Dr. Offit, your wisdom is a beacon in these dark times. Thank you.

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Dont you think youve spent enough time on your knees in front of him?

His primary concern is that a Vax vs Unvax study never been conducted as it would affect the profits derived from his rotavirus vaccine being on the CDC schedule.

His statements amount to:

"We dont know whats causing the rise in autism among youth."

"But we are sure its not vaccines"

Its the same tired defense of INDEMNIFIED vaccines and hoodwink; that brought this matter to the national consciousness

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What profits does Dr Offit make from the Rotavaccine?

Answer: NONE, because the Childrens Hospital of Philadeplphia (who were co-patent holders with Offit) sold it off to Merck over 15 years ago.

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Here its exposed the financial conflicts of interest Paul PR-offit has

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>Answer: NONE, because the Childrens Hospital of Philadeplphia (who were co-patent holders with Offit) sold it off to Merck over 15 years ago.

Were you party to that deal? Do you know its details? Or what royalty payments were negotiated for that indemnified poison ?

You think Dr PR-offit would disclose this info or his tax returns and investments (in Merck stock)? In the interest of full disclosure ?

Until then, be quiet

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Fact: Offit sold off his vaccine patent to Merck. If you have evidence he makes any money from the rotavirus vaccine, let’s see it.

Until then, play quietly in the corner with your toys and let the adults talk.

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And what are your credentials?

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Children with autism are preyed upon by many groups under the "vaccines cause autism" umbrella. There are still quack physicians endangering these children with chelation therapy for the "heavy metals" they false claim causes autism. Children have died from this chelation. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is promoted as an unproved autism therapy--recently a 5 year-old died in an HBOT chamber when it caught fire (unclear why HBOT was being used, but I've never needed to send a pediatric patient for HBOT in my 24 years). There are people out of the US promoting tortures including industrial bleach enemas and "stem cell tranpslants" (they aren't) as therapies/cures for autism. Sadly all these dangerous unproven and quite bluntly ridiculous "therapies" will be, I fear, brought forward by Kennedy's cronies (who have financially backed him this last decade) to autistic children in the US with the zombified HHS's endorsement. Children with autism are going to suffer in many ways.

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The kid was getting HBOT for ADHD and sleep apnea. Not saying for a moment that that was a good idea. Just saying that was the purported indication, not autism.

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Thank you. I just searched and found this too. FYI by diagnostic criteria you can't have both sleep apnea and ADHD. Sleep apnea is in the differential diagnosis for ADHD. You need to treat the sleep apnea because a lot of times when you do the child no longer has ADHD traits because they are no longer sleep deprived. So it's very sad that there was misdiagnosis here or at least incomplete diagnosis. And no way in the world that HBOT does anything for ADHD or sleep apnea.

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You absolutely can have sleep apnoea and ADHD... Just because something is in the differential diagnosis, it doesn't mean the patient can't actually have both... Ever heard of Hickam's dictum? Something needs to be an exclusion criteria for the patient not to be able to have both... I'm a medical student and I'm educating someone who claims to have an MD!

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Yawn. Full name and proof you are a medical student vs. antivax troll. Either way you don't appear to understand that you can't dx ADHD until you treat the sleep apnea. Stop waving your dictum around.

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Chelation is for those who are mercury-toxic, from vaccines or otherwise. I am mercury-toxic from nine DPTs, and they caused MS in me. I used the Andy Cutler mercury-chelation regimen for many years, using ALA and DMSA. Using it in the small doses (25 mg) that he recommends every three hours for three days a week caused no negative symptoms.

At this time I’m using mercurius solubilis 200 c hoping to complete the chelation. Chelation is necessary to do to remove mercury stored in the brain and organs.

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You know Parker, your grifting lying side won because people were fooled by you and because evil exists. Go celebrate with your type and leave us alone.

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I previously calculated the cost of all the useless quack treatments you buy for your own "health". IIRC it came to over $1,000 per month.

Think how much better C's life could have been if you put that into proper therapy for her autism.

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Within 2 weeks of HBOT treatments, my son started progressing. After 5 days of chelation therapy, my son started talking to me. After a year of getting in the chamber with him, I no longer needed 3 of the 4 meds I was on for narcolepsy cataplexy.

It’s evident why these physicians are ridiculed. It’s not because they’re endangering children, it’s because they’re endangering the pocketbooks of every vaccine worshiper.

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Ok antivax shill for crap quackery.

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Thanks for bringing the focus back to the kids, and reminding us that harm will come not only to those kids who go unvaccinated, but also to kids with autism. As a school psychologist trained in the 80's, I can tell you there was no training on how to diagnose autism back then (or many years thereafter in most training programs), so I decided to do my doctoral dissertation on autism. Because of that, over the years I diagnosed many, many children with autism who had been misdiagnosed with either specific learning disabilities (if high functioning), language disorders, intellectual disabilities (if low functioning), and/or emotional disabilities if behavior was highly externalizing. The incidence was very low because hardly anybody knew what to look for, given the high degree of diversity among kids with autism, and this was also true among private practitioners. (I remember one particular 5th grade boy diagnosed with depression by his private psychiatrist who was relatively high functioning but as autistic as it gets, and his psychiatrist refused to consider the evidence. I agreed the boy was depressed, and that's a frequent comorbidity, and it probably didn't help that nobody in his life understood him.) Even today, there are many kids in schools who probably meet the criteria who need help, mostly with social skills and/or other areas of adaptive functioning, who are going undiagnosed. Autismspeaks is an organization that not only provides a wealth of accurate information to parents about autism (including the fact it is not caused by vaccines), but also advocates for people with autism. I hope they will recognize how disastrous the current moment is for all kids and do more to "speak" up about it.


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Elementary schools before 1990 had large classes, but all the students could speak, read, write, reason, and socialize. Unlike now. Schools had a small special ed class, not more than ten students. No paraprofessionals at any schools, unlike now, when there are one or two in every class. Trying to subdue the autistic children unable to speak, understand, or socialize. Before 1990, they were not needed. In 1987, the rate of autism and similar in the US was three in 10,000 chikdren, up from one in 10,000 in 1980. Now it’s one in 20. Ruined lives. Outcast lives. Millions and millions of them. I keep reading now about how miserably schoolchikdren perform on tests since the Covid closures. To me it’s obvious that it is the result of mandated Covid vaccine at nearly all schools. And this is what you get. Not impossible to remediate, but really hard, only partial, and no one is even trying now.

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My son has autism. Vaccines didn’t cause it. We had a lower rate of diagnosis decades ago, not a lower rate of autistic children. They have always existed, society just pushed them aside or denied their disorder. Severe cases were sent to residential live-in facilities where you couldn’t see them. People started to speak up for this demographic and laws were passed to stop this segregation so they became more visible. My child’s life is not ruined and he is not an outcast. As a teacher, it’s not a vaccine that’s made kids fall behind, it was not being in school due to quarantining. Your view on disabled children, particularly autism, is misinformed and I encourage you to seek your information from more reputable sources bc as a parent, this is so so hurtful.

