Aug 5Edited

More appropriate, would be a review of the mandates and vaccines to see what the risk reward is for each vaccine instead of just carpet bombing every child with every vaccine regardless of the risk of getting the disease, the risk of the disease iself and whether the vaccine has been tested appropriately. And by tested appropariately that means real placebo comparisons for each, testing combinations and never just simple testing vs each other. Even that would probably be too tough to pass given how corrupt the relationship is between the drug companies, FDA, Washington politcians, media, and medical journals. You brought this on yourselves with noble and other lies.

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Also remove the indemnity granted to these vaccine manufacturers so they can be hurled before a court directly (without the intervention of the Sec of the HHS approving any legal action)

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They still are not indemnified.

Courts have detailed the anti vacc fraud.

You still choose to support the anti vacc fraud!

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YES they are indemnified. All childhood vaccines and cONvid vxxs as well

"You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either"


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How many times do you want me to post the law?

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How many times do you have to be shown that the Sec of the HHS is the final arbiter on whether a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical giants can proceed

But sure ..go ahead ...lpost it. lets rehash this argument

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Good thing anyone with 3 rd grade reading skills sees that is a lie.

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It has been a pleasure once again. Heading out fishing for the week. Maybe when Paul post some more propaganda we can meet up again. Keep your chin up, even though you are losing, the polls look better by the month. Honestly the replies you give convince more people how much pharma guard the truth. Once again it’s been great, see you down the road. If we knew who you were we could make room for you on the trip, I bet you’d loosen up a bit. Have fun.

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Maybe if the anti vaccs stopped lying you could stop deflecting from the facts?

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that is already done!! But YOU need to get off the placebo bandwagon, because that often is NOT the best comparison and often is highly unethical to use!!

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Give over. Clearly you’re another one who hasn’t actually had all the childhood diseases—mumps, measles, chickenpox, pertussis et al. I have. A jab would have been preferable. More whinging from people who did their “research” on Dr Google and haven’t clue one about what it means when these diseases are eradicated and kids, and adults, don’t suffer from these diseases and their sequelae. Measles is back. Polio is back. All thanks to idiots who think they or their kid isn’t at risk. Corrupt? Look in the mirror.

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I had them too.. and behind! We lived. And have better immune systems because of it. And in our day there was no autism. Extremely rare auto immune or diabetes in the very young. If given a choice, would you rather have severe arthritis from youth onward or suffer a week of illness?

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Around 500 kids died from measles in the US each year, prevaccine.

That means that without vaccination, in the decades since, around 25,000 people are alive now who would have died but for the vaccine.

And in case you don't know, measles is extremely bad news for the immune system. It generates a form of immune amnesia, which lasts around 2 years, increasing vulnerability to all manner of health issues.

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that is an estimate and in fact a lie. no vaccine has saved any life. people have indeed died after vaccination. 1000's every year. never mind the correlated "issue" we have with children.

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The only correlation is you posting fact free lies.

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TRY and keep up. This is getting monotonous

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As has been explained to you before. Improvements in mortality rates to childhood illnesses had NOTHING to do with vaccines

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>Around 500 kids died from measles in the US each year, prevaccine.

None of this had ANYTHING to do with Vaccines

Former FDA chairman DR Edward Kass who was also President of the Infectious Disease Society of America


Infectious Diseases and Social ChangeAuthor(s): Edward H. KassSource: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Vol. 123, No. 1 (Jan., 1971), pp. 110-114Published by: Oxford University Press

President of the Infectious Diseases Society of America stated

"First we had accepted some half truths and had stopped searching for the whole truths. The principal half truths were that medical research had stamped out the great killers of the past?tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneu- monia, puerperal sepsis, etc.?and that medical research and our superior system of medical care were major factors in extending life expectancy, thus providing the American people with the high- est level of health available in the world. That these are half truths is known but is perhaps not as well know as it should be. Figure 1, for example, gives the data on deaths from tuberculosis in England and Wales. Similar data have been obtained in every industrialized country and throughout the United States, but these data are cited because they are reliable and begin in 1850. The data on deaths from tubercu- losis show that the mortality rate from this dis- ease has been declining steadily since the middle of the 19th century and has continued to decline in almost linear fashion during the past 100 years

Similar trends in mortality have been reported with respect to diphtheria (figure 2), scarlet fever (figure 3), rheumatic fever, pertussis (figure 4), measles (figure 5), and many others. There are less reliably documented but suggestive similar trends with respect to carcinoma of the cervix, toxemia of pregnancy, stroke, and certain other disorders. This decline in rates of certain dis- orders, correlated roughly with improving so- cioeconomic circumstances, is merely the most important happening in the history of the health of man"

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The anti vaccs lied to you.

There have always been people with autism.

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this seems like an attempt to deflect that there is a correlation between vaccines and autism.

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Sure, but why has there never been a report of a sudden decline into autism (or "the spectrum") BEFORE inoculations were administered - and myriad such reports for immediately after??

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The perceived sudden declines happen all the time.

Do you think a parent would record and report all the things that didn't happen just before the decline was noted?

Also, if you listen to statisticians/epidemiologists, there is this well-known phenomenon known as "recall" bias.

This is a memory fault that explains why many parents believe the decline suddenly happened right after the vaccination, but when you look at their personal family videos it is easy for diagnostic experts to see the decline had started long before the vaccine was given.

This is well detailed in the autism omnibus proceedings.

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Aug 9Edited
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I really enjoy your vitriol. it's not nearly as potent as during covd. it's more quaint now. sort of cute.


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>> autistic shrieking intensifies

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Sep 4Edited
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I rest my case! LOL

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give over. in fact you already gave over. mandates are dead. you just don't know it yet.

and to be clear measles isn't "back" in never left. it can't be eradicated. and polio is caused by the polio vaccine. the corruption is in the pharmaceutical industry.

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You won’t any data to support your staggering stupid lies!

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thats because I post non-controversial facts accepted by all. peter hotez make smy claim. paul offit has made my claims. heidi larrson has made my claims. vinny raccaniello makes my claims.

you dislike them. thats all.

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All of those people are charlatans pushing a fraud. There's no such thing as viruses, nor can disease be transmitted. There's nothing controversial about that, it's literally what the science says, when you bother to read it.

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you must be a dr. paul offit supporter. these viruses exist. that is a certainty,

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These childhood diseases are back because most of the world had the untested MRNA bio weapon, deadly toxic spike protein covid immunisations forced on them..or lose their jobs. The deadly vaccine wiped out the people's immune system, hence leaving the masses open to all these childhood diseases..Plus mycarditis, turbo charged rapid stage 4 cancers, autism, rapid altzeimers, neurological diseases, etc etc, & sudden adult death. These deadly vaccines are still maiming & killing people on mass. People are waking up, but not fast enough to stop this biggest crime against humanity ever!!

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Wow! What utter BS. Four lies in the first sentence alone! (And seven in your 3rd sentence 🤪).

Are you some totally brainwashed, deluded fool or what?

PS: It’s “en masse”, not “on mass”.

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Hi Pamela, search YT for Merogenomics. His name is Dr Rajkic (spelling). He has a number of videos on Ig class switching, especially relevant after three mRNA jabs. He’s pointing out research which is beginning to link NAC and glutathione to the hyper progressive diseases (turbo cancers) we are seeing.

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Data please.

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I’m inclined to agree. The UK has 22% excess mortality in ages 1-14. I’ve just read how Singapores birth rate has plummeted, and how, when their excess mortality hit 37%, they mysteriously disappeared from the rankings. Something is amiss, and we all know what.

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You mean there is excess mortality during a pandemic?

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Oh there definitely is a pandemic, but for some strange reason it’s not killing anyone is Africa. Bizarre isn’t it!

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Yes it is.

It just counting to see it is killing lots of Africans.

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Aug 9
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typical name calling. doesn't help you at all.

facts are facts. youre gonna have to learn to live with them.

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You never post facts!

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Aug 9
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>They're back because you unvaccinated fucks are spreading disease to other people, but you'd rather blame anyone else except yourselves

Then reality hits you in the face

Harvard-Westlake students were vaccinated. Dozens caught whooping cough anyway


But all of the sick students had been vaccinated against the disease, according to school officials. In fact, all 90 people who have recently come down with pertussis — the official name for whooping cough — in Los Angeles County this year had been immunized against it, according to county officials.

