The answer is No, No, No! Look at the safety study u quote…

First, it compared days 0-21 with 21-42 days of the same subjects. Once again, skipping the proper controls, unvaccinated children. And only 42 days? What poor data!

More than 100 seizures reported in first 42 days amongst the entire participants , that’s 100/100,000. Seizures are not “benign”. They are a serious medical condition that means something is damaging the brain.

Stop the dangerous unethical propaganda!

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Stop lying

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Around 5% of infants will suffer febrile seizures, which are benign, between the ages of 6 months to 3 years.

This is 0.076% per month, or 0.1% over 42 days (one per thousand).

In this study, observed frequency was one per thousand, ie exactly what you’d expect the background frequency to be.

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My youngest had his first febrile seizure at 18 months, he was blue lighted to A&E. He had several over the next few years, his last one was when he was 7 whilst in France, where he was injected with an anticonvulsant and prescribed other oral medication, which our GP promptly told us to dispose of. He has had no long lasting effects.

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Glad he is ok.

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It was 25 years ago, but it was frightening for us as parents.

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5% of vaccinated children will experience febrile seizures you mean...

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Where is your source for “unvaccinated seizure rate is equal to vaccinated”? Where do do find enough unvaxxed kids to even do that study?

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Yes, 5% of vaccinated children will experience a febrile seizure, you are correct.

But so will 5% of unvaccinated children.

Vaccination, because it may trigger a fever in some susceptible children, can trigger a febrile seizure. However studies have shown that these events are merely a precursor to seizures in those who are disposed to them; by that I mean that if the child is destined to be one of those who has a seizure, if it is not triggered by a vaccine something else causing a fever would have cause it anyhow.

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Um, that wasn’t the question.

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A.I. Scripted response.

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Well, what was the question?

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Where do do find enough unvaxxed kids to even do that study?

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I’ll tell you why. I allowed my first born all the doctor recommended shots which caused her severe neurological damage. The next one had a few and the latest two had zero. The two with zero are much healthier with none of the health problems of the two older ones. I warn every parent I come in contact with to avoid doctor’s offices as much as possible and tell them the reasons why.

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I have a similar story. My first two children were fully vaccinated, my middle two were partially vaccinated and my last two are completely unvaccinated. My last two children are the healthiest of my six children…which are all adults now. Knowing what I now know about vaccines…after 20 years of research…I would NEVER encourage anyone to vaccine their children…EVER! Doctors and scientists like Paul Offit, Fauci, Peter Hotez and Stanley Plotkin should be charged with Crimes Against Humanity.

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I agree. I simply cannot figure out why they continue pushing these vaccines after all the evidence that's out there regarding their dangers, unless it's just greed.

I have a strong feeling that we're going to see the end of the Vaccine Era, just as we finally saw the end of doctors smoking, the end of lobotomies, and so many other so-called medical truths that harmed or killed people. As you no doubt know, iatrocide is the #3 cause of death in this country.

Other "gone wrong" experiments with humans have also included just plain stupid treatments such as putting those special shoes connected on the soles by an iron bar to "fix" a baby's legs. Or how about surgery to fix a protruding naval when a quarter and medical tape work just as well? Or how about giving menopausal women estrogen from pregnant mares to stop hot flashes? The list is endless.

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Cause they want you sick and dead

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Sick, yes, because that way profit lies. But dead is worthless to them. They need to change their business model if they want us dead.

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Which is why vaccines are Great. They prevent illness they are not treatments. Treatment is far more lucrative than prevention.

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Are you serious?! Surely the past few years have opened your eyes. If not, you need to stop trusting the main stream propaganda machine. God help us….

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My poor brother had to wear leg braces like that for a couple of years when he was little and it didn’t do a darn thing for him. I remember watching him struggle to run and it was so sad. His doctor even required that he sleep in them. I was forced to wear corrective shoes for years…that cost $100 per pair in the mid 1960’s….because I flat feet. They were so painful to wear. As in the case with my brother, they didn’t do a darn thing, other than making our doctors and the manufacturers of these torture devices rich.

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Bill Gates says that the use of vaccines can REDUCE the world’s population by 10-15%.....THATS WHY.

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I’m aware that Gates is a eugenicist. But he’s also a racist who, just like Margaret Sanger before him, prefers to depopulate Africa. Note the vaccines he was responsible for administering to young African women who were made sterile. I’m sure he would love to rid the US of our poor and elderly also.

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His daddy hated black folks but Billy hates everybody...especially poor people.

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Billy "hates" poor people so much he is trying through his foundation to eradicate the scourges of HIV, polio and malaria in low income countries.


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Yes, by decreasing infections and decreasing infant mortality.

This then drives a reduction in fecundity and a lowering of the birth rate. When your children are more assured of survival, you don't need to produce as many of them "just in case". The population then declines as the lower birth rate kicks in.

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Oh my gosh. I can’t. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Wake up and stop copying and pasting this worn out propaganda. Do your own research and stop trusting in pharma felons.

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Mike S is a bot.

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That’s not a Pharma viewpoint, it’s universally accepted public health information and has been for decades, if not centuries.

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Take a epidemiology or population biology class. See Mike S comment

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Lack if critical thinking and reasoning is becoming the #1 cause of death as more people rely on Google and ignore history

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Janet I was slow to catch on … my first four followed “the schedule” but I refused with my youngest. I am holding the line for that guy. People tried to tell me before but I would not listen. All my life I’d been told of the wonders of vaccines and I’d bought it. NO MORE.

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I don't believe you. Thanks for contributing to the world's biggest problem overpopulation.

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And right there is the belief of all you crazies. The more of us who died .. who cares .. too many of us unwashed masses anyway. You are an evil person.

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The overpopulation myth is just that...a myth. World population numbers a collapsing at an alarming rate.

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Not collapsing, not even leveled out yet, maybe by 2080 will we reach equilibrium. Try honesty sometimes because your BS is so easily debunked. World population has doubled in my father's lifetime. It CANNOT double in my lifetime, it can't be supported. Period! Might change if we get Fusion going.

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You’re mental. It’s mental that there are adults walking around that don’t understand what a total fertility rate of eg 1.2 means. You just don’t feel it because of mass migration to the west. You have to get down to a “s…hole country” (the bottom half) to quote the orange man to see an indigenous birth rate above two. Even India has gone below 2. Visit Japan. No migration, 1.1 birth rate, ghost villages and schools and empty houses, bubble infrastructure coming to the end of its run and the slow collapse of society.

