Dr Offit, thank you for sharing your expertise on Substack. We are fortunate to have your expert information and common sense shared here. Hopefully it will help counterbalance the crap we are hearing from the HHS Secretary.
How much is he paying you? There were 57 flu deaths this season but you are losing your shit over 1 measles death which upon investigation would find an immunocompromised child who died of COMORBIDTIES
THIS is why no one trusts your profession.
Also most of us have seen this graph. Your lies don't work anymore
The core lie in your link is “They clearly show that vaccines had nothing to do with the decline in death rates.”
That’d only be true if you showed all the reasons why a disease DOES kill. But that’d be to admit that yes, it’s whether a person is exposed to a virus, how much of it they get, how well their immune systems respond to the attack and the quality of other care. (George Washington apparently died from having been bled, an unscientific treatment)
We KNOW for a fact that the immune system of a vaccinated person has much better odds of withstanding a microbe invader, and in turn, a well-vaccinated person is much less likely to spread the virus to others
We FURTHER know for a fact that not every person gets vaccinated all at once and that many diseases show up-and-down patterns in when a disease works its way into a population.
Ie, ALL of the major issues in disease fatality are directly reduced by the population (and outsiders who could bring it in) being vaccinated, although in a complicated way
>We KNOW for a fact that the immune system of a vaccinated person has much better odds of withstanding a microbe invader, and in turn, a well-vaccinated person is much less likely to spread the virus to others
Am going ignore your drivel and address this myth
#Harvard-Westlake students were vaccinated. Dozens caught whooping cough anyway
But all of the sick students had been vaccinated against the disease, according to school officials. In fact, all 90 people who have recently come down with pertussis — the official name for whooping cough — in Los Angeles County this year had been immunized against it, according to county officials.
Eighteen students there have not been vaccinated against pertussis, but none of them has caught the illness, school spokesman Ari Engelberg said.
If you are commenting it suggests you read dr Offitts column. If you choose a crackpot over science that’s your prorogative but please spread your lies elsewhere
Before the first measles vaccine was licensed in 1963 there were 500 deaths each year of previously healthy children from measles in the US. Measles is not a trivial illness. Yes, it takes two doses of the vaccine to insure immunity, but that immunity is enduring and protective. A death from measles is a preventable death.
What is disappointing about RFK's response is 1) he doesn't know the simple facts, 2) his remarks are dismissive, and 3) he isn't urging an intervention which is known to be effective. Likewise it is disappointing that in this ferocious influenza season, he has chosen to discontinue public health messages about immunization.
The first year of life in any child is the time for the discovery of issues - be they developmental or medical or general issues of thriving. During that first year, many immunizations are provided to insure, as best as possible a healthy childhood. It is not surprising that a parent would associate the recognition of a medical or developmental problem with the administration of a vaccine. Association is not causation. My heart goes out to any parent who faces challenging medical issues in their children. There is nothing more important than our children and children everywhere. However, causation has to be studied by comparing immunized and unimmunized children and these studies have not shown that vaccines are detrimental.
I have been practicing pediatrics for more than 50 years. I have seen the near eradication of many infectious diseases and a meaningful reduction in cervical cancer from HPV vaccines. Vaccines for children have been one of the most significant public health achievements of the 20th century. We will be a sorry society if we don't continue to champion the current vaccines and support the development of new vaccines.
I would add to your comment that "critical thinking" demands "critical data." A search for a demonstrated relationship between HBV vaccination in infants and resultant autoimmune diseases renders 42 pages of citations in the National Library of Medicine, the vast majority of which is irrelevant. The few citations (2009 & 2010) that do speak to the point, refer to a very minor risk elevation in MS in females, but concluded further research was necessary. A single citation (2011) found no association with Type 1 Diabetes. A review titled, "Do Vaccines Have a Role as a Cause of Autoimmune Neurological Syndromes?" concluded,
"Although the rarity of autoimmune diseases makes it difficult to strictly exclude that, albeit exceptionally, some vaccines may induce an autoimmune neurological disease, no definitive demonstration of a potential role of vaccines in causing autoimmune neurological syndromes is presently available. Consequently, the fear of neurological autoimmune disease cannot limit the use of the most important preventive measure presently available against infectious diseases."
Principi, N. and Esposito, S. (2020) Do Vaccines Have a Role as a Cause of Autoimmune Neurological Syndromes? Front.PublicHealth8:361. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2020.00361
Finally, the gold standard for evidence-based medicine - the Cochrane Library (https://www.cochranelibrary.com) - who accepts no outside funding whatsoever, concludes that, one,
"Existing evidence on the safety and effectiveness of MMR/MMRV vaccines support their use for mass immunisation. Campaigns aimed at global eradication should assess epidemiological and socioeconomic situations of the countries as well as the capacity to achieve high vaccination coverage. More evidence is needed to assess whether the protective effect of MMR/MMRV could wane with time since immunisation."
And two,
"Our review shows that MMR, MMRV and MMR+V vaccines are effective in preventing the infection of children by measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox, with no evidence of an increased risk of autism or encephalitis and a small risk of febrile seizure."
Di Pietrantonj C, Rivetti A, Marchione P, Debalini MG, Demicheli V. Vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD004407. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004407.pub5.
But I think he does know. Medical scientists have been giving him the facts and the evidence for 20 years now! He cannot not know the facts. He is simply lying at this point. His income and prominence depend on his anti-vaccination stance. It seems he is happy to trade the health and lives of children to maintain his income. Spare no thought for him, he is a despicable human being.
Except for the families concerned, especially since it is a preventable disease and if 95%+ of adults are population are vaccinated stops the virus in its tracks. Also there are other non fatal but disabling effects and in rare cases a terminal disease develops 7-10 years after the acute infection.
Measles is a notifiable disease in the U.K. , thus we have statistics available. The vaccine was introduced to the U.K. in 1968.
Oh look, a non referenced graph from an anti vaccine propaganda website. Confronted with these overwhelming pictures with absolutely no sources cited, call me convinced.
DR Suzanne Humpheries and Dr Thomas Cowan (among others) have written about this subject. Their books contain references to sourced data from Health Ministries and Data kept since 1900
But you are a provaxxer. You morons don't read books and research material so I just post the link to the graphs to make my point instead
Dr. Suzanne Humphries (yeah, you can't even spell your hero's name!) and Dr. Thomas Cowan are goddamn fringe doctors whose claims have been repeatedly and completely debunked.
Cowan does not even believe viruses cause disease.
Rombios I am not pro anything. Like most of us, I am just trying to stay as informed as possible.
I admit I have been facetious and “trolling” in our interactions. I was just feeding off of your energy. Honestly, I meant no insult or harm.
I actually do read as much as I can on several topics. I am generally a curious person. Saying I do not read is just an unsubstantiated assumption and insult on your behalf. I don’t take offense though. Reading some of your other posts, it’s apparent that a lot of your rebuttals and arguments quickly turn into insidious insults.
“Research” is a very broad and undefined term this day and age. It can mean reading and accurately interpreting peer reviewed literature, watching YouTube videos, reading books by charlatans, sharing people’s anecdotal experiences or browsing Internet forums.
I am sure the people you have mentioned have wrote some compelling literature. Lots of people have. I have not read anything from them that I am aware of. But I do not doubt there are some merits to their writing.
450 deaths in children is NOT a "very low" mortality. What is wrong with you? You are so blindly against vaccination that you are prepared to accept 450 deaths a year from a vaccination-preventable disease? WTF is wrong with you?
In any case, the death rate in 3rd world countries is 1 in 10, reduced in developed nations to 1 in a 1000.
So, you are also LYING, which makes this even more despicable.
I commend your resolve to speak truth to truth, while being verbally assaulted by on-line vitriol that is anything but civil.
Those who choose to shout back at me, save your energy my comment is simply to laud Dr Offit's commitment to the health of your fellow Americans & ask for his comment to my question.
Dr. Offit
I have asked other knowledgeable contributers to Substack as to the risk of newborns being infected with measles prior to being vaccinated 🙏🤞
The paradigm as I had understood the newborn has (most often) passive immunity for measles until ~ 9 months but I have recently learned this is not the case.
In fact, passive immunity be it from natural or vaccination wains within several months...3-4 mo's, compounded by a difference related to the mothers source of immunity .
We obviously cannot vaccinate the pregnant mom & vaccinating the newborn (less than 6-9 mo's) presents additional challenges with their retained immunity going forward.
Thank you in advance for your consideration. JJF Phm 🇨🇦
No vaccine or medical intervention is mandatory in the U.K. the only vaccination that was mandatory prior to the establishment of the NHS was smallpox.
By the way it’s Leicester, I know because I live 10 miles away and used to work in the city.
“ Leicester actually escaped relatively lightly, with 370 cases - a rate of 20.5 cases per 10,000 of the population - resulting in 21 deaths. This was a far lower figure of cases than in some well-vaccinated towns like Warrington (125) and Sheffield (144).
Anti-vaccinationists were triumphant, claiming the Leicester method had been proven.
Mr Tetro said: "The so-called marvellous success of the Leicester method was based on the fact it used a tried and true method of notification and quarantine in combination with the benefit of a hospital and the use of a type of ring vaccination in which healthcare staff were vaccinated.
"In a small population, this can work but as the population grows, this method becomes untenable.
"This was seen in 1893 when people had to resort to staying at home instead of being cared for in a hospital during an epidemic that led to hundreds of infections."”
If the measles vaccination rate is above 95% there is virtually no risk to children under the age of 1.