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So why does everyone know discernibly autistic people now, when thirty years ago no one did? The inflection point was 1990, but it was another five years before the bulwark was in school. Doctors before that point were told they would probably never see an autistic patient in their whole career. I took C to see a doctor for a long-lasting sinus infection when she was six. He said No kidding! I’ve never seen an autistic chikd! Let me look at her!

Now, of course, there are at least a few in every class in the country. The speech therapist we had ten years ago (did no good), said that in her experience, one third wwre high verbal Asperger’s (like me and Elon), one third were low-verbal like my daughter, and one third non-verbal, often non toilet-trained. In one in 20 American kids now. So one in sixty Asp, one in forty low or non verbal.

If its always been the same rate, why is there no mention in all of history of low or non verbal autistic children? Not in ancient Rome, not on the prairie, not in Dickens’ London. Dr. Spock said that even MR children could speak.

Are you saying that 35 years ago, people didnt even notice when some children never developed the ability to use language to communicate?

When my daughter gets home by Paratransit from her part-time job, I’ll ask How was work today? She’ll say Great! I’ll say Did anything happen? She’ll say No. I’ll say Anything interesting about the sub zero degree Fahrenheit weather? She’ll say No. And that’s it. She has never in her 24 years recounted more about anything.

So you’re saying there has always been 4% unable to use speech to communicate, and all schools thought that was normal, didn’t notice that they didn’t really write anything or answer any questions, didn’t really play or talk to kids at lunch or on the playground, just looked as though maybe they were?

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I literally already answered all these questions so I don’t need to repeat myself. I’m curious why you feel like having more autistic people in the world is a problem to be solved. What is it about autism that you find so problematic that it needs to be eradicated or reduced? Or are you claiming that children like mine, newly diagnosed and academically advanced (yet socially and physically delayed) do not deserve a diagnosis or support? It has to be one or the other. You either don’t want autism around or you don’t want more children to have access to support. So which is it? Where do you stand?

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North Dakota 1987. Every single last child in North Dakota was considered for signs of any disorder on the autism spectrum. Hard to believe that people that long ago were even literate. They found that three in every 10,000 minors suffered from autism or another disorder on the spectrum. At this time it’s one in twenty. So what are the symptoms diagnosed as ASD now which were not then? Making autism 500 times more common now than forty years ago.

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The North Dakota stats are taken from clinically diagnosed autism cases. The point that Ms Petrosky and I are making is that since those times, the diagnostic categories have expanded, awareness has increased, more kids were recognised throughout the spectrum (not just at the severe classic autism end), more were statemented (for reasons listed by her above), more were reclassified downwards from "mental retar-d-ation" to ASD, and so diagnoses of autism have increased steadily over the last 30 years.

One single fact is sufficient to belie your fantasy that autism only increased in the 80s/90s....look at the prevalence of autism in older adults. It runs at around 2-3%. That means that 50 years ago one in three kids were on the spectrum, but most went unrecognised and under the radar.

In the US in 2019, as many as 2.2% of adults aged 18-86 had ASD, compared with 2.2% those aged 3-17 at the same time assessment). This shows ASD has NOT become more common over the last half century or so. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32390121/

Similar findings have been shown in the UK

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Thanks for relating your experience as a teacher.

Is it also true that sometime in the 90s more children were "statemented" (if I have the terminology correct) and received an autism diagnosis because this meant they would be eligible for additional help in schooling?

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Not just schooling, no. A diagnosis also makes them eligible for support in the medical field outside of school. Autistic children often need things like speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. While the public school system will provide those, it’s often not enough and parents will need to seek private medical therapy. Many insurance companies will cover these if a diagnosis exists. However, getting a diagnosis is an incredibly difficult and long process. Ours took over a year. It cannot just be done by your garden variety pediatrician either. A specialist is required and schools cannot diagnosis it themselves.

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Quite the opposite. Lara Wakefield said that she was given a long list of students professionally diagnosed with autism in 2015, and told there was no way that could be for real, the school system could not handle it, and to just cross out arbitrarily a specified number of them. Although Heaven knows the schools did not teach C a single blessed thing. I did. Last night we looked at a book about medieval castles preparing for a trip, which started out with The Normans. I asked if she remembered from homeschooling fifteen years ago who conquered England. She said William the Conqueror. What year? 1066. I reminded her that we descend from him by several lines. Also Robert the Bruce and King David. She is a Savoia. My method was forced memorization and Baskin Robbins, and it worked. Unlike the schools, which do zero, nothing at all.

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Sobshrink is a child psychologist, and he/she has explained quite clearly how kids on the spectrum slipped through the net before the 80s and 90s. That description of the situation at that time seems persuasive, and accords with my own observations and those of many others.

Do you think Sobshrink is lying?

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I was answering a couple of your comments this morning when they were whisked away and deleted. I’ll try again another time.

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Yeah, sure. The usual Parker excuse when losing an argument…claim the dog ate your homework.

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Well, take a look. I believe I answered them all yesterday.

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You are lying. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0890856709650243

1987. North Dakota. Every single child in the state examined for autism or other conditions on the autism spectrum. Three in 10,000. While its one in twenty now. An explosion by several hundred times. What symptoms do you think they missed in 1987? Are you now going to delete this study link every time I put it up?

Is it you or the program that whisks away and deletes my vomments every few minutes. Better hurry.

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That study looked at the children already diagnosed with autism at the time (late 80s)

The point is that most kids on the spectrum at that time were undiagnosed and NOT picked up through normal channels.

That is what Sobshrink directly experienced and told us about, and is what many others have reported.

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I answered this. You took it down?

The children in the N Dakota study were 5-18. School and medical records of every minor on N Dakota examined. You’re saying that tens of thousands of older children and teens had autism at tge present rate of one in twenty, but all but three in 10,000 was missed because…? I don’t know what to say, because it makes no sense. They looked at all the school and medical records for every minor in the state. How many years do you think it took medical and school personnel to notice that 5 to 18 year old Jason couldnt speak, understand, reason, or socialize? You think back then it took twenty years to notice? The same team went back and looked at ALL the records again ten years later to see if they’d missed anyone. One. They missed ONE child with ASD. The other many thousands were typical, COULD speak, reason, discuss, and socialize. Unlike now.

Did you not know about the meticulous follow-up? As alwsys, the question is whether you are unscrupulous or just ill-informed and clueless. I see typos, but time is of the essence in hitting Reply.

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They didn't examine the school and medical records of "every minor in North Dakota" at all.

The asked to see the records of those with autism. Here is the study quote: "relevant health and service providers were asked to provide names and records of all patients who had autistic symptoms."

Only those identified were then assessed. This means that every child who did not have a formal diagnosis of autism slipped through the net. Please, please just think for a moment will you?

By the way, I see that a 2016-18 evaluation of adults 18-64yrs showed that 3.2% of males in North Dakota were autistic.


So why were all these not picked up as being autistic when they were kids back in the 60s,70s, 80s, 90s?

Answer: They fell through the diagnostic net.

