The anti-vaccine movement did not benefit from the covid-19 pandemic. It has been bolstered by the illegal and unethical attempts to mandate the covid shots and all of the dishonesty that the public health community has used to promote them.

The pathway back to public trust in vaccines is:

1. Apologies for the covid shot mandates with restitution for anyone pushed out, fired, or injured.

2. Stop the rubber stamp approval of new covid boosters. Subject them to RCTs like other new drugs.

3. Remove covid shots from the CDC childhood vaccine schedule.

4. CDC should grade vaccine recommendations and quality of evidence on a scale as other medical professional societies do for their recommendations.

4. Reform VRBAC and ACIP vaccine approval process to eliminate all conflicts of interest. Continue to increase transparency by publishing a clear summary of all meetings.

5. Strengthen VAERS and other post-market product surveillance. The public needs to have confidence that safety signals are being actively sought and acted upon.

6. Continue to allow medical and religious exemptions for childhood vaccines without discriminating against these children

7. The practice of abandoning children whose parents decline vaccines should be renounced by the pediatrics profession as unethical.

The public health community has inflicted massive injury on public trust in vaccines through covid overreach in general and the covid shots in particular. The pathway back is going to be very hard. Vilifying those who are raising questions about our process is only going to polarize the country more and strengthen this movement.

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Thank you, Dr. Marine, for this intelligent, rational response to Dr. Offit's assertions.

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We need full transparency!! The Government has a better system than VEARS it’s just not available to the public. Also with technology today we could EASILY set up a system that after a vaccine medical visits with diagnosis for 6 months can be collected and analyzed for frequency compared to general population. If this triggers an alarm further studies should be warranted. The government won’t do this. They have regulatory capture and too much corruption.

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"The Government has a better system than VEARS it’s just not available to the public."


All you had to do was to look to see data is publicly available for the asking.

Yup, the anti-vaccs really do lie about ~everything.

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I hope it's not available to the public. Nice conspiracy promoting post btw! I should call bologna but I will let others decide, no report here from me.

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Let me see how far my ban extends. Not sure how much M is authorized to do.

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Also the Government does not make it clear that the Covid vaccine was rolled out as a countermeasure. So if you are injured you file under the countermeasure compensation program NOT the vaccine injury compensation program. Which means No right to a lawyer no right to appeal and one year from shot to file. And we have THIS on the childhood schedule !!! Follow Lawsuit by Brook Jackson with Mendel law firm or React 19 started by orthopedic surgeon who is now disabled from this countermeasure!!!!

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"Follow Lawsuit by Brook Jackson"

The complete BS lawsuit that was so egregious it has already been dismissed with prejudice?


The anti-vaccs count on you not looking and seeing their lies.

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Albus, just go and take another booster and flu shot.

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You are just mad that I posted the lawsuit so everyone can see the anti-vacc lies!

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albus, albus, i really really just care about your well being. you don’t want to die, do you? take your covid and flu booster and then do one pull-up. watch that heart there, sir.

and don’t forget your monkeypox shot, some covid tests and a big box of masks. for extra extra safety. don’t be anti-science, albus. these shots are like water. safe!

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Why not one word from you about the lawsuit?

What could you say? The anti-vaccs are liars.

And they prey on folks too clueless to understand "big" words like safe.

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Vaccine Court is miserably corrupt and useless as well.

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That's a lie, look it up, anti vaxxers raked in millions of dollars. Dr Offitt is on point with this fact. The VSDL already exist and is stronger than VAERS. Any REAL Dr should know this, funny you forgot to mention it BOT!

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And the Vax promoters raked in Billions of dollars. Just two weeks ago, BioNtech was ordered to pay $1.2 Billion dollars to the NIH for vaccine royalties. You can shut the fuck up about financial incentives, BOT!

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At least the people making money from manufacturing vaccines need to plough most of it back into production and research, whereas all the antivaxers do with theirs is to shove it in their pockets.

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Is this the Left defending the greedy corporations? Hilarious, really.

I think you misunderstand - I have no problem with Big Pharma making money, but acknowledge that they have paid Billions of dollars in fines for lying to us. It’s when the regulatory agencies tasked with protecting us are drinking from the same fire hose and shoveling money directly from Big Pharma into their pockets.

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Sure blows that revolving door to hell. I bet the Biontech CEO is pissed at giving what could goto his bonus to the Govt! Christ, more taxes being paid to government! More fees. Biontech needs to do a better job engaging in govt corruption! Sorry for using reasoning and critical thinking to all the anti vaxxers out there!

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Those contributions (some came from people like me) were made so organizatioms like ICAN ( informed consent action network) can launch lawsuits in the 5 remaining states that ban exemptions for vaccination to attend public school

Am happy to note that recently a case was won in Massachusetts returning religious exemptions back to parents

Note to parents: the religious exemption doesnt require you to be a member of a church or religious organization ...

Now compare that to the billions indemnified/ mandate loving/ liability shielded vaccine manufacturers rake in annually to line their pockets

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So? Everyone is aware of the extent and severity of vaccine damage now, and that the medical establishment denies it. We’re on our own.

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OMG there is a 40 yr history demonstrating the safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines

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Well, to be more accurate there is a long history of mRNA vaccines, but they haven’t been particularly successful in humans prior to the technological advances made with the covid vaccines.

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In humans?

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I notice you didnt call for

Removal of all mandates for childhood vaccinations (70) in the CDC schedule?

Interesting ommission

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Covid product does not prevent illness or prevent transmission. And children's innate immune system protected them from the inflammation of the spike.(kept virus in nasopharynx) The covid product told the body to make the spike. Should never have been put on the children's vaccine schedule.

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"Covid product does not prevent illness or prevent transmission."


It just takes the integrity to look to see that the anti-vaccs stupidly lie about ~everything.

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Agree for adults in 2020-21. But you'd agree that children in the 22-23 CDC study children getting Pfizer boosters had higher rates of symptomatic infection, no? published last month

https://substack.com/hom-e/post/p-153406671 https://doi.org/10.1093/jpids/piae121

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Many children died of Covid, though mortality was low in them, even in the two years before Omicron. I remember a slender five year old boy who died of it. I agree that it should not have been put on the vaccine schedule. Parents must be free to choose or reject any vaccine.

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Dr Marine, I see you’ve cropped up on Reprehensible Medicine again, now with a commentary about a pardon for Dr Fauci. Why? Has he been convicted of something? …Maybe 34 felonies?…nope.

No pardons necessary, just apologies to him and heartfelt thanks for reigning in the excesses of the guy who tried his best to kill as many Americans as possible.

What do you suggest for that guy… ?

”disgrace and ridicule are the best punishments for a pompous, self-important figure who craves honor and glory”?

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Also, given your fanaticism, absolutism and distortion and misrepresentation of actual vax data, and your inability to scientifically debate, should you not remove yourself from the debate?

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Why are so many lawyers anti-vaccine?

It’s almost like their fight to repeal the The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 is purely driven by financial interests. Given the obvious conflict, should you not remove yourself from the debate?

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Once again, demonstrating your inability to understand what conflict of interest means.

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"a situation in which a person is in a position to derive personal benefit from actions or decisions made in their official capacity."

In this case, a group of lawyers operating in their official capacity to personally benefit from the repeal of the 1986 Act.

It's astounding how dumb you are.

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In what “official capacity” are the lawyers acting? And in particular, the gentleman you suggested needs to remove himself from debate?

Leftist morons love to hang their hat on half truths.

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An officially recognized and licensed attorney is operating in an official capacity when opining on matters of law.

Right wing morons love to call everyone a "leftist" without knowing a single detail of their politics. Truly a mark of cultish stupidity.

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God damn, look at what you’ve written. “Officially recognized”. The public body that licenses lawyers is an official body. A lawyer providing opinion is acting in a personal capacity. For there to be a conflict, both elements must be present. Would you care to try again? Only a Leftist can be this recalcitrant to reality.

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Omg! Millions? Just think, if millions can corrupt, what would billions do? ICAN uss the money it takes in to fight for transparency and basic safety in health care. What did Pfizer spend the $35 billion it made in profit in 2021 alone, on?

You see, the type of arguments you are bringing forth implicate you and your side a 1000 fold. If the flawed human nature of a man with a dollar is to be painted as evil, then the man with a thousand dollars must be far more evil. Rethink your strategy, if not for your life's work, at least do it for your logic. It is truly cringeworthy at present.

Or better yet, accept that you've made enough $ and do the right thing from here on out. Your self assesed legacy is doomed, but you could salvage something of your reputation and place in history by acting honorably for the rest of your days. Everyone loves a personal salvation story.

I'm assuming that you are unaware of just how hated you are, but take some incogneto time and go find the public's opinion of you and you'll see why I'm making these suggestions.

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The wellness industry is valued at over a $1 Trillion.

Just think of what that can do! You might, for example, see groups like Mercola Supplements and the Wellness Company pushing lies to sell ineffective products to gullible retards online!

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Ha! Not that i believe you, but that would still be a fraction of what the pharmaceutical industry brings in and you know what? Neither Mercola nor TWC have ever been convicted of any serious crimes. Pfizer and Jansen would appear to be competing for the world largest criminal fine, year by year. Pfizer is literally the most criminally convicted organization in human history and that's whose side you are on. They have accrued more criminal penalties than the Nazi party.. But hey, maybe that St John's Wart doesn't greatly benefit everyone so damn you, Mercola. The true evil of our times.

Btw, you need to define the wellness industry and then share some documentation of its evaluation and financials, when you make a claim like yours. Pharma profits are easy to find, as are their many criminal convictions...

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You can literally look this information up. Big Wellness makes more revenue per year than Big Pharma. Fact.

Pfizer and Jansen have never been guilty of fraud or any crime related to vaccines. And no, the 1986 Act protections DO NOT protect against fraud, manufacturing, malfeasance, or anything outside of table injuries.

You still drive a car despite every vehicle manufacturer being criminally liable at one point or another.

Also, Mercola was found guilty of fraud btw. and McCullough (Wellness Company) just had his board certifications REVOKED. Not lapse. Not suspended. REVOKED. Along side becoming the most-retracted cardiologist lol.

Both Mercola and McCullough have spread blatantly false information to fear monger in order to sell more supplements. I have family members that literally spend THOUSANDS of dollars on their products because they feared for their lives.

Pharma profits are easy to find. Now compare the profits from vaccines (excluding COVID as it was funded abnormally) versus the profits from supplements. It might be eye-opening for you ;)

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Pfizer and Jansen share the 2 largest criminal convictions and fines in history. Why would it matter that those convictions do not involve vaccines? That is your most ridiculous rebuttal to date. Does that somehow lessen the crime? No. So I'm out. I didn't realize you were using this account also to play your game.

In case any one is wondering why Mike S. Aldous and apparently now underr the new account, solanar, have such a similar narrative voice and utilize such irrelevant points of contention, please click my icon and read the latest article at Blasted Reality. It covers this mystery.

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That was the most brain-dead response I have ever read, and then to plug your shit-stain at the end. Truly the dingleberry ontop.

You don't care what they were guilty of!? That's IRRELEVANT to you? You're a clown.

And now you're accusing me of being someone else? Ahahahah sorry lady, you're a paranoid schizophrenic if that's what you're going to hide behind.