Eighteen students there have not been vaccinated against pertussis, but none of them has caught the illness, school spokesman Ari Engelberg said.

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Sep 4Edited
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>Eighteen students there have not been vaccinated against pertussis, but none of them has caught the illness, school spokesman Ari Engelberg said.

Thats from the article.

So if the UNVACCINATED kids NEVER csught whooping cough how is that outbreak tied them ??

Spin your way out of that pharma shill.

You are another ignorant fool who hasnt read a single book on this subject they wax do passionately about

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Took you a whole month to respond?

Where you battling adverse reactions to the jab or waiting on the latest pharma talking points.

The reason its not surprising to the official above implies IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME YOU IDIOT.

Hence the money making grift of multiple boosters.

But i guess you skipped the part where 18 UNVACCINATED students never caught whooping cough.


The only ones who caught it were the VACCINATED students.


Now, lets see you spin that

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Who are you replying to? If it’s me then I have had measles, rubella and chickenpox but not mumps.

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Wasn’t you. Original poster.

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The jabs don't prevent any of those diseases, they actually cause them. No single vaccine ever prevented even a single disease and definitely never saved a life.

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Did you sleep through Biology 101? You lot will be the first to whine when you and your offspring get diphtheria, measles, rubella, mumps, pertussis, chicken pox, meningitis, pneumococcal disease, or polio. I have had five of these. It was not fun. It wasn't benign. I missed weeks of school each time. But hey, that’s okay, right? It's selfish people who could care less about those around them who may be unable to survive a bout of mumps as an adult. Truthfully, I don't give a flying fuck anymore if anti-vaxxers or those claiming a so-called religious exemption get one or more of these preventable communicable diseases. And fuck the hypocritical god botherers.

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Why are they back if they were eradicated? Eradicated means gone... how can something that has been eradicated mysteriously come back? It can't unless it is manipulated and recreated in a laboratory....

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Other Tara…they were eradicated with the help of immunisations and time. Smallpox (for which I was last vaccinated in the 1980s) is one example. When some parents, for example, decided vaccinations were “harmful” it allowed the virus (ie measles) to take hold again. I had all the childhood diseases. It wasn’t fun. Mumps and pertussis (whooping cough) were scary to have as a little girl. A jab would have been preferable. Measles, as an example, in an adult can have far-reaching consequences to the infected person as well as those around them. And I am sure you’re aware of what can happen to pregnant women who contract rubella (German measles). Why on god’s green earth would you want to put yourself or your kid through that? Vaccines are so different now taking advantage of specific parts of the virus that cause the problem. It’s unfortunate people would rather believe some fuckwit TikTok “influencer” with no qualifications whatsoever. People who use religion as an exemption are selfish and uncaring of others given how contagious some of these diseases are. I got mumps after one afternoon playing with my friend who had the mumps. The goal? So I’d get the mumps. Missed school, music lessons, swimming for almost a month. And Christmas with chickenpox was not exactly fun. So why is that preferable to a jab? 🤯.

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There is a risk of these diseases, sure.

But do the shots decrease the risk? i.e. are they effective?

And are they safe? If this answer isn't a resounding NO, then you are just emotional.

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The problem is that you cannot determine the severity of disease associated with a given pathogen in any given person as everyone is different. A child maybe susceptible to measles but less so to rubella but pertussis could be fatal. Also, if 95% of a population are vaccinated then measles effectively disappears as the virus cannot spread. It’s all very well testing against placebo, which does happen, but as soon as a vaccine is deemed effective then the placebo group have to be offered the vaccine. For a lot of vaccines adverse events are so rare that they can only be discovered when a large population are vaccinated with it, this is the purpose of VAERS in the USA and the yellow card system in the U.K. during post marketing monitoring.

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They DO NOT always test against placebo. They sometimes test vs previous vaccines and other materials and almost never test for what happens when you give someone a huge loads of multiple vaccines. It may all be fine, but it may not be.

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The previous vaccine acts as placebo as its effects are known.

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That's still problematical.

If a vaccine shows a serious side effect but it's not statistically significant, it is disregarded as statistical noise. Now let's say the next one shows a similar side effect compared to the first. It would again not be statistically sigificant and get approved. However, there is a possibility that the cumulative impact was significant and should hold up approval.

Lets say side affects are rated 1 to 10. 2 and above is a problem.

First one is a 1. (no problem).

Second compared to first one is 1. (no problem)

Cumulatively it's a 2. but it gets approved anyway.

Now imagine all the potential cumulative risks we aren't measuring properly given that we are now giving kids dozens of vaccines vs. when I was a kid (born in 1959) and got just a few that were tested to death correctly.

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If the summed reports of a side effect per 100000 doses administered is less than the normal background rate then there is no way of determining whether there’s a causal or coincidental relationship. However, certainly the MHRA in the uk can ask for further information.

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total nonsense!

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What’s total nonsense?

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You’re absolutely correct. In the book, “ Turtles All The Way Down”, it proves that vaccines use older vaccines instead of saline injections. Shocking. They use FDA, CDC, & FOIA for all info. Nobody has disputed any of it.

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Do you understand anything about testing of pharmaceuticals?

Do you know when and why placebos should be used? Do you know what constitutes a placebo, or what one even is?

Clearly the answer is “no” to all the above.

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Here’s someone disputing that nonsense. There are many others too.


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Huge loads from vaccines, hate to break it to you your immune system handles trillions of encounters everyday. 2/3 of your body is foreign. When you include bacteria that's like 40 trillion chunks of foreign DNA that's foreign and is monitored by the immune system. Your worried about 32 shots over years? 32 stressor of the

immune system! 32 is real small compared with 40 trillion. Most likely it's a walk in the park.

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Because God made us handle the idiots of the world. I love dr.s but vaccines, I’ve learned, aren’t as much about curing as they are about money.

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No such thing as an immune system. There's nothing to be immune to, as disease isn't caused by germs, nor do viruses exist. Vaccines are literal poison designed to cause disease, which is what they do en masse, mostly chronic diseases.

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Yes again on the lack of safety data on multiple vaccines. You have a great grasp of the problem.

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Yes you can predict the severity of disease in any one person. Metabolically healthy people generally do not succumb to viral or bacterial diseases as they have well function g immune systems. People with multiple chronic diseases would be wise to get vaccinated as they generally have malfunctioning immune systems. Mass vaccination is not needed. By the way I am fully vaccinated against childhood diseases and Covid. But, I believe it should be each person’s choice as to whether the risks of vaccination outweigh the possible harms.

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No you cannot predict who is more at risk, yes people with chronic conditions are more at risk, but you cannot state that everyone who doesn’t have a chronic condition is risk free. People from Japan for example are more susceptible to influenza than a white person. People with certain Class I Human Leukocyte Antigens have been found to be more prone to serious COVID 19 than others.

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Covid shots MAKE you more at risk to get the virus. It’s the way the spike protein works and yes, it was intentional. It’s unconscionable, I know. But true.

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No vaccine prevents infection. Any symptoms such as cough, temperature or swollen lymph nodes are due to the innate immune response, which occur with every viral infection. This is why a person gets a generic diagnosis of it’s a viral infection unless there are signs that indicate the causative pathogen be that a rash or the presence of exudate on the tonsils.

A person who has been vaccinated is more likely to test themselves to see if it’s SARS-CoV-2. However, someone else may decide it’s just a cold and not bother testing as the management is the same.

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Mike H: having a poor immune system shouldn’t be the reason to get vaccinated , especially from Covid. The Covid shots were never thoroughly tested, not even close. So many animals died in those studies, they had to stop the trials. They changed nothing, and went to humans. It’s the biggest genocide ever. Check out Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt. I’ve been following this from the beginning and I’m not ( I wasn’t) anti-vax, before I started looking into it.

I received 2 Moderna because I have M.S. and the National foundation recommended it. Well, I made a huge error in judgment. I’ve trusted my dr.s & even federal agencies prior to all this. Big mistake, I’m finding. Research, and learn. It’s not that hard but it takes time. Mainstream media won’t tell you the truth. Medical journals have completely retracted articles about Ivermectin & its anti-viral power.

They are compromised as well. Control the media, control the people. It’s true.

Bottom line- it’s an orchestrated attack on all people. All mortality has increased worldwide since the vaccine roll out. Not virus related, VACCINE related.