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Screen shotted and hit Notes on my surprise Substack. So I have it even if you delete it.

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Bobby will probably do an official vax-unvax study, whivh Congress has twice ordered, but which has never been done. And we all know that it will show that vaxxed children are many times more likely than unvaxxed to have autism, asthma, all other allergic and autoimmune conditions, and seizure disorders.

Vaccines are usually effective at preventing specific diseases, but at a cost that most people think is too high. The solution is very easy, with or without the vax-unvax study. Cancel all vaccine mandates. Record what vaccines what patients get, and record all outcomes. Devise a way to record outcomes for the unvaxxed who don’t go to doctors. That’s one of the problems with discussions of measles. Data is given for measles deaths based on those who saw tdoctors for unusual complications, when normally children with neasles never saw a doctor because it was so routine, and usually followed a predictable pattern. A whole-body rash and a high fever for three to three and a half days. (These days many would be hospitalized only for that.) But before the vax, three to four million a year got measles in the US, 450 deaths, usually in the malnourished or immunocompromised. And we were exponentially healthier then. We need to let measles come back. Teach parents to give two doses of A, give NO fever reducers, keep the patient in bed in a warm room, strict bed rest, only one measles patient to a room, and several weeks quiet indoors at home recuperating.

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You want a vaxed-unvaxed study?

….another Tuskegee? Seriously?

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I was wondering if you’d show up. What do you think of Vance’s speech? He said what I said to you months ago.

Another Tuskegee? I have no idea what you mean. Please explain. If prospective, only the doctors would need to be blinded, not the children, whose parents would choose or refuse vaccines based on their own decisions. If retrospective, then even easier. 10,000 children got rec vaccines. 500 have autism. 1,000 have asthma. 50 chicken pox. 20 measles. Five deaths. Unvaxxed group. 3 have autism. 34 have asthma. 10,000 got chicken pox. 9,000 measles. Five deaths. Publish. Parents put that into the hopper to inform their subsequent decisions.

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Tuskegee did not, contrary to popular belief, give any man syphilis. It was meant to observe and record the symptoms of the natural course of syphilis in black men over many years. Without treatment. Since the treatment for over the first decade of the study was mercury ointments, which themsrlves caused dementia and paralysis, the untreated men had a better outcome than those able to afford the gold standard mercury ointments.

It was a highly unethical study because of its callousness, which is inherent in such studies. Most men eventually dropped out, especially when they learned about antibiotic treatment available from the late forties on.

Are you really M-? I would say not, as there are no similarities at all between the two studies. You are too intelligent to act as though there were.

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Well, the point of Tuskegee was to give an active group a treatment and a control group a placebo, and see whether there was a difference in outcome wrt the relevant infection. This meant sitting by and watching the controls get sick and die [from syphilis]

….Highly unethical.

The point of a vax-unvax study as proposed by you and folk like Bubby junior is to give an active group vaccines and a control group placebos, and see whether there is a difference in outcome wrt relevant infections. This means sitting by and watching the controls get sick and die from diseases like measles, pertussis, etc.

….Also highly unethical.

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You’re not M. Not true at all. It was one group of black men in the Tuskegee study, all had syphilis. They were told they would get mefical treatment, not told they had syphilus. From 1932 to 1948, the standard treatment for syphilis was mercury ointment, which the men were not given. Fortunately for them, as it caused dementia and paralysis, general paresis of the insane, i.e., Alzheimer’s. Most of the men had dropped out by the late forties.

It was a callous study, as I said before.

I have not seen a proposal for Bobby’s study. If you have it, please provide it. I am 100% sure that it would not be prospective, vaxxing some, but not the control group, which would only get placebos. That would require study participants to itreparably damage their children, and I’m sure he would not adk that that be done. I’m sure it would be retrospective, examining children whether vaxxed or unvaxxed, annd diagnosing them, with the doctors unaware of their vax status. No parent would sit around and watch his child develop autism, allergies, seizure disorders, any of hundreds of autoimmune conditions, and say Well, at least he gave his life so that others would not.

Bobby would not do that. It would be Which of these children has autism? With their vax status unrevealed until the end.

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Retrospective? Observational?

…yeah, sure, and when those results confirm what everyone knows (such as that vaccines do NOT cause autism), they have enough wiggle room to say…”Oh well, that wasn’t really a good enough study…we need a prospective double blind placebo study”

You know the drill, Cia, ....any study whose results you dislike is dismissed as inadequate.

There have already been observational studies on the vax schedule and autism (such as Hviid’s Denmark study of millions of kids). Guess what? …the vaccinated kids had a LOWER rate of Autism.

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THAT is NOT what the Tuskegee experiment was about!! NO ONE WAS given treatment. It was solely intended to follow the course of the full disease. Stop spreading your disinformation!!

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But vaccines don’t cause asthma and autism.



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You said yourself last year that measles was usually a relatively mild disease. It is harmless compared to the MMR.

I would point out that no disease and no vaccine is always harmless. You nevertheless have to make your choices. And I’m also sure that if you were speaking as a human, you would agree that with a family history of vaccine reaction like ours, it is reasonable to be extremely cautious and usually refuse vaccines. Better post fast before its whisked away. No time for apostrophes.

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"Measles is harmless compared to MMR"?????

What little quotable gem are you going to throw out next? ...that Rabies is harmless compared to the vaccine? Or that typhoid is harmless compared to drinking clean water?

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What an ignorant comment!! You clearly know nothing about vaccines OR about the Tuskegee study. So stop spreading your nonsense.....

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See the above response to Cia.

Whatever you think, running a study comparing the vaccines in the infant schedule to inactive placebos would be highly unethical and immoral.

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It might, if there was a standard treatment for the disease the vaccine was to help. In those cases, vaccines are compared to the standard Rx and NOT to a placebo, which would deny the control patients treatment. THAT would be unethical. But, the Tuskegee experiment did not do this at all!!

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As I said. Which leaves the retrospective study, blinding the doctors, redundant though that is. Intelligent people recognize that there’s more than one way to skin the cat.

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And would never be done because it WOULD be unethical to say Let’s give the MMR to A and placebo to B and see which one develops autism. We won’t tell you if your child is A or B. No. It would have to be, Doctor, does this child have autism? Asthma? Peanut allergy? Diabetes? Give an answer and we’ll record it under Vaxxed or unvaxxed.

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You first. Why did you retire so early, you’re not sixty yet?

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I retired in 2021. I am over 60.

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who are you talking to??

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YOU keep comparing any research to Tuskegee. Please explain their relationship, or just admit you have no idea what you are talking about.

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You’re talking to me? Look above, it was M- who said A vax/unvax study? Like Tuskegee?

It was a ludicrous comparison to make, but such he did.

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I was referring to the immorality and ethical challenges of doing studies where one group of participants is deprived of a life-saving or potentially life-saving intervention.

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Why do people only refer to mortality from acute measles disease? There are multiple other effects that are debilitating.

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Yes. As well, have you seen the vaccine information sheets? Hundreds of possible adverse reactions for every vaccine.

