. I know…I had to treat some of these pertussis kids.
What Kary Mullis invented is not the same technology as the qPCR, his system was open loop. qPCR is a closed loop system, if you had actually watched the video I linked to you’d have seen this.
However, in basic terms.
A sample of RNA is converted to DNA and a fluorescent protein/enzyme (luciferase) is attached to part of the DNA.
As the duplication proceeds cycle by cycle the machine determines whether the sample fluoresces such that it becomes visible above background, when it does the cycle number at that point is recorded as Ct. However, because of the way the system works the cycling continues until 40+ have completed. The diagnosis is based on the reported Ct NOT the total number of completed cycles.
Take a couple of minutes to watch this video from 7 years ago
>Take a couple of minutes to watch this video from 7 years ago
You go watch the videos I sent and the articles I posted. They are the interview of the inventor of PCR followed by various court proceedings (with discovery) indicating PCR is flawed in all its incarnations
What nonsense. Recorded suicides and homicides were not all labelled as fact the recorded number of deaths labelled as suicide or homicide went up, instead of being zero.
I thought I'd look at just *one* of these lies of yours (that ALL drowning deaths were labelled as Covid) to prove you are wrong...
Im still not seeing where “all” the suicides, homicides, motorcycle and drownings were mislabelled as “covid”… can you back up those claims you made first, rather than telling more lies?
No, of course you can’t, because you were talking utter BS as usual.
Paul, it’s more clear all the time the Covid deaths were overstated when you look at all cause death for 2020 for anticipated verse actual - undoubtedly to cause hysteria.
No different than measles deaths as per the cdc declining between 98-99% before the introduction of the measles vaccine. No threat from deaths no problem, just create hysteria over cases. But you can have life changing side effects from measles infection, hype that too. The rates of chronic health problems in kids what ever portion of that was caused by natural infection complications was way lower than the rates we see now with ever increasing numbers of vaccines to address problems that have proliferated. It’s like the Dutch boy with his fingers in the dam, can’t keep up with all the problems that pharmaceutical medicine is causing. Medicine has created some real miracles, but likely more problems.
Don’t forget medicine takes credit for what was accomplished by the plumber and sanitation and that they did more to protect us from ivermectin than they ever did for fentanyl.
Time to make pharma solely responsible for the liability of their products, like every other industry in the world.
[J. M. Peebles, MD, MA, PhD, Vaccination a Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty, Tenth Edition, 1913, pp. 299–300.]
“It is a sorry charge to make against a learned profession to say that the cause of vaccination is backed by ignorance, but so it is. I know whereof I affirm, for I, too, must plead guilty to the charge. I vaccinated for five years, ignorantly supposing that it was a preventive of small-pox. I took for granted what my medical teachers had affirmed. I came near being a murderer, and in my own family, too. For weeks my child, vaccinated by my own hand with pure vaccine lymph, and from the calf, too, was tended upon a pillow by his faithful mother; and when not in a stupor he suffered as only the damned can suffer. After a time the crisis passed and he came back to life; and I then and there took a solemn oath never, so long as God would let me live, would I poison another human being with vaccine virus, and I have kept my vow. From that time on I studied the subject, as I should have done before, and as all doctors should before commencing medical practice, and I was appalled to find how fearfully I had been deluded.”
What next…will you cite someone from a century ago on how malaria was caused by bad air, or maybe how disease is caused by an imbalance of your humors?
It’s worth going back to understand how the dogma got started. But maybe you could go through the polio origins story, how it was a diseases resulting from living in filth until it was the result of being too clean when it was exploding in the developed world but not in the 3rd world, until it was gone from the industrial world and then started showing up in the 3rd world and once again was a disease associated with poor hygiene. Truth is the origin of polio has never been adequately settled. All the other diseases were in massive decline but polio was going up at the same time. The guy producing the first vaccines wrote extensively that they were not satisfied with the origin story. Really it’s as implausible as the Covid wet market tale. By the time polio came around pharma was well versed in making up stories, 100 + years of practise with smallpox demonstrates that.
