Thank you Dr. Offit. I am saddened daily when I hear the spin and misinformation the far right is spewing regarding Kennedy’s egregious history of conspiracy theories, lies and outright manipulation. It should be alarming to everyone. In the 90’s I was working in a university hospital ED and routinely had to start IV’s on kids with rotavirus who were volume depleted. I had to inflict trauma and pain on them while their parents watched and cried along with them. Unfortunately, it appears that until enough people see enough children suffer and die again that grifters like RFK jr are going to continue to profit. Keep speaking the truth.

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Mortality rates to childhood illnesses had dropped by 95% BEFORE the introduction of vaccines.

Did you skip that class?

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A liar about vaccines, certainly. And a spreader of misleading disinformation and conspiracy theory.

It’s true that improved standards of living, nutrition and public health helped dramatically reduce the deaths from infections “before vaccines”… that’s because the incidence of (primarily) feco-orally spread infections such as cholera, typhoid and dysentery were greatly reduced. The incidence of some other infections fell too, meaning fewer deaths, and medical advances and treatments like antibiotics helped reduce deaths further.

But despite that, the incidence of many diseases didn’t drop (usually the ones spread through close contact or the airborne route), so cases of things like pertussis, diphtheria, pneumonias, meningitis, etc continued apace. Viral diseases like Polio, flu, rotavirus, measles continued (didn’t “everyone” get measles or infant diarrhoea?).

So deaths from all these diseases continued, and only once vaccination was introduced were they controlled and deaths minimised.

Rombios knows that; he uses the “mortality dropped” argument as a straw man to try and attack vaccines. It’s pure dishonesty and antivax propaganda , since he’s been shown dozens of times how specious and fallacious his argument is.

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These are weak and specious arguments for the extraordinary protection from liability that vaccine manufactures enjoy in the US. Every practicing physician in the US working to prolong and improve human lives is subject to the "slings and arrows of outrageous civil litigation" every day - yet nearly a million doctors continue to offer services to the public. If the US liability system is unfair, it should be reformed for everyone, rather than giving certain parties this extraordinary protection.

Public trust in the vaccine approval and recommendation process and in the pharma industry is now so badly damaged that the US is going to have to reexamine this policy.

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"These are weak and specious arguments:"

You don't like facts--got it.

"the extraordinary protection from liability that vaccine manufactures"

Fact: all American's can sue vaccine makers.

You should have read the law first.

"slings and arrows of outrageous civil litigation".

That is true, but you are making a basic logic error (False Equivalence). You should have read the legal of history of bogus lawsuits against vaccine makers that still required massive payouts before commenting.

Maybe your point was that unqualified people make lots of errors. Maybe it is a really bad idea to get legal or scientific/immunology opinions from cardiologists!

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Hey, Bud!

Now why are you being dishonest with this person!? You know the pharmaceutical industry has liability protection from vaccine induced horrific side effects.

All anyone needs is your own quotes when you think theyre not reading to know vaccines have side effects and many of these vaccines don't actually prevent the diseases they claim. In fact most vaccines don't give sterilizing immunity often enough that there must be a choice to consume them...

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Hey non-Bud

Here is what I posted:

"Fact: all American's can sue vaccine makers."

You know that is true.

You know that the anti-vacc fraud is well exposed in Civil court cases.

You know that the anti-vaccs keep lying and saying it is impossible to sue vaccine makers.

You continue to choose to support frauds that kill children.

"All anyone needs is your own quotes when you think theyre not reading to know vaccines have side effects and many of these vaccines don't actually prevent the diseases they claim. "

All it takes is integrity and a 5th grade education to know that:

*all medical products have side effects

*all vaccines are effective at preventing disease

"In fact most vaccines don't give sterilizing immunity often enough that there must be a choice to consume them."

No vaccine gives sterilizing immunity!

And anyone with the integrity to read the definitions will see that sterilizing immunity is irrelevant to your argument.

And anyone with basic reading skills knows that Americans have the choice to consume them or not.

Yes, the anti-vaccs count on folks being fools!

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You know we’re comment section pals. I saw your comment and I had to say what’s up by pointing out the flaws in your comment and anyone can see the flaws in your reasoning.