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See, this is the lack of professionalism in your team. BTW, I am not suggesting you are a different person, I am merely suggesting you are part of a web reputation management team employed by Offit to try to keep his web presence out of the gutter. He is seriously wasting $ on you guys. You are blatantly incompetent and hopefully he takes the time to notice the money he is wasting.

Readers, doubt my conclusion? Go through any of Offit's posts and just count the number of responses by "Mike S." "Albus" or and now this new handle, "Solanar" and work out the amount of time they spend in each, defending a flawed reality with sub optimal skills (ie never use the words shit stain in a comment if you want anyone to even partially agree with you, moron.)

In case anyone is interested in the topic, - https://open.substack.com/pub/blastedreality/p/web-reputation-management-tactics?

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Perhaps Dr. Offit has donated to charity the money he makes from his rotavirus vaccine.

I agree with you. The argument that the folks arguing for vaccine safety are motivated by money is ludicrous. If that is so, how much more the pharmaceutical companies, physicians whose insurance contracts adjust reimbursement based on percentage of patients vaccinated in practice, and the patent holders on the vaccines?

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"The argument that the folks arguing for vaccine safety are motivated by money is ludicrous."

But that is different from folks lying about safety to make money.

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Offit donated to CHOP and reaped massive pilublicity

Left unsaid was the he works for CHOP.

So literally he was moving his donation from one hand to the other

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Have you noticed that Paul Offit is the best friend the 'vaccine deniers' could ever hope to have?

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What is a vaccine denier? I don't believe anyone here is denying the vaccines exist. It's just that more than half of us wish they didn't because we've seen the destruction they cause.

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I put that term in quotation marks in order to indicate that it’s the vaccine promoters’ smear term for the rest of us. People who were called deniers were cancelled.

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If you don't like that, many courts have called anti-vaccs "intellectually dishonest"......a polite way of saying liars.

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Jan 7Edited
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Most of those graves are due to cholera, typhoid fever, diphtheria, and scarlet fever, all diseases that practically dissappeared once sewage systems and good hygeine were introduced. The only one routinely vaccinated against now is diptheria, and we don't see cholera outbreaks now that we aren't mass vaxxing against it. In fact, we don't see diptheria outbreaks in the unvaccinated either. The last large scale diptheria outbreak I could find was in a poor part of Siberia without, you guessed it, sewage or good nutrition or hygiene. I'm not saying that vaccination has never been beneficial, but it had very little to do with the plummeting childhood death rates.

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The diseases rife among kids since WW2, by which time hygiene and clean water were pretty widely available in the US were measles, pertussis, rubella, pneumonia, HiB meningitis, chickenpox, mumps etc… why did good nutrition and clean water not abolish these I wonder?

Only vaccination has done this, because these are spread by the airborne route, that’s why.

Polio and Rotavirus are spread through poor hygiene/close contact… it took vaccination to eliminate these too.

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Measles and pertussis evolved to become much milder, with very low mortality, before the vaccines for them were introduced. 99% of American children got natural measles and few had serious problems. Including me. And you (not American, though). Rubella has always been a very mild disease for both children and adults, but causes birth defects when the mother contracts it in the first months of pregnancy. It woild be better to offer school children natural infection with rubella (and measles, mumps, and chickenpox, one a year). That being said, I ordered three potencies of the rubella nosode and will give them to C. I had natural rubella as a child. Mumps is mild and should also be allowed to come back. I agree that hygiene and clean water will not prevent airborne disease, unless you count hand washing and diisinfecting things sneezed on. Good nutritional status, however, is key. Half the children who died of measles in the US before the vaccine died because they were malnourished. About 200 a year.

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450 kids died from measles each year prevaccine (this is in the 1960s).

You claim half were malnourished. You’ve claimed that before.

1. This is the 60s. Measles deaths occurred country wide. Please provide PROOF that half were malnourished. Not conjecture, but PROOF.

2. So what? All of them still died from MEASLES, and would not have died if they were vaxed.

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They did. All of those diseases were much less common by WWII and most outside of H1B and Meningitis (two of the rarer ones) were not deadly. Vaccination moved the needle, just by a little. When you figure in vaccination injuries, the jury is still out whether they are a net good or not.

My kids have had vaccinations, just a few, not the gazillion they wanted them to have. They wanted to vaccinate my kids for a sexually transmitted disease at birth! All I ask is that these are tested like other pharm products (they aren't) we eliminate conflicts of interest and kickbacks from the watchdog agencies (we haven't) and we don't use vaccination as a first line defense against everything (we don't). For this I am labeled anti-science, as if going on faith, allowing buy-offs, and ignoring vast swaths of evidence is somehow "following the science".

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"All I ask is that these are tested like other pharm products (they aren't)"

Why didn't you list even one test that is not performed?

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You think hep b is only sexually transmitted? 🙄

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No, it is also transmitted via blood, needles, etc. Unless one of the baby's parents are a drug user, it's not neccessary to vaccinate against a disease that is primarily spread through sharing needles and sex. And seriously, a baby shouldn't be going home to an environment where hep b is a possibility.

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The US has never routinely vaxxed against cholera, although we had many serious outbreaks in the nineteenth century. It was never a native disease.They would get right on it if it were introduced now, with hygiene intervention, as in Haiti in 2010.

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I agree. The big killers in the nineteenth century wete measles, pertussis, diphtheria, and scarlet fever. Measles and pertussis evolved to become milder before the vaccines for them. Scarlet fever has never had a licensed vaccine for it, but moved over to strep throat for the most part, treatable with antibiotics. Diphtheria was horrible. The pathogen has been parasitized, but I’m not sure if that has improved outcomes when it occurs. A little boy who was a neighbor of my mother’s family died horribly of it. His family called in every doctor in Taylor, Texas, to save him, but they could not, and he died asphyxiated. Cholera was interesting: a pathogen floating in the Indian Ocean until European ships picked it up and transmitted it. A horrible disease.

I agree that the high mortality from childhood disease in the nineteenth and early twentieth century would not apply today. Hib disease might. My daughter and I visited the city cemetery five years ago and saw the grave of a seven year old who had died of Hib disease in the late 1980’s. His parents buried him a few feet from the school playground where he had played. Before the Hib vaccine, one in a thousand young children in the US died of it, even though it can often be treated with antibiotics.

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Wow, the "anti-vax" movement is so huge and so profitable that they actually hired ONE lawyer! OMG, this one lawyer has super magical powers...and this ONE lawyer will overpower the hundreds/thousands of Big Pharma lawyers...and THIS will "hurt" American children.

As for the NEWEST version of polio vaccine, Dr Offit is (shockingly) asserting that there should never be a placebo-controlled trial to test its safety or efficacy. The American media claim that vaccine science is so sophisticated that it is the most "sound medical science" presently available. And yet, how can any real scientist know if a vaccine is safe if there is NO control group?

I wonder if Dr. Offit is also selling used cars or additional warranties for my refrigerator. He's such a good salesman, except to people who are educated enough to see the baloney that he's selling.

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Here's an article that I actually wrote and got published at the HuffingtonPost in 2010 entitled: How To Create Your Own Pandemic: Learn from Big Pharma's Creativity. Believe it or not, I even predicted that Big Pharma would blame "bat blood" and "bat feces" as a source of the "new" pandemic.


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Wait, you mean to tell me that the commonly understood source of viruses, that any virologist would tell you is the commonly understood source of many spill-over viruses, was really YOUR prediction!? NO WAY!!! You must be a genius to have comprehended such a thing, truly. I doubt any virologist knew this widely understood source of zoonotic disease. It took Dana Ullman writing a shit-smear in the Huffington Post to shed light on this widely known phenomenon.

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Spill-over viruses could come from hundreds of different sources. The fact that I predicted that Big Pharma would suggest that BATS were the source is a good call. But heck, you just love being contrary. That's your MO. Probably explains a lot about you.

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"The fact that I predicted that Big Pharma would suggest that BATS were the source is a good call."

Just means you can count. That is source of most coronavirus crossover infections.

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Projection, through and through. FFS dude, you just said the words "Big Pharma would suggest that BATS were the source." That alone betrays how utterly absurd your opinion is. Tell me, how did BIG PHARMA speak for world-renowned virologists and epidemiologists?


1) Bats linked to rabies in early 20th century

2) Bats identified as reservoirs for viruses like Marburg virus in Germany 1967, infecting monkeys exposed to fruit bats in Uganda.

3) Nipah Virus identified in bat reservoirs in Australia.

4) SARS epidemic identified horseshoe bats as reservoir for SARS-CoV, infecting civets as an intermediate host.

5) Ebola Virus studies in West Africa 2014 suggested bats were likely the natural host for Ebola and other filoviruses.

Genomics and virology research has shown bats host many RNA viruses, including coronovirus. Bats also have unique immune systems that tolerate high viral loads without severe disease progression. Combined with their high body temperatures creates a viral "proving grounds" of evolutionary pressure.

Bats represent 20% of all mammal species on the planet. There are A LOT of bats.

By 2010, when you wrote your shit-stain, Bats had become WIDELY recognized as an exceptional host for zoonotic viruses due to their biological and ecological traits.

You are no Nostradamus. You wrote about a widely-understood issue and now claim you predicted some BiG pHaRmA scheme. You are delusional.

The most egregious detail is that the SARS-CoV-1 origin, which has directly informed the origin for SARS-CoV-2, happened nearly a decade before your supposed "prediction"

The only people you're fooling are the fools who still think SARS-CoV-2 started in a lab with zero evidence or data whatsoever.

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Excellent article! Thank you.

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Did you miss that is predicated on being able to count?

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"THIS will "hurt" American children."


If they have parents that can't count even to two.

"they actually hired ONE lawyer"

You know, the fools preyed upon by homeopathic grifters.

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I doubt one of the world's foremost infection paediatricians and vaccine specialists needs to heed the advice from a homeopath.

How often have homeopathy studies used proper placebo groups in RDB controlled trials? …almost never, and the ones that have show homeopathy doesn’t work.

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His first rototeq vaccine was withdrawn from the market after the "rigorous" pre market trials. Mistakes happen.

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Why didn't you post the data?

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Did you shadow ban my link to the CDC study showing one in 100,000 children diagnosed with hep-B?

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You will recall the large studies done on the use of homeopathic remedies used to prevent dengue during a large outbreak in Brazil, that showed how effective they were, while those provinces which did not take them fared very poorly. I could provide studies on homeoprophylaxis for leptospirosis in South America and on lathyrus sativus to both prevent and treat polio? Are you interested? I was surprised to read about an epidemic of leptospirosis in humans: here it’s only something that dogs sometimes get.

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Will you demand that these homeopathic studies be repeated with saline placebos, Cia?

…thought not! 😂😂🙄

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Homeopathic treatment is harmless. Unlike drugs and vaccines. It is energetic, using substances so dilute that there is little or nothing left of the original substance. But they are effective, if you can identify the right one for your case. Which I’m still trying to do, unsuccessfully so far, I am and have been very sick for a long time. Long Covid with cytokine storms play a big part, maybe interacting with the MS. I’m taking low-dose naltrexone, but so far it hasn’t helped. Taking mercurius solubilis, china, and kali phos, increasing the potency of china to 200 c. Adding gelsemium 200 c for the cytokine storms. I don’t think there’s anything else I can do. Maybe see an allergist.