Can you give your explanation of the wet market again, I like that story. Just remember Galileo spent the rest of his life under house arrest for maintaining the earth went around the sun.
For those wanting to know the truth about supposed over-counting of Covid deaths, I suggest looking at actual data. (PubMed and Google Scholar have searchable free databases of millions of published studies.)
--1. Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine, 2020, volume 180, page 1336.
"Question: Did more all-cause deaths occur during the first months of the coronavirus pandemic in the US compared with the same months during the previous years?"
"Findings: In this cohort study, the number of deaths due to any cause increased by approximately 120000 from March 1 to May 30, 2020, which is 28 percent higher than the reported number of Covid-19 deaths."
--2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Nexus, published June 8, 2022. "Excess natural-cause deaths in California by cause and setting: March 2020 through February 2021"
"The estimated number of excess natural-cause deaths from 2020 March 1 to 2021 February 28 (69,182) exceeded the number of Covid-19 diagnosed deaths (53,667) by 29%. Nearly half, 47.4% (32,775), of excess natural-cause deaths occurred out of the hospital, where only 28.6% (9,366) of excess mortality was attributed to Covid-19."
"The strong temporal association of reported Covid-19 deaths with excess out-of-hospital deaths from other reported natural-cause causes suggests Covid-19 deaths were undercounted during the first year of the pandemic."
--3. JAMA Network Sept 15, 2020.
"US deaths increased by 20% during March-July 2020. COVID-19 was a documented cause of only 67% of these excess deaths."
I found many other papers like that, and similar undercounts for other countries including England, Iran, and India. All the research data I've seen so far has shown undercounts.
But even if there had been a 2-fold overcount, actual Covid deaths would still equal about 200 9-11s.
Now, for people with minds closed to data, and who don't trust "big pharma," do the gene pool a favor and keep believing that during the next pandemic. And in the meantime, if you develop a chronic illness, you can send "big pharma" a message by refusing to take their heart medicines, insulin, etc. There are plenty of "alternative" snake-oil peddlers on the Web to sell you "treatments" without the taint of big pharma and the FDA.
For others, I recommend PubMed and other research databases. I'll end with a one-liner
A person asks a fortune teller: "What does your crystal ball say about me."
The fortune teller replies: "It says you're gullible."
these numbers are also false. correlation doesn't equal causation according to paul.
the fact is more peole died of drug overdosed and alcohol poisoning than from covid. so the numbers youre using are due to the government response NOT covid. the numbers that are undercounted are the deaths due to shoddily made medical products forced on the public.
FYI, *all* medical science publications are registered with the National Library of Medicine, the database maintained by the NIH. This will include all the publications you infection denialists use to try and show that viruses do not exist.
Paul: Thanks for the technical explanation for the low risk of person-tp-person transmission, let alone a novel pandemic. However, the public health community must be prepared for the possible, not just the probable.
I'm glad you addressed the issue the media has been missing with some basic virology/ immunology. I enjoyed your biography of Maurice Hilleman " Vaccinated". Cant say I always agreed with his ethics, but can't argue with Dr Hillemans results.
Hi Paul! Thanks heaps for your insights! I would be interested to hear your thoughts half a year later from this post. It's Jan 2025 and not sure if you have a different perspective now compared to July 2024. Thank you!
Hot off the press, from an actual peer-reviewed journal. "Excess Death Rates by State During the COVID-19 Pandemic: United States, 2020‒2023" by Steven H. Woolf et al. published on July 18 in the American Journal of Public Health. Some interesting quotes: "The United States experienced 1 277 697 excess deaths between March 2020 and July 2023. Almost 90% of these deaths were attributed to COVID-19." "Between weeks ending June 20, 2020, through March 19, 2022, excess death rates were higher in states with Republican governors and greater Republican representation in state legislatures." The first author holds a doctor of medicine and a masters in public health. Apparently, there were no chiropractors or physicists involved in the study. As for the partisan divide, for that I'll refer to a quote by a physicist, Neil Degrasse Tyson, "How to die like a medieval peasant in spite of modern medicine."