Although I am noticing you soften a bit on your acknowledgment of horrific side effects from vaccines. although you’ve hit wide of the mark on vaccines being “effective” at preventing disease. 34% efficacy of the flu vaccine isn’t what I would term “effective”. in some cases the flu vaccine can harm people when the wrong strain is chosen as it often is.

thank you for admitting vaccines don’t give sterilizing immunity. I think you’ve just made the case to get rid of vaccine mandates. I’m really happy we agree on this point.

U.S. citizens and their children cannot be prevented from any place in the public commons, this includes hospitals, schools, and other areas for lack of vaccine consumption.

Take it easy, Albus!

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I note your selective and imbalanced commentary, Omar….

Vaccines cause “horrific side effects” [well, only extremely rarely], and how vaccines are “ineffective” according to you because flu vaccines are only 34% effective [we will conveniently forget about all the other shots with higher efficacy, even those which are 99% effective like measles, and what’s wrong with 34% anyway?]

Some vaccines give sterilising immunity, some don’t, but all of them either prevent disease or prevent the consequences of infection. …all good.

Your argument is facile…to paraphrase “not all vaccines give sterilising immunity therefore mandates are useless”). There may be reasonable arguments against the use of mandates, but this isn’t one of them.

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measles vaccine isn't 99% effective. that isn't factual. Dr. Offit has said that after one dose of mmr vaccine you get 93% efficacy and after two doses you get 97% efficacy. I doubt the validity of these percentages as during measles outbreaks we consistently see multiple instances of vaccine failure. giving more vaccine isn't going to fix that.

and no vaccines do not prevent disease. none of them do that. in many cases the claim that vaccines prevent severe disease is also false. we can't seem to get accurate numbers. the pharmaceutical industry may believe it will harm their market share and money making operations.

and my argument against mandates are varied. there are so many that this is only one of them.

but I must be clear here: vaccine mandates died and I didn't kill them. the people that killed vaccine mandates is anyone who supported mandates during the height of the mrna vaccine rollout. all mandates in every setting are going. come hell or high water.

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Still defending Dr Offit I see...

Fact check: No, citizens cannot sue vaccine makers. I can't until the day I see Siri cross examin Offit and company

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"Fact check: No, citizens cannot sue vaccine makers."

You mean like this lawsuit where the vaccines cause autism claim is revealed to be lies and fraud?


Hey, here is one of the law firms that specialize in suing vaccine makers. They have a number of current lawsuits and they clearly explain how all Americans can sue vaccine makers.


Fact is you could use your basic reading skills and read the law and see it exactly explains how one can sue vaccine makers.


Heck, all have to do is to read the FAQ on the compensation site.


But I guess you won't even bother to try and understand.......once you do you can't help but see the anti-vaccs lie about ~everything.

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Like all the other vaccine critics here, you don't care enough to read the words and see that the anti-vaccs are liars and frauds.

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The system is weighted heavily towards the plaintiffs, so proof of causation of vaccine damage is not a requirement. This makes it easier to gain compensation than it would be through tort litigation, although the sums awarded in compensation are likely lower through the NVICP than they would otherwise be.

Public trust in vaccination has been damaged; but please give a thought to why that has happened. It’s not because vaccines are defective or dangerous, it’s because they have been demonised by those who are ideologically antivaccine, and this has been amplified through (social) media and weaponised by politicians over 2 presidential election cycles.

Blame poor communication from public health officials during the pandemic if you will, but that is only a minor part of the problem.

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Boy oh Boy this Offit just keeps pissing on his own leg. Embarrassing. And he self-congratulating calls himself a "vaccine skeptic." and Kennedy a "Cynic!" Keep going Offit!! We don't need "anti vax'rs, we have you! We have you!!! Thank You for ongoing propaganda!

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Boy oh boy indeed.

1000s of comments here from anti-vaccs, and still not a rational/honest criticism offer!

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Show us the “Data!” show us the control studies? explain the 600% increase in childhood illnesses since 1986 liability protection! why the liability protection if so “safe and effective?! no thanks! look at the number of shots on childhood schedule! pin-cushion. yet measles, mumps polio all the bad cooties very low rates way before jabs started. Offit relies on “CDC” data. LOL!

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So disrespectful you are.

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I have zero respect for puesdo-science

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Me too, particularly the antivax pseudoscience where “reactions” are manufactured from databases like VAERS.