I am against doing a decades-long, multi-million dollar study on Vero cell cultures used to produce a large portion of polio vaccines since 1992. I have seen no evidence which suggests vaccine damage from the polio vaccine in the last fifty years. I disagree with the reasoning that cancer rates have gone up, the SV contaminant caused cancer, the Vero cells are said by some to be immortal, like cancer cells, therefore there’s good reason to believe that polio vaccines produced by Vero cell cultures may be causing many cases of cancer. It may be that I have not undetstood the case correctly, but if I have, it is a very poor case, not worth millions of dollars we don’t have and taking the vaccine off the market for decades.

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It is NOT un ethical to do a double blind placebo controlled study with the Hep B vaccine with the original trial to license with 143 subjects for 5 days !!! This disease is by far the lowest risk for infants being that they are NOT having sex nor will they be doing IV drugs. That is the government’s excuse??? Give me a break. It is unethical to NOT do a better trial.

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Why do those facts you listed never tempt vaccine promoters to question the need for the Hep B vaccine? In a sane medical world, that would be a real question that deserves an answer. Real scientists and doctors should be looking at all the surrounding data, not just the data that supports their conclusions. SMH.

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That’s my question exactly !!! Why have we not questioned it. I have talked to MANY medical people who are even asking themselves why they never questioned it. Blind trust.

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Yes, you should question.

And it should take you ~2 mins to see that the anti-vaccs are liars.

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At this point, and until and unless the scientific and medical and public health communities begin to behave rationally, it's literally the truth that our health and the health of our children is in our own hands. For too long we let them tell us what to think; that day has ended. And when you think back, medicine doesn't exactly have the best track record: doctors delivering babies didn't think hand washing was a good idea; during the 1918 flu epidemic, doctors regularly prescribed aspirin doses that were so high, they killed patients; thalidomide (need I say more); the era when doctors promoted smoking; Premarin for menopausal women; unnecessary hysterectomies; Vioxx. How many times must we be exposed to their dangerous decisions? Iatrogenic death is the 3rd most common killer of Americans.

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At this point it is just psychology.

Takes most folks ~2 secs to see that the claim iatrogenic death is the 3rd most common killer:


Some people just prefer denial over facts.

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I just looked up the number of children in US in 1983 between one and ten. 41 million. If one in 100,000 was diagnosed with hep-B then, that’s 410 children in 41 million. In addition, nearly all children who contract hep-B older than three or four, make a complete recovery over time, untreated. A far cry from Mike’s 18,000.

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Cases of clinical acute hep B, Cia. That’s a tiny fraction of the true numbers since most childhood cases are asymptomatic and never diagnosed.

The 18,000 number is not something I just dreamed up, but is a fact.

See Armstrong et al on Hep B.

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Did you see this? Chart at bottom. One in 100,000 children under ten diagnosed. My feed is acting funny, and this is so important, I wanted you and others commenting on hep-B to see it. Not trying to be redundant. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5125a3.htm

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See comment above. Those are clinically apparent ACUTE hep b cases, and represent a tiny fraction of the true undiagnosed burden.

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"Why do those facts you listed never tempt vaccine promoters to question the need for the Hep B vaccine? I"

Why is it that you didn't spend 1 min learning the facts......that anti-vaccs are liars?


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I just found this CDC chart (at the bottom) which shows that before the hep-B vaccine, only one in 100,000 American children between one in nine was diagnosed with hep-B.


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not to give her the hep B vaccine because it often caused autism. You said autism was a spectrum. Meaning usually it’s no big deal, just social awkwardness and inability to fit in? Lara said in her experience as a speech therapist and autism advocate, one third had Aspergers, one third were low-verbal Kanner’s, and one third non verbal. So 3.3% of our kids now severely disabled for life. No big deal. I don’t know how many have spent as much time and effort as I have teaching her everything, including English, when the encephalitic damage is so profound. Maybe a lot, I don’t know. But it should not have been this hard. This many thousands of hours just trying to catch up with what is effortless for most. With no end, ever.

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See above for explanation.

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I scrolled up, but didn’t see anything. Are you referring to the contention that adults diagnosed with hep B as adults, not children, who deny IV drug use, are hypothesized to have caught the disease as minors, when it caused no problems until adulthood and was never diagnosed in childhood? Or the endless use of the word “estimated”? Estimates are not proven facts. If you have a lot of people with a serious and embarassing diagnosis, how do you prove they are not lying about their illegal use of heroin and stupid needle sharing? When disabling millions for life is the consequence of your unproven hypothesis, why do you insist that it need not be proven?

Is that what you were referring to? It is nevertheless important that in the years before the vaccine, testing for hep-B was often done on real blood samples, and not just estimated. And those tests show that in children one to ten only one in 100,000 tested positive for hep-B. I looked up how many chikdren there were between one and nine in the US in 1983, adding together those one to five and five to ten. 41 million. Which means 410 a year in the US were diagnosed with hep B. Not 18,000.

I also saw your comment brushing off autism, saying at least it wasn’t death. Few autists are happy or feel comfortable in the world. C struggles to feel liked and valued in the world. Every moment of every day for nearly 25 years. But the vaccine brain damage is a great impediment. I won’t say insuperable. I’ve told her she needs to use longer sentences. So she struggles to remember and repeat back long sentences, but without adding her own contribution. Never her own opinion, unless someone insults her, and then she is deeply hurt, feels locked out from Happy World again, and goes to her room to suffer pangs of perceived inferiority. No friends. She can’t converse. She lights up with joy when someone acts like a friend, and then she adores them. I’ve told her that these people are paid to be nice to her, once their job commitment is over, they’ll drop out of her life. She has been profoundly hurt many times by paras, teachers, speech therapists, and similar, just dropping out of her life when they are mo longer paid.

And she is only one of the 4%. One of millions expelled from life by the damned vaccines. When I said not

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I agree, but think it is better to rescind all mandates and let the parents choose. Have them read Judy Converse’s When Your Doctor is Wrong: The Gepatitis-B Vaccine and Autism. And school nurse Patti White’s testimony at the congressional hep-B vaccine safety hearing in May 1999.

I’m really not sure one could trust the results of any safety study which might be done.

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Congressional hearings are not science-based

Judy Converse’s book is not science-based

Hep-B vaccines have been proven to be more effective when administered at birth because an infection can come from MANY sources and go undetected until it becomes a CHRONIC infection. Why do you advocate for chronic illness in children?

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Boy. Really nwmt!

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If you read Converse’s book, you would see that it is filled with statements by scientists, but since you haven’t read it, you can say nothing truthful about it. She was asked to give testimony about her newborn Ben’s encephalitic reaction to the hep-B vaccine and subsequent autism. She was asked because her verified experience was so compelling. An honest person who cared about children’s lives would research this. That wouldn’t be you, would it?

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Statements is science now? LMAO

Do you know the rate of encephalitis from vaccination? Do you know what the mechanism is?

Vaccines DO NOT cause autism. This has been confirmed by DOZENS of third-party studies from around the world. In fact, in Denmark they showed vaccination was associated with a LOWER rate of autism.

A single persons ANECDOTAL experience means absolutely and precisely NOTHING in the face of large population studies.

An example Dr. Paul Offit gives frequently is a parent taking their child to a doctor appointment to receive their routine vaccines. Traffic made them late. While in the waiting room, the child suffered a seizure and later died from their condition. They were NEVER vaccinated. If they were not late to their appointment, that child would have been vaccinated, had a seizure, and that parent would have blamed the vaccine.

Believe it or not, but medical science exists for a reason. People suffer NATURALLY OCCURRING conditions at ALL ages. In order to separate our monkey-brain reactions to emotional anecdotes, we've developed disciplines of science to empirically evaluate data. Gone were the days of blaming anything and everything with no evidence, until you clowns decided you know better than a century of scientific progress.

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Yes, but the Denmark vaccine schedule has about 1/3 as many vaccines as the US. https://x.com/TracyBethHoeg/status/1865920386401214689

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This is not accurate in any way. The only vaccines not "routinely administered" in the schedule in Denmark and Sweden are: Rotavirus, Varicella, and HepA. That's 3 of 11 primary vaccine on the schedule. The Schedule in Australia and New Zealand are only missing HepA compared to the US. Denmark and Sweden also have different timings. For example, the Meningococcal vaccine is administered at 3,5,12 months in Denmark and Sweden. Whereas it is administered at 11-12 years and 16 years in the US, Australia, and New Zealand.

Tracy is not a reliable source of information and frequently spreads false information. I suggest checking anything she says with your own research instead of using her word as the only source of data you are working with.

Another point that is completely ignored by anyone claiming vaccines cause autism is that Denmark and Sweden have a greater vaccine UPTAKE compared to the USA. In fact, so does Australia and New Zealand and several other countries. Each have about ~1/2 the rate of diagnosed autism compared to the US and that is almost ENTIRELY explained by a difference in diagnosis. Yet another thing that's completely ignored: diagnosis criteria, awareness, and acceptance changing over time. Just like much of the health issues experienced by black people is tied to healthcare access and a culture of ignoring issues or not seeking treatment.

Lastly, Denmark's vaccine schedule doesn't change the results of their study that showed MMR uptake was associated with LOWER rates of autism. That fact rejects the theory that vaccines CAUSE autism.

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You’ve got hundreds of thousands of hep-B vaccine devastated families like mine and you’ve got profitable vaccine pushers. Who do you think I’m going to believe? If you can see the CDC study I posted above which starts cdc dot. gov. Slash mmwr slash. preview, go to the bottom, you’ll see that before the vaccine, only one in 100,000 Americam chikdren between one and nine was diagmosed with hep B, and of those, nearly all made a complete recovery within weeks or months without treatment. It was not a serious enough problem to warrant a vaccine.

If you cannot see the link, which I put up twice, give me an email, any email, and I’ll send it to you. If you don’t care about disabling or killing children, then never mind.

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There are not "hundreds of thousands of hep-B vaccine devastated families." I understand you'd like to feel validated that is the case, to justify your own reaction to your situation (whatever that may be) but You believe the people selling you a narrative that has no basis in reality if you think hundreds of thousands of families have been devastated by this vaccine.

Interesting thing about HepB, it largely goes undiagnosed until it becomes a CHRONIC infection. Do you know what that word means?

It seems like you don't care about children dying from preventable disease. Instead, you believe in a fairy-tale that HepB vaccines have caused this massive harm, without evidence. That they haven't been shown TREMENDOUSLY effective at preventing disease, because you developed expert analytical skills to asses CDC data. You determined, with your self-proclaimed expertise in reading shit online, that you know better. You read a book where a person says shit and you you gobble it up as fact.

The death of expertise is the real destruction of Western civilization, mark my words.

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She’s immune to reason. I’ve given up trying, but I like to point out her nonsense for what it is in case someone reading it gets fooled.

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I agree with that as well.

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"It is NOT un ethical to do a double blind placebo controlled study with the Hep B vaccine with the original trial to license with 143 subjects for 5 days !!!"

It would be ethical for you to read the studies and see the anti-vaccs are liars.

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It was compared to the previous hep B so full trial was not needed. Please send me the full trial.

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Lots of studies from the early 1980s are not available on-line so I can't post them.

If you bother to go read the original paper versions, you will learn the following:

1. the parents were given a log to record health issues for 3-7 days post vaccination (depends on which study).