Someone posted a link to a "study" with three authors in something called "Correlation." The article, which falsely claimed that vaccines caused most of the Covid-era excess deaths, is claimed to be from the University of Quebec at Trois Rivieres. A search of the university website reveals that the only co-author with a connection to UQTR is a CHIROPRACTOR! The first author of the "study" is a physicist. A search of the non-partisan Norwegian database of peer-reviewed journals does not list Correlation, apparently because it isn't really a journal at all. A search of Univ. Quebec Trois Rivieres' website for various terms, including Correlation, excess mortality, Covid, and vaccines, merely turns up articles telling you where you can get vaccinated at the university, but no mention of the "study." Another university page had an announcement about how students could "volunteer and contribute to the vaccination effort." Apparently, the University itself isn't into conspiracy theories, which is good to hear.
So dear readers, if you are the type of person who looks to physicists and chiropractors for advice on medicine and epidemiology, instead of the consistent consensus of hundreds of thousands of actual medical doctors and human health researchers in dozens of countries, sure, go for it. And please do the rest of society a favor. When the next pandemic comes around, please don't get vaccinated. "Darwin" would appreciate it if you took yourself out of the gene pool.
Glad to see this coming from you @Dr. Offit. Several things from as an influenza subject matter expert, 1. there are now 18 known HA subtypes of influenza A viruses. 2. I also believe avian flu is not as deadly in humans as they think. If serosurveys were done, they would see more people have been infected than thought and the CFR would drop considerably. I'm not sure why any child 6 mos old would ever need a vaccine for avian influenza. This sudden desire to inject every single human for every single virus is absurd. We need to get back to risk v. benefit. From a virologist.
You couldn’t tell from the hysteria the media is trying to whip up. Let’s face it, enough people are now thoroughly convinced COVID was just yet another pharma scam of overselling the risk of some sickness and the effectiveness of whatever the response to it was going to be,
and sweeping the damage done by said response under the rug, that they aren’t biting this time. But there is no doubt pharma’s wish for another scam is front of mind.
Yes, the Covid revisionists have been working really industriously to rewrite recent history in many ways, including the brainwashing of the populace into imagining Covid was nothing but a scam or a bad cold and unworthy of any attempts to prevent, control or treat it.
Over 1 million dead in the US, 20 million+ globally, and 5-10% with post Covid complications….all swept under the rug. 🙄
your numbers are false. there may indeed be one million dead now after the mrna medical product damage but one million people did not die from covid. that's a lie. and 20 million people did not die of covid worldwide. that's also a lie.
so try again, pal.
You are insulting people's intelligence.
In Portugal, during January 2021 alone (BEFORE vaccines were hardly introduced), we had 5805 deaths confirmed as being associated with SARS-CoV-2.
This was the greatest public health disaster in Portugal in 100 years (i.e. after the 1918 pandemic).
And now you come here tell us that it was the vaccine's fault. Are you being payed? I surely hope so, or else it is pure stupidity. Manuel
I’m afraid it’s pure stupidity, Manuel.