Trump isn’t wrong to pull funding for schools mandating shots. He needs to implode all “ woke” & inefficient agencies and organizations, including the teacher education association. At least get rid of current liberal propaganda on sex education & everything not concerning basic reading, writing & math.

Parents in Seattle have pulled kids from public schools after finding out ( during lockdowns), what schools are teaching. And this is primarily liberal - blue state. Even those parents were shocked! Trump is going to take a stand against this nonsense. 5 year olds don’t need to know what a clitoris is, or wonder if they’d rather be a boy or girl. They need to be children first, & without vaccine side effects from Covid poison.

Please research all this a little. Don’t get any boosters. Read Turtles book. 🙏🏽🇱🇷💕

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If one has a chronic disease or immune disorder, one is MORE susceptible to infection.

It’s why that population is recommended to get MORE vaccinations in an attempt to boost their defences.

Why was getting Moderna a mistake?

In case you were unaware, there was a Covid pandemic. Globally, mortality shot up, and as people still struggle with the impact of post covid syndromes, the impact the pandemic had on healthcare provision and the impact of ongoing low level covid, mortality remains higher than it would have been otherwise.

But in every country where vaccines were introduced, they brought Covid mortality down. This is clearly evident. I suggest you look at OurWorldInData for a good summation of the evidence.

Here is the US data for example.


You can clearly see excess mortality directly relates to Covid deaths as the primary contributor. And you can see that when vaccines were rolled out in 2021, excess mortality dropped, something that wouldn’t have happened if they were causing deaths.

In fact the number of medically verified deaths from Covid vaccines numbers less than 100. The number of Covid deaths numbers 1.2 million.

Go figure.

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And you really don’t think those “ Covid” deaths were people dying WITH Covid, not because of Covid? Why then were almost all “ Covid” deaths happening in hospitals?

You are very behind in the reality of what happened the last 4 years.

Read Sasha Latypova or Katherine Watt for clarity of facts. The virus was a huge scam & the DOD contracted with Pfizer to distribute these “ bioweapons”. They had been worked on for decades so Warp Speed wasn’t what people thought. They were not rushed from inception to final product.

They had no testing or human trials that were of any scientific relevance. So many animals died in the trials, they had to shut that down.

These shots are poison. They don’t even have similar vials in the same batches. The pharmaceutical chain for Pfizer & Moderna did not use good manufacturing practices. Vials from similar batches, with the same ingredients, should look identical. They didn’t. They never did.

Are you just starting your research? I’ve been at it since the beginning. It’s a nightmare. I normally research before I receive medical anything but I didn’t with this. I never have questioned our government or our health agencies. This has been a huge wake up call for a lot of us. 😳 We have regulators that own vaccine patents of the very vaccines they regulate! No joke!

That’s in “ The Real Anthony Fauci “ book by Kennedy Jr. Very well - sourced book that was shocking to read. Bill Gates & Fauci really have done a number on the African population. I guess it was time to go international with their de-population, sterility plans.

It’s not good, for sure. People are becoming more & more aware. The side effects from the shots are what is causing “ Long” Covid. Not the virus. People were telling Kennedy that they have never seen a virus that affects the heart, & liver, etc. 🙈 that’s because it’s the shots.

Excess mortality is about 30% in most countries, some are higher. Myocarditis, blood clots, strokes, and turbo cancers are the most prevalent side effects from the shots.

Young people are dying from stage 4 colon cancer. It’s bad. So much more.

Covid was a huge scam and mainstream media was all paid off. They only report approved narratives. All countries have been in lockstep since 2020. The beginning.

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I would argue that such a person is more likely to develop disease (CoVid19) rather than be more prone to infection by SARS-CoV-2.

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It is fascinating to me that the "ethics" of vaccinology is always so beneficial to establishing a permanent market for the pharmaceutical industry. the fact is that vaccines should be offered to people only. never mandated.

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This. I have a religious exemption for vaccines not because we don't vax, because we do, but because the amount of vaccines required otherwise is too much. My kids don't need every vaccine under the sun. We vaccinate for the deadly stuff only. So I get the religious exemption and we vaccinate for the ones we feel are needed off the record. I know I'm not the only parent to do this.

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nah. most people that use religious and philisophical exemptions mean it. they get what works for them. all mandates must enbd. you shouldn't have to "request an exemption" for a shoddily made medical product. a simple "no" should be enough.

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I get a religious exemption in order to avoid ALL childhood vaccinations as a pre requisite for attending public school

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Which diseases are not deadly?

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No vaccines or any other pharmaceutical interventions should be mandated. Period. Most people simply do not need most vaccinations. Some vaccines are relatively safe and effective, but all have life changing or life ending side effects in some people. Vaccination should be used only after discussion of risks vs. benefits between persons and their health care providers.

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ALL vaccines are relatively safe (it's true that very rarely there are bad side effects for some people --- as there can be for anything we take into our bodies --- including food!) But more importantly, ALL vaccines are effective. That's what makes them so important and worth any risk. The benefit greatly outweighs the risk. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac who is scared of having a bad reaction to any new vaccine and medication, but I do not hesitate to get vaccinations. The alternative is much more frightening to me. Vaccines are an incredible life-saving invention. But more importantly, they work best of all if most people have had them.

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There is no such thing as a safe or effective vaccine. Thats why the CDC refuses to conduct a vax vs unvax study

Admitted as much during a congressional panel years ago



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There are no safe and effective or necessary vaccines period.

No virus has been proven to exist, (check writings and videos of Christine Massey, Stephan Lanka, Sam and Mark Bailey, Tom Cowan, and many others) https://www.bitchute.com/video/4Z9SCodKt7SF . No transmission of disease has been proven to occur. Check info from Milton J. Rosenau https://www.ggarchives.com/Influenza/TheRosenauExperiment-1918-1919.html, Dr. McCoy, Dr Leekey, and the US Navy and many more. Since there is no virus, then there is no pathogenicity and no transmission between humans . Since there is no question that so-called vaccines cause injury and death, https://openvaers.com/ those who impose those poisons on other humans through mandates are the self centered ones that don't care about others, not the other way around. If that isn't the case, go down the list of references I gave and start proving them wrong.

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What do you mean, they are ALL effective? The Covid ones have negative efficacy

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No they don't. There are literally hundreds of scientific papers documenting the evidence that Covid vaccines work.

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None that arent written by organizations

* sponsored

* financed

By pharmaceutical giants or allied public heakth agencies

So ..bubkus

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There's no evidence that any vaccine works. All they do is create chronic disease and death, by design.

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Meanwhile, back in the real world, the Cleveland clinic has replicated the results long noted by the UKHSA, Israel, UAE and many other countries, that the vaccines have negative efficacy.

Your “studies” (thinly disguised propaganda) are never going to cause me to reject the evidence of my own eyes. You are not Big Brother.

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Actually, being effective does NOT make them worth any risk. I can agree that vaccines are effective and mandates will increase vaccination rates. That doesn't mean that the benefit of mandates are worth the costs to our society.

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Yes there should not be mandates. Also, vaccines are a medical intervention. Any medical intervention should do no harm.

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Aug 6
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>You sad more kids don't get polio?

Polio was DDT and ARSENIC


Nothing to do with a vaccine

>Such a passel of ignoramuses shooting off their fool mouths about shit they know nothing about.

If vaccines truly worked you would vaccinate YOUR kids and then proceed to STFU.

Why would you concern yourself that some parents choose not to play guinea pig with their children?

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you are a certified loon. Polio is most definitely due to a virus.

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And elfs made my shoes

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Please show the studies of scientific proof.

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Every post is like this: the comment section is overrun by anti-vaxxers who are impossible to argue with.

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>overrun by anti-vaxxers who are impossible to argue with.

1. facts dont care about your feelings


2. This game has gone on this long because your side had a monopoly on the conservation. Never again!!

3. News flash ..."anti vaxxer" is now a badge of honor especially post CONvid. It doesnt have the sting you think it does

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no. we are normal people that won't allow a pharmaceutical sales rep to continue to force his wares on the public without question.