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2.1 was considered stable population in the 90s it assumes a certain mortality rate which changes ever so slightly which is why the .1 it needs to be >2.1 during a global death event like a pandemic ! The WORLD population is still growing. BTW I have some Japanese friends, so they do MIGRATE! Also without changing how we eat, or how we Farm, the current population is unsustainable. It's an energy issue. Look up trophic levels. As more people adopt American Culture, food, etc, it's lowering the population capacity of Earth. Why you think Elon wants to move to Mars. This planet is dying courtesy of good old fashion American Culture! More is better! Greed is Good! The person who dies with the most toys wins! I've been to Japan once , it was amazing. They waste NOTHING!

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That’s a demonstrably false statement.

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I dearly hope you are not making the same mistake

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In my family vaccines have a 100% adverse reaction rate.

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They do in mine too...

..every time anyone gets a shot, they get a sore arm. Occasionally one of them might feel a bit "fluey" for a day, but never anything much more.

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Severe neurological damage isn’t a sore arm.🤦🏼‍♂️

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Of course not. But vaccines only extremely rarely cause “severe neurological damage”, with the only ones I can think of being measles, the old rabies shot, and yellow fever.

Measles encephalitis is a one in several million risk, if that, as compared to a one in a 500 for clinical measles.

Other childhood vaccines are not likely to cause severe damage, except perhaps rarely chicken pox in an immunocompromised person.

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Chronic disease and allergies are through the roof. Half the kids are prescribed ADHD drugs.

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So how do you know if you're not going to be that one in a million, although I'm sure that is a much lower number than "several million."

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Well, you could have been the one in 500 who died from measles, but I guess you got vaxed.

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Where’s your safety studies and evidence? Because everything you just wrote is flat out gaslighting

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Here is a round up for you of evidence:


PS: You should look up the meaning of the term "gaslighting". It's not one that is just used against someone who disagrees with you or corrects you.

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Literally EVERY vaccine has safety studies, wake up. Maybe educate yourself. I recommend vaccinated by Dr Offitt and HER-2 BY Robert Bazell

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Whatever! My friend’s beloved dog just got another annual rabies shot. This one killed the dog after a neurological seizure that lasted several days. “Old”? rabies shot. My current vet unfortunately is familiar with this horrible serious adverse reaction with the “new” rabies shots.

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Measles encephalitis occurs in about 1 in 1000.. not millions about 1 in 5500 children under 1 will develop subacute sclerosis encephalitis about 7 years or so after measles infection, they get to die as NO cure!

unfortunately we are going to see this once again in America in our lifetime. Thanks RFK Jr!

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First do NO HARM

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Do you take any meds?

All meds can cause harm. You’d better stop.

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Dr McCullough is a grifter he makes millions of dollars spreading incomplete information. If you don't have a background class in microbiology though he can be very convincing. So can Dr Malone who routinely leaves out context and spouts disproven Hypothesis on social media

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Mine also. Trying to keep up with sick from the Covid bio weapon is 👿👿👿

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I recommend avoiding food its a bioweapon as well.

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Sadly our Gov has allowed it to come this also.

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Right. The clinical and subclinical neurological damage scandal: the biggest crisis in medicine.

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In so sorry

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It’s disgraceful that the idea of “vaccinating” children against COVID is even still being discussed. They are the cohort least at risk from the disease and most at risk from the mRNA technology.

It’s hard to imagine a motivation other than financial for advocating this reckless policy.

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Hating children could be another motivation.

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Those against vaccination are the ones who hate children.

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What a horrific thing to say. You obviously know nothing about the no-more-vaccines community. Most blindly followed the “doctor’s orders” and found themselves injured (denied by doctors causing the harm), then gaslit, and left on their own with no help. Vaccines are nothing but hazardous snake oil pushed by captured regulators and greedy corporations who don’t actually care about human beings (let alone children).

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Stop Gaslighting!

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Julie - Thank you!

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Not one safety study has been conducted on childhood vaccines.

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You’re right, not one, but hundreds!

Perhaps you could start back with the Salk polio vax in the 50s….

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Post em up ...

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Well, you said there wasn’t one single RCT, so all I have to do is give you one to prove you wrong.


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Those who are against vaccination are typically parents whose children have been harmed by vaccines,

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Well, yes, or parents who think their children's issues are caused by vaccines (mostly they are not)

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Go ahead...jab your kids all you like. Your type can’t learn from the tragedies of others, you have to learn your lessons the hard way. 🤷‍♂️

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I feel for your kids.

The reality is they have a .0003% chance of becoming seriously I’ll from COVID but face a .05% chance of dying or some other major adverse reaction to COVID shots. There should be a global moratorium on giving vaccinations to children or expectant women until more honest data can be evaluated.

While the majority of childhood immunizations seem safe and effective, there is reason to do much more research into why some kids cannot clear aluminum from the brain. There is a link between autism and abnormally high levels of aluminum in the brain. One possible solution may be to find substitutes for the aluminum commonly used in the manufacture of vaccines.

The unwillingness of the medical industrial complex to re-examine its products and vehemently deny any possible correlations of said products leads ppl to be suspicious of vaccinations.

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That’s not hating children, is if?

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After reading through all these, it’s clear that there remain two groups of very convinced people. One that vaccines are totally fine and safe and the other feel the opposite. What We need: complete transparency from doctorson all recommended vaccines. “Show us the inserts!“ INFORMED consent means just that. Then, we need the restrictions removed from pharmaceutical companies so that parents of injured children can sue for damages. If harms are so extremely rare, it won’t hurt the pharmaceutical company and they’ll prove themselves right. People who want to vaccinate their children can continue to do so And parents who choose not to can go along their merry way raising healthy unpoisoned children. Time will continue to tell and those of us who know won’t have to say “see I told you so.”

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I’m in neither group. Vaccines, like all medical products, are neither totally safe nor effective.

But they do deliver clear benefits, at the expense of little harm, so they are a positive measure to maintain or improve health.

However their effects reach beyond those that benefit only the individual; they protect others such as the vulnerable who are unable to be vaccinated (through herd immunity, although not all vaccines do provide this). It’s therefore important to think about these additional benefits, and our obligations as a society to improve health for all.

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Mike -Hey , little Mikey - takes one to know one! 😜🥸🥳

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Mike - Here ya go - for your reading pleasure …


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You really drink that kool-aid.