You know canada reported about 13,500 covid deaths in 2020, but based on age specific mortality rates there was about 5500 extra all cause deaths, almost all of which were in the elderly cohort and were sick. They were the one group to protect. So yes they over reported COVID deaths, for most it was a case of died with rather than from COVID in 2020. After that it was more a case of died with COVID vaccine than without, the vaccine like Covid itself was hardest on the oldest and sickest. The fact that vaccinated were excluded from stats until after 14 days follow the second shot, imagine how many problems occurred in that period when the clinical trial showed problems in that period which also corresponded with adverse reporting systems that recorded the majority of the deaths following vaccination occurred in the 1st week. There was a lot of over selling the danger of COVID, overselling the effectiveness of vaccine and downplaying the harms of the vaccine. But really that’s the same for all vaccines so really Covid was just par for the course.
the public health disaster was the government response and people like paul going around making the claims he was making.
in addition hospitals worldwide instituted a policy that murdered thousands of patients. I care about the people murdered in portugese hospitals but I have to leave that for a portugese person to debate those absolutley false numbers.
the fact is that people were murdered in hospitals with ventilators and lack of treatment. people like paul supported that. paul and the public health authorities responsible for these things should be standing trial for their crimes or in jail.
this is never not going to be an issue. ALL vaccine mandates of any kind have to go. no one can be forced to take any of these medical products.
and I know all about jitsuvax and their attempts at using the charge of "payment" as an attack. pal, this is free. I do this because you people took more from me in 3 years than I was able to acheive in a 15 year career. I won't ever let this go.
we're going to be here. this is what we're going to do. the pharmaceutical industry no longer gets a pass and free money from acip and unscrupulous criminals like paul here.
There are about 60 thousand MD's in Portugal, all somehow doing the best they could to save lifes during the worst days of the pandemic: december 2020 to february 2021. Unknowingly (?) all involved in a major conspiracy, making up a nonexistant disease, killing people intentionally in ICUs, using ventilators to choke the elderly, pretending to treat but killing instead. Right?
Interesting. Next you are going to tell us that virus don't even exist right? People dropping dead in large amounts either by coincidence or by medical conspiracy, right?
I would refer you to psychiatry if I could. Please consider professional help my friend, seriously, or else you'll end up hurting yourself and your loved ones. Good luck. Manuel
to be clear - the standard of care shoving ventilators down people's throats was murder. the people responsible for this policy should be put into prison. THAT is just one of my many gripes.
another point of clarity - the public health response exacerbated death, disease, and human misery and sufferiung. the people responsible for this should also be tried before a jury of their peers and if found guilty put into prison or given the death penalty for the untold suffering of humanity.
so your lame attemnpts at making up what I said only shows how YOU need a professional help, pal.
I have been 4 almost 5 years with people directing the same lame defenses of public health, paul offit, and the medical & pharmaceutical industries at me. it just doesn't work with me. I only listen to "reputable sources" and they inspire the most caution in me.
get with it, pal.
"making up a nonexistant disease" - manuel gomes
this is your claim. you keep that.
I don't know what that is.
I do know your numbers were just made up. so there is that...
Quad erat demonstrandum.
….You proved my point for me!
no. actually you prove my points. and you do this consistently. and I agree. correlation does not equal causation.
my initial thought is that you were making the claims you usually do. that anyone who disagrees with your bootlicking pharmaceutical industry talking points is somehow some "q" quoting conspiracy cultists. that's what youre normally doing so I can be forgiven for applying that to your cringe attempt at pedantry. pal, we all have chat gpt. you don't know latin so don't try.
the fact is that there are indeed fals correlations going on all over the place. if I begin to point out yours you won't like it. we both know paul hates it when one does that.
LOOOL! so what's next with your pharma talking points?
Funny how medical people were free to openly speak of this stuff when pharma was openly discussing exiting the childhood vaccines market when liability was making it too risky to continue.
Did you know that by 1968, when the measles vaccine became national in England, deaths from measles were down 99.8%?
Did you know that by 1957, when the whooping cough vaccine became national in England, deaths from whooping cough were down 99.7%?
Gordon T. Stewart, Emeritus Professor of Public Health, 1981
Gordon T. Stewart, “Whooping Cough in Relation to Other Childhood Infections in 1977–9 in the United Kingdom,” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, vol. 35, 1981, p. 145.