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Hanna, Where have you been this past 4 years, living under a rock!? Are you completely clueless as to the millions of life changing injuries & sudden adult death's these so called MRNA bio weapon toxic spike imunisations have caused???? Millions were injured & deliberately killed by the extensive use of Remdesivir & the covid toxic vaccines. Go on u tube & key in 'New World Order' The truth is there for all to see. Buy & read the book 'The Real Anthony Fouchi' By Kennedy Junior..the book is heavy to read & utterly damming, but heartbreaking too! Do yourself a big favour & read it from beginning to end.And for pitys sake wake up!! If we don't wake up, we will lose all our freedom, without even realizing what is going on.

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No vaccine is safe. They all are poison and prevent not a single disease. They are the main driver of mostly chronic diseases. There's no such thing as viruses or contagious disease.

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Please read the book “ Turtles All The Way Down” and find out the truth. Go at it with an open mind and I think you’ll be shocked at the truth. It’s not anti-vax or propaganda against Big Pharma, it just states the facts. Then, you look at the facts and use critical thinking skills to evaluate. Just like you evaluate anything.

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Lots of vax problems. Its why congress set up a fund. There were judt so mant. Now mrna has been added to all the flu and childhood vaxes. Big problem!

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Nonsense and propaganda. You need to do some reading.

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Vaccination is something we do as a people. But too many people think only of themselves in this modern world. Also, too many people are frozen in adolescence: "Don't tell me what tuh dew, mayun!" Only mandates can overcome such childish reticense.

My children are grown now but you can bet we got them all the standard childhood vaccines. School vaccination mandates mean my child is less likely to be exposed to diseases your unvaccinated child would drag in. Also there are people who can't tolerate specific vaccines for medical reasons. They are protected if vaccine rates are high enough. Only mandates can do this.

But individualism is in the ascendency, so someone like Donald Trump can get applause from the overgrown adolescents out there.

Add to all this the fact that vaccines cost fractions pennies compared to dollar$ on hospital stays. Somebody will have to pay for all that.

That's why there are seat belt mandates. Mandates are everywhere in fact, promoting public safety and health. But in the case of vaccines, YouTubers can make money promoting nonsense, so here we are.

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Blah blah blah social contract.

1) Does that include the indemnity these vaccine manufacturers enjoy?

2) "My body my choice" except when toxins are injected into.your bloodstream

3) And if those vaccines truly worked youd vaccinate your children and get on with your life not concerned what other parents do


You people are collectively insane

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100% agree with you!

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No virus has been proven to exist, (check writings and videos of Christine Massey, Stephan Lanka, Sam and Mark Bailey, Tom Cowan, and many others) https://www.bitchute.com/video/4Z9SCodKt7SF . No transmission of disease has been proven to occur. Check info from Milton J. Rosenau https://www.ggarchives.com/Influenza/TheRosenauExperiment-1918-1919.html, Dr. McCoy, Dr Leekey, and the US Navy and many more. Since there is no virus, then there is no pathogenicity and no transmission between humans . Since there is no question that so-called vaccines cause injury and death, https://openvaers.com/ those who impose those poisons on other humans through mandates are the self centered ones that don't care about others, not the other way around. If that isn't the case, go down the list of references I gave and start proving them wrong.

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America is founded on the natural rights (god-given) of the individual. If you don’t like that, you can suck it.

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these are all pharmaceutical industry talking points. no vaccine prevents infection. there must be a choice. ALL mandates have to go.

the best part of what the pharmaceutical industry did during covid is that the decapitated all the "heroes" they may have been able to attack and now it is only THEM that are the focus of rage for what was done to the public. youre getting all of this. you will live with this. my life and career was decimated for no other reason than I refused a medical product.

youre talking points don't stand up to scrutiny. find new ones.

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It wasn’t a medical product that you sensibly refused it was a bio-weapon. Proven. Nothing less. The process of approving any vaccine is deeply corrupted. Dr. Paul Offit, publicly admitted on a YouTube video ( https://substack.com/redirect/344c5d51-e5b7-418f-8232-54110d7c63de?u=35597935 ) that the whole FDA outside review process is a complete sham. So to keep his job, I suspect Offit needs to protect his industry with public offerings such as what we have just read.

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I think that mandates increase *childish reticence* as you put it. Why do you think only mandates could overcome it?

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When carrots fail, you need a stick. To my mind, people who won't vaccinate themselves or their children, absent any specific medial reason, are failing in their duty to the species.

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Thanks for answering my question although I'm still not sure why you think mandates would overcome what you labeled *childish reticence*. I assume you mean that the vaccination rate for the mandated vaccine would go up slightly. I agree that mandates do have that effect.

Given that choosing not to vaccinate isn't illegal, I don't think using a 'stick' is an appropriate response to people making a legally sanctioned choice. When the cost of refusal is loss of access to public education for the child, I don't think the remedy of mandates is worth the benefit of the increase in the vaccination rate. I'd rather see unvaccinated kids allowed in schools regardless of why they are not vaccinated.

Further, you might want to consider that while punishment may be effective at changing behavior - i.e. mandates will increase the vaccination rate for the mandated vaccines - it has a number of undesirable side-effects, one of which is to generate greater hesitation with regard to vaccinations and less trust in the authorities making the vaccine recommendations. Overall, I don't see vaccine mandates for school attendance appropriate for a free society.

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OK I give up. Go ahead people. Think only of your selves. What difference can it make if thousands of children will die, as long as you can have your "freedom." We do essentially the same thing with guns, but I guess we aren't killing enough children to satisfy some people.

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To accuse those who disagree with you as wanting children to die is a ridiculous accusation and not at all persuasive as an argument. I don't think that being opposed to mandates is a selfish stance nor is there a good reason to think that thousands of children will die if mandates were removed. If those are your arguments, I don't think you are making a good case for mandates.

How do the benefits of mandates compare with the costs? While the benefit (increase in the vaccination rate) can be objectively measured and the costs could be estimated (how many children would lose access to education, what are the administrative costs to implement and enforce mandates, etc.), which policy is of more benefit to society is a subjective moral judgement call. We can disagree about that without either of us being morally deficient individuals who want children to die.

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Can we stop with the childish hyperbole and have a discussion like adults?

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Aug 6Edited
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If vaccines truly worked; youd vaccinate your kids then proceed to STFU

**Harvard-Westlake students were vaccinated. Dozens caught whooping cough anyway**


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well right now the pharmaceutical industry has the "freedom to hurt people". theyre going to and are losing it but that's where we are...

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>When carrots fail, you need a stick.

Thats that Fauchi mentality. The taped audio played before the congressional.panel revealed as much

>To my mind, people who won't vaccinate themselves or their children, absent any specific medial reason, are failing in their duty to the species.

Who cares what you think? You and your ilk will NEVER make health care related decisions for my kids (especially introducing poisons into their bloodstream)

Certainly not while we have a 2nd amendment and even after

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careful with your "stick". You will find it shoved where the sun doesn't shine if you fall on it...

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Aug 6
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Drivers Licenses arent injected into your bloodstream you fool.

>Especially it's the people who don't vaccinate that cause outbreaks of thin

Thats a lie of course. We just went through 4 years of COnvid vaccinated still getting and transmitting convid. But lets look at another vaccine for example


From the article:

In fact, all 90 people who have recently come down with pertussis — the official name for whooping cough — in Los Angeles County this year had been immunized against it, according to county officials

**Eighteen students there have not been vaccinated against pertussis, but none of them has caught the illness, school spokesman Ari Engelberg said.*****

My comment:

Interesting how that works. The only people getting Pertussis are the vaccinated. NONE of the unvaccinated contracted Whooping cough IN THE SAME SCHOOL

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Smallpox re-enters the chat.

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no disease. NOT ONE. has ever been eradicated by vaccine.

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That is a fact, keep up the good statements, and for those that argue the point with you, ask for scientific proof of 1 life saved by a vaccine. That should keep them busy for a while.

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Aug 6
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Don’t feed the troll.

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well, I'm not a "troll". I made a post. an accurate post by the way.

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blocking me won't change facts.

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I’m on your side. If that’s how you talk to your side, you’re a pretty nasty piece of goods yourself.

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not ONE disease has been eradicated by vaccination. you can't name one because there arent any.

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Aug 6
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well, to be claer. not everyone was vaccinated against those things. so the vaccine the vaccine had nothing to do with them no longer infecting human beings. and with the amount of vaccines we have now you'd expect that at least one of these maladies would disappear. theyre not. we did get an increase in autism though. although I realize this is correlative and not causative you must admit it is strange...

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again. no disease. NOT ONE. has been eradicated by vaccine. you can cope all you like but its just the fact.