Welp, good luck with that....

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Chris - or bordering on demonic

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Once you obstinately head down the road of VACCINES WILL SAVE US! it is almost impossible to turn back.

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It's a privatized health care problem. If CDC doesn't recommend than insurance dont cover. Vaccines should be free.

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I’m not interested even if they pay me to take them.

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I got my first flu shot at 13, against my pediatrician's recommendation. It was the late 90's and flu shots weren't a moneymaker back then apparently. But I lived with high risk people and they got flu shots and when I got sick and they didn't I was sold. I got a flu shot every October until 2021. I never had a reaction beyond mild injection site soreness, never got the flu, never refused contact with those who didn't get the flu shot, never wore a mask, paid out of pocket for every shot, never got a donut or other bribes to get a flu shot, never had to show anyone proof that I had a flu shot.

Then the covid shots came along. Harmed over half of the people I knew who got them. Since when does a vaccine screw up your clockwork normal menstrual cycles for 4 months? Since when did doctors stop caring about abnormal cycles? Since when were we supposed to get 102 fevers for days from a shot (my fever from covid never went above 100). Then we were told that harm meant they were working (I guess my 25 flu shots never worked then?). Then the coercion came. Medical segregation. Mandates. None of it made sense given my experience with flu shots. It was like I was being told that everything I knew about all of the vaccines I had taken was a lie.

As I tried to make sense of it all I discovered that it wasn't just the covid shots I was lied to about. If they hadn't pushed so hard and lied so much about covid I would have never researched other vaccines that I already had, God forbid I had children I would have vaccinated them without question. But they pushed, I researched, and I will never get another vaccine for myself or, God forbid I ever have them, my kids. If you are wondering why we stopped vaccinating doc, take a good look in the mirror.

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So an experimental "vaccine" platform (mRNA) doesn't agree with you. Join the club.

And the unethical mandates for the vaccines also don't agree with me.

Never questioned the vaccine schedule myself either ... trusted the CDC and AAP (I am family medicine trained), but children are up to about 72 vaccine jabs in childhood as of 2019 ... up from 24 in 1983. And that doesn't include Covid vaccines.

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I'm still waiting to hear about those 72 vaccines, Brad....why have you gone so quiet?

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Mike - he’s got more important things to do than answer a fool like you. Me, on the other hand enjoy your attempts to post crap & think you will win anybody over to the Dr Mengele’s side. Oh, but they (the Bigggg pHARMus do love their lab rat kids - especially yours - go volunteer to get your kiddies jabbed more, Mike.

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Ok, you list the 72 vaccines then, seeing how you have so much time to spare. Or was it 90, I think you said?

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Mike - Here ya go - the CDC website has them …take a gander…


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I count 15 vaccines.


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How are you counting these "72 jabs"? Are you using RFKjr math, which is rather flawed?

If you refer to individual injections, may I suggest that you advise combos where up to 6 diseases can be covered with one injection? It will make the lives of your younger patients so much better.

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You are clueless. It’s not all about just the number of jabs, but it’s also about all the exposure to antigens.

You really don’t know what you’re talking about

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I'll remind you that if it is "exposure to antigens" that concerns you, then you should know that the recommended childhood vaccination schedule before 1980 included over 3000 different antigens, but now it numbers only around 150.

A single bacterium such as E. coli carries hundreds of different antigens on its surface, and with every breath you take, every mouthful of food you ingest you are being exposed to hundreds of thousands of different antigens.

It seems the one who is clueless is you. It's hard to believe you got through med school knowing no immunology.

And I still don't see how you get "72 jabs". Please explain how.

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He gave them in his medical practice. That’s how he knows how many he gave. 🤦🏼‍♂️ Stupid questions like that tell us how much of a genius you are.

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But telling us how many he gave is a big seeeekrit, right?

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Mike - you get the troll award - Congrats “little man” …🏆

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Why, is your year of holding the trophy up already?

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72 is BS.

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One of the best things I’ve read today. I pray there are tens of thousands like you, every year realising the truth about vaccines.

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Gee - the encouraging news is that there are millions waking up around the world- take heart - the lies of the quackcene industry over the decades are being revealed. Those who seek truth are finding it! Courageous scientists, virologists, epidemiologists, MD’s, nurses, grandparents, parents, journalists, truth-seekers are standing up ag this onslaught on our immune systems & the toxic crap they (these miscreants, & malfeasants & eugenicists) produce for $$$$$. If they were truly altruistic - they would have never charged the billions upon billions $$$$$ & would have been willingly liable for their products.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out - one just has to have a little dose of skepticism & a brain that dares to ask questions & read from multiple sources!

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Jade, I admire your intellectual honesty to reassess the thing you “believed in” for so long. Good for you! It is interesting what you say about the flu shot … I’ve never had one and not kids gave not had one (except my youngest was forced to not get expelled from

His preschool 😱) … we see many around us get the flu but of course we never do. We are better off health wise than virtually everyone I know! I wo

T get my youngest injected with anything anymore and he is not allowed in our town schools. I am homeschooling him because I feel that strongly about it. I hope these draconian laws will change but if they do not, we will continue as we are. My older four children are fully vaxxed (not covid though and never flu)

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I'm sorry you feel this way about the Covid shots, but most of what you see/hear is likely to be disinformation. They do have side effects, but multiple studies show these to be no more frequent than with other vaccines like your flu shot, and serious complications are exceedingly rare.

Yes, they can screw up your menstrual cycle for 2-3 cycles....this happens with other vaccines too, if you care to Google for it; but because the issue is not that serious, and it hasn't really been publicised before. But with Covid, every liitle side effect has been blown out of all proportion.

"Coercion" and mandates were imposed by politicians, and people always had the option of just saying no if they didn't want one.

I'm not sure why you think everything you were ever told about vaccines was a lie. The medical profession "pushes" them, sure, that's because they work and save lives. Why do you think we don't have epidemics of polio, or smallpox, diphtheria, or measles?

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So my friends and families personal stories about how the shots harmed them are disinformation. Got it.

Myself and nearly my entire family got flu shots every year for 25 years. No one ever had side effects beyond injection site soreness. Prior to 2020 I never knew anyone who had a vaccine reaction beyond injection site soreness nor did they get the disease they were vaccinated against. Over half the people I know who got covid shots got sicker from the shots than I did from actual covid, and then they all caught covid and got sicker from it than I did. That is not supposed to happen with any vaccine.