“In the United Kingdom and in many other countries, whooping cough (and measles) are no longer important causes of death or severe illness except in a small minority of infants who are usually otherwise disadvantaged. In these circumstances, I cannot see how it is justifiable to promote mass vaccination of children everywhere against generally mild diseases, which confer lasting immunity, and which most children escape or overcome easily without being vaccinated.”
There you go with cases, who cares, only natural infection protects against catching spreading whooping cough. The vaccine doesn’t work, simply masks symptoms, turns the vaccinated into super spreaders.
The way pharma smears anyone that is skeptical, calling someone an anti this or that is meaningless anymore.
The hard reality is the more influence pharma has gained over the last 40-50 years the higher chronic health problems have been in kids. It’s just the truth.
The studies public health cite to make a case are manipulated from who gets selected in the study and control groups, to erroneously adjusting results to produce required results. You just can’t trust the people that are paid by pharma to produce studies. It’s at the stage until studies are jointly produced by people on both sides of the debate, less people will accept the results.
Remember the industry is the most charged for fraud of any, they can’t be trusted.
Natural infection in childhood does NOT stop future infection by pertussis in adulthood. What you don’t get is the characteristic whooping found in young children as this is due to their narrower airway. What you do get is a persistent cough lasting several months, giving rise to the alternative name 100 day cough.
Can you talk us through this chart, Dag? It’s from the UK’s pertussis data and shows infant cases notified in England.
You see the flare up in pertussis epidemics in the late 70s/early 80s which followed the drop in vaccine uptake from over 80% to only 30%? These epidemics killed over 50 infants and caused hundreds of cases of avoidable brain damage. I know…I had to treat some of these pertussis kids.
Gordon Stewart is an HIV/AIDS denialist and an antivax propagandist. You might as well believe the Earth is flat if you accept his twisted opinions.
Thats all a lie.
FALSE positive PCR tests coupled with relabeling death certificates. Died "of" vs Died "with" CONvid
Motorcycle accidents, Homocides, Suicides, Drownings, Flu deaths all labeled Convid deaths
Watch this video explaining qPCR
#Inventor of the PCR Test Kary Mullis explains what PCR is and what it's not
#In Case You Thought the PCR Test Detects an Actual Virus…Wrong
#Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.
#CDC withdraws fraudulent PCR testing protocol that was used to falsify covid
“positives” to push the plandemic
#22 Scientists Publish Paper Claiming The PCR Test Is “Useless” For Detecting COVID-19 Cases
#Portuguese court rules PCR tests are unreliable, unlawful
#Florida Forcing Labs to Report Number of PCR Test Cycles—Game Changer
What Kary Mullis invented is not the same technology as the qPCR, his system was open loop. qPCR is a closed loop system, if you had actually watched the video I linked to you’d have seen this.
However, in basic terms.
A sample of RNA is converted to DNA and a fluorescent protein/enzyme (luciferase) is attached to part of the DNA.
As the duplication proceeds cycle by cycle the machine determines whether the sample fluoresces such that it becomes visible above background, when it does the cycle number at that point is recorded as Ct. However, because of the way the system works the cycling continues until 40+ have completed. The diagnosis is based on the reported Ct NOT the total number of completed cycles.
Take a couple of minutes to watch this video from 7 years ago
>Take a couple of minutes to watch this video from 7 years ago
You go watch the videos I sent and the articles I posted. They are the interview of the inventor of PCR followed by various court proceedings (with discovery) indicating PCR is flawed in all its incarnations
What nonsense. Recorded suicides and homicides were not all labelled as fact the recorded number of deaths labelled as suicide or homicide went up, instead of being zero.
I thought I'd look at just *one* of these lies of yours (that ALL drowning deaths were labelled as Covid) to prove you are wrong...
In fact in 2020 and 2021 drowning deaths *increased* as compared to previous years.
So all the drowning deaths were NOT labelled as Covid In fact, maybe some of the Covid deaths were labelled as drownings!!