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Show me the study that links vaccines to these childhood illnesses you mention? The vaccines have been studied far more than other drugs. Spend some time talking to a pediatrician

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How are they “studied?” what’s to study? where are the control studies? why the dramatic

corresponding increase in childhood illnesses against increasing schedule? also odd since “measles” and “mumps” are relatively mild diseases … why the fanaticism? Childhood poverty and mal-nutrition kill millions of children each year? yet i don’t see people spitting “you anti-foodies” how about this, in the low vax counties, what is rate of death from measles, mumps or chicken pox? or for that matter, dreaded


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Polio has been eradicated in the USA in patients vaccinated with the USA product. Ther are still millions of cases in the rest of the world.

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Well, vaccination globally has reduced the numbers to a mere handful each year.

Two of the three strains of polio virus have been eradicated globally by vaccination.

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You can find it all on "TheHighwire"

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Be specific. What studies?

Cite them please.

I’m not going to listen to hundreds of hours of antivax propaganda on Highwire just to find out if they mention any.

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it seems, curiously, the studies havent been done.


Funding Postauthorization Vaccine-Safety Science

co-authored by none other than stanley plotkin - author of 'vaccines' himself.

from the paper:

“Postauthorization studies are needed to fully characterize the safety profile of a new vaccine, since prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes, follow-up durations, and population heterogeneity."


“It is critical to examine adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) that have not been detected in clinical trials, to ascertain whether they are causally or coincidentally related to vaccination.”


“In 234 reviews of various vaccines and health outcomes conducted from 1991 to 2012, the IOM [Institute of Medicine] found inadequate evidence to prove or disprove causation in 179 (76%) of the relationships it explored, illustrating the need for more rigorous science.”

perhaps we can all find some level of agreement: CDC should spend some of its $10 billion annual budget researching vaccine adverse events.

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OK, first show us the “600% increase in childhood illnesses since 1986” will you? And specify what illnesses, and what may be their cause as well.

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After blanket liability these murderers added 40 shots to the childhood schedule. Witness all the chronic and developmental disorders children are sufferring for this useless cash cow


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Is your only source an anti-vax website that’s over 20 years old?

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Looks like it!

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Here is but a SMALL snippet of the over 40 books I have on this subject most written by Medical Doctors in public and private practice

The problem is that you mental-midget-provaxxers dont do any research; in fact; you fools have been so brow beaten by the "science by consensus" crowd to NOT entertain dissident voices in the medical and scientific field that; you cant entertain any thought other than the status quo.

So that website above and the plot of mortality rates captures it all in a neat little page

Nevertheless ..

* **"Butchered by Healthcare"** by Dr Robert Yoho MD

* **"Good bye Germ theory: ending a century of medical fraud and how to protect your family"** by Dr. William P. Trebing

* **"Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History"** By Dr Suzanne Humphries MD

* **"What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Childrens Vaccinations"** by Dr Stephanie Cave, MD

* **"Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion Dollar Profits at our expense"** by Dr Claus Kohnlein MD, Dr Samantha Bailey MD, Dr Stefano Scoglio Bsc PhD

* **"Vaccines, Autoimmunity and the Changing nature of childhood Illnesses"** by Dr Thomas Cowen MD

* **"Inventing the AIDS virus"** by Peter Duesberg

* **"The vaccine Court: The Dark Truth of Americas Vaccine Injury Compensation Program"** by Wayne Rhodes

* **"Vaccine Injuries; Documented Adverse Reactions to Vaccines"** by Louis Conte and Tony Lyons

* **"Jabbed: How the vaccine industry, medical establishment and government stick it to you and your family"** by Brett Wilcox

* **"How to raise a healthy child in spite of your Doctor"** by Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD

* **"The Unvaccinated Child: A treatment guide for parents and caregivers"** by Judith Thompson ND, Eli Camp ND

* **"Corona False alarm" Facts and figures"** by Dr Karina Reiss and Dr Sucharit Bhakdi

* **"The Real Anthony Fauchi: Bill Gates Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health"** by Robert F Kennedy Jr

* **"Vax-Unvax: Let the science speak"**

* **"Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Myth and Science"**

Count down to author character assasination in 3,2,1

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Tell us again how you think viruses either don’t exist (eg polio and HIV) or don’t harm humans, will you?

I could do with a laugh…😂

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Vulgarity only diminish's civil discourse ☹️

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PR-offit. The PR is silent

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He was on that "project lincoln" youtube channel with a suspected pedophile and fraudster. He should be ashamed he was willing to do that. either Dr. Offit or his assistant doesn't know how to use google...