Maternal antibodies start to wane around 3 to 6 months of age. By 6 months, most infants have antibody levels below the protective threshold, making them susceptible to measles if exposed. So, if you are travelling to a country with a low measles vaccination rate, a dose of measles vaccine for children between 6 and 12 months of age is recommended. That could also apply if you intend visiting US states with low measles vaccination rates especially if there is a measles outbreak.
However, a child can become infected before 6 months and vaccinations are not recommended below this age because of immunological immaturity, so always keep your child safe, especially during an outbreak. Childcare is a particular risk in areas with low vaccination rates
One of the medical professions greatest boasts is that it eradicated smallpox through the use of a vaccine. I myself believed this claim for many years. But it isn’t true.
One of the worst smallpox epidemics of all time took place in England between 1870 and 1872 - nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced. After this evidence that smallpox vaccination didn't work the people of Leicester in the English Midlands refused to have the vaccine any more. When the next smallpox epidemic struck in the early 1890s the people of Leicester relied upon good sanitation and a system of quarantine. There was only one death from smallpox in Leicester during that epidemic. In contrast the citizens of other towns (who had been vaccinated) died in vast numbers.
Obligatory vaccination against smallpox was introduced in Germany as a result of state by-laws, but these vaccination programmes had no influence on the incidence of the disease. On the contrary, the smallpox epidemic continued to grow and in 1870 Germany had the gravest smallpox epidemic in its history. At that point the new German Reich introduced a new national law making vaccination against smallpox an even stricter legal requirement. The police were given the power to enforce the new law.
German doctors (and medical students) are taught that it was the Reich Vaccination Law which led to a dramatic reduction in the incidence of smallpox in Germany. But a close look at the figures shows that the incidence of smallpox had already started to fall before the law came into action. And the legally enforced national smallpox vaccination programme did not eradicate the disease.
Doctors and drug companies may not like it but the truth is that surveillance, quarantine and better living conditions got rid of smallpox - not the smallpox vaccine.
When the international campaign to rid the world of smallpox was at its height the number of cases of smallpox went up each time there was a large scale (and expensive) mass vaccination of populations in susceptible countries. As a result of this the strategy was changed. Mass vaccination programmes were abandoned and replaced with surveillance, isolation and quarantine.
The myth that smallpox was eradicated through a mass vaccination programme is just that - a myth. Smallpox was eradicated through identifying and isolating patients with the disease.
I am not anti-vaccine… But I am a critical thinker, and my daughter, my first born, ended up with a rare autoimmune disorder as a baby after she had the hepatitis B series… Vaccines do injure people, people need to be smart and know their family histories, and physicians need to be smarter and work with people so that they don'tinjure their patients with vaccines. It's not black-and-white and I can't believe that physicians actually think it is, that is the real harm.
You don't get tell a parent what they will or will not do.
Following the CDC vaccination is tantamount to a death sentence for your child in the worst case or outright stunted development otherwise. Only a fool would pollute their bloodstream and damage their natural immunity with liability shielded drugs (only vaccines)
That's why NONE of my children are vaccinated and never will as long as I draw breath
There are over 1200 adverse events admitted to by the drug companies. Some of these include paralysis and death.
Damages to your child are your problem as you can't take action directly against those manufacturers
VICP has paid out over 5 billion in compensation from less than 1% of reports ...RFKjr vows to make VAERS mandatory so imagine when 99% report their problems
They are not liability shielded drugs, even in the USA. In fact the legislation from the mid 1980’s has a very low bar when it comes to the federal government paying out compensation, Paul Offit explained this a while ago on the microbe tv channel on YouTube.
Point is; vaccines have a special legistlation (that circumvents our justice system) that NO OTHER DRUGS OR PRODUCTS in the United States enjoy
That should give you pause. Massive red flags
Imagine if Vioxx or Phen-fen (given the deaths and damages they caused before getting pulled off the market) were protected by the national childhood vaccination act/CARES act/PREP act?
As I understand it there’s nothing stopping an American citizen from suing the pharmaceutical companies, which I got from a Paul Offit has said previously.
Every death of a child for any reason is a tragedy, the death of this six-year old girl included. Few details have been released, but some local nurses have said that health care providers have been told to vax as many as possible with MMR, including post-exposure. They are reported to have said that this previously unvaxxed girl was given the MMR when she was already symptomatic for measles, likely with a fever, which is contraindicated. She was not given vitamin A drops, which it is advisable that all measles patients do.
It was very unusual that a child die from measles, and it is likely that these two factors played an important roke in her death.
That's interesting. Where did the reports that a Mennonite girl from a vaccine hesitant community received a vaccine post disease transmittal come from? Vitamin A is recommended by WHO for children in poor countries where the population is already deficient in Vitamin A but it’s not a panacea. As far as “it is likely that these two factors played an important role in her death”, this is some tier one ill informed Internet forum troll stuff. No body but the doctors on the ground treating these patients is in a position to diagnose and assign likely causes of death.
The outbreak is said to have started in a Mennonite community, but it has spread out from there, as contagious diseases do. It has not been reported that the girl was Mennonite. I saw something about someone having talked to a maid who worked at the girl’s house, which would suggest that the family had the means of the upper class. There are, of course, other interpretations possible.
Vitamin A is not a panacea, but it’s close. It reduces mortality by as much as 90%, prevents eye damage and blindness, and prevents complications or shortens their duration. It is used by less than half of health care providers in the US. I think it’s through arrogance, to separate Americans with measles from Third Worlders with measles. A class thing, I guess. Or maybe it’s How DARE you not take the MMR, you DESERVE to -!
Cia, thanks for sharing. I just gotta say, this article is by the Children’s Health Defense, who bias in the vaccine hesitant direction. Just my opinion, but I think they seem to be more of a propaganda machine than a trusted source of credible information. The article mentions an unnamed medical doctor’s reports via third party text messages. So, this is speculation at best.
From what I have read, Vitamin A absolutely is capable of accomplishing the things you mentioned in humans who are Vitamin A deficient. This is why the WHO absolutely recommends that Vitamin A be administered as measles treatment in third world countries who suffer from malnutrition and by proxy Vitamin A deficiency. The WHO is not waging class warfare, they are making recommendations for communities outside of the US. The US is not their focus.
All of that being said, give Vitamin A to your measles afflicted children if that’s what you want to do.
I was only questioning your comment about “likely” causes of death. Especially when using a CHD article as part of the evidence.
I can see you are very concerned with the well being of these children. I can appreciate that.
Anyone who cares to google it will find many studies showing the benefits of two doses of A for measles patients. Yet here we see that Lubbock experts tell families to NOT give A. Boy, I can’t think of any good reason. It saves lives. The measles virus eats through existing stores of vitamin A very fast, so that even those who had enough before measles may be deficient during. I am at a loss. The only possible reason is arrogant irresponsibility. Not giving it to this girl compromised by the MMR when symptomatic for measles may have caused her death.
Good information, everyone with measles benefits from two doses of vitamin A. It is VERY strange this animus against it. One more contrasting link in a minute.
The person who died of a motorcycle accident was only TEMPORARILY categorised as a COVID-19 death. The death certificates that contain the final cause of death take months to work through the system so, for the real time management of the pandemic response no time is wasted and all deaths with, or as a result of, COVID-19 are TEMPORAILY classified as COVID-19 deaths because it hardly makes any difference to the total and valuable time is saved in responding to the surges in cases.
Meaning? Very little has been said about her. What have you learned about her. The nurses are reported to have been shocked that she was given the MMR when she was symptomatic for measles. So last week. Since she died on Wednesday, she must have been starting to be sick at that time.
If you have additional information, please post it. I think first that the girl’s parents have already talked to a lawyer about suing the HCP and have been told not to talk about it. Also sure that Lubbock HCPs are circling the wagons themselves. If she had not been given the MMR when sick, or if she had been given vitamin A drops, I think that out of concern for public health they would have said so, as the infotmation is important for families to know during measles outbreaks. The silence is telling.
This person assigned a likely cause of this girls death to the fact that she wasn’t given Vitamin A. So, whether they are aware of it or not, they recommend WHO guide lines. And there’s that word “likely” again. I guess you are either clairvoyant or you were on on the scene to witness the poor child’s treatment?
And no one trusts doctors diagnosis? Wow, you are potentially speaking for billions of people. I guess that makes you omnipotent. Now you’re taking about COVID? You’re all over the place little buddy.
Are you addressing me? No, I don’t trust doctors’ diagnoses. Too much politics involved.
I don’t consider myself to be dogmatic. I consider evidence and decide what I believe. I might later change my mind. I have read a lot about it and am certain that vitamin A is often lifesaving. I would not draw boundaries and say that all Third World children under one year old need it, but no First World person over the age of one. I bought a bottle of A drops on Amazon two weeks ago, just in case. It’s cheap, easy, might save your life or prevent disability.
She is said to have died of pneumonia, the most common cause of measles deaths. She would not have gotten pneumonia if she had not gotten measles. She was unlikely to get pneumonia had she kept strict bed rest in a warm room, but not many Americans know that it is important to do so when nursing measles. Probably they thought that belatedly giving her the holy elixir, the MMR, would miraculously heal her, assuming they thought at all. And every vaccine dimishes immune function for about a month. She was not given the advantage of vitamin A.
Where is the compassion for deaths and injuries from the MMR vaccine and ALL the other vaccines? I have a profoundly disabled daughter caused by vaccine injury and dozens of friends with disabled and dead children. Or do they not matter? RFKjr: “I want people to think when they use the term “antivax parent” they should be thinking of a parent with a disabled child because THAT’S WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE”
"Where is the compassion for deaths and injuries from ... the other vaccines?"
They are compensated through the vaccine court.
"I have a profoundly disabled daughter caused by vaccine injury and dozens of friends with disabled and dead children."