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And two out of the three polio viruses have been eradicated.

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Show scientific proof of your statement.

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And of course Small pox and polio were not eradicated by vaccines.

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and polio

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As I stated above, And of course Small pox and polio were not eradicated by vaccines.

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DDT and ARSENIC. Nothing to do with a vaccine

1) M. Biskind, "DDT poisoning and the elusive Virus X". American Journal of Digestive Diseases vol 16 1949

2) J. Gabliks and L. Friedman. "Effects of insectisides on mammalian cells and virus infections", Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences vol 160. 1969

3) F. Burgess and G.R Cameron. "The Toxicity of D.D.T", British Medical Journal vol 1 june 23 1945

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As a medical professional, I say you are spouting total nonsense. Shame on you!!

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The problem is that no one can know beforehand whether they are susceptible to severe disease from a given pathogen. We don’t mandate for any childhood vaccines in the U.K. which, by the way, didn’t introduce the measles vaccine until 1968. Measles can cause immune memory from other infections to be lost, thus making the child susceptible to diseases from previous infections.

With regards to making vaccinations a condition of entry to the USA is likely to backfire, as I said the U.K. didn’t introduce the measles vaccine until 1968, when I was 12, by which time I’d had measles and still have antibodies to prove it. Likewise rubella. The U.K. doesn’t vaccinate against chickenpox except in very specific circumstances. This would mean that anyone born before 1968 would have to have an unnecessary vaccination. Anyone born before 1989 would have to have an unnecessary rubella vaccination. Everyone born in the U.K. would require a chicken pox vaccination. Similar situations would arise from other countries.

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No people need vaccines because no virus has ever been proven to exist.and some vaccines are safe and effective compared to what? maybe cyanide? There are plenty of risks and no benefits.

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defunding schools with vaccine mandates cannot be cloaked in ProLife or ProFamily language -- this will lead to preventable illness and death

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Yes it can. We learned that these last 4 years. Vaccines are useless in the best case and deadly in the worst

The convid jab cannot prevent you from transmitting or succumbing to the "illness". So too with all other vaccines.

The risks from adverse events and chronic disorders pile on to this mess.

"My body My choice" must be extended to all drugs.

And this is a big selling point for DJT.

Ideally id love to see Vivek R or RFKjr running the HHS in the coming Trump administration.

Time to completely burn down and defund all these fraud 3 letter and 5 letter public "health" agencies

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I disagree 100% , your bad decisions threaten me and my family, and I will protect my family so stay indoors!

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NO.YOU stay indoors, preferable in a vacuum.

If you cant handle the heat (exposure to the elements) stay out of the kitchen(outside)

My kids run around and enjoy life. Even during the scamdemic we defied the association rules and gathered with like minded friends and drove to national.parks in a nearby Red State

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Go ahead and “protect” your family with a so-called “vaccine” that doesn’t prevent infection, doesn’t reduce hospitalization and death, is totally unnecessary for the super large majority of children (not at risk), and can rain down severe adverse events and even death upon them. You might sleep better at night but if they make it through the night they may not appreciate that. Wake up.

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James you seriously need to educate yourself, & get up to date with what is really happening as we speak, if you want to keep your family safe..Please start by reading the book I mentioned above 'The Real 'Anthony Fouchi'

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GREAT book!! Read the footnotes too :-)

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You are clueless as to what is actually going on & has been in the making for many years. For pitys sake do some research & WAKE UP! before it's too late! Bill Gates, Anthony Fouchi, Peter Daszak, Ralph Baric & many others should be held accountable for injuring & mass murder of millions & ongoing crimes against humanity. I believe that process is happening as we speak! Let's hope so!

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that is nothing but disinformation which you cannot prove! Shame on you! RFJ,Jr! Right. His vaccine lies are responsible for killing dozens of kids in Samoa. He doesn't believe HIV causes AIDS. He believes an herbicide causes transgenderism and that 5G technology causes cancer! And his brainworm died from starvation!

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>He doesnt believe HIV causes AIDS

Thats because HIV doesn't exist. AIDS is cause by a suppressed immune state. In the West its predominantly IV drug users and Gay males on nitric poppers.

In poor countries its "wasting" disease from lack of nutritious food and clean water

"Inventing The AIDS virus" by Peter Duesberg


"AIDS Inc" by John Rappaport

Are both good reads on this subject.

Fauchi and FALSE positive PCR tests were involved then as it was now with CONvid

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As I have pointed out to you before, Peter Duesberg certainly thinks that HIV exists. He has even submitted a proof of this.

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I dont know how i missed responding to this comment.

Does he state that "HIV" is the cause of AIDS? Ever ?

Simple question

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Ok, you are a certified flake. Tell us how in the world can AIDS be transmitted experimentally to primates via injection of the HIV virus? You are a total idiot.

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Rather than put each other down, Let's always give proof of our statements. You need to show the studies you are mentioning and you will have to refute studies by Milton J. Rosenau and others that disprove transmission of an illness. Please show scientific studies to prove the case for transmission of viral or other illness. Understanding and proof should bring us together and not divide us.

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No I don't. That is patent nonsense. That proof has been out there for decades and well accepted by the medical community around the world. You might as well as for evidence that the earth revolves around the sun and not the other way (a fellow recently tried to argue the opposite with me). When folks fail to accept clear facts, what proof can I offer to convince them. The geocentrist fellow had a web page citing the Old Testament where Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, meaning that IT had to be the one moving. He too required me to provide science proof that the covid vaccine was effective. Well, when someone clearly rejects clear science, what science can I offer?? Your request is such a silly request. Go away....

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It never was. TWas all a lie to push anti retrovirals

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funny how the retrovirals worked for a disease that you claim is not caused by a retrovirus.

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Nope. I know several healthy hetero married people who got AIDS via blood transfusions in the 80's before they tested the blood. In fact there was an epidemic of children getting this who were hemopheliacs. There is definitely an infectious quality to AIDS.

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FALSE positive tests. Nothing more nothing less.

Btw look up "AIDS". There are now 30+ diseases that fall under the "AIDS" diagnosis.

Its a joke at this point and has been for some time

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The Contagion Myth and The Final Pandemic are good books to read.

Virology is FRAUD.

FRAUD VITIATES all contracts.

Do you all understand what that means?

I’m out.

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Virology is a fraud? And YOUR science degree is in what? How many labs have YOU been in? How much research have YOU done? Yes, as a viral immunologist I know what all this means--it means you are simply a bomb dropping crank who has nothing of substance to offer. Glad you are out. Don't get infected....

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Virology is fraud, yes. There exists not a single paper proving contagion nor the existence of viruses. None was ever isolated. But feel free to find a paper that claims otherwise.

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I absolutely agree Carol. In addition to leading to preventable illness and death, refusing to fund schools that have a vaccine mandate is a truly sneaky way for Trump to excuse supporting religious schools instead of public schools. For those that think this is unimaginable, how imaginable was January 6 before it occurred? How imaginable was the overturn of Roe v Wade? Read through Project 2025 and see how many horrific unimaginable changes are propounded.

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It’s curious how the adverse events including death data never seems to be stacked up against the “preventable deaths” data so that people can make informed decisions. Without that it is easy to see how peoplw are duped into thinking mandates are a somehow a good idea, not to mention somehow consistent with America’s founding principles.

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Pr-Offit is fear mongering.

Here is a historical perspective of how measels was viewded several decades ago


The CDC has always refused to conduct a vax vs unvax study.


It would blow the lid off this whole nonsense. Expise the lie that most of us intuitively know already. Especially those of us with UNVACCINATED school aged children (I have 2)

Repeat after me:

Vaccines are useless in the best case and deadly in the worst


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Here’s a reminder for you… a review on vaccine benefits:


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Dont make me laugh. I ignored the article and Scrolled down to the bottom

Funding/Support: The authors were employees of the US federal government (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]) when this work was conducted and prepared for publication. No funding/support was received from other sources.

Role of the Sponsor: The CDC was responsible for the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and preparation, review, and approval of the manuscript

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Yep, the CDC spouting the truth these days 🤣

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Great article for a company (CDC) that owns over 50 patents on vaccines and vaccine related products. They have continually been proven liars and the organization is corrupt and yet, you still have people backing this criminal up. I't like believing politicians don't lie. Give us all a break.