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He seems to have become a bit less skeptical more recently. I think he felt being more skeptical during Bidens admin, but now that Trump and Kennedy are in he doesn't want to give any ammunition to the Anti-Vax side who will over blow legitimate skepticism.

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When I was in medical school in the 1970's, meningitis in children was almost a daily occurrence in every emergency room. Since the introduction of the HIB vaccine, we almost never see it. I would count this as a success for vaccines!

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And no meningococcal or pneumococcal meningitis either!

And no varicella encephalitis!

Yay vaccines! 🎉🎊

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Sure but we should still have access to anonymous patient level data for the EUA trials. Remember when the BMJ were covering the details from a whistleblower from a CRO subcontracting about poor standards and various social media sites including here were blocking it. Fact checking the BMJ!

I understand the need indemnity to a certain degree but that shouldn't include overly classifying data. Independent analysis should be allowed. There's a lot of middle ground of "being open to every kind of lawsuit" and being "totally protected beyond reproach" - I think it's swung far too much to the latter.

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"the details from a whistleblower from a CRO subcontracting "

Do you mean the complete scam from Brook Jackson?

Her claims were destroyed in Court and her case was dismissed with prejudice.


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I’m a full time practicing Pediatrician, I began my residency in 1984 when Hemophilus influenza meningitis happened on a regular basis.

Began private practice in 1990 And still had to deal with H flu meningitis.

Since 2000ths H flu meningitis became a historical occurrence!

I cannot believe I might see a resurgence of such an awful disease.

I don’t known if I’m prepared for this .

PS I practice in North East Florida.

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Dr. Offit, I left you a threads comment on your post there. I worked for Lederle Labs during this time…in the field. When rfk, Jr, was nominated, I was literally in tears. I wrote this to get out my frustration. This was my story, trying to help the offices out and seeing the very real possibility that we would have no vaccine manufacturers. My story:

RFK Jr Would Make Iron Lungs Great Again?

I began my career in the pharmaceutical industry in 1976 accepting a position in the field with Lederle Laboratories. Lederle was a major pharmaceutical company leading the way with vaccines. Lederle was one of three companies manufacturing vaccines along with Connaught, and Wyeth. DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) and polio vaccine were the pediatric vaccines given at this time.

On April 1982, Lea Thompson of WRC-TV, Washington, D.C. aired the “documentary” DPT -- Vaccine Roulette. The floodgates opened for lawsuits whether they were legitimate or not.

This is my story in 1982 as an employee of Lederle trying desperately to help pediatric offices with the horrendous fallout from the false narrative from this documentary.

The cost of one dose of DPT vaccine in 1980 was $0.11. By 1986, one dose of the vaccine was $11.40 per dose. By 1983 the litigation was 200 times the sales of this vaccine.

Prior to 1982 Lederle was adequately insured for possible legal challenges. Within 2 years no insurance company would cover vaccine manufacturers. Lederle decided to stay in this marketplace and became self-insured. But the lawsuits were coming at a rate where it was impossible to anticipate the costs. The country was at risk with having a DPT vaccine shortage.

In June 1984, Wyeth decided they were going out of the vaccine business due to the extreme risk of lawsuits. They would still manufacture the vaccine, but Lederle would be the seller and distributor, taking on the liability. Connaught also stated they were leaving the marketplace due to liability exposure. In August 1984, spot shortages of vaccine occurred across the country. By December, 1984 significant shortages were happening. Pediatricians had to postpone DPT vaccinations.

Lederle was the solo manufacturer, seller and distributor of the vaccine. Soon after, Lederle experienced two batch failures of the vaccine. This failure caused a very serious disruption in supply. The US had very little product going into pediatric offices.

I remember spending my days visiting pediatric offices, assessing their inventory and the needs of every office. When offices ran out of vaccine, I was receiving the calls to see if I could get vaccine to the office. Lederle was trying to ensure that some vaccine would get to offices before the office ran out of product. It was chaos. Pediatricians had to alter the scheduling of the doses. Everyone wondered how long this would last, and how our infants would fare having their primary series delayed.