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As I was a nurse I am familiar with adverse effects of drugs.



There’s a risk of adverse effects for any medication, no matter how long or often you’ve taken it in the past. I met a patient who had been taking a particular drug for a decade or more who suddenly presented with angioedema after taking that same drug.

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Adveres events vs adverse reactions....

Do you know the difference?

Do you know the frequency?

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All diseases and all vaccines can have serious consequences and adverse reactions. You have to research and make your choice.

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Do not underestimate the effects of measles.

The measles virus can cause the immune system to lose its memory of previous infections and vaccinations thus leaving the child open to diseases against which they’ve been vaccinated

“ Measles infection and encephalitis

Encephalitis can occur in children and unimmunised adults either during or after a measles infection. This can happen because of the brain becoming infected with the virus during the rash phase of the illness or by an immune-mediated brain inflammation after measles infection. Measles is also the cause of a disease called subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE). This is a rare condition that can develop years after natural measles infection. SSPE is a degenerative neurological condition which progressively destroys nerve cells in the brain and almost always leads to mental deterioration and death. Symptoms typically appear 6-15 years after the measles infection. More information on SSPE is available on our website www.encephalitis.info.”


“Severe complications in children and adults

Some people may suffer from severe complications, such as pneumonia (infection of the lungs) and encephalitis (swelling of the brain). They may need to be hospitalized and could die.

Hospitalization. About 1 in 5 unvaccinated people in the U.S. who get measles is hospitalized.

Pneumonia. As many as 1 out of every 20 children with measles gets pneumonia, the most common cause of death from measles in young children.

Encephalitis. About 1 child out of every 1,000 who get measles will develop encephalitis (swelling of the brain). This can lead to convulsions and leave the child deaf or with intellectual disability.

Death. Nearly 1 to 3 of every 1,000 children who become infected with measles will die from respiratory and neurologic complications.

Complications during pregnancy. If you are pregnant and have not had the MMR vaccine, measles may cause birth prematurely, or have a low-birth-weight baby.

Long-term complications

Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) is a very rare, but fatal disease of the central nervous system. It results from a measles virus infection acquired earlier in life.

About SSPE

SSPE generally develops 7 to 10 years after a person has measles, even though the person seems to have fully recovered from the illness.

Since measles was eliminated in 2000, SSPE is rarely reported in the United States.

Among people who contracted measles during the resurgence in the United States in 1989 to 1991, 7 to 11 out of every 100,000 were estimated to be at risk for developing SSPE.

The risk of developing SSPE may be higher for a person who gets measles before they are 2 years of age.”



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And in the US in 1960, three to four million a year got measles, most of them children. Everyone I ever knew older than I had had it, including me. No one I ever knew suffered any permanent damage from it. M- says that he got an ear infection when he had measles, and a vacation (holiday) was cancelled. I had measles when I was six, no sequelae. I got chickenpox a year later, when I was seven. Only once for each. I had antibodies for rubella when I was pregnant, so must have had mild or subclinical rubella. I had an ear infection two years later when I was eight. I was given a shot of penicillin, which was painful and traumatic. I don’t think any of these illnesses were related. I led an active life then, scouting, camping, Girl Scouts, horseback riding. I read books 24/7 while I was doing other things.

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SSPE is a relatively new phenomenon, the first registry being started in 1970. The result of a defective meadles virus which is never completely cleared. I believe the defective virus is the result of vaccine-modified live measles virus loose in the world. Simikar to vaccine-modified live polio birus escaping.

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If you will look, the discussions of “measles amnesia” always include the word “possibly.” Measles depresses the immune system for several weeks after the fever stage, not longer. Such discussions always say that antibodies to previously-contracted diseases are destroyed. So if a child previoussly had chicken pox, he no longer has antibodies to it.

So find the records. How many children before the vaccine in 1963 got measles, as 99% did, then got chicken pox again? Almost 100% got chicken pox as well. So if the immune amnesia hypothesis is correct, there should be millions of children who got chicken pox twice. But it is well-known that immunity to both, with rare exceptions, is lifelong. So much for the hypothesis of measles immune amnesia.

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Note that the measles vaccine wasn’t available until 1968 here in the U.K.

I had measles when I was five and chickenpox when I was eight, this was several years before the vaccine for measles was available, and we don’t include the chickenpox vaccine in the childhood vaccination programme.

When I applied to work in the emergency department I had to have a blood test to measure the antibodies against measles. Bearing in mind this was some 50 years after the acute infection, I had a significant number of antibodies after all that time.

Apparently, immune system amnesia following measles was only discovered in 2012 according to




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Exactly! It’s pathetic the way they just invent self-promoting nonsense and proclaim that all the “best scientists” agree that it is the gospel truth. I looked it up yesterday and noted the use of the words “possible” and “hypothesis” when stating solemnly that the natural disease measles wiped out immune memory so that your acquired antibodies were wiped out. Of course the shills swear up and down that this is the worst aspect of natural measles, when it was just made up a few years ago.

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Post measles immune amnesia lasts for 2-3 years.


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The first saying so from the vantage loint of 2012. At the time measles was universal, before 1963, no one had observed those having had chicken pox before measles losing their immunity and getting chickenpox again. No. In real life, chickenpox was once, and did not recur after measles. There were at least three million cases a year of each, probably varying half and half as to which occurred first. Notice that there were NOT millions of sevond cases of chicken pox occurring after measles “amnesia.”

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As a junior doctor in africa in the 1980s, I saw many many complications from measles. Greater susceptibility to awful infections was one of the more severe and lingering complications. Kids with gangrenous stomatitis (Noma ....look it up but make sure you have an empty stomach before you look at the pictures), pneumonias, chronic gastroenteritis etc.

...All down to immune amnesia.

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what nonsense. "most people" think the cost of vaccines is too high?? Is that why 90%+ parents vaccinate their kids. And if we all know that such a study (which is unethical because it would deny the unvaxed group proven treatment) would show that the kids get autism, allergies, etc. why conduct it. THAT would make it even more unethical. You are a liar who won't even tell us what your credentials in medical science are. You are a fraud.

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Steve, you’re arguing with a bot being run on a troll farm in Siberia.

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Unethical to prove that vaccines cause autism, allergies, diabetes, other autoimmune disorders, and seizure disorders, because then many people would refuse the vaccines in order to prevent the damage? Are you sure that’s what you want to say?

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Hey angel, so a real fast Google would show you that, until about 100 years ago, child mortality rate under age 5 was 50/50. Literally. It was a coin flip if a kid makes it to kindergarten. Part of the reason less people went to doctors (you know, apart from the inability to move sick people safely before the invention of the automobile) was because anyone born weak, poor, or otherwise disadvantaged would most likely be dead already. On the topic of tracking long term outcomes though, do you know what the long term outcome of surviving something like polio is? Permanently paralysis, bent bones, and endless pain. Measles? How does childhood dementia sound?

We were not healthier back then, as literally any historian could tell you. It’s just that anyone marginally unhealthy died before you could count them.