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Its a revolving door to cushy jobs at big pharmaceutical giants after they leave the CDC

Look.up Julie Goerberding. Former head of the CDC for a decade now working at Merck.

Its like the head of the LA police resigning to join the Latin Kings

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CDC is not a company!

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The point is the anti vacc liars prey upon people too stupid to understand words like “company “

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My reason for writing is to help spread truths about things we are being lied to about and in the responses I receive I hope to gain understanding of things in this world myself. I think it is possible to help each other in this way, So not to just argue, but to present information about your statement, This is what I have found.

first here is a dictionary definition.

company /kŭm′pə-nē/


A group of persons.

"a company of scientists."

One's companions or associates.

"moved in fast company; is known by the company she keeps."

A guest or guests.

"had company for the weekend."

Besides the fact that this entity or company owns over 50 patents on vaccines and vaccine related items and thus makes huge profits from these, It is also owned and controlled by another company - ‘United States’ is a Federal corporation, says U.S. Code, Title 28, also a company.

Back to the CDC, This is what the CDC came from

Office of National Defense Malaria Control Activities (1942), Office of Malaria Control in War Areas (1942–46), and it expanded into the huge criminal organization that it is today. So, call it what you will, It is a corrupt organization that cares about profits, not You or me.

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Lying isn’t spreading truth.

1. CDC is not a company

2. CDC doesn’t make any profits

3. Title 28 doesn’t say the US is a corporation.

Functional literacy would be nice….

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>Role of the Sponsor: The CDC was responsible for the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; and preparation, review, and approval of the manuscript


So employees of the most corrupt public health agency (whose leadership have conflicts of interests in stock options and employment at pharmaceuticals like Merck after leaving the CDC) ;

$$$sponsor a study; then cook the numbers; and the results.

*THIS* is what you pathetically offer as a counter argument?

Better revisit your handlers talking points, maybe update them

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You ignored the evidence.


Typical Rombios SOP.


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Yes because who funds and sponsors the research MATTERS

In this case they are funding it, setting up labs, "analyzing" and "interpreting" the data

This is known as "cooking the books".

The results were a foregone conclusion

Maybe if you learned "critical thinking" you wouldnt fall for these things

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The evidence for the effectiveness of vaccines exists, whether you want to believe it or not.

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There's literally not a shred of evidence. "I have unicorn repellent spray, never seen a unicorn, so it works." That's how vaccine efficacy research works.

As there's no such thing as viruses, germs don't make you sick, and disease cannot be transmitted, it's clear vaccines are useless except for making people sick.

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Simply prove it scientifically.

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Yeah; thats why you needed to put up CDC

1) funded

2) sponsored

3) interpreted

4) analyzed

5) collected

6) reviewed

7) approved


Because; thats how $$$cience works

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Must be an empty article. There's not a single benefit involving vaccines, except for the medical industry, as vaccines are the main driver of disease, especially chronic ones.

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Yes, the anti vacc liars prey upon folks so stupid they get medical advice from sit coms!

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LIST the books in your bookshelf that inform your opinion on this subject. Then follow with proof of possession.

Ill start


Anything less means you get the entirety of your news and opinion from television programming

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This is a guess;

I think there is 100+ examples where we have proven to you your books lie.

Every time you just prove unable to read!

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List those examples AND show the books in YOUR possession that inform your opinion on this subject

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Check these out . No virus has been proven to exist, (check writings and videos of Christine Massey, Stephan Lanka, Sam and Mark Bailey, Tom Cowan, and many others) https://www.bitchute.com/video/4Z9SCodKt7SF . No transmission of disease has been proven to occur. Check info from Milton J. Rosenau https://www.ggarchives.com/Influenza/TheRosenauExperiment-1918-1919.html, Dr. McCoy, Dr Leekey, and the US Navy and many more. Since there is no virus, then there is no pathogenicity and no transmission between humans . Since there is no question that so-called vaccines cause injury and death, https://openvaers.com/ those who impose those poisons on other humans through mandates are the self centered ones that don't care about others, not the other way around. If that isn't the case, go down the list of references I gave and start proving them wrong.

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Some people just can't be helped.

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Ignorance is bliss for these fools.

I guarantee you she still thinks Santa Claus and The Easter Bunny are real. And she won't entertain proof otherwise.

These are the FOOLS that took.the Covid jab

Then went back for

Booster 1

Booster 2

Booster 3

Booster 4

Booster 5

Bivalent cocktail 1

Bivalent cocktail 2

It never occurred to these mental midgits that

1) they shouldnt have taking any shot. PCR tests generated FALSE positives and the media amplified reclassified deaths (with vs of : "CON"vid) to fear monger into vaccine acceptance

2) If i keep taking boosters and keep testing positive for "CON"vid, something is wrong

3) when you find yourself in a hole STOP digging aka doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result is the definition of INSANITY

Shes a darwin award winner. At some point guillame barre, blood clots, myocarditis, sudden death or any number of the 1200 Convid vaccine adverse events ofbthe fatal variety will wipe her ilk off the gene pool

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Because they require the ability to think

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Aug 6Edited
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>That's where thinking goes to die

The rumble links are videos of congressional panel testimony with a former CDC chairman.

Your statement above makes zero sense in light of this revelation

>It's worse than posting YouTube clips as proof of "research."

I have over 40 books on this subject, most written by medical doctors.

I can reference the data in those books but they won't contain televised interviews of provax doctors like Peter Hoez; necessary to drive a point home.

But sure, go ahead and live in ignorance ...

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Your books are written by quacks.

Try reading some of the 40 thousand books on the subject written by proper doctors with knowledge in the appropriate areas of expertise.

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Shut up you uneducated pharma shill.

Post up a list of your books and pictures to prove possession or otherwise forfeit the remainder of this exchange you pathetic idiot

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Aug 6
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>LOL sure you do hun

So i went through this last week with Billy Bob/Billy Joe/Billy Jean ..

Heres the thread below


And heres the pictorial proof of possession.



Now am going to go out on a limb and bet that you havent got any books on this subject you seem so passionate about.

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>Have you read any doctors that don't confirm your biases, speaking of living in ignorance?

No; that wouldnt make sense because am bombarded by the status quo on a daily basis.

Ergo; it make sense to read books that counter it; balance it

Now; what books on this subject are in your bookshelf?

Am going to assume that you have books on your bookshelf that discuss the safety and efficasy of vaccines.

Because if you don't that means all that you know about this subject is through television programming or the talking point sheets of your pharma handlers

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I hope he doesn't follow through on that idea.

I do hope we investigate existing and future vaccines with more rigorous testing that allow for honest and transparent results. Currently, I feel the sentiment from oversight and vaccine zealots alike is to first defend and claim the safety and efficacy of a vaccine before we actually know.

Make no mistake, public skepticism is heightened to such a degree not because of anti vaccine advocates, but because of recent propaganda from officials and vaccine advocates. You brought this crisis on yourselves. Will those responsible for the mistakes claim the mistake and correct it moving forward?

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1000% accurate

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His feeling was about how these things are being presented despite the FACTS that these presentations are lies. Nice try though. Keep up the childish tantrum!

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Vaccines cause high rates of severe reactions. There has still been no large-scale official study comparing the rate of autism (etc.) in the vaxxed and unvaxxed, or trying to differentiate the rate based on specific vaccines or number received, or at what ages. Everyone in my family has had severe and permanent vaccine reactions; multiple sclerosis (me), low-verbal autism (my daughter), and paralysis (my father). Everyone has the human right to refuse any or all vaccines, which means that vaccine mandates are unacceptable. It is not “now” that exemptions to school mandates have been available. I took a religious exemption for my daughter from 2005 to 2019, when she graduated. There were no mandates when I was in school.

I support all children getting the DT series after two, the polio series if desired, and the Hib series if they are in daycare and not breastfed. Voluntarily. All vaccines present a risk, and parents must inform themselves and think about it carefully.

I had natural measles at six, chickenpox at seven, rubella at around that time. Pertussis when my eight month old daughter who had gotten the DTaP three times, but got it anyway. The booster at 18 months erased her only two words (she had reacted to the hep-B at birth, given without permission, with screaming syndrome: vaccine encephalitis). She had chickenpox at nearly two. The natural diseases were not a problem for us, but the vaccine-induced MS and autism have ruined out lives. I agree that the diseases can cause death or disability. There is no guaranteed safe choice. In 1963 in the US, 350 died of measles out of three to four million cases. Measles was rarely dangerous by that time, and it conferred many benefits for healthy, well-nourished children to go through it naturally. The mandates now prevent many children from attaining these benefits. Free and informed choice is imperative.