You couldn't possibly have that many friends that you have dozens who are vaccine injured.
" RFKjr: “I want people to think when they use the term “antivax parent” they should be thinking of a parent with a disabled child because THAT’S WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE”"
That filthy creature has been lying about vaccines for 25 years. He makes millions of dollars every year from his anti-vaccine activities. YOU are nothing more than a USEFUL FOOL to him.
"They are compensated through the vaccine court." BS Have you ever tried fighting a case in vaccine court? I personally know several families with documented injury cases that were thrown out. So, you're saying as long as vaccine court pays for deaths and injuries it's OK??? What about the families and children? You people are nut jobs. And guess who IS supporting these INJURED adult children now? THE TAXPAYERS. The only one lying here is the pharma shills. RFKjr has stood by families of vaccine injured children for years, and NO he's not making "millions of dollars" from us (most of us are flat broke raising children who were injured). Keep your delusional thoughts to yourself, nobody in their right mind believes your nonsense any longer.
"the vaccine court: the dark truth about Americas vaccine injury compensation program" was an EYE OPENER
A special closed adversarial "court", with a number of SEVERITY CLAUSES (one of which include displaying residual effects and disability for at least 6 months ; another is that they must show proof the disability resulted in impatient hospitalization and surgical intervention)
My wife and I knew then we were never going to waste time playing this rigged game years ago when our first child was born
You can't see that your heartless response and refusal to acknowledge adverse events is why RFKjr sits at the HHS.
It will be why the National Childhood Vaccination Act will be repealed along with CARES and PREP acts
It's sad you can't see how your actions and those of your ilk are forcing needed change.
Keep at it.
Keep lambasting parents of vaccine injured children, it will continue to bolster the public support that will bring this whole house crashing in on your head
You idiots cant see that your stubborn refusal to acknowledge the truth and hold pharmaceutical giants accountable is why RFKjr sits at the HHS and why this whole vaccine nonesense house of cards will be brought down to it's knees
Each parent you deny, criticize, denounce, accuse of lying bolsters the public support necessary to end this garbage
Offit is as shameless as he is unhinged. You’ve got to give the windbag credit though, the more he is discredited, the louder his idiocy… measles is nowhere near the threat to children than his horrific anti-human ideology
ALL the vaccines on the market have proven to be safe and effective.
If you want the evidence, all you need to do is read it. There are 800 pages of evidence on the mRNA vaccines alone. Knock yourself out, but don't come crying that there is no evidence simply because you refuse to read it.
None is always safe, but you can see from observation that the polio and DT vaccines are usually safe. Most of the others are not. Same for effective. The pertussis, flu, and Covid vaccines are not effective. Most are very effective. Look around you. Shortly after the diphtheria, measles, Hib, chicken pox, and rubella vaccines were introduced, the diseases nearly disappeared.
Tell that to the children who die from measles. Too bad you can’t ask them if they wished their parents had listened to Dr. Offit instead of to unqualified internet influencers.
Two sides. If you are afraid of measles, the vaccine is effective. If you are afraid of the many reactions to MMR, or if you want the benefits of natural measles, you should learn how to nurse it, and go from there.
There are NO benefits of a measles infection. The virus invades the body of your young child and damages it. It can cause deafness, pneumonia, encephalitis, and death. A measles infection wipes your child's T cell memory for up to 3 years making her susceptible to infections from which she was previously immune.
so what? He’s also a zealot. just glad he finally being removed from vax committee! Bobby kicking his ass to the curb. purported expertise no longer needed, good ridden. did enough damage
Yes, dead child—always horrific no matter cause—but we don’t know what the child actually died of.., but regardless, offit’s exploitation of the reported death an hour after RFKjr is confirmed, is horrific and it deflects from more pressing health issues…he has no integrity, he isfinancially conflicted—he is a liar, and most abhorrent of all, he relies on “smearing” people who don’t buy into his vax religion or his “purported bs science”. he should not be chiming in on anything related to the health of children
Hes s grifter concerned with his pharma stock options and license agreement proceeds he enjoys from his rotavirus vaccine remaining on the CDC childhood vaccination schedule
57? There have been 10s of thousands of flu deaths so far this season. But does that somehow minimize the severity of measles deaths where the vaccine is much more effective, so effective in fact that the disease would be eliminated just like small pox if everyone would take it. What an achievement for humankind that would be.
Like Covid every death will be propagandized regardless of whether it’s with verse from the disease. Worth guys like Offit celebrate the death and hope for more to fuel the fear they want. They misrepresent the failings of the vaccine program, the fact that they never eliminates measles as they claimed with a one and done treatment back before they rolled it out. The fact that a percentage of people mount zero immune response from vaccination and another percentage that have a response too low to provide any protection and the fact they protection wanes and the proposed solution is ever more boosters. And that’s just the effectiveness side, the shots have so many side effects that are covered up by manipulated studies. The proponent are well aware of these problems but downplay them. The whole vaccination racket is an experiment with outcomes that were never anticipated. We would have been better off if Reagan refused to give relief from liability in 1986 and pharma followed through with their threat and exited making vaccines.
Spew your unfounded, unsupported, bull shit somewhere else. Published Data, details, analysis, prove you are just spitballing anti vax propaganda. You people have become tiresome. Here's hoping Darwins principles eliminate you and your ilk from the gene pool.
Hey Dag--X is -not- a reliable scientific source. How about citing a PNAS, Science or Nature paper to support your contention? Let me save u time-- no solid, repeatable studies to be found.
ALL the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus evolved in nature and spilled over into the human population at the Huanan market. After 5 years there is still NO scientific evidence for a lab leak. You've been fooled by a politically motivated witch hunt in the US congress. This is a scientific question, not a political question.
If it was a scientific issue your side wouldn't be hiding adverse event and clinical trial data for 75 years past the life expectancy of the adults who took the jab
#Why a Judge Ordered FDA to Release Covid-19 Vaccine Data Pronto
* **"Butchered by Healthcare"** by Dr Robert Yoho MD
* **"Good bye Germ theory: ending a century of medical fraud and how to protect your family"** by Dr. William P. Trebing
* **"Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History"** By Dr Suzanne Humphries MD
* **"What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Childrens Vaccinations"** by Dr Stephanie Cave, MD
* **"Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion Dollar Profits at our expense"** by Dr Claus Kohnlein MD, Dr Samantha Bailey MD, Dr Stefano Scoglio Bsc PhD
* **"Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing nature of childhood Illnesses"** by Dr Thomas Cowen MD
* **"Inventing the AIDS virus"** by Peter Duesberg
* **"The vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of Americas Vaccine Injury Compensation Program"** by Wayne Rhodes
* **"Vaccine Injuries; Documented Adverse Reactions to Vaccines"** by Louis Conte and Tony Lyons
* **"Jabbed: How the vaccine industry, medical establishment and government stick it to you and your family"** by Brett Wilcox
* **"How to raise a healthy child in spite of your Doctor"** by Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD
* **"The Unvaccinated Child: A treatment guide for parents and caregivers"** by Judith Thompson ND, Eli Camp ND
* **"Corona False alarm" Facts and figures"** by Dr Karina Reiss and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
* **"The Real Anthony Fauchi: Bill Gates Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health"** by Robert F Kennedy Jr
* **"Vax-Unvax: Let the science speak"**
* **"Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Myth and Science"**
Science isn't a popularity contest and its not judged by consensus.
So medical doctors and research scientists who dont tow your line are quacks, cranks and con artists?
But the likes of Dr PR-offit ( note the spelling) who financially benefit from a system that increased chronic disorders multi fold and autism rates to 1 in 36 from 1 in 10,000 are the standard?
Got it.
But again, each passing day, YOU are losing that argument thats why youve got an RFKjr at the HHS and Jay Bhattacharya at the NIH
Hey Dag--X is -not- a reliable scientific source. How about citing a PNAS, Science or Nature paper to support your contention? Let me save u time-- no solid, repeatable studies to be found.
Hey Kim, a link to CBS from 2006 is fine. It’s nice that you guys are starting to sit up and take notice that you don’t control all of the media about longer. You know no one is stopping you from taking all the shots you want and everyone I could think of would be happy for you to do that. You should be happy just the same for those that don’t want them. How about smoking, is that bad for you? It took the surgeon general 14 years to declare they caused cancer after Bradford Hill had demonstrated a causal link, but that was fake to the 3 out of 5 doctors that recommended camels. Keep worshiping at the altar of pharma if you like.
You guys approach the subject like it’s religion. Sure hope you can get over that otherwise the vaxx verse unvaxxed studies that are about to surface will make you go mental.
No religion--we just have the education, credentials, and experience that allows us to process the info and come up with logical, data supported conclusions. Science isn't a belief system, we don't care what your "opinion" is, or what kind of pseudoscience you are finding in popular press, TV, or social media. We follow the data where it leads us. Done now--wasted enough time trying to convince the stubborn masses. In the meantime--don't access any medical treatments (meds) put forth by "big Pharma"--save them for the rest of us.
Educated, you just believe one side of an argument. You do realize the best educated were prepared to lock up those that questioned the earth going around the sun at one time. You’re either part of the manipulated or you’re one of the ones doing the manipulating. Brave yourself for the vaxxed unvaxxed studies, whether it is more allergies, ear infections, asthma, you name it the vaccinated are unhealthy compared to the unvaccinated.