2. in some cases, all children were monitored for the entire study. That is to say until 6 months after the LAST dose was given.

3. there were 87 studies evaluated by the FDA.

4. There was a safety event in one kid occurred 243 days after the vaccination--this was known because they were still monitoring kids for safety!

This is 100% black and white. Anti-vaccs have spent decades obviously lying about the basic facts.

Some excerpts are quoted here:


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Engerix B by GSK PI states that the first incidence of local and systemic reactions was comparable to those of plasma derived hepatitis B vaccines. And also mentions another clinical trial where bothering the trial and control groups received the Engertix where different dosing was applied.

Twinrix was compared to single Hepatitis B and hep A vaccines. Recombivax has no mention of random controlled clinical trials.

These clinical trials belong in the package insert.

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So no, you won't read the 87 trials evaluated by the FDA and see what was actually done and how long the safety data was collected.

People that will do so, know why all the countries keep the vaccine licensed and reject the anti-vacc lies.

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Too much regulatory capture and free pass for pharma. I want the trials that got it to market in the PI. Funding for trials is not provided unless you fall in line. So bottom line it’s whether you trust our government. After Covid I would say NO !!!

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So, you don't care that for ~40 years the anti-vaccs have been lying safety data for 5 days.

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Except it can be transmitted from a Hep B positive mother whilst in utero.

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Well, all pregnant women are tested during pregnancy. Either the tests are no good, or we don't need to vaccinate babies. Or we think all moms are having illicit sex and injecting drugs.

Moms who are truly at greater risk for contracting Hep B while pregnant can be retested at time of delivery and baby can be treated accordingly if necessary.

There is zero need for universal Hepatits B vaccination of infants and children.

Additionally, the vaccine can be associated with poor feeding in newborns. It is not a benign intervention.

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You state the above numbers like they were facts. Coming up with such numbers using “economic models” is at best an educational guess. And the study is from CDC researchers. After the “COVID pandemic”, I have very little trust in any of the governmental alphabet heath agencies.

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"Coming up with such numbers using “economic models” is at best an educational guess. "

I get that you are not a scientist, but if you can't read or do math better--you should find a new topic to comment on.

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As you were informed above, 18,000 children each year contracted Hep B in the US, but only half were maternal infections potentially avoidable through screening and vaccination of infants of positive mothers… the other half were infections occurring without an obvious source. That’s 9,000 a year, most of whom would become Hep B carriers, get cirrhosis and liver failure late in life, and be at very high risk of liver cancer.

These inapparent childhood infections would be caused by other blood or bodily fluid exposures in infancy and childhood. Potentially just sharing a teething ring at child care with an infected baby could do it. Hep B is extremely infectious; 100x more so than HIV for example.

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18,000? Wow, that is so many more than the 100,000 being made autistic every year. 1 in 35. 100,000 destroyed lives per year, not counting the damage it does to their families. Even if hep b was immediately 100% lethal, the benefit ratio would still be completely upside down.

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Zero cases of autism from vaccines.

We know that the autism starts before vaccination.

And we see in the Omnibus how the anti-vaccs know this fact and try to actively deceive parents.

Sadly, some folks don't care.

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False equivalence. Vaccines don’t cause autism, and why are you not comparing like with like? Autism is a spectrum. Death is highly unusual. Is Hep B vax the sole claimed “cause of autism”? And why compare only to deaths from Hep B?

BTW, over the last 30 years in the US childhood vaccines have prevented an estimated 508 million cases of illness, 32 million hospitalizations, and 1.1 million deaths, resulting in direct savings of $540 billion and societal savings of $2.7 trillion.


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Oh yay. Mike S. You are late for work today. I hope offit doesn't short your shill check for your tardiness. I'm not gonna bother arguing against your no faith bulllshido. I know what you are. You know what you are and everyone else here does as well. Have you noticed how few are left on your side of this argument, after all your best efforts? Man, what i life, huh?

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Could you please detail what VPDs would have caused 1.1 million deaths in those thirty years? That is a completely wild figure pulled out of the blue. Does your ridiculous study depend on disease rates and medical treatments current among malnourished, cold children in tenements and Mississippi Delta shacks in 1880 or 1931?

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It’s one in 25 diagnosed with autism now, still increasing every year. The 18,000 figure is false. Ask him for the table showing that 18,000 children every year were being diagnosed with hep-B every year, with NO use of the word “estimated.” He can’t, because they weren’t. But you’re right, even if it were accurate, it would not justify causing autism and seizure disorders in tens of thousands of children a year. Not all cases of autism are caused by the hep-B vaccine: many are caused by the DTaP, MMR, and flu vacvines. I’ve read about some caused by the Hib vaccine. But the hep-B vaccine causes the lion’s share.

Measures which have been taken fir decades are enough: testing all pregnant women and vaxxing the babies of those positive. The number of children between one and ten actually diagnosed with hep-B during childhood was one in 100,000 before the vaccine. See if you can pin him down asking for real figures, not estimates.

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Armstrong et al. Surveys from NHANES data.

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Trust me, i know. I was just going as conservative as possible and giving him his numbers to show just how ridiculous his position is. Even with everything assumed to the benefit of the narrative, it still never adds up. Thanks for the solid reality points. Greatly appreciated.

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I put up a link last night to the CDC study with a chart at the bottom showing that only one in 100,000 American children one to nine before the vaccine was diagnosed with hep-B. Twice. Neither has likes or replies. Did you shadow ban it?

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"Well, all pregnant women are tested during pregnancy. "

And we know that doesn't work.

"There is zero need for universal Hepatits B vaccination of infants and children."

Other than stopping 10,000s of kids each year from death from liver cancer and liver failure.

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Yes, but it has been universal for many decades to test pregnant women for hep-B and then to give the vaccine to their babies at birth. Those are the only ones who should get it. I tested negative, said I didnt want my baby to get it because I had read it often caused autism. They gave it to her at midnight at the hospital within 24 hours of birth. It caused encephalitic screaming syndrome and autism. She’s 24 now, still low-verbal, still very lonely because she can’t converse, can’t have friends. Normal IQ between 100 and 103, but brain-damaged. Very beautiful. I got her a minimum wage job, in which she’s gotten many commendations. The state legislature gave her the Medicaid waiver because her autism is considered severely disabling. Because of reactions to the hep-B and DTaP vaccines. Without them, she would have finished college by now and probably be married and have a baby.

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I have been banned. Not sure if you will be able to see this.

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lol 😂

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Interesting because in court hearing with Arron Siri that’s all they offered.

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See. You are trusting what you were told instead of reading the words for yourself.

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The trial you refer to did not study the vaccine for 5 days. That was just the length of time that parents were contacted on a daily basis post vaccine to obtain info on the acute local reactions.

The subjects were also reviewed at the one month period (dose 2) and the 3 month period (dose 3), with further assessment 3 months after that….Read the trial protocol, not antivax propaganda!

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There was no double blind placebo control. None !!

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I take it you accept the study did not last 5 days (and how could it for a vaccine dosed at 0, 1 and 4 months of age 😂)!

Dr Offit explained about the placebo controlled element of these trials and why it wasn’t done… there was already an effective licensed hep B vaccine, so that was the comparator.

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The problem is they were not done on the original trials. So they just keep comparing to the old one as if the trials were done right. Like I said a REAL placebo controlled clinical trial please and thank you. And yes original trial was 5 Days !

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"And yes original trial was 5 Days !"

It is like you know that if you read the words you will see that the anti-vaccs are liars...............and so you refuse to look.

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No it wasn’t. Tell me how a study of a vaccine given in 3 doses over 4 months can be for 5 days only? Don’t be ridiculous.

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What about the health of those on the placebo end?

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Hepatits B is NOT a threat to a newborn !!! Only transmitted through sex and needles. And read my previous statement. We can gather the warning signals through EMR. And what if there is injury ? With the current studies no true placebo controlled.

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"Hepatits B is NOT a threat to a newborn !!! Only transmitted through sex and needles"

We have been testing newborns in the US since the 1960s and we know with certainty that all newborns are at risk.

Yup, the anti-vaccs are liars.

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Not when the mother is negative. And then the small percent of kids that get it clear it without complications. But now 1:36 kids have autism. A Life sentence. I met an anti vaxer yesterday. Said her 30 and 25 year olds never got a vaccine. I asked may I ask what led you to your conclusions? She said she literally watched her niece spiral into Autism after 18 month vaxes. Many stories like this and the parents are all gaslit. Just like the covid vax injured. ( see React19.ORG ) started by Dr Joel Wolskog. Orthopedic surgeon disabled. We need more studies. If you really dive in you will see the studies are crap !!!

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Again, the anti-vaccs have filled your head with lies.

1. "But now 1:36 kids have autism."

Not true: https://www.cdc.gov/autism/data-research/index.html

For the record, yes the prevalence seems to have increased a small amount.

However, the claims of large increases/epidemic of autism is just flat out wrong.

2. "A Life sentence."

That is 100% wrong. Kids recover from autism all the time. Grifters use this fact to explain how their snake-oil cures some kids of autism.

3. " She said she literally watched her niece spiral into Autism after 18 month vaxes. "

I don't doubt that she was being honest. She is also wrong.

This is a well-known phenomena called recall bias.

Good news: most folks have cell phones and have videos of their kids before the vaccine was given and experts at autism diagnosis can watch lots of home videos and pick out the kids that will later be diagnosed with autism.

The autism had started long before the vaccine was given, the average person just couldn't tell.

Please go back and read through the Omnibus documents.

The anti-vaccs KNEW that home videos PROVEN the autism started before vaccination and didn't care. And they still are lying about this fact.

4. "Many stories like this and the parents are all gaslit. Just like the covid vax injured"

Or, you could learn the basic logic of determining cause and effect and see lot of people are just wrong.

5. "We need more studies. If you really dive in you will see the studies are crap !!!"

I have.

I have found an anti-vacc scam that lies about the quality of studies.

The only real question is: do you care?

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"Not when the mother is negative."

You should really stop listening to anti-vacc liars.

Again, there is literally decades of testing in the US of newborns/very young babies for Hep b.

And before the vaccine was used, 10,000s+ of young kids were being infected with Hep B each year--when their mothers were negative.


Plus, the perinatal infections.

This is virology 101: hep b infectivity is low, but it is not zero and with millions of infants born each year and countless exposures--young kids keep getting infected.

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18,000 infections a year, and it’s “not a threat”?

…Give me a break!

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Here you go Mike. CDC admits they don’t have the studies. We DESERVE the studies !!! Hep B on Newborns is a good 😌 lave to start.

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Did you listen to the video?

How did you miss the dishonest questioning intended to deceive?

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Not to a newborn !!!

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Still wrong.

Still an anti-vacc lie.

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Newborns infected with Hep B go on to be chronic carriers in 90% of cases; of these 50% get cirrhosis and liver failure later in life, and they are at high risk from liver cancer.

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Yes and they can only get it from their mother. So we should inject one size fits all ??? Seriously. Let’s just put everyone on diabetic and BP meds as well because you know diabetes is a killer and everyone is getting it.

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Without a proper control arm and a transparent trial, there is no basis for belief in the safety or efficacy of any drug or vaccine. This is basic science.

So, what about the safety of the ones on placebo? Given the present literature and knowledge base they are exactly as safe as the others as far as we know. You don't get to claim an effect without the proper trial and there are no proper trials documented for any of the vaccines on the cdc's childhood schedule.