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What a contradictory comment. Braindead! We were healthier but 50% of kids died in childhood?? And the life span was much less than it is today?? Go to cemetery and count the headstones of kids who died before 1950, then count the ones who died after 1960. Then report back to us what you found.....

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Hey, smushed cupcake!

I have always strongly promoted the polio vaccines. But at this time, the war on polio had been won, except for a few cases in Afghan and Pak. Some cases are caused BY the live type 2 virus in the oral vaccine reverting to wildness. So stop giving the type 2 oral vaccine.

Extremely large numbers used to die of contagious disease, with poor nutritional status being a factor in many cases. Now we have antibiotics to usually be able to treat diseases like diphtheria and meningitis when they occur. Adequate nutritional status in the developed world. Adequate space and ventilation in residences.

Have you heard of Darwin? Survival of the fittest? I pass no judgment one way or the other. The fact remains that when the genetically weakest die before reproducing, it strengthens the gene pool.

Tell me what VPD you think is so common and dangerous that a meaningful number of deaths would occur if no one vaccinated?

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I recently learned about Darwin. Why recently? Well, because I was raised in an alt right, anti vax cult. I’m mostly unvaccinated, yet still have autism. Weird, right? My brother, another unvaccinated autistic, still doesn’t know about Darwin though, because he’s still in the cult. Almost like autism is genetic but stupidity isn’t.

Anyway, there isn’t currently a super dangerous disease because we’ve eradicated them with vaccines. But, if we take a look at west Texas, you’ll see that it only takes a week for cases of measles to go from single digits to 50+ cases in the unvaccinated population.

I’m not super educated (thanks, mom!) but I am capable of reading, so I’m aware of what long term or repeated antibiotic usage does. Honestly, I don’t have to read about it, because my parents tried to go the antibiotic route instead of vaccines when I was a kid. As a result, I have permanent stomach issues and am antibiotic resistant.

As far as your amorous ode to eugenics, again- I’m just not that stupid.

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Not true. The only disease eradicated by natural diminishment and vaccines has been smallpox. Polio soon. Diphtheria has been suppressed by vaccines. Pertussis and measles became much milder through natural evolution so that its been 80 years since they were dangerous diseases. I support the tetanus vaccine, but only every 40 years after the initial series. Hib meningitis is being controlled by the vacvine, but it causes peanut allergy. Breastfeeding and not being in group child care are better ways to prevent it. The Prevnar and meningococcal vaccines are dangerous. Vaccines have not eradicated the diseases, since only children get them, and many children don’t. Also the vaccines only cover some of many serotypes. Most children dont get the hep A shot and the disease is mild in children anyway. Dont want to start on hep B now. The acellular pertussis vaccine is ineffective and dangerous. The flu vacvine is ineffective and could not begin to cover all variants. The HPV vacvine is very dangerous and I dont think most girls get it, certainly not most boys. Trillions of serotypes. Rotavirus is usually mild, no need for a vacvine. Trillions of serotypes. Chickenpox is mild and the vaccine has caused our tsunami of shingles, preventing it at the age when it is mild.

Still lots and lots of germs not covered by vaccines, and vacvine damage is cumulative.

You can inherit mercury from your mother. I am mercury toxic both from nine DPTs and from inheriting it from my mother, who reacted to the diphtheria shot with Aspergers. Normal before, very changed afterwards. And mercury can definitely cause autism. Though now it’s more common from vaccine encephalitis.

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Got the whole comment up. Guess M- must be in bed.

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Again, not only did Wakefield’s paper not claim that the MMR vaccine caused autism, the paper explicitly stated that no such conclusion could be drawn from the research. Making this factual error once could be an accident. Persisting with it in multiple articles reads like bad faith.

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Stop flogging your dead horse about Wakefield. To announce the paper, his medical school, including the dean, held a news conference with him where Wakefield explicitly stated the relationship to numerous media outlets who were covering it live. Wakefield patented a replacement measles vaccine to profit without disclosure off his paper in the lancet that attempted to take down the MMR vaccine in the UK. Wakefield got paid over half a million dollars without disclosure working for the law firm trying to sue over the MMR vaccine. You're attempt at justifying wakefield's existence is pathetic.

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It is STILL the case that Wakefield and his colleagues brought the danger of the MMR causing autism and bowel disease to public attention, meaning that thousands of children, at the least, were saved a life of disability.

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It was not a measles vaccine, but a serum to prevent the development of measles in those who had been exposed.

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Just stop lying. Brian deer has scan of the actual patent here. It says vaccine. It's not a serum. https://briandeer.com/wakefield/vaccine-patent.htm

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Nevertheless, it was not a vaccine to be given to all to prevent measles, but only to prevent measles post-exposure. And who cares? The important thing is that for healthy children between three and ten, measles is a mild disease, while the MMR often causes autism, bowel disease, or many other conditions. Hard to believe, but Dr Wakefield was the first, or one of the first, to bring this critically-important information to public attention.

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measles causes neurological problems and even death in a substantial number of patients, especially older ones who were never vaccinated. STOP you lying!!

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As does the MMR. Make your choice. Natural measles offers so many benefits that I’m glad I had it. Hope my daughter can get it.

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flat wrong. You do not know what you are talking about, just making things up. And if it was NOT a measles vaccine, why are some idiots up in arms over the vaccine?? Get smart!!

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? W tried to introduce an injectable product meant to prevent a full-blown case of measles in those already exposed to it. He also carried out several studies on the MMR, a different product.

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Flat wrong. And Wakefield's paper was pulled after investigation found fraud behind it. Wakefield had his medical license revoked and was criminally prosecuted. It triggered a ton of wasted research dollars to try to confirm/rebut his study and NONE of them, on several million children have substantiated his study!!!! Stop spreading lies!

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Only millions of children who were developing normally until they got thr MMR and suddenly regressed into autism and bowel disease. Stop denying their existence and the terrible crime committed against them.

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Try to back up your claim or admit you know nothing about what you are saying....

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The GI biopsies of the affected children showed specific lymphoid hyperplasia characteristic of autoimmune bowel disease. He showed antibodies to measles in these lymphoid aggregations but not to mumps or rubella. The results of these biopsies have been replicated many times in independent studies.

His senior colleague Dr. John Walker-Smith testified before the GMC that he had presented findings of autism and autistic enterocolitis in the children who participated in the study long before Wakefield became involved.

I believe that ut is you and your team-tag likers who know nothing about what you are saying.

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The GI biopsies when shown to independent blinded pathologists were read as normal. Stop bending the truth. Wakefield made it all up.

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They were elegant biopsies accepted as meaningful by many medical professionals, which have been replicated in many independent studies.

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That is NOT evidence that the vaccine caused anything!!! And you cherry pick and then misinform the studies you want and ignore the very many studies that show that the vax has nothing to do with autism. I would rather go with the informed opinions of the vast majority of medical experts than listen to a crank with an agenda!!

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Go ahead. Most people realize the corruption in the medical industry and the utter lack of truthfulness in what its practitioners say.

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All pharma employees who saw the handwriting on the wall and mounted the most dishonest witchhunt in history.