* **"Butchered by Healthcare"** by Dr Robert Yoho MD
* **"Good bye Germ theory: ending a century of medical fraud and how to protect your family"** by Dr. William P. Trebing
* **"Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History"** By Dr Suzanne Humphries MD
* **"What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Childrens Vaccinations"** by Dr Stephanie Cave, MD
* **"Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion Dollar Profits at our expense"** by Dr Claus Kohnlein MD, Dr Samantha Bailey MD, Dr Stefano Scoglio Bsc PhD
* **"Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing nature of childhood Illnesses"** by Dr Thomas Cowen MD
* **"Inventing the AIDS virus"** by Peter Duesberg
* **"The vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of Americas Vaccine Injury Compensation Program"** by Wayne Rhodes
* **"Vaccine Injuries; Documented Adverse Reactions to Vaccines"** by Louis Conte and Tony Lyons
* **"Jabbed: How the vaccine industry, medical establishment and government stick it to you and your family"** by Brett Wilcox
* **"How to raise a healthy child in spite of your Doctor"** by Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD
* **"The Unvaccinated Child: A treatment guide for parents and caregivers"** by Judith Thompson ND, Eli Camp ND
* **"Corona False alarm" Facts and figures"** by Dr Karina Reiss and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
* **"The Real Anthony Fauchi: Bill Gates Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health"** by Robert F Kennedy Jr
* **"Vax-Unvax: Let the science speak"**
* **"Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Myth and Science"**
Please include the hep-B vaccine, which caused vaccine encephalitis and autism in my daughter. And the DTaP: the booster at 18 months erased her only two words, and she was diagnosed with autism two months later.
You are either grossly ill-informed or have purposely contrived this statement. There is exactly one single citation in the National Library of Medicine related to HBV vaccine and vaccine encephalitis; it is from 2009 and describes HIV & coinfecting tropical diseases. There is absolutely no association to autism in any shape or form. The association of the DTaP vaccine you claim with autism is purely coincidence.
Read Judy Converse’s When Your Doctor is Wong: The Hepatitis-B Vaccine and Autism. The same thing happened to her son Ben as to my daughter. Read tge transcript of the congressional safety heating on tge hep B vaccine, especially the death of Laila Belkin. Read A Shot in the Dark. The acellular pertussis vaccine causes fewer mild side effects, but just as many serious ones like autism and seizure disorders as the whole-cell DPT.
You’re just hoping to program readers’ minds. You know I am honestly reporting what happened to us.
You have yourself to blame if you believe a complete non-entity like Judy Converse who simply wrote from flawed personal experience and no expertise. She has no scientific or medical expertise.
Billy your anger or frustration is getting the best of you. Why would you care so much around skeptical opinions on vaccines? Shouldn’t skeptics be embraced as they challenge the system to be better. The reality is there is much that is not known about the safety or effectiveness of vaccines. When a panel commissioned by the CDC concludes that there is not enough or no information available one way or the other to make final determination on vaccines you can be sure there is a lot of work to be done to understand them. They have been one big experiment that goes differently than theorized. Take Covid for example, the mRNA shot did not act anything like we were told it would. Who could possibly be against digging into the matter of vaccines to see if they can be fixed to work as desired and not injure many that take them. Your anger is an obvious problem for you, it must get in the way of being productive.
Meanwhile the covid vaccines saved 3 million lives while this @r$e hole did his best to terminate as many lives as possible with deadly disinformation.
Looks like you spoke too soon. Have you seen the news? The same day as your post: Here RFK Jr. is saying all the things you accused him of not saying in your hit piece.
Everyone should recognize that Dr. Offit is engaging in what in more honest times was called a "Guerilla Marketing Campaign". The pharmaceutical industry is rife with this sort of marketing. Pharmaceutical sales reps, like Dr. Offit masquerading as public health and "Doctors" use children as their main marketing ploy to entice and force you if you don't comply with purchasing their shoddily made medical products.
No one should be fooled by this anymore. The more children they can claim died due to lack of vaccination the more bellicose they become until they can have laws changed to force you and local governments to buy product and force you and your family to consume their product.
These people are malevolent and you have to look at them for what they are.
There is no valid reason to allow the excuse "religion" to allow parents to not allow their kids to be vaccinated. However, these stupid people are why we're here.
Dr Offit, thank you for sharing your expertise on Substack. We are fortunate to have your expert information and common sense shared here. Hopefully it will help counterbalance the crap we are hearing from the HHS Secretary.
How much is he paying you? There were 57 flu deaths this season but you are losing your shit over 1 measles death which upon investigation would find an immunocompromised child who died of COMORBIDTIES
THIS is why no one trusts your profession.
Also most of us have seen this graph. Your lies don't work anymore
The vaclib site is nonsense. For example compare their measles graph with this one from Our World in Data: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/measles-cases-and-death-rate?yScale=linear&time=earliest..2024
Notice how the death rate plummeted after the introduction of the vaccine in 1963? IOW, the antivaxers are once again caught in lies.
Measles deaths were practically 0 in 1963 before the vaccine was introduced.
Even your GAVI/Bill and Minda Gates foundation graph aligns with what I stated
The core lie in your link is “They clearly show that vaccines had nothing to do with the decline in death rates.”
That’d only be true if you showed all the reasons why a disease DOES kill. But that’d be to admit that yes, it’s whether a person is exposed to a virus, how much of it they get, how well their immune systems respond to the attack and the quality of other care. (George Washington apparently died from having been bled, an unscientific treatment)
We KNOW for a fact that the immune system of a vaccinated person has much better odds of withstanding a microbe invader, and in turn, a well-vaccinated person is much less likely to spread the virus to others
We FURTHER know for a fact that not every person gets vaccinated all at once and that many diseases show up-and-down patterns in when a disease works its way into a population.
Ie, ALL of the major issues in disease fatality are directly reduced by the population (and outsiders who could bring it in) being vaccinated, although in a complicated way
Your “this clearly shows” is garbage
>We KNOW for a fact that the immune system of a vaccinated person has much better odds of withstanding a microbe invader, and in turn, a well-vaccinated person is much less likely to spread the virus to others
Am going ignore your drivel and address this myth
#Harvard-Westlake students were vaccinated. Dozens caught whooping cough anyway
But all of the sick students had been vaccinated against the disease, according to school officials. In fact, all 90 people who have recently come down with pertussis — the official name for whooping cough — in Los Angeles County this year had been immunized against it, according to county officials.
Eighteen students there have not been vaccinated against pertussis, but none of them has caught the illness, school spokesman Ari Engelberg said.
Love this
Don’t you have the flu vaccine?
Am too smart to take that nonsense. But those who died of it surely wish they didn't take it
Nothing to see here.
BillyBob <------- over paid and soon to be unemployed pharma shill
Stay tuned for his comedic posts
If you are commenting it suggests you read dr Offitts column. If you choose a crackpot over science that’s your prorogative but please spread your lies elsewhere
Before the first measles vaccine was licensed in 1963 there were 500 deaths each year of previously healthy children from measles in the US. Measles is not a trivial illness. Yes, it takes two doses of the vaccine to insure immunity, but that immunity is enduring and protective. A death from measles is a preventable death.
What is disappointing about RFK's response is 1) he doesn't know the simple facts, 2) his remarks are dismissive, and 3) he isn't urging an intervention which is known to be effective. Likewise it is disappointing that in this ferocious influenza season, he has chosen to discontinue public health messages about immunization.
The first year of life in any child is the time for the discovery of issues - be they developmental or medical or general issues of thriving. During that first year, many immunizations are provided to insure, as best as possible a healthy childhood. It is not surprising that a parent would associate the recognition of a medical or developmental problem with the administration of a vaccine. Association is not causation. My heart goes out to any parent who faces challenging medical issues in their children. There is nothing more important than our children and children everywhere. However, causation has to be studied by comparing immunized and unimmunized children and these studies have not shown that vaccines are detrimental.
I have been practicing pediatrics for more than 50 years. I have seen the near eradication of many infectious diseases and a meaningful reduction in cervical cancer from HPV vaccines. Vaccines for children have been one of the most significant public health achievements of the 20th century. We will be a sorry society if we don't continue to champion the current vaccines and support the development of new vaccines.
I would add to your comment that "critical thinking" demands "critical data." A search for a demonstrated relationship between HBV vaccination in infants and resultant autoimmune diseases renders 42 pages of citations in the National Library of Medicine, the vast majority of which is irrelevant. The few citations (2009 & 2010) that do speak to the point, refer to a very minor risk elevation in MS in females, but concluded further research was necessary. A single citation (2011) found no association with Type 1 Diabetes. A review titled, "Do Vaccines Have a Role as a Cause of Autoimmune Neurological Syndromes?" concluded,
"Although the rarity of autoimmune diseases makes it difficult to strictly exclude that, albeit exceptionally, some vaccines may induce an autoimmune neurological disease, no definitive demonstration of a potential role of vaccines in causing autoimmune neurological syndromes is presently available. Consequently, the fear of neurological autoimmune disease cannot limit the use of the most important preventive measure presently available against infectious diseases."
Principi, N. and Esposito, S. (2020) Do Vaccines Have a Role as a Cause of Autoimmune Neurological Syndromes? Front.PublicHealth8:361. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2020.00361
Finally, the gold standard for evidence-based medicine - the Cochrane Library (https://www.cochranelibrary.com) - who accepts no outside funding whatsoever, concludes that, one,
"Existing evidence on the safety and effectiveness of MMR/MMRV vaccines support their use for mass immunisation. Campaigns aimed at global eradication should assess epidemiological and socioeconomic situations of the countries as well as the capacity to achieve high vaccination coverage. More evidence is needed to assess whether the protective effect of MMR/MMRV could wane with time since immunisation."
And two,
"Our review shows that MMR, MMRV and MMR+V vaccines are effective in preventing the infection of children by measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox, with no evidence of an increased risk of autism or encephalitis and a small risk of febrile seizure."
Di Pietrantonj C, Rivetti A, Marchione P, Debalini MG, Demicheli V. Vaccines for measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2021, Issue 11. Art. No.: CD004407. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004407.pub5.