It really is that simple. You don't know, but you want to roll the dice. We want to know. That is the reality of our antagonistic positions. Those playing dice with the lives of other people's children are never on the right side of history. Not even once.

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It is really, really simple: use your ~5th grade science/math skills and see the anti-vacc fraud.

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Or look at the correlation of chronic disease with the vaccine schedule and wait to further evaluate. You know like smoking does not cause lung cancer or thalidomide did not cause birth defects. You sound like one of those people who denied until real studies where done. Correlation demands further investigation. I have also heard so MANY stories of moms or family members who watched their children digress into autism after vaccine. They are all gaslit by people like you. But you know if the adjuvants in vaccines are the cause let’s just hit them at birth. Then we can say they were born that way.

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1. "Or look at the correlation of chronic disease with the vaccine schedule "

Why didn't you post any data?

If you have Excel it is really, really easy to calculate correlations.

2. " I have also heard so MANY stories of moms or family members who watched their children digress into autism after vaccine. "

You sound like one of those people that won't learn the facts:

a. the autism started before the vaccination.

b. the anti-vaccs know this and actively work to deceive parents.

These parents are being honest and believe what they tell you.

And it is easy to prove they are wrong.

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Efficacy is easy. Look around you. I wanted my daughter to have natural measles to improve her lifetime health. Unfortunately, while 4 million a year had natural measles in 1960, the entire birth cohort, 99% of children, within a few years it was dramatically reduced. Now maybe a few dozen, in outbreak years maybe a few hundred. 4 million a year to 50. Because nearly everyone has gotten the MMR. How many get tetanus? Diphtheria? In 1985, one in 200 young American children got a clinical case of Hib, while one in a thousand died of it. Now it’s maybe two a year. Why? Because the vaccine was introduced for infants in 1990. Bye-bye Hib disease! How about polio? How many children in the US are paralyzed every year by polio? How many die? Right. None. Zero. Because almost all get the vaccine. Chickenpox? Same. Most vaccones are nearly always effective. About 5% of people are non-responders, but for most people, they are effective.

Safety is a completely different issue. They are not safe. Some are safer than others. Fortunately, the diphtheria, tetanus, and polio vaccines are safe for most. Parents of children in daycare usually want vaccine protection from Hib disease. Usually pneumococcal disease, though I get uneasy there.

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I was cut off, but continued. Don’t see it now.

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No. Tests are often dishonestly designed and dishonestly reported. Or honestly but incompetently designed. But if you see thousands of cases of polio or diphtheria over years, then many get the vaccine, and disabling or fatal disease cases all but disappear, then you can reasonably conclude that it was the vaccine that stopped the disease, having successfully produced antibodies. Safety is much harder to demonstrate, there are so many confounding factors to consider. A long time may elapse between vaccination and the reaction. But when you have the majority of SIDS cases occurring within a few weeks of the DPT or DYaP, that indicates causality. Same with screaming syndrome and autism.

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? Meaning that the placebo recipients would remain healthy?

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Meaning the placebo would have statistically significant less chronic illnesses yea !!

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Isn't it interesting that those who profit from vaccines oppose safety and efficacy testing by being tested against placebos? Why is that such an outrageous ask? Unless, of course, vaccine testing for efficacy and safety might turn up information that the makers and promoters don't want to know. Vaccines are products. They don't exist in nature. Because they are manufactured and because they are mandated, it is eminently sensible that they be subjected to the same safety requirements as any other product that has even a small chance of causing injury. If they pass the real, honest, and open tests of safety and efficacy, we will then be assured that it's ok to vaccinate our children dozens of times before they reach adulthood.

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In my opinion, they should not do tests on existing vaccines at this point. We already know what is necessary. Not from them, but from the real world. We don’t have billions of dollars to spend on testing. Nearly everyone has gotten the basic vaccines. Most are effective. Several are very dangerous. Several are nearly always safe. Testing wouldn’t show anything different. Vaccines obviously cause autism, bowel disease, allergic, autoimmune, and neurological disease. Even heart, kidney, or liver failure.

We know that already. VAERS reports are available to the public. I’ve seen the reports on V-Safe. You’d have to be nuts to get all the vaccines on the schedule. But the most new, exorbitantly expensive testing could do (and would it be designed in a responsible way? No.) would be to show that most are effective, but all of them are risky and have disabled or killed many. There are many books on vaccines now which rank them based on how dangerous they are.

Those who need to believe the establishment will still believr their spin on any studies which might be done. None is going to say OMG! Are you SERIOUS? VACCINES have disabled, even killed, over half of our children? Why, I never heard of any such thing!

I hope they don’t develop any more vaccines. I have no confidence that they could be tested adequately.

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it is horrifying that Offit and his ilk endorse and promote experimentation on live human subjects instead of rigorous, placebo controlled rct s.

The argument that placebo controlled for vaccines would be unethical is nonsense. Put out a call for volunteers. Thousands of altruistic folks will step up to participate.

In addition- there are large subgroups of non-vaccinated individuals that could be included in trials.

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It is horrifying some adults can't understand "big" words like experimentation or 5th grade science and why non-vaccinated individuals are wrong.

The same people who won't learn basic ethics or listen to ethicists!

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I think you’ll find they are more rigorously tested for safety, e.g. the RSV vaccine trial has been recently suspended due to safety concerns.

Depending on the vaccine being tested, it may be tested against saline placebo or if it’s a different vaccine to one already in use then the placebo is likely to be the vaccine already in use. Both of these approaches were used during the Covid vaccine trials by the different manufacturers. One in the U.K. had the placebo as a meningococcal vaccine, but the same Covid vaccine in Brazil had saline as the placebo.

Nothing is 100% risk free, some have food allergies whilst others don’t. No two peoples immune systems are the same, as shown in the Black Death in England, when the mortality rate was 48%, which meant that 52% were able to survive.

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ONE RSV trial was suspended. The other vaccine proceeded to market despite infant deaths. The suspension of one trial allows FDA to appear to be doing its job of safety surveillance when in reality it continues to allow unsafe products to remain on the market.

A good friend's father was hospitalized day after getting his covid and RSV shots. Doesn't sound very safe to me.

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Translation: you didn't read the studies, and you don't care what the facts are.

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That’s disinformation. No infant died during the RSV trials; they were all halted when 5 infants in the active arm of the placebo controlled trial developed severe RSV.

Halting the study shows how the regulators are very vigilant about such trials and how seriously they take vaccine safety into account.

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Brazil also used the meningococcal vaccine as a placebo in testing the Covid vaccine, and it killed a young medical student. The meningococcal vaccine is dangerous. The disease is very dangerous, but rare. I gave my daughter the nosode for it.

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Many in Brazil died of Covid. I’d have to try to remember the two South American strains. I’d have to look on my old computer to fond the article about the Brazilian med student killed by the meningococcal vaccine used as a placebo in testing a Covid vaccine there. I do not question that hundreds of thousands died of Covid in S America, millions world wide. Such a shame that mad scientists unleashed hell on the world. But at this time, we were talking about unethical and deadly vaccine testing.

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The person who died in Brazil during the trials for the Astra Zeneca covid vaccine died from Covid. The tragedy was that had he been in the active arm of the study rather than getting an inactive placebo, he might well have survived.

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This is not the article I saw before, but same event. It was João, not Jorge. He was taking the dangerous meningococcal vaccine as a “placebo,” not a saline solution. I originally read that he had died from the meningococcal vaccine, but see here that Pharma later rallied to say it was Covid. I doubt it. What are they going to say?

I found him using Yandex, obviously, as I do for all such queries. Google is corrupt. I saw that Zuck said that FB will no longer prohibit free speech. Other platforms as well. We’ll see.

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No, it was from the meningococcal vaccine used in the trial. Jorge something. Maybe I can find him using that. A very handsome young man, a medical student.

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Gamma and Lamda. I used to associate Lambda with the lambada.

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Don’t expect facts from Cia, she’s never seen a bit of antivax propaganda or disinformation that she hasn’t instantly believed.

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They like to test a new vaccine against an older, very dangerous vaccine, so they can say the new one is not more dangerous than the old one. Both very dangerous. I was a friend of the late Dr. Edward Yazbak. He told me that the polio vaccine had been the only one tested against a true placeno.

The chapter on vaccine safety testing in Dr. Richard Moskowitz’ Vaccines: A Reappraisal, is very interesting, and shows how deliberately dishonest the process is.

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Isn't it sad that you don't care how stupid the anti-vacc fraud is?

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"Isn't it interesting that those who profit from vaccines oppose safety and efficacy testing by being tested against placebos?"

It is interesting that there is 100+ years of figuring out how to do the proper testing.

And the proper use of placebos is just ~5th grade science.

And yet some folks just can't get the basic understanding correct.........or seem to care that every single country rejects their silliness!

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Question for Paul "safe and effective" Offit: How much income do you receive

from vaccine sales? How much are paid for your propaganda and smear campaigns?

Thank You

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My husband is a pediatrician. He makes nothing for recommending vaccines and both of our kids are fully vaccinated.

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I was not asking what pediatricians earn--although they do, and some quite a bit

I'm asking Apostle Paul

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You’ll find pediatricians don’t make as much as a lot of other doctors. Most get into pediatrics because they like kids and want to help them.

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Yes. i would hope so

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Have your husband read vaccines science and myth. Turtles all the way down.

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I assure you that my husband has read plenty.

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It’s total garbage.

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Again, this has gone on for years now at many sites.

Lots of people post the references and none of the Turtles book supporters will read the words and see the book is just a bunch of lies.

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Why would her husband read antivax propaganda? Let him stick to reading the scientific literature on vaccines.

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I dont buy it. If hes not being rewarded then the the hospital or clinic hes workimg for is.

His job (or keeping it) is dependent on meeting certain vaccination quotas


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Thanks for the link from the anti-vacc liar too stupid to read.

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Oh please. Doctors don't get paid for vaccine sales nor for public service campaigns urging people to stay healthy and get vaccinated.

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Staying healthy!? Really? 70+ plus shots? Yet, a 600x increase in childhood disease since 1986 liability protection act. But nothing about nutrition, education, etc.

childhood poverty is number 1 mortality

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70 + shots?

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They count every possible disease and injection separately, though this means double counting. And they regard vaccines like Rota virus as a “shot”.

Me, I take the view that if a vaccine can prevent my child being ill, then let’s be having it!

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I call that anti-vax math.

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It’s much worse.

Doctors cannot practice medicine freely without risking their licenses. The reality is that corporate hospitals and private equity firms now control healthcare—and that’s without even mentioning the pharmaceutical industry.

Healthcare has been reduced to a profit-driven enterprise, where sickness is far more profitable than health. So is addiction. The evidence is in the outcomes we see from the healthcare industry. We don’t need a randomized, placebo-controlled study to recognize that corporate hospitals and nursing homes are among the most dangerous places on the planet.

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"Healthcare has been reduced to a profit-driven enterprise, "

Most people understand that there are other countries beyond the US.

And that all the other developed countries have non-profit driven national healthcare systems.

And sane people ask: gosh, these countries have data on all their citizens for many, many decades. Are vaccines safe and effective? Are the vaccinated healthier?

Then there are the anti-vaccs....