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Hi Cia,

Long time, no see.

"There has still been no large-scale official study comparing the rate of autism (etc.) in the vaxxed and unvaxxed, or trying to differentiate the rate based on specific vaccines or number received, or at what ages. "

Yes there are.......just like all the other times you posted that lie.

Same with all the other BS you posted.

Your old pal,


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New nym? I’ll block this one as well.

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"New nym?"

Nope, that is a basic reading error.

"I’ll block this one as well."

Wrong again, you can't at substack.

You are just mad because you there is over a decade of me proving to you that ~everything you claim about vaccines is a lie predicated on folks being too stupid to read.

Sadly, you still have not gotten over your pathological desire to kill children.

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Someone doing a better job than you at sharing information that people are using to make decisions. Have you seen the Gallop polling shows support of mandates for the childhood schedule is down to 50%. Imagine it might be getting close to the tipping point, that would explain why guys like Hotez is getting desperate proposing homeland security deal with suppressing vaccine skeptic I formation. It seems so obvious that if the case is so clear that vaccines have no down side the obvious platform to go on would be something like the highwire, I’m sure Del and Aaron would love to have you on.

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Hey I posted a study with autism risk in vaccinated vs 100% unvaccinated.

Like all the anti vaccs you don’t care that Cia lied.

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How many lies has pharma told? It’s the most corrupt industry, any you’ve taken up the job to defend it no exceptions, that’s a losing position, that must weigh on a guy. Good luck out there, again check the polling your position is losing the hearts and minds of the majority. What percent of the population is keeping current with their covid boosters? Are they all anti vaxxers?

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You can't block commenters on substack, Cia.

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I touched his avatar and chose Block A. Oh, well. I’ll ignore him. Decade in, decade out, harassing those injured by vaccines. What a tedious shadow life.

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Decade after decade of posting the studied so everyone can see your lies.

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Ah, yes, Trump's master plan: starve every public school of funds to rid the nation of the evil that is... vaccine mandates. Brilliant! Because who needs educated, healthy children anyway? If Trump follows through on his promise, it's just a small step from Make America Great Again to Make America Grateful for Polio Again. What a time to be alive!

Let's take a trip down memory lane to the 1960s, a golden era when millions of kids enjoyed the authentic experience of contracting measles, leading to tens of thousands of hospitalizations and hundreds of deaths annually. Back then, you could almost say measles was the original viral sensation. But then, some pesky scientists had to ruin the fun with vaccines, dropping measles cases by 95 percent. The audacity!

And then, thanks to those dreaded vaccine mandates, measles was practically eradicated in the U.S. by 2000. But wait, Trump has a solution to that problem too! Eliminate mandates, and we can relive the nostalgia of infectious outbreaks. Think of the bonding experiences in quarantine! Who wouldn’t want to bring back the days when diseases like polio paralyzed thousands of children each year? So much character-building!

Of course, if Trump's goal is to turn back the clock on public health progress, eliminating the Vaccines for Children Program would be a stroke of genius. After all, nothing says “Make America Great Again” like embracing the days when rubella caused widespread birth defects and diphtheria was a rite of passage for teenagers.

But let's not kid ourselves. Trump’s proposal to cut off federal funding to schools with vaccine mandates is as feasible as his plan to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it. The real irony here? The very kids who will suffer from a resurgence of preventable diseases might one day read about this in history books—assuming their underfunded schools can afford them.

In the end, while Trump's applause line might get a cheer from his base, the prospect of children suffering preventable diseases isn’t exactly the sort of "winning" that anyone, conservative or otherwise, should be rooting for. After all, it's hard to chant "USA, USA" with whooping cough.

[As told by ChatGPT]

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Thank you, Peter. Well said. And while we're at it, let's get rid of bicycle helmet, infant carseat, and seat belt laws. That way, infection and gun violence won't pose the greatest risks to children's lives in this country.

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Bicycle seat and helmet manufacturers dont enjoy indemnity.

And you can remove your seat belt when you arrive at your destination; returning your body to the same state it was in before you donned that seat belt.

You cant undo a vaccine injection ...

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But if you have a car accident whilst not wearing a seatbelt and go through the windscreen, can you return 'your body to the same state it was in before you donned that seat belt'? Or, ever heard of someone reversing the effects of a bad bout of Polio? Or being reborn after a deadly Measles infection?

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They stupidity of the conclusion reached from that first statement boggles the mind.

Get off the internet

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Neither do vaccine makers….. you continue to prove unable to read!

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Total bullshit.

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Paul Offit has been a paid Pharma shill for decades.

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Correction: absent a rational thought, all the anti-vaccs have are personal attacks!

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You don’t like the truth, little shill?

News flash!


Run along now and go get your next booster!

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How much are you paid per personal attack? You have quite a robust business going. Congrats.

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Why did you change the topic?

Alan did the personal on Dr. Offit.

And it was a really stupid lie!

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That’s classic, says the guy behind an anonymous handle name calling anyone that opposes them. Entertainment.

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It is as if your goal is to prove the anti-vaccs are morons!

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Good one, so clever.

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Most people will notice the lack of information to support the anti vacc lie that he has been paid by pharma!

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Check out his work record.

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I have.

And each time it turns out the anti-vaccs were lying about him being paid by Pharma!

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Let Paul and his buddies take as many shots as they want. I'll continue to avoid the poisons as i have for decades

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Still no poisons in vaccines!

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Aug 6
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I guess you've proudly taken the autismjuice and klawtshawts.

Redeem your free donut! ➡️🍩

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Aug 8
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Sorry you hottie, kiddy shots don't cause the 'Tism in everyone.

I was jabbered as a baby as well as most people. All risk and no reward with these poisons, but I encourage you to do as you please, you gorgeous smokeshow of a babe you! Meow! You get free donuts! 🍩🍩

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Calling a transfection a 'vaccine' (covid-19 mRNA shots) was an egregious lie and criminally negligent maneuver and had nothing to do with improving people's health. Covid-19 shots have been a great revealer of absolute garbage that has been peddled. Pretending that any intramuscular injection has any worthwhile effect on one's immunity to respiratory diseases (such as flu shots) is also a serious overstep. Heck, the vaccine industry is so full of fictitious claims and exaggerations of benefit, it's hard to know what the actual merit these products have.

Yup, you crossed the line so blatantly with covid-19 shots and now many more people are reading up on immunology (prior to 2020) and questioning the veracity of claims that have been made. There may well be indications for vaccines (but never mandated) for some individuals for some diseases, but until the risk/benefit profile is made abundantly clear, people are in their right mind to avoid these products without informed consent.

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Or use your basic reading skills and see what "vaccine" or "transfection" means.

Bad news: the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything

Good news: it is childishly easy to see their lies.

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Ok Mr liar! Do you not know the readers here are laughing at your face?

Go get your 73rd booster already and hopefully (finally) you will become ‘so much better’ and we here will laugh and laugh and laugh…

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Sorry Clayton,

This thread is for people that can use a dictionary.

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bro! you are the comic releif of these comment sections. don't you get it!?

read the room already, pal.



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You didn’t post the definitions so everyone could see the anti vacc lies.

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There is no bigger lie than the entire field of virology

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You had months, and couldn't find any facts or data....

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Equating a transfection which introduces non-self nucleic acids into the cell for the purpose of making that cell express a non-self protein is nothing like introducing an inactivated viral protein along side an adjuvant. Also respiratory immune responses are based on nk cells, non-specific secretory igA and Tcells in the mucosa through a cascade of signalling, not heaps of serum antibodies elicited via intramuscular injection. But hey, what do I know, ive only been reading about this since 2019.

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Glad you are reading, that is a good start. You should try taking some classes too.

You misunderstand the word transfection. It applies to cell lines and is for in vitro purposes.


Molecular biology 101 class would help you.

You also got the basic immunology wrong. You are confusing sterilizing immune responses with protective immune responses.

Immunology 101 class would help you.

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I had actual seen that definition before but introducing nucleic acids into a cell in order to have it express a protein seems pretty on par with transfection in vitro or in vivo. Heck, that's a better descriptive match than calling anything that stimulates an immune response a 'vaccine'.