I went home for Christmas during this time. I will never forget the conversation with my mother as I expressed my dismay watching mothers refuse the pertussis immunization. Why would they risk their child getting whooping cough? My mother spoke of her experience: “Barb, you and others are too young to remember the days of children contracting polio and whooping cough. Polio vaccine came out when you were three years old. DPT vaccine was available when you were seven years old. I was afraid to take you girls to the swimming pool for fear of contracting polio. We were frightened for our children, because we knew of iron lungs, we saw children walking around with their leg braces. We watched and cried when a child died a terrible death due to whooping cough. We held our babies trying to comfort them and we were scared. We felt such relief when both the polio and pertussis vaccines finally were available.”

No, We Are Not Going Back

I say to mothers and fathers: Our generations have never experienced holding our children dying of whooping cough or living their lives in an iron lung. We won’t go back to those days.

I say to our medical community: Please be outspoken and lead us out of this threat. We will not go back to fearing polio and whooping cough and other childhood diseases.

I say to vaccine manufacturers. Be here for our children and for families. Fight this fight. Keep on manufacturing and finding new innovative vaccines. We will not go back to fearing these diseases.

I say to the antivaxxers: the disinformation you are spreading is harming our children. We will not go back to destroying our children’s health.

I say to the Senate. RFK, Jr. has totally distorted the vaccine science. Do not confirm RFK, Jr’s appointment as the head of HHS. We will not go back to the days where we cannot protect our children.

I say to our Federal, State and local governments. No politician should be making medical decisions for the people. Let the medical community provide the scientific guidelines. We will not go back to unscientific medical laws and regulations written by politicians who have no medical training.

No, We Are Not Going Back

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Thanks, Dr. Offit for keeping the history straight. Much appreciated.

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Dr. Landers. I wrote a comment on here (above). I was a rep in the field at this time with lederle Laboratories, one of the 3 vaccine manufacturers. It was horrendous…pediatricians hoping we could still supply them. When RFK, Jr. was nominated, I sat down and wrote this to get out my frustration that we could possibly go back to 1940’s. It gives a few facts from pharmas perspective. —barb

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It is really sad to think that so many people think pediatricians make money giving out vaccines to kids. It is a headache and never pays for itself, except to have a practice of healthy children. That some in the public think there is a conspiracy to vaccinate kids and give them a complication is really troubling. The Covid pandemic did so much damage to our country’s appreciation of the benefits of vaccination. It was politicized in a way that cast doubts on our practice. So very sad!

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Thank you so much for your intellect, compassion and commitment to keeping humanity safe.

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Reading this wearing my "Vax Gratitude" t-shirt. Thanks to all that work on bring us many wonderful vaccines!

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This information is no longer relevant. A lot has changed in 40 years. Vaccines used to be a public health operation; now, commercial operations - blockbuster products with billions of revenue. Whole-cell pertussis vaccine has been replaced with acellular vaccine. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act applies to childhood vaccines and vaccines for pregnant women. Companies made tens of billions of dollars from COVID vaccines, developed using hundreds of millions of dollars from governments, & international organizations, with no liability. I know a few adults harmed by vaccines who are not covered by this Act. Views of Dr Offit have changed. This is a quote from Offit and Moser (2011) “The pharmaceutical industry doesn’t have a very good reputation. Indeed, the term “Big Pharma” is meant to be derogatory. And to some extent, the reputation is deserved. In marketing their products, pharmaceutical companies have acted aggressively, unethically, and sometimes even illegally.” They further explain that “Vaccines are not drugs. They’re made differently, tested differently, regulated differently, promoted differently, and used differently”. This was true when vaccines were not commercialized. Vaccines are money-making drugs now, Prevnar, Gardasil, Rotavirus vaccine etc.

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Do you have access to any data that addresses the cost to produce vs. the financial benefits to the pharmaceutical companies for various vaccines? Certainly physicians make zero money administering vaccines to children.

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And some things have not changed.

" Companies made tens of billions of dollars from COVID vaccines, developed using hundreds of millions of dollars from governments, & international organizations, with no liability. "

That is just an old anti-vacc lie. All you have to do is to read the basic facts to see they did have liability even under the EUA.

"I know a few adults harmed by vaccines who are not covered by this Act. "

Sorry about these people.

Now I ask exactly how you know they were harmed by the vaccines.......................and I bet you have nothing to offer.

"“Vaccines are not drugs. They’re made differently, tested differently, regulated differently, promoted differently, and used differently"

Here is a crazy idea: why don't you try starting with the FDA site and learn how they are made and tested and regulated.....?