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While High Court Judge Sir John Mitting ruled that the GMC witch hunt againdt him was fraudulent and he hoped that new laws would prevent such abuse in future.

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That is true. He did not. But if you read his account in Callous Disregard of the histories of the chikdren in his case study, in every single case, it was normal or minimally impaired child gets MMR, in one case just the measles vaccine, and four days later, two weeks later, one month later, child develops bowel disease and autism. The researchers properly thought that the public should be made aware of the association. While some mindlessly say that correlation does not equal causation, if someone falls off a roof and breaks his neck, these naysayers are unlikely to say that the fall did not cause the broken neck.

Wakefield did not initially say explicitly that the measles vaccine caused autism and bowel disease, but there would have been nothing wrong with it if he had. It does. Although the hep-B, DTaP, and flu vaccines often cause autism as well. And all vaccines can cause hundreds of serious adverse reactions each.

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Brian Deer exquisitely documented the fraud committed by Wakefield as exposed by the General Medical Council in the UK when they reviewed those charts, one by one. Almost every child in that Lancet paper had symptom onset well after 2 weeks from MMR and some not at all because they didn't have autism! That you refuse to acknowledge Wakefield's fraud is on you.

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Brian Deer was a sleazy presstiute who lied about who paid him to bring the charges against Wakefield. He said Channel 5 and the Sunday Times, which denied having paid him for this, but admitted to having paid for occasional one-off quickies from him long before.

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speaking of lying......

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High Court Judge Sir John Mitting exonerated Professor Walker-Smith, saying that the GMC had acted shamefully and dishonestly in conducting its witch hunt of Walker-Smith and Wakefield. Brian Deer instigated the proceeding. Not hired by any news outlet

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Again, you don't know what you are saying. I will go with the dozens of studies that prove that the MMR vax does not cause autism, and with the medical professionals who stripped Wakefield of his license based on PROVEN SCIENCE. You have offered zip in the way of rebuttal.....

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I am 100% in agreement with your getting the MMR every week and twice on Sundays. Throw in the hep-B and HPV vaccines, plus a flu and 110th updated Covid vaccine while you’re at it. Send me the bill, my treat.

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and ignoring this is an expression of deliberate misdirection:


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I'm not sure if you are a bought and paid for shill, politica proagandist or not paying attention.

RFK Jr has openly acknowledged that correlation does not equal causation. He has also acknowledged that women are having babies later in life, that we have higher degrees of pollution, chemicals, pesticides and other possible causes besides specific or cumulative doses of vaccines.

Why would we NOT want to take a closer look at ALL these possible factors using better testing methods to see what we can eliminate as a cause and what could be a cause?

And don't say vaccines are tested at the highest possible standards. They clearly are not. Under more serious testing and study we may prove they are unrelated to autism and other neurological and health issues. That would be great news.

Protesting against better study and testing screams fear of what might be found and how it will impact profits and lawsuits.

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LOL, Junior has CONSTANTLY resorted to correlation as causation!! Read more about his activities that have killed and damaged many people by doing this: https://stevensclark.typepad.com/coronavirus_news_and_view/2024/08/deadly-vaccine-disinformation.html

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There is absolutely nothing statistically or logically incorrect about pointing to a correlation and suggesting that we study it more carefully to see if there is causation. Not being willing to do so suggests you are trying to hide something.

Be thankful someone cares enough about this issue to actually want to spend the money to investigate it caefully instead of going along with the program and protecting drug and food companies, polluters, chemical manufacturers etc.... Something is amiss and we need to figure out what it is the RIGHT way!!!

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There is no correlation, however. Autism rates are the same whether a child is vaxxed or not, proved by dozens of studies world wide.

Bobby is a raging moron, a grifter or insane. Simple as that.

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Care to link any? No official vax unvax study has ever been done in the US. The Hviid study in Denmark was fraudulent, as discussed below, and from decades ago.

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So a study on ALL children in Denmark over 10 years is not to be paid attention to?? THAT is nothing but cherry picking and lying. Shame on you.

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You don't understand the term "fraudulent".

Look up "Wakefield MMR" and that will give you a clue.

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Actually, some studies have found a significant negative correlation. That really should have spurred further investigation regarding why that happened.

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They (the vaccine-pharma-media-medical-industrial complex) will and have been doing a superb job at hiding the truth. Vaccine-induced encephalopathy/ encephalitis also known as autism.

Vaccination--unavoidably unsafe.

Paul Offit deserves special recognition for his efforts to hide the truth.

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how about backing your screed with evidence. I bet you can't!!

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Yes, and Kennedy regularly does NOT do that, as shown by the link I earlier provided that related his duplicity in the Samaoan outbreak and his blatant "correlation is fact" fallacy with HepB vaccines. Grow up!!

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Two nurses in Samoa made an error in preparing meadles vaccines which caused some deaths. Before K went to Samoa. There was already a social current resulting in many parents refusing the measles vaccine. It was their choice. Measles has higher mortality in poor, tropical countries like Samoa. The vaccine is as dangerous in such countries as it is in developed ones.

Those are the terms. You get the vaccine, you risk severe and permanent consequences like autism and bowel disease. You refuse it snd you risk sequelae from measles, including possible death. Still the case that vitamin A greatly reduces such sequelae or death. Strict bed rest isolated from other measles patients prevents pneumonia. Not giving fever reducers prevents meningitis and encephalitis.

You do your best, but there are no guarantees either way.

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The nurse errors happened before Bubby jr went to Samoa, sure.

But he then just had to go there and pile it on, blaming the deaths on MMR, visiting Samoa and dispensing his disinformation that MMR caused autism and chronic disease. Result: 40% vax rates, then measles epidemic the next year which killed 83 kids and brain damaged hundreds more.

When the epidemic was happening and Samoa was desperately trying to vax their unvaxed kids, he then piled it on again and said the outbreak of measles was just kids getting ill from the vaccine.

...What a despicable individual.

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In 1960, before the vaccine, three to four million children a year in the US hot natural measles, the entire birth cohort, 99% of children by the age of 18. 450 deaths a year out of those millions, most in malnourished or immunocompromised chikdren. Many deaths would have been prevented if vitamin A had been given and fever reducers had NOT been given. At this time, one in twenty American chikdren is being diagnosed with autism. At a cost of many millions in services per child. And lonely lives of great impairment and privation. I’ll take measles, which I had at six.

The hep-B vaccine is devastatingly dangerous. My daughter reacted to it with vaccine encephalitis and autism. She might have died in the four days and nights of encephalitic screaming syndrome, as many do. It was really only one American chikd in 100,000 between 1 and 9 diagnosed with hep-B before the vaccine. In other words, it has been a crime to give the vaccine, without permission, to millions of healthy newborns who would never be exposed to hepB. Instead k- or disabled for life.

Important link below.

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Link to chart of diagnosed referred to.

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You notice those were only diagnoses of "acute" hepatitis B? ...NO, you didn't, though I've told you that several times in the past.

As I've also told you, if infected with Hep B as infants, 90%+ of those infected do not get acutely ill, but remain asymptomatic carriers of Hep B and develop CHRONIC hepatitis B later in life.

The article explains that. Stop cherrypicking fragments to pretend that it agrees with your warped view.

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Is my reply to this still up?

If you will look, I have said many times that hep-B in infants is devadtatingly dangerous. (Not going back to correct typo, only given shott time before whisked away.) They have routinely tested all pregnant women for hepB for many decades. I tested negayive. The infants born to these women, less than 1% in the US, are the only ones who should get the vacvine at birth. Those in suspicious situations should be tested at 9-12 months old to see if they are infected with hepB. It is criminal to damage all newborns, healthy or not, with the most dangerous vaccine of all.

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12-16,000 kids caught Hep B each year prevaccine, that is counting only the ones who were NOT infected by their mothers, but who caught the virus post natally.

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Thank you for putting it back up, Dr. Offit. It’s important to discuss what it means on the merits.

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"And don't say vaccines are tested at the highest possible standards. They clearly are not."

They absolutely ARE. Just because you and RFK Jr either have not read or do not understand the studies, does not mean they do not exist.

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Thank you Dr. Offit for this piece. One of the concerns I hear from my children who now have children is that we're giving too many vaccinations over a short period of time. Has the ACIP considered re-looking at the schedule of immunizations to give fewer over a longer period of time? Also, do infants born to parents of an above average socioeconomic status really need HBV vaccination? Can vaccine schedules be tailored according to circumstances?

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Why do medical scientists need to revisit what they have already done--because your kids think it is needed??????? Get over yourselves!!

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I dont care. I am not in favor of retesting vaccines. We already have hundreds of studies showing adverse events caused by every vaccine. I’m comfortable with making vaccine decisions based on what we alreafy know now. The DT series after two years old. For little children in daycare, maybe the Hib series starting at two months old. Or maybe not. It causes peanut allergy in one in fifty. Parent’s choice. I’ve talked myself out of tge polio series, no longer necessary. And Ive decided the Prevnar series isnt worth the risk.

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Beliefs are stronger than scientific data.

Thank you for continuing to fight the good fight.

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Offit still at it. See link below for chapter and verse evisceration of Offit's time-worn canned propaganda.

Dismantling The Common Lies Used To Push Vaccines


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What a bunch of propaganda garbage. It does not talk about science but about PR, WHICH is all Kennedy is about!! Just because you can find ONE article published by someone with and agenda that confirms your bias, does NOT make it a convincing proof of ANYTHING!! You would have failed my medical school classes by writing something as insubstantial as you have provided!! Shame......

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Lol! Offit does not have an agenda? Offit disseminates pure ignorance— traffics in anti-public health propaganda— he’s like the scrawny high school geek who is jealous of the high school quarterback (RFKjr) he hides behind and 100% pseudo-science he knows it—he knows con is exposed! his day of propaganda is over! freak show now coming to an end! Karma’s a bitch.!

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More propaganda garbage. He is NOT spreading pseudoscience. RFK and you are. Tell us, what are your science credentials?? Bet you avoid the question. Shame on you. Get smart. Karma's a bitch especially when you don't see it coming.

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RFKJr postponing VAX committees! cleaning house on shills like offit drenched in conflict of interest! 1.5 million merck pays offit for propaganda! new marshal in town! offit totally exposed!

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DOGE and RFK, Jr. will plug the AI into VSD, VAERS, and V-SAFE.

The data to do a retrospective vaxxed v unvaxxed already exists.

The desperate lie that a vaxxed unvaxxed comparison would be unethical will soon come unglued.

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"Wakefield was the discredited UK doctor who had published a paper claiming that the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine caused autism." This assertion is demonstrably and incontravertibly false. In fact, Lancet 1998 explicitly stated that there is no evidence that the MMR shot caused the gastric condition described, and suggested further study was necessary.

"We did not prove an association between measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and the syndrome described." and: "Further investigations are needed to examine this syndrome and its possible relation to this vaccine." https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2897%2911096-0/fulltext

On the other hand, Dr. Bernadine Healy, former NIH director, was explicit in her concerns regarding the lack of data on a possible association between the CDC vaccination schedule and neurodevelopmental disorders- more than decade after Lancet 1998: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-open-question-on-vaccines-and-autism/

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>RFK Jr. Vows “NOTHING Is Gonna Be Off Limits” in Chronic Disease Investigation


This half a century of vaccine cult of lies and deception and indemnified drugs is coming to an end!!!

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Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award


from the article above:

"Hannah was described as normal, happy and precocious in her first 18 months."

"Then, in July 2000, she was vaccinated against nine diseases in one doctor's visit: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae."

"Afterward, her health declined rapidly. She developed high fevers, stopped eating, didn't respond when spoken to, began showing signs of autism, and began having screaming fits."

I could reference VAERS (www.openvaers.com) or any one of the two books on my bookshelf that directly address this issue:

1) "Vaccine Injuries: documented adverse reactions to vaccines" by Louis Conte and Tony Lyons

2) "The Vaccine Court: THe dark truth of Americas Vaccine Injury Compensation Program" by Wayne Rohdes

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2536523/pdf/nihms48754.pdf - autism hannah poling case\

https://open.substack.com/pub/jbhandley/p/in-court-vaccines-cause-autism -- in court vaccines cause autism

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Errors there...

1. Hannah Poling had an underlying mitochondrial dysfunction disorder, often associated with episodes triggering encephalopathy. She was likely to regress into a neurodysfunctional state irrespective of any outside factors.

2. The case was presented to the NVIC but never got to court, as the HHS settled, accepting the claim that vaccines could have worsened her encephalopathy (possibly through triggering a state of oxidative stress). The settlement specifically excluded any mention of autism.

3. Oxidative stress can be caused by any infection with high fever, so in fact kids with Mito dysfunction are specifically advised to get all their vaccinations, as this reduces the risks of getting something that could cause the child to regress. Unfortunately in Hannah's case, the vaccinations (which can cause fever) appeared in this case to be the triggering factor.

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Boyd Haley, “Mercury Toxicity and Vaccine Injury.” Vaccine Epidemic 166. “Nothing is more effective than mercury at inducing oxidative stress, which is identified by exceptionally high mitochondrial dysfunction. Over 85% of autistic children who have been tested have been diagnosed with such a dysfunction. Biochemically, the exceptionally tight binding of mercury to the electron transporting system of mitochondria has been proven to cause high production of toxic chemical intermediates, leading to oxidative stress and to many of the biochemical abmormalities found most oftenbin children with autism.”

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The DTaP and Hib which she received around the same time as C, contained mercury. There is nothing better than mercury at causing oxidative stress and a mito disorder. Vaccine mercury caused it in me as well, and is a hallmark of vacvine induced MS.

Hannah doubtless had a genetic profile which enabled her severe and profoundly disabling vacvine reaction. As do at least half of Americans.

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Since we now know that underlying mitochondrial dysfunction disorder can set the stage for a devastating adverse injury from vaccines, why do we not test children for this condition prior to giving them vaccines?

Even if the benefit of a vaccine is worth the increased risk of such an effect, wouldn't the child's doctor and parents need this information to make a better decision regarding their child?

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Ideally the procedure requires a muscle biopsy.

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Hannah Poling’s parents got the award of millions for her vaccine damage having caused her autism, but on the condition that they not talk about it to anybody. Paid to conceal the truth about vaccine damage.

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Hannah's parents were the ones who tried to stop people talking about the case, not the HHS, remember?

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Yes. Nine vaccines. What a memory I have.

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Rombios already told you 9 diseases.


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I did not see it. I googled it and counted.

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I believe from terror that they might be suspected of having talked about the government having admitted that her vaccines caused her autism. Also true that you cant be an idiot. Her mother allowed her to get nine vaccines simultaneously? What the hell did they THINK would happen? Was it nine? It’s been a long time. I’ll check. But better post. The eraser will strike any second.

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You “believe”…and therein lies the root of your vacuity and ignorance of the true facts.

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While you loudly blazon your ignorance to the world.

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To those who claim RFK won’t take away vaccines from “those who want them”, why in the world wouldn’t he? If he truly believes (he does) that vaccines cause autism, why would he allow doctors to administer them to children?

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How could he? He cannot promulgate laws independent of state legislatures. He could stop federal funding of vaccination programs, which would be good. Vaccines should be inexpensive and available to all who want them. If enough refuse them, then market forces will prevail, which would be appropriate.

There are two sides. Vaccines usually work to prevent the targeted diseases. Parents who believe that the risk of disability or death, or even uncomplicated illness, from a VPD, is greater than that of risking autism, allergies, autoimmune disease, or seizures, in their child, have a right to that belief and to take the vaccine to prevent it. Parents who believe the risk of the vaccine is too great have the right to refuse it.

I looked yesterday to see if there were any VPD which would be very dangerous if all Americans stopped vaxxing for it. Thinking about what it was like before particular vaccines. I supported the polio vaccine, but it has now become academic in. Polio is very rare now and about to be eradicated. Diphtheria is unlikely to return. I support the tetanus series after two, and continue to do so, recognizing that it is and would continue to be rare. I support programs to end daycare for babies and toddlers. Also programs to promote breastfeeding until self-weaning. Those measures would prevent Hib and pneumococcal meningitis.

So what VPDs would be more dangerous than autism, asthma, seizure disorders, etc.? Again, I would not deny any parent the right to make his choice. Over time, I beelieve that ever fewer would choose most of the vaccines.

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Autism is absolutely positively NOT caused by vaccines. I can think of no other myth in medicine that has been more thoroughly debunked than this. And virtually all vaccine preventable diseases would be very dangerous if the vaccines were suddenly removed from the market.

I don't know what your medical background is, but I would recommend you actually speak to medical professionals who treat such diseases, and who have read and understood the actual research on the subject, rather than just what appears to be just google searches.

Regarding the "how could he?" comment. He could remove FDA approval. Could remove CDC/NIH recommendations regarding vaccinations. Could remove protections of the VICP. Could literally have the CDC/NIH recommend AGAINST vaccines. Could pull funding away from research and development. Quite a few different ways he could do so.

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I hope he does. He promised to meet with Cassidy several times a month. He will have to act carefully. I hope the first thing he does will be to cancel all vaccine mandates. Then sponsor information sessions and debates on many individual vacvines. It would be unwise to prohibit people from getting them, but learning about the myriad dangers of many vaccines, and the very low risk associated with most VPDs, would result in better-informed vaccine choices and an increase in refusals, decrease in vaccine damage.

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Many medical studies, innumerable court cases, and the lived experience of millions of parents have proven that they often do.

Are you the Chris with the son disabled by Hib meningitis? Just wondering.

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False, false and absolutely false. Again, please speak to qualified professionals instead of doing google searches and listening to Joe Rogan podcasts. And, no I do not have a son disabled by meningitis. I do not even have a son. If I did, he would be fully vaccinated.

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OK, so you weren’t at Shot of Prevention every day for years. Chris is a common name.

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Cia has no medical background. But she is unlikely to seek proper medical advice. She regards herself as a self-taught [by internet] expert on all manner of infectious diseases and autism.

She once claimed she knew more about Hepatitis than the CDC, the WHO and the American Association of Pediatrics put together.

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That’s right. At least I am of sterling honesty, unlike some I might mention. I have not sold out, unlike the groups you mention. Have you noticed that no one has a particle of respect for them anymore?

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"Sterling honesty"??? What the hell does that have to do with anything? I have no doubt you sincerely believe these internet rumors that you read. That's not a good thing. And just because YOU don't have respect for medical experts does not mean "no one" does.

That having been said, next time you are sick or have a life-threatening emergency, please do not come to the hospital.

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No, I don’t trust doctors. Who does? I told a friend the other day that Elon should set up a system of clinics free to all US citizens and legal residents run by AI. End the monopoly.

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Last month an unvaccinated child died of diphtheria in Germany. Polio virus has been detected in wastewater in Europe and the middle east.

These, and other diseases are merely a plane ride away. You would have the US turned into an unvaccinated continent, and the situation would not be dissimilar to the times when measles and smallpox were introduced to North and Central America a few hundred years ago...sweeping, devastating epidemics that would ravage the continent with polio, diphtheria, pertussis, meningitis, measles, . Look what is happening just now in an unvaccinated Mennonite community in Texas...59 measles cases, nearly half of them needing hospitalisation. Multiply that continent-wide and see how happy the citizens of the US would be.

And just to remind you...vaccines don't cause asthma, seizure disorders or autism.

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Who was the unvaxxed child who died of diphtheria? An HIV-positive, malnourished, malarial child lifeflighted from Chad?

The polio in Gaza last summer, like the polio case in NYC several years ago, was mutated type 2 from the oral vaccine still used in the Third World because it is more effective than the injected one. If the children had not taken the oral vaccine, it would not have reverted to wildness.

I would suggest that they take types 2 and 3 out of all polio vaccines. Use type 1 in Afghanistan and Pakistan where it is still endemic at low levels.

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Yup, death and disease (for the unvaccinated) is merely a plane ride away.

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And yet only the one man in NYC several years ago got oral vaccine spread polio. No type one from Af or Pak in living memory, even though it’s a plane trip away. Maybe bcz they can’t afford plane tickets?

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So ...because it hasn't happened yet, it never will?

How stupid can you get?

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Thanks again for being a voice of reason. Cannot believe the ongoing silence of our medical leadership.

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What can it say? Everyone understands the situation. Some are embarrassed to be blatantly mendacious.

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offit got bitched-slapped on CNN by Cally Means! offit. ready with his canned the measles schtick— went nowhere! must watch! his 15min of poison fame is coming to an end! Offit paid 1.5 million by merck to be front man for jabs!! no wonder such a blowhard! should not be anywhere near a child! take royalties from fake diarrhea vax made-up “rotovirus!” dude is unhinged! no doubt Offit will be removed from vax approval committees!

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