No one ever told me that a flu shot could mess up my menstural cycles, I was never provided informed consent for my flu shot or any other vaccine I was given. This was the last straw for me getting vaccines. Messed up menstural cycles are a big deal for those of us who cannot use hormonal birth control, you are essentially taking away my birth control by giving me a vaccine. And when you suffer from PMDD (Google it) everything is a big deal when it comes to your period, and having them even 2 weeks... I'd rather die from covid.

I lost my career because of vaccine mandates. I have family members who were denied medical treatment due to mandates. Was the denial of treatment due to political mandate? If so, I guess we have medical "professionals" who just follow orders and that is a problem as they cannot be trusted to provide even a bandaid anymore due to their demonstration of lack of ethics. Yes, it's our choice to lose our jobs or not get treatment because we refused a vaccine that didn't prevent transmission and was never tested to see if it prevented transmission. That lie fell apart in late 2022, months after I got an annoying head cold, I mean Covid, from a fully vaccinated and boosted first class citizen.

Vaccines came out the same time we improved sanitation in big cities, hence the disappearance of many infectious diseases. Measles still exists, fully vaccinated kids get it from unvaccinated kids at Disneyland. I wish my parents hadn't given me the MMR shots and I could have just caught the measles when I was young and had lifelong immunity like my parents do, but they were lied to like I was and now I have to worry about getting the measles despite 2 shots as a child. Smallpox was a rare case of a sterilizing vaccine used against a virus with no animal reservoir, but once we had that hammer everything started looking like a nail.

Admitting that you screwed up and lied and making a plan to correct that is the only path to rebuilding trust, but I don't think the medical industrial complex is capable of that. Time for a parallel healthcare system, take the good from the old system and spit out the corruption and unethical behavior.

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Isn’t sanitation great! It seems to have timed its arrival just when the different vaccines were introduced!


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Once again, you couldn't even be bothered to read everything I wrote. I did concede your point on smallpox vaccines and then you come back with a picture a 5 year old could have made with copy and paste and claim that I credit sanitation for smallpox eradication when I already said it was a rare case of a sterilizing vaccine (in other words, a vaccine that actually worked) and a disease with no animal reservoir.

But your picture does make a point, if those vaccines were around for so long, why did they take so long to eradicate the diseases? If you have a vaccine that actually works then people will not need to be coerced to take it (i.e. me standing in line for 2 hours for a flu shot in 2004 when there was a shortage, or the $20-$40 I paid every year for a flu shot because my insurance didn't cover it) and the disease would go away sooner. If vaccines made in the 1800's actually worked then we wouldn't have needed to wait until the mid 1900's for public sewers for the diseases to take a significant decline.

Do try reading what I write and proofread your cute pictures before posting them, the more you talk the more I'm convinced I have made the right call in refusing future vaccines.

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You did write an awful lot! If I responded to everything it would take hours.

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Lying is exhausting, I get it. You are free to stop at anytime since it isn't doing you any good. You'll still have unvaccinated filth like me destroying your utopia even if you wasted those hours concocting more lies.

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Jade - Amen! 🙌👏

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Mike - for your update - here’s a real Doc dealing with real death(s) & injury - not just “sore arms” & your lack of understanding of menstual issues for women - you need to get educated or stay outta the women’s menstrual cycle lane & the dying children, adolescents, teens, college age - WE ARE TALKING ACTUAL DEATHS HERE!

Ya got that, Mike? …DEATHS!


And don’t EVEN try to spew the lying crap from the industry of millions dying from an infectious agent - the “infectious agent” is the “Gates of Hell” Billy. The eugenicist following in his father’s & grandfather’s footsteps.

DEATHS from this vile, wicked, lying MEDICAL, MALFEASANT, MURDEROUS INDUSTRY. And the turbo cancer industry is booming $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$&&&&

Just maybe you should get down

On your knees & be thankful YOUR kids have only had a sore arm!


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1.2 million and climbing, over 2000 of them in the children.

Yup…you want people to ignore these covid deaths. Not gonna happen.

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Of those 1.2 million I say maybe half are actual covid deaths, and a lot of those were people being tortured to death by hospitals and then being called covid deaths to get money from the government (don't tell me it wouldn't happen, years before covid I had doctors pushing unnecessary and potentially harmful procedures on family just to make money, they did not start behaving themselves for covid). Plenty of others were vaccine injuries who died within 2 weeks of the second shot but tested positive so the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" lie could be perpetuated.

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You clearly haven’t a clue about Covid and cause of death certification, nor what actually happened in hospitals under the overwhelming surge of covid cases during the pandemic.

It appears your entire experience is gleaned from propaganda websites.

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And my own personal experience. But you never read what I write anyway.

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Motorcycle accident deaths aren’t Covid. Nobody died from Covid, they died from pneumonia because they were denied antibiotics.

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Yes, nobody died from Covid….idiot.

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Mike - Says a man/male/he/it who never had a messed up “Period” for a few months - why ANYONE would EVER even think you might have any semblance of understanding or intellectual capacity on your side after that remark is absolutely astounding!

Go read the Karen Kingston report posted & get some real information for a change 😙

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Unfortunately when I click on a substack notification it only shows me your reply, not my original comment. Going back to my original comment it is clear that your reply ignores the concerns I raised in my original comment and you just went back to a checklist of talking points. You must be a doctor, the kind of doctor that I have fired in the past.

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The disruption is not nothing! Indicates something else is going wrong and there is no interest in finding out what that is. Are they disrupting the HPA axis? What is the cause of these menstrual irregularities? What further research has been done to determine what exactly is going on. How typical of current medical practice to conflate symptoms and causes.

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Amazing how none of the people I know got harmed by vaccines and half people you know did! Well guess we are already going from 50% to less than 25%. And only 2 of us. Bet we get under 1% harmed when we say reach 20 honest people

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How about surveying 2000 honest people and see what happens?


From the linked article:

"The survey was completed by 2,840 participants between December 18 and 23, 2021. Twenty-two percent (612 of 2,840) of respondents reported that they knew at least one person who had experienced a health problem following COVID-19 injection."

Mind you, the study was done in late 2021, the numbers have only gone up since then and people have become wiser since then and less likely to gaslight the vaccine injured.