Here is Dr Deborah Birx explaining the scam
also here
Now lets run through new reports some of which include coroners reports
# Nolte: NY Times Reports Coronavirus Deaths Overcounted by 30% … on Paragraph 17
# Johns Hopkins Study Explodes COVID Death Hoax; It’s Re-Labeling on a Grand Scale
# In Colorado, They're Counting Gun Shot Fatalities as COVID Deaths
# Ontario (Canada) Admits Labelling Deaths As COVID When They’re Not A Result of COVID
# In March, US Deaths from COVID-19 Totaled Less Than 2 Percent of All Deaths
# Minnesota lawmakers say coronavirus deaths could be inflated by 40% after reviewing death certificates
# Grand County Coroner Raises Concern On Deaths Among COVID Cases
# 'The numbers are skewed': Colorado officials warn of inflated COVID death statistics
# Massive Pandemic Data Fraud Exposed: 40% of ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Fabricated
# There Is No Pandemic
Im still not seeing where “all” the suicides, homicides, motorcycle and drownings were mislabelled as “covid”… can you back up those claims you made first, rather than telling more lies?
No, of course you can’t, because you were talking utter BS as usual.
Next up…how you think viruses don’t exist.
Round and Round he goes where he stops nobody knows.
The information is right there
Paul, it’s more clear all the time the Covid deaths were overstated when you look at all cause death for 2020 for anticipated verse actual - undoubtedly to cause hysteria.
No different than measles deaths as per the cdc declining between 98-99% before the introduction of the measles vaccine. No threat from deaths no problem, just create hysteria over cases. But you can have life changing side effects from measles infection, hype that too. The rates of chronic health problems in kids what ever portion of that was caused by natural infection complications was way lower than the rates we see now with ever increasing numbers of vaccines to address problems that have proliferated. It’s like the Dutch boy with his fingers in the dam, can’t keep up with all the problems that pharmaceutical medicine is causing. Medicine has created some real miracles, but likely more problems.
Don’t forget medicine takes credit for what was accomplished by the plumber and sanitation and that they did more to protect us from ivermectin than they ever did for fentanyl.
Time to make pharma solely responsible for the liability of their products, like every other industry in the world.
The scam is an old one.
—Dr. E. M. Ripley, Unionville, Connecticut
[J. M. Peebles, MD, MA, PhD, Vaccination a Curse and a Menace to Personal Liberty, Tenth Edition, 1913, pp. 299–300.]
“It is a sorry charge to make against a learned profession to say that the cause of vaccination is backed by ignorance, but so it is. I know whereof I affirm, for I, too, must plead guilty to the charge. I vaccinated for five years, ignorantly supposing that it was a preventive of small-pox. I took for granted what my medical teachers had affirmed. I came near being a murderer, and in my own family, too. For weeks my child, vaccinated by my own hand with pure vaccine lymph, and from the calf, too, was tended upon a pillow by his faithful mother; and when not in a stupor he suffered as only the damned can suffer. After a time the crisis passed and he came back to life; and I then and there took a solemn oath never, so long as God would let me live, would I poison another human being with vaccine virus, and I have kept my vow. From that time on I studied the subject, as I should have done before, and as all doctors should before commencing medical practice, and I was appalled to find how fearfully I had been deluded.”
What next…will you cite someone from a century ago on how malaria was caused by bad air, or maybe how disease is caused by an imbalance of your humors?
Good one
It’s worth going back to understand how the dogma got started. But maybe you could go through the polio origins story, how it was a diseases resulting from living in filth until it was the result of being too clean when it was exploding in the developed world but not in the 3rd world, until it was gone from the industrial world and then started showing up in the 3rd world and once again was a disease associated with poor hygiene. Truth is the origin of polio has never been adequately settled. All the other diseases were in massive decline but polio was going up at the same time. The guy producing the first vaccines wrote extensively that they were not satisfied with the origin story. Really it’s as implausible as the Covid wet market tale. By the time polio came around pharma was well versed in making up stories, 100 + years of practise with smallpox demonstrates that.