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the medical products consumed outside the U.S. are not the same. For you to intimate that they are is what is the problem. This comment you made can be safely dismissed.

and to be clear: antivaxxer, anti-vaccs, and any other names you call are badges of honor and don't have the effect you think it does...

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"the medical products consumed outside the U.S. are not the same"

For vaccines, almost all the developed countries use the same vaccines made in the same factories etc, etc.

To be clear: one has to be a moron to fall for the anti-vacc lies.

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Dr. Offit doesn't agree with you. Dr. Offit is on record discussing that vaccine products used in other countries are not approved for U.S> in the U.S. due to the regulatory process.

I disagree with many things Dr. Offit says as well. but on this YOU are disagreeing with him. So is he wrong?

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I don’t think he receives anything from vaccine sales. However he did get around $5 million back in the 90s for selling on the patent for the Rotavirus vaccine he developed after 15 years intensive research, I believe.

Even his book profits go to charities.

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Regarding pertussis. I also put a comment below anout zero deaths in Sweden in 19,000 cases.

From Glöckler, Michaela, M.D., A Guide to Child Health, 2003 edition, 7.11 Pertussis (Whooping cough), 124-6. “Complications: Pneumonia. In infants in the first three months of life, respiratory failure, convulsions, and one particular type of encephalitis are possible.

Prevention: In babies less than three months old, whooping cough is dangerous because young infants have difficulty coughing effectively. Brain complications are not infrequent.

All parents-to-be must know how to prevent infection in their newborn or young infant: Adults or children who are coughing or fighting infections should avoid the infant’s room; if the parents themselves are affected, they should wear masks. Whooping cough in a kindergarten or neighborhood is a risk to younger siblings of older children who have not had the disease, and their mothers should be alerted should a case occur…Administering a narrow-spectrum antibiotic can prevent the infection from developing in newly infected infants.

I’m going to pause here.

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“If your young infant is infected: Susceptibility to pertussis is almost 100% in newborns, even among breastfed babies. If you suspect that your infant has been exposed, monitor her constantly and consult your physician. The baby should be hospitalized as soon as symptoms appear, and the prognosis is better if one parent is admitted along with the child.”

She goes on to say that pertussis can still be serious between three and six months, but the child’s breathing passages have developed enough that he can cough up the phlegm effectively.

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She recommends an antibiotic for infants in the first three months if it’s very early in the illness. Once the coughing starts they do no good, unless theres also a bacterial infection. The coughing occurs because the disease toxin breaks off the small hairlike structures which push the phlegm up to be coughed out, and then you just have to wait for them to grow back. Glöckler doesn’t recommend antibiotic prophylaxis in healthy infants over three months old, when the disease is less dangerous.

I have similar advice in several other books.

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On pp 162-3, Glōckler discusses the DPT/DTaP vaccines. She mentions brain damage and seizures caused by them. And that if vaccine protection is given, it wears off in adults so that they may unknowingly have pertussis and infect young infants. Babies under three months old and, to a lesser degree, three to six months old, are in danger, but cannot be protected by the vaccine. When the UK withdrew the vac because of disabling or fatal side effects, there was an increase in pertussis in infants. Germany never had as high an immunization rate, and when it withdrew the DPT, there wasn’t as high a surge in cases. Fatalities were less than ten per year in a population of 60 million. She says vaccination may make sense for children with certain heart and lung diseases, and in refugee camps or living situations with a lot of children.

I wouldn’t get the pertussis vaccine again myself or to any child in my care.

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It has been established that the children thought to have reacted to DPT vaccine with fits/encephalitis were instead suffering from Dravet’s syndrome and didn’t have reactions to vaccines at all!!!!!


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I can’t find the pertussis comments. I found this: there was a pertussis epidemic in Sweden from 1977-1979. 19,000 cases of pertussis, zero deaths. Taranger, J., “Mild Clinical Course of Pertussis in Swedish Infants of Today.” Lancet, June 12, 1982; 1360.

I don’t think you should shadow ban this. It is important. Carefully nursing children, especially young infants, with pertussis, makes a big difference.

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“In 1979, Sweden suspended the use of a DTP vaccine that was considered poorly effective; the incidence of whooping cough more than quadrupled thereafter, with several major outbreaks [137, 138].”

There were several deaths recorded during this outbreak.


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Do you have a link to the pertussis area? I have several pieces of relevant information, including its not usually being serious after three months old. I just spent some time looking, but haven’t found it. I have other things to do right now. I may wind up putting it somewhere else. I read an intetesting article by Vinay Prasad this morning, hoping that RFK is approved. He thinks measles will come back: I hope it does, and that C get it. And that pertussis will, but it came back in force with the acellular pertussis vaccine thirty years ago. I don’t know how much more it can come back. Those getting it before the vaccine have permanent immunity, so would act as a firebreak. If they get the vaccine first, original antigenic sin would prevent them from ever having permanent immunity. Prasad mentioned rubella too. It would be good to inform women of child-bearing age of the danger, let them get the monovalent rubella vaccine if they wanted, and let children have the opportunity to get it naturally again. I still had rubella antibodies when I was pregnant, many years after having had it (and measles) naturally.

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The decision to get or refuse vaccines for children must be left entirely in the hands of parents. The existing inactivated polio vaccine should remain available for those who want to give it. Only rare cases of polio 1 still occur in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and rare cases of 2 from the oral vaccine sometimes reverting to wildness. The one case of paralytic polio in NY in 2022 was because an unvaxxed man was exposed to a man who had gotten the oral vaccine in eastern Europe and it had reverted to wildness. A very unusual situation. Those who want it should be able to get it, but the danger in refusing it is extremely low.

The hep-B vaccine has always been devastatingly dangerous. Sure, released in the year of the inflection point of autism, when it began its explosion. Few of those 18,000 children under ten said to have had hep-B were not diagnosed with it as children, because there were no symptoms. Very few of them had it. When some got it later as adults from heroin use and similar, many denied using an illegal drug, so they said Well, then you must have gotten it as a child, though no one ever knew, because you were perfectly healthy. So let’s say it’s not enough to test all pregnant women and only vax babies born to those with hep-B (the sensible course). No. We’ll get forty dollars per newborn for vaxxing them all before leaving the hospital, construing permission from the woman’s signature when checking into the hospital on a general consent form which doesn’t mention the vaccine. Sure, a congressional committee heard a lot of testimony in May 1999 on the thousands of babies killed or disabled by autism or seizure disorders caused by the vaccine. But we’ll just repeat mindlessly that that’s correlation, not causation. And never do a real safety study since any baby at any time may contract this disease like AIDS in being blood- or semen-borne.

Nosodes are available for all VPDs, have been shown in many studies to be highly effective. So test all vaccines using nosodes rather than true placebos if it is necessary to give all test subjects protection. Or use some of the millions whose parents won’t give them vaccines regardless. Only the medical personnel involved need to be blinded. But don’t continue killing and disabling children because you say that testing would be unethical.

Aluminum as an adjuvant is dangerous, but there is no safer alternative. Parents just have to decide for each individual child if each VPD is dangerous enough in their case to warrant taking a chance on the vaccine.

Parents became even more suspicious regarding vaccine safety as a result of such a large percentage of the Covid vaccinated being disabled or killed by it. The CDC refused to release the devastating V-Safe records for several years. They were meant to show the public how safe the vaccine was, but instead showed the opposite. But refusing to admit the truth was the wrong course to take.

Thousands of studies have been done showing every conceivable type of damage caused by vaccines. They COULD easily disable or even kill the child taking them. Those with a propensity to allergic or autoimmune disease in their family are at much higher risk. Most of the vaccines are effective, though not safe. So the parent has to research the VPDs, what they were like before the vaccines for them, and what they might be like if they returned, considering modern changes in living conditions and medical treatments like antibiotics. It’s on the parents to research and decide.

But vaccine transparency is absolutely necessary, grist for the mill in making decisions.

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That’s the situation here in the U.K., however, in some countries vaccination of children is compulsory,Austria for example, before they can go to school. Despite our voluntary vaccination programme, most parents have their children vaccinated, unfortunately over the past year measles vaccination rates have fallen below the 95% required for community immunity leading to outbreaks in some areas.

Do I think that childhood vaccinations should be compulsory? In general that would be no.

Are there circumstances where vaccination should be compulsory? Yes for certain professions where there’s a risk of infection and disease.

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Vaccines are neither safe nor effective.

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None is safe, but most are effective. Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis ((DPT, not DTaP), measles, rubella, polio, Hib disease, and chicken pox all disappeared or became very uncommon shortly after the vaccines for them were introduced. Count how many vaccinated people on your block have had any of these. I would refuse pertussis, measles, and chicken pox, and Hib for a breast fed baby or toddler cared for at home. But if I got them, they would be effective.

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In the U.K. pregnant women are vaccinated against pertussis, influenza and RSV in the third trimester, as this provides the newborn with passive antibodies passed across the placenta in utero and in breast milk post natal. Neonates are very susceptible to these infections, particularly those who are pre term. We don’t vaccinate against chickenpox except in certain circumstances.

The vaccines I had as a baby were polio, diphtheria and tetanus. I think I missed out on pertussis. I had the oral polio vaccine when I was 6, after it was introduced in 1961.

Measles vaccine was introduced in 1968 in U.K..

I had both measles and rubella as an infant. I had chicken pox when I was 8 years old. I never had mumps.

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Cia’s idea of stopping infants dying from pertussis is to completely isolate mother and baby in a hermetically sealed environment for the first year of life…no contact with father, siblings etc.

You can’t get crazier than that!

Oh, I see she can.. she thinks you can give them homeopathic remedies too!

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Not for the first year. By three months old, the breathing passages of infants have developed enough that they are able to cough out the mucus in their lungs. It was surprising to me when C got it at 8 months old (despite three DTaPs). She had long coughing fits maybe three or four times a day, ten coughs per breath. Then coughed up vast sheets of clear, slippery mucus. A small number of newborns might choke on it and be unable to breathe.

Pertussis has upsurges anout every three and a half years worldwide. Parents of newborns should ask their health care provider how common pertussis is during their infant’s first three months of life. Longer if the child is fragile. The (dangerous) DTaP is given at 2, 4, 6, and 18 months, but doesn’t hive any protection for the first several doses, and often never does.

So that means that parents perforce must think carefully about who they should keep away from their child. C was 8 and 9 months old. It was alarming, but not dangerous. Once the fits ended, she felt all right.

It was foolish of me to go to La Leche League meetings with her. That one, in early January, 2001, probably had ten babies and toddlers at it, several of them coughing. And I still thought nothing of it.

Yes, if your baby gets whooping cough, you need to hold them up to your shoulder and walk around with them, so the mucus doesn’t pool in their lungs and possibly cause pneumonia. If possible, have helpers to spell you. Give the correct dose of vitamin C. Alternate Pertudoron 1 and 2. Keep the child wrapped up and warm. Speak soothingly through the coughing fits.

The older the baby, the less you have to worry about pertussis. But, obviously, take him to the hospital if he is in distress after a fit is over. He may contract pneumonia.

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And it is dangerous for pregnant women to get any vaccines. Parents must shelter newborns at home for several months after birth. They can only get pertussis from someone carrying it. There is a nosode they could give them. Vitamin C if they get it anyway. Breastfeeding provides no protection from pertussis, wjich is strange.