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Ijvtpr.com is a site used by children's health defense fund, a known anti vax, misinformation group, who makes millions of dollars spreading misinformation and killing kids. You've been duped, but don't feel bad they are professional dupers, ie Lawyers. Check out their editorial staff, they deliberately put people with actual science credentials first. At,near the bottom they list the actual runners of the show.

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But you are right about one thing, I got duped. After 24 flu shots and lots of childhood vaccines and too many dead and vaccine injured friends and family I figured it out. But at least I finally figured it out. Some people never will.

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So facts aren't facts because you don't like the source. Got it.

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Well they have been caught filing false VAERS reports. They make millions suing vaccine manufacturers so I am skeptical of the studies they pay for showing negative information that helps their lawsuits. But maybe I'm crazy, or maybe they're greedy. Lawyers don't care about truth, they just want to sow doubt in 7 of 12 people. Or in the case of vaccine court 2 out of 3 former lawyer now judges with little to no scientific training.

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So the data being presented by both sides is being faked. Guess I have to rely on anecdotal evidence which tells me the vaccine has a 50% chance of harming me worse than an annoying head cold... err, I mean, covid, ever harmed me. No thanks.

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Oh and when they lose their arguments like MMR causes autism, they go to the next best guess, thimerosal, when that doesn't pan, they say leaky gut, etc, etc. Everytime they lose a case they just try a different argument until hopefully one sticks! Not interested in Facts or they wouldn't keep moving the goal post!

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Seriously evil - you are a scientist yet you don't site true data

you are completely compromised and it is very sad to witness.

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That’s what money does to people.

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Has an RCT been done to prove safety and effectiveness in children and infants, Paul?

Not a retrospective observational study of hospital admissions, but a *prospective* RCT.

You of course would know that if children are hospitalized for Covid and *most* children are not vaccinated, then most children hospitalized with Covid would not be vaccinated.

The only way to tease apart the possible role for the vaccine in these events would be a prospective RCT.

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We ALL know no RCT was done. We also know ALL the ferrets in the Animal Study DIED. ALL OF THEM. The willing Global human race are now the Guinea Pigs. In this case, the IGNORANT and INNOCENT will likely DIE prematurely and at very least a COMPROMISED IMMUNE SYSTEM. I can't even believe after REVELATION that ANYONE could still be in the dark on this subject. Let's see some heads fall into GUILLOTINE BASKETS over Crimes Against Humanity. Amen.

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I misread your comment. I am fishing to see if Paul Offit will admit that no RCTs have been done. Doesn't look like he will.

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Of course he won’t.

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I don't think he ever looks at the comments on his Substack pieces. I've noticed that the criticisms of him and his work continue to attract so many more people and the anger is mounting.

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If you haven't had the chance, watch the early 2020 YouTube video by Michael Yeadon former VP and chief scientist. He left the company did his own business and sold it. He had nothing to gain other than to warn humanity. It's just over an hour and worth the watch. I was lucky enough to see it when he posted it, before YouTube took it down. Sorry I do not have the link handy.

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We’ve seen a call for prospective RCTs by a number of loud voices whose expertise isn’t necessarily in virology, vaccinology, nor, for that matter, epidemiology. This isn’t disparaging you, but I suspect you do read some of the more prominent authors.

RCTs have a place in new drug investigations, and form the basis for Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials. On the other hand, after approval, observation becomes the primary process to determine extended issues with adverse effects that might become obvious after a period of time. In the case of the COVID-19 vaccines, use of VAERS has been skewed by people flooding the system with multiple reports of questionable value, and researchers unfamiliar with the system have attempted to correlation unverified data directly available from VAERS rather than the scrubbed data available after verification. Further, because VAERS is a purely volunteer dataset, verification may also be unreliable. In COVID-19, the verification process has been “difficult”.

But this doesn’t address your question. In the real world, we also have to consider if creating the necessary planning, and delay in implementing preventative or therapeutic measures that have been demonstrated to some degree of satisfaction, safe and effective, or at the least, non-inferior to other means. It may well be deemed unethical to withhold an already approved therapy or medication/vaccine just to perform an RCT. On the other hand, the concept of a Natural Experiment (https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama-health-forum/fullarticle/2781099), similar to observational studies but where causation may, in some cases, be inferred or demonstrated.

The call for RCT has become a distraction overall. We were all taught that it’s the gold-standard for medicine, but when it’s used as a bludgeon to prevent responsible care, it becomes a problem. That’s the approach Vinay Prasad, and Co., have employed the call for RCTs repeatedly, knowing full-well that the agents they’re protesting have been evaluated.

And while we’re here, let us discuss the use of knock-out mice for efficacy testing of a variation of a vaccine for a new viral variant is an established practice for influenza evaluation, because the basic vaccine has been tested and approved, and has been shown safe and effective. Introducing a different antigen into the vaccine (process) is not a significant change if you’re looking at, e.g., SARS-CoV-2, or Influenza A or B. Even introduction of a new strain (e.g., H10N5 as recently documented in China), in a kill-virus or deactivated form, might not require a formal RCT, or in terms of approval, may require a Phase2/3 combined trial, in an abbreviated form rather than a full 3-phase process if the vaccine vehicle is already approved. The purpose of the Phase2/3 effort is to determine, more than anything, efficacy of the new antigenic source in preventing the disease, or reducing severity, transmission, etc.

There’s been a lot of misinformation wandering through the conversation surrounding COVID-19 for a long time, It’s unfortunate that we’ve gotten to the point where we see this, but it’s rooted in the current political climate, and for that matter, we’ve seen malign foreign influence/actors. It’s also been a problem because at least early in the pandemic, public health, and a number of scientists, perhaps the majority majority of us, did a very poor job of communicating, to the public overall, the pertinent information we had learned. We often gave the facts, and the data and thought those, coupled with our recommendations were sufficient for the public to engender action. In point of fact, this was really the first public health crisis where the whole world was watching. Closely. They might not have completely understood what they were seeing and a lot depended on Dr. Google for sometimes questionable explanations, but we were often speaking in jargon, or using words in a precise and discipline-specific manner that neither they, nor Dr. Google could understand. I know that, on my part, I was trying to communicate the best I could, but the information was literally coming so rapidly, I was overwhelmed. I’ve been known for good patient and family communication but I knew early on I wasn’t making that connection when I wrote something for public, or organizational consumption. Yet, the time pressure of keeping up with the literature/research and clinical bits meant I didn’t have any more minutes in the day to distill things better. The organization I work with eventually assigned what amounted to an editor to make my missives more human friendly. That allowed people to have a better understanding and appreciation of what I was trying to communicate.