Thank you.
Cia Parker needs to read this so she stops spreading deadly disinformation about vaccinations.
Very well said and thank you for saying it. :)
But I think he does know. Medical scientists have been giving him the facts and the evidence for 20 years now! He cannot not know the facts. He is simply lying at this point. His income and prominence depend on his anti-vaccination stance. It seems he is happy to trade the health and lives of children to maintain his income. Spare no thought for him, he is a despicable human being.
450 deaths from measles a year out of three to four million cases. That is very low mortality.
Except for the families concerned, especially since it is a preventable disease and if 95%+ of adults are population are vaccinated stops the virus in its tracks. Also there are other non fatal but disabling effects and in rare cases a terminal disease develops 7-10 years after the acute infection.
Measles is a notifiable disease in the U.K. , thus we have statistics available. The vaccine was introduced to the U.K. in 1968.
It’s amazing how cavalier and non empathetic people can be about mortality rates of preventable diseases when it’s not personally impacting them.
Oh look, a non referenced graph from an anti vaccine propaganda website. Confronted with these overwhelming pictures with absolutely no sources cited, call me convinced.
DR Suzanne Humpheries and Dr Thomas Cowan (among others) have written about this subject. Their books contain references to sourced data from Health Ministries and Data kept since 1900
But you are a provaxxer. You morons don't read books and research material so I just post the link to the graphs to make my point instead
Dr. Suzanne Humphries (yeah, you can't even spell your hero's name!) and Dr. Thomas Cowan are goddamn fringe doctors whose claims have been repeatedly and completely debunked.
Cowan does not even believe viruses cause disease.
Both are goddamn cranks
Rombios I am not pro anything. Like most of us, I am just trying to stay as informed as possible.
I admit I have been facetious and “trolling” in our interactions. I was just feeding off of your energy. Honestly, I meant no insult or harm.
I actually do read as much as I can on several topics. I am generally a curious person. Saying I do not read is just an unsubstantiated assumption and insult on your behalf. I don’t take offense though. Reading some of your other posts, it’s apparent that a lot of your rebuttals and arguments quickly turn into insidious insults.
“Research” is a very broad and undefined term this day and age. It can mean reading and accurately interpreting peer reviewed literature, watching YouTube videos, reading books by charlatans, sharing people’s anecdotal experiences or browsing Internet forums.
I am sure the people you have mentioned have wrote some compelling literature. Lots of people have. I have not read anything from them that I am aware of. But I do not doubt there are some merits to their writing.
Take care.
Those LYING graphs again.
Truth hurts.
It took that knowledge to wake me up (along with 40 books written on this subject).
It remains posted in the hopes it will help others too
450 deaths in children is NOT a "very low" mortality. What is wrong with you? You are so blindly against vaccination that you are prepared to accept 450 deaths a year from a vaccination-preventable disease? WTF is wrong with you?
In any case, the death rate in 3rd world countries is 1 in 10, reduced in developed nations to 1 in a 1000.
So, you are also LYING, which makes this even more despicable.
The number of measles cases in USA runs in the dozens to few hundred yearly, you feckless cunt.
There was a peak in 2019 of about 1200.
Dr Offit
I commend your resolve to speak truth to truth, while being verbally assaulted by on-line vitriol that is anything but civil.
Those who choose to shout back at me, save your energy my comment is simply to laud Dr Offit's commitment to the health of your fellow Americans & ask for his comment to my question.
Dr. Offit
I have asked other knowledgeable contributers to Substack as to the risk of newborns being infected with measles prior to being vaccinated 🙏🤞
The paradigm as I had understood the newborn has (most often) passive immunity for measles until ~ 9 months but I have recently learned this is not the case.
In fact, passive immunity be it from natural or vaccination wains within several months...3-4 mo's, compounded by a difference related to the mothers source of immunity .
We obviously cannot vaccinate the pregnant mom & vaccinating the newborn (less than 6-9 mo's) presents additional challenges with their retained immunity going forward.
Thank you in advance for your consideration. JJF Phm 🇨🇦
In the U.K. MMR is administered when the infant turns 1 with a booster at 3 years 4 months
Last I checked it wasn't mandatory
No vaccine or medical intervention is mandatory in the U.K. the only vaccination that was mandatory prior to the establishment of the NHS was smallpox.
And look how THAT turned out. It's failure in Leichester was the birth of the anti vaxx movement
By the way it’s Leicester, I know because I live 10 miles away and used to work in the city.
“ Leicester actually escaped relatively lightly, with 370 cases - a rate of 20.5 cases per 10,000 of the population - resulting in 21 deaths. This was a far lower figure of cases than in some well-vaccinated towns like Warrington (125) and Sheffield (144).
Anti-vaccinationists were triumphant, claiming the Leicester method had been proven.
Mr Tetro said: "The so-called marvellous success of the Leicester method was based on the fact it used a tried and true method of notification and quarantine in combination with the benefit of a hospital and the use of a type of ring vaccination in which healthcare staff were vaccinated.
"In a small population, this can work but as the population grows, this method becomes untenable.
"This was seen in 1893 when people had to resort to staying at home instead of being cared for in a hospital during an epidemic that led to hundreds of infections."”
For the full history you need to read this:
No.this does
1) https://lettreelectronique.wordpress.com/2021/11/25/mises-wiresmallpox-the-historical-myths-behind-mandatory-vaccines
2) https://thevaccinereaction.org/2017/05/dr-vernon-coleman-on-how-the-smallpox-vaccine-did-not-eradicate-smallpox
3) https://viroliegy.com/2022/01/05/was-smallpox-really-eradicated
If the measles vaccination rate is above 95% there is virtually no risk to children under the age of 1.
Maternal antibodies start to wane around 3 to 6 months of age. By 6 months, most infants have antibody levels below the protective threshold, making them susceptible to measles if exposed. So, if you are travelling to a country with a low measles vaccination rate, a dose of measles vaccine for children between 6 and 12 months of age is recommended. That could also apply if you intend visiting US states with low measles vaccination rates especially if there is a measles outbreak.
However, a child can become infected before 6 months and vaccinations are not recommended below this age because of immunological immaturity, so always keep your child safe, especially during an outbreak. Childcare is a particular risk in areas with low vaccination rates
He's only concern is to protect the position of his rotavirus vaccine (and licensing agreement) on the CDC vaccination schedule
Nothing to see here.
AND !!! The big pharma argument is really tired now. They’re not above reproach but childhood vaccines is not the next Tesla, or crypto, or AI
Vaccines have saved huge numbers of lives. The eradication of deadly smallpox alone was a huge accomplishment.
That's a lie.
Dr Cole
One of the medical professions greatest boasts is that it eradicated smallpox through the use of a vaccine. I myself believed this claim for many years. But it isn’t true.
One of the worst smallpox epidemics of all time took place in England between 1870 and 1872 - nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced. After this evidence that smallpox vaccination didn't work the people of Leicester in the English Midlands refused to have the vaccine any more. When the next smallpox epidemic struck in the early 1890s the people of Leicester relied upon good sanitation and a system of quarantine. There was only one death from smallpox in Leicester during that epidemic. In contrast the citizens of other towns (who had been vaccinated) died in vast numbers.
Obligatory vaccination against smallpox was introduced in Germany as a result of state by-laws, but these vaccination programmes had no influence on the incidence of the disease. On the contrary, the smallpox epidemic continued to grow and in 1870 Germany had the gravest smallpox epidemic in its history. At that point the new German Reich introduced a new national law making vaccination against smallpox an even stricter legal requirement. The police were given the power to enforce the new law.
German doctors (and medical students) are taught that it was the Reich Vaccination Law which led to a dramatic reduction in the incidence of smallpox in Germany. But a close look at the figures shows that the incidence of smallpox had already started to fall before the law came into action. And the legally enforced national smallpox vaccination programme did not eradicate the disease.
Doctors and drug companies may not like it but the truth is that surveillance, quarantine and better living conditions got rid of smallpox - not the smallpox vaccine.
When the international campaign to rid the world of smallpox was at its height the number of cases of smallpox went up each time there was a large scale (and expensive) mass vaccination of populations in susceptible countries. As a result of this the strategy was changed. Mass vaccination programmes were abandoned and replaced with surveillance, isolation and quarantine.
The myth that smallpox was eradicated through a mass vaccination programme is just that - a myth. Smallpox was eradicated through identifying and isolating patients with the disease.
Doctor COLE!!! Too funny.
BillBob, even funnier
rombios not even funny.
Especially when children are their victims.
A thoroughly disgusting human being.
Pot Kettle Black
Whats disgusting is calling loving parents (who have pointed out the damage to their childrens health after vaccination) liars and uncaring.
All so you can defend your handlers steady $ paycheck
Theres a special place in hell for the likes of you and if you ever have children kharma may make its visit
In the end youve got RFKjr at the HHS and similar minded truth seekers to staff the FDA/NIH/CDC
Lets see how lolng your denials can withstand the tsunami of data thats coming
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-50713991 Tells the whole story
No.this does
1) https://lettreelectronique.wordpress.com/2021/11/25/mises-wiresmallpox-the-historical-myths-behind-mandatory-vaccines
2) https://thevaccinereaction.org/2017/05/dr-vernon-coleman-on-how-the-smallpox-vaccine-did-not-eradicate-smallpox
3) https://viroliegy.com/2022/01/05/was-smallpox-really-eradicated
What is REALLY tired is the "Pharma Shill" argument.
Go back to sleep, son.