It’s easy to see you are an infectious disease denialist…now you think polio and smallpox were “scams” as well!
What next…HIV doesn’t exist? Meningitis is a delusion? Herpes is a figment of the imagination? Plague was just poor nutrition?
Thanks for posting to show how deranged antivaxers can be.
Can you give your explanation of the wet market again, I like that story. Just remember Galileo spent the rest of his life under house arrest for maintaining the earth went around the sun.
Even guys like Sabin weren’t satisfied the question on the origins of polio were answered.
Thank you. Informative and quite reassuring.
Udders not utters
Now that's udderly ridiculous...
For those wanting to know the truth about supposed over-counting of Covid deaths, I suggest looking at actual data. (PubMed and Google Scholar have searchable free databases of millions of published studies.)
--1. Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine, 2020, volume 180, page 1336.
"Question: Did more all-cause deaths occur during the first months of the coronavirus pandemic in the US compared with the same months during the previous years?"
"Findings: In this cohort study, the number of deaths due to any cause increased by approximately 120000 from March 1 to May 30, 2020, which is 28 percent higher than the reported number of Covid-19 deaths."
--2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science Nexus, published June 8, 2022. "Excess natural-cause deaths in California by cause and setting: March 2020 through February 2021"
"The estimated number of excess natural-cause deaths from 2020 March 1 to 2021 February 28 (69,182) exceeded the number of Covid-19 diagnosed deaths (53,667) by 29%. Nearly half, 47.4% (32,775), of excess natural-cause deaths occurred out of the hospital, where only 28.6% (9,366) of excess mortality was attributed to Covid-19."
"The strong temporal association of reported Covid-19 deaths with excess out-of-hospital deaths from other reported natural-cause causes suggests Covid-19 deaths were undercounted during the first year of the pandemic."
--3. JAMA Network Sept 15, 2020.
"US deaths increased by 20% during March-July 2020. COVID-19 was a documented cause of only 67% of these excess deaths."
I found many other papers like that, and similar undercounts for other countries including England, Iran, and India. All the research data I've seen so far has shown undercounts.
But even if there had been a 2-fold overcount, actual Covid deaths would still equal about 200 9-11s.
Now, for people with minds closed to data, and who don't trust "big pharma," do the gene pool a favor and keep believing that during the next pandemic. And in the meantime, if you develop a chronic illness, you can send "big pharma" a message by refusing to take their heart medicines, insulin, etc. There are plenty of "alternative" snake-oil peddlers on the Web to sell you "treatments" without the taint of big pharma and the FDA.
For others, I recommend PubMed and other research databases. I'll end with a one-liner
A person asks a fortune teller: "What does your crystal ball say about me."
The fortune teller replies: "It says you're gullible."
these numbers are also false. correlation doesn't equal causation according to paul.
the fact is more peole died of drug overdosed and alcohol poisoning than from covid. so the numbers youre using are due to the government response NOT covid. the numbers that are undercounted are the deaths due to shoddily made medical products forced on the public.
try again, pal.
PubMed is your source? So your idea of an unbiased source is one maintained by the NIH?
Google "circle jerk"
FYI, *all* medical science publications are registered with the National Library of Medicine, the database maintained by the NIH. This will include all the publications you infection denialists use to try and show that viruses do not exist.
Does this include articles and studies that were *REJECTED* ? (almost always because they went against the status quo or moneyed interests)
Can’t you read? I said “all medical publications”.
That means articles which are published.
"Gate keeper" and "Circle Jerk".
It's the articles and studies they chose NOT to archive that matters.
PubMed has about as much credibility as your boss Paul Pr-Offit
Articles that aren’t published are not publications, fool.
Paul: Thanks for the technical explanation for the low risk of person-tp-person transmission, let alone a novel pandemic. However, the public health community must be prepared for the possible, not just the probable.