Hope this explains WHY RCTs aren’t necessarily the answer.

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You are a scientist? You know that the mRNA platform is new... and that the Covid mRNA vaccine it has modified nucleosides in about 800 of its 4000 base sequences which can cause errant protein transcription which can provoke the immune system in unexpected ways. What do you know about that ?

You don't ask for more research before mandating or recommending such a "treatment" on people? You need to own the liability.

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Yes, I am a scientist. And the mRNA technology has been in development for nearly 40 years. Its specific implementation in this case was relatively new but represented the best possibility for a vaccine in a timeframe that would reduce death and serious illness by at least 50% (the original goal for Warp Speed). I suspect you’re referring to the recent article discussing +1 frame shift, where the authors also noted that, despite the potential, the vaccines were safe and effective. To date, I know of no verified reports demonstrating significant and untoward activation of the immune system by the mRNA vaccines, but we do know of significant issues associated with T-cell exhaustion, complement activation (and with long-COVID, prolonged complement activation), cytokines storm, etc., associated with COVID-19 infection.

Also, we’ve seen significantly more substitutions/deletions over the course of the parade of variants since we started with Wu-1, to today’s manifestation of JN.1 Some of these have led to immune evasion of earlier vaccines and also of infection-induced immunity. We know now that immunity induced both by vaccine and infection wanes over a relatively short period of time, likely associated with the rapid pace of variant mutation.

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Here is the bottom line:

Weekly death rate from Covid age adjusted per 100k is < 1. =>

*Case* fatality rate of: 100 * 1/100,000 = 0.001%

Which means that for kids it is about 1000 times lower.

And that is with about a 3-5% uptake of the Covid booster in the US this past fall.


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We are losing 150-200 people per day, we are losing 5 kids per 100,000 each year! How many deaths is acceptable to a person who took an oath to do no harm. How many dead people is an acceptable week at work Doc?

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Don't vaccinate 100,000 children to try to save one life.

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How many of those deaths will the vaccine prevent?

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18 months ago a review of studies in children from 6 months and upwards was published. This revealed 602 studies. A metanalysis was then performed on 33 prospective Randomised Controlled Trials, which verified the safety and efficacy of the vaccines in children.


There will have been further RCTs published since (I’ll have a look when I have a chance).

Your apologies are accepted in advance.

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That meta analysis would have more relevance if they had a case definition for a Covid case. I have to assume that it means a positive test, and that means nothing to me.

Was it a symptomatic case, a positive nasal swab antigen or a pcr?

Don't know.

One of the links in the citations:


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Where’d Mike S go?

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I’m here. I just had to have time to recover from the sheer cheek of Brad’s dismissal of the analyses on Covid because he can’t decide what is a case.

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Jonathan - Hopefully, he went to get boooosted since he loves them so much & is a part of the Covidian Cult.

Sad about these folks/kids tho …


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Brad - thanks Doc!

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Let’s see—the study included 3 mRNA RCTs, both platforms, for a total of around 5,000 kids. Adverse events were more common in the vaccinated. Would anyone say a study of 5,000 individuals is powerful enough to conclusively rule out effects at the frequency of 1/10,000?

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Please explain how you would perform an RCT of the effectiveness of any vaccine that would be ethical according to the Helsinki protocol? Salk did such a trial in the 1950’s.

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Please explain how the "Helsinki protocol" applies to an infection which at *worst* has a serious illness risk in children of about 0.03% or less.

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I was pointing out that it would be unethical to have an RCT to test the efficacy of any vaccine with a control group denied access to that vaccine, thus leaving them vulnerable to possibly developing serious illness. I’m not sure of the population of this age group in either the USA or the U.K. but 3 in 10000 is not insignificant, especially to those families affected.

Also the youngest age group are very vulnerable to serious respiratory illnesses, irrespective of pathogen. It is also recognised that certain ethnic groups are at higher risk. In the U.K. a significant proportion of PICU admissions were ill with Covid.

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It is irrelevant to extrapolate the mix of illness in a PICU population. That is a selected group. What you will also find is that healthcare systems have done a lousy job of reporting on the rates of Covid vaccination in those hospitalized populations. Why?

Because they don't want any possible questions about the efficacy of the vaccine to arise if there are significant numbers of hospitalized patients who *have* been vaccinated.

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I’m in the U.K. and we don’t have the same issues you have in the USA. Most people admitted to hospital are likely to be vaccinated, therefore it is a fallacy to suggest that it is the vaccine that has put them there.

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Still doesn't matter. The PICU population has no relevance to the general population.

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It's not unethical to enroll participants in an RCT with the *informed consent* that that they may or may not get the treatment, *and* the fact that there is reason to question whether the treatment is safe and effective.

With informed consent about these points, a person can choose or choose not to enroll.

Your claim about the "youngest age group" being very susceptible to serious respiratory illness goes against what has been observed with the Covid pathogen. The 3 in 10000 number is a person's choice. What is the frequency of seizures and fevers and ER visits in those 10000 patients you vaccinate to *hope* to prevent 3 serious illnesses... and that is not guaranteed until you have an RCT that shows it is so.

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It is unethical to deny the control group if the treatment under test is considered effective, this is why one of the Covid vaccine trials were stopped and unblinded. If those children developed pyrexia and febrile convulsions from the immune response to the vaccine then surely they would have a similar response to a SARS-CoV-2 or other viral infection? The youngest age group are more susceptible to serious respiratory infections, such as pertussis, RSV, measles and others

See https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/routine-childhood-immunisation-schedule/routine-childhood-immunisations-from-february-2022-born-on-or-after-1-january-2020

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It’s not unethical to have a placebo controlled study in infants of a new intervention of unknown effectiveness.

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Except if the intervention is found to be effective then the trial should be halted, unblinded and the placebo group offered the intervention.

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Founding principles have to do with the individual's right to informed consent.

Please explain how this applies to the vaccine mandates and mandates on college students.