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Speaking of rotavirus vaccine ... guess who pr-OFFITS from its inclusion in the CDC schedule?

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Offit doesn’t.

Be sure of your facts before making libellous claims.

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Why does Offit continually ignore the evidence (even the CDC admits it) that cleaner water, better sanitation, and stronger immune systems are the real cause of the disappearance of most childhood infectious diseases. Scarlet Fever doesn’t have a vaccine and yet even IT has virtually disappeared. Vaccines for other diseases were introduced just as their numbers were dropping. [See “Dissolving Illusions,” Suzanne Humphries and “Turtles All the Way Down.”]

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Scarlet fever is a Strep A infection, the same as that causes strep throat, treated with antibiotics.

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Vaccines were introduced for diseases that were killing vast number of children. I saw many children die of vaccine preventable diseases during my pediatric residency in Dallas Texas.

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Come again?

Mortality rates to childhood illnesses had decreased by 95% before the introduction of vaccines


You know what increased after vaccines were introduced? chronic disorders?

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When did you serve your residency in Dallas and what diseases did you observe killing vast numbers of children?

I think that might have been true decades ago, before we had vaccines for diseases like measles and pertussis. Not that many children were dying of chicken pox or hep B before those vaccines were introduced. Some yes, but not vast numbers because chicken pox rarely killed anyone and hep B was not at all common in infants.

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Many children died of H flu B epiglottis and meningitis and orbital cellulitis, and pertussis pneumonia. Measles rarely caused encephalitis which killed children. Children with chicken pox died of Reyes Syndrome. Do you need a walk down the morbidity and mortality of pediatric infectious diseases over the last fifty years? When I was a fellow we discovered that Hep B acquired as a newborn (from an asymptomatic mother) cause chronic hepatitis and, later in life, liver CA. Why do non medical people think they know more about things that hurt and kill children than the people who dedicated their professional lives to the care of children? I do not get assumption that we are lying to the public.

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No, I don't need a walk down the morbidity and mortality of pediatric infectious diseases. I was asking about your personal experience "I saw many children die of vaccine preventable diseases during my pediatric residency in Dallas Texas."

When was your residency? What VPD's did you witness children dying of in Texas during your residency and how often did that happen?

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IN 1977-1980. As I wrote above, I saw kids die of measles, chickenpox, H.flu B, meningitis, pneumonia, pneumococcal sepsis, pertussis, and one from tetanus, that I can remember. Thanks for the question Beth.

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Thanks for the response.

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After Vietnam, when south East Asians immigrated to the US, we saw lots of moms with asymptomatic Hep B whose babies got it and developed chronic hepatitis and liver cancer. They did studies to show that vaccination of newborns with hep B vaccine prevented this, and giving it to newborns was the logical time, short of testing all mothers for hep B.

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I think testing all mothers for Hep B would be preferable to giving all newborns Hep B vaccines. Why was that not recommended instead?

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Not sure, maybe it cost more, or was it turn around time? I was just a fellow trying to save babies and did not get briefed on the specifics.

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As someone who had a baby in 1999, I was not impressed with the recommendation and declined it. I knew I didn't have Hep B - I was tested for it every time I gave blood, which I did regularly and saw no compelling reason for my newborn to get it.

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Just got up the numbers of lives saved through infant Hep B vax or teen HPV vax programs if you want to see how vaccines prevent millions of horrific deaths from those infections.

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Yes, thanks.

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Shes regurgitating talking points she learned in medical school. My sisters are the same way when you broach this subject.

One never heard of VAERS/VICP. Another never knew some vaccines contain aluminum/formaldehydr/mercury till i showed them packet inserts and lawsuits

Here are doctors in THEIR own wirds telling you how little of the subject of vaccine safety and efficasy are thought to them in medical school


Again all board certified and research scientists on their own words

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Amazing isn't it?

We just posted the CDC link so everyone could see how the anti-vaccs are lying about what the CDC says.........

And next substack from Dr. Offit, you repost the same lie!

Same thing with scarlet fever and Dissolving illusions and Turtles book--no matter how many time over how many years we prove the anti-vaccs are lying, the same BS keeps getting posted over and over and over again

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Hes back, as crazy as always

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Note you didn't say ok, here is the CDC site let's see what it says?

It takes willful stupidity to fall for the anti-vacc lies.