I am not anti-vaccine… But I am a critical thinker, and my daughter, my first born, ended up with a rare autoimmune disorder as a baby after she had the hepatitis B series… Vaccines do injure people, people need to be smart and know their family histories, and physicians need to be smarter and work with people so that they don'tinjure their patients with vaccines. It's not black-and-white and I can't believe that physicians actually think it is, that is the real harm.
"I am not anti-vaccine…"
"But I am a critical thinker"
YOU are not a critical thinker.
A critical thinker would follow the childhood vaccination schedule.
"my first born, ended up with a rare autoimmune disorder"
No vaccine has ever caused an autoimmune disorder.
"It's not black-and-white a"
It IS black and white.
If you do not immunise your children you are putting your child at risl of death from a vaccine-preventable disease
Bwahaa the over paid pharma shill.
You don't get tell a parent what they will or will not do.
Following the CDC vaccination is tantamount to a death sentence for your child in the worst case or outright stunted development otherwise. Only a fool would pollute their bloodstream and damage their natural immunity with liability shielded drugs (only vaccines)
That's why NONE of my children are vaccinated and never will as long as I draw breath
There are over 1200 adverse events admitted to by the drug companies. Some of these include paralysis and death.
Damages to your child are your problem as you can't take action directly against those manufacturers
VICP has paid out over 5 billion in compensation from less than 1% of reports ...RFKjr vows to make VAERS mandatory so imagine when 99% report their problems
And of course vaccines are proven useless since 98% of mortality rates from childhood illnesses decreased before vaccines were introduced
And the largest increase of chronic diseases occurred after we went from 6 $$$shots to 72 $$$hots
Anyone who starts a post with Bwahaa is a serious individual and means business.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
That’s actually funny as hell rombios.
What “rare autoimmune disorder?”
“I am a critical thinker” wrote no one normal.
It's $$$$
The fact that these LIABILITY shielded drugs are still being pumped into children blows my mind
They are not liability shielded drugs, even in the USA. In fact the legislation from the mid 1980’s has a very low bar when it comes to the federal government paying out compensation, Paul Offit explained this a while ago on the microbe tv channel on YouTube.
You clearly dont know what a liability shield is.
Point is; vaccines have a special legistlation (that circumvents our justice system) that NO OTHER DRUGS OR PRODUCTS in the United States enjoy
That should give you pause. Massive red flags
Imagine if Vioxx or Phen-fen (given the deaths and damages they caused before getting pulled off the market) were protected by the national childhood vaccination act/CARES act/PREP act?
As I understand it there’s nothing stopping an American citizen from suing the pharmaceutical companies, which I got from a Paul Offit has said previously.
The antivaxers are going to learn the hard way. FAFO!
Watch out, rombios has some indisputable and totally random graphs that will stop your arguments in their tracks.
There are NO antivaxxer parents scrambling to put those toxins into their childrens bloodstream. Cope harder
Nothing to see here.
Thats not how the world works. You dont get to dismiss inconvenient facts.
And you don't have the reality stone with which to impose your will
Every death of a child for any reason is a tragedy, the death of this six-year old girl included. Few details have been released, but some local nurses have said that health care providers have been told to vax as many as possible with MMR, including post-exposure. They are reported to have said that this previously unvaxxed girl was given the MMR when she was already symptomatic for measles, likely with a fever, which is contraindicated. She was not given vitamin A drops, which it is advisable that all measles patients do.
It was very unusual that a child die from measles, and it is likely that these two factors played an important roke in her death.
That's interesting. Where did the reports that a Mennonite girl from a vaccine hesitant community received a vaccine post disease transmittal come from? Vitamin A is recommended by WHO for children in poor countries where the population is already deficient in Vitamin A but it’s not a panacea. As far as “it is likely that these two factors played an important role in her death”, this is some tier one ill informed Internet forum troll stuff. No body but the doctors on the ground treating these patients is in a position to diagnose and assign likely causes of death.
The outbreak is said to have started in a Mennonite community, but it has spread out from there, as contagious diseases do. It has not been reported that the girl was Mennonite. I saw something about someone having talked to a maid who worked at the girl’s house, which would suggest that the family had the means of the upper class. There are, of course, other interpretations possible.
Vitamin A is not a panacea, but it’s close. It reduces mortality by as much as 90%, prevents eye damage and blindness, and prevents complications or shortens their duration. It is used by less than half of health care providers in the US. I think it’s through arrogance, to separate Americans with measles from Third Worlders with measles. A class thing, I guess. Or maybe it’s How DARE you not take the MMR, you DESERVE to -!
I have a link, I’ll get it.
Cia, thanks for sharing. I just gotta say, this article is by the Children’s Health Defense, who bias in the vaccine hesitant direction. Just my opinion, but I think they seem to be more of a propaganda machine than a trusted source of credible information. The article mentions an unnamed medical doctor’s reports via third party text messages. So, this is speculation at best.
From what I have read, Vitamin A absolutely is capable of accomplishing the things you mentioned in humans who are Vitamin A deficient. This is why the WHO absolutely recommends that Vitamin A be administered as measles treatment in third world countries who suffer from malnutrition and by proxy Vitamin A deficiency. The WHO is not waging class warfare, they are making recommendations for communities outside of the US. The US is not their focus.
All of that being said, give Vitamin A to your measles afflicted children if that’s what you want to do.
I was only questioning your comment about “likely” causes of death. Especially when using a CHD article as part of the evidence.
I can see you are very concerned with the well being of these children. I can appreciate that.
All children presenting with measles should receive:
1) Vitamins do not prevent measles.
2) Giving high doses of vitamins can be dangerous.
3) The best way to prevent measles is through vaccination.
>1) Vitamins do not prevent measles
Neither do vacvines
Measles Can Transmit
Feb 25, 2025
Measles in Vaccinated People: Epidemiology and Challenges in Surveillance and
Diagnosis in the Post-Elimination Phase. Spain, 2014–2020
No its not, vaccine pusher. Stop your lies its getting tiresome
**When mortality rates to childhood illnesses have dropped by 95-98% BEFORE vaccines were introduced then it had nothing to do with vaccines**
Anyone who cares to google it will find many studies showing the benefits of two doses of A for measles patients. Yet here we see that Lubbock experts tell families to NOT give A. Boy, I can’t think of any good reason. It saves lives. The measles virus eats through existing stores of vitamin A very fast, so that even those who had enough before measles may be deficient during. I am at a loss. The only possible reason is arrogant irresponsibility. Not giving it to this girl compromised by the MMR when symptomatic for measles may have caused her death.
THIS is "arrogant irresponsibility":
"this girl compromised by the MMR when symptomatic for measles may have caused her death"
And it is rumour mongering about vaccines.
And the intent is to produce negative verbiage about the measles vaccine.
Something has been lost in translation in that article because the message is
1) Vitamin A does NOT PREVENT measles.
2) The measles vaccine DOES prevent measles
- 1 dose is 95% effective.
- 2 doses is 97% effective.
3) Vitamin A is part of the measles TREATMENT protocol.
Good information, everyone with measles benefits from two doses of vitamin A. It is VERY strange this animus against it. One more contrasting link in a minute.
No one trusts doctor diagnosis anymore. Especially after COVID. That profession has been captured by pharma giants
Hell they were assigning "COVID" as cause of death for motorcycle accidents, drownings, suicides, homicide 5 years ago
#Man who died in motorcycle crash counted as COVID-19 death in Florida: Report
The person who died of a motorcycle accident was only TEMPORARILY categorised as a COVID-19 death. The death certificates that contain the final cause of death take months to work through the system so, for the real time management of the pandemic response no time is wasted and all deaths with, or as a result of, COVID-19 are TEMPORAILY classified as COVID-19 deaths because it hardly makes any difference to the total and valuable time is saved in responding to the surges in cases.
# Nolte: NY Times Reports Coronavirus Deaths Overcounted by 30% … on Paragraph 17
# Johns Hopkins Study Explodes COVID Death Hoax; It’s Re-Labeling on a Grand Scale
# In Colorado, They're Counting Gun Shot Fatalities as COVID Deaths
# Ontario (Canada) Admits Labelling Deaths As COVID When They’re Not A Result of COVID
# In March, US Deaths from COVID-19 Totaled Less Than 2 Percent of All Deaths
# Minnesota lawmakers say coronavirus deaths could be inflated by 40% after reviewing death certificates
# Grand County Coroner Raises Concern On Deaths Among COVID Cases
# 'The numbers are skewed': Colorado officials warn of inflated COVID death statistics
# Massive Pandemic Data Fraud Exposed: 40% of ‘Covid Deaths’ Were Fabricated
# There Is No Pandemic
Lol. Maybe answer your own question
#Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.
No one cares what the WHO recommends. This child likely died of COMORBIDTIES but the "measles" angle gets spun to gin.up.the fear narrative
The indication has been that this was a healthy child.
Wrong. There is no such indication.
This child was vaccinated and immune compromised to boot
Meaning? Very little has been said about her. What have you learned about her. The nurses are reported to have been shocked that she was given the MMR when she was symptomatic for measles. So last week. Since she died on Wednesday, she must have been starting to be sick at that time.
If you have additional information, please post it. I think first that the girl’s parents have already talked to a lawyer about suing the HCP and have been told not to talk about it. Also sure that Lubbock HCPs are circling the wagons themselves. If she had not been given the MMR when sick, or if she had been given vitamin A drops, I think that out of concern for public health they would have said so, as the infotmation is important for families to know during measles outbreaks. The silence is telling.
The rumour mongering is telling.
Feeling guilty for contributing to that child's death, are you?
Please confirm the following rumour mongering talking points:
1) that the child was vaccinated while symptomatic for measles.
2) that nurses were shocked (which nurses?)
3) that the parents have already talked to a lawyer about suing the HCP.