The Declaration is morally binding on physicians, and that obligation overrides any national or local laws or regulations, if the Declaration provides for a higher standard of protection of humans than the latter. Investigators still have to abide by local legislation but will be held to the higher standard.[citation needed]

Basic principles

The fundamental principle is respect for the individual (Article 8), his or her right to self-determination and the right to make informed decisions (Articles 20, 21 and 22) regarding participation in research, both initially and during the course of the research. The investigator's duty is solely to the patient (Articles 2, 3 and 10) or volunteer (Articles 16, 18), and while there is always a need for research (Article 6), the participant's welfare must always take precedence over the interests of science and society (Article 5), and ethical considerations must always take precedence over laws and regulations (Article 9).

The recognition of the increased vulnerability of individuals and groups calls for special vigilance (Article 8). It is recognized that when the research participant is incompetent, physically or mentally incapable of giving consent, or is a minor (Articles 23, 24), then allowance should be considered for surrogate consent by an individual acting in the participant's best interest, although his or her consent should still be obtained if at all possible (Article 25)."

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Don’t you honestly think it’s more unethical to experiment on all children instead? That’s the most hideous statement, EVER!!

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What a total load. Tell everyone just how many pieces of silver lands in your pocket each time an innocent child gets the poisonous jab!!!

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Why are parents not vaccinating their kids with covid vaccines? I’ll tell you why I’m not nor ever will. Because there are so many adverse reactions after these vaccines. I was severely impacted by mine. And guess what. Help was hard to find for a really long time until drs themselves started having reactions too and then finally started to see what was happening. Dr Offit, I’m sure you have many friends in the FDA, NIH, and CDC. Why don’t you ask them about the emails and pleas for help they received from so many of us who were injured by the covid vaccine. I myself initially got a response that they were sorry and they had top neuroscientists and neurologists looking into it and then there was radio silence. I am not nor have I ever been anti vaccine, but it does make me question a lot now. And also, a little piece of advice…the more you guys push this vaccine for young kids, the more people are going to question all vaccines for kids. Sad but true.

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Yes. When my friends were harmed by the covid shots and couldn't get a doctor to treat them it was the last straw for me. I didn't just refuse covid shots, I quit getting flu shots too. I had not been harmed by the 25 flu shots that I had already gotten but I figured I was pushing my luck.

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My dad kept getting his covid boosters until one of them knocked him out with vertigo for weeks and then he finally said he was done too.

I had one neurologist tell me not to tell anyone what happened to me because it would cause vaccine hesitancy…walked right out of there and never went back.

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I'm sorry about you and your dad. Good move walking out on the neurologist though. They are legally obligated to make a VAERS report but many have failed to do that in addition to not following their Hippocratic oaths.

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It’s an urban myth that the mRNA vaccines cause any serious side effects in kids.

They aren’t even susceptible to the only reaction of any severity (myocarditis, which is rare, transient and almost always recovers completely).

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Must be nice to still be naïve enough to believe these vaccines are perfectly safe and effective. Your comment is a slap in the face to kids who are currently suffering from side effects.

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Who said they were “perfectly safe and effective? Not me. (Enough of this Nirvana fallacy nonsense)

But their benefits outweigh their risks, so they are an option to be considered by parents who are vaccinating their children.

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Their benefits DO NOT outweigh their risks. 300 million spikes floating around in a person getting stuck in their epithelial layers everywhere including heart and brain. This includes vascular system. What’s great about that? Read ALL of the pre-prints that aren’t being allowed out of the box. This is getting old.

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Spike proteins? You mean the trillions of particles coating the billions of virions pumped out every day during natural Covid infection?

If you are scared of vaccine spike proteins you must be absolutely terrified of Covid…. Stay at home, and don’t mingle if you have to go outside!

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Too funny. You make a statement about balancing risk, whilst simultaneously indicating you are never actually going to balance risk. If you crunched the numbers yourself for a cost benefit you wouldn’t be able to say that. You are just repeating a safe and effective type sound bite.

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No, the risk benefit is clearly in favour of vaccination.

Over 2000 children under 18 have died from Covid (most of them unvaccinated) yet the confirmed vaccine deaths could probably be counted on the fingers of one hand.

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It’s hard to confirm something that you are paid to ignore.

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And what about the parents living with the repercussions of having chosen to vaccinate their children and now one of them is completely incapacitated?!? Doctors cannot even help her! And Pfizer abandoned them! Children ARE susceptible just as ALL are to these vaccines - be thankful you may have gotten lucky so far! You may not in the future! Read up on dailyclout.io on the “trials” given to pregnant women that killed several mothers and their unborn babies! It’s NOT safe! Take the blinders off, if not for yourself, for others whose lives your putting in harms way!

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I am Covid vaccine injured and know personally over a half a dozen others. Including one who had to be immediately taken to the hospital with life threatening seizures. Wake up!

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Feb 5, 2024
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Ahhh…the “Shill card” of surrender. Thanks for waving it.

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Than that’s to be commended. No vaccines for any kids is the goal. Maybe offit is actually a double agent working for the side of truth and reason. His personal vaccine, the rotavirus one, was so absolutely pointless yet harmful that I know many families woken up to the stupidity of vaccines by that one.

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How much did you sell your soul for, Offit? Must be worth it for you to make a complete spectacle of yourself. Lord have mercy.

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Why would you EVER endorse an experimental injection that doesn’t have proper long term testing on a child or any age for that matter? You belong to the same club as Kelsi, Legend, Martha Stewart etc. Too many statisticians identifying horrifying incidents of side effects including death. Sorry but hard no for me.

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Frankly, I pay no attention to this miscreant that is a little more than a shill for the globalist Bankster’s

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Yet here you are, reading his articles….

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We didn’t vaccinate our 4-year old because she’s already had Covid twice. Don’t we know that natural immunity buys some protection against future severe illness?

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Yes, everyone (even Mr. Offit) knows that previous infection provides superior protection than the mRNA treatment, but you won’t see the big Pharma racket dedicating any study dollars towards that discussion. Their honey pot dries up if everyone has acquired natural immunity.

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Most of us do. Even Paul Offit publicly stated in Sept 2023 that he would not get a booster, and he is around 70 yo. He knows a lot about immunity.

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Offit said he didn't think his son needed a booster, but that his son got one anyway because his girlfriend wanted him to.

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That is true of any virus. It doesn’t mean that so called natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity, the issue is that for the former you can become seriously ill as you cannot predict what effect a particular disease has on yourself.

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Just as true for the latter, as you can’t predict what the long term effects the vaccine has. And please, anyone with a functioning pre-frontal cortex understands that natural immunity is superior and more durable than the mRNA treatment.