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Hes gotta earn a living as the resident pharma shill. There are three others on here.

After the 20th and once the ball gets rolling with the new heads of all public health agencies; this fool might have to find a real job

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He sure is!

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Offit should just ban these people. It can be done on Substack.

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Suzanne Humphries = crank

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He doesn’t ignore that at all. He focusses on one area of prevention of childhood diseases through vaccination.

He isn’t a sanitation engineer.

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Note that it was the most conservative president in our lifetime, Ronald Reagan, that signed the act. And it was the most conservative originalist SCOTUS Justice, Antonin Scalia, who affirmed the Act. The SCOTUS leftists sided with the ambulance-chaser lobby over children's lives.


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Yes in the 80’s there were lots of lawsuits aimed at the vaccine manufacturers. This is because the vaccines were injuring and killing babies and children. Taking away liability has exponentially increased death and suffering in our children.

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The lawsuits related to DTP vaccine causing encephalopathy and supposedly autism.

Surprise surprise…it was later proven that the whole cell pertussis vaccine did NOT cause encephalopathy and that most of those who had this did so because they were born with Dravet’s syndrome, which is typified by seizures and encephalopathy.

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More drugs, vaccines and environmental toxins have not done anything to improve our overall health outcomes.

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There are many studies and injured children that prove otherwise. In addition to that, no one has done anything about our abysmal health outcomes.

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Was this 1982 film the reason the pertussis vaccine was reworked and is now much less immunogenic? Fewer side effects but doesn’t last nearly as long.

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Yes, I worked for lederle labs in the field at this time. I was watching this all play out. Lederle had been working on the acellular but couldn’t get it to where they wanted. The whole cell was the best science could offer. I remember introducing the acellular several years later….but even a few years later from the first acellular , our acellular had to be improved. Then I went into oncology…..

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Please could you explain what you mean by it not last as long?

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The DTP vaccine used whole cell pertussis component. The newer DTaP vaccine uses an attenuated version of the pertussis component, but studies have shown that efficacy starts to wane over time. Now they give TDaP in adolescence to boost immunity levels.

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Acellular, not attenuated.

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Yes, you’re right.

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And why parents and grandparents need to be boosted when new baby is born, protecting baby until baby can get immunized.

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Immunity from the acellular pertussis formula is far less reactogenic cf whole cell , however immunity wains 5-7 yr following vaccination.

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perhaps Amy was referring to: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9146390/

Long-Term Immunogenicity upon Pertussis Booster Vaccination in Young Adults and Children in Relation to Priming Vaccinations in Infancy

from the abstract:

"This suggests that the aP booster vaccination in aP-primed children offers less long-term protection against pertussis infection and consequently against transmission. Together, these data show that aP priming in combination with aP boosting may not be sufficient to prevent circulation and transmission..."

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However, long term protection is not determined by antibodies but memory T and B cells. Pertussis is known as whooping cough here in the U.K.

“ People with immunity (from vaccination or natural disease) may experience shorter and milder symptoms, but do not have lifelong protection.” From https://cks.nice.org.uk/topics/whooping-cough/





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agreed, antibodies arent a great test to determine long term protection for vaccines.

wasnt it antibodies in mice used by the US FDA to be the litmus test for approving covid vaccine boosters & new formulations (omicron + BA4 & BA 5 variants)?

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This writer is not a real physician but a business person posing as a physician. He is what’s wrong with medicine and has No place in the medical field except as our accountant. THE FIRST LOVE OF A PHYSICIAN IS THEIR PATIENT!

Anyone pro business and pro Fauci is an enemy of patients.

1. businessmen take an oath to protect profits ---physicians take an oath to protect patients

2. businessmen take an oath to protect the stockholders

—-physicians take an oath to protect the baby holders: parents/grandparents

3. businessmen see numbers

--- physicians see patients

4. businessmen try to save money

--- physicians try to save lives

7We have been forced into 3 types of physicians(doctors):


—insurance owned and

—private practice(the only one who can advocate for the patients)

Europe and America’s vaccine schedule must be identical

Vaccines should not be a growing enterprise and companies must be held liable like physicians and CEO’s decisions must place them liable for it effects on patient care because many physicians fear the wrath of CEO’s and do what’s best to protect their paychecks over protecting patients, the liability of being a salaried physician No security No voice No protection for the patient.

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