The comments here are proof the Talmud got it right. We see things as we are, not as they are.
I haven't seen anything in the news that's panic inducing. It's nothing like what happened with COVID-19.
The media does like to hype stuff, but that isn't limited to infectious disease. If it bleeds, it leads.
I was never afraid of Bird Flu for one second, precisely because human to human transmission doesn't seem to be an issue.
If you don't get enough background information to put what the media tells you in context, that's 100 % on you.
People just are not buying it, so it won’t take off, if you go back and watch the very first Covid announcements, the hype started the same way.
Watch this clip of Cuomo and Redfield, could they try much harder? If people saw this in March 2020 they would freak out. The scam is up.
Great information
I'm glad you addressed the issue the media has been missing with some basic virology/ immunology. I enjoyed your biography of Maurice Hilleman " Vaccinated". Cant say I always agreed with his ethics, but can't argue with Dr Hillemans results.
All the news likes to do is sell fear. Appreciate the education about bird flu. No need to fear at this point no matter what the media hypes up.
Hi Paul! Thanks heaps for your insights! I would be interested to hear your thoughts half a year later from this post. It's Jan 2025 and not sure if you have a different perspective now compared to July 2024. Thank you!
Another good reason it won't become a pandemic might just be that it doesn't exist.
Hot off the press, from an actual peer-reviewed journal. "Excess Death Rates by State During the COVID-19 Pandemic: United States, 2020‒2023" by Steven H. Woolf et al. published on July 18 in the American Journal of Public Health. Some interesting quotes: "The United States experienced 1 277 697 excess deaths between March 2020 and July 2023. Almost 90% of these deaths were attributed to COVID-19." "Between weeks ending June 20, 2020, through March 19, 2022, excess death rates were higher in states with Republican governors and greater Republican representation in state legislatures." The first author holds a doctor of medicine and a masters in public health. Apparently, there were no chiropractors or physicists involved in the study. As for the partisan divide, for that I'll refer to a quote by a physicist, Neil Degrasse Tyson, "How to die like a medieval peasant in spite of modern medicine."
"Let's Go Darwin!"
Someone posted a link to a "study" with three authors in something called "Correlation." The article, which falsely claimed that vaccines caused most of the Covid-era excess deaths, is claimed to be from the University of Quebec at Trois Rivieres. A search of the university website reveals that the only co-author with a connection to UQTR is a CHIROPRACTOR! The first author of the "study" is a physicist. A search of the non-partisan Norwegian database of peer-reviewed journals does not list Correlation, apparently because it isn't really a journal at all. A search of Univ. Quebec Trois Rivieres' website for various terms, including Correlation, excess mortality, Covid, and vaccines, merely turns up articles telling you where you can get vaccinated at the university, but no mention of the "study." Another university page had an announcement about how students could "volunteer and contribute to the vaccination effort." Apparently, the University itself isn't into conspiracy theories, which is good to hear.
So dear readers, if you are the type of person who looks to physicists and chiropractors for advice on medicine and epidemiology, instead of the consistent consensus of hundreds of thousands of actual medical doctors and human health researchers in dozens of countries, sure, go for it. And please do the rest of society a favor. When the next pandemic comes around, please don't get vaccinated. "Darwin" would appreciate it if you took yourself out of the gene pool.
It is for food insecurity.
Glad to see this coming from you @Dr. Offit. Several things from as an influenza subject matter expert, 1. there are now 18 known HA subtypes of influenza A viruses. 2. I also believe avian flu is not as deadly in humans as they think. If serosurveys were done, they would see more people have been infected than thought and the CFR would drop considerably. I'm not sure why any child 6 mos old would ever need a vaccine for avian influenza. This sudden desire to inject every single human for every single virus is absurd. We need to get back to risk v. benefit. From a virologist.
"utter" -> "udder".