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There is no difference. The immune system detects foreign proteins produced by infected cells. Every nucleated cell produces proteins from mRNA, samples of these proteins called peptides are presented on the cell membrane attached to a structure called a Human Leukocyte Antigen Class I. If the peptide is expected then there should be no immune response. If the peptide is unexpected then it is highly likely that there will be a T cell that identifies the peptide as alien, and this causes the T cell to destroy the cell. Other cells are able to display peptides from proteins they have engulfed on Human Leukocyte Antigen class II, these are presented to T helper cells in the lymph nodes. If a Th cell identifies the peptide as foreign then it clones itself and triggers B cells to produce antibodies. Once the pathogen is removed then antibodies reduce in number and memory T and B cells are formed.

The mRNA referred to at the beginning can be from

a) the nucleus based on host DNA,

b) the nucleus based on viral DNA

c) the enclosed RNA from a positive sense RNA virus like SARS-CoV-2 where the RNA acts as it’s own mRNA

d) the enclosed RNA from a negative sense RNA virus which is converted to positive sense and acts as its own mRNA

e) the mRNA from a vaccine.

The cell cannot distinguish between any of these sources, it will simply produce proteins.

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Vaccine immunity is so durable that it requires that you get a booster every 3 months to maintain its effectiveness.

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Every vaccine requires multiple doses, this is the U.K. childhood vaccination schedule


If you have a tetanus prone wound, irrespective of the number of previous vaccinations against tetanus, you will be given another one here in the U.K. that is despite lifetime coverage following 5 vaccinations over a lifetime. Originally it used to be every 10 years. Typhoid is only effective for 5 years. Measles vaccine is lifetime after two doses.

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You can’t bifurcate between a sequence of initial vaccines, versus an endless booster cycle?

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So the Cleveland clinic study?

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This is the type of ignorant highbrow nonsense you cultists just love. You get vaccinated to prevent the disease, but you end up still getting the disease? And assume the added risk of an experimental treatment that’s proven to have risks? Wait…. WTF? By all means, keep getting your boosters until your heart explodes, and pump them into your toddlers for good measure.

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….Get vaccinated to reduce the effects of infection and lessen the severity of the illness…that works for me (and my kids)

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Look, it’s find with me if you want to ignore the vaccine risks. Reduce the effects of infection, but end up with myocarditis. Sounds swell to me.

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Death from Covid is commoner than vaccine myocarditis.

….Come to think of it, myocarditis is commoner (5-10x) with Covid. And it’s more severe.

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To Paul Offet: Every time anyone is vaccinated, you make money. Ethically, you should be disclosing this conflict of interest.

Also, if you are so sure of your "data", agree to debate Steve Kirsh. Go through his findings and statistical analyses and show us where he's wrong.

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40% VE is really stretching the meaning of "prevent". No one would say the flu shot "prevents" the flu and that is supposedly around 50% VE.

And I remember when the Pfizer 2 doses were hailed as being effective in a study with like 10 kids, where the confidence intervals went below 0%.

Yet all these covid influencers on twitter (not sure I'd call them experts) couldn't figure out why uptake was so low. It's kinda scary living in a world now knowing how out of touch they are knowing they influence policy.

And this is from someone who doesn't think there's a conspiracy, just people having their heads up their asses. My best guess is that the covid influencers are genuinely vaccine fans and don't realize that the vast majority of people want something that works, not vaccines for vaccines' sake.

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No vaccine ever has stopped infection from the target virus. You can still become infected with measles after the vaccination, what you won’t do is develop the rash or other complications. Without the rash, you cannot diagnose that you’ve nothing more than a viral infection with raised temperature, raised heart rate, swollen lymph nodes, etc which are the result of your immune system responding to a pathogen of unknown origin.

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And you go in transmitting, but can go to daycare & mom doesn’t miss work..??

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Babies immune systems are not weak, they are new. Don’t try to fix something that ain’t broken. How’s that?

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The big secret. Feed your immune system, not treat your immune system. Too many treats are bad for you

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It’s why they are messing with our food

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Well, we certainly are worth more to them when we're sick than if we're healthy. It's a perverse business model.

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So Mike S, you are a paid troll for Big Pharma and I think I know what S stands for. Stupid.

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I started my research in 2017 before my grandson Liam was diagnosed as severely autistic as a result of the childhood vaccine schedule. Yes, his physician has been very kind.

I could have stopped it and didn’t.

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It all started with GMO’s and Monsanto’s Roundup. Glyphosate. Glyphosate paralyzes the gut (Dr Stephanie Seneff MIT). Glyphosate.

Glyphosate has only one difference at the molecular level with Glycine. First it paralyses the gut, rosses the gut barrier ( because our body thinks it’s glycine) and into the blood stream. Cancers. Then it also gets through the brain barrier for the same reason.

Gut disease: Leaky Gut, Lactose Intolerant, IBS, Crohn’s Disease, Diverticulitus and so on

Bloodstream: Cancer/Oncology

Brain Disease: Alzheimer’s, Autism, MS

All from our plastic food. imo

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I’m no doctor or scientist. Just a researcher

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Ah, so rather than going through years of study and higher learning and gaining expertise about medicine and biology to obtain your status as "researcher", you surf the internet?

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It beats being conned by Rockefeller allopathic doctors for 100 years

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I wish I could have given you a million 'likes' on that statement, John.

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Remember “reasonable facsimiles” It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature

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Actually they are, they’re dependent on antibodies from their mothers either obtained in utero like pertussis or postnatally through mum’s milk. The adaptive immune system is very immature in neonates, it doesn’t start to develop until about 5, this is shown in the relative size of the thymus gland. The adaptive immune system isn’t fully mature until early adulthood.

A neonate is very vulnerable to RSV, pertussis and other respiratory tract infections (including measles) for the first six weeks of life, longer if they are pre term.

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So injection those into the body is going change that?

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All vaccines have 4 requirements. They must be safe, they must be effective, they must be needed, they must be wanted. The safety and effectiveness of covid "vaccines" are certainly questionable. The important requirements of being needed and/or wanted are completely absent for many. When doctors push drugs on people, especially children, that are neither needed nor wanted, they're just drug pushers.

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They are neither proven safe or effective… absolutely none of them have been proven to meet this criteria. In fact laws were passed to make big Pharma not liable because they are patently unsafe. See 1986 Childhood Vaccine law.

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