I reacted to the DPT at three months old with encephalitic screaming syndrome, as my brother did a year later. As my daughter did reacting to the hep-B vaccine. And it and the DTaP booster caused her autism.

I had a lot of DPTs, one at 19 paralyzed both my arms for several days, brachial plexus neuropathy, and caused my MS. I also got many polio vaccines, and two smallpox, with a third the day I got the travel vacvines and brachial plexus neuropathy. Also the first of two typhoid vaccines.

I had measles at six and chickenpox at seven. Rubella at some point. Pertussis when my thrice vaxxed baby caught pertussid anyway and gave it to me. The booster at 18 months erased her only two words, and she was diagnosed with autism two months later.

I have had flu many times, have never taken the vaccine, nor ever will. It paralyzed my father. I got hep-A after eating fry bread on a Navajo reservation with my father. Rotavirus while living in Mexico as an adult. I got three doses of Covid vaccine in 2021, but had bad reactions, including myocarditis. I’m glad I have gotten the natural diseases that I have. I would not travel in a yellow fever or Ebola zone.

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Who is it dangerous for? Mother or baby? IgG antibodies from the mother pass through breast milk to the infant, as there’s no discrimination between antibodies then pertussis antibodies must be present in breast milk. By the way diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine doesn’t cause.encephalitis https://vaxopedia.org/2017/12/30/what-causes-non-stop-crying-after-dtap-vaccines/

Neither does DTaP or any vaccine cause autism.

Also be aware that the U.K. uses the abbreviation DTP for diphtheria, tetanus, polio triple vaccine.

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As the graph shows their "dissappearance" had nothing to do with vaccines.

Vaccinated individuals still contract and transmit the very "illnesses" they were vaccinated against. We watched this play out in real.time these last 4 years


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No, we didn’t. Children are no longer paralyzed by polio. If you think they continue to be paralyzed in similar numbers by a virus just like polio, what is it? Why does it no longer strike in epidemics, leaving many paralyzed, some killed, in its wake? Why do children mo longer die asphyxiated by a diphtheric membrane across their throat? Why do very few people, none vaccinated, die of lockjaw?

Are you going to say that everyonr eventually dies, and if it involves paralysis, it’s really a form of polio? If it involves organ failure, it’s really Ebola? If it involves a severe cough and cytokine storm, it’s really the Spanish flu? That’s really silly.

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Pay attention. Stop muddying the water its really not that complicated.

Mortality rates due to childhood illnesses had decreased by 95% BEFORE the introduction of a vaccine for that illness


Now get out your feelings. Put on your thinking caps. Really absorb what that means.

That means vaccines are useless in their best case and deadly in their worst

We have been fed a myth all our lives, that persists due to ignorance. At one time this was common knowledge.

Now go Thank your local garbage pickup, plumbers, electricians for providing/maintaining

1) Sanitation

2) Clean water

3) Refrigeration for foods

And take comfort in the realization that your natural healthy immune system is ALL that you need

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A vaccinated person can and does become infected with a pathogen, but they shouldn’t become seriously ill or die. In the early 2000’s I was required to have a measles antibody check. This returned a measurable quantity of antibodies. I have not been vaccinated against measles, but I developed it some 50 years before my antibody test. Either I had had a huge viral load as an infant (The half life of these antibodies is 3 weeks, if you figure out how many three weeks there are in fifty years and multiply 2 by itself that many times will give some indication of the numbers involved) OR I had multiple infections from the measles virus in the intervening years that kept triggering my immune system to produce antibodies.

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The rest of the world would disagree with you on that. Vaccines are safe and effective. If you wanted to travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo would you refuse the yellow fever vaccination or, should one be developed, against Ebola or Lassa?

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The yellow fever vaccine is very reactive, and has itself killed many people. You’d have to consider your risk of being infected.

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From the BNF https://bnf.nice.org.uk/drugs/yellow-fever-vaccine/#side-effects

Side-effects, further information

Very rare vaccine-associated adverse effects may occur, such as viscerotropic disease (yellow-fever vaccine-associated viscerotropic disease, YEL-AVD), a syndrome which may include metabolic acidosis, muscle and liver cirrhosis, and multi-organ failure. Neurological disorders (yellow fever vaccine-associated neurotropic disease, YEL-AND) such as encephalitis have also been reported. These very rare adverse effects usually occur after the first dose of yellow fever vaccine in those with no previous immunity. Increased risk of fatal reactions reported in patients aged 60 years and older and those who are immunosuppressed.

There are two Ebola vaccines, both against Zaire (now the DRC) Ebola only.

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You see John, it matters not if a vaccine saves millions of lives…if it kills just one recipient it is evil and dangerous, and should be banned! 😉

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Totally up to the recipient. This Guardian article doesn’t give the harrowing details.

M, you probably knew him. Do you think he would have taken the vaccine if he had known what would happen?

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You speak for the rest of the worlds health ministries? Since when?

A better question is "why the hell would I want to travel to the DRC"? Lets start there.

Any country with a mandatory vaccine rule for entry; isnt a country am remotely interested in visiting for starters

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M lived in Africa and practiced medicine in African clinics for many years. He took the existing vaccines for tropical diseases, including yellow fever. He probably had unpleasant reactions. What say uou, M?

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No reactions I recall of any significance. Smallpox caused scarring, I got a sterile BCG abscess which needed to be drained by needling.

Other vaccines were fine.

I ended up getting smallpox vaccine again as a doctor covering the U.K. “SMART” teams (smallpox acute response teams” set up when there were concerns about biological threats in the early 2000s.

Then I got the Imvanex shot in 2018 when dealing with monkeypox cases. No reactions.

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I was born in Nigeria had measles as a kid living in the village in the 80s. Was ok a few weeks later.

Years ago I asked my mom (who is an RN now) why she wasnt worried back then. She said measels/whooping cough/chicken pox/etc were almost rites-of-passage. You expected healthy children to get it and one rarely died from it.

Its often forgotten that in mid part of the last century American parents routinely took their children to measles and chicken pox parties hoping to expose them to something they can suffer through towards lifelong immunity

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I wouldn’t travel to those countries where vaccinations are “only” recommended without having those vaccinations. It’s not worth the risk of becoming ill, dependent on local healthcare which could be under strain with the local population without the added burden of tourists or overseas workers, is it too much to ask that you mitigate against the risk by having a vaccination?


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Yes its too much to ask because vaccination doesnt mitigate anything.


And worse it cripples my immume system leaving me susceptible to the very illness i was vaccinated against or worse.


We are not even yet to discuss some of the chronic disorders from vaccination or the adverse events some of which include paralysis and death


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Look up Professor Martin Gore, who was killed very quickly by the yellow fever vaccine in 1999. Many tourists about to travel to a yellow fever zone have died either from the yellow fever vaccine or from yellow fever, if they decided not to take the vaccine. That’s why it’s called risks vs. benefits: the outcome can go either way.

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How many were killed by the actual vaccine itself? Or suffer lifelong chronic disorders. Your side loves to minimize this.

Truth is healthy individuals dont fear contracting illnesses. You suffer through it to LIFELONG immunity

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There was a vaccine for Ebola. Reactive. But Ebola would be worth taking the risk if you were going to be exposed. Has it been withdrawn?

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No. It’s very helpful.

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Not if those children are around my kids. No way.

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Excellent!! And thank you.

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This seems very disingenuous to me. People like RFK Jr (and myself) are not anti-vax, we are pro science, transparency, safety, etc.

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In manners of life and death, what is disingenuous is scientifically illiterate grifting from foolish people.

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I have published on vaccines in top medical journals, with zero funding, and you want to call me a scientifically illiterate grifter? I'm sorry, I'm very clever, but I can't fix stupid.

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Yes you are a grifter.

"I have published on vaccines in top medical journals, "

You are also a liar.


While you are not clever enough to fool the average 18-year-old poetry student taking intro to science for non-scientists..............

I am sure the anti-vaccs believe you!

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This may be a classic example of COVID jab induced cognitive decline. AJE is one of the world's top epidemiology journals...

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Epidemiology is NOT a medical journal.

And letters to the editor are NOT published papers.

A good example of how anti-vacc grifters and liars prey upon fools too clueless read.

With all possible contempt: you just aren't at all clever with your BS.

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I said "I have published on vaccines in top medical journals". This includes AJE, JECP, BMJ, and more. But keep lying, it suits you :)

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Yeah, right! 🙄

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If you want to see it, the information is therr already. Vacvines by their nature are not safe and can never be safe. It’s risk vs benefit. I mentioned Ebola and the Ebola vaccine. I can’t imagine my being in an Ebola zone. But if I were, I’d take the vaccine, wary though I am of them. I would mot jold out for a 100% safe Ebola vaccine which is never going to happen.

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According to a statistic I saw recentley the pharmaceutical industry made over $1.6 TRILLION. Your contention is that some group made $23 Million, roughly the amount Pfizer spends on marketing for a single drug and you think they're "well funded".

Dr. Offit, the pharmaceutical and corporate healthcare industries have YOU putting out their apologetics and you have the ear of politicians, mainstream media, and you lecture to health journalists. YOU control the narrative.

ICAN is nothing compared to the influence you have, Dr. Offit. This movement is powered by people NOT money.

I thought you'd understand that by now...

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"According to a statistic I saw recentley the pharmaceutical industry made over $1.6 TRILLION"

And I have read that 99.9% of everything anti-vaccs say is a stupid lie.


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Okay. Let's use your number. You think that helps you!? $23 milion is still less than the cost of a single marketing campaign by orders of magnitude.

I can stand corrected on the total and still be correct. as I am and will remain.

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You couldn't read the words!

" pharmaceutical sector" NOT industry

"encompasses a wide range of players, "


YOU included lots and lots and lots of non-pharmaceutical companies in your numbers.

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it is an industry. quibble with the words. my facts are sound. I can use your numbers and still I am correct.

Dr. Offit controls the narrative. His problem is that his glass jaw met a fist it couldn't stop.

Vaccine mandates of any kind have to go. That is what we are after and that is what's going to happen.

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"it is an industry. quibble with the words."

It is many industries!

All that is going to happen is that you are going to keep posting stupid lies.

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Vaccine mandates are going to end. With no exceptions in any industry.

hope that helps.

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It comes as no surprise that I agree wholeheartedly with your evaluation. People see the decrease in disease and assume you don't need vaccinations if you no longer have the disease circulating. Little do they know it can come back with mutations that will make it much more difficult to control the next time around. And there is an assumption that hygiene will solve all our problems with disease. While important, hygiene was not a factor in the latest Covid epidemic. I am disappointed with the comments others have proffered in these comments.

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It isn’t disease that circulates but pathogens. The pathogen can infect anyone, vaccinated or not. What vaccines do is prevent serious illness or death, they cannot prevent infection.

This is why virologists and immunologists go to great lengths to differentiate between a virus (e.g. SARS-CoV-2) and the disease (e.g. COVID19). The mRNA vaccines are against COVID19 not SARS-CoV-2.

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Sterile vaccines prevent infection. I think the measles vaccine is sterile.

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Measles vaccine is not sterilising, it requires 95% uptake to stop the spread.

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Is that you Dr. Racaniello? Of course this is exactly right. But disease is easier for some people to relate to. Otherwise you have to explain B and T cells and I'm not qualified to do that.