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So you are saying you know what you claim is by definition not true.

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Thanks for the link. I use the word transfection because JJ Couey described the mRNA shots as effectively that. Most of my immunology understanding comes from him, Bhakdi, Bridle vanden Bossche etc. i am confident enough to know that mRNA shots were to be avoided. No shots for me, thanks Had covid once (ie sick once with a positive PCR) nothing since despite plenty of exposure. Not gonna get one, not worried. The authoritarianism of covid mandates was my main concern. If someone wants to get a shot, that's fine but they crossed the line with coercion.

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So, your list are all well exposed anti-vacc liars......and you know that by definition what Couey says is wrong......but you don't care.

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From NIH papers:

Transfection is a process by which foreign nucleic acids are delivered into a eukaryotic cell to modify the host cell’s genetic makeup.

An mRNA-based approach can theoretically produce any protein/peptide via the protein synthesis machine processed in the transfected cell in vitro or in vivo.

Nice try. in fact they talk about mRNA as a transfectant plenty and in vivo. Couey is correct.

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Anti vacc liars?

Please stop. GVB, Bridle are immunologists and vaccinologists, the others are scientists with plenty of acumen, valid concerns and questions. I don't care if you like them, that's fine. Address their points or don't, but don't kid yourself that informed consent was given. That's the big problem.

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There are folk here who have been reading about these matters for far longer.

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I don't doubt that. I am well aware that I don't know that much in the grand scheme of things. But the crux of the intellectual matter is that supposed experts use their 'expertise' to circumvent genuine questions or disguise actual nuance or fact and the amount of time one spends reading or studying isn't directly correlated with one's knowledge of demonstrable facts. As an example, in a talk Mr. Offit gave to church goers, he mentioned that while the antibodies elicited by covid shots wane, their T-cell response remained strongly protective for severe disease. He failed to mention, however, that B-cell responses come AFTER Tcell responses because they require 'linked recognition' between Tcells and Bcells to cement antibody responses. Absence, therefore, of serum antibodies is not indicative of a lack of adequate or previous immune response. Kind of an important thing to leave out...

Thus, if experts like Mr. Offit refuse to discuss serious questions regarding covid matters with folks like Mike Yeadon, Denis Rancourt, JJ Couey etc.. then I see no reason why people should just 'trust the science'. It's just dogma. That will trickle down to all manners of vaccine-related issues.

I don't personally care if folks want all the vaccines or transfections they can get. Have at it. But the moment people want to use coercion to push that on others, regardless of someone's personal risk/benefit ration and informed consent, the ethical line is crossed. There isn't a disease on this planet that gives me the right to demand others get a medical treatment they don't want. Yes, even if that were to put me in danger. Nope, not crossing that line.

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damn, bruh!

what an excellent takedown. happy to fight along side you, brother.

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Just wrong

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very well put. it's almost like paul and the other pro-pharmaceutical industry popinjays can't understand why people might take this position. they always throw these wild demented pronouncements out there that are very easily debunked with a slight shift in wording. it's almost comical the amount of unchecked power and authority these people had.

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Just wrong.

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no. correct. and I hpe you notice I'm using past tense...

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I noticed that you support any anti vacc lie…… no matter how staggering stupid,

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Shocking that a doctor promotes zero-liability drugs that NEVER UNDERWENT ANY SAFETY TESTING. How much money are you taking from these criminal drug pushers?

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You also entirely ignore primary, and secondary MMR failure. The Rubella component was falsified with rabbit blood. The vaxx uptake was never 100% either. Furthermore, MMR never underwent any safety testing. The film VAxxed revealed the criminal coverup of the MMR causing Autism, and especially so in African American boys. Im astounded you continue to be a lackey to drug companies that are literally convicted felons.

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If you can do basic math, you know that anti-vaccs lies about the rubella vaccine.

If you have basic reading skills, you will see the rubella lies have already lost in court.

If you have basic reading skills you will see that VAXXED is a bunch of really, really stupid lies.

Hard to believe, but some parents won't use their basic reading/counting skills to protect their children from the anti-vacc fraud!

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Is that you Fauci, With those lies? I mean like WOW! You really expect us normal people not to call you out on your BLATANT LIES???

You fool nobody here liar!!!

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"If you can do basic math, you know that anti-vaccs lies about the rubella vaccine."

Why are you silent on the rubella numbers?

You can count right?????

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If being wrong with every word you say was an Olympic sport, you’d be up on the podium!

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Shocking, you didn't use your basic reading skills to see that the vaccines do undergo safety testing.

And vaccines have full liability.

Good news: the anti-vacc fraud has been well revealed in lawsuits.


Remember, the anti-vacc liars count on you to be a moron.

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Still reading the court ruling?

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If vaccines are all that the pro-vaccine people claim they are, there’s no need to worry about testing vaccines for safety and efficacy because they’ll be found to be safe and effective; supporters won’t worry about funding for public schools because parents will flock to have their children vaccinated; nor need they fear any of the other reforms that Kennedy and Trump propose since free markets work well when people are told the truth. And certainly vaccine advocates won’t mind if the liability shield is removed since all their safe vaccines will never be sued. So, vaccine manufacturers and users, not to worry. There is a glorious future ahead for you.

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Gosh.....if driving drunk was really dangerous, no one would do it.

If being a meth head was really dangerous, no one would do it.

Are you trying to make the anti-vaccs look silly?

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What could you say?

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I think paul is under the misinfomed perception that vaccine mandates are a partisan issue. it isn't. I'm a biden and soon to be a kamala voter. I don't care about the humiliated guy running for president that is about to be humiliated again.

what I do care about is getting rid of mandates.

I tell you that mandates have to go. the vaccines for children program has nothing to do with the health of children. it is only about the health of the pharmaceutical industry's coffers.

so paul, I see youre trying to get the "low hanging fruit" with a wildly unpopular guy and all but that isn't going to change the reality of this. mandates in any and every setting have to go.

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Omar….. voting for Kamala will NOT get rid of mandates. Just the opposite. In fact, I believe she will be worse than Biden regarding vaccine policies…..!!

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no. she won't. she has no authority. to be clear, the past biden term has been obama's third term. kamala would be obama's fourht term. we KNOW she will play ball because if she doesn't she won't be POTUS. obama is not stupid and paul and his merry band of pharmaceutical sales reps masquerading as doctors might indeed mandate another vaccine but I highly doubt it. what these bone headed morons did with the mrna medical products did more damage than 100 wakefields. it was a self inflicted gunshot wound to the temple. paul is realizing like hotez and others that theyre not deceased but half of their head is gone. the hope is that the blood loss won't do them in.

the pharmaceutical industry needs time and silence to gain their strength back. but that aint happenin now. we're going to be having these discussions forever.

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Good statements on vaccines and mandates, but voting for the lessor of 2 evils is simply voting for evil and all politicians that enter the race for offices have proven themselves as evil.

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One look at the vaxx schedule should make the whole thing come to a halt and reevaluate the necessity.

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Listen to the health insurance companies or national healthcare systems.....learn that the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything!

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Yeah like the CDC who gets its funding from Big Pharma.

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Sorry you find it too difficult to read the CDCs budget.

You should really work on your basic literacy skills.

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Correct. Those who want to poison us with vaccines are liars!

We finally agree on something.

Keep going, you’re doing great!

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Poor Clayton.....still just can't figure out what the word poison means.

Buy, at least you have name-calling!

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The more important issue is, when are Trump, you, and other supposed scientists going to acknowledge the tragic deaths and injuries caused by the covid jabs that you advocated?

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It is easy to target politicians who make foolish comments. But vaccine proponents need to address the root cause of the comments - declining public support for mandatory vaccination. And what is the root cause of this loss of public support?

1. The ill-advised and illegal OSHA covid vaccine mandates.

2. Weak evidence and cursory review used to approve and recommend covid booster shots

3. Minimal effort used to investigate reports of covid vaccine injuries

4. Exponential growth in the CDC childhood vaccine schedule without concomitant evidence of improved outcomes and safety.

5. Shielding vaccine manufacturers from ordinary liability.

Blaming politicians and “misinformation” is not going to solve this problem of public confidence in vaccines. It will require a major effort on the part of FDA, CDC, and the vaccine development community to address each of these issues. The way to start is by listening careful to those who disagree with you.

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