4) that the HCP is circling the wagons.
The only available public information is that the child was unvaccinated.
THAT is the detail you are desperately trying to distract from.
Because, having spread deadly disinformation about the MMR vaccination, that would make YOU at least partly responsible for that child's death .
This person assigned a likely cause of this girls death to the fact that she wasn’t given Vitamin A. So, whether they are aware of it or not, they recommend WHO guide lines. And there’s that word “likely” again. I guess you are either clairvoyant or you were on on the scene to witness the poor child’s treatment?
And no one trusts doctors diagnosis? Wow, you are potentially speaking for billions of people. I guess that makes you omnipotent. Now you’re taking about COVID? You’re all over the place little buddy.
Are you addressing me? No, I don’t trust doctors’ diagnoses. Too much politics involved.
I don’t consider myself to be dogmatic. I consider evidence and decide what I believe. I might later change my mind. I have read a lot about it and am certain that vitamin A is often lifesaving. I would not draw boundaries and say that all Third World children under one year old need it, but no First World person over the age of one. I bought a bottle of A drops on Amazon two weeks ago, just in case. It’s cheap, easy, might save your life or prevent disability.
She is said to have died of pneumonia, the most common cause of measles deaths. She would not have gotten pneumonia if she had not gotten measles. She was unlikely to get pneumonia had she kept strict bed rest in a warm room, but not many Americans know that it is important to do so when nursing measles. Probably they thought that belatedly giving her the holy elixir, the MMR, would miraculously heal her, assuming they thought at all. And every vaccine dimishes immune function for about a month. She was not given the advantage of vitamin A.
Where is the compassion for deaths and injuries from the MMR vaccine and ALL the other vaccines? I have a profoundly disabled daughter caused by vaccine injury and dozens of friends with disabled and dead children. Or do they not matter? RFKjr: “I want people to think when they use the term “antivax parent” they should be thinking of a parent with a disabled child because THAT’S WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE”
"deaths ... from the MMR vaccine"
NOBODY has ever died from the MMR vaccine.
"Where is the compassion for deaths and injuries from ... the other vaccines?"
They are compensated through the vaccine court.
"I have a profoundly disabled daughter caused by vaccine injury and dozens of friends with disabled and dead children."
You couldn't possibly have that many friends that you have dozens who are vaccine injured.
" RFKjr: “I want people to think when they use the term “antivax parent” they should be thinking of a parent with a disabled child because THAT’S WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE”"
That filthy creature has been lying about vaccines for 25 years. He makes millions of dollars every year from his anti-vaccine activities. YOU are nothing more than a USEFUL FOOL to him.
"They are compensated through the vaccine court." BS Have you ever tried fighting a case in vaccine court? I personally know several families with documented injury cases that were thrown out. So, you're saying as long as vaccine court pays for deaths and injuries it's OK??? What about the families and children? You people are nut jobs. And guess who IS supporting these INJURED adult children now? THE TAXPAYERS. The only one lying here is the pharma shills. RFKjr has stood by families of vaccine injured children for years, and NO he's not making "millions of dollars" from us (most of us are flat broke raising children who were injured). Keep your delusional thoughts to yourself, nobody in their right mind believes your nonsense any longer.
Wayne Rhodes book:
"the vaccine court: the dark truth about Americas vaccine injury compensation program" was an EYE OPENER
A special closed adversarial "court", with a number of SEVERITY CLAUSES (one of which include displaying residual effects and disability for at least 6 months ; another is that they must show proof the disability resulted in impatient hospitalization and surgical intervention)
My wife and I knew then we were never going to waste time playing this rigged game years ago when our first child was born
You can't see that your heartless response and refusal to acknowledge adverse events is why RFKjr sits at the HHS.
It will be why the National Childhood Vaccination Act will be repealed along with CARES and PREP acts
It's sad you can't see how your actions and those of your ilk are forcing needed change.
Keep at it.
Keep lambasting parents of vaccine injured children, it will continue to bolster the public support that will bring this whole house crashing in on your head
How does anyone know that a vaccine caused the injury? You’re just saying it doesn’t make it so.
And your denying it makes it so?.
You idiots cant see that your stubborn refusal to acknowledge the truth and hold pharmaceutical giants accountable is why RFKjr sits at the HHS and why this whole vaccine nonesense house of cards will be brought down to it's knees
Each parent you deny, criticize, denounce, accuse of lying bolsters the public support necessary to end this garbage
So thanks keep at it
So why a Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation program? Are you saying vaccine injuries don’t happen? Never? They do. Just rarely acknowledged.
So, has your child been compensated through the Vaccine Court?
I assumed not because you claimed nobody has shown compassion.
Offit is as shameless as he is unhinged. You’ve got to give the windbag credit though, the more he is discredited, the louder his idiocy… measles is nowhere near the threat to children than his horrific anti-human ideology
Please get lost you ignorant fool.
where is the PROOF that any "vaccine" is safe & effective?
It's in your filthy cunt, along with a maggot-infested turkey leg and 300 mls of Rottweiler semen.
ALL the vaccines on the market have proven to be safe and effective.
If you want the evidence, all you need to do is read it. There are 800 pages of evidence on the mRNA vaccines alone. Knock yourself out, but don't come crying that there is no evidence simply because you refuse to read it.
None is always safe, but you can see from observation that the polio and DT vaccines are usually safe. Most of the others are not. Same for effective. The pertussis, flu, and Covid vaccines are not effective. Most are very effective. Look around you. Shortly after the diphtheria, measles, Hib, chicken pox, and rubella vaccines were introduced, the diseases nearly disappeared.
You still have to do a risk/benefits calculation.
Please stop LYING.
You cannot claim there is no evidence of safety and effectiveness simply because you refuse to read it.
There are 800 pages of evidence for the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines. Read them and educate yourself or STFU already.
Wrong. 98% of mortality rates due to childhood illnesses were gone before vaccines were introduced
Ergo, NOTHING to do with vaccines
No they are not. Polio is not a virus. It's cause is environmental - DDT and LEAD ARSENATE based pesticides
Tell that to the children who die from measles. Too bad you can’t ask them if they wished their parents had listened to Dr. Offit instead of to unqualified internet influencers.
1 ALLEGED "measels" death vs 57 flu deaths this season. Give it a rest..no ones falling for this anymore
i can’t; their dead moron, but you tell the thousands of children dying everyday from
mal- nutrition, poverty , adverse drug/medical treatment! get vax’d with another poison
Edward <-- "moron"
Nothing to see here.
Two sides. If you are afraid of measles, the vaccine is effective. If you are afraid of the many reactions to MMR, or if you want the benefits of natural measles, you should learn how to nurse it, and go from there.
That makes absolutely no sense.
There are NO benefits of a measles infection. The virus invades the body of your young child and damages it. It can cause deafness, pneumonia, encephalitis, and death. A measles infection wipes your child's T cell memory for up to 3 years making her susceptible to infections from which she was previously immune.
And risk SSPE. Up to you.
so what? He’s also a zealot. just glad he finally being removed from vax committee! Bobby kicking his ass to the curb. purported expertise no longer needed, good ridden. did enough damage
Yes, dead child—always horrific no matter cause—but we don’t know what the child actually died of.., but regardless, offit’s exploitation of the reported death an hour after RFKjr is confirmed, is horrific and it deflects from more pressing health issues…he has no integrity, he isfinancially conflicted—he is a liar, and most abhorrent of all, he relies on “smearing” people who don’t buy into his vax religion or his “purported bs science”. he should not be chiming in on anything related to the health of children
Except of course he is a pediatrician. What is your expertise?
>Except of course he is a pediatrician
Hes s grifter concerned with his pharma stock options and license agreement proceeds he enjoys from his rotavirus vaccine remaining on the CDC childhood vaccination schedule
Edward <-- "as shameless as he is unhinged"
A big windbag.
A child just died of a vaccine preventable disease.
THAT is what is HORRIFIC.
None. It's alleged. Just like motorcycle accidents listed as COVID deaths in 2020
Any concern with the 57 flu deaths among the vaccinated this flu season?
57? There have been 10s of thousands of flu deaths so far this season. But does that somehow minimize the severity of measles deaths where the vaccine is much more effective, so effective in fact that the disease would be eliminated just like small pox if everyone would take it. What an achievement for humankind that would be.
**When mortality rates to childhood illnesses have dropped by 95-98% BEFORE vaccines were introduced then it had nothing to do with vaccines**
#Smallpox: The Historical Myths behind Mandatory Vaccines
# Smallpox vaccine did not eradicate smallpox
#Was smallpx really eradicated ?
Like Covid every death will be propagandized regardless of whether it’s with verse from the disease. Worth guys like Offit celebrate the death and hope for more to fuel the fear they want. They misrepresent the failings of the vaccine program, the fact that they never eliminates measles as they claimed with a one and done treatment back before they rolled it out. The fact that a percentage of people mount zero immune response from vaccination and another percentage that have a response too low to provide any protection and the fact they protection wanes and the proposed solution is ever more boosters. And that’s just the effectiveness side, the shots have so many side effects that are covered up by manipulated studies. The proponent are well aware of these problems but downplay them. The whole vaccination racket is an experiment with outcomes that were never anticipated. We would have been better off if Reagan refused to give relief from liability in 1986 and pharma followed through with their threat and exited making vaccines.
Spew your unfounded, unsupported, bull shit somewhere else. Published Data, details, analysis, prove you are just spitballing anti vax propaganda. You people have become tiresome. Here's hoping Darwins principles eliminate you and your ilk from the gene pool.
Wrong there is plenty of studies and data that support just that. Vaccines have not lived up to the hype.