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Nope, but I do watch microbe tv on YouTube.

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I’ve suggesting banning these trolls but to no avail. He’d be better to disable comments completely.

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Sometimes it’s good for people reading the articles to see how vacuous the antivax trolls’ arguments can be. Many are their own worst enemy, given how obviously ridiculous their claims are.

But yes, some moderation of the threatening and insulting comments would probably help.

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But then trust would be irrevocably lost. Most people don’t want yo read Safe and effective bounced back and forth ad infinitim, when most people realize that vaccine reactions are common and are often disabling, sometimes fatal. Anout one in three Americans says he knows someone killed by the Covid vaccine. Everyone knows autistic people now and everyone is horrified that with 4% autistic now in the US, it might well be their future child. Up from 1 in 10,000 in 1980, 3 in 10,000 in 1987.

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Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries summarizes nicely in graph form the decline in vaccine preventable diseases well before vaccines for them became available.

As for hygiene and covid, if it had no impact, why were we told to wash our hands dozens of times a day, douse ourselves in hand sanitizer, wear masks, and stay away from one another? Or were the experts wrong about that?

Covid was driven largely by low vitamin D levels, insulin resistance (obese and those with type 2 diabetes were much higher risk of severe disease). Had the public health officials given everyone adequate doses of vitamin D to achieve levels >50-60, very few would have ended up in ICU. Instead we were told to stay indoors and eventually given donuts to take an ineffective and unsafe genetic injection that even Cleveland Clinic has found increases the likelihood of getting the very disease it was said it would prevent.

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Diseases spread by feco-oral route declined prior to vaccination, thanks to improved hygiene.

Most airborne disease didn’t.. eg measles, pneumonia, pertussis, diphtheria, rubella, meningitis, chickenpox, mumps etc.

These remained prevalent (some universally so) until vaccines were introduced.

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Measles actually did. So did tetanus. I don't r know the stats on the others.

As for pneumonia, I recently read that since vaccinating babies against Strep pneumonia, adults (older ones in particular) are now getting sick with more Strep pneumonia than before. Sounds similar to the rise in adult shingles after we kept kids from getting chickenpox with the varicella vaccine. Adults no longer getting naturally boosted by exposure to kids and grandkids and neighbor kids. So now the more vulnerable adults are getting sick.

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The only people who get shingles are people who’ve had chickenpox. Vaccinated kids won’t get it.

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In fact, people even people who've had chickenpox can be vaccinated and will be unlikely to get it. Shingrex shot.

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Nope… vaccinating kids REDUCES pneumonia in the elderly, by reducing the pneumococcal prevalence in the general population.

One study found that the number of hospitalizations for pneumococcal pneumonia in the elderly decreased by 58% after routine vaccination.

Another study found that the PCV7 vaccine prevents hospitalisations in the elderly primarily due to herd protection in the adult population.


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Humphrey is a crank.

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You won't use your basic reading skills and see the anti-vaccs lied to you?

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"even Cleveland Clinic has found increases the likelihood of getting the very disease it was said it would prevent."

Or you could read the words and see that the anti-vaccs lied to you.


"a significantly lower risk of COVID-19"

BTW: if you remember how to graph, you will see that Humphries lied to you.

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"Perhaps no one has benefited more from the Covid-19 pandemic than the anti-vaccine movement." This is TOO precious, Captain Obvious. That you don't seem to understand why we became suspicious of vaccines during covid is so rich.

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1. Anti-vacc liars,

2. Your scientific ignorance,

Generally followed by willful ignorance!

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So even PR-offit is getting of the booster-for-life band wagon. Does he know something YOU DONT ?

He wants the right to say no to a vaccine but wants to deny you (the parent of fragile children) that same right

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Maybe we should focus more on Ultra Processed Foods. If RFK is going to attack the pharmaceutical he should also attack food manufacturers for poisoning our food with chemicals

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He already is doing that - he testified in a Senate hearing a couple of months ago about it

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Absolutely we should do that also, along with rigorous vaccine safety and efficacy testing. Let's do it all.

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"along with rigorous vaccine safety and efficacy testing"

Here is a crazy idea: why don't you try learning the facts?

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Exactly. If we are going to attack one we should attack all

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Sure, meanwhile people die since studies can take years.

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Most of us agree. There’s a lot I hope he will do. I’m most concerned about vaccines and endocrine-disrupting chemicals. A shame that he is our only hope, that the estanlishment is just fine with the deadly status quo.

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He is.

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Thanks; keep up the dangerous work that is going to get more dangerous as the Christofascists gain more power and flex it. Stay safe...

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It's interesting that you say "Christofascists" to describe people who DON'T want the government to mandate untested medical products from large corporate donors. Sounds like the definition of facsist to me. Also, having grown up in blue states there were plenty of non-vaxxers, and most were hippy lefties. Big anti vax movement in Austin, TX and all over California. Remember when Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carey were the face of "green our vaccines?". Bunch of right wing religious nutters those two..

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"It's interesting that you say "Christofascists" to describe people who DON'T want the government to mandate untested medical products from large corporate donors."

It is interesting that couldn't figure out that they are testing.

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What untested products?

I’m against those too, but I’m all for vaccines!

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Vacccines are NOT tested against placebo. That's all I ask as well.


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You don't care how stupid the anti-vacc lies are?

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Too bad you didn't take ~1 second with a search engine to see that RFK jr lied to you!

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So, are they untested(your original claim), or tested, but not against placebo?

[That sound you all hear is the wheels on the goalposts squeaking…a Motte and Bailey fallacy during deployment. ]

And which vaccines specifically..? Tell us please.

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Covid vaccines were emergency use and were not tested the same as products not under EUA. so no in that case. Regular vaccines such as MMR are tested but not against placebo. Which is standard for most other pharmaceutical products.

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So you can't list even one test that was not done for the EUA.

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Why didn't you list even one test that was not done for the EUA?


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I call them cranks.

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And of course no vaccines are tested against saline solution placebos and vaccine manufactures incur no liability as they are shielded by the national vaccine act of 1986 and the CARES act

You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either


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If you have an efficacious drug, why on earth would you want to give a placebo?

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Placebos can help determine how effective a drug can be as compared to nothing.

For drugs or vaccines where there is already an accepted effective option available, then new drugs or vaccines can only be tested against the one in current use.

For example, if you develop a new formulation of insulin, you can’t test it in diabetics by having a placebo control; if you did a lot would die from diabetic ketoacidosis. You have to test the new version against the usual insulin.

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To see how many are disabled or killed by the drug or vaccine compared to the placebo group. But if you’d prefer just to kill or disable us and speed on, just say so.

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How do you know its effective without a control arm in your study? So we take the word of drug manufacturers without testing? Genuis? Especially ones that have settled multi billion lawsuits for fraud?

Justice Department Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in Its History


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Please remove your USA centric viewpoint, what may or may not apply in the USA does not extend outside of the 50 states, D.C. or overseas territories into the rest of the world or Greenland.

You’re incorrect, COVID vaccines were tested against saline placebo in Brazil and possibly South Africa. In the U.K. there’s a vaccine damage payment available for people who are proven to be >=60% disabled following any of a specific list of vaccines, including COVID, this is not compensation but a benefit payment of £120000. This does not prevent the recipient from suing the pharmaceutical company.

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1) The author of this substack is an American.

2) The issue of contention is mandatory childhood vaccination in America.

3) The person of interest is one RFKjr who is about to head up the HHS; a cabinet position in America; who himself is also an American ... shall i go on?

You might be in the wrong place

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The UK is a failed, Third World state, lacking in the most basic civil liberties. Just voted NOT to investigate the ongoing r-pe of at least 250,000 white, working-class, underage girls, although 75% of its population is in favor of such an investigation. The people care about protecting their children, while their “betters” do not. Who will prevail? In any case, your Brit-centric viewpoint is irrelevant.

Anything its - spokesmen say is venal and not to be taken at face value.

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"vaccine manufactures incur no liability"

Most people don't want children to die and they will read the words and see vaccine manufacturers have full liability and that the anti-vaccs are frauds:


Yup, the anti-vaccs are liars and evil.

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"You can’t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely won’t compensate you for damages either"


Immune to lawsuits

In February, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar invoked the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. The 2005 law empowers the HHS secretary to provide legal protection to companies making or distributing critical medical supplies, such as vaccines and treatments, unless there’s “willful misconduct” by the company. The protection lasts until 2024.

That means that for the next four years, these companies “cannot be sued for money damages in court” over injuries related to the administration or use of products to treat or protect against Covid.

HHS declined CNBC’s request for an interview.

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Good thing I posted a lawsuit so everyone can see that it is possible to sue vaccine makers and that the Courts have exposed the anti-vacc fraud.

BTW: your "immune" to lawsuits quote explains that one can sue the covid vaccine makers.

Yup, the anti-vacc lies are that stupid.

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Lolll. You moron. Pre 2024 you couldnt sue them because they were shielded by the CARES act as the msnbc article points out

Post 2024 you cant sue them because Covid is part of the cdc childrens vaccination schedule and thus shielded by the national childhood vaccination act.

Which; given Trumps line up for the HHS/FDA/CDC/NIADS problem isnt going to exist much longer ... ESPECIALLY once it becomes public/common knowledge

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"Pre 2024 you couldnt sue them because they were shielded by the CARES act as the msnbc article points out"

You post the exact words saying could be sued!

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"BREAKING: Sen. Ron Johnson calls for the removal of liability protections for vaccine makers first enacted in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986."



And so it begins. 1/30/25 cant come soon enough

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"And of course no vaccines are tested against saline solution placebos"


Yup, the anti-vacc liars are exactly that stupid!

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Here is a video of RFKjr in a question and answer session stating publicly that no vaccines in use today have been tested against a saline solution placebo.

Given who he is, his position both in the public limelight and as a lawyer; coupled with the hatred pharmaceutical companies and health agencies have for him;

They can easily bankrupt him in lawsuits and destroy his credibility in one fell swoop; if ANYTHING he said above was in error

Why havent they?

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We are lucky.

I posted studies so we 100% know that RFK jr is lying.

E.g. "randomized to receive influenza vaccine or saline placebo"

Remember: it takes willful stupidity to fall for the anti-vacc lies.

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Again why havent they taken those studies to court against him and his bold claim.?

How come YOU (a jerk off sittimg in his moms basement) have access to studies that multi billion pharmaceutical giants dont have with which to defend against RFKs bold claim?


Heres the video of RFKjr making that statement ...

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You changed the subject again!

I PROVED to you that RFK jr is a for-profit liar that preys upon folks too stupid to read.

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I’ve given examples of vaccines tested against saline placebos before. Why do you keep forgetting them?

And the Covid vaccines were tested against saline placebos.

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Young Joăo in Brazil was tested against a dangerous meningococcal vaccine placebo, not saline. Why do you keep forgetting that?

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Fouad told me that six or seven years ago, before Covid. I know that the meningococcal vaccinr was sometimes used as a “placebo,” and you do as well. And their methods of testing were very ineffective since an extremely high percentage of the vaxxed reacted with death or disability. Have you guys settled on an explanation for that?

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Show me reports or evidence that an “extremely high percentage of the vaxxed reacted with death or disability”.

What is an extremely high percentage? …50%? 80%?

Specify the vaccine and the specific trial please.

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