Flu shots are another failed experiment
Hey Dag--X is -not- a reliable scientific source. How about citing a PNAS, Science or Nature paper to support your contention? Let me save u time-- no solid, repeatable studies to be found.
Oh, all the jounals which swore up and down for years that the Covid virus was natural in origin?
ALL the scientific evidence supports the conclusion that the SARS-CoV-2 virus evolved in nature and spilled over into the human population at the Huanan market. After 5 years there is still NO scientific evidence for a lab leak. You've been fooled by a politically motivated witch hunt in the US congress. This is a scientific question, not a political question.
If it was a scientific issue your side wouldn't be hiding adverse event and clinical trial data for 75 years past the life expectancy of the adults who took the jab
#Why a Judge Ordered FDA to Release Covid-19 Vaccine Data Pronto
Wrong. CONvid is a lie.. It's a lab manufactured gain of function flu derivative.
And that's been largely acknowledged
Sharyl Attkisson! :)
Sharyl Attkisson is a friggin' reporter, not a scientist, you silly thing.
Do you take your decayed tooth to your mechanic to fix?
* **"Butchered by Healthcare"** by Dr Robert Yoho MD
* **"Good bye Germ theory: ending a century of medical fraud and how to protect your family"** by Dr. William P. Trebing
* **"Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History"** By Dr Suzanne Humphries MD
* **"What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Childrens Vaccinations"** by Dr Stephanie Cave, MD
* **"Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion Dollar Profits at our expense"** by Dr Claus Kohnlein MD, Dr Samantha Bailey MD, Dr Stefano Scoglio Bsc PhD
* **"Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing nature of childhood Illnesses"** by Dr Thomas Cowen MD
* **"Inventing the AIDS virus"** by Peter Duesberg
* **"The vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of Americas Vaccine Injury Compensation Program"** by Wayne Rhodes
* **"Vaccine Injuries; Documented Adverse Reactions to Vaccines"** by Louis Conte and Tony Lyons
* **"Jabbed: How the vaccine industry, medical establishment and government stick it to you and your family"** by Brett Wilcox
* **"How to raise a healthy child in spite of your Doctor"** by Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD
* **"The Unvaccinated Child: A treatment guide for parents and caregivers"** by Judith Thompson ND, Eli Camp ND
* **"Corona False alarm" Facts and figures"** by Dr Karina Reiss and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
* **"The Real Anthony Fauchi: Bill Gates Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health"** by Robert F Kennedy Jr
* **"Vax-Unvax: Let the science speak"**
* **"Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Myth and Science"**
This creepy little guy debunks himself.
Look at that list of quacks, cranks, and con artists
Science isn't a popularity contest and its not judged by consensus.
So medical doctors and research scientists who dont tow your line are quacks, cranks and con artists?
But the likes of Dr PR-offit ( note the spelling) who financially benefit from a system that increased chronic disorders multi fold and autism rates to 1 in 36 from 1 in 10,000 are the standard?
Got it.
But again, each passing day, YOU are losing that argument thats why youve got an RFKjr at the HHS and Jay Bhattacharya at the NIH
But carry on
Hey Dag--X is -not- a reliable scientific source. How about citing a PNAS, Science or Nature paper to support your contention? Let me save u time-- no solid, repeatable studies to be found.
Hey Kim, a link to CBS from 2006 is fine. It’s nice that you guys are starting to sit up and take notice that you don’t control all of the media about longer. You know no one is stopping you from taking all the shots you want and everyone I could think of would be happy for you to do that. You should be happy just the same for those that don’t want them. How about smoking, is that bad for you? It took the surgeon general 14 years to declare they caused cancer after Bradford Hill had demonstrated a causal link, but that was fake to the 3 out of 5 doctors that recommended camels. Keep worshiping at the altar of pharma if you like.
Total garbage.
You guys approach the subject like it’s religion. Sure hope you can get over that otherwise the vaxx verse unvaxxed studies that are about to surface will make you go mental.
No religion--we just have the education, credentials, and experience that allows us to process the info and come up with logical, data supported conclusions. Science isn't a belief system, we don't care what your "opinion" is, or what kind of pseudoscience you are finding in popular press, TV, or social media. We follow the data where it leads us. Done now--wasted enough time trying to convince the stubborn masses. In the meantime--don't access any medical treatments (meds) put forth by "big Pharma"--save them for the rest of us.
Educated, you just believe one side of an argument. You do realize the best educated were prepared to lock up those that questioned the earth going around the sun at one time. You’re either part of the manipulated or you’re one of the ones doing the manipulating. Brave yourself for the vaxxed unvaxxed studies, whether it is more allergies, ear infections, asthma, you name it the vaccinated are unhealthy compared to the unvaccinated.
* **"Butchered by Healthcare"** by Dr Robert Yoho MD
* **"Good bye Germ theory: ending a century of medical fraud and how to protect your family"** by Dr. William P. Trebing
* **"Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History"** By Dr Suzanne Humphries MD
* **"What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Childrens Vaccinations"** by Dr Stephanie Cave, MD
* **"Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion Dollar Profits at our expense"** by Dr Claus Kohnlein MD, Dr Samantha Bailey MD, Dr Stefano Scoglio Bsc PhD
* **"Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing nature of childhood Illnesses"** by Dr Thomas Cowen MD
* **"Inventing the AIDS virus"** by Peter Duesberg
* **"The vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of Americas Vaccine Injury Compensation Program"** by Wayne Rhodes
* **"Vaccine Injuries; Documented Adverse Reactions to Vaccines"** by Louis Conte and Tony Lyons
* **"Jabbed: How the vaccine industry, medical establishment and government stick it to you and your family"** by Brett Wilcox
* **"How to raise a healthy child in spite of your Doctor"** by Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD
* **"The Unvaccinated Child: A treatment guide for parents and caregivers"** by Judith Thompson ND, Eli Camp ND
* **"Corona False alarm" Facts and figures"** by Dr Karina Reiss and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
* **"The Real Anthony Fauchi: Bill Gates Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health"** by Robert F Kennedy Jr
* **"Vax-Unvax: Let the science speak"**
* **"Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Myth and Science"**
Dag Waddell <--- "You guys approach the subject like it’s religion"
Dag---It's "there are" "studies" are plural.
Please include the hep-B vaccine, which caused vaccine encephalitis and autism in my daughter. And the DTaP: the booster at 18 months erased her only two words, and she was diagnosed with autism two months later.
Stop lying about your child.
You are putting other children at risk of death from vaccine preventable diseases.
The hepatitis vaccine does NOT cause encephalitis or autism.
The DTaP vaccine does NOT cause intellectual impairment.
Keep attacking parents. You can't see that that's the reason public support put RFKjr at the HHS
Your refusal to acknowledge reality
You are either grossly ill-informed or have purposely contrived this statement. There is exactly one single citation in the National Library of Medicine related to HBV vaccine and vaccine encephalitis; it is from 2009 and describes HIV & coinfecting tropical diseases. There is absolutely no association to autism in any shape or form. The association of the DTaP vaccine you claim with autism is purely coincidence.
Read Judy Converse’s When Your Doctor is Wong: The Hepatitis-B Vaccine and Autism. The same thing happened to her son Ben as to my daughter. Read tge transcript of the congressional safety heating on tge hep B vaccine, especially the death of Laila Belkin. Read A Shot in the Dark. The acellular pertussis vaccine causes fewer mild side effects, but just as many serious ones like autism and seizure disorders as the whole-cell DPT.
You’re just hoping to program readers’ minds. You know I am honestly reporting what happened to us.
You have yourself to blame if you believe a complete non-entity like Judy Converse who simply wrote from flawed personal experience and no expertise. She has no scientific or medical expertise.
Good point, sorry to hear, there are so many like you and your daughter.
If Darwin is eliminating us, why are you fighting so hard to keep the antivaxx knowledge base from growing?
Dag Waddell <--- BLATANT LIAR.
Nothing to see here.
Billy your anger or frustration is getting the best of you. Why would you care so much around skeptical opinions on vaccines? Shouldn’t skeptics be embraced as they challenge the system to be better. The reality is there is much that is not known about the safety or effectiveness of vaccines. When a panel commissioned by the CDC concludes that there is not enough or no information available one way or the other to make final determination on vaccines you can be sure there is a lot of work to be done to understand them. They have been one big experiment that goes differently than theorized. Take Covid for example, the mRNA shot did not act anything like we were told it would. Who could possibly be against digging into the matter of vaccines to see if they can be fixed to work as desired and not injure many that take them. Your anger is an obvious problem for you, it must get in the way of being productive.
Meanwhile the covid vaccines saved 3 million lives while this @r$e hole did his best to terminate as many lives as possible with deadly disinformation.
Looks like you spoke too soon. Have you seen the news? The same day as your post: Here RFK Jr. is saying all the things you accused him of not saying in your hit piece.
Nothing more to say. How sad for all the children on the spectrum whose parents are afraid to vaccinate them. Double whammy
Everyone should recognize that Dr. Offit is engaging in what in more honest times was called a "Guerilla Marketing Campaign". The pharmaceutical industry is rife with this sort of marketing. Pharmaceutical sales reps, like Dr. Offit masquerading as public health and "Doctors" use children as their main marketing ploy to entice and force you if you don't comply with purchasing their shoddily made medical products.
No one should be fooled by this anymore. The more children they can claim died due to lack of vaccination the more bellicose they become until they can have laws changed to force you and local governments to buy product and force you and your family to consume their product.
These people are malevolent and you have to look at them for what they are.
How did my family, friends and I survive measles without a vaccine? We’re we just healthier than kids now?
There is no valid reason to allow the excuse "religion" to allow parents to not allow their kids to be vaccinated. However, these stupid people